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DUNEDIN, August 6

On Monday night a very large number of men and women arrived from the Canterbury Training College to play the Otago Training College. Hockey was played on Wednesday, swimming, basketball, football, boxing, and debating taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday. A number of the girls were billeted out, •whilst others stayed with their friends. All the matches were played at Logan Park, with the exception of the tennis, ■which was played at Anderson’s Bay. The debating was in the Allen' Hall. A ball in connection with the college was given to the visitors by the Otago Training College, and was held in the Allen Hall on Wednesday night, when the hall was most beautifully decorated with all kinds of spring flowers, garlands of greenery, and streamers of the local and visiting Training College colours. Dancing, was kept going till late, a most efficient orchestra having an inspiring effect. Charming dresses of all descriptions were to be seen. A sumptuous supper was enjoyed by all, and later in the evening the singing of “ Auld Lang Syne " brought a very successful dance to a close.

At the end of last week an enjoyable dance was given by the Sports Club at Archerfield School, when a delightful time was spent. A large number of mistresses and girls was present.

An enjoyable time was spent by the Aorangi Chib when the members met at Miss J. Jones’s house to take part in a programme of concerted music. The evening was opened by Miss A. White and Miss Stokes, who chose for their duet a selection by Tschaikowsky: Mrs J. A. Moore. Mrs White, and Miss R. M’Dougall sang; Miss Shaw played a violin obligato with Miss A. White as accompanist; Miss G. Benton played a rhapsody by Domlay. Miss Morrison contributed a song by Mozart; Mrs Moore and Miss M’Gibbon sang a duet: Mrs Sundstrum and Miss Shaw played a violin duet, and Mrs Edmondson and Miss Justice sang a duet. A charming item was that in which Mrs Sundstrum (violin), Miss Jones (’cello), Miss White (piano) played while Mrs Anderson sang. After the conclusion of the musical programme, which was much enjoyed, a delightful supper, intermingled with chat, ended a very pleasant evening.

A beautifully arranged danee by the St. Hilda’s Old Girls was given in the Tudor Hall on Wednesday evening. Mrs Barling, an old girl of the school, had gone to a lot of trouble to make everything unusually bright and artistic. The large mantelpiece, beneath which a glorious fire was brightly burning, was decorated with lovely strands of green, intermingled with the school colours and the college badge. On the orchestral stage soft greenery and flowers were to be seen. The supper tables were decorated with pretty blue cloths and spring flowers in tall vases. Some very bright and smart dresses worn by those present added greatly to the charm of the room, and a great help was the coloured lights which flashed prettily throughout the- evening. Amongst those noticed present were Mesdames A. C. Stephens, Howard Dodgshun, Gerald Fitzgerald, Harty. M’Dougall. Neill. Smeaton. Barnett. Boyd, M’Millan. Barron. Anderson, Barling. Boyd. Bridgeman, de Clive Lowe, B. Nichol, M’Dougall. Nichols. Erskine, Owles. Paterson. Reid. Richard. Scorgie, Sise, Smith. Duncan. Young, and Haggitt. Misses Cheeseman, Conn. Allan. Brewer, Fitchett, Gallaway. Gibbs, Featherstone, Halsted. Hislop, Oram, Moloney (2), Milne (2), Howlison. Hart, Haggitt, Irwin. Lane. M‘Arthur. Maunsell, Nevill, Piekerill. King, Livingstone. Macpherson, Phillis Peake, Lane, Phillips, Wright, Sheridan. Stronach. Salmon, Steele, Stokes. Vipan*(2), Williams, and Whitelaw. the Rev. Lionel Richards. Messrs de Clive Lowe, Tapley. Boyd, Bridgeman, Andrews. Barling. William Duncan, Young, Blunt. Binney, Dawson. Dunne, Edmond. Fitzherbert. Neill. Bridgeman, Kilby, J. Laidlaw. Hislop, Herbert, Hart, Green'slade. N." Haggitt, Gibbs, Laing. Martin, D. Macpherson, Butler, Wingfield, and Sleigh.

Mrs W. Scaife, of Glen Dhu Bay. is at present on a short holiday in Dunedin.

The engagement is announced of Silvia, youngest daughter of Mrs F. E. Shrimpton, of St. Clair. Dunedin, to, Franklyn only son of Mrs M. Duncan; of Papanui. Christchurch. ' '

Mr and Mrs Cecil’Grave are at present spending a holiday in Dunedin. They arrived from Christchurch during the week.

Miss Doreen Hight is the guest of Miss Nimmo, High street, Dunedin.

Mr and Hardie Johnson, who, with, their family,, arrived from Scotland, al short time ago. have now taken up the vicarage of All Saints’ Church,.’Cumberland street, which will be their residence, in the future.

. On Friday morning, after spending a delightful few days in Dunedin, Miss Colleen Lukis, who was the guest of the Misses Graham, Heriot row, returned to Christchurch.

Mr and Mrs Donald MacDonald, Edendale, are at present on a short visit to the north.

Miss M. Maeandrew left on Tuesday for Wellington, where she is on a visit to friends.

Mrs Oldham, who was on holiday at Waimate, has returned to Dunedin.

Miss M. S. Stephenson has gone north en route for a holiday which she will spend at Mount Cook, where she joins a number of friends.

Mrs T. G. Brickell, of Macandrew’s Bay. has returned from a visit to Invercargill.

Mr and Mrs Russell Laidlaw, who have lived at “ Elmwood,” The Keys, have sold out their old home and are at present staying with Mr and Mrs Laidlaw, Pitt street. Before leaving The Keys they had a number of parties and a presentation given them. During the few years they lived in the district they endeared themselves to the people, and all are sorry at their departure. At present Mr and Mrs Russell Laidlaw have not decided where they will live.

After spending a short holiday with her relations at Macandrew’s Bay, Mrs 1). Crawford returned from staying with Captain and Mrs Colin M’Donald to her home in Wellington.

Miss Finch left for the north en route 'or Mount Cook.

On Saturday evening Mrs Leslie Mills gave a delightful dinner party at the Grand Hotel, when an enjoyable time was spent. Afterwards the guests danced at the Tudor Hall for the rest of the evening.

Mr and Mrs Macpherson recently spent a short holiday at Queenstown, where they enjoyed the beautiful scenery very much.

A delightful Wednesday afternoon musical hour was arranged by Miss Whitson at the Otago Women’s Club. All the afternon tea tables were full, and the occasion was much enjoyed by those .present. Some excellent pianoforte solos given by Mrs Raynor Bell were much enjoyed; Miss Whitson and Miss Oram were the vocalists, who also gave a great deal of pleasure in their items. It is a very charming idea to be able to have music with afternoon tea. Miss Whitson is to be thanked for the trouble taken by her.

