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Pahiatua Borough Council.

Monday, June 4th, 1894.

The ordinary meeting of members of the Borough Council was held on Monday evening, when there were present:—His Worship the Mayor (MrG. H. Smith),Crs Bottom ley, Burrows, Vile, Tosswill, Briggs, Wilson. FINANCIAL POSITION. The Treasurer reported that the Council's account at the Bank of New Zealand was overdrawn to the extent of £O7l Pis lid. CORRESPONDENCE. From Mrs Willoughby, applying for charitable aid.

Mrs Connor with similar request. From County ( ouneil, notifying that the County Council will mu tho Borough Council on Friday next to discuss the bridge question. From P. Beall y, applying to have Mrs i Buuden’s name put on rate roll instead of j

his own. —Request acceded to. From Mr Bray, drawing attention to blockage of creek in Palmerston North ( street. Aid was granted to the two applicants as before. THE BLOCKED CREEK. Cr Tosswill moved : That Mr Bray be allowed 8s in connection with removal of j logs in stream in Palmerston North street. , Seconded by Cr Burrows. Cr Vile moved a* an amendment That I tho roadman bo instructed to remove the

debris in the creek. Seconded by Cr Bottomley. The motion was withdrawn and the amendment carried. LICENSE WANTED. Cr Briggs asked that a bye-law be abrogated in order to allow a hawker's license to be granted to an applicant who 1 was unable to do heavy work. The byelaw provided that only an annual license could be granted, at a cost of AT. It would be a charitable action if they could

remit part of the amount. The Mayor said they had no power to alter the bye-law. | The matter was allowed to stand over. HUXLEY STREET. i Mr Shelbourne waited on the Council I and asked if the depressions in Huxley- | street could be filled up by the Council’s staff. • Cr Tosswill moved That the Engineer J be asked to have work done to give ac--1 cess to Messrs Shelbourne and Naylor at | a cost not to exceed AT. Seconded bv Cr Vile and carried.

MAN N-STREET. The Clerk read the following report byMr Beaufort on the Mann street exten sion :

“ In accordance with instructions I have the honor to report on the portion of Mann street west shown on Mr R. P. Greville's plan, and enclose estimate of cost of formation. I give two estimates, one for a road metalled the full width of 44ft and the other for the same formation: metalled 14ft wide. Both estimates are for full formation and footpaths on each side without kerbing. The stream shown on the plan as being at the foot of the terrace is the stream which runs through the township and down by the Palmer *ton North Road, and ns you may see 1 recommend it to be diverted into the stream at about peg 19. as they join a short distance north of Mann street, and if not diverted there would bo a bridge near the foot of a heavy cutting on a rather steep grade, which is inadvisable, whereas if turned into the other the oid channel could be easily filled up and tn culvert otherwise required for the stream at 19 saved by p.acing the bridge there. Mr Greville offers, I believe, to do this deviation, so 1 append my estimate of this so that your Council can arrange at once with him. 1 append with estimate a schedule to show how 1 arrive at the engineer's report. The Engineer's report was road as fol-

“ T have the honor to report to this meeting as follows;—I have levelled from Mrs Cooper's to tlie stream for the purpose of giving relief to those suffering from storm water iu that locality and table a plan as requested, and while doing so made enquiries as to where the large amount of water which collects iu th#s< sec:ions came from ; and find that it. for the most part, come* from an overflow from the stream in Mr Hughe*’ properly, nnd find that a flood channel las i will point on your plan*, would relieve them from anv water except the rainfall. 1 also took the levels of the deviation by the school and find that it could, with great difficulty, be lowered at its upper end fully 13 inches, thereby also relieving the people living above King street. ** According to your instructions 1 in spec ted Crewe street with a view to relieving the Palmerston North road of part of its traffic, and find that about 3| chain of formation and metalling aro required, the cost of which 1 herewith submit, asd may add that the Palmerston North road i 9 already terribly out up. ** I have carefully gone over the extension of Mann street west, and submit my estimate; but would like to add that 1 have found this on the present value of laber ; this 1 mention as the road is not to be formed at present and the price of labor may rise before it is done. With estimate (scheduled) 1 attach a tracing to be Supplied to Mr Greville. “ 1 have the plan* and specifications for the footpaths in Mann and Tyndall streets ready to call for tend* r* to be in at your next meeting.

