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ROBERT BLAIR & CO., DIRECT DRAPERY IMPORTERS, CALEDONIAN HOUSE LEUDUrEii THIS FACT : \V« car- ,t '-how via a peir of woDirn's hose at M or a ptir of ntn’.tot at HI, out *ve can, for i*.:lne and jirio c ■Mibi*icd, vr 3on • Ta cheaper liiati they were ever oh.. ,1 1 We publish eur pricei i.nd arc not afra.d of competition. BEAD CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING SPECIVL LINKS DIRECT FROM GLASGOW i. > THE FORTY MILE LUSH : TAIIIATUA,

20 puirs real Scotch Ayres hi re . Blankets, SO/- anil 32/37 pairs English blankets, Witney and Bradford makes, 25/- & 27/0 cheaper qualities—--13/0, 14/9, 17/6 and 21/ In our dress depart j ine nt wo can show you the finest selection of the latest dress mater- I ials direct from the ' manufacturers to the I public; be sure and read j the quotations ; to give , you some idea of our 1 trade in dress materials this week we opened up no less a quantity than 32351yds and two more cases of dress goeds during next days New Cuffs and Collars from Od and up Imitation Seal Rugs, 21/6 each. 20 . Bush . Bugs, only 0/11. 20 . Bush . Rugs, special value, 6/11. Colored Blankets also in stock. Cashmere, French, d.w. in following colors and prices: Id ick, navy, brown, silver grey, . cream, . pink, maroons, etc., 1/6, 2/0. 2/11 and 3/6 per yard. 2 4 pair of men's Moagiel Tweed Trousers, our leading number. 12/0 a pair, worth 10/0 Also very speciil line, in Colonial tweed Irou j mm only S /11 a pair Very special 1 no o* stays, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7/0, 7/11 and 9/0 14 6 17 In lace cm tains a Estamen an j nut- Lad *-- (. :»• present our rtock is to<* ing*. . don id - - w.Jth few left, • , large, so for the mx -erges in black, navv at th * .'month . c»ur . curtains and . maroons . (pure and 21 0. , j marked 5/0 a pair and wool), Gyds d.w. b 9, ‘over will be reduced 1/ 6yds do. 11/6, Oyds do. S.. ,*l 1. « | a pair—call and inspect 1 : 11J. 0\ 1- .1 •. 11/9, • . * J the value oyds do 17/6 Reefer J *cl [Travellers’ samples in Woman’s Macinto*! <:* S .inf, L ilies’ Cmbrcllis, one *'» Wvln. n*ry l»'ne ” [only of each pric**, 10 brow n-. cheap. 2 ■ 1/11, 2/0, 2/9, 2/11. 8/3, worth 10 m• e 3/6,3/11,4/9, 5/6, and —eli -apest i.n - in the up, 3J* per cent. uuJer uisrke*. usual price. Galat* t . 10 New belts, in reds Flanne'ettee, pr dz 3 11 and black*, only 1/6 4 11 5/3, 60 7 0 and S 0 each a marvel of cheap- m bussed Flannelettes, new white, two patterns New Frillings from only, Is per jar I 21 a wk Imfftfl New line of kid Shirting*, . Oxford each —we hv.-< gloves, fur tops, only Drills, 01, 7|d, 9i an! seven cf the.a. d/11, cheap at 5/6 pair lOld per yard advi you to cai s, 61. 7| I, 81. d.w. 4 11. C. i. lo Ovds do. 0 11, 0. J 7 C. 6yds d •. * 21.4 do. 110. Gy Is I . A very ‘P ’itl J . HUNDREDS OF OTHER LINES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, SO li YOU WANT VALUE lull YOUR MONEY TRY THE WELL-KNOWN CALEDONIAN HOUSE R. BLAIR & CO., CASH DRAPEBS AND DIRECT lIIPOUTERS, PAUIATL'A.