It is very interesting to hear of the name Miss Vera Moore has made for herself whilst studying music on the Continent. In Vienna, from where she went to Naples, finally returning as far as Australia. She is now giving concerts at the Conseiwatorium of Music at Sydney. She proceeds to New Zealand next Week. Whilst in Dunedin she will be the guest of her sister. Mrs H. Ball. Miss Moore intends being back in England for Christmas,

On Friday evening the Medical Students’ Association held a very successful danee in the Allen Hall, which was gay and prettily decorated. Supper was served in the men’s common room, which was comfortably arranged with smail. tables decorated with spring ' flowers. Present were Dr and Mrs Riley, Dr and Mrs Thomnson, Dr and Mrs Gowland, Dr and Mrs Herons, Dr and Mrs Batchelor. Dr and Mrs Drennan, Dr Carmalt Jones, Dr Roland Fulton, Misses Patterson, Oram (2). P. Stronach, Brewer (2), Throp, G. Hislop, Lane, and Dale Austen. Mrs Mill, of Port Chalmers, left on Saturday for Christchurch. The Misses Mill have gone to Auckland for a few weeks. Miss Denniston is visiting friends in Christchurch. INVERCARGILL. August 4. Mr and Mrs Donald Macdonald, of Edendale, visited Dunedin during the Week. Miss Joan Reid, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs E. R. Wilson. Gladstone. Mrs and Miss Story, of Venlaw, and Mrs T. Menzies Watson. of-Morven, were the guests of Mrs J. L. Watson, Forth street, for the opera season. Miss Marjorie Todd has returned from Ashburton. - Mips Phyllis Drewe.has returned from The Rocks. Mrs J. A. Lush, Don street, has gone to Wellington to meet her husband oh his return from America. • ' ! An afternoon tea whs given in the reception room of the Women’s Club by Mrs T. S. Miller on Saturday afternoon for Mrs E. H. S., Miller to meet her Invercargill friends before leaving for her new

home in Auckland. Amongst those present were Mrs Lush. Mrs R. Crawford, Mrs P. B. Macdonald. Mrs E. R. Wilson, Mrs J. L. Watson, Mrs C. Gilbertson, Mrs C. B. Tapley, Mrs J. T. Carswell, Mrs J. B. Snow, Mrs G. Moffett. Mrs Christophers, Mrs Prain, Mrs F. C. Beere. Mrs W. Bews, Miss Dundas, Miss G. Bedford, Miss E. Bews, Miss Hilda Macdonaid, Miss K. Wilson, Miss Lulu Henderson, and Miss Mollie Miller.

There were 10 tables for bridge at the Southland Women’s Club on Monday evening. Mrs D. Cuthbertson won the prize for the highest score for the month. Those present were Mesdames L. B. Hutton, R. R. Binney. W. S. Todd, M. Mitchel, A. F. Hogg, J. Macleod, J. Thomson. W. G. Clark, P. H. Vickery. Pasley. G. M’Donald, H. J. Fafrant, C. E. Watts, F. O. MacGibbon, T. 11. Robinson. Hackworth, R. J. Gilmour, J. T. Carswell, H. O. Stuckey, J. R. Sutton, T. M. Macdonald, C. F. A. Jones, A. H. Mackrell. Ivo Carr. D. Cuthbertson, F. C. Beere, W. Handvside, G. Cruickshank, A. M. Macdonald. R. Crawford. T. F. Macdonald, J. G. Macdonald. Misses Brodrick, Waymouth, Featherstone, Perrin, Brown, and Campbell.

WAIMATE, August 3. Mr and Mrs J. O’Hara have returned after spending a few days at the Hermitage. Mrs Templar, Harris street, is spending the week-end with her sister, Miss Wright, of Timaru. Miss K. M’Lean is visiting her mother, Mrs H. M’Lean, Point Bush road. Mrs George Hennessy, “ Garryowen,” Morven, is the guest of her sister, Mrs Randal Burdon, of Woodbury. Mrs G. Holmes spent a few days in Timaru last week. Miss J. Studholme has returned from her visit to Timaru.

Among the guests at “Te Kiteroa ” is Mrs Cockburn, of Dunedin.

The last meet of the Waimate Hunt Club was held at the “ Kennels ” on Thursday. The day was cold, but the attendance was good, many following on horseback, and a few in cars. The Boyle Cup golf match between Timaru Ladies’ Club (holders) and Waimate, play’ed at Highfield on Wednesday, resulted in a win for Timaru by 4 to 1. The Waimate players were Mrs Templar, Miss Hertslett, Mrs Rattray, Mrs Fitch, and Miss G. Manchester.

TIMARU, August 4. Mrs Williams, Woodbury, is on a visit to Christchurch. *

Mrs Lyne, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Hurst, Park lane. Mr and Mrs J. Wooding, jun., Four Peaks, have left for the North Island. Mr and Mrs Henry Reid, who were with Mrs Ernest Howden, Park lane, have returned to Dunedin.

Mrs Vizer has gone back to Wellington after a visit to Mrs W. R. Fea, Elizabeth street.

. Visitors in Timaru for the ScottBridgeman wedding to-day include Mr, Mrs, and Miss Bridgeman, Miss Olive Clayton, Dunedin, Mr and Mrs E. A. Hamilton, Palmerston North. Mr T. D. Scott, Wanganui, and Mr T. D. Scott, Dannevirke.

Mr and Mrs Fraser, of Dunedin, are the guests of Mrs Orr-Walker, Sefton street. Mrs Gordon Mills,of Dunedin, is spending a few weeks with Mrs W. Goodman, Ternuka. . . ,

Miss Peggy M’Arthur, Highfield. left yesterday on a visit to Invercargill. Miss M. Fyfe, of Auckland, is the guest of Mrs A. S. Taafe, Waimate. Mr and Mrs Michael Mullins, North street, intend to go to Sydney this month. Miss Bowker, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs Charles Bowker, Sarah street.

Mrs M. Richards and Mr and Mrs J. Richardson, of Timaru, will leave ou August 17 for Sydney to attend the forthcoming Eucharistic Congress. Misses Mary and Nancy Bond, Claremont, and Miss Cecil Elworthy, Craigmore. left on Wednesday to stay with Mrs Marmaduke Bethell. Pahau Pastures, for the Amuri Hunt Ball.

Mrs George Manchester, of Waimate, has returned from several weeks’ holiday in the North Island.

■ The engagement is announced of Koa, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. 0. Ferguson, late of Waimate, to James Edward, eldest son 'of Mr ’and Mrs William Milner, of Christchurch.

Mr Bernard Thomas, of Wanganui, is. the guest of Mrs Timaru Rhodes, Hadlow. Mrs, F. S. Davidson, who is at the Grosvenor Hotel, will return to Christ-' church bn Saturday. The Misses O’Meeghan. Le Crens terrace, have left for a visit to Sydney. On Wednesday night at the Women’s Club Mrs N. D. Mangos. Mrs Bannerman, Mrs W. D. Campbell. Mrs L. E. Finch, Mrs H. Hay, Mrs H. Hall, Mrs E. G. Kerr. Mrs F. A. Raymond, and Mrs W. H. Walton were joint hostesses at a very enjoyable musical evening given in honour of Mrs C. Ziesler, of Sydney, whose soprano voice of wonderful quality and flexibility, combined with a charming personality, proved a remarkable treat for the guests. Other musical items, which were much appreciated, were given by the following artists: —Miss Erica W.estmacott, Mr G. Andrews, Mr R. Holdgate, and

Mr Daly Davies. Mrs Mangos accompanied in her usual finished style. Mrs Ziesler wore a dainty frock of black net. appliqued with shaded roses, and carried a posy of violets and Christmas roses, the gift of. the hostesses. The rooms were artistically decorated wit’ll bowls of greenery, stylotis, and primulas. Mrs W. A. Moore, president of the Plunket Society, is to be congratulated on the great success of the delightful entertainment organised by her in the Theatre Royal last night, in aid of the Plunket Society. The first half of the programme was much enjoyed and in the second really beautiful tableaux of many pieces of old china were represented with every detail carried out to perfection. A very large and appreciative audience attended.

