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Pahiatua County Council.

Saturday, August 4th, 1894.

The monthly meeting of the mcmbtri of the above Council was held on Saturday, when there were present —Messrs S. Bolton (chairman;, T. Hodgins, G. Whitooiube, A. Ross, F. Ferry, J. B. Tait, J. Griffith, A. Yule, and P. J. Murphy. COUBBBPONDKMCK. Alterations on rale roll w*?re applied for as follow :J. Slone to J. Blewitt; C. E. Tatters all to K. L, Mayne ; C. E. Taster-, util l» A. W. R. Bedeole; W. mm to W. Willis ; J. Gilmour to R. McGowan ; J. Cowie to W. Morrison ; H. Wag-iatT A. J. Jack; T. J. Priest to J). A. Kerr. - A. Flay, applying for permission to cut timber off Makuri road.—Left to Engineer to deal with. Mang&tainoka School Committee, applying for refund of A'l. part o. money sper.t in tilling hole iu road near school. T. Miller, applring for certain accessary work to bo done on the road ieading to “ The (irango” to give him access. J. Clolow, A. W. Ford and J. P. Morris applying to have Mount Marchant brid'.e track ope ted for traffic. Jamiesm Bros., asking that access be given to river frontage of section 1, Block 1., Makuri.

G. Gray, re bush felling.—Replied to. Bayley Bros., applying to have thirds expended in making road passable pa**t sections 16, and 17, Makuri, to the boundary of sec ion 75.

S. Turkington, asking Council to take land for road to run tursugh pei petua’ lease sections 13 and 14, Block VIII., Mangaoue. J. Crottv, asking to bo allowed to clear 50 chains of Oaiata roa. 1 for 8» per chain. 11. Ols. n, offering to clear 10 chain* on same road for Gs per chain. C. Siting, asking that third* be spent on road through secs 92 aud 93, Block VI, Mangahao. W. Hull, asking permission to fall road line on sec GO, Block I. Makuri. Assistant Surveyor-General, plans of roa l deviation in sec 2, Block I, Puketoi, had been approved. Cornmi-rsioner of Crown Lands, stating that Public Works Department had taken charge of timbsr reserve Mangahao bridge. Same, notifying that interest of A. Miscall is see 0, Mangaone Village settlement, had been forfeited. Same, stating that interest of \V. A. Peez in sec 15, Block X, Makuri, had been cancelled. Waipnwa County Council, applying for sum of £3 Is, Council’s proportion of cost* of administration of Alcoholic Liquor Sale Control Act. Treasurery, and Bank of New Zealand, notifying payment of two loans, amounting to £*lo4o. A. W. Hogg, and C. Ha!!, MVH.K., re alterations to Betterments Bill as sug-g<-sted by the Pahiatua County Council. Laud Tax Department, asking Council to renew application for advance of subsidy when Apropriation Act harassed. Land Registry Office, re Crown grant Eketahuna Road Board agreeing to proposal of Counciito divide raaiuten inec of Pa Valley Road. i >epatm?nt of Land, re Pori road grant. . ad to. Clerk of Court. Pahiatua, inclosing orders under Workmen's Wages Act. 1893. R. 11. Reaney, requesting copy of i Tiraunieabridge contract, Ngatur : , Makuri bridge, Mangataieoka bridge road, aud Palmerston Pahiatua road, that he might inspect the work—Replied to. F. Clifford drawing attention io fact that bridge r. nr his p aee on Wood v fileAohung i road had no: y-t L-*en erected. STANDING ORDERS SUSPENDED. Cr Perry asked that thp standing orders be suspended to enable him to bring on his notice of motion. This was agreed to and notices of 0 Griffith moved That the genera! rate for the county be apportioned as foli f mctaffol roads and general working expenses of the Council, and that }d be u>. d for repairs and construction of unmet.tlled roads and spent in the riding which smell rate is collected. 8 com led by Cr Ross. Some discussion ensued. Cr Wldtcombe holding that if the riding accounts were kept separate the resolution would be Crs Ibis-, and Yule also took this view. Cr Hodgins said it was apparent Cr Griffith wanted ]d k*pt apart tor all unmetnlled roads in the riding. Cr Bolton said that seeing the present “late of the fmanet s lie trusted every Councillor would endeavor to keep down the expenses as much as possible. Cr Murphy held the Pukcraiku riding should be relieved from the care of the main road. Cr Griffith said lie wished to give the back settlers sonic benefit from the extra rate to be put on this year. It was unjust that they shou. I rt*oi.i\e no benefit from the rates they paid.

