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The half-yearly meeting of the ■ Otago District, M.U.1.0.0.F., was held at Palmerston on Friday. Prov. G.M. T. M. Michelle presided, and the following district officers were present:—Prov. D.G.M. E. Longworth, Prov. C.S. J. A. Hopcraft, Prov. Treasurer —A, Shgo, P.P.G.M. P. H. Young. The delegates were as follow: — Hand and Heart.—N.G. W. H. Liddicoat jun., W. Bryant, Elec. Sec W. G. S. Parker, GAI. S. V. Cotton. P.P-G.M.'s J. H. F. Hamel, W. Fleming, J. H. G. Clarke, P.G.’s R. H. Cumberbach and F. Austin. Dunedin.—V.G. C. B. Stewart, Elec. Sec. A. Cameron, P.G.’s C. H. West. A. M'Dougall, G. Crosbie, and C. B. Barrowclough. Dalton.—N.G. A. Moffat and P.P.G Al C. J. Wood.

Prince of Wales.—N.G. J. A. Clark, G.M. R. Cromarty, P.G. R. S. Jack, Per. Sec. W. J. Johnston. P.P.GJM. A. Cable Albion—Elec. Sec. H. A. Penny, Per. Sec. A, G. Monk, P.G. H. Alpine, S. Smith, A. J. Smith, P.P.G.M. P. W Stabb.

Oamaru.—V.G., R. W. Arnott, GAI. G. R. Gregory. P.G.’s F. P. Phillips, H.Keen, Per. Sec. W. Couper. Tuapeka Pioneer. —P.G. G. Gore. P.P.G.M. F. W. Knight. Prince Alfred.—N.G. D. Russell, P.G W. J. Willcock. Naseby.—P.G. F. P. Christopher, P.G C. L. Calvert.

Alexandra.—Per. Sec. A. M. Wylie. P.G.’s A. W. Ogilvy and J. Dunn. Roxburgh.—N.G. E. Pinder, P.G. F. J Laloli.

Tapanui.—N.G. E. Mowat and G.M. J R. Kirk.

Cromwell.—P.P.GAJ. R. S. Black Palmerston.—P.G.s G. Ross, D. S M'Dougall. and Per. Sec. W. Pittaway. Mount Wendon.—P.G. J. Ferris. Band of Friendship.—Per See. W. T. Barnett.

Mosgiel.—V.G. W. M. Park and Per Sec. W. Weir.

Cayersham.—P.G.’s E. J. W. Hey, J H. List, J. W. W. Lunam, H. E. Emmerson. and D. Cooke.

Valley.—N.G. G. Macdonald, Elec. Sec. A. Thompson, and P.P.G.M. J, A. Robson

Ngapara.—Per. Sec. A. Murray. Dunback.—Per. Sec. H. E. Hocking and P.G. G. E. Glover.

Kaitangata—N.G. A. Hawkins, V.G. K. Rennie, P.G.’s H. Connor and J. R. Robertson.

United Brothers. —Per. Sec. E. Morgan. Milton.—N G. L. H. Lilburne and P.G. G. P. M'Gregor. Maniototo. —N.G. I. Milne, Elec. Sec. E. Forrester.

Centenary.—N.G. J. G. Peake and P.G. D. Rose Vincent.—P.G. T. Read. Upper Clutha. —G.M. J. Dickie and P.G. R. Lee.

Queen of Otago.—N.G. Sister E. G. Bowmar. Princess Mary.—V.G. Sister M. M‘Allan and P.G. R. Muntz. Victoria.—N.G. Sister M’Donald and V.G. Sister H. Smith.

THE MAYOR’S WELCOME. Before the business commenced the Mayor of Palmerston (Mr W. H. Hopkins) welcomed the delegates and congratulated the Loyal Palmerston Lodge on attaining its sixtieth anniversary. DISTRICT OFFICERS’ REPORT.

