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Pahiatua County Council.

Saturday, December Bth, 1894

A meeting of members of the above Council was held on Saturday, when there were present—Crs G. Whltoomb# (chairman), S. Bolton, A. Ross, J. Griffith, J. B. Tait, P. J. Murphy, and A. Yule. VOTE or THANKS. After the preliminary business had been concluded, Cr Griffith, in wsll-chosen terms, moved a vote of thanks to Cr Bolton for his past services as chairman of the Council.

The motion was seconded by Cr Murphy and spoken to by Crs Whitcombs, Tait, Ross, Yule, all of whom eulogised Cr Bolton’s efforts. Cr Bolton returned thanks for the vote, and the expression of satisfaction at his past actions. CORRESPONDENCE. Alterations on rate roll were applied for as follows: —W. Wall to Mrs Ellen Suisled ; C. E. Tattersal to E. J. Hughes ; A. Uknie to J. P. Knight. Barrell and Chambers, applying for renewal of slaughtering license. A. W. Hogg, stating he had seen the Under-Secretary, and Government grants would be paid over shortly. F. Kopke, applying for lease of road reserve on Girdwood's road. Borough Council, re amount due to County Council. R. Haliburton. objecting to cage from Ngaturi being placed over river on his river fiat.

K. Carvelth. applying for right to cul cocksfoot on Ridge road. W. A. Oliver and others, applying for loan for road leading from Makuri-Aohonga road to Village Settlement.

Cr S. Bolton, reporting on meeting re loan 40, Woodville-Aohonga road. J. Clulow and others, asking that work on Kaitawa Ridge road be put in hand at once.

R. Z. Davis, re felling road line. Block XV., Mangahao, and Block 111., Mangaono.

J. C. Williamson, asking that thirds be spent on track fronting section 4. Block 111.. Mang&one. P. Simpson, applying for permission to take gravel from the reserve on Toritea road.

P. C. Neilson, asking that repair* be done to road in front of section 8, Makekahi.

G. Gardner, asking permission to lay tramway across Mangahao road. J. T. Priest, asking that work be done on Ngaturi-Woodville road.

Monckton Bros., similar request re Palmerston road.

D. Walsh, asking to be allowed £5 towards work on Palmerston road.

P. Manson. asking that road be formed leading to his section, section 2, Block VIII., Mangahao.

Kumero Road Board, requesting Council to hand over thirds in hand for Otawa road.

Land and Survey Office, stating interest of A. Naylor in section 74, Block 1., Makuri, had been cancelled, as also had tho following :—George Watson, section 47, Block 11., Makuri; J. A. Haney, section 5, Block 111., Mang.oone; William Syms. section 1., Pukctoi. Same, stating Government had not yet authorised expenditure vote on bridge over Tir.auinea river at Hull s crossing.