' The Chairman *aid ihe back roads got a turn of attention from the Count\ s I roadmen. j The resolution was then put and carried. Cr Perry moved That this Council bsiug s,i -rt of finds the engineer’s and clerk's salaries !>o reduced 10 per cent, until tlie Council are in a better financial position, to start from the end of the present month. The mover said that the resolution was n»t meant as hosii • to the officers, but seeing the financial "lat 'ofti e ( \e;n ■1 he Ci. Q [hi r.r.v> <. to have increased the salaries when it Seconded by Cr Ross. Cr Hodgins opposed the resolution. If • to apply all round to roadmen as well as officials. If they had to engage all OBhr' 1 r it would 1 ; .vc cost 1 f2(H\ al ' mu' the yea»!y silai.v of the Council's 1

I The chairman read a letter from the ; En,:aeer showing that the actual diMmsc | ments * t vr y »r to c«n v out his work I am united to ;»*. I I ho Chau m » 1 s*’»l the Engineer hud n addition fmir. l all hia own instruments. I ' -'"fT clerk**- \%.nk a :mm J o,;; ; of ail proportion to the increase of h;> salary. j Cr llodgiu* sai l neither official received ! more salary then they earned; rather the i reverse whs the case. j < r N ule «aid they should not entertain ! the idea at nil. The officials should not ! he made to suffer for the mi n* i j of the Councillor*. It was not tan to iv 1 duct th? ir «*i.v .«*.*, considering that thev I h.v no means i>vtrpti(l. < Murp it asked t IT .y t make the ! rt olutiou apply oiily for the yew. To.* Chairman said the officials en #J garments were, and ho did not think they could legally d. crease the salaries before the « nd of the year with, out Iviug liable for damages. i r Perry d» c.i: i to alt« his m *U*o as su-: esjed l»y Cr Murphy. Cr \N’ iiii.» unho asked who* would he doll ' if the Otfn a - da.’’on<l :■> siav with the reduced ■ da. it's ‘ Of course, they 1 could get Others, hut the expenses would j rt * r - *-.o b«l»oo» ih*« .... l '

that if the Engineer's work were dens oa percentage it would eo*t between £590 aad £7OO per year. Cr Tait thought the Couaeil had mdi a in.stake in rAiting the bat the work was increasing, aad he did Dot iiiiak it would be right to reduce th»»Ba tea n 'inlees relreuchaien’ were made all rtf.*i. He did not tike the idea of cutting L*a salaries. Cr Griffith said the ratepayers ooasidered too much w&k paid for office expenses. Tne Cnairman said there was now over « wortii of rates outstanding. If Jhefe w*re paid up me Council would be reeved frf:a pressure on them. Cr Perry at this stage a»ked leave to with<iraw the resolulioja. This course was agreed toO Murpuy moved Tual the resolution re Councillors' mileage passed et June meeting be rescinded ; Thai tne Trea»artr wunhold vouchers for mfieDge umul January. 1895. Hooouded by Cr Bolton pm forma. Some disouseion took place oa the resolution. which was Then put aad earned on tne voices. Cr Griffith moved That the cervix 0 f :he County ranger be dispense! with. Seconded by Cr Tait and earned. engineer’s r*j*ort. The Engineer reported es follows ; I have tli* honor te report that the progress of earthwork and brblge consiniciioa nas been considerably retarded by tne oon • nuens wst w«-«ther during the past month. Tht» position of eon tracts is as follows— Contract No. 45, Tirauuaea bridge.— Xoarly ail the um*>er and iron work is on ibe ground. One is con si meted, which is to be swung daring tn:s week. 1 aui urging the rontruotor to puhi en lue vork with tne view of having ike bridge •nnjp’sted within contrect time. As it will be neseeeary to constrain wings for no eouihsrn approach I have arranged with tiie contractor accer-Li ir’y. and mailed waders to elo»e at this nit.:mg for tii«* forraauon on south side, n dia'.ance of l<>4 chains. Contract No 291. Mangatamoka bridge. —Tile completion of ima br.dge has b*en much delayed, partly frem continuous reahes in the river and partly from the contractor not pushing the work on suffi* ciwatly. The s&ru lure is, however, now practically complete wna the cxeepi.en of one or two wing p;.«*. ft , pain ling, JCc. Cen tract No. 300, Mangarainarawa road.—Formation has been eomp.eted. corduroyed and logs floated on the road bv freshes removed. Contract No 301, Makuri bridge.—hen risen completed with the exeeptioa of trimming over one of ibe chord* .squared timber having b«*n substituted for sawn as specified 1. painimg handrail* tie. The approaches have been farmed and metalled and traffic now p**ee* on the bring*. Contract 331, creation of bridge Wood* j vi!ie-Aohanga road.—This srork is not pro-' reeding aat.sfactorfiy And much delay nas iccurred through floods having was.ied • way some of the timber wnich had placed on too low ground; this, however, .* bemg recovered aud I hope to aee the vu: h. oompieted before nsxt meeting. C ntract 332, and Bio- k 5, Maii.-ahao.—The bridge nas been completed and I expect to hear that the approeh wi.i be finished :n a Jnvor two. t'ontrac: 333, wi.ienmg Palmerston j iridle track.—tii« contract was rrmipleted .st u: .nth an 1 the Government now nav#