A pretty wedding took place on Friday in the Trinity Presbyterian Church, which was prettily decorated, when Eleanor, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Scott, of Bidwell street, was married by the Rev. J. Dow. to Dr William George Bridgeman, son of Mr and Mrs Bridgeman, of Dunedin. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dainty frock of beige lace over shell-pink georgette and a pink crinoline straw hat with beige lace and a posy at one side, the pink satin streamers being tied under her chin. Her shoes and stockings were gold, and she carried a bouquet of pink and cream anemones tied with pink streamers. Miss Clayton and Miss Beryl Bridgeman, of Dunedin, were her bridesmaids. The former was in powder blue georgette, banded with taffeta and a blue picture hat. and carried a pink and blue bouquet, with streamers. The latter wore a maize georgette banded in taffeta, and a maize hat, her bouquet being of cream and blue flowers wit'h streamers. Dr Moir, of Timaru, was best man, and Mr T. D. Scott, of Dannevirke, was groomsman. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s parents which was beautifully arranged with spring flowers.

CHRISTCHURCH, August 3. A large gathering of guests journeyed to the Agricultural College at Lincoln on Tuesday night’ to a delightful dance. The decorations, always a feature at the college, were effectively carried out in blue and gold, the college colours. Mrs R. E, Alexander, who received the guests, wore a handsome gown of black lace mounted on black georgette. The guests included Mr and Mrs John Deans, Mr and Mrs C. 11. Hewlett, Professor and Mrs H. G. Denham. Mr and Mrs Langford Symes, Mr and Mrs G. Aitken, Mr and Mrs J. G. L. Vernon. Mr and Mrs D. Deans. Mr and Mrs W. Deans, Mr and Mrs A. M’Kellar, Dr and Mrs Cooke, Mr and Mrs Lionel Cooke, Mr and Mrs Foreman, Mr and Mrs A. G. Dean, Mr and Mrs Newell, Mr and Mrs W. Machin, Mr H E. Solomon, Mr G. and the Misses Stoddart, Mr H. Sidey, Mr H. C. D. Van Asch. Misses G. Maling, S. DampierCrosslev, Ruth and Norah Haggitt, Welsh, Alice Hewlett. Ryan. B. White, G. Fisher, Prudence Wvnn-Williams, Elizabeth Harris, M. Mitchell, K. Bristed, H. Jones, B. Gibson, N. Minson. H. Montgomery, B. Beadel. J. Bourne. M. Nixon, J. Cantrell, J.-M’Dougall. L. and K. W’shart, Alice Pascoe, and Marjory Hunt. Messrs J. Styche, H. Sidey. W. Brown, Solomon, R. G. Summers. G. Wickenden, A. S. Bower, J. M’Keown, N. Bourne, F. Parvis, Iversen, Norrish, Hilgendorf, Miller, M. Musgrave, R. and" D. Wood, J. D. Lawrence, L. Black, Maclean, Hutchinson, Gray. J. Palairet, Bruce, Brown, G. Turnbull, J. Manson, G. Turrell, J. Todhunter, C. Bull, J. Fisher, Jock Menzies, J. D. Atkinson. L. Meadows, F. Withell, R. Madison, R. J. Cunningham, A. J. Johnstone, and Captain K. Walker.

Mrs Edgar Stead, Ham, Riccarton, has returned from a holiday visit to the Franz Josef Glacier.

Miss M. O. Stoddart, Cashmere Hills, is spending a short holiday at New Brighton. Miss Helen Denniston has returned to Christchurch from an extended visit to Britain, and is at present the guest of Miss Humphries, Fendalton road. Mrs J. D. Millton is spending a few weeks at Sumner.

Miss Nancarrow, who has been visiting in South Canterbury, has returned to Christchurch. ; Mr and Mrs G. Leslie Rutherford and Miss Betty Rutherford, Macdonald Downs, have returned from a visit to Sydney. ' Mrs W. H. Helmore, who has been staying in Christchurch, has • returned to Timaru.

. The pretty little church of All Saints’ at Sumner was artistically decorated in pink and gold for the wedding of Margaret, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. F. Scott, of Clifton; Sumner, .and Richard Geoffrey.- fourth son of Mr and Mrs George Gerard, of “ Snowdon,” Hororata, and. of Fendalton, Christchurch; The Rev. E. C. Powell performed the ceremony in the presence. of many friends and well-wishers, some of whom had come from distant parts of Canterbury' to offer

felicitations to the bride and bridegroom. Mr Bernard Savill attended the bridegroom as best man. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a beautiful frock of white satin charming in its becoming simplicity. 'The bodice, slightly pouched at the waist, had a square neck and long, tight sleeves, while the skirt was flared at the right side, where its uneven hem fell almost to the ground. Posies of orange blossom were placed on a narrow strap panel at the shoulder and at the left side of the waist line, and a tiny trail of orange blossom buds with a posy at each side held the long, filmy veil, which formed a diaphanous train. The fragrant bouquet was of white and cream freesias and maidenhair fern. . Miss Denise Gerard, the bridegrooms sister, who acted as bridesmaid, wore an attractive- frock of pink ami gold shot taffeta, with neck, hem, and tiny sleeves scalloped and bordered with gold net. A filet of gold ribbon in her hair was finished with circlets of pink and gold flowers to match the larger blooms in her pretty bouquet. The wedding reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents at Clifton, where the reception rooms and sun porelies were gay with yellow daisies and narcissi. Mrs Scott wore a distinctive frock of panne velvet finely patterned in black and beige, giving a rich bronze tone, and a beige ve’our hat trimmed with a bronze osprey. She carried a bouquet of gold freesias and bronze foliage. Mrs George Gerard, the bridegroom’s mother, wore a smart frock of bronze plisse georgette with overskirt, yoke, and sleeves of amber lace. Her handsome black satin coat had a skunk collar, and she wore a brown straw hat trimmed with a flat floral posy in tones of gold and bronze, the same lovelj- colours being repeated in her bouquet. The bride's travelling trock was of black and beige patterned crepe de chine, over which she wore a smartly’ tucked coat of brown rep with upstanding tucked collar brightened with cit lei fl°’ ,ver - Her chic little beige felt hat was upturned /at one side and lijjiitiy trimmed with brown. The engagement is announced of Svlvie youngest daughter of Airs F. E. Shrimpton, of St Clair. Dunedin, to Franklvn, Christchurch S L ° f Papanui ’

The engagement is announced of Koa, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. C. Fe/ gusson, late of Waimate, to James Ed-