Same, re proclamation concernin': contribution towards repairs to MauuwAtu bridge. Same, stating that Government had ! granted County subsidy of £SOO towards construction of Maugnhao bridge. R. 11. Heaney, asking that plan* of | Mangahao bridge be forwarded to him for I approval, and returning plans of Tiraumea ; bridge. Hull's crossing. Treasury and Land Tax Department, i re advances of subsidy. Same, enclosing letter from John King objecting to his sections jemg included in loan area for loan 43. Same, suiting that the Colonial Treasurer could not grant loan 40. Kaitawa ; Ridge road unless fresh poll were taken. Same, enclosing letter from Susan j Nestor objecting to loan 30 being granted. ' G. IVarcy, asking to be allowed to I transfer contract 359 to Win. Wile*.— I Dealt with by Chairman. Colonial Secretary, re Rating Act. A. W. Hogg. M.H.K.. enclosing correspondence re grants. Colonial Treasurer, notifying gazetting result of poll. A. R. Mack ay, re invention for protection of river banks.—Received. Correspondence was received re elections U.D.C.A. Board.—Received. Borough Clerk, forwarding resolutions passed at meeting of Borough Council on 3rd inst. re the Mangatainoka bridge. W. Tripe wrote referring to damage done to his section by fire which he alleged had been caused through negligence of contractors for the Council. The Clerk reported that Mr Baker had been in the office and asked that Thompson’s road he opened, according to tho request of settlers.—No action taken. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. On the motion of the Chairman. i seconded by Cr Murphy, Cr Hudgins was granted leave of abseuce. VOTE OF THANKS. Cr Bolton moved That a vote of thanks be accorded to Mr Hogg for the trouble he had taken in tho matter of the Mangatainoka bridge. Bridge road, and other matters. Seconded by Cr Murphy and earned. RESOLUTIONS ON CORKRsrONPRNi'F. Cr Bolton moved That the Engineer be asked to report on Mr Kopke's applies tion. Seconded by Cr Griffith and carried. The Chairman moved That Mr Car volth's and any olhor application* for cutting grass seed be referred to the Engineer to deal with. Seconded by Cr Yule and carried. Cr Bolton moved That consideration of application for loan by settler* at Makuri ! be held over until application* had l*een called for loans at the end of the financial year. Seconded by Cr Murphy and carried. Cr Murphy moved That a copv of the letter from Treasury re loan 10 be for warded to Messrs Clulow and other* as « reply to their application. Seconded by the Chairman and carried. Tho Chairman moved That Mr Par:* be informed that tho Council propose to ’ close the road in question and otYcr it for sale to one of tho adjoining owner*. Seconded hv Cr Bolton and carried. Cr Murphy moved That Mr Smip»on's request for n few loads of tueial be granted.— Not seconded. Tho Chairman mo\ed as an amendment That nil applications for metal be referred to the engineer, and that they he charged 2il per yard royalty, metal to be taken under super\ ision of engineer. Seconded by Cr Yule and carried. An amendment by Cr Bolton that tlie royalty be 3d per yard was lost. Cr bmn application to be alloy ed to lay tramway a».rohs the Mangahao road he granted. Seconded by Cr Bolton and earned. Cr Bolton moved That Mr Priest be informed that until rates for current year ha\c been paid the Council cannot do any new work*. Seconded !*v Cr Tail and carried. Cr Tail moved That Mr Walsh's re quest be granted, subject to Engineer's

iWHval ; ndl la ex read £5. Seconded by Cr Murphy and carried. Or Murphy moved that Mr Men son's request b# granted if fund* permit. if no t, that Mr M ancon be aakad to pay half.— Not aeeondcd. m On the motion of Or Boltonf aecorMd by Cr Rose, it wmm resolved to * reply similar to that to be sent to Mr Priest.

Cr Bolton moved That the Kumeroa Road Board be asked to inform the Council what authority they have for making their demand.

Seconded by the Chairmaa and carried. Cr Bolton moved That the Chairman have authority to lake all neceeaary steps to hare the proclamation vesting the Manawatu Gorge bridge in the Pahiatua 0 in* v Cmmm varied in accordance with the spirit of the letter already addressed to the Colonial Secretary. Seconded by Cr Ynle and carried.

Cr Bolton moved That the Colonial Secretary be informed that if the papers already ia the hands of the Treasurer be examined it will be found that Mr King’a allegations are untrue.

Seconded by Cr Yule and carried. Cr Bolton That the Colonial Secretary be informed that the poll for | loan 39 had keen lost; that it was an the petition of Mr Nestor that the poll was originally raised; and that many of the statements in Mrs Nestor's letter are contrary to facts.

Seconded by the Chairman and earned. The Chairman moved That Mr Fraser • letter with the Hon J. MeKenrie’e reply be forwarded to Mr Hogg, and he be asked to show it to the Minister in arder that the latter may see that the Council consider there has been, no unnecessary objection made by Mr r raaer. Seconded by Cr Bolton and earned. Cr Bolton moved That the Chairman represent this Council on the Hospital Board. Seconded by Cr Roes and earned. MPITITIOXS. Mr Carter waited on the Conned and ask'-d that work be done on road leadir.g to hie section and offering to do the work and leave payment until funds are available. The Chairman said the matter would be considered and Vlr Carter iufer?u+-d. Cr Griffith moved That the engineer visit tne road Mr Carter wishes opened along the railway line, end if be considers an ripend. tare of any sura Pot exceeding L2O would be a benefit to the settlers or to Mr Carter he let the work :o Mr Carter providing Mr Carter is willing to wait for payment till third* are available.

