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ah?}% *■!<# i$ r^ M & W |§1 Impurities ci the Blood. Until th'.'-.'p'irifyln;-' Till- havo lia<! a fn ir trial, lot no ono bo longer oi.juvssod with tbo notion thit lil3 malady is i'jcurai'io. A few doses will P'nivo nil disordored actions, rouso tho torpid liver. rMi -ye tlio obstructor! Uidnoj-fl, rleaiiao impure blooil, ;md ron for on ovory function hoalth. ful vigour. Tiny work a thoronch purification throughout thn \Vh. A' uvstom, without d'aortlor. ing tho neural actAu oi auy organ. Indigestion, Bilious Complaints, and Sick Headache. Xo orgitfi In tho human "nody is bo liablo to dl?. order as tho livor. Komombor whon nausea, fla. tnlonov, or acidity on tlio stomach warna us that digestion is not proceeding properly, that liollo•svay's fills gi*-' 0 strength to overy organ, speedily nmovr; all causes of indigestion, inspissated bile, and eicli headache, and effect, a permanent cure. 7/eakness and Debility. Tc capes of dobility, languor, and nervousness, generated by excess of any Mnd, whether montal or physical." the effects of these PiUs aro hi tha highest degroo bracing, renovating, and rostorativu. They drivo from the system the morbid causes of ' disease, re-establish tho digestion, Etrengthon the nervous system, raiso the pa. tient's spirits, and bring back tio frame to iti pristine health and vigour. The Kidneys-Their Derangement and Cure. If these Pills bo used according to the printed directions, and tho Ointment rubbed over ths region of the kidneys for at least half an hour at bed-timo, as salt is forced into meat, it will pene*. trato to the kidnoysand correct any derangement therein. Coughs and Colds. This purifying and regulating medioine, tacon. junction with Hollo'vay's Ointment, is the best cure for hoarseness, sore throats, diptheria, pleur'sy, and asthma; and an infalliblo remedy for congostion, bronchitis, and inflammation, indeed as a famUy medicine, they are invaluable for su*:. duing such ailments of young and old of both eeses. Holloway's Pills arc the best remedy known inths world for the following diseases :— »quo Gout Secondary A.'thina Hoadacho Symptoms Liliois Tom. Indigestion Tic-Doloreux plaints Liver Coin. Ulcers Uowel Com- plaints Venereal AflbC. plaints Lumbago tiona Dobility Piles Worms of aU Dropsy Kheumatism kinds --• l-'emalo Irregu. Scrofula, or Weakness, fjgjxi larities King's Evil whatgyifr levers all kinds Bore Throats Cfta^&c. _S"~ r Tho Pills and OvntmenJu-*ire sold at Professor llui.i.oway's Establishment, 533, Oxford-street, London ; nlso by-gearly overy respectablo Vendor of M edicfflG throughout the Civilised World. printed directions aro affixed to each Bo:; f.Tid Pot, and can bo had in nny languago, even iiXmkisu. Arabic, Armenian. Persian or Chincsft HOLLOWAY'SJHNTMENT. UNIVERSAL PATRONAGE. Lot all sufferers from general or other diseases take heart aud follow in the wake of thousands who ascrire their restoration of health to the uso of Holloway's Ointment ai.d Tiib*. Rhcnmatism in the muscles or joints, gouty pains', neuralgic tortures, cranitß and spasmodic twitches depart uuder the employment of these noble remedies. Bad legs, al ki. ds of wound.=, ulcers, sores, bums, cutaneous inflam ations (mieklv conquered. Tho reputation o£ Holloway's rills have acquired tliroughout the habitabi > globe should induce everj- afflicted person to givo them a foir t; ial before despairing of relief or abandoning hope. Bronchitis, Diptheria, Golds, Ooughe and all Derangements of the Throat and Cheat. All snfferers from coughs, colds, bronchitis asthma, and irregular action of the heart, are earnestly recommended to rub HoUoway's searching Ointment well ovor the throat, breast, and back, as the case maybe, twice a day. This Ointmeut is the most ellicacious remedy for all internal and external ailments of the throa Bad Legs, Bad Bro as to, Ulcers, Abscesses, Wounds, anu Sores of all