» ... ?Y?pkINGTON, August 3. ’ delightful afternoon was spent oi! the Japanese flagship, when the admiral ■w<xS at home to a great many representative M ellmgton people. The Japanese certainly know the art of entertaining thoroughly, and spare no pains to give their guests an extremely pleasant in m «T< 1 u * le tln ? e tlle visitol ’s came in sight of the squadron they were taken care ot by cheery brown sailors, and sheltered from any crowding by the uninvited people who swarmed along the wharf to watch the wrestling and jui jitsu which took place on the wharf and was part of the programme for the visitors. On arrival on the ship each lady was presented with a dainty little silken Japanese flag, and then met the admnal. who presented each to the prince, kroni there they’ were taken over the ship by’ courteous young hosts, who managed to keep pace with the English conversation wonderfully well. The decorations were very dainty, and consisted hand-made flowers, cherry blossom, irises, convolvulus etc., with delightful little gardens representing the four seasons of the year. There were other gardens, reminiscent of the Willow pattern, with little _ bridges, birds, and fish, while a very’ interesting model was of the journey from home and back again. The refreshments consisted of “sake,” which was taken from charming little handleless cups, some of which were given to the guests, and there were several tea buffets, which ensured all the visitors being well eared for. An interesting account of the doings of the ship were framed and set up for information, and showed that the ship had taken in the Russo-Jap.'.n. quarrel, and had followed on in the war, being a patrol ship in the interests of the Allies. Among the many guests present were a party from Government House, the Mayor of Wellington and Mrs Troup, the Bishop and Mrs Sprott, Colonel Campbell, Captain and Mrs Reyne, Commander Fletcher, Captain and Mrs Hale Monro. Mr and Mrs J. W. Macdonald. Mr and Mrs M’Villy, Mr and Mrs C. P. Knight, Miss Downie Stewart, Lady’ Rhodes. Sir John and Lady Luke, Sir Walter Carncross, Miss Statham. Mrs Hawken. Mrs K. S. Williams, Lady Pomare and her daughter, and many’ others. The Wellington Orphans’ Club gave a delightful evening’s entertainment to their lady friends, held in the Masonic Hall, and which was tire more enjoyed as"the place was properly heated, the central heating being for once in Wellington made ' full use of to the pleasure of ’ the many guests. It is a pity that Nrw Zealand

has not wakened up to the importance of making people comfortably warm at evening shows, as the American and other guests of the country feel a “ fair shudder ” at going to entertainments at night, according to the saying of many recent guests. However, the orphans made no such mistake, and followed up the warmth with decorations which added to the glowing effect, there being of warm yellowcoloured streamers and fringes alternated with coloured lights, the electroliers being shaded with rose colour, and many beautiful pot plants being used to tone the brightness. A capital programme was given with orchestral music under Mr Harold Godier, who also accompanied a couple of musical gems given by the orphan de Mauny in the form, of violin solos. The Melody Four were excellent in unaccompanied songs, and solos were given by Messrs Len Barnes, S. Duncan, Brokenshire, Elston,- and T. C. Wood. Orphan Liardet was very good with some conjuring. A clever little playlet was given by Messrs Warwick and Ginger, and concluded a much-appreciated programme. Orphan A. G. Cate (president) gave a pleasant welcome to the guests, who included visitors from the Savage, Charley’s Aunt, and Athenian’s Clubs, as well as many lady friends, and then all adjourned to supper. Dancing followed, and was carried on till a late hour.

The Commercial Travellers and AVarchousmen gave one of their very cheerful evening parties to their lady friends at the club house recently, and it was, needless to say, a very great success. The lounge was decorated gaily with flags, greenery, coloured lanterns, and handsome pot plants. The supper room was gay with spring flowers, and the dancing floor was good, and many pretty caps, whistles adorned with streamers, and other trifles were distributed, and added much to the pleasure. Some much appreciated music was given by Mrs Schloss, Miss Costa, Mr Shuley, and Mr Max, the last-named givmg whistling, solos. Air Jacob (president) gave a cordial welcome to all, and also thanked the performers for the pleasure they had given. Among the many present were Mrs Jacobs, Mr and Mrs Mat Carr, Mr and Mrs AV. G. Wright, Mr and Mrs Dean. Mr and Mrs Bush. Mr and Mrs N. Broad, Mr and Mrs Gill, and many others.

A successful staff dance was that of the Insurance Officers’ Guild, which was held at the Adelphi cabaret, all the arrangements being capitally carried out. The only fault which might have been found was that there was such a large attendance that dancing was not always quite easy, and no “ fancy stunts " could he carried out. But that was- a good

fault, and the enjoyment of all was undoubted, the good music, floor, and supper to the pleasure. A special feature was the distributing of novelties to the guests, these being the cause of a great deal of amusement. Among those present were Mesdames Caugley, Al'Gartney, Clarke, Holloway, Evans, Wells, Johnston, W. O. Gibb, Parton. Rollings. Oughton, Rogers, Fleming, Cook, and Watkins. Misses Tracy, Year, Craig, Beckingile, Nash. Lawry, Spiller, and many others. The English Speaking Union ’held a pleasant reception after the business part of the annuad meeting, the party taking place at the Dominion Farmers’ Hall, which was charmingly arranged with vases and bowls of flowers, wattle being used with good effect. Sir Frederick Chapman, the president, made all welcome, and was assisted by Mr Heigh Hunt, the chairman ■of the executive. Among those present ■were Mr and Mrs Waterman, of New York, and Mr and Mrs Sloan, of London, and very interesting little speeches were made by each of the menkind, who are evidently keen observers, and had much to tell of the people whom they had met in their travels. Supper was served, and the members had much pleasant conversation with the guests. Among those present were Mr and Mrs Corrigan, Mrs W. B. Montgomery and her daughter, Mrs Preston, Mr and Mrs Lock (U.S.A.), Mrs J. C. Anderson, Mrs Leigh Hunt, Miss Black, and others.

Sir Frederick and Lady Chapman left for Sydney by the Marama. Mrs AV. G. Johnston and her sister, Miss Coleridge are visitors to Auckland. Mrs J. AV. Martin has returned from a visit to the south.

Miss Chaytor has returned to Blenheim after a visit to Wellington. _ Miss Mollie Coleridge. has left for a visit to Honolulu.

Miss Elwyn Christian, who has been the guest of Mrs Barker, of Timaru, has returned to Wellington. Mrs Kebbell and Mrs AV. James are among t[iose who are leaving shortly for Sydney.

Mr and Mrs F. Al. Warner, of Riccarton, are in Wellington en route for Sydney. .Eady Carncross has returned from a visit to Eltham and New, Plymouth. Lady Roberts is paying a brief visit to Christchurch.

