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A T CALEDONIAN HOUSE. C HRISTMAS SHOP ALTERATIONS NOW FINISHED. EXTENSIVE ENLARGEMENT TO PREMISES. NEW & UP-TO-DATE PLATE GLASS FRONTAGE A LARGE SHOWROOM. KS =S SPECIAL INTIMATION • carried out in past year* will coMMn from to*diy'l date until the end of the present year. All purchasers of 10* and over will receive a ( linitnan praaiat, which customers can personally select. A study of the following quotation* will well repay intend mg norclmart. Onr stock is m to-date, wall bought, and we can give an excellent assortment of reliable drapery, the bulk of a hath •• imported direct from the home markets: IS* New dress materials, douhlr-wi hii-, 1 1 I|J 11\. 2 .1, I/d, i/9. 8/6 and 311 per yard 1 Hack Caslimcres, fancy and lustres, 1 (5, 1/11. 2/6, *2 11, 3 6, 3 11 and 4 6 |»eryard I- r.v* Very special job line fancy lustres, only 13 6 per dress length of 6yd* double-width f gsr* Prints, blacks, navies, pinks, b'lues and a large assortment of other colors, special price Gd per yard Prints in all the latest designs, better qualities 7|d, Hid. 10$d an l 1 ■ per yard Job line of Print Crepon*, lowest quotations in the maikcl. 8 '.I pei doz. Muslins for pinafores, all new. no old stock, 6d, 7d, 7Jd, Hd, 9d and 1 per \ar I Iggr* Special lines in Art Muslins, 4d, 4|d, Gd, 9d, 1/- and 1 10 per yard |is* Cretons in all the latest colouring-; from 4 6 |*er doz. |Tg-r* Gulateas for boys’ suits, good variety, 6|d |x*r yard and up Grandrill and cottoi* Shirtings Gd, 7d, Hil, 9d, IOJd and 1 |**r yard K2S* Apron Cloth, Gd, 9d and !/• per yard ; Forfa~s. Gd, 9d, IOJd and 1 l-ST* Cream Hollands from 7hd per yard ; Turkey reds from Gd j«r yard ; Sain- *<>k froiu |*er yar \ We have a special line of Flannelettes at Gd per yard, worth Hd in usual way |y Curtains from 1/10 p?*r pair up to 82/6 per pair fSs* Job line of children’s sunshades, Christmas price only I 11 each Value for the thrifty, syd d.w. 72-inch Sheeting, clearing price 40, call and a this line In calicoes we can give special value at 3d, 3sd, 4d, 4J4 up to B|J ISs’ Special white twill calico i t 5/9 |»er doz., excellent value Children’s sun bonnets and hats, a nice assortment, at special prices f3sr* New straws, new frillings. new veilings, new laces, new belts, new flower*. etc. Bargains in underclothing, soiled during the alterations, job price* SPECIAL PRICES in the Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Department for the C ir made garments to band. Quality, cut, assortment and prices right. Boys tweed suit* we do Al. Men * *or«t» I coats and vests at 32/6, worth 40/- Job line in Men’s Felt Hats, only o 11, worth 5/6, see them. Hal-, cap*, shirts braces, collars, etc. SPECIAL! “ Boss of the road ” Dungaree overalls. Patented continuous fly, *»r< vents r.ppmg m tie Copper rivet fastening, high cut from crutch to waistband insure perfect tit equal to tailor mad- . Price no b>~fj« r than ordinary Dungarees. Only 4/6 per pair. Remember, we give a Christmas present to any purchaser of 10s and over during Cnristtnas sea* i. ROBERT BLAIR & CO., Drapery Importers, Pahiatua.