The numerical statement presented by the district officers showed that there had been a membership of 6199 males on January 1, and of 6173 on June 30—a decrease of 26. The female membership on January 1 had been 244 and on June 30 279 —an increase of 35. The financial statement for male members showed that the receipts had been £19,570 4s lOd. Expenditure had amounted to £12,451 4s, the total lodge funds on June 30 being £344,878 18s 3d. The financial statement for female members showed the receipts to be £334 19s 9d, and the expenditure £205 2s lid, leaving a total fund of £852 19s lOd. The annual report stated, inter aha, that the annual movable conference of 1930 had been held at Plymouth. The membership of the Order had been referred to as being over 2,000,000, with capital amounting to £24,000,000, while the recent valuation has disclosed a surplus of £3,440,215, of which £2,000,000 had been appropriated for special benefits. The question of increased contributions for members engaged in hazardous occupations had provoked a deal of discussion, and it was pleasing to note that the conception of brotherhood, in the bearing of one another’s burdens, had reached the point of lodges being allowed to drop the hazardous occupation tax, provided that members who received compensation for accidents were not to be paid sickness benefits in respect of •such accidents; A proposal from the directors to appoint public auditors for the audit of the Unity accounts had given rise to an interesting and lively debate, and the meeting had refused to accede to the wishes of the board. The directors had, however, been supported in a move towards improving the position in regard to lodge auditing. Bro. Robert Annis was the newly-appointed Grand Master of the Order, with Bro. T. R. Morgan as his deputy. The interest and attendance at the scheduled interchange of visits continued with the utmost enthusiasm and provided a welcome change from the ordinary lodge routine.

The new hand book was being compiled and it was confidently anticipated that it would reach the previous high standard. At last district meeting the secretary (PT*.G.M. Bro. B. H. Rosevear) had an nounced his resignation. Bro. Rosevear had accepted “the secretarial duties in 1924, and since then he had worked most assiduously with the editors in turning out what was considered to be one of the best publications of its kind. The officers regretted the necessity of his curtailed activities in this sphere of labour and expressed their appreciation of hie valuable services. To his successor (P.G, Bro. Alpine) the officers extended their good wishes and trust for a continuation of the good work. Under the able guidance of P.P.GJM. Bro. G. Clark the past grand’s lodge had

been, meeting during the winter. Several evenings of a social character had been held, and it .was gratifying to the committee to welcome many of the stalwarts in Oddfellowship. Instructive papers re lating to Oddfellowship and friendly society work had also been prepared and read by some of the ablest brethren. Looking to the future, it was felt tha’ the past grand lodge would be a great asset to the Otago district, and the officers again appealed to all past grands to support the worthy master and his officers in furthering this inner circle of Oddfellowehip. Favourable reports had been received from the management committees controlling the juvenile branches, each branch showing marked progress. The officers again recorded their pride and appreciation of the work of the hos pital visitors. It was pleasing to note from many expressions of thanke from brethren who had been inmates in hospitals, that the kindly interest of the visitors was highly esteemed. P.G.’s A. J. Smith and C. Hunt and Bro. R. Sharpe (at Wakari Sanatorium) had given consistent attention to their duties, and during the absence of P.G. Smith, who had gone to the North Island during the winter months, P.G. Bro. C. West had stepped into the breach and had carried on the good work Among the deaths recorded during the term had been P.G. J. M. Rodger, of the Hand and Heart, who had been a trustee at the time of his death, and had been in office some years. Bro. John Boon had also been a P.G. of the Hand and Heart Lodge, and had died in Victoria after a membership of 56 years. Per. Sec. W. Couper, of Oamaru Lodge, had been awarded the 50-membership medal, having initiated that number into his lodge. The executive desired to impress on lodges the desirability of keep ing funds well invested. The district trustees were prepared to accept any sums from lodges at any time, and in the event of extra expenditure a withdrawal could be made to recoup. Lodges had been forwarded a tabulated form to show particu lars of their investments to be sent to Prov. C.S. half-yearly, which had been overlooked by a majority of the lodges Such i-eturns enabled the executive to act in accordance with district rule 17, and must be carried out.

