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A proposition is on foot to alter the boundaries of Carterton.

Dry rot is reported to be prevalent among crops of swede turnips in tJ» Wanganui district. A number of chic ken pox cases are reported from various parts of tbo New Plymouth district, hut the outbreak is said to be not serious.

It is freely reported (says . the Otaki .Mail) that a district resident who recently disposed of a farm, which he had held for only about ]8 months, cleared £BOOO by the bargain.

The at Taurnarumii last week, after an al-night vigil, were successful in securing a quantity of liquor landed during the morning. If is understood that a prosecution will •follow.

Another evidence of the danger of motor traffic was afforded a iV-w days ago on the Sandon-Awahuri road, where -o many regrettable accident* have occurred. The dea l b Jy of a horse w ill it-, throat fearfully gashed, and a quantity oi broken gla--s in the vicinity indicated a motor collision.

A man who owned, in the vicinity of Palmerston North, what was a few years ago a flourishing livery and bait stable business, has now been eompelh'd to -e l out owing to the lack of customers. During tho past year the greatest number of hors, - in tlie stable at any time has

been four, and the takings over tile year have not averaged £'l per week. "I am sorry that the —<-ondary schools have not tak, n up the game with more enthusiasm,' observed tho chairman (Mr Mon< kton' at tbo annual nn'ettug of the New Zealand Foot ha 1 Association ill Wellington. ‘T am film sly convinced.” lie added, ‘‘that the boy going to college shout! have a free choice as to which game he is to j»lay. We should have free trade as far as our game- are concerned ’ Mr M onckton urg«-d that it should he made po-sihle for a boy to make his own choice, and play the game for all that it is worth. Child i en ot setter-, in t ie backblocks have nianv <1 -advantages to contend with which their more fortunate brothers and si't.e - lit—t!> n'inv|it ion of. During the tours© of a short discussion at tm* List meet nig of the Nel-on Bivcatitw Board on the t.. . of ting itin- • teachers port »>tih of the district. : i • I eiit-vm d hat, in the Manna a ltd Howard d -:ri,'ts i're 2(5 d '■. ere not r<xx> vitu. education. The Maruia Valle" - 1 s l:u ' >ttT< houses are in many cases miles apart Tin Hoard ro-o ved • send the foregoing informal or to the <lepartment. with a strong u*tucti,la: on that nn ’•inornnf ‘ . -,> r appointed I’ll,' Iftisli Rugby Union lias been most t* 'tunale in oh g fro—j>hn - t,u tin- season's ,"t ;*• iti«>n. In add ::,'ti to Mr .1 1! O - - cup tor sc: or competition :’i f. : 'ow ing othei cups have beej p nted tor oinpotition Mr Dooley's up for the T irnament. North Island Bivw.ry cup for : junior i-ompetii on, and Mr .1. Byr e's cup tor senior competition to ho „ »ti outright this year. A gold modal for the host ','nior forward in the lliislt District has been present d Vv Mr D Mori art v and a sin n for tho back . beii by Mr A Bentley Mi Sam M Cn is presenting a gold n «xla f-'r t e ’x-st Junior back an 1 Mr B r \' - a eld nielli for the he-1 I ■ ,>r forward iii the Hush. I he sale of W ar Loan , or: Peates til rough the Post Office. w.r.<h was such a jM»j>ular feature or tlu first Wa r Uan issmxl in New Zealand, lias ever -ilic,' lien <ou: :i:ucd These cen iti, a 1,-- an- still ir, t ii . with a steady demand, atul are re ird,\| hy the authorities a- an e\ client means of encouraging thrift and ln-ljiing to secure the fitmrcial stahrity of t.ho c untry U,s>j>le wlie liin-e not much money to inve 1 ar,> atforded a means of placing i small -uni otl fixed deposit for five or ten years. Ii ha- bcWl WUggest©d that the issue of the certificates might well lv in:iilo a ix'rmai-.ei.i feature of the finance *>f the countrv Tlion' is a d,'si re lo ,'ii, t.bc small investor. \ -t,’j* in this diroof ,-n is in making the bonds for t.ho new Government loan £AO instead of £IOO. as formerly. A mishaji wjneh had bouli a painful atul a huimoious aspect ,xx"trreil at a laU> hour ,ut Thursday ,'»«-jung Mi Wanganui. While homeward houtul a couple of Durio Hiil r«'si<h'iits saw an aiubiilanee swing round into tile Quay, and when i: had pro<'.,',',U'd a dtt l„ ,li-t an<-e they not usxl Miiiiw obj«x-t <lioj' out into the ri»adWiiy. t'urtosity prompted ui\.».tigation. The ambulance Jnuli disa.j'p«\iir*xl ill tho distiiiu'e and had left tx--liitid. lying in the roadway, an okh-r----ly man ivlinsw hoad was -watJuxl in bandages'. At this moment a motor oar came on the scene, ai'-l bv a coincideno', one of the o,s-ujvint.s was a mirsfl .Tlie patient, was pieki\l tip without <h'lay ami sent on hv tho ear to t.ho .hospital. No doubt tbo driver of the anihulamu' on arrhing at the hospital was considerably snrpnsxl to find that Ins jiussongor had vanishodi en route.