XMAS PRESENTS. XMAS PRESENTS. ]\l 11 S. M O N C R I E F F has now on view the grandest display of TOTS and XMAS NOTELTIES ever displayed in Pabi&tua. JAPANESE GOODS : Albums, Tran, Cabinets. Workb-.xe*. < slu, Tables. Flower and Job lines. Umbrella Stands. Photo Frames. Glove and Handkerchief Boxe*. Tea Sets and a hundred and one Xmas Novel tie*. GOOD LINES! CHEAP LINES! JEWELLERY AND ELECTRO PLATE: Dolls in China. Dolls in wax. Dolls jointed. Dolls unbreakable ; Accordeons and Violins in best makers; Gun-. Magic Lanterns and Mechanical Toys in great variety. Gold and Silver Watches. Gold and Silver Alberts, Gold and S;!\er Slt-ev# Links. Silver Pencils and Match Poxes. Electro plate Cruets, Pickle Jars, Butter Knives. Jaui Spoons and a number of other saleable articles. Electro plates o'clock Teaspoons, choice Cntlerv. knives, forks, and spoons, splendid value, in best makers. XMAS CARDS! XMAS CARDS! \ Magnificent assortment, both beautiful and cheap, single cards, boxes and packets, exceptional taloe. CLOTHING, BOOTS A SHOES: These Departments have also been furnished with a splendid stock of new and fashionable goods for the Xmas season Good value iu ever .* line. Inspection in\ited. MADAME WEIGEL’S PATTERNS KEPT IN STOCK. Readv-made Skirts at Prices to suit evervone. SHOP OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY. THE “DUNLOP” CYCLE FOR NOTHING. The competition for this high grid, bicycle bu now clewed The name and addreee of the ptrton who has come nearest to the number of miles of bicycles sold by ns in Austral:, donng the last three years will be announced a. arly as possible. Who ever the fortunate winner is, the •• Du- op " Cycle will malts A Very Nice Xmas Present. Before buying your Christmas and New Tear GifU we would like to show you our Cycling Novelties. It is very annoying after giving a present to find it is something your fnend alreadr has. If youi friend cycles—you can easily ascertain whether the machine has a nice lamp. bell. cyclometer. tool bag. etc. Any of these accessories would be acceptable. Should you wish to make a more expensive present we can offer you a good reliable wheel at the lowest possible pnee. Being sola agents in New Zealand for Humber, Dunlop. Singer. Ariel. Alai an ta. etc., cycles, we can give you a larger and more varied assortment to choose from than you can obtain elsewhere. We return your money if your purchase is not approved on receipt of goods. This practically means that everything is sent ou apptoval. We will send nicely illustrated catalogues posted to any t Jdress on receipt of a Post Card. L is no trouble to us to show our goods to anyone who will favor us with a visit, w hether they w ish to purchase or not. THE AUSTRAL CYCLE AGENCY, LTl>., THE LARGEST CYCLE DEALERS IN ACSTRALASIA. N.Z. Ai*L)RE>' i e*» —Colombo St., Christchurch : 133, George St.. Dunedin . a:*J 61. Lambton Quay, Wellington. Mr T. C. Ewington, blacksmith, agent for the Masterton district. J. M. LEVIN, JOINTER, GLAZIER, PAPERHANGEB, AND SIGN WRITER HAS Thk Cheapest and Best Scrim. A splendid selection of Artists’ material*. The Largest and Best Assortment of Paperhangings. The Largest stock of Uils. white and red Lead. Hematite, etc. The Largest Assortment of Mirror Plate*, plain and ornamental Gli> | and methylated s| Estimates prepared and work in any part of the district. AGENT FOB J eye’s world-renowned Sheep Pip : try it once and you will u«r no oth*r Jeye's Disinfectant; the best in the world ; the Bot Fly won’t come near London Quadrant Bicycles: cash or terms. J. M. LEVIN. OPPOSITE TO THE CLUB HOTEL. MAIN-STREET, PAHIATI

