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HAWBRA AUTUMN MEETING. , President: Major Atkinson, M.H.R., Vice-President: J Livingston, Esq, Stewards; M P Baird, WW Mitchell, J Heslop, F H Brett, J Crocker,' D .Knight, R E Mcßae. Starter : Mr J Heslop. Clerk of the Course : \Mr H I Davis. Clerk of the Scales :

Mr J 0 Yorke. Handicapper : Mr A Higgie. Timekeeper : Mr II G Pitcher. Judge : Mr F R Jackson. Hon Secretary : Mr R H Nolan. The day appointed for the Egmont Racing Club’s annual meeting was favored with weather that could not bo improved on for the occasion, and the meeting was in every way a grand success. The racing was excellent throughout- (if we except the Consolation Stakes) the fields good, horses splendid,, and finishes The benefit ’of . through railway communication being, very evident in the large numbers who attended from both New Plymouth and Wanganui, who under the old regime could not possibly have been present. The course, a real credit to any community, was in capital order, and the absence q£. any serious accident prevented any possibility of gloom, and every one appeared more than satisfied with the excellent arrangements made by the stewards and the faultless manner in which everything was carried out. The totalisator as usual did a roaring business, something near £3OOO being put through in: the day.; The dividends, however, were

never of a very interesting nature if. the Flying Handicap be excepted. There was only one protest entered during the day and that was in the Hack Race, The protest, after evidence (some of which might possibly have been as well left out) had been taken was allowed, and the stakes banded to the third horse. In the Hurdle Race, Mr Williamson’s horse, j Wideawake, was in a running mood, and took the sticks in grand style, proving too much for Billy-go-by-’eth, who, however, fought well for his owner, but could only secure second place. In the Hack Hurdles six came up to the scratch, but the race was not exciting, as Midnight, one of the favourites, being of an ambitious turn of mind, endeavoured to negotiate the hurdles and side fence at the same time, and came to grief after hj ngihg out to dry on the rail of the fence. The jockey, by a

miracle, received only a severe shaking, but was unable to remount, so that Midnight, being got rid of, left Waitangi in mid-clay and clear of all doubt, bar accident. The Flying Handicap was next taken in hand, and proved a splendid race and a complete boil over, Speculation being the favorite and the neglected outsider. The Novel Hack Race brought eight together, and False Alarm appropriated the money. In the“bigmoney”visitors were disappointed, as out of seven accept )rs only three faced the starter, and Mr George’s Buzzard secured the judges eye without any real struggle. The Maiden was passed to the credit of Fusilier without any trouble, no other horse appearing dangerous after the first halfmile. The Hack Flat Race brought out a field of eleven. Germaine was the “ pick,” but owing to previous character was disqualified, so that Yesper became the “ people’s choice ” in the machine, and finished first, but as previously noticed was put out of it by a protest for crossing. The District Race was pocketed by Buzzard without seriously galloping, he proving too good for the company in which he was performing. 'Hie Consolation was allowed to go to Gipsy, with 8 stone up, and a Hurry Scurry brought the meeting to a conclusion but a few minutes before the New Plymouth tram warned its passengers to be on the alert. The committee were indefatigable in their exertions to secure a successful meeting, and certainly are to be congratulated on the result. A word of extra praise may, however, be awarded to the secietary, R, H, Nolan, Esq., who was simply übiquitous, and despite the perpetual calls which were mide on him was always ready and willing to oblige. Mr Freeman R Jackson being unavoidably absent, Mr J Paul, (of New Plymouth) kindly officiated as judge, and

gave most perfect satisfaction in that responsible position. The details are as

follows : Handicap Hurdles, of 60 sovs, Mr M O’Brien’s ch g Wideawake, aged, lOst (Edgecopibo) ... ... ... 1 Mr R Hoskin’s b g BiUy-go-by-em, aged 10st 71b (Edwards) ... ... 2 Mr A Bayly’s blk g Caoutchouc, aged, lOst (Newsham) ... ... .. 3 Worm also ran ; Jim and Onepu being scratched. Worm was first away with Caoutchouc at his girths, Wideawake third, Billy being last to avail himself of the starter’s permission to move. Caoutchouc took the lead at the back of the course and kept it unchallenged till near the mile and three-quarters, when Billy, hurrying up Wideawake, the pair ran up to Caoutchouc and the three raced round the turn for home, when Wideawake drew away, and though Bilty-go-by-’em struggled well, he was not within

a length of Wideawake when the judge’s eye was reached, Caoutchouc being third. Totalisator had £136 ; 46 being on Worm and 31 on the winner. Dividend £4 Is. The next event was the Hack Hurdle Race, of 15 sovs; 1 mile and a distance. Waitangi (Potto) ... ... ... 1 Waiwai (Hadfiold) ... 2 Fan-tan 3 Ooacoa, Euchre and Midnight also started. Waitangi was a hot favourite, with Midnight next, the others not receiving very much attention at the totalisator.

