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_. Monday. the second cricket test match was begun at Carrsbrook on Saturday in beautiful sunshine, which was welcomed with great delight by all. ■ New Zealand's captain winning the toss, the New Zealanders went in first, and, although the attendance looked like being small at the beginning of the day, it ended in a very large crowd being present. Everyone now looks' forward to Monday and Tuesday with hopes of fine weather. Friday evening the “ Tip Toes ” Company commenced its seasori at His Majesty’s Theatre. The comedy is delightfully bright, with charming music, most artistic scenery, and lovely dresses of all descriptions. Fashionable audiences have been present; Some noticed were Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs G. Ritchie, Dr and Mrs Evans Dr and Mrs Russell Ritchie, Mr and Mrs A. Duncan, Mrs and the Misses Jacobs, Mr and Mrs Hudson, Mr and Mrs Smith, Mr and Mrs Ringland, Dr and Mrs Moore, Mr and Miss Irvine, Mr and Mrs Oldham, Mr and Mrs V. Jacobs, etc. On Mondaj’ afternoon at her home in London street Miss I. Vipan gave an afternoon tea party to say farewell to Miss L. Williams. There were present amongst the guests Misses B. Williams, N. Phillips N. Barr, P. Stronach, J. Nevill, J. Vipan, M. Blomfield, J. Halsted, A. Thorp, B Fitzgerald, etc. During the week Miss Marjorie Blomfield was hostess at an afternoon tea party at her home in Pitt street, the guest of honour being Miss W. Johnstone, who is shortly leaving on a visit to England. Amongst the guests were Misses M. Statham, Halsted, H. Maunsell, M. Wilson, I. Vipan, B. Milne, M. Reid, N. Phillips, Todd, R. Milne, A. Thorp, B. Fitzgerald, N. Barr, M. Stephenson, B. Reeves, and T. Halsted. During the week many—friends were at the Railway Station to bid “ adieu ” to Mrs Ernest Williams and her daughter, Letty, who have left for England, where they intend spending a short holiday. Mrs Oram and the Misses Oram (3) have gone for a trip to the North Island, where they Intend spending a few weeks. On Tuesday afternoon the Misses Mill, of Port Chalmers, invited a number of friends to a tea party, which they gave at the Highcliff Cafe in honour of Mrs Gerald Ferguson, of Auckland, who, with her husband, is at present on a visit to Dunedin. Mrs Mill and the Misses Mill receiyed their guests at the cafe the whole room looking charming with its blue China draperies,- and many autumn flowers. Some present were Ladj’ Ferguson, Mesdames Black, George Roberts, Hay, Stanley Batchelor, Russell Ritchie, G. Ritchie, C. Birch, and G. Ferguson, Misses Graham, C. Graham, J. Rattray, I. Hart, Denniston. G. Williams, R. Allen, G. Gallaway, etc.

A very large attendance of visitors as well as local people have beep visiting the Public Art Gallery, which is always of great interest to artists and other people who enjoy beautiful wqrks. The surroundings also enhance the' enjoyment by the many beautiful flowers which are to ba seen in the garden. On Tuesday evening the Literary Circle of the Otago Women’s Club held its meeting in the lounge, of the - Club Rooms, ■when a large attendance was present. Mrs Eastgate was chairwoman. A very good, programme had been arranged for the evening, principally short humorous stories, which vaused much amusement. The prize for the most humorous anecdote was won by Mrs Porteous. Amongst those present were Mesdames Ewing, Lan reason, Flynn, Eastgate, Porteous, Harvey, . Cowie, and Wilson, Misses Holland, Dodd, M’Gibbon, Wells, Neale, etc. Mrs T. K. Sidey was a hostess at an afternoon tea on Wednesday afternoon, whenthe garden at “ Corstorphine ” looked charming with its beautiful flowers and autumntinted shrubs. Amongst those present were Mesdames Glasgow, -R. Patterson, Macfar-lane,-Crawshaw, Cameron, Stephenson,. Button, Borrie, Fountain, Carswell, and Priest. Misses Alves, Cameron, and Borrie. On Wednesday afternoon Miss Wells was. hostess at the Otago Women’s Club at a tea party given in honour of Mrs Lilley. There were present Professor Strong, Mes-: dames Eastgate. Primmer, Cleeihorn. Nimmo, and Porteous, Misses Bentham, Roberts, Tennant, . and Pope. Numbers of ladies are interesting themselves in the arrival and visit of Miss Maude Royden. During her stay in Dunedin she will be the guest of Mr and Mrs J. J. Clark. Mrs James Hutchison, who has been visiting in the north, has returned to Dunedin. Mrs Denton Leech left on Friday to attend a meeting in Wellington of the Dominion Executive of the National Council of Women, after which she will visit Nelson and Blenheim. Miss Houghton left for the southern lakes on Friday, after which she proceeds to Christchurch. A number of parties has been given to farewell Miss R. Tressider, who is to leave shortly with her parents for Oamaru, which will be. her future home. Miss A. Blaekler, of South Canterbury, has been the guest of Miss Sheila Mac-; pherson. Sunshine. Mrs Robert Stephens, of England, has been’ the guest of Mrs C. R. Chapman, of Manor place. Mrs A. Macandrew, who has been on a visit to : Dunedin, returned north on Thurs- : day. ' ' ' : Miss M. Mackerras left during the week for-Wellington, where, she joins her sisters, and will be staying for, a short time. Mrs. Macdonald, of Invercargill, Is at present on a visit to Dunedin. , The. banner for the interchib Ladies? as- , speiation Bowling Match was won by the Dunedin Club.