Mrs Arthur Harper, of Karori, is the guest of Mrs C. Gordon, of Hawke’s Bay. Miss Enright, who has been the guest of Mrs Malfroy, has returned to Christchurch. -

Mrs I. Duncan has returned to Wanganui from Wellington. Dr Elaine Gurr has returned to Napier from Wellington. • •

WAIKAKAPA, August 2. I The engagement is announced of Lyn- , dall, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs C. I C. Jackson, of Kopuaranga, Wairarapa. ! to Percy, son of the late Mr AV. Jackson ; and Mrs Jackson, of Auckland. There was a large attendance at the annual ball on Tuesday night of the Featherston Golf Club. A pretty wedding was solemnised recently when Alice E., elder daughter of Mr and Mrs AV. Al. Fairbairn, of Wellington, was married to Murray APDonald, fourth son of Mr and Mrs A. Stevenson, of Pahiatua. The Rev. F. H. Wilkinson performed the ceremony, and the bride was attended by Misses Mavis Fairbairn, Patricia Eyre (Auckland), and Meg Stevenson. Mr T. Stevenson was best man. and Messrs B. Stevenson and R. Bradey were groomsmen. * The engagement is announced of Myra, daughter of Mr and the late Mrs Alanihera, of Hastwells, to John, son of Mr and Mrs Hartley, of Alfredton.

The wedding took place at Knox Church. Masterton. last week, of Gladys Jane, only daughter of Mrs J. Bridge, of Masterton. to Mr Joseph Henry Galbraith, of Otorohanga. Misses Elsie Mexted and Rene August were bridesmaids, and Mr F. Mexted best man.

Miss Morrison, who has been staving with Mrs Cane, High street, Masterton, has returned to Nelson.

Mrs Jamieson, of Masterton. has been visiting her mother, Mrs Hodgins, Pahiatua.

Miss Elsa MacDonald, Masterton, has been visiting Pahiatua. Miss Muriel Cameron, of Flat Point, is the guest of Mrs Vivian Donald, Masterton.

Miss Katie Morrison has returned to Masterton from a visit to Wellington. Mrs P. AlacLaren, Mrs Nielder, and Miss Jessie APLaren have sailed for Sydney, where they will spend some weeks Mrs AV. James, of Wangaehu, leaves shortly on a visit to Sydney.

Mrs Douglas, of Taranaki, is the guest of Mrs George Reynolds, Taratahi. Airs Kenneth Stewart, Te Orc Orc. has returned from a visit to Te Aroha. Airs Douglas Wood, of Wellington, is visiting All’ ami Airs H. T. AA’ood, Alasterton.

Air and Airs E. P. Cameron, Afasterton are on holiday in Sydney.

Airs Halsa, Lansdowne, is visiting Wellington. Airs C. Larsen, of Afasterton. is visiting her daughter. Airs H. Allen. Putara Airs P. Lynch, of Alartiuborough, is the guest of Airs APLaughlin. Airs Alouldey. Alfredton. has returned from a visit to AVellington. Air and Airs N. Teriy. of Dannevirkc, have returned from a visit to Airs Cooper. Newman. Miss Alerle Fafeeta is visiting her aunt, Aliss Berg, of Wellington. Airs 11. Alurray-Aynsley of Christchurch, is visiting Eketahuna. Mr and Airs Purvis, of Hawera, are visiting friends in Nireaha. Airs A. D. APKinlay, of Afasterton, is .visiting Wellington. Aliss Leslie Naylon. of Alasterton, ivisiting Aliss Ruth AVhite, Alfredton. Air and Airs J. Turner, of Pori, have returned from a visit to Wanganui. Air and Airs Bridge, of Hawke's Bay, have been visitors to Wairarapa.

AVANGANUI, August 3. Air and Airs C. Ward leave Wanganui this week for Wellington, where they will sail by the Alarama for Sydney and the Old Country.

Airs H. D. Bates, accompanied by her daughter, Airs Al. Barton, is spending a few days in Wellington. Airs T. Hine was hostess at bridge on Tuesday.

Airs Knight, who is an old girl of Nga Tawa Ladies’ College, was hostess at an enjoyable afternoon on Tuesday. A small fee was charged, and bridge was played, the funds going to the Nga Tawa chapel. Mrs Knight wore a smart frock of nude beige coloured lace. Present were Airs H. D. Robertson, Airs Hutchison, Airs Ross, Mrs Eric For long, Airs Ron. Hatrick, Airs Adams, Aliss N. Cowper, Aliss J. Izard, Aliss Eaid Craig. Aliss Hatrick. and Aliss B. Hutton. Airs Gibson, St. John’s Hill, has returned from a visit'to Wellington. Aladame Lillian Spillane and Aliss Alarjory Allomes sail for Sydney and Alelbourne by the Alarama from Wellington this week.

Airs J. AV. Anderson is spending a holiday at Dunedin.

Mrs Richardson, Kakaramea, is visiting Airs Frank Searle, “ Ngaio,” Wanganui.

Airs AV. S. Glenn and Aliss Glenn were visitors in this city on Alonday for the Johnston-AVilson wedding. They returned to Kakatahi yesterday.

Airs W. E. Campbell was hostess at an enjoyable' card evening on Tuesday, Airs Campbell wore, a smart frock of plum crepe de chine. Those present were Mrs Roddy, Airs Bracks, Airs F. A. Arnold. Alisses Al. Lampitt, N. AVilliams, and P. and Z. Campbell, and Alessrs Bracks. G. AVeekes, and Campbell. Airs S. E. Cooper, St. John’s Hill, is visiting her parents. Air and Airs Bethel, of AVadestown, AVellington. Airs K. Kirkcaldie, of Wellington, who has been visiting her sister, Airs R. Brown, returned south yesterday. Air and Airs Selwyn d’Arcy have returned from a trip to Rotorua, and are the guests of Airs AV. A. d’Arcy, Bell street.

Aliss Bostock, of South Africa, who is touring New Zealand, is spending' a few days in AA’anganui. and is the guest of Airs Freeman R. Jackson.

Mrs _T. A. Duncan, Huntervrlle, and Aliss K. Duncan are spending a holiday at Morere Hot Springs Hotel. Aliss Alechan, of Apia, Samoa, is the guest of Aliss D. Blythe. Aliss Alechan leaves for AVellington this week. Airs E. Al. Silk, College street, has returned frc/.i a holiday at Auckland. Aliss P. Alorton-Jones is the guest of Airs John Ballance.

Mr and Airs Beaumont, of Christchurch, who have been staying at the Rutland Hotel, left ■ for Dawson's Falls Mount Egmont, and will return to Wanganui to-morrow.

Aliss Pratt, of Palmerston North, is the guest of her sister, Airs Walter Stewart.

FEILDING. August 4. The engagement is announced of Kathleen Elizabeth, elder daughter of Air and Airs C._ E. Johnston, of Cheltenham, and Alaurice, younger son of Air and the .late Airs Aleyrick, of Ridgelands, Feilding. Air and Airs H. Bailey and family have left to take uj> their residence in Alorrinsville.

Airs and Aliss Phillips have returned from a short visit to New Plymouth.