Seconded by Cr Rose and rsmed. Mr Scally waited on the Council and a«ked for an extra allowance for the Makcri hill eeatrart, owing to the impoe ability of getting metal, the supply having unexpectedly erased. Failing that, hi would ask permission to use the inferior metal available. Tf thl* were not allowed he would have to forfeit the contract. He offered to do the work with river ebingie blinded with fine limestone at a fixed price.

Cr Bolton moved That Mr Scally be in* formed that this Council cannot entertaia hie offer. In case Mr Scally as not prepared to carry out hie contract fresh tenders be called to be in by Itereruber 22nd in case the next tenderer is not willing to take up the contract. Seconded by Cr Rose and carried. BBPOBT*. The work* committee recommended the acceptance of tender* as fallow;— ■- i i over uuul reply ie rec«i\«.d from Lead Board as to funds. On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Cr Murphy, the report was adopted. The finance coimnmittee recommended the payment of accounts nuouaiug to L 1407. The report vu adopted. ENGINRKt * EFFORT. The Engineer’s report was read a* follows: Contract 95ft, eraenoa of Ngaturi Bridge.—The contractor having screwed up all tension rode and bolts end maintained the bridge in good sad sufficient r« pair far 2* day* alter completion. 1 have taken the contract off his hand*, and forwarded a final certificate. Contract 831. erection of bridge Wood-ville-Aoharga road, and road formation and approaches.—This work wa* inspected by me on the 6th inst.. and taken over a* complete.

Contract 340, erection of bridge and formation of No. *2 crossing. Makairo stream.—lt we* finallv inspected en the 20tn met. and paused. The metalling also of some In chains of road was let to tho same cob tractor according to instructions.

Contract 343. clearing tnrl and constructing culvert* on load 37.—This work has been satisfactorily completed Contract 344. road formation Waitsheiorua road.—Thi* work which entailed some very heavy eutting ha* been about three-quarters finished. The sen tract is however considerably behind Ucie.

Contract 546. formation south approach Ngaturi bridge.—This work Fa* hern completed. The bank at the long culvert will however require some widening a# soon as the metal carting hat beca completed. Contract 848, bridle track Kanawa Ridge road Finished a few day* ago and the fence adjoining shifted to agreement with the owner.

Contract 849, Metalimg road 4*.—This work i* reported complete, bui the final inspection has not yet been made. Contract 349, formation north approach Sgatun bridge—Ha* been finished some weeks ago and nv tailed with a first coat. 1 have also allow*** for traffic to continue by the ford road, as it is much seed during the summer months. Contract 353. Mt Ratter* road—A start ha* only just been made with ibis contract.

Contract 355. metalKnr portion af uppe r Makuri road, four n. ; e* from township.—On the sxh inst. 1 inspected the quarry face which had been opened up hv the contractor and found a large qua nit v of It tne* tone duet and a few heuidera excavated. From the foreman :n charge I understand that it was the imetituaa of the contractor to have the abovr tuatrnwl spread on the road. As hi* specifications require that nothing but band packed boulders and broken stone ate to be need. 1 have declined to allow the fine limestone to go on the rood. I urn *ay that 1 do not consider that any difficulty would be experienced in obtaining fine limestone for ihe purpose required if it is quarried and Contract 359, Adjo uing above contract. The contractor took up hu teams Ac on t»tn met.