They were all sent away to a fair start, but Midnight made a mistake at the first jnmp, and rolling over a fence and her jockey was at once out of the race, virtually handing over the stakes to Waitangi who, with Midnight out of it, had nothing to fear and won easily. Totalisator, £lB6 ; 85 on the winner and 55 on Midnight. Dividend, £1 13s. This was followed by the Flying Handicap, of 50 sovs ; one mile and a distance. Mr J George’s b m Awatea, 3yrs, 6st (Wood) ... ... 1 Mr F Hill’s blk m Speculation (late Hippodamia), 6yrs, 9st (including 51bs penalty), (McCormick) ... 2 Mr P Butler’s br c Fusilier, 3ys, Bst 91b (includingslbspenalty), (Stratford) 3 Witiora, Ringleader, and Kitty also started. Administrator, Danebury, Last Chance, Okato, and Lady Florence were scratched. Speculation, in this event, was the people’s choice, £lll being {placed to her number in the totalisator, despite the substantial steadier of 9 stone, Fusilier being next fancied with 77 well wishers, and he would have had many more

if his “ preliminary ” had been postponed, as many who at first “fancied” him, (when they saw him “ hobble ” down the course like a cat on hot bricks, looking stale and worn out to a degree) changed their fancy and their money. Afterabout a dozen attempts the field were sent on their journey, Kitty being quickest on her pins, Ringleader and Witiora following, and Speculation and Fusilier strode off

together, and Awatpa took “ the;other end from the front. M Thin order did not last long, for at the half mile Kitty, had : evidently.- led quite long enough, and was .virtually dohe with, Ringleader making the running and Witiofa improved her position a ; little. From the gates at tinback of the course to the straight a blanket vWtjnjd ’■•l£aye dpoyere'd the lot,;- though in slightly .changed orders as Ringleader became Ruckleader, Fusilier and Speculation neck and neck, having taken

possession of the lead ; but here Awatea began to take an interest in the result and “ poked her nose ” in front, and despite a grand struggle on the part of both Speculation and Fusilier, declined to forego her position, and caught the judge’s eye first by a good neck, a short neck separating the second' and third. The win was the grandest of the day, though evidently far from a popular brie, which is, perhaps, not to be wondered at with 111 on; Speculation, • and only 10' on the winner. '' Total isn't or, £302. Dividend, £27 3s. Time, 2min A l-sth seconds.

Novel Hack Race, of SO sovs., . Distance about one mile; Entrance, 1 sov. ; False Alarm (late Our Boy) ... ... 1 Bon Jour ... ... ... ... 2 Rlmu ... . s ..... ... ... 3 Five others also ran, but False Alarm pulled off the money tolerably easily, though Bon Jour finished very fast.

Egmont Handicap, of 175 sov«; second horse to receive 25 sovs from the stakes. Distance, two miles arid, a 1 distance. Mr J. George’s b g Buzzard, aged, 7st ; (Williams) ... •: ... ... ... 1 Mr, P Butler’s br c Fusilier, 3yrs, B*t 3 b (iududrpg 6ibs penalty) (Stratford) 2 Mr J Crocker’s di g Lord of the Hills, 6»t 12Ib(Litchwark) ... ... 3

These were all the starters. Administrator, Bayard, Deceiver,’ and Maid of Bccleslon wore scratched. Fusilier was public favourite; The three Rot away to a good start, Lord of the Hills jumping away to (he front and leading the stand. The pace was very slow the first round, and the same order was observed in passing the stand a second time. At tba gates at the back of the course Lord of the Hills was done with, Buzzard and Fusilier racing in earnest to the turn into the straight, where the real interest in the tace ended as Fusilier’s rider hail sat down and was hard at work with the regularity of a steam hammer, while Buzzard was coming along “full and free,” a couple of lengths in front with another length or two in hand. Fusilier struggled gamely to the last jump, hut bis work lately has been rather too exacting for a three-year-old. Lord of the Hills made a poor third. Totnlis itor, 156 (£2 pool) ; 67 Fusilier; 65 Buzzard ; 24 Lord of the Hills. Time 4 min, 13 secs. Maiden Plate, of 50 sovs For three-year-olds and upwards. Weight for age. Distance, 1£ miles. Mr P Butler’s br c Fusilier, 3 jts, B*t 71b (including 51b penalt}', (Stratford) ... ’ ... 1 Mr J Paul’s br m Gipsy, 4 yrs, 9s 21b (including 51b penalty), (McCor-. Mick) ... ...2 Mr W Endell’s ch g Le Clair, 4yrs, Bst 111b (Edgecombe) ... ... ... 3