Airs Eccles, of Wellington, is the guest of Airs Hanger. A most enjoyable surprise party was organised to the home of Air and Airs Duthie, “ Aloturata.” during the week. Th t rooms were all prettily decorated with bulbs, yiolets, and yellow jasmine. Aliss Duthie received her guests in a frock of black taffeta and black net. Those % present were Alisses Goodbehere, Pratt, K. and Al. Johnston, P. and A. Cornfoot, Harper, Hare, Aliles. Phillips, Webster, Swainson, Campbell, Fish, Fry, Durrant (Taihape), Bryce, Banks, Bailey (2), and Dermer, Alessrs Johnston, Buchanan, Graham, Boddy. Connell, Al'Rae, Johnston (Rangiwahia), Gorton, Brewster, Sainsbury, Lovelock (Palmerston North., Aleyrick, Ward. Campbell, Durrant (Taihape), and many others. Air and Airs Charlie Williamson. Waituna. have been visiting Airs John Duncan, of Taihape-. PALAIERSTON NORTH, August 3. Aliss Holdsworth, who has been the guest of- > Mrs Wall, Kairanga, lias returned to Wellington. The Alisses Rodgers have returned from a visit to Dannevirke. Aliss Othley Haggitt has returned from a short visit to Hastings. Airs Wall and Aliss E. Wall are spending a few days in Wellington. Airs J. R. APLennan. of Havelock North, is the guest of Airs J. Pascal I, Te Awe Awe street.

Airs ATckers, of Inglewood, who has been staying with Airs G. Williams, Palmerston North, is now the guest of Airs J. Elliott, of Alarton.

On Wednesday night Mr and Airs P. Alildon, Kairanga, gave a small bridge party with dancing. Mrs Alildon received her guests in a frock of green embossed georgette. Amongst those present were Airs Plimmer, wearing floral taffeta; Airs Jones, black georgette; Airs A. Langley, blue shot taffeta; Airs Grigor, pink georgette trimmed with silver; Airs Hall, black satin; Airs Alilward, white 7 lace;/ Airs Wall, orange georgette and gold lace; Airs Binns, black georgette; Aliss West, cyclamen georgette; Airs AlacPherson, black satin; Aliss Rogerson, cream marocain; Aliss D. Rodgers, black taffeta; Aliss' Alona Rodgers, pink crepe de chine and lace; Aliss Elaine Wall, blue velvet; Aliss B. APPherson, blue georgette; and Aliss Betty AlT’herson, pale green satin.

Aliss Warren, who has been on a visit to New Plymouth, has returned to Palmerston North.

Aliss L, von Sedleitz. of Wellington, is the guest of Airs AV. L. Fitzherbert, Palmerston North.

Airs W. B. Gieson. of Rotor-ua, is the guest of Aliss E. Knowles, Palmerston North.

Airs Borlase. of Napier, is the guest of Airs N. Alackie, Palmerston North. Airs Al. Strang, of Wellington, is the guest of Airs Porter, Palmerston North. Airs E. A. Hamilton, Palmerston North, is a visitor to Christchurch.

Aliss M‘Lagen, Palmerston North, has returned from a holiday in Rotorua.

Airs Jarvic, who has been the guest of Airs C. Upham. Palmerston North, has returned to Wellington. Airs J. AV. Rodder, of AVanganui, is spending a holiday in Palmerston North. Aliss Alary APCallum has returned from a visit to Inglewood.

POVERTY BAY, AUGUST 3. The Gisborne AA’omen’s Club held a successful card evening on Tuesday, and, despite boisterous weather conditions, over 60 members and friends attended. Thirteen tables were brought into requisition, and a most enjoyable evening was spent by all present. The rooms looked very pretty with charmingly arranged bowls of golden acacia, jonquils, arum lilies, and simlax set about to advantage. Included among those present were Alesdames T. A. Crawford, T. B. Pearson. A. J. Barnard, R. Martin, F. H. Goodman, James ATKee, C. L. Petry, AV. F. Iles. C. Tattersfield. H. de Costa, Charles Adair, AA r . J. Sinclair, Oliver, J. A. Nicol, Gibson, D. G. Robertson, I. Alirfield. T. Corson. A. Stoneham. L. Smaill, AV. F. Cederwall. AV. A. Smith, W. J. Green, N. Hooper, P. Barry, C. R. Skeet, T. Garrett. Sidebottom, ATDonald, AA’oodward, T. A. Hogg, Clarke, E. A. Collett, AA’. I’. Hunter, Buckley, W. H. Smith, Hepburn, and Alisses A. Crossland, I. Crawford, Greer, G. Buckley, Woodward. ( ederwall. and Atkens. Air and Airs H. Hegarty entertained hundreds of guests at a delightful dance in celebration of the debut of their daughter Eileen at the City Hall on Tuesday evening. The decorations were very colourful, and flags of all nations as well as bunting adorned the hall. Native foliage was also brought into artistic requisition. In the supper room upstairs camellias and asparagus enhanced the tablps, whilst suspended overhead rainbow .streamers radiated from an inverted Japanese sunshade to the four corners of ' the room. Bridge tables were grouped for the convenience of enthusiasts. and claret cup was served throughout the evening. The hostess received in a heavily fringed black georgette gown charmingly fashioned. Aliss Eileen Hegarty looked very attract*ve in pink georgette and silver lame, finished with a hem of silver lace. She carried a shaded pink A’ictorian posy. Aliss Aloya Hegarty was attired in apricot georgette embroidered in diamante. Her cousin, Aliss Sheila Todd, of Dunedin, was attractively robed in floral taffeta in pastel tonings on an ivory ground, fashioned with a bouffant skirt and transparent hem. Fine weather and record attendances favoured the winter meeting of the Gisborne Racing Club, which eventuated at the Park racecourse on Thursday and Saturday. The frocking was smart and mostly on tailored lines, whilst fur coats were also popular wear. Among the many present the following were noted: — Alesdames G. Cotterill, wearing a tanbark tailored suit, with fox furs and scarlet hat; F. B. Barker, moonlight blue crepe de chine frock, hat to match, and fur coat: A. G. Jeffrey, tailored black ensemble and hat en suite; J. B. Alorris, chocolate and teak check tailored suit and Sahara felt hat; R. AA’icksteed, indigo ensemble and hat to match; AV. G. Sherratt, oak-apple jersey jumper suit, hat to tone, and tailored mauvette coat; 11. B. AA’illiams, black ’tailored suit, sealskin coat, and palm-beach felt hat; AV. L. Rutledge, dark amber suit and small felt hat to match; J. Alonckton. tailored tweed costume in Ascot tans, fox furs, and amber hat: Durham-Russell, furtrimmed and braided black velour costume and black hat; H. Dodd, navy frock with Oriental trimmings, fur coat, and scarlet hat; J. Gardner, midnight blue ensemble relieved with sandalwood and hat to tone; A. J. Cameron, cendre de rose rep frock, musquash coat, and velour hat: Rob Alurphy, pepper-and-salt tweed costume, thistle-tuft green hat, and fox furs: F. Nolan, biskra tailored suit. Ascot tan velour coat, and felt hat to match; H. E. Bright, deep delphinium frock, hat to match, and fur coat; AV. R. Barker, azure blue ensemble relieved with dove grey fur and felt hat to tone; J. R. Murphy, cinnamon tweed costume, cinnamon and sand hat, and fur cape; R. A'. Burke, navy costume and navy and biscuit hat; A. S. Aluir, corduroy velvet coat in cordovan brown\ trimmed with biscuit fur, and hat to tope; Claud AVilliams. cherry frock, felt hat to match, and fur coat; Al’Sweeney. short cherry coat, leaden grey frock, and velvet hat to match: C. Seymour, frey fur coat, peach hat. and black crepe African frock: Kahlenburg. tailored suit in museade and Ascot tan and felt hat to tone; Jamieson. gunmetal tailored tweed costume and cherry felt hat; G. Stock, navy suit, fur coat, and navy velour hat; R. Scott, Prussian blue frock relieved with geranium, and blue felt hat; A.’ R. Hine, black and white frock, tan-bark coat, and black hat: Lissant-Clayton, cherry and black frock and black hat trimmed with ospreys; Carlton AVilliams, fur-trimmed smoke-grey coat, sand jumper suit, and navy hat; H. Chrisp, eau de nil costume, hat to match, and grey fox furs; Hutchinson, raisin frock embroidered in Oriental tonings and hat to match; Blundell (Hawke’s Bay), indigo ensemble and hat en suite relieved with cherry; Q. AV. AA’illiams (Tokomaru Bay), dark biskra tailored suit, fox furs, and hat en suite; J. AA’. AVilliams, striped biscuit tailored suit and felt hat to tone; C. D. Bennett, G. Parker, C. T. Jefferd, Sher-wood-Hale. F. R. Jefferd. M. J. AVhite, T. Sherratt, H. Loisel, E. T. Chrisp, J. C. N, Thomas. P. Bellerby, Donner, and AVillock; Alisses N. Hassall (Hawke’s Bay), tailored champagne striped suit and hat to tone; H. Gaddum, rubic red suede coat, caramel skirt, and navy hat; A. AlacGlashau (Napier), biscuit ensemble, Jox furs, and sedge green hat; J. Anderson (AVanganui), nickel grey coat and skirt and blue felt hat; M. Aluir, cendre de rose suit, hat to tone, and fox furs; N. Jeffrey, crush-rose tailored suit and hat to tone; J. Alarshall, creole-red and black frock, fur coat, and black hat; C. Bright, fur-trimmed mozaic blue ensemble. and hat en suite; Al. Alacaulay, copper-beech costume, hat to match, and fur coat; N. Stock, royal blue crepe de chine frock, grey hat, . and black coat; AA’icksteed. grey costume and foxglove and mauvette velour hat; H. Sherriff, camet-