Pointing out that 178 male and 15 female members had been lost during the half-year, Bro. List (Caversham) moved; —“That a return be submitted to the next half-yearly district meeting showing the number (1) of male members who have joined the Order during the ’ 1000 membership campaign’ and have since seceded; (2) the same information regarding female members.” it was stated that the motion had been framed with the object of finding out what the actual effect of the campaign had been.


Bro. Hamel dealt at length with the progress of the Order in Great Britain, and referred to the fact that the Auckland district had presented a gold chain for the Deputy G.M. of the Order. He moved the following motion: —“ That this meeting of delegates tenders its congratulations to the Auckland district for the splendid fraternal expression voiced by giving a chain of office for the deputy G.M. of the Order, and a suitable letter be sent to the Auckland district.” Bro Robson strongly advised younger members to study literature issued by the Home organisation.

Bro. Stabb said that there need be no concern regarding the stability of the Order at Home. It had a membership ot 2,000,000, and had shown a surplus of £3.000,000 in its last year. He did not agree with the action of the Auckland district. Had the money been spent in the cause of humanity it would have been better. Trimmings and trappings meant nothing; it was the brotherhood which counted. He hoped that the Order would never degenerate into an insurance scheme The motion was carried. OPENING RITUAL.

The following motion was carried, after a short explanation by Bro. Johnston:— “ That it be a recommendation to the district executive to incorporate in our opening exercises the opening ritual of the A.M.C.” SUPPLY OF HAND BOOKS.

A discussion took place on the adequacy of the supply of hand books, “and it was* stated that the Hand Book Committee wa>considering the question of printing copies The outcome of the discussion was a suggestion to the committee that it communicate with the lodges with the object of obtaining greater co-operation in the distribution of books. LONG SERVICE AS SECRETARY.

It was decided to send a telegram to P.G. James Brown congratulating him on the completion of 50 years’ service as secretary of the Loyal Hand and Hear> Lodge. INVESTMENTS.

When the question of investments came under consideration, Bro. Stabb issued a warning that under the present conditions trustees must be very guarded in their operations. Values must fall and lodges would be wise to send their money to the Central Investment Commit tee.

Bro. Robson advised delegates to go back to their lodges and ask that secur 1 ties be clearly reviewed. Bro. Sligo stressed the importance ol being careful that the lending of funds was not influenced by local considerations. DIARIES. It was decided that half a gross of the large diaries should be procured from the A.M.C. RECOGNITION OF SERVICES. The district officers were asked to make a presentation to Bro. Rosevear in recognition of his services as secretary of Hie Hand Book Committee. NOMINATIONS. The following nominations of officers were received:—Prov. G.M., Bro. E. Longworth; Prov. D.G.M., Bros. E. J. W. Hey, F. Millier, C. L. Calvert, and R. Wylie; Prov. C.S.. Bro. J. A. Hopcraft; Prov. Treasurer, Bro. A. Sligo; auditor, Bro. C. Grater; Lodge Cook examiners, renominated; Arbitration Committee, renominated, with the addition of P.P.G.M. P. H. Young; Competitions Committee, renominated; Friendly Societies’ Council, renominated.


The secretary reported on behalf of the Rules Revision Committee that its work was now nearing completion. It was the intention of the committee to obtain legal advice on the secession, dissolution. and_ suspension rules, and within reasonable time a meeting of the Standing Committee to confirm them would be called.

The report was adopted. GREETINGS TO OLD MEMBERS. It was decided to send the greetings of the meeting to Bro. M'Kean, the oldest surviving member of Loyal Palmerston Lodge, whose age was stated to be 96. COMBINATION OF OFFICES.

The adoption of the following remit was moved by Bro. Lunam on behalf of Loyal Caversham Lodge.—“ That the positions of secretary of the Hand Book Committee and publicity officer of the Otago district be combined, and that a salary commensurate with the duties of the office be fixed by the conference.” The mover contended that too much was paid to the publicity officer, and pointed out that nothing was paid to the hand book secretary.

Bro. Robson opposed the remit on the ground that it would create another paid office. The motion was lost. MEMBERSHIP MEDALS.

