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[written srm iallt for thr iirrvlp ] l’ hi tun » a h.«rd name to r> tu -. and ha. der s ill for rhythm It's about til* hudfMt n 'iiie. for pw irs! purposes, th»»i l*v# struck yet, peifi-ip*. “ O.irugnnk um# bi aw ’’ in New S >u h W a s I’ahi itua is prononn-ed Pah I suppose, hut 1 am doubtful as to which »•. Ilali'f the iic>*eut is on. S*#m-* p-*op sound five yl. b *. souic o 1 or; others sav, ** Pahlut." I met a British (c.icknov) new chain on the road, and . sk* d him how lie p o nmim-ed it. Me fixed Ins eye g >»#» ml said : ** \w !• Paw lie© aw tow aw. Aw A loc d in in said it w is 4 * Piertu t “ I ikl asked an Irish svragmnn. Me & d : “On yes, to be sure —* Pah«*v-io-hm ’ . So w ’.l let it go ut “ Paheytoo* v.*' Mr mid it quick, anil pronounced the * a* a> in bod. awe* However, before wc reach 'd the town •inp. we * ame to the com* ti«inn that it ~p sumke. Thst were buri.i u ■ fl ih n. I « (own consisted apparent>\ of one pub « house and part of a street in the amok A id sun went down through i an a red hi » n rod. o »k ng tk • a li ims f ice with a iu u rtous el pres i n am. | >ii.> ' jaw d lAed in. And tli , tlie p.act* gave one sn itupr* asion of a big city that liad beeu burn- ! »nd was still all eie p tin- mr s le < nd of one little unc ins.d *r ibuib. You tie putting >oi r foo. i i tlenrv ! £ I 11.1 Bum ng off ih an oo ' in. iidous oi of hard so'id graft ] wou- n't answer so wel; in Auetrat lough ; i—p c ' whenr lill*- gum* w -laud for a liundr d ye ire nfier thev’i* de d. an ! g t harder every year till Vo i ht as w • I try to cut down a cast iron n uiuii with an .Hi*, or burn it dow i with ordinary tire M I* .1m jr oo y ’ .ueans the : 1 toe whe # tin ode . amp so l m od *• where ih od m* o sit down' our \us r.i'i; i b eke wou a- I r h e - n j to d a In- tit h is ti pp n it l#elore). I ii lo'd men at* k* p on the move, ns a ru < nd I liavo'i ween air. od* here *el U I ess. indeed, that n'ack j idv do 1 ' fit * e\ pi t up Oil a sc Hold in di i i • i •' I j si . .-ilu. sd iy aft. i mam ( nd seemed • wo ip was nil idol I si er y p ] lie p-*op e of P «ll a II I ale lu# Ido. .Mr*. Tli it Fire Bug d. comp i on i. i lit easily have 1 e.-n in.'•taken * \ i ie 1 1 nl.a> S i vutionists for mstauce f>* niieoiii audish he then ritts. T i« r<- w s in Viistraluui lircin mi cam »\**r here w.i * d ill it \ ou co i d • w v put o <t a fire in N w nd by iti in u :t on the ti e li«- me mt, not New Z -ill: but then lie cam* from dm y I vli. c i h* hu 1 i n,-s are twentv fivestor.i ng : - ; and. b >id s. he was'a tar. 11 m’tonc i. »\v for lie is de id. I • P.diiatu i" rein uds me tint th i-ed to be a p ace in Australia with I b i- k n one w iidi in ml “ ibt p nc lie del k" ** the ji ace will re the devi i |.- i wit down ” It was known oc i!l\ t ;**•■ i»t\i.Mii»’r."or the " Devi 'scmiu, ’ j it id looked ike j cspciatyin turns o I Irought Swa iu«*n cat ed the p'ace ** I. I So offence. [But wot*s tlmt got to do I with Pahiatua - Ed. II * * * 1 Paniatn i hasn’t got much “ »-e. erv, . to »ooak of; but neither has London (ex .