! i Mrs Gallaway and Miss Rattray, who havebeen spending a few weeks in the lakes district have returned. Mrs J. Black, who has been the guest of Mrs Sargood, of Lake Wanaka, returned to Dunedin on Tuesday. , INVERCARGILL, March 31. Mr and Mrs John Macdonald are spending a week in Wellington. Miss M'Hutcbeson, of Gore, is the guest of her slstfr, Mrs Meryyn Mitchel, .Lett street. Miss Leslie Callender, of Wellington, has now gone to visit Mrs Percy Callender, Mataura. Mrs and Miss Johnston, Duke street, are visiting Mrs Roberts, of Gore. Dr and Mrs Stanley Brown left on Friday for Dunedin, where they were the cricket match. Mrs Horace Macalister and Miss Kathleen Anderson are spending a short trip in Pal--merston North. Mrs T. D. A. Moffett is at present the guest of Mrs Snow, having returned by the Manuka from a three months’ holiday in Australia. Mrs T. M. Rankin and Miss Gladys Rankin left on Wednesday for Dunedin for a few days. : ? .' Dr and Mrs Ewart arrived back by the Manuka after an extended tour of Britain and the Contipent. •- ; Mr and Mrs : William Hunt returned home from their honeymoon on Thursday evening, via Mount Cook. Mr and Mrs Cuthbert, of Sunnyside Station, leave next week for a visit abroad. The members of the Garden Circle of the Southland Women’s Club have decided to encourage the beautifying of railway stations in by offering a cup to be presented each year to the railway station with the most beautiful surroundings. A replica of the cup will belong to the winner each year, while the name of the station will be inscribed on the larger one. Prizes of money will also be given. The traffic manager, when approached upon the subject, was most enthusiastic, and has promised to help in every way possible. The Otago Women’s Club devised a similar plan several years ago, and many of the railway stations in Otago owe their beauty to this scheme. The banquet organised by the Invercargill branch of the women’s division of the Farmers’ Union, and held in the Federal Dining Rooms on Wednesday in honour of the ladies accompanying the fanners’ excursion from Canterbury, was in every way a most successful function. There were over 250 women present. A lengthy toast list was honoured, and a delightful musical programme was supplied by Mrs W. W. Millar, Miss T. Pryde, and Mr F. Johnston. Great credit is due to the secretary (Miss Ingram), who was responsible for the arrangements. Invercargill ladies present included Mesdames J. Miller, W. W. Millar, J. H. Reed, A. L. Adamson, Pasley, Hinchey, W. A. Hammond. A. D. Derbie. G. Chewings, C. Campbell, and T. D. Pearce. Southland ladies present at the Southland Racing Club’s autumn meeting on Wednesday and Thursday included Mesdame” A. Moffett, J. B. Sale, W. A. Oliver, Hoyles, D. Cuthbertson, D. Macdonald (Edendale), A. H. Mackrell, G. Crawford. 0. W. H. Strettell, H. B. Farnall, F. C. Powley. J. T. Carswell, M. Mitchel, A. Dickens, A. Macalister, J. B. Reid, Abbey Jones, C. F. A. Jones, W. J. Barclay, Cunningham (Oxford). T. Nicholson, P. Mills. W. A. Hammond, M’Quilkan, Tennent, P. H. Vickery, E. R. Godward, Dickson (Edendale), Waddell (Bluff), Cameron, Cowie, B. Hewat, E. V. M’Keever, and Brokensliire, Misses M’CaW, Reid. M’Gregor (Mount Linton), Hughes. Lawrence (2), Hazlett, Todd. Jennings, Lousley, Goodman, Brnkenshire (2), Hoyles, and Jones. Mr and Mrs W. Cunninghalm, of Oxford, Canterbury, visited Mr and Mrs A. Macdonald at the Plains Station during the week. They returned to Invercargill on Friday, leaving on Saturday by motor on their return to Canterbury. On Monday evening the members of the Gladstone Girl Guide Committee held a successful bridge party in the Southland Women’s Club rooms. Those present were Dr and Mrs Barclay. Mr and Mrs A. H. Mackrell. Mr and Mrs Haggitt, Mr and Mrs C. F. A. Jones. Mr and Mrs J. Robertson, Mr and Mrs G. Cruickshank, Mr.and Mrs W. M. L. Sutherland. Mr and Mrs F. C. Rowley, Mr and Mrs J. B. Reid, Mr and Mrs Alan Macalister. Mr and Mrs A. le H. Hoyles, Mr and Mrs M. Mitchel, Mesdames W. A. Hammond, H. Mitchel. Brookesniith, Lonehnan. Hackworth, Pas’ev, Petrie, J. D. Mitchell, Beere, J. T. Praia, P. H. Vickery, A. F. Hogg, J. B. Sale, J. T. Carswell, G. Crawford, R. Crawford. F. J. Robinson, G. Moffett, W. G. Clark, H. O. Stuckev. J. G. Macdonald. Holdoway, A. G. Butchers. H. Carswell, D. Cuthbertson. Hinchey. M. Page, A. M. Macdonald. J. R. Strttoh, R. S. M'lnnes, W. S. Todd, and W. Macalister, Misses Young, M’Lean. Batchelor, Waugh. Perrin. Stout (3), Muir. Macdonald, Mehaffey. L. Henderson, Morrah, LousTev, Wavmouth, Robertson, Bonnington (Nelson). Brookesmfth, Brown, Drcwe, and Fraser, Messrs Coglan, H. Sutton. Broughton, Ott, and Waymouth. Mr and Mrs 11. Cuthbert, Sunnyside Station. have left for England. 'Mr and Mrs D. J. Wesney, Mrs J. J. Wesney, and Miss Hazel Wesney, of Invercargill, will leaxt by next Thursday’s through express to join the Aorangi at Auckland, whence they proceed to the United States and Canada, en route to England.