MRS. MONCRIfiFF INVITES inspection of her new Shipment of WINTER GOODS coni’. • DRAPERY. MILLINERY. MEN'S sni BOYS'CLOTHING LAI : i - GENTS' BOOTS A SHOES, STATIONERY, FANCY GOOI-s. Etc. H, •• . in every Department is now thoroughly assorted with New and Re.irsbl: Os >i» lor the Winter Season. Ladies' and Children's Hats in great varietv. Fancy feathers and flowers and ribbons. A very civ : - plain and fancy, the latest. Jet and colored bead trimmings. Large bottom in fancy styles. Figured Si:ks and Velvet: ens. Imstata - niings. Ladies' Jackets and Capes in the mtm bl 11 Ladies’ and Gents' Tics and Scarves. A riioice . .bet: on Ladas' Underclothing. I.adies' and Children's Ccrs ts at ail pr ■ Alar, rnent of Flannelettes, new and fancy desires. Ladles', t; j ; a*. Macintoshes in all the newest shades. Habit S- rges sit 1.. : : 1,0. New and handsome patterns in tablt and door Oilcloth ; sheeting C«kcoes. Table Damask, Blankets, lings, etc. In fact cierylliir - n : . both useful and ornamental. THE BOOT DEPARTMENT Is also well tmniahwl with a eplrwlM stock f Gents* and Watertight Bluchers, Standard Brand. Ladies', Gents' and I - and Shoes at all prices to suit customers. FANCY GOODS AND STATIONERY. Hair, Tooth, and Nail Brushes, Combs, Soaps, Sponges, Photo Frames \,kstands, Albums, Parses, Bags. Basket ware, Dolls, Stationery, both plain and fancy Birthdav card., I o . —a choice selection. CUTLERY and ELECTRO-PLATE. Table, pocket, and domestic cutlery of every description; S’, ns. Fo-ks < Splendid value. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. Fancy Vases, Tea Sets, Jugs, Teapots, Fancy Ornaments in a kindred an! one designs. MUSICAL INSTRL MESTc— A i.iins Ac.v Jeons. Music Mu x Stands. Music ROII3. Good value in b >; makes. WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, eta. Ladies'paid A .Jeer Albert*. Ladies end Gents Watches. Belt C a y-. Hair ornaments. L ■... S; .: ’. .. . Mrs Moncncff has not spared eit'n.r in: ,r pa in order to make every department complete and up ’j ds;. .:i e\er\ i. ti... ...e therefore confidently asaeiu that bc-r stock this season as rvgar.'aaivle and* rales is second to nolle iu the district. MADAME WEIGEI » f'l'r \ PATTERNS.

PAHIATUA STOCK SALE. MONDAY, JUNE 21st, 1807. A BRAIIAM AND WILLIAMS will sell by public auction as above—--8 fat heifers 2 forward steer 3 2 cows in calf 2 2J year heifers 150 empty ewes 25 prime fat ewes 25 prime fat wethers 200 forward w T etho r s 100 forward ewes 250 well-bred forward wethri'3 Owing to the Jubilee celebrations our sale will lake'pi ace on the above date instead of the usual day, Tuesday. Sale at 1 p.m. F. L. JACKSON, Auctioneer. SI Great Success.

or THE GENUINE WINTER SALE OF GENERAL DRAPERY, MEN’S and BOYS’ CLOTHING now proceeding. QJPECIAL — Our weliknoxvn / COLONIAL TWEED SUITS now selling at Everyone should inspect and compare. Bargains the order of the day.

CLEARING SALE PRIOR TO REMOVING INTO NEW PREMISES. Having taken |he fl :ie XcV Buildings opposite lbs C!ck Hold and lately occupied by Kn'ght cn 1 Son?, bavin r- I > i-l o:T-r . v - < k f(. i - ImUn* aoi gtoto' t •« n, O Carts, Baskets and butcher*’. Cradle*, etc., al eiEATLT reduced tricks r a one xonth \lt. 10 MAKE BO M Pot Nt .v M M T • SUITS. to call early a id secure bargti;is, a* a feu of the followin'lines uiil ebon : Cycles ladies’, usual price £25 10*, reduced to £22 10* Cycles, ladies’, usual price £23 10s, reiaced t> £2l Cycles, gents’, usual price £2l. reduced to £lO 10* Perauibulntor*, usual pri~e 25 , reduced to 20 - Perambulators, usual price 50 -, reduced lo 42 6 Perambi lators, usual price 55/ , reduced to 48 . Perambulators* usual price GO , r< duced to 52 6 Go carts, usual price 27 G, reduced to 22 G Go-carts, usual price 50/-, reduced to 45 - tyres for perambulators. Basket \\ are— Clcthes baskets from 2 to B*# each Butchers’ baskets, usual price 7 G, reduced Butchers’ baskets, usual price 8 G. reduced to 7 - Bakers’ baskets, usual price 7 0. reduced to 6 G Bakt rs’ baskets, usual price 8 G, reduced to 7 - Wicker Cradles, with rockers, 7 - Wicker Cradles, without rockers, 6 0 Agent foi Dresden Fiano Coy Grace Clarke aod Co., Werthicm Sewing and Knitting Machine,. Wri: era and Mangles I have a splendid Bohln Piano in stock. Trice, .logo*, cash, or on time t>avmerit trom one to three years. Also a Bell Organ ; irdO cash or on time pay men Ner dies, oils and all duplicate parts in stock. Machines cleaned and repaired. Terms moderate. “No cure no pay." Old machines taken in exchange \>h<n purchasing new ones. I have a secondhand Standard treadle machine for sale cheap: call and ir s; :t I beg to thank the residents cf the rahiatna and surrounding districts for the warm support 1 have received during the last twelve months I have been in business, and beg to assure them that no effort shall be wanting on m> fill to secure - nlimialicn ot their favors in ihe future.—Yours irul\ T. B. HVN T E I{. MAIN STBEET, OPPOSITE MOOBE'S. Stationer. PAH I ATI'

C. SANDFORD ! AND CO., bond's BUILDINGS. BABIATI'A. S. Bl'rrouoh, Manager. NOTICE. THE adjourned meeting of Village Settlors re grievances will be hold at 7.H0 on SATURDAY EVENING, June 19th, in Walther’s Hall. All village settlers are earnestly requested to attend to sign petition and protest. A. DARRELL, Chairman.