‘•t>hf What a B onnt-y ! ,f wa» tli« reninrk of ;in oxperioiu*«xl Truiiorist, wlio onr tho Ktmh'hnkors just- l:in«V(l h\ tho ont<Tfirm of A. n?itl U Tk»nihh of this town. Tlie quality of t.hoso onrs w ill srt.aiwi the k«Nenost criticism mndo for utility as w< H us u;no •fui npi'enmiiec. A visit of inspe*-tion in invitsxl.

Mr 0 rorpn R. Tavl'or, second son of Mr G odfrev Taylor of Pahiatua, n‘lin ior >ome months past has been engaged as purser ou several of the U.s.s. Co.’s coastal steamers, has been promoted to tiie S.S. Moernki ami sailed on that steamer last night for Sydney. A mooting of the Pahiatua R.S.A. viill. be lit-k! in the Borough Council ("1 1 ambers on Tuesday next at 7.30 p.m. when arrangements for the forthcoming dance to be given to the Pahiatua Ladies Patriotic Society will be made. General matters will also be dealt with. A few words uttered by General William Birdwood at the Town Hal, Weltington in regard to the etket of the Gallipoli campaign were listened to with tense interest. It was true, lie said, that- they had to evacuate, but it was also true that before leaving the force had destroyed the flower of the Turkish army. Turkey had to send her best troops to defend the peninsula, and the Turks talked about it- as the

“ slaughter house.” Fly their work on the Peninsula the troops laid the foundation of Lord Allenbv s .victories n Palestine, and in saying that }„. did not detract in any way from tie work of those fine troops who fought so gallantly in that area. Ihe Pahiatua County Council write to the Featherstou County C’ounci. at its meeting yesterday asking its support of a resolution .recently passed, drawing the Prime AT ,i ster’s attention to the unsatisfactory wording of tbt Housing Act ir that : t does not make provision for the pureha se of land oil which to iTdr. due litiigs ,<or of budding alti . lv erected Tlie Clerk stntiH that y“ Council had had difficulty in fhe sit >e < (>nn>H‘tion. The idea was to | t- ng the Hensing Act into conferrig with the Counties Act The j Conned had succeeded in getting its odi nm-es. but at *• * £ per rent. It was 1 unanimously decided to support- the ! ot) n. and that the matter be broil dit under the notice or Mr McT.eod M P Messrs Collin son and Cunninghames advertisement api>ears on page 7 of th’s issue.*

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 2498, 12 June 1920, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Pahiatua Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 2498, 12 June 1920, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Pahiatua Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 2498, 12 June 1920, Page 4