..and* on this road widening and clearing portions leading towards Mr Pstierson’s j section. Coni racl 535 A and B.—W oik ha* been '.arted on these contracts Maiarua creek crossing . but not much progress has yet been made. Contract 336. formation. Tutaekar*— Tins vork was comp£vedearly last month. c uract 388, Bridle track formation. A Lnkahi.—The work has b«-«<a done in ! ie throughout and the contractor i* ahou; getting his culverts into pos.tion. I may state that !y the specifieaunn the line of road had to be cleared 30ft prior to formatien : this was done, but owne rs of 'oetion* adjoining hsve fei.ed ihe busa over cleared portion, leaving :n manv places only the cutting clenr. C. iitract 3-L*.— Kaitawa iuoge road s also formed :n the rough througDOtr, aud the culverts are about to be put in. Contract 340, Bridge at No. 2 crossmg Makatro.— i ~-. contractor informs me as ha* ms material on toe ground and wifi start tiie panning out immediately. Cunirsot 342.—\N aitaliofcorua read :s m progress but has wot yet be?*i inspected.

Contract 5*41. Formation \\ sst and North Tiraumea reals.—The contractor Ims utar.y fiiuahed the former portion and wfii proceed with the North T.raumea next week. During tiie early portion of last month iiuiueniauAy heavv flood* oeeurrei throughout the Makuri distnet. and the sheep bridge at i'yise s Croatia.: wa*

washed away. Before this bridge all available information was obtained at to the m ight of floods, and the bridge ktp; 4 ft. above. It was not eoa- * dsred probable e.tner that timber in acy quant::y wouid be w asked down, aud as the biiilge was only 20 fv.H>t spans, there was not sufficient room fee the heavy trees floated down. Ihe great bu.k of the ms has been recovered and sis ked for futher use. On the Gorge toad a portion has broken '*g:>s i*f further en roach * rendered sale a* soon a*!e. thie small bridge v>n the Mam road tuli end ha* ha«l to be decked through out.—l have. etc.. D. G. Fraser. P.S. I on: ;ted to mention that snth refeta uce to the stoppage of road eadiug to \;>laoe allotments off the ;Nerth Ttrau uu'A road, serious lnconsenieuev .* caused Jvi iu that loealny. and although ll». Cauiuiissoiicr for was written io *o long back as the 27th Apr;! and u; to l)a\« the matter settled. no lehniie step ha\e a* vet apparently been

A! 'i . > » r Bolton ami seconded n\ v r Murphy. That the Eugin<*er * repost idopted. timed. RKSOLUTUntS. l'roposed b\ the Chairmen, seconded by t r »»hy, I' .i the alisrsi. »* oa tiie tea ha%e «*een paid in full i <.a;. «« v an #d. I Cr Yu.#, l hat the i kai. man be auihanscsi to obtain further legal opinum ow the piestiou of IR« tor loan fo. ksnawa R.figeroad.—Came>! by Or Yuie. Th.u r:-e mo-*;. to the Mangatamoka kkrh<xt] Umnntw Carrieil. l'rv'p,>k«Kl bv Cr W tutcomlw and seconded by Ci* Boas. Thai Mr Turk u* lot: > . eqnost oannsi be i'r:e. i.ueu . • .1': posed by Cr Tail aud by Cr Griffith That tenders U cal ed for it •• work asked for by Messrs CroUv and il Olsen. levfiers t' be .u by the lMh and to t»e accepted h% -its Chairman. I‘iMpßrtl bv Cr Griffith end seconded by Cr Tail, lhat the sorvisesof the; ditpcii'cd with.—Carried. l’iop -od bv Cr t.nffiik ami swonded bv Ci la l. 1 lisi app'u AnuO he iah io ihe Minister of Puo.ic Wotks to. }wrmts don to use io’ ii » fivmi the i K'afic, AlaiiKattao ioi . e picpoeod .o 0 e w\«.