PUBLIC HOLIDAY. "WITTE, the undersigned, hereby V V agree to close our respective places of business on TUESDAY, tbo ‘22nd of June, 1807, in commemoration of the record reign of Her Majesty the Queen: John R. Graham. Alex. Blair, R. Hannah A Co (per \V. B.), Mackmlay and Co., Jas. A. Duley, Elliott and Vile, R. Blair and Co., G. F. Gclderd, M. Quirke, ,J. Mowlem and Co. (per A. Walker), Trewby Bros, (per W. Lewis), B. E. Brenton, .1. Mcßain, A. Stewart, G. Bottomley. W. W. McCardle, jnr., Win. Wratt, Win. l’arkcs, llallenstein Bros., W.I'.C.A. (per D. Caselbcrg), Geo. Oxley, W. S. Falconer,Samuel Webb, M. Hamilton, F. G. Moore, A. Moncrieff. FOR SALE, AY..-.. 18 horse power portable engine by Ruston and Proctor in working order. For particulars apply to THOS. WESTWOOD and Co., Box No. 11. Foxton. I.TOII SALE CHEAP FOR CASH ' —X New milk Carr. Apply lo W. Merryweather, coachbuilder, Pahiatua.

-•Sc Borough of Pahiatua. r | >ENOKIiS, addressed to the 1_ Mayor, will be received at the Borough Council Chamber* until 7 p in. ou Monday, the 14lh day of Juno, for the widening of one central span of "The I’ahiatua Borough bridge." l’laus and specifications may be seen at the Borough Council Chambers on Mondays. Wednesday*, and Thursdays, between the hours of !) a.nt. and 1p m. The lowest or any other luder njt necessarily accepted. J. \V. BEAI'FOI’.T, Engine or to the Borough.

Jfc S Pahiatua orough*Council. N'OTII k btwt) ■. . formal u mand bjr p. .non hatingbeou made to me ia aarorua.ot' \vith section 5 and snb claims of •• Ttio Batin-; i u I'miopr. .Vd YaiuUk Act. 185H>." that a poll be taken : 1 farther give notice that apod ai'.l be taken in accordance with the f r. - string an>l snhsoju.nt see: oti- of ihe abo to mo:*.:; tm .1 Ad Bal I ' I tha ltth !■; ot in . neat. Borough Council t'hamlvrs. l*a.. :::a. keuii the hours of !» a m. an«l 0 ji.ia. .1 011 Yrt.F. Major. Bcrough Coined Chambers'. Pahiatna. May 29;h,

BOROUGH OF PA HI ATT A. i ITI.ICA i lONS \\’!!k» r»ivi\. 1 ± V up to 7 |uu. of the .*».h July for tlie following positions niuler flu Pahialu.i lb rough Coutuil:— Clt rk, etc. Inspector of Liccnsttl Vehicles ami Nuisanm Inspector of Buildings Night soil Contractor. Working Overseer Schedule of duties ran be fccd (luring all office hours. J. W. BKAFFOBT, Town Clerk. P»( rough Council Chanilvis, June 10th, IHJI7. F. O E L 1> E It P. J. fhu rri.HKU, coni KinoN Kit. STATION FU, and FANCY GOODS PEALKU. MAIM STKKKT, PAPIATVA. Purest conf« ctiomry manufactured ov the premises. Agent for Cadbury’s Chocolate*. Latest lines in Stationery ami Fanc\ Goods. Fresh Fruit lambed by every direci steamer.

LAX!* SALE. X’OTIi’F i> r.liy given that Stations ii and :!!». Flock \.. Mangaono, known a< tb. F.kotahu- a Na B auction nt the puldto Hall, Kkcla Inina on Ib Juno. IStIJ. at l.:tO o'clock p.m The mcl'iin* contain irfpcfliviljr S2O ar.'l :.7S ncrra of good I'': - 1 1 » 1 partly open »e!l grassed lla* and hilly lands. Hour occupied and subject to loan' for SI Mars from Itttli May. I***!. to Mr F. C. Tumor, wli homestead is on tlio property. Further particular?can beo* at the principal poet oftiodistrict and at this office. L W. A. MAIUT Commissioner of C District Lands and ; Wellington, S I tolt SALE.—C ' lliacksmitb' ness, as going o roomeil bouse posal, rotirir particular , Uckl Po


Quality (iuarunteecl mul Moderate Hates. cash ounr.its at ukokock I'HICKS. Agents for— Yates’ Ueliublc Seeds, North German Insurance, J. Moßain, watchmaker, Auckland Weekly News, Canterbury Times, Paliialua Herald, Vv oudvilie Examiner. •rn a Spool*..-j .

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume V, Issue 511, 18 June 1897, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Pahiatua Herald, Volume V, Issue 511, 18 June 1897, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Pahiatua Herald, Volume V, Issue 511, 18 June 1897, Page 3