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We are* pleased to noiiov the name or Mr i’. Hunger, n former resident ol Paten, among the list of immigrants per i uk,Cmo, which r-_ l l ■■ si itcim Lueiien lor Nmv Plymouth on (lie *27 di May, and winch is Fncrofove 7G days out l<>-!ay, He has !.i;‘!ecteu 2t Swiss immigrants, ami wo t*:i*lc*r>Lun*'i from anion:.? whom a lew ; high; girls will he forwarded to Fa tea. Mr Hunger law boon in communication wiili Mr Jo!)a Gibeon, and has requested that. gvni lonian (o use his cilbri.-. to secure abio am’. suitable employment for tins portion uL his fledeetion. They are ‘ certain to meet with speedy taigagemonls. A meet in**; "7 Catholics was held at the Cali.oiie Chxpu!. i’aky <.-onvene;l by tho Rev. Falher Pertain, to consider and discuss matters relative to the formation of a Total Abs.inenee cincied V, at which it was resolved that a society bo formed to bo named —■•The, Pate a Total Abstinence iCa-Fiy.'’ Tho whom ot the meeting aeaud entered into the obligation !in ording So a form drawn up by the Rev. Father. .V coinsuiltoo war then appointed to consider and 'draw up rales, Lobe laid before lies mjmbvrs at the next, mewing, which will bo h..!d at ib-; V.banc.: ,r. 7 p. m. on fhc Mth iu-t lVr*»uy in'crest->d i ;! {ho movement an.; invited to attend, n.-r- - ■na 11 v or by ledw, .m 1 hat oeea-mu, to appoint Si'.lU chad of!;::’/;'::. tho s.-ty 1.5 open tv mviiiher.s ot: ad •.iouommuiions, Cwvmnndealkm may bo mad.; :<> any T tim is oj>mii,Us C‘ i:mg oI .’oossrs I\. vv iunan .1. M. McMahon W. (.'mindly, up ■n iuo fil.-l i 11st. Mr W. Bimon-i, inner of musical instrumonis of some note, will bo in Patea on Thursday aud Friday next, and during Ids two d;!’.'S stay will be prepared to tuna or ivuair any musical instruments. Orders loft at (Vigors’ Hotel will receive Ids careful attention. The renowned Duvalli Sisters arc an-' nnuncod to appear in llioiruiirivallod entertainment this and to-morrow evenings, at the Albion Hall. Their performances have excited considerable attention in New Zealand and neighbouring colonies, aud have always attracted crowded audiences. There appears to be such a division of opinion expressed lev the Press on Inoso talented nrfhie?, that we arc unable to pronounce a vei diet at present, but wo fool confident that the troupe will meet with a liberal reception in Patea. They will appear at Ilaweraon Friday next, for one night only. The thoroughbred chestnut horse Deadshot, by Ravcnsworlh, lately belonging to the racing establishment of Mr Redwood, of Nelson, lias been purchased by 011 c of our leading sportsmen (Mr lb E. Mcßae), and arrived under that gentleman’s care in this district yesterday. V/hen in form ho was considered to be the best of Mr Redwood’s lot, and wo are sure-his arrival amongst us will be welcomed by the sporting ol and disiiict, and Ins slock looked foivard to with a great amount of interest. Mr Phc-rwood will be precluded from taking part in the forthcoming Christy's entertainment, owing to his having confined to assist in an amateur performance to be held in Wanganui on the same date, it aupeara that when he was invited to tithe part, the entertainment was fixed for the 4ih inst. hut was subsequently postponed 11 1 1 100 linn m>l-—bn; -mne o.einU-, as fixed for the Citnsiy s entertainment.