Contract 357. me tall mg M Idle l*oad-~ Some *3» or chan« ha* been metaled aa«i the rood trimmed up. Contract 359, installing approach#* ete. Ngaturi bridge—Siu;<* *ix or soon < asm had l*coti done on my last visit. The contractor has not, honour, sufficient dray* et work Contract itfiO. road formation, Mt Mar chant—Aboat 17 chain* of mis contract are nearly com pi* te. Contracts 857 and 354. Mangahao, are being inspected to Jay. The work ia, I undo.-stand, being energetically pushed on. Contract 547. Erection of road Mangahao liner. The contractor lias completed the t.mperarv Ividgv for the tmu an*! t’it' ha# Utu earned

forward from Iko rood to the foroot Hint. 1 have colled tenders to close to day for bridle track formation Wood ville-Aohaoga road, formation and metalling River-bank road, and erection of bridge at Hull’s crossing, North Tiraumea road. A survey has been made of road deviation (plan herewith) on Toritea read. This survey shows that an encroachment has been made taking about acres from sec 15 (Admiral Field’s) and throwing about an equal quantity of land (the old road) into the education reserve opposite. A reference to the sketch will explain the matter more fully. I have also prepared an estimate of forming and metalling the Pukewaai road from Main road to railway crossing, in* oluding also cost of constructing a road bridge ever the Mangatainoka river. Portions of the Makuri Gorge road are in bad repair and it will be necessary during the summer to have that length metalled with river shingle. I have in the meantime engaged a dray for patch* ing fer a couple of weeks. For the Council’s information I beg to hand herewith statement showing the financial position of various roads as regards Land and Loan Act to 80th November. Or Bolton moved Thai the report be adopted. The Council owed Mr Fraser thanks for having prepared a return of expenditure on roads. He would move a vote of thanks to the Engineer and the Clerk for the trouble taken in preparing the report. Seconded by Cr Ross and carried.' Cr Griffith moved That the tender of J. McCathy be accepted for maintenance of Main road.

Seconded by Cr Yule. After considerable discussion the resolution was put and lost, the mover and seconder and Cr Rots supporting it. Cr Tait moved That the Engineer prepare an estimate of the cost of completing the formation and metalling of the road from the eage at Sinclair's to the creamery at Section 93, and from Scott's, section 11, Block IX., to the Palmerston North bridle track for loan purposes. Seconded by Cr Griffith and carried. Cr Ross moved That the resolution passed on September Bth last re order paper be rescinded. Seconded by Cr Griffith and carried. Cr Ross moved That the cage formerly used at Ngaturi be removed to the crossing of the Makuri stream from Te Aupnpa road to Makuri Valley road. Seconded by Cr Griffith. Cr Bolton moved as an amendment That Ihe cage now at Ngaturi be removed to the more suitable site over the Tiraumea river at Nfawapurua bridge. The amendment was carried. Cr Bolton moved That the Clerk lay on the table a return of outstanding rates for current and previous years. Seconded by Cr Tait and carried. Cr Whitcombe moved That the Engineer make enquiries and report as to 1 metal with a view to metalling about 80 chains Mangaone Valley road. Seconded by Cr Ross and carried. Cr Tail moved That the Engineer prepare an estimate of forming Kelso’s road for a distance of about one mile in order , to give access to section 139, Block 111., ! Mangahao. for loan purposes. Seconded by Cr Griffith and carried. j Cr Murphy moved That the old I Charitable Aid Committee consisting of the Chairman, Crs Bolton, Yule, and the mover be appointed for the ensuing year. I Seconded by Cr Yule and carried. Cr Whitcombe moved That special rates be made as under on the rateable property included in the loan proposals specified viz., loan 14, Omata road, X9OO, special rare of 5d in the X*. and that a special meeting of the Council be held on December ‘22nd to adopt this resolution by special order. Seconded by Cr Bolton and carried. Cr Griffith moved That the sum of X4O per year be allotted to the Chairman for travelling expenses. Seconded by Cr Ross. The Chairman and Cr Bolton Rpoko against the motion. Other Councillors spoke in favor of the proposal, which, however, was ultimately withdrawn at the request of the Chairman.

Cr Bolton moved That the Ministry be approached through Mr Hogg for a further grant to the Ngaturi bridge and approaches. Seconded by Cr Ross and carried. Cr Whitcombe moved That a special meeting be held on December 22nd at 11 a.m. Business : payments and general. Seconded by Cr Murphy and carried. The Council then adjourned.

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 238, 10 December 1894, Page 2

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Pahiatua County Council. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 238, 10 December 1894, Page 2

Pahiatua County Council. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 238, 10 December 1894, Page 2