j “ The gravel oil footpaths ha- been j spread as directed as also the road metal in each of Sedcole. Cambridge, and

j Wakeman streets." I Ou the motion of the Mayor the reports j were received. Cr Vile moved That the engineer » report be received and that Mr Greville be informed that on paymvut of one-half the amount scheduled by Mr Beaufort—£ss, the plan will be approved. Seconded by Cr Burrows and carried. THE BRIDGE QUESTION. The Bridge Committee reported as follows : “ Your committee have to report that | Mr Beaufort reported ou the 31 si Mav. last week, that tho late Hoods hud materially altered the coursa of the Mangatainoka river, and that llveoontraci for diversion of the river should not in ’ consequence bo let. Tin committee *t once wired to Mr Carr to attend aud in spect the river. 11 is report is to be placed j before the Council this evening, lour committee have also to report that the committee attended at tiie meeting of the j Pahiatua County Council on the 2nd inst and arranged with that body to adjourn; until Friday, Bth inst, with a view to re , , ceiving a deputation from your Council to discuss the erection of the Maugaiaiuoka bridge aud the question of contribution by the County Council to it* cost." j A report from Mr J. T. Carr was read as follows : “ l have the honor to report that I have this d \ paid another rieil ol i Ml on. accompanied by your engineer, <» the sit* of tlu proposed works at the Manga tainoka river, and that I *ee no reason to alter my previous opinion as loth© nature of the works which it is deniable should Ibe carried out, always i.w.n j into con sideratio:i the amount of n. ncy :.\ni *l»le for tho work. I wish to state, before proceed

ingany further, that when I wasprevioualy consulted 1 wn* asked to report upon the best means of bridging the river and protecting the approaches with the money available, the cost of the work not to exceed AlfiOO. Had the question oi coel been omitted 1 should certainly have recommended the river bed right across from 1 to K fsee plan), and eiuier protecting the eastern bank or assist mg tho river to take its moot direct course, viz., from near the p.uni marked A on plan to that marked L, by excavating a Hood channel. And 1 would stdl recommend that course to be pursued if tho money could be found to do it. The coct mav be put down at £3OOO. Thar* is, however, no engineering difficulty in carrying out the previ ju» proposal should the extra money be not available for the

larger scheme. By slightly shifting the alignment of the proposed cut, as indicated by pencil on the plan, the present cost couid be considerably reduced. | Whether it be decided to bridge the whole I river bed, or only a portion as previously : -uggested. the proposed cut will be a ! necessity, as mould also be the western | approach to bridge, I would therefore l recommend that the latter be pro -eeded with, the material for same to be I obtained by excavating tile proposed cal. ! is deep as the water will allow at this i season of the year, from L towards M ; ’ that the small triangle of scrub between | tihe river and the old water channel, near A, be cleared, and the scrub stacked cooj veniently for future use in blocking I ore sent channels, and that the cut from I 1 VI to the inlet near A be excavated by ploughing and scooping, the excavated being deposited on the eastern ; side of cut. i sou i also recoin.trend I that the formation of the eastern approach

j to bridge be omitted, also the bu*h-felling, widow-planting and faaciniuq a!-ng tne western bank of cut. With regard to the ’ender* already received for t.*e work mere is power given in the conditions to liter the alignment of the work and to ut out any portions, so that the t* nders •ould be accepted, omitting the items for oush-clearing, willow plan ing, faseming, md formation of the eastern approach. The contingency of not being able to | excavate to the depth shown on sections | .v&s anticipated and prov ided for in the

specifications. Ip. conclusion I may iu:« that from an engineering point of view there is nothing to prevent the work being proceeded with at once.*’ Loan accounts were passed for payment on being certified a* being correct by the bridge committee. CPEWE sTBKKT. Cr Wilson moved Thai the Engineer be

instructed to let ths work of format:on -iud metalling in Crew*: street (metfiling of footpaths excluded' at a cost not to exceed the estimate. Seconded bv Cr Viie and carried. Cr Wilson moved That metal lx put on footpath on ea«t side of Sedco> street between W akeman-street and King street So. ‘2 at a rate of 2yds per chain. Seconded by Cr Bottomisy and carried. Cr Vile moved That in accordance with notice given on 7th May, left**, this Council strike a general rate of Is 3d in the £ on ail the rateable property within the Borough for the year commencing Ist April, I&#4. such rate to be due and payable in one sum on tha 30ih dav of dune, 1894. Seconded by Cr Burrows and earned. Cr Briggs movd That the Works Com* inittee be asked to resign. Seconded by Cr W ilson and carried. Cr Briggs gave notice to root e That in future tii* Work* Committee consist of