•.pt in the theatres!. Palii.itua, im« other town* in this part of the Is and. set-ms to tic surrounded by a coiiip'cteeirc « I id low hit s; though you don't team to : come over any hills coming into the tow n a least no', fr »m the \\o»dvi e w y But Pain IUI i will lie a pretty p irk ikepaec l bye when the orn miont il treehave grown up and the homesteads ur. ■ finished and surrounded by wardens and i .he bids at the back of the •* Empire” ar. | stud led with villas. I’m glad to see that I ! thev are leaving dumps of native tree* ! bout in p’aces—like behind the race ' course ; but there ought to be more tree* * ! saved, at least until better trees httvi 1 time to grow. I * * * * t j There are a gooil in inv small lio’ilin-H * ' round Pahiatua—little homes and that’a good beginning. M iiu street has b en 1 laid out wide, and trees are p anted in n. 1 md that’s another good bogiuning I There’s a goo 1 deal of “ co operation" * going on—but tha;’s doubtful. It mighi l»e alrigh' over iiere in Maorilaiid, and iiw doubt it wiP be a'right fora while, hut it’ generally found to bo co-op‘ration in ,i une on’y when looked into. Indi vidualisiu is sure to get there in tile end—get* there in the beginning in fact d driven by adverse eireunistivnees toco operate. fo oper rion favqui s we.iry I i i fore and so on. You know the rest. J •• Hum mi nature” is 100 selfish ami liar ? { row and strong —yet, for reformation n ! I was offered ti* i -lav «> p tint for a “ co ( j peiativi- par . ” in \Y« lington. Havi {l lie* *ii puzzling inv brains (or vv'-mt st.iods | for thiMid ever since to know wh ru co n ' op • ration conn** in there? I co-op -rat c j ‘ several tiui * in A naira ia, and got left l perienc • (the others hid the ). I : , others got left You are putting you _ other foo? in it Ed. II ! * * V * This remind* im* that there s . sfon o d in livi lua' st, k t-ps a fruit sh »p in : • * *» nacking case whore out a on l .** , * *1 i the ro d a pi* ce towards Woodvil'e. *. ia* a sign up in front, which savs: •• L 1 * • n*l et ive.,’ There’s a p.t'hetic hi-tor\ behind that sign we fancy—a romantic one p rhaps —and a character. Thi» s go is w»il rfu !v t st irtling’y 'o ju ii when von com * to think imo m l th oil d. it. I here's another sign opp isitn (tli I Ride Club ground-) which say*: “Dog will be shot.” Think it out. s « * There are a lot of Norse names round ibout ** Pahtooey," and the Scandinavian sccenis ami expressions cling to the p ac stil I —and will for some time to ootne \Ve have a kindly fueling for Pa data I ec.inse of this—and because—A fair i h i ed voting N »r-* n* ui sail* d out and i •wav from old Norway many an ' j unny a v • it agone, and came to rh • j * juth and knock* d about on the go dti Id- | n the •• roirin’ d-vs” and got marri d. j settled down and became the author of i the author of this ridiculous article—an-1 1 inal'v dud ip harness and was laid to I real in lus n irrr.w be<l among the B inMountains of New South Wales. God i I bless him -aud them. Main street was made so wide because ' it was at tirst intended to run the railway f hrough it. But the line is another way. I never yet came across a township that wasn't going have a rai way. I’m to'd tliat Main s re* t is the w idest in New Zealand, but it might be a lie. » * * * Th# very early days of Pahiatua were wi d and sinful, I believe ; but the town's i reformed now. The sinners have turned ' respectable for the most Dart, nr •*"». * grated. But there are some good siuners - here yet. The people differ little from ’ hose of any other country town m \u* i iralia or New Z. .i imi 'I he town is I peculiar fi*r the iiu .ilia of old men at |* gr-ft. also iiniid rs. ii l m\s eriou* ! ' disappearances. V lot -*f good ghastly. 5