the Mangahao river at Sinclair's crossing. —Carried. Proposed by Cr Griffith and seconded by Cr Rom. That tha general rata of the County ba apportioned as follows — l\d to ba used for maintenance of metalled roads and general working axpensas of the Counoil, and that }d ba used for repairs or construetion of unmetalled roads and spent in tha riding from which such rate is oollactad. — Carried. Propoeed by Cr Murphy, seconded by Cr Ross, That W. R. Coe be informed that tha Council had nothing to do with patting in a bailiff in his case.—Carried. Moved by Cr Tait and seconded by Cr Tnle, That the Land Board be asked to give this Council the right to cut totara on part of Forest Reserve, section 84, Block VII., Mangahao for the erection of tbs Mangahao bridge.—Carried. Proposed by Cr Bolton and seconded by Cr Whitcombs That all rates outstanding bs sued for immediately without further notios.—Carried. Proposed by Cr Whitcombs, seconded by Cr Griffith, That a statement showing the assets and liabilities of each riding be prepared each month.—Carried. Proposed by Cr Whitcombs, seconded by Cr Murphy, That Crs Murphy, Ross, and Whiteomhe be appointed a deputation to wait on the Government re the bridge over the Makuri, the North Tiraumea Road and other matters.—Carried. Proposed by Cr Murphy and seconded by Cr Yule, That the clerk finish the returns showing the amount of fees, etc., paid by each butcher or butohers in this County during the last financial year, such return to be on the table next meeting.— Carried. Proposed by Cr Yule and seconded by Cr Tait, That the Engineer bs instructed to get a foot bridge put over the overflow on the western side of the Maagatainoka river, end of the Mangahao road, to give settlers Access daring freshes in the river. —Carried. Proposed by the Chairman, and seoonded by Cr Whitcombs. “ That the special rates on all loans bs collected annually on June Ist in one sura, it being imperative that this Council have the money in hand to meet its engagements with the Government on August Ist. These rates to be demanded without regard to othor rates." —Carried. Proposed by the Chairman, and seconded by Cr Whitcombs, “ That a new by-law with regard to wheel tyro be made and that the same be made by special order. That a special meeting be held to confirm same on September Bth.—Carried. Proposed by Cr Whitcomb#, anti seconded by the Chairman, “ That the next ordinary meeting be held on September Bth instead of the Ist.—Carried. I MM I v MM. Mr J. r. Morris waited on the Council as a deputation from the Mount Merchant ! settlers, asking the Council for an expla- ! nation why the Ridge Road loan was up I set after being declared carried. The Chairman explained that one of the voters was under age. Mr Morris said the loan held good as j the petition was not put in within 14 days. ; Cr Ross said ho would move a resolu- ' tion That the road be oarried through. The Chairman said he would be liable j - to a fine if he signed it. He explained I the clause of the Act bearing on the sub- j ject. Cr Whitcomb# said he would not sign ' the document unless the money was ' guaranteed. < Cr Ross that work ought to be gone on I with. Cr Griffith recommended that the , matter stand over. It was no use getting \ the Council into trouble over the matter. Cr Terry said the Chairman ought to j satisfy them as to the legality. Cr Whitcomb# said if they allowed the work to go on lie would call for a division eu every pennv of raonev that caiuc up , for pavmoKt. Proposed by Cr Yule seconded by Cr 1 Griffith, That the Council obtain further c advioe ns to the legality with regard to the t road.—Carried. i The deputation then withdrew. i W4KMICWIUIIIH, \ Thu works committee recommended the following tenders for acceptance:—Contract 843, Wriger and Co ; eontraet 844 j Sheehan ami Kdwards; contract 34 0, Wiles ; and that in contract 314, 60 chains oulv be let.

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 805, 6 August 1894, Page 2

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Pahiatua County Council. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 805, 6 August 1894, Page 2

Pahiatua County Council. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 805, 6 August 1894, Page 2