OAMARU. March 31. Mrs H. Orbell. who has been the guest of Mrs Orbell, of Waikouaiti, has returned to Oamaru. Miss Nichols, Kurehika, has been staying for a short holiday with Miss MacDonald, of Christchurch. Mr and Mrs W. P. Reid have returned from a short visit to Dunedin. Mr and Mrs H. Preston have returned to Otiake after a few weeks In town. Mr' and Mrs Max Douglas, who have been staying in Dunedin, Have returned to Dome Hills. ' Miss Maudfe Nichols has returned from Christchurch.WAIMATE, March 31. Mrs L. Betten has returned to Waimate after a visit to Tirnaru. Mrs and Miss Gascoyne, who have been the guests of Mrs C. L. Le Cren, of Tirnaru, have returned to yVaimate. Miss Erica Westmacott, of Tirnaru, has been spending a few days with Mrs E. C. Studholme. Mr and Mrs F. C. Daniels left last Saturday to join the Argyllshire on a trip to England and the Continent. Mr and Mrs G. Dash, Mr and Mrs Geddes, ■and Mrs Wheeler, of Wafmate, were among the guests in Tirnaru at the wedding of Miss Alice Potts, daughter of the Rev. T. Wilson Potts, to Mr George Davies, of Tirnaru. Captain and Mrs Hennessy, of “ Garryowen,’’ Morven, are staying tri Christcburch’, us the guests oi Mrs C. S. Bowden.

Mrs Todd, of Dunedin, is at present the guest of Mrs A. G. Pitts, Waimate. Miss Wright, of Timaru, is visiting Waimate as the guest of her sister, Mrs J. C. Templar. Both the ladles’ and men’s golf clubs held the official opening of the season last Thursday, when mixed foursomes were played. There was a large attendance of members of both clubs.

TIMARU, March 30. Mr and Mrs Gladstone Robinson, Oakwood, have returned from Christchurch. Mrs W. W. Cartwright and Miss Cartwright, Orbell stret, left on Thursday for Sydney. Mrs C. Bowker, Sarah stret, has returned from Christchurch. Miss Kelsey, of Dunedin, who was staying at “ Cadogan,” Sefton street, is now the guest of Mrs Burden, Woodbury. Mr and Mrs D. Reese, Wal-iti road, are on a visit to Hokitika. * Mr and Mrs H. ’Wright, Mayfield, are staying in Timaru. Mr and Mrs Edgar Jones and Miss Joyce Jones, Otiritiri, are at Mount Cook. Mrs and Miss Macfarlane, of Sydney, who have ben staying with Mrs Simon Mackenzie, “ Otumarama," have left for the North Island. Mr and Mrs A. J. M’Lean, Glenavy, are spending a holiday in Invercargill and Stewart Island. Mrs Egerton Reid and Miss Jane Reid, who have been the guests of Mrs W. E. Gibson, Elizabeth street, have left for Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Bruce Murray have returned to Godley Peaks from Christchurch. Mr and Mrs A. S. Elworthy, Mr and Mrs 11. Elworthy, Mr and Mrs W. H. Orbell, Mr and Mrs C. L. Orbell, and Miss Margaret Tripp have returned from Christchurch. .On Wednesday night Mrs Maurice Harper, assisted by her daughter, Miss Betty Harper, was the hostess at a jolly little impromptu dance at her home, Waitawa. Those present included Mrs F. J. Rolleston, Mrs R. L. Orbell, Mrs C. L. Orbell, Mrs C. H. Gresson, Miss Fulford. (Sydney), Miss Mary Rolleston, Miss Marjorie Gibson, Miss June Orbell, Miss Betty Cossins. and Messrs M. Harper, C. L. Orbell, C. H. Gresson, .K. de Castro, D. Young, Commandant P. Auverny and officers of the French war sloop Cassiopee. Mrs Harper wore a frock of black lace over georgette, while Miss Harper’s dress was of geranium-red spangled georgette. The Misses Oliver, “ Surrey Downs," Pleasant Point, were the hostesses at a very enjoyable bridge party last week, when those present included Mrs W. Burns, Dr and Mrs W. Fea, Mr and Mrs W. D. Campbell, Mr and Mrs W. Raymond. Dr and Mrs Ussher, Mr and Mrs W. Pearce, Mr and Mrs W. Thomas, Dr and Mrs Kingston, Messrs D. Oliver and M. J. Knubley. Miss Oliver received the guests in a black georgette, frock beaded tn silver, while Miss Ivy Oliver wore a periwinkle blue georgette with coffeecoloured lace. The decorations In the rooms were hydrangea, arbutilons, and roses. The members of the Timaru Gold Club were fortunate in having such beautiful weather for the opening day on Saturday. The Hlghfleld links were looking their best after the recent rain, and a great number of

players and friends were present. During the afternoon mixed foursomes were played. ASHBURTON, March 31. Miss Pilbrow, Walnut avenue, spent the week-end in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Surplis, of Christchurch, who have been the guests of Mrs Rickman, Havelock street, have returned to Christchurch. Mrs W. Nosworthy spent a few days, .in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs W. A. Morgan, of Mount Somers, are staying at the Royal Hotel, Christchurch. The engagement is announced of Hettle Margaret, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs H. H. Sharplin, of Ashburton, to Malcolm, only son of Mr and Mrs J. Millar, of Ashburton. Miss Watson left on Monday for Napier to represent the Ashburton branch of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union at the Dominion Convention. Mrs H. Bonifant is expected back from Nelson on Saturday, where she has been on an extended holiday. Mrs Graham, of Christchurch, who has been in Geraldine, is now the guest of Mrs H. Bonifant, “ Avoca,” Wakanui. Mr and Mrs H. F. Nicoll have been in Christchurch. Mrs Arthur Grigg, of Mount Somers, is visiting her mother, Mrs J. Cracroft Wilson, Cashmere Hills, Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Cole are staying at the Hydro Hotel, Timaru. Mrs Le Cren, of Timaru, has been the guest of Mrs Albert Roberts, Wills street, and the latter has now gone to Timaru with Mrs Le Cren. Mrs Cecil Wood, of Hackthorne, has returned from a visit to North Canterbury and Christchurch. Mrs E. F. Nicoll presided at the annual meeting of the ladies’ Golf Club, held on Thursday. It was reported that Miss E. Stewart had won the senior, and Miss J. Nicoll the junior championship. Mrs E. F. Nicoll was again elected captain, and Miss Stewart hon. secretary.