BRICKS FOR SALE. Kiln on Road to Station. SYDNEY C. BISDEE, Faliiatua. IVOZIE TEA The Purest. FOR SALE. A SPLENDID BUSINESS. MR W. McPHAIL, owing to ill-health, has been compelled to place in the market the whale of his Livery and Bait Stables, stock and plant, together with a coaching and mail service, Pahiatua to Makuri, which has over two years' contract lo run. Some of the chief items in the plant are the following, any of which will lie sold privately to suit purchasers, or as a going concern : 2 coaches, 1 waggonette, 1 express, 1 brake, 1 double buggy, 1 single buggy, 1 dogcart, 3 gigs, 12 horses, 8 sets coach harness, 0 sets single buggy harness, G saddles and bridles, first-class landau, horse covers, rugs, lamps, etc. All personal or written applications should be made direct to Mr W. McPhail, Pahiatua. This plant commands the commercial and social traffic of the district, together with the service between the town and railway station. Ample evidence as to turnover can be obtained from the books, which intending purchasers cau investigate. Ail applications to be iu by the first of January, 1898. Look out: t'OR THE WESLEYAN CIRCUIT MONSTER PICN I C ! of* NEW YEAR’S DAY (Sat., Jan. 1, 1898) is MU J. VILE’S PADDOCK. Cricket, tennis, rounders, croquet, etc., etc. Children’s races and prizes. Admission Is, children Gd. All meals Gd each. Note : Special arrangements made for families. JOHN J. BOAGEY, Hon. Secretary. A I T A W A SCHOOL. THE ANNUAL TICNIC AND SPOUTS, in aid of the School funds, will be held on the Public Domain Oval, lvaitawa, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY o, 1898 The Pahiatua Brass Band with ‘2O instruments, will be in attendance, and at noon sharp “ The band begins to play. ’ A CONCERT AND DANCE will be held in the evening at the School-house. All are invited. Refreshments galore. Admission to picnic, Is ; concert and dance, Is Gd. AUL E Y IRONMONGERY STORE. S In stock—B.B.A. sheep shears and Turkey stones, genuine Ty/.aek scythes and snaths, hay forks and takes, garden hoes, axes, spades. I.h. shovels, steel sledge hammer*. Piston cross-cut saws, Dover stoves, plough chains, grindstones, splash board lamps, axle grease, boneh screws, swivels, dog chains, bicycle and sewing machine oils. Large stock of garden and faun implements, including the strongest and cheapest hoi so hoes in the market. Also, the celebiatcd Oliver Ploughs, etc. etc. For Oliver Ploughs rend this testimonial: Mu O. Maki.kv, Pahiatua.— Dear Sir, I am very much pleased with the No Pd Oliver plough i got from you. It does all its work thoroughly and well. I lmv« worked it with success hot I with one A two horses, and 1 consider it the most useful plough a small farmer can have, as he can do all his work with one moderate horse.—l am vours faithfully, W. A. Waid m. For sale: Second hand iron ploughs. t;. II a R L ■ v . L'Ttt'Al. 11 oKSKSUOKIl AND Gl-.NI.KAL Blacksmith, MAIN-HTKKKT, PAHIATUA. fOr sale at manuatainoka IACRK just opposite tho Railway Station on Main Boat). Boat bnsiuuks aito in Matigalainoka. For LHO A-!] or LOO on terms. i. HAROLD SMITH, Solicitor, Fahiatua. [OR SAI I E Forty Acres of Ciooil Cockafoot Seed at liamua. this office. '—

1897. A LAST WORD. v MtjNrlnn Mll ■ainuodkafHtjmt. TkniitinlMM acted well our part, anl have done the he.l in the circumstance. in • na h ive Ivi npi n-i d M ’"\ pliahsd their < leet of making l«ro Mod - I • mma » . • aalj be lore. Man\ houaewives have, for iht-lr part, added to til. plcaaarp 01 by making a judicious .election (> in the tar.ou. brand. e( article. *e . from div today the timer man. In thex. none play a more important part .halt the •• cup that cheer.." Ilooavn.i who have .elected the fam, u. TILER TEAS h ive acted well their part. Thev have had their reward. Tho» who did mil .. l et mil'll IT VS in I>*.<nil.-. J at least on. pleasure in life . ban they oau to some extent - ,I , m lumeuctng to am I TKAS on l.t January, IMM. Theaiuiof the proprietor, ho. been to and blend TIUKU TKAS the best value in the market, and. judging from the enormous increase in salts, they have net failed m acting their part. J. R. GRAHAM. Agent.

NOTICE. VS I am r* lin luiahing business at tlio cud of the current year, all account* owing to me mast be paid by the 81st instant, or legal steps will be at once taken for their recovery, atxl all accounts owing by me■( rendered will be paid. Also, for sale—Coachbuilding and blacksmith shop, with cottage attach'd, to let. lient cheap. Apply w. mi unrund. lOST Within tlio Borough] j lady’s silver watch and ck&tn eiK lhtswick, a: iUI GSdMfl

AC. 1 ' K SOI.ICITOBB IN I’AlllATl A IU (UNO Mil X.vIAS iiOl.ll'AYS. IWTg t| \\ of hbiatMi hereby ifM to close our oflicrs (or the t'l ristma Holidays from Saturday, llu _olh lilay of December, to Saturday, the Hth day of Jaouaiv, ls;i>, both (lays inclusive. William I’osswill 0. Harold Smith A. W. Gould 1 1 1 . Me TEA 1» UiA)d.

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume V, Issue 588, 29 December 1897, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Pahiatua Herald, Volume V, Issue 588, 29 December 1897, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Pahiatua Herald, Volume V, Issue 588, 29 December 1897, Page 3