A wharu, m iho occupation ot .dr li. Chivors, a new arrival ia the colony, was destroyed l>y lire at Manutahi, on Suiurday afternoon la A. Mr (.'in vara and family's dollies an.l ejects were ail consumed by iho ravaging element, Gr-at symp.i: ny v. manifested for tin; sufferers, a.-; (heir savings since llicir arrival in the colony have boon sacrificed by the lire. ’Jiao family arc ut present h-utsed in one oi; the immigration collages. The wbare was the property of Mr ii. S. Peacock. Persona wishing io nominate Iheirfriends lor free passages to the colony must apply at the Immigration Onier, ut. ica:;i; one week prior to the departure oi each rural via San I raneicco. The Good Templars will hold an op.-n lodge meeting-in iiic Immigration Biuracks to-morrow evening. Jt ns a pdy liiar me entertainment clashes whh tun Du vaiii Trull l a-, as wo I’l-ar the counter attraction will seriously' operaie against the niiccc.-aj of l iiu Good Templar’s euicrtmumcnl. Mhe brclhcrn of the order have bec-u most active in their iviuairaaiy, I’alea is daily attraeiiug the- attention of persons outside lire Province, and tuui week anr district has been favoured v/i'.ii a visit from Dr Door, surgeon <<t! the Nclsuii Hospital. and .1 it.-go Thomas, late <>i, Madras. Both gentlemen apeak in in go pi'.u-'c of our laud, and we icaru that il is likely our disliugiushed Madras visitor will he induced to effect a purchase of some laiai in the Pa tea district, mid oveuU'.Tdv become one of its settlors, as he re:ires on a well-earned pension from the Madras Government in 12 mouths. Since our last issue 11,e whole of the male portion of the German immigrant have smcccedsd iu obtaining employiaon.. They continue to occupy ruebarrackbut Gnvo.ijvuent rations have been withdrawn. Captain Wray, after an absence ol live week.- iu Wellington on public business, returned to Carlyle ou Mon lay l ist. The lino of telegraph to Now Plymouth will bo constructed by the Government along the Mountain Hoad without delay. When the weather permits the line will be put no in a temporary maimer where the bui-ib is not foiled Hires chains. In reply to Mr. T.. Kelly, Mr. Richardson said that it was the intention of'Governmen I to complete the Waitara-Wanganui I’iul-.vay by coJj:=trucli;;g- portions uf ii each year, and that any succeeding Ministry would do the earns until compieic:!, as it was considered to be a mam trims iintof railway. The ancliou sale of rnuiiscatcu land m the Patea District takes place on Thursday* September loth, and noi, IGthinst, as erroneously stated in a paragraph in our last issue. It is currently rumoured (hat Mr C. K. Kawcon, 1 !cpmy iNgistrar of iho Supreme Court of she Taranaki District, is hk-dy to rnprrseue Major Tumor as ii.M. in the Pa tea Distil. !. A m-»r<* living choice ccihi no-: possibly be made, as dir Uawaait has recent! cpa Ja vary saccvs.-ifnl emimawtion fur as a barrister oi' tiio Supreme Con it. V.A do not vouch lor file accuracy oi: the rumour. Pa tea evidently is not inclined to allow tiio Abolition Bill to go io a division of the House without expressing its opinion on the merits of the proposed cons! itut ional changes. A meeting of the electors of the district is convened for Friday evening next, at the CourtMlouse, at 7 p.m. ,Wo learn that a number of gentlemen are actively interesting themselves iu the formation of a local steam service company, and that a public meeting will shortly be convened for the purpose of considering the project and electing a provisional directory. The proprietary of the Whsnuakura Hotel is about to change hands, as we learn that Mr Thomas Lloyd, whose name will be favourably known as one of the late proprietors of the Kakaramca Hotel, will assume possession on the 21st Inst. Wo feel confident that the management of this hostelry could not possibly have fallen into better hands, and that the change will he hailed with satisfaction by the travelling public. It is Mr Lloyd’s intention to thoroughly renovate the premises.

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Patea Mail, Volume 1, Issue 35, 11 August 1875, Page 2

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Untitled Patea Mail, Volume 1, Issue 35, 11 August 1875, Page 2

Untitled Patea Mail, Volume 1, Issue 35, 11 August 1875, Page 2