CHRISTCHURCH, March 30. Christchurch was very gay last week with the exciting polo tournament. The most important social function in connection with it was the polo ball, which was held at the Caledonian Hall, and was a most enjoyable gathering. The hall was uncommonly decorated with mural panels of modern futuristic art, carried ’out in the colours of the various clubs whose representatives took part In the tournament. The members of the Christchurch A and Christchurch B teams, bearing their blushing honours thick upon them, were present in full force, and were receiving congratulations on the notable successes achieved by them during the week. Some of those present were: Mrs George Gould, Mrs G. Hutton, Mrs R. Gould, Mrs D. Gould, Lady Rhodes, Mrs J. F. Studholme, Lady Ferguson, Mrs K. Macdonald, Mrs R. Burden, Mrs R. M’Kelvie (Feilding), Mrs B. Murray, Mrs H. Livingstone, Mrs R. Johnson. Mrs P. Baines, Mrs A. S. Elworthy, Mrs 11. Elworthy, Mrs W. N. Bond, Mrs J. C. Miller. Mrs H. Barker, Mrs T. F. Gibson, Mrs W. Deans, Mrs Denis Chapman, Mrs C. L. Orbell, Mrs H. Orbell, Mrs J. H. Grigg, Mrs 11. Ensor, Mrs J. Lyons (Hawke’s Bay),

Mrs J. Gatenby (Hawke's Bay), Mrs E. Millton, Mrs Hewitt (Wairarapa), Mrs J. Watherston, Mrs C. M. Rout (Auckland), Mrs R. L. Levin (Feilding), Mrs H. Menzies, Mrs Matson, Mrs F. M’Kenzie (Havelock North), Lady Stewart, Mrs G. Gray, Mrs R. Cracroft Wilson, Mrs D. Collins, Mrs F. Wilding, Mrs H. Nicholls, Misses P. Boyle, B. Gould, C. O’Rorke, N. Gibson,. M. and N. Bond, B. Gibson, M. Studholme, L. Orbell, M. Moon, N. Hoare, M. Nixon, M. Nicholls, E, Lloyd, M. M’Kelvie, M. and R. Tripp, Ann Ensor, B. Rutherford, D. Warren, M. Stevenson, M. Montgomery, M. Morrison, Sally Holmes, and I. Turrell. Another delightful ball held during the week was a fancy dress dance given by Mrs George Gould at her home, “ Avonbank,” Fendalton. The beautiful grounds were illuminated with coloured lights, and in the billiard room the many guests in their varied costumes danced merrily. Supper was served in the dining room, where, on the supper table in shining splendour, stood the Saville Cup and the Junior Cup, both won during the week by the Christchurch Club’s representatives. Mr and Mrs Gould were assisted in the entertainment of their guests by their daughter, Miss B. Gould, by Mr and Mrs Roger Gould, and Mr and Mrs Derrick Gould. Mrs Stevenson was hostess at an all-day tennis tournament on Tuesday. A delicious lunch and afternoon tea were provided. The prizes were won by Mrs H. Kitson and Mrs Dobson. The players were Mrs Kitson, Mrs Dobson, Mrs G. Buchanan, Mrs Kingscote, Mrs Guthrie, Mrs G; Aitken, Mrs Nolan, Mrs H. Barker, Mrs F. Wilding, Misses R. Cra-croft-Wilson, A. Jennings, P. Harley, D. Humphries, and Bromley Cocks. Mrs J. D. Hall entertained a few friends at her home in Merlvale lane at a delightful bridge party on Tuesday night. The guests were Mrs J. Turnbull, Mrs B. B. Wood, Mrs Tom Cowlishaw, Mrs Fox. Miss R. CracroftWilson, Miss Cowlishaw, Miss Bromley Cocks, and Miss Lee. Mrs B. B. Wood left for Wellington on Thursday night. Mr and Mrs Roger Gould, who have been the guests of Mrs George Gould, Fenda’.ton, have returned to Rotherham. Miss Cicely O’Rorke is the guest of Lady Rhodes, “ Otahuna.”