three members only. THE BRIDGE REIOET. The Mayor said lie had asked Mr Carr to remain in i'aiuatua till the fo.lowing morning. Hu idea wa* that having asked :fie County Council to mart them they should appoint a deputation to lay before them definite proposals, such deputation to consist of as frw members as possible, lie thought it would take a ong tune to formulate definite*. He wa* not prepare 1 with any resolution and did not wish to spring one ou the Council. How ever, to make toe discussion in order, lie would Hist the bridge commute# watt upou the County Council on Fridav next and in the event of the County Council favorably rece ving the propose! to ha\e a proc amauon issued the eost of the Mangatainoka bridge and protective works between the two bodies ; that the committee »hall place i»efore the County Council the proposals of this Council in a definite form and report to an adjournment of this meeting on Mon day. 11th inet. He had carefully avoided mentioning the proposals they would lay before them. They had Mr C arr s report which showed alternative plan*, which they could consider in committee, and definitely decide upon one of them. The motion wa* seconded by Cr Bottom ley.

Cr Vile protested against going into committee to consider the matter.

Cr Tosswill moved a* an amendment to the effect that the engagement with Mr Carr be terminated. His reasons for moving iu this direction wore shortly that from the time of obtaining :ae fir*x report Mr Carr had somewhat neglected hie duty to the Council, inasmuch as he had delayed the work considerably ; besides, he lived too far awav.

The amendment wa* not seconded. The resolution was then carried. Cr Nile said that the commi t** to be appointed to meet the County Council should be a*ked firstly to call the attention of the County Council to the fact that the Public Works Act is «tUI in existence

He would move That the Borough Council »*eing anxious to avoid if possible the necessity of a i om mission to eon*:der the question of making a p: clamaiton ; That the Council is of opinion that the river should be bridged from bank to beak, at j a cost uot to exceed £3OOO. That the j Council will find AT2SO. the County j Council to find £1250. and tha; the Go ‘ vernment be asked to find a subside of A 500; and failing an agreement on these j lines the County Council to be asked to find £6OO to the cost of the ron«tructk>a of the bridge proposed to be erected under ; the supervision of and ou the plan pro posed by Mr Carr. The Count* Council j to be asked to agree to this j Council h tv mg lull control of the works * ( outictl * while to agree to the proposal*. | It wn* necessary they should go on with ; the work. They were not going to run 1 away from the work. He hchcved Mr ; Carr knew exactly what he was doing. The resolution was seconded bv O ! Bottomley. was advisable to go on with the donation of the stream as proposed by Mr Carr, lie made the alternative sum £6OO because :he bridge would cost nearly AI2OO. and that we* about half He did not propose to the i ounty Council to contr.: uic sow mis the coal uf the deviation. t r 1 '•'►will c'laracunaed as absurd in# projtoMl to go on with the deviation of tho *tr\ ua. lie did not heheve iu Mr Carr e scheme a. all now. and thought they should act oil the proposal made long ago by Mr Heaney, to bridge the river from btnk to bank. The Mayor sa d the effect of Hie pro position hound iu. Comm! U' th. opin n that if iht t ounty i ounc I did not consent to the larger proposal it would be l*eet to amicably ngive to contribute to the e -t of the smaller b. idgc. It w ould iv useless to discues they would do if neither

proposal were agrasd lo by the County Council. Th* issolution was then carried. Cr Toss will asked that the plans and specifiealione iu connection with the deviation be sent round to the County Council. f N r Brine moved That the resolution rwgning cheques be now rescinded, and that any two Councillors shall have power to sign cheques from this date. Seconded by Cr Tosswill and carried. The Council then adjourned until Monday night next.

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Bibliographic details

Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 158, 6 June 1894, Page 2

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Pahiatua Borough Council. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 158, 6 June 1894, Page 2

Pahiatua Borough Council. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 158, 6 June 1894, Page 2