hair velour coat trimmed with fur and' •white felt hat; R. Barry, amber coat and skirt and felt hat to tone; K. Duncan (Hawke’s Bay), Prussian blue suede coat and velour hat; A. Barker, cherry velour coat trimmed with fur and hat to tone; Ludbrook, amethyst frock and black hat trimmed with amethyst: Seymour, J. Telford, N. Sherriff, H, Corson, N. Steele, J. Ludbrook, E. Thomas, P. Barker, N. MacLaurin, J. E. Gaddum, M. Douglas, M. White (Hawke's Bay), Warmholtz (Sweden), Graham, E. Williamson, H. Busby, J. Gardner, M. Barker, M. and R. Scott, P. Murphy, M. Fraser, M. Rees, Willis, N. Martin, D. and B. Sherratt, N. Pittar, and A. Adair.

HAWERA, August 4. Mrs Woodward was hostess at afternoon tea during the week, the guest of honour being Mrs Reid, of Dunedin. Among those present were Mesdames Sinclair, Alan Good, Johnston (Dunedin), Stubbs, Bright, and W. O. Williams.

On Wednesday afternoon members of the Hawera Plunket Society met at the Savoy to bid farewell to Mrs M. J. Goodson, who is leaving shortly for Wellington. After tea had been served Mrs Goodson was made the recipient of a gift in appreciation of her valuable services to the society. Those present in, eluded Mesdames W. M. Winks, Goodson, Foyster. Jobson, Bone, Bright, Tait, Henderson, Bayley, Goodwin, Hagget, B. L. Joll, Corrigan, E. P. Cox, Fyson, A. Bayly, Carter, Crompton, and Sister Rae. Misses Campbell, M. Cooper, Trolove, (2), of Eltham, were present at the Hunt • Club ball, held at Waver ley last week.

HAWKE’S BAY, August 3. The' Maraekakaho Hall, presented a gay appearance, the occasion being the bachelors’ ball. This ball is always looked forward to, and the hospitality is dealt out •with a lavish hand. Among those present were Mesdames M. Lyons, F. Fryer- (Hastings), Nelson Smith, M'Glashan. H. Glazebrook, H. Gascoyne, • Toogood, W. M'Caw (Hastings), Graham, J. M'Farlane, Munroe, Ashby, Clarkson, and J. Lyons. Misses L. Simmonds, M'Glashan, Edmundson, M'Kenzie, Walker, M'Donald, V. Poppelwell, Gebbie, S. Fowler, Georgi, Roach; Munro, J. CraigJ and others. The cabaret held weekly is always a popular amusement. Last Saturday evening at the Foresters’ Hall, Napier, an

enjoyable time was spent. There were visitors from all parts of Hawke’s Bay and Wellington. Those present included Mesdames Friend. Johnston (Wellington), and Clissold. Misses Moffat, L. Williams, Hardy-Gibson, G. von Dadelszen (Hastings). Woodward, Hannah, Anderson, M. M'Kay, J. Landels (Hastings), R. Symes, M. Brodie, Campbell, Nancarrow, Ashton, M'Farlane, and Barry. Mrs and Miss Rutherford., of Canterbury, are visitors to' Hawke's Bay. Miss J. Symes, of Hastings, is the guest of Miss Dora Hawkin, Mokoia. Miss C. R. King, of Wairoa, is leaving to make her home at the Lower Hutt. Miss N. Hassell, of Hastings, is on a visit to Gisborne.

Mrs A. Corskie has. returned to the Wairarapa. after visiting Wairoa. Dr and Mrs Hunter Will, of Palmerston North, have returned after being the guests of Mrs P. A. M'Hardy. Mrs Ford North, of Bay View. Napier, has returned from a visit to Wellington. Miss M. Donnelly, of Havelock North, is the guest of Miss Betty Sherratt, Gisborne.

The engagement is announced of Beryl, only daughter of Mr and Mrs T. C. Sanderson, of “ Glenross,” Hastings, to John Mason, M.P., of Napier, eldest son of Mr and Mrs G. Maurice Mason, of Wellington. Miss Beatrice Cowper, of Dannevirke. is oft a visit to the Hermitage, Mount Cook. Miss N. Cowper has returned to Wanganui, after being on a visit to Dannevirke. Miss Kirk,' of 'Wairoa, has returned after spending a holiday in Napier. Miss F. Hannah has, returned from a visit to Gisborne. Mrs T. W. Wills and Miss Wills, of Waipawa, have returned from a visit to Wellington. Miss M. Gardner, of Hawke’s Bay is the guest of Mrs L. Maclean, Puha. Gisborne. . 1 Miss Sybil. Treston, of Napier, left for Auckland this week, where she will take up Karitane nursing. Miss D. Chapman, of "Wairoa, is the guest of Mrs M. Treston, May. avenue, Napier. Mr and Mrs P. Gay have returned to Waipukurau after a visit to Auckland. Mrs Ruddock and Miss A. .Ruddock are leaving Havelock. North to make their home in Auckland. Mrs E. H. Smith, of Johsonville, is the guest of her brother. Mr J. W. Harding, of Mount Vernon, Waipukurau.