WELLINGTON, March 30. A very interesting afternoon was spent at Wellington Girls’ College on Saturday, when the presentation of a very beautiful honoursboard was made to the school by the Old Girls’ Association. The board is made of a huge slab of mottled kauri (the gift of an Auckland firm), surrounded with panels of honeysuckle and other handsome woods, 14 different kinds being used in all. The design was made and the work carried out by Mr Williamson, of Wadestown, and was the subject of great admiration. There was a cabbage tree, group of. flax, tree fern, kiwi, the Union Jack and New Zealand ensign, the college arms and motto, and dedication inscription, all being done in the natural colours of New Zealand woods, no artificial colouring being used. It is a wonderfully complete and beautiful piece of work, and Mr Williamson received hearty appreciation for his artistry in producing such a board. Miss Greig, the principal of the college entertained a number of guests to afternoon tea before the unveiling of the board, inclu’ing the Mayoress (who performed the ceremony) and. Miss Troup, the chairman of the board of governors (Mr W. H. P. Barber), -the headmasters of the boys’ colleges. Miss Batham (principal of Wellington East Girls’ College), and a number of members of the O.G.A. and of the staff. Then an adjournment was made to the college hall,. and the ceremony took place, the whole school being crowded with interested onlookers. Mrs Troup said that she had the more pleasure in unveiling the board as she was oim of the old girls of the school herself. Speeches were made by Mrs Ernest Dawson (president of the 0.G.A.), Mr Barber, and Miss Greig. Mrs Dawson made a thoughtful and kindly reference to the many old girls whose names were not on the board, as they had taken to the domestic life, or given themselves to social service or for the State, and she wished that they should be remembered with honour and approval, though they had not taken academic honours. Later “ high tea ” was served in the cookery school, and speeches made arid replied to with much enthusiasm. The annual meeting was held in the evening, and dancing and games filled up the rest of a most interesting and happy day. The members of the Seatoun Croquet C-lub recently arranged and carried out a .most successful evening in aid of the Wellington Free Ambulance Fund. The large gathering of members and friends played progressive 500, and had a number of very successful games. The prizes were presented by the president (Mrs M'Girr), the winners being Mesdames Morton, Robertson, and Davis, and Mr F. Hill. Supper concluded a very bright and cbeery evening. Mr Roffe, the secretary of the ambulance, was present, with Mrs Roffe, and explained to those present the great value and advantage the ambulance is to the people of the city. It was agreed that other centres should be asked to make a like effort. A well-arranged tennis tournament took place at Karori recently in aid of the local Plunket Society’s funds. The games took place at Mesdames Kirkcaldie’s, Lewis’s, and Holthouse’s courts, and at each place delicious afternoon tea was served to players and onlookers, and a very pleasant time spent. The result of the afternoon was the sum of £l2 being added to the funds. There were about 72 entries, and the finals will be played off next week. The semi-finalists were Miss Valmai Richardson and Mr Birch ; Mrs Dickerson and Mr Arthur Lewis ; Miss Isabel M'Lennan and Mr Pope. Colonel and Mrs Murray arrived in Wellington from the south on Monday. Dr Irene Woodhouse, of Mataura, is paying a visit to Wellington. Mrs Gillies has. returned to. Palmerston North after a visit to Wellington. Mr and Mrs Maurice Anderson left by the Aorangi for a visit to Sydney. Mr and Mrs J. M. Hott have left for a visit to Taupo. Mrs J. Rankin, Glenmore street, is paying a visit to Christchurch. Mrs H. Rose has returned to Wellington from the Red Cross Conference in Auckland. Mr and Mrs R. D. Bell, of Tim'aru, left by the Aorangi en route for an overseas tour. Mr and Mrs George Leith are Dunedin visitors to Wellington. Miss Margaret Adams, of Christchurch, is a visitor to Wellington. Mrs S. Langdale, Karori, is the guest of Mrs Murray, of Wanganui.

WAIRARAPA, March 29. The engagement is announced of Eileen Ellen, youngest daughter of Mrs M. Huntley and tiie late Mr J. E. Huntley, of Palmerston North, to Lindsay Arthur Montague, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. M. Pickering, of Woodville. At St. Matthew's Church, Masterton, on Tuesday the wedding took place of Gladys, youngest daughter- of Mrs T. Newland, of Lansdowne, Masterton, to Harold, youngest son of Mr and Mrs R. J. King, of Lansdowne. The bride was given away by her brother. Mr S. J. Newland, of Wellington. At the Anglican Church, Wairoa, recently Ivy Isabel, youngest daughter of Mrs M. J. Kirk, of Gisborne, was married to Mr John Hebenton. of Masterton. The bridesmaids were Misses Eileen Aislabie, Elna Threadwell, Muriel Kirk, and Joan Aislabie. The best man was Mr David Hebenton, brother of tho bridegroom, and the groomsman Mr Lawson Aislabie.

On Thursday night a surprise party paid a visit to Mr and Mrs Carmine at Featherston. • • A wedding was solemnised at the Methodist Church, Masterton, on Tuesday morning, the contracting parties being Rene Lilac, second daughter of Mr and Mrs F. Sayer, of Masterton, and Leslie Harold, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Ernest H. Arnold, of East Twickenham, Surrey, England. The Rev. V. Beckett officiated, and. Miss Jones presided at the organ. Mrs Millicent Kilminster was matron of honour, and Miss Ngaere Sayer flower girl. The best man was Mr Aubrey Sayer. An evening wedding was celebrated at the Greytown Methodist Church on Wednesday last, when Miss Nina Mary Blake, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs C. Blake, of Grey--town, was married to Mr Walter Denby, son of Mrs Harr's, of Carterton, the Rev. C. R. Taylor officiating. Miss C. Gobell, Carterton, and Miss Mavis Brown acted as bridesmaids, and Mr J. Denby was best man. Mrs Lewis and Miss May Lewis have left Masterton to stay in Wellington for a few days before going to Auckland, whence they will depart on the Aorangi for a trip abroad. Mrs A. J. Skjellerup left Masterton on Monday for Te Awamutu. Mr and Mrs Burling and Miss Jean Burling, of Masterton. have left on a visit to Rotorua and the Waitomo Caves. Mr and Mrs W. M'Nair Miller and family, of Dunedin, have arrived in Masterton, where they will in future reside. Miss Elsie Wrigley, of Masterton, is visiting Rotorua and the Waitomo Cave®. Mr and Mrs Trevor Beetham, of Masterton. are visiting Palmerston North. Mr and Mrs R. J. Young, Masterton, are spending a holiday at Tokanui. Mr and Mrs A. T. P. Hubbard and Miss Daisy Hubbard, Upper Plain, are visiting New Plymouth. Mrs Moss, of Wellington, is staying with Miss E. Rob-eson, Masterton. Miss Lyndsay-Ryan. of Sydney, is the guest of Mrs Kenneth Stewart. Te Ore Ore. Mr and Mrs Sydney Smith. Lansdowne, with Mrs Nelson Fowler and Miss Sybil Fowler (Hastings), have taken a cottage at Rotorua for a few weeks. Mrs T. E. Allen. Te Ore a Ore, and her mother, Mrs Doherty, are visiting Wellington. Mrs Gerald Mawlev. Lansdowne, with Mis= Chalmers and Miss Erica Chalmers, left this week for Rotorua and Ta uno. Mrs Monte Meredith, Masterton, is on a visit to Christchurch. Mrs Pilmer and Miss Mad-m Pilmer have returned to Masterton from Wellington. Mrs M. Meredith, Masterton, is visiting Christchurch. Mrs I. Macßae, Masterton, _is visiting Wellington. Mrs T. WardeU, Masterton, is at present vis'ting Auckland. Mrs T. All“i tMasterton) and her mother are visiting Wellington. Mrs Harold Pearc“. of Feilding, is the guest of Mrs Pearce. Master.ton.