Sydney-Bu‘ let in yarns cou dbe the e-l round hers ; but the “ scene" would have to be shifted Pahiatua looks too peaceful for such things Some or th* cV, -Ir.'n ire verv prcltv. * p ilv he rt’e gir's. I’here -re soul • p*vuv in gr - tc»*». ♦ * * * I was to’d th r some *»f ’he hi “gest •la«s.-s in N< m Z a’ -ml w.-r** in a pnh. in Palm na. Th v are supp »-• *1 to lin’d • it«h* nvi-r • pint, hut th* v *l«»ii’i hold i»v hing as a ru e—ex '«‘P‘, p rh P' du t uni |,*tid lie* in the hi unin. Tliov arc a tiled *' Tuck y’s.” b. cause »n cM g- n lc • nan mined I’u-key p » t.d tiem firs' le said heM have one of ** h in th •re." Mid he -got i’ too. h«»fore Ilcbe coulil re •ow r from h r ind mnt nsto lishment He was a h rd >ise. ihi* he cTnekev hut •h *!’- another s ory W put dwn \ h<»h md sai«l w d have a couple of* Tu-k v’* ’ ”.u* we -i .ln’t. Thev’re kpi foi show. I think or. mix be. for state occasions and • um*rgenc ies. They stand a couple of nches above the other gl.isses on the . de hoar-1, and ’oak taut ili*ingly t- mp» ng but they n v.-r stan-1 on the bur. n* Sr ms I know. There ire mugs in Svdnev nw thru lin’d a q-ur . nl oil CMI ge hem for ourp nee. D on'v Mikes 'hr--four drink'* of that size N» make a ms • •«’ coinfortnb'e. ***** M .iiu street wi ! be a gran-1 street some I iv. no doubt. It is p easant to see th* • )Vi mill) ii; him thr»ugh th • me p<) <treet of Pahi. tun in the gloom u-g . but th** pleasantness is tinged with a I-r of s idness. for we ar« alre.idy in th«h'*dow of s eoirrng time when the d-* ndnnts of tlnm • e»»w- won’t he show » m•au 1 r hmi» th-oi rh M iin s*re ? n the g'oaming tliev’ll l*e imuound 1 n I their owner* lind up hr lie In-p cf . *f Nuisance# or wl-.i*e\* r thst in-• u»' -huM be called in th*-a # t% \m \ lio tin s The p’.ace won’t b• »• all. -f •• Pah hee all tii »” tlien. for hat name sha!! I too bin : for such busy tunes. * * * * For F thivna slia’f b * **n imp »rt in* town sonic d-v We know th : s li-uiis •v u ver ve* cam • across a tow h n that » ssn’t go-ng 'o he in uuportant town an lav ex*-p one; ml that was 'o : n r * be nn important eitv. Th -re’ll b h hir'd n's in Pihi tna -wareho’-s.-s and “ nip » ium».” and •• ch nnb■•r*.” and •i •« r, s, -nd a a*, -nd the e’eetric h . and tr.amw vs, and .nooning ml i n : »i*g pprs • rul ;■ Wi k' ; ?md nnein fi’ov <1 "’o w» 1 hnii-r round ’ dav, nn-’ p in the p M k* •'* it - "ht, or mil r thvvirngs in i inv w fthi r. and wish th»* hev were tlea«l : and then there will b t-uk- s and s > *ialls' * .anil in irehi* # 'fid L mini e ; and the local p p i* will risi* • n v. r\ possib'** (and impossrble) oo# »*ioi* ud draw a t tituni ’o he ■ li- noinn ngressthaf Pahiatua In* mad dur'n*. lie ’ast H< v* ral year* :au ihe 'inks tbn ind u- to Norwav. Sw 1 *n. G»:-in:nv, Great Brita ; n. and Ire’ -nd. and a’l th* .h r f-ther land*, wi!’ be broken and ’ mi.'.] nd forgotten* m l von Mid I wi'l - ive turned tip our to « ong ago ; and nive th* o'd**st im- wi hiv * forgo’ton - *w Pahiatua ’n«>k d n 'he firs- dav®. -en a*, w • have u'.iv forgo*ten how if .oki-d b fore the bush was burned. Th* i le*: her will have forgotten n'so. but h •i-un’t !e on; an! !i ivi I ’iv** for eve*nd dribb'e and dodder round, and cronk. nd drivel about oM tim * ; and k »ep on . lrawing : t ention to the a'hgid fact tha* long-; w t • liff *rent. and better in “ those la;.*.” In these days, we mean. Harry Lawson*.

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Bibliographic details

Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 119, 5 March 1894, Page 3

Word Count

Pahiatua. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 119, 5 March 1894, Page 3

Pahiatua. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 119, 5 March 1894, Page 3