Miss M. Clark, of Waipukurau., returned to Wellington during the week. Airs D. Buddo and Miss N. Buddo. of Christchurch, arc visitors to Hawke’s Bay, and are the guests of Air and Mrs Roy Buddo, of Poukawa.

Air and Airs J. N. Lowry, “ Okawa,” Fernhill, have returned from a visit to Sydney. They are accompanied by Aliss Falkiner. Airs Lowry’s sister, who is paying a visit to New Zealanil. , Airs H. J. Kirkham, of Waipawa, is on a visit to New Plymouth.

WAIKATO, August 2. A bridge party in aid of the Howard League was held at “ Edingthorpe,” the home of Air and Airs H. Valder, on Wednesday evening. The prize winners were Miss Ethel Hammond and Air Lang. Others present were: Alesdamcs G. Valder, A. G. Whitehorn. E. English, P. E. Stevens, F. B. Jolly, H. Douglas, C. F. Sherley, S. Arthur W. D. Ross. E. P. Cowles. A. Griffiths, E. R. Gresham, J. D. Smith, J. E. Page, Gordon Smith, and R. Worley, Alisses F. Jolly, A. Aloore, AL. V. Watts, Eggleston, Al. Chadwick, K. Cowie, C. Jolly, and A. Coventry, Messrs E. R. Gresham, F. de la Mare, C. F. Sherley, E. P. Cowles, S. Arthur, Page, P. E. Stevens, N. Johnson, Montague, and J. D. Smith. A bridge evening was given at Cambridge on Wednesday, when Mr and Airs S. Lewis entertained some of their friends ’The decorations were bowls of yellow jonquils and red daphne. Those present were: Akr and Airs Ziman, Air and Airs Neeley. Air and Airs J. Sawers, Air and Airs Possenniskie, Airs Rowland, Airs Calvert, and Airs D. Lundon. The members of the Hamilton branch of the National Council of Women gave an afternoon tea at the Lyceum Club on Thursday, when Airs Fraer, of Christchurch, was the guest of honour. Others present were: Alesdames H. Valder, W. J. Stevens, S. de la Alare, C. H. Holloway, Kent-Johnstone, S. Sandford, E. English, H. Cracknell, Al. Alarming, G. Buckland, Caldwell, Andrews, and Craig, Alisses L. Nicholls, and Wyatt. At the Lyceum Club on Thursday a most delightful bridge evening was given for the visiting golfers from the Aliddlemore Club, Auckland. The Auckland golfers were: Alesdames J. Wilson, Hodges, R. Rainger, and R. Abbott. Alisses E. Culling. Al. Macfarlane, F. Rathbone, J. Reid, and B. M'Govern. Hamilton golfers and members of the Golf'Committee were: Alesdames P. R. Stewart, H. Douglas, W. H. Hume, H. T. Gillies, E. J. Alears, H. C. Ross, E. A. Cox, F. Alander, A. Joll, R Worley, T. A. Alilroy, G. Gower, R. C. Guy, T. C. Fraser, and L. Day, AlisseS Stevens, Hammond, Wilkinson, and E. Seavill (Waingaro). The prizes were evon by Airs Abbett (Auckland), and Aliss Wilkinson (Hamilton). A party of young people motored out to Airs W. A. Oliver’s home at Alatangi on Thursday, and spent the evening dancing. The ballroom was decorated with coloured paper streamers, and looked very bright " Those present were: Alisses K. Oliver, T. Alonckton, B. Alanning, -N. V Mnnet-l-nn D. Wilson. E. Guy o. jjuii...., v. r'eacocK, and J. Rutherford.

AUCKLAND. August 2. With the training squadron in our port, we have over 1000 men of the Imperial Japanese Navy as visitors, and they and their ships, the Idzumo and Yakumo, are attracting keen interest. Groups of the sailors are to be seen everywhere, and it is wonderful to find the manner in which their smiles have won the hearts of the school children of all ages. Alembers of the Bridge Circle of the Lyceum Club held an open evening last Alonday. Airs S. T. Wickstead, convener of the circle, acted as hostess, and wore a frock of black embossed georgette. Aliss C. Alurray, secretary of the circle, was in black velvet, beaded with silver. The prize winners were Airs Harris. 1; Mrs Reed, 2; and Airs Buscke, 3. Air Irwin won the gentleman's prize. Aliss Alpwbray. president of the Auckland branch of the Victoria League, was honoured last week by an “at home ” given in her honour at the Lyceum Club by the • members of the league. During the evening Air Goldie, on behalf of the executive and members of the league, presented Aliss Alowbray with a crocodile leather handbag containing a cheque, a fountain pen, and other requisites, together with a letter expressing their gratitude for all the work she had done for the league during her connection with it. The lounge was hardly large enough to hold all who attended, and seating accommodation was taxed to the utmost." After supper had been handed round, an interesting evening was brought to a close. Dr Buckley Tarkington and Aliss Jean Begg, of Auckland, .are visiting Wellington.

An informal tea party was given by the League of New Zealand Penwomen in honour of three of the delegates to the Pan-Pacific Conference at Honolulu. Airs W. Robertson, who is representing the Sydney Sun at the conference, was one of the visitors, and ■ Aliss Olive Alercer, of Dunedin, the secretary of the Psychology Club, with Mrs Denton Leech, who is to represent Women in Government, were the others.

Heading the Australian delegation to the Pan-Pacific Women's Conference, who passed through Auckland by the Aorangi, was Airs B. Rischfiieth, who has been prominent in women's movements in Western Australia for over 15" years. - Sympathy must be expressed for Airs Arthur Stedman, whose husband passed away suddenly last Sunday at' his home in Auckland. It was only some six months ago that Air and Airs Stedman celebrated their golden wedding. WEDDING. A very nonular wedding was celebrated at Kaka Point on Wednesday. The whole place was en fete, and the wedding was the largest yet seen in that portion of the district.. Aliss Winnie Tilson (a daughter of the late Air John Tilson, Port Alolyneux), and Air Stuart Hall, of Hall BrosRiverside, Paretai, were the contracting parties. Their popularity was shown by the .fact that the Kaka Point Church was crowded to the doors dtiring the ceremony, and upwards of 50 guests afterwards attended the reception at Air D. Al'Kechnie’s. The Rev. Air . Hill was the officiating clergyman. The bride, who was

given away by her brother (Air Teh ,■<! Tilson) looked charming in a bridal dress of white,.silk georgette and silver, with veil and orange blossom. Aliss Kathie Murray was bridesmaid, and the bride was also attended by two little flower girls (Pear] Shore and Haze! Aitkenhead). Air Hasler (Dunedin) was best man. The bride’s going away dress was a nice creation of beige crepe de chine, with coat and hat in tone, and she also wore a beautiful fur set (gift of the bridegroom). The happy young couple intend to spend a month's honeymoon in the North Island before returning .to Paretai.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3882, 7 August 1928, Page 61

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TABLE TALK Otago Witness, Issue 3882, 7 August 1928, Page 61

TABLE TALK Otago Witness, Issue 3882, 7 August 1928, Page 61