kinds May be thoroughly healed by tho application 0 this Ointment to the parts alfected, alter the, have been duly fomented with warm water. Under the action of this powerful medicine aided by the j Pill!j, ail depraved humors wili be quickly removed , from tlie body ; eveu scrofulous ulcers and foul ' sores, however old and inveterate, cau thus be cured. In Gont, Rheamatism, and Neuralgic Pains This Ointment never fails vo Kive reliei. Its first application lessens the hittamiuatiou, and diminishes both heat and pain, iv severe aud chronic cases, the Pills should always be taken, as their purifying, alterative, and restorative bualities piace the whole mass oleolids and lluids in a wholesome condition, Files, Fistulas, and internal Inflammations. This incomparable Ointment is earnestly recom* mended to nil suffeiing from, or having a tendency to dropsy, The worst cases will yield in comparatively short space of time when this Ointment is diligently rubbed into the pans affected. In all delirious mali« dys the Pills should be taken to purify the blood and stimulate ita circulation. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following complaints : — Ead Lrgs Corns (soft) Scalds Bad Breasts Fistulas Bore throats Burns Glandular Skin Diseas Bnnions Swellings Scurvey Chilblans Lumbago Sore Heads (hi. pped Hands Pils Tumours Contract d and Rheumatism Ulcors Stiff Joints ' fc'ore Xipples Wounds Beware (f all compounds styled Holloway's Pills and Ointmont with " Kew York " label. E.ieli ] ot and box of the genuine medicino 1 ears the British Government Stamp, with •'he v^rds Holloway's Pills and Ointment" engraved then- an. On the label isthe address, b'S3 Oxford street, London, where alone they are manufactured. The Ointmeut and Pills are sold at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 78, New Oxford street, London, also by nearly every re pectable vendor of medicine throughout tha civilised world, in boxes and pots, at ls lid, 4s 9d, lis, 225, and 3ns Grateful — Comforting. EPPS'S~COCOA. Breakfast. 'By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws j which govern the operations of diges', iou and nut ritiou, and by a careful application of the five properties of well-selected cocoa, iir. Epps haa provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us mauy heavy doctors' bills. It i by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating arouud us ready to at, tack wherever there is a weak point. We may escapo may a fatal shaft hy keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a proper y nourished frame." — Sco article Li the Civil Skrvicb Gazettk Made simply with boiling water or milk. Said in J lib packets by Grocers labelled JAMES EPPS & (JO., Homoeopathic Chemists, London, Eufrland. THE COOK COUNTY BUILDING SOCIETY (Pekmanent). Offices : Lowk Street Chambers. /COPIES OF THE RULES, and all particulara can be obtained from — ALFP.ED W. CROFT, . Managing Dire tor. dTt¥ dispensary AVERLEY HOTEL, BUILDINGS, AUCKLAND. i BNTIFIO & SPEEDY CURE OF ND SPECIAL DISEASES." SPECIALIST, PEER, at Harvard College, U.S. He has devoted a c the most expert Physician iv his United States. IIDDLE-AGED MEN ty, Loss of Energy and Memory, Eruptions y and Bladder Troubles, &c., &c., will mit Dr Speeb. XPERIENCE. E£oßpitals of the U.S., enables me to treat all h it distinctly understood that I do not claim lous power ;I claim only to be a skilled and ily informed in my specialty. IF MEN AND WOMEN, iion of their complaints. No experimenting, ry caso I undertake, or forfeit £200. s or by Letter Fkee. VIINATION AND ADVICE, £1. SPEER, N.Z. (Oi'i'OsiTK Waverley Hotel). to 8 p.m. ; .Aindays, 10 to 12. He f-ure can be sent, free from observrtion, on

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4489, 30 January 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4489, 30 January 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4489, 30 January 1886, Page 4