FEILDING, '’hi-ch 30. Miss Hocking Kiwitea, was hoste°s at a most enjoyable “jam and pickle ” afternoor in honour of Miss Moir- 'French, who is shortly to'be married to Mr Eric Woolinms Each mmsf represented some book, and the competition nroved most amusing. Bridge was also indulged in by those who felt inclined. These pre-ct ripe ■Tncob, Mrs Robert Burrell. Misses Rose, Banks. Duthie. Goodbehere, Bailey, .Tolr»‘m) Z9 >. Fr-n-, Webqtor. Perry (2), Fish, Giesen, Buchanan, and others. Mrs R. Burrell w-s hostess at a very iollv dance In honour of Miss Moira french.' Ench •guest brought something white for the new home. Mrs Burrell received her guests in a charming frock of i?-’e green geore-et'e heavily beaded. Miss French wore mauve ‘taffetas, with shaded mauve velvet, bands on -.the skirt. Those present were : Misses Fry, Conway. Hocking. Hare • (2) Baile”. 'wcbs*er,, Johnston (21, Per-y (2). and Bledden, I MdsfSVs Conway, Burrell, Bailey, Buchanan

(2), Hobson. Hocking. Hare, Woollams, Guy (Palmerston North), and others. Mrs Eccles, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Hanger. Mrs and Misses Gibbons, of Napier, have been the guests of Mr and Miss Goodbehere prior to their departure for England. Mrs Horneman has been the guest of Mr Goodbehere.

PALMERSTON NORTH.” March 30. Mrs Reeves. Raetihi, who has been the guest of Mrs F. S. Goldlngham, has left for a visit to Christchurch. Mrs J. T. Bosworth has returned from a visit to Auckland. Miss Lee Steere. of Australia, is the guest of Mrs S. Goldingham. Mrs J. Hine, of Gisborne, is the guest of Mrs J. T. Bosworth. Miss N. Barber, of Tiritea, is visiting Mrs J. Waldegrave, Raetihi. Mr and Mrs V. Monrad have returned from Dannevirke. Mrs de Stacpoole, of Takapau, is the guest of her mother. Mrs H. N. Watson. Mrs F. S. M'Rae has returned from Sydney. Miss Molly Hooten, of Auckland, is the guest of Mrs F. R. Thornley, Palmerston North. Mr and Mrs E. E. Short, of Feilding, leave shortly for a trip to Australia. Mrs W. Roberts; Shannon, is the guest of Mrs J. F. Houghton. Wairoa. Miss M. Dorn, Kairanga. leaves by the Maunganui for an extended trip to Sydney. Mrs D. Lethbridge is the guest of her i mother, Mrs F. S. M’Rae. Palmerston North. Mrs B. J. Jacobs Is visiting Taupo. Miss' Ivy Campbell, Palmerston North, Is spending a holiday in Dunedin. Mrs C. A. Ferguson and Mrs S.*Kingston, Palmerston North, are attending the annual conference of the W.C.T.U. in Napier. Mrs E. Barnes. Palmerston North, is a visitor to Wanganui. Miss Marjorie Fitzherbert has returned from New- Plymouth.

WANGANUI. March 30. The Methodist Church, Rongotea, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when Mavis only daughter of Mr and Mrs Howard Thompson, of Rongotea, was married to Kenneth, youngest son of Mr and Mrs C. E. Vile, of Bulls. The Rev. W. S. Neale conducted the service. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, was attired in a frock of cream silk georgette, trimmed with cream georgette handmade flowers, with a dainty shoulder posy on the frock. She wore silver shoes, ami a cream silk net veil, with coronet of orange blossoms, and carried a gorgeous bouquet of everlasting sweetpeas, roses, and osters, blended with maidenhair fern, and 'ied with white satin ribbon. She was attended by two bridesmaids and two Birenrgirls. Miss Rhea Masters, chief bridesmaid, wore azure blue radia silk, in mid-Victorian stvle, with cream net yoke. Her hat was of azure blue taffeta stitched, and turned up off the face with a diamante pin; she wore silver shoes, and carried a lovely bououet. Miss Dorothy Vile wore apricot crene de chine in the same style, her hat being of apricot stitched taffeta, turned up in front with a diaman'e pin. Her shoes —ere also of silver, with bououet to tone. The flowergirls, Miss Ngaire Waghorn, and Audrey Tostevin, were dressed alike in lilad crepe de chine petalled frocks, with cream k>d shoes and socks. They carried baskets of silver, with tulle streamers and flowers to tone. The bride’s mother wore a gown of navy crepe, with draped skirt, trimrned with cream, guipure lace. Her toilette vvas completed with a navy satin' hat with red carnation felt flowers, and a bouquet of red zinnias and rodgum, mingled with maidenhair fern. The br'degroom’s mother chose a grown of black cepe Margaret, with a frilled skirt, and floral georgette touches. Her bououet was of belladonna lilies and asparagus fern. Mr Dudley Thomoson was best man, and Mr Terry Hight, of Christchurch, groomsman. Thd

