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Business Notices A M !■: S ir I R H T, A(i KXT, I’ A 'l' K A. Sim- KVS L 1 V Ki: Y aX D BA IT S’I’ABBSS, WAXUAXUf. TJ” SMILKY. late iii' ISi(■ Australasian e Stables, Palea, !> -gs to iiil'iirm his old friends and the public generally that be is now conducting tin- abrve stables in the Victoria Avenue, Wanganui (adjoining he Rutland Hotej, find is now preaared o let for hire SADDLE lICIISES AND VEHICLES U1 all descriptions by the J1 0T K, DAY, 0 H .1 nLRX KV, At (he mast moderate rates. 1!(a; i s ;rkiii in to lid), ;,i.d laliMull looked ai’ler. isitors to Wanganui arc requested to give him a call in ease of wanting horses or vehicles of any description, and he guarantees togi'w them every satisfaction. r eA,}: >,-v> ■ -yAy'A „::^y XKVY /hiAld AX D. niovixrr: of taraxakl j GOV KRXM KXT LAND SALKS. i ,4 SKRTKS of LAND SALKS is being beid in the Province of Taranaki under the Waste Lands Hoard of the Province, the Lands offered being Town j and Rural Allotments, the latter varying ! in area from At to .Til) acres, and (he eoiij nil ions of I he. rale being by DKFKHRKI.) I PAYMKXTS extended over Tell Years. . bv Auction, for DASH; and bv I'T’KK I SKLKCTIOX for CASH. The District is } traversed hy the Waitara-Wanganui Rail- | wav. now in course of cons! i net ion, and which is exp! etc:! to be completed as tar as Inglewood—the Township at theenmi leneeinent of the District—in about eighteen months. I Tim Laud is well adapted to Working | Settlers of Small Capital, in it is easily j accessible has abundance of timber for ! building, fencing, feu!, and shelter : never j failing streams of water, and a very i productive soil. ! A good Main Road traverses the District I so far as it is yet. open for purchase, ami i the .District Hoads will also he opened up | by the Provincial Dovermnent, so as to I make each allotment accessible. fr<'mlhe I iMain Line of Railway. Plans, Schedules, Land Regulations of j the IVovim-e, X-e.. can be obtained at the I ('rown Lands (dime, X'ew 1 ’ vnioiu in C. D. WIHTci)MHL. ‘ Tennis: Miner of ( Yov, ii Lands. HOLLOWA V'S FILLS. Bad Le,ys, Bad Breasts, Wounds, and ‘ulcerations of ail kiiuts. "|V[T) family or [icrsoii slmuld be wit bout Xx these i'ills. Their long-tried ellieaey in eorree! ing disorders of the liver am! stomadh. stimulating the bow.ds, and purifying the blood, has secured for them an imperishable fame 1 iirougmil (lie world. A. few dos. s produce com fort, a short continuance ell’eets a complete cure, iivalids may look towards tins reeli lying and revivifying medicine with a certainty of obtaining relief. Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Colds, Cough Sore Throats, and Shortness of Breath. fs only known when the blood is pure, its circulation perfect, and the nerves in good order. The only safe and certain me* bod of expelling all impiiriiies is to dike Holloway's Pills, which have Hie power of cleansing the blood from all noxious matters, expelling all humours whieli taint or impoverish it, and thereby purify and invigorate and give general tune to the system, 'i omig or old, robust or delicate, may alike experience their benelieial elleels. Mvriads allirm that these Pills possess a marvellous power in securing these great secrets of health hy purifying and regulating (he fluids, and strengthen dug the solids. For Glandular Swellings, Stiff Joints, and Diseases of the Skin. The functional irregularities peculiar to the weaker sex are invariably corrected without pain or inconvenience by the use of Holloway's I’ills. They are the safest and surest medicine for all diseases incidental to females of all ages, and most precious at the turn of life, or when entering into womanhood. Gout and Ehumatism. In general debility, mental depression, anil nervous irritability, there is no medicine which operates so like a charm as these famous Pills. They soothe and strengthen. the nerves and system generally, give tone to the stomach, elevate the spirits, and in fact render the patient sensible of a total and most delightful revolution in his whole system. Thousands ot persons have testified', that hy their use alone, they have been restored to health after all other means Have proved unsuccessful. Piles, Fistulas* and Excoriations. Indigestion and torpidity of the liver is the bane of thousands, who pass each day with accumulated sufferings, all of which may be avoided by taking these I’ills according to the accompanying directions. The strengthen and invigorate every organ subservient to digestion, and efleet a cure without debilitating or exhausting the system ; mi the contrary. Haw support ami conserve the vital principle by a complete j piirilieat ion of the blood. In Disorders of the Kidneys, Stone, : and Gravel. This purifying and regulating medicine' ■ should be' laid recourse to during cold, changeable and wet weather. It is ihe : best cure for hoarseness, .sore throats, ; diphtheria, pleurisy, and asthma ; and an j infallLble remedy for congestion, brun- [ ebitis. and inflammation, indeed as a family 1 medicine, they are invaluable for subduing : such ailments of young and old of bolls j sexes. j

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Patea Mail, Volume II, Issue 1, 5 April 1876, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Patea Mail, Volume II, Issue 1, 5 April 1876, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Patea Mail, Volume II, Issue 1, 5 April 1876, Page 4