Bro. Hey moved on behalf of Loyal Caversham Lodge:—“That the resolution bearing on the proposal and initiation of candidates in connection with the 25, 50, 75. and 100 member medals, be amended in the direction of including female initiations. and that this be made retrospective to the date of the formation of female lodges.” The motion was carried. SICK MEMBERS’ CONTRIBUTIONS.

Bro. Robertson moved the following remit on behalf of Pride of Kaitangata Lodge:—‘That it be a recommendation to the district executive that a fund be inaugurated, to be known as a contribution payment fund, from which dues shall be paid w’hile they are in receipt of sick pay ” The mover claimed that it was unfair to ask members to continue to pay their dues while they were in receipt of sick pay. He stated that, in view of the fact that dues still had to be paid, the allowances which were made were not so large as they seemed to be at first sight. Hamel pointed out the difficulty of assessing what the amount to be set aside should be. At his suggestion, the following resolution was substituted:— “That it be a recommendat'on to the district executive, after the receipt of the report on the quinquennial valuation, to take into consideration the inauguration of a fund to pay members’ subscriptions wlv'le they, are in rece : pt of sick pay.” The motion was carried. GRANT FOR LODGE.

The following remit was moved on behalf of Oamaru Lodge:—“That a grant of £2O be made by the Otago district to the Management Fund of the Loyal Star of the North Lodge.” The motion was carried. VIGILANCE COMMITTEES. The following remit was moved on behalf of Oamaru Lodge:—“ That the remit regarding vigilance committees passed at fhe half-yearly meeting at Pembroke on .. oq 1928. be rescinded and the following substituted:—‘Each lodge shall g an.e committee of not fewer than five members for the purpose of in--owing members in arrears and preventing secessions. A central comm.ttee shall also be formed to advise and assist Lodge Committee. Vigilance committees shall report to the central committee at intervals of six months. All particulars of members 26 weeks in arrears shall be inc'uded in this report.’ ” The resolution was unanimously carried, the present committee being formally reappointed ANNUAL BALANCES. Bro. Sligo moved the adoption of the following remit on "behalf of the district officers:—“That in view of unexpected difficulties which have arisen in regard to the proposed alteration of balance dates, the decision of the meeting on March 23. 1929, to close the financial year on November 30 be rescinded.” He stated that the law required the closing date to be December 31, and auditors would not sign declarations when the returns were made out to November 30. After a lengthy discussion the motion was carried by a large majority. GENERAL. The fixing of the date and place of the next purple lecture and past officers’ degree meeting was left in the hands of the district officer. It was decided to make a donation of £lO 10s for the provision of delicacies for the patients at the Pleasant Valley Sanatorium.

The levy rate for the half-year was fixed at 3s 6d.

The fixing of the place and date of the next district meeting was left in the hands of the district officers. A vote of thanks was accorded the Palmerston brethren for the way in which they had attended to the needs of the delegates. DELEGATES ENTERTAINED.

On Thursday night the visiting delegates were the guests of the Loyal Palmerston Lodge at what proved to be one of the most successful functions ever held in the local Town Hall, just over 200 couples participating in a grand ball. The building was tastefully decorated.

The grand march was led by P.G.M. Bro. T. P. Michelle and Mrs Wills. The task- of catering for so large a gathering was admirably carried through. During the course of the ball the P.G.M. presented to the Loya) ton Lodge the Efficiency Shield. ft doing so he extended sincere congratt** lations to the lodge and its officers on their meritorious victory. The feat of the lodge was really wonderful. N.G. Bro. Stan. Wills suitably acknowledged the remarks of the P.G.M. and spoke of the excellent work now being done by the lodge to retain the shield, some 10 candidates having been initiated in thro# lodge nights. The Oddfellows’ toast closed the inch dent.

On Friday night the delegates wer» entertained at a banquet.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3994, 30 September 1930, Page 65

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MANCHESTER UNITY. Otago Witness, Issue 3994, 30 September 1930, Page 65

MANCHESTER UNITY. Otago Witness, Issue 3994, 30 September 1930, Page 65