church was decorated by Mrs C. Masters, •with ■; paper bells in groups of three, , and streamers -of helio, white, apricot,» and lupine-blue. Miss Nola White presided' at the organ. :• The reception took place- at the Coronation Hall, where 100 guests were entertained by the bride’s parents, the hall being tastefully arranged by Mrs M. H. White, who arranged streamers and flowers of various’ hues to tone with the' bridal party. In the evening the guests were entertained at a jiarty and dance, - --k. t - Mrs i Sidney H. Head, of Napier, ‘is the guest'.of Mrs Whelan,-of Heads road,- Gon-villei--’i She is accompanied by her little daughter, Justine. Mr 'Alan Binley leaves Wanganui ■ this week for. England and the Continent, where he intends to study and join up with' the aviation corps. Mr Binley is well known in Amateur Dramatic Circles. ■ -< Mr.' and .Mrs T. L. Sperring have returned from the Drapers’ Conference 'held' in Auckland recently. - Mr’-and Mrs -E. E. Short, of Feilding, leave next ,week .for a holiday at . Sydney. Mrs \A.-Wilson was. hostess at-an- enjoyable' -dinner given in honour of Mr and Mrs Neame,- who leave Wanganui shortly for England.' ’ ' ■ Miss Ruth Mason, of College Estate, has taken up nursing at the Hobson street hospital, Wellington. Mrs Wilford, of Wicksteed street, is the guest of Mrs H. Wilson, of Bulls. Miss Pratt is visiting Hawera, and is the guest of. Mrs Bruce Joll. . Mrs Anderson, of Scotland, who has been staying for some time with her sister, Mrs J. C. Patterson, of Gordon Park, sails by the Argyllshire next week, for London. Mrs. Eric Forlong motored to Wellington this week on a brief visit. Mr and Mrs C. E. Parker, of Blenheim, are spending a holiday in this city. On Saturday night Mrs Walter Stewart, of Wicksteed street, was hostess at a large bridge and mah jong party given, to farewell Mr and Mrs Neame.

POVERTY BAY, March 28. Mr and Mrs T. E. Toneycliffe entertained about- 80 guests at a garden party held in the beautiful grounds surrounding their home in Haronga road. The weather was ideal for the function, and the flower beds were a picture with their setting of green lawns and backing of oriental trees. The hostess was gowned in oyster grey georgette hand-painted in tones of mauve and orange, and a grey silk raffia hat, trimmed with ospreys. Croquet, and clock-golf were indulged in, and a treasure hunt created much merriment. Mrs Robert Watson and Miss Amy Gray gave an enjoyable bridge-tea in honour of Miss Nancy Williams, whose marriage to Mr Birch takes place shortly. Bridge tables were arranged in the drawi->»- ’ • —> belladonna lilies and michaelmas daisies were used to decorate. Mn gowned in crush-rose crepe de chine; Miss Gray wore black satin, inlet with gold; Mrs Gray was. attired in black lace, caught with a diamante buckle. The guests included Mesdames W. G. MacLaurin, J. W, Williams, Misses H. Nolan, P. de Lautour,’ L. Holden, A. Barker, P. Seymour, J. Blair, M. Macaulay, J. Branson (Napier), D. Broadhurst, E. Simmonds, N. MireLaurin, and Zoe and Ursula Williams. The spinsters and benedicts of Rakauroa held a most enjoyable ball in. the township, and a very large gathering attended. Gisborne and all surrounding districts had their representatives present, and the function was voted the most successful held at Rakauroa for some time. Mrs F. B. Barker, president of the local executive .of the Girl Guide Association, entertained fully 60 Guiders and Guides at the Wainui Beach. Companies’ from Ormond, Manutuke, and Mangapapa; -as well as Gisborne, were represented, and a very happy time was spent by one and all on the sands. < . ’ The Misses Barker, of Hexton are at present on tour of the North Island. Mr and Mrs L. Tullock, of-. Mangatu, have returned from a visit to Wellington and Blenheim. Mr and Mrs Kearsley and daughter, of Wellington, who are on tour of the North Island, were guests of Mr and Mrs George Smith, of “ Berwen," this week. ’ Mr and Miss G. M. Reynolds, of Ormond, leave on a trip to England and the Continent' next month. - Miss M. Craig, who has just returned from Sydney, celebrated the opening of her new dance rooms by an invitation dance. . About 90 couples attended, and a jolly time was spent by all present. HAWKE’S BAY, March 30. The marriage took place in .St. John’s Cathedral, Napier, of Miss Dorothy Retemeyer, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs W. B. Retemeyer,' to ."Mr/ D'Arcy Blackburn, son of Mr and Mrs Charles Blackburn, of Gisborne. The Bev. Rupert Hall,, of Otane, officiated. The'bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr A. A. Retemeyer, wore a charming frock of white georgette, trimmed with crystal beads and silver lace. A veil, held with orange blossoms," and silver shoes completed her toilette. She carried a beautiful bouquet of

white roses and gardenia. The bridesmaids were Miss Phyllis •Mountfort, of Taurangai and Miss Colleen Blackburn, of Gisborne.The bridesmaids were frocked in pale blue georgette, trimmed with gold lace, and they wore crinoline hats to tone, and carried bouquets of autumn-tinted zinnias. Mr T] Crossby, of Wellington, acted as best man! and Mr Roy Newman, of Gisborne, as groomsman. ’After the reception the happy couple left on their honeymoon, the bride travelling in an almond -green coat frock, with smart hat to tone? x A pretty and - popular wedding was celebrated at All Saints’ Church, Taradale, wherf Winifred May, ydungest daughter of Mr F' S.. Howard, of Taradale, was married to John Henry, eldest son of Mr and Mrs G. Cowan; Apiti, of Feilding. The bride looked chariii* ing in a dainty frock of cream georgette': Her embroidered veil was arranged with a circlet of orange blossoms, and she ca'rried a bouquet in tones of pink and white. Mrs J. King was matron of honour, and wore a frock of larkspur blue, with double petalled skirt and beige hat. Her bouquet was of pink and> ; -white. . Mr MacKenzle officiated as best man. The happy couple left later for the south, the bride travelling in an ensemble suit of pink and grey rep, and a beige hat. The engagement is announced of Lenore Ester, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs G. H. Mackay, of Takapau, to Jack Lowe, eldest son of Mr and Mrs G. C. Lowe, of Hastings. Miss Guthrie Smith, of - Scotland, s the guest of Miss E. Morgan, of Napier. Mr’ and Mrs Blackburn, who have been visiting Napier, have returned to their home in Gisborne. Miss M. Hobson, of Hatuma, has been, on a visit to Napier. Mr and Mrs Fred Williams, who were staying at the Morere Ho*. Spring’s Hotel, have returned to Napier. Mrs C. Clark, of Waipawa, has gone on a visit to Sydney. Mrs W. J. Geddis and Miss Kathleen Geddis have returned to Napier after a visit to Sydney. Mr and Mrs W. Taylor, who have been touring the North Island, have returned to their home in Wairoa. Mrs W. Roberts, of Shannon, is on a visit to Wairoa. Mr and Mrs W. H. Gaisford and Miss Gaisford, of Oringi, have gone on a holiday Vis.t to Sydney. Mrs C. Thomson, of Dannevirke, is paying a visit to Napier. Miss L. Carr,, of Napier, is on a visit to Gisborne. Mrs Tait, of Maraekakaho, has been on a visit to Taupo. Mr and Mrs J. Gatenby, of Te Awanga. Mr and Mrs J. Lyons, of Greenhills,. Mr and Mrs F. D. M,‘Kenzie, of Havelock North, and Mr and Mrs .Neil Campbell, of Poukawa, have gone to Christchurch for the polo tournament. Mrs Herbert ’ Coleman, of Napier, has gone on a visit to England. Mr and Mrs G. Livingstone, of Takapau," have been visiting Gisborne. Mr and Mrs P. W. Peters, of Napier, are at present visiting Morere. Mrs R. G. Drummond,, of Masterton, who has been visiting Morere, has returned home, Mrs Stewart, of Waimarama, is the guest of Mrs D. Stewart, of Heretaunga. Mr Franklin Williams and Miss A. Williams have been visiting Wellington. Mrs A. Louden, who has been on a visit to Wellington, has returned to her home in Napier. Mrs Sproule, of Napier, is on a visit to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Page, who have been on . a visit to Waipawa, have returned to Masterton. Mrs S. M'Farlane, of Dannevirke, was visiting friends in Napier. Miss Glory-Simsoh, of Hastings, who has been on an extended visit to England, is returning by the'lonic early in April. Mr and Mrs Frank Limbrick, of Waipawa, have returned home after spending a holU day in the South Island. -y • Mrs Russell Duncan, of Cobden road, Napier, is touring . in the South Island;

WAIKATO, March 30. A most enjoyable evening was given by Mr and Mrs F. House, of Hamilton, in the Chequers tea rooms, for the visiting Taranaki bowlers. The rooms were nicely arranged, and a splendid musical programme was contributed by some of the leading Hamilton musicians. Those present were: Mesdames D. Meredith, Drake, Pilkington, Morris, N. Bell, G. W. Hyde, Mace, Lobbe, Rowland, Bennett, W. Horton, King. F. Booth, Fraser, Burrows, Roberts, Whitehead, May, Pratt, Loveridge, Dingle, Eade, and G. Wilks, Misses Higgott, Evans, and Bennett. Mrs S. Lewis, of Cambridge, gave an afternoon tea party- last Tuesday in honour of Mrs 'Sinclair, of Melbourne, and Miss, Lewis, of Rotorua. Those present were:. Mesdames A. Grave, M. Wells, Porritt, J. Sawers, -Gibbons, H. Lewis, J. Tisher, and R. Cox, Misses Fisher, Sharpe, Foley, and Lewis. . The visit of the Taranaki bowlers was concluded at the Hamilton boWling greens on Saturday. There was a large attendance of bowlers and their* friends.

was served in the pavilion, the tables being decorated in the club’s colours. The ladies present were:—Mesdames (J. N. Hyde, Pilkington, Varney, P. E. Stevens, N. Bell, Mace, D. Meredith, Drake, Ford, May, A. N. Green, Redman, C. W. King, Robb, E. M. Masters, Pratt, Bevin, T." Mitchell, F. C. House, S. Arthur A. Wheeler, Evans, Kingston, W. Peterson, G. Wilks, Dingle, Morris, Rowlands, and Whitehead, Misses Wallnutt, I. Pratt, Alexander, E.- King, Stevens, Brookes, M. King, A. House, and-E. Bennett. The weather for the croquet matches played at Hamilton during the week was perfect. Each day there was a good attendance of visitors to watch the matches. Those present were -.—Mesdames R. ; Coombes, E. G. Johnson, Speight, N. Horton, Barley, Bagley, Mun*-o, Mercer. Matthews; N. Blythe, Kibblewhite, L. Totman, Wilks, Osborne, M’Lean, Lamprill, Blackall, Gudex, Evans, Hargreaves, York. Smith, ■C. H. Curling, Gough, Drube, Evans, Bennett, Bartlett, Turbott. An afternoon tea was given by Mrs Souter, of Cambridge on Wednesday. The rooms were decorated with glorious zinnias and scarlet berries. The guests were: Mesdames E. E. Roberts, -A. H. Nicoll, D. Lundon, E. R. Lee, and E. B. Cox, Misses Gwynneth, Cox, Attfield, and E. Attfield.

AUCKLAND, March 29. At the annual meeting of the Dunedin Club at Auckland last week, Mr E. C. Cutten, S.M., who presided, spoke of the useful purpose the club was serving in keeping alive old friendships, of the South. The membership of the club' is 'l2O, and, as former dwellers in Oamaru’ and Invercargill are now eligible to join, the numbers should in the future very. materially increase. The patron is Mr Justice Herdman, and the president, Mr E. C. Cutten, S.M. The Commerce Students’ Society gave a most successful dance in. the University Buildings last Saturday night- There were no other decorations deemed necessary than the tapestries which line the walls, and these were the better shown up by the pink shading of the lights. The members of the committee were composed of Miss D. Koller, Miss Copeland, and Messrs O'Neill, Hudson, D. Robinson, J. Battley, N. I. M'Keen, and N. S. Mountain. There were about 100 couples present. Mrs