Egmont also ran. This was looked upon as a! moral for Fusilier, though Gipsy was not without friends. Le Clair jumped away, followed by Gipsy, and maintained command for the first mile, when Fusilier began to interest himself in the proceedings and putting on steam, went to the front and won without trouble, ! Gipsy second. Time, 2min 58§secs. Totalisator, £340 ; Itusilier 172, Gip-<y 84, Le Clair 54, Egmont 40, Hack Flat Race. Ealao Alarm (Williams)... ... ... 1

Amanda .'. ... ... 2 Gledhill, Coila, Storm (late Twilight), Germaine, Octopus, Natiki, Manaia and Vesper also ran. This race to thf. uninitiated appeared somewhat mixed. Germaine, although barred from the totalisator, still found four confiding friends and rewarded their confidence by winning, with Vesper second, False Alarm third. A protest was entered against Vesper, arid being allowed, the totalisator money went to the third horse, while the stakes went to the first. District Race Handicap, of 60 so vs. Mr J, George’s b g Buzzard, aged, 7st 71b (Williams) 1 Mr Paul’s br m Last Chance, syr.«, 7st 2 Mr Powell’s b m Maid of Ecclesfon, 6st 3 Witiora, Kitty, Ravenswood, and Egmonf also ran. Speculation, Bayard, Ringleader, Lord of the Hills and Awatea were scratched. Kitty was the first away, and led at a rattling pace for three quarters of a mile, but closed her account effectually at that distance, and Buzzard, coming along finished in front with something left in him. Consolation Stakes, of £3O; for all beaten horses. One mile and a distance. Mr J Paul’s br m.Gipsy, Bst ... ... 1 Mr Wheeler’s Ringleader, 9st ... ... 2 Mr Powell’s Maid of Eccleston... ... 3 This race was given to Gipsy, and will be better not described, and if the Egmont Racing Club wish to retain their present high standing, the stewards must not allow performances of this sort to become frequent, or pass unquestioned. NELSON RACE MEETING. (per press ASSOCIATION.) NELSON, March 26. The weather has been glorious for the first day of the Nelson Jockey Club’s meeting. The course at Richmond Park was in splendid condition, and about 2000 persona were present. The racing was certainly the best seen here for many years. Handicap Hurdles, of 40 bovs, 2 miles and a distance. Vallance’s Ingomar 1 Alexander’s Liability ... ... ... . 2 Watt’s Glencoe ... ... 3 Rustic and Miroi also ran. Maiden Plaid, of 30 sovs, weight for age ; Redwood’s Marquis ... 1 H Redwood’s Miss Agnes ... ... 2 Arnold’s Lady Bird ... ... ... 3 Maori Boy* Mati, Mystery, Stella, and Master Juan also ran. Selling Hack Race. Mowatt’s Zoe ... .. 1 Hatbawarp’s Waitohi ... ... ... 2 Ten started. Nelson Jockey Club’s Handicap, 150 sovs ; distance, 2 miles,. H.Redwood’s Clogs ... 1 Vallance’s Pasha . . .. .. 2 Harley’s Good Friday .. ..3 Hinemoa, Pilgrimage, Sir Tatton, The Marquis, Cardigan, and G'riri also ran. A splendid race. Won by half a length in good time, District Handicap, of 40 sovs ; miles. Wratt’s Hinemoa 1 R Mcßae’s Forest King ... ... 2 Harley’s Good Friday ... ... ... 3 Hoppicker, Mati, Lady Bird, and Billy Kraft were also starters.

Ladies’ Purse, of 30,sovs ; 1J- miles. H Redwood’s Alpine Rose Vallance’s Pasha ... ... ... Best’s Giriri ... ....

A splendid race ensued between Pasha and Alpine Rose. Forest Ring and Sir Tattoo also ran,

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Patea Mail, Volume X, Issue 1327, 27 March 1885, Page 2

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SPORTING. Patea Mail, Volume X, Issue 1327, 27 March 1885, Page 2

SPORTING. Patea Mail, Volume X, Issue 1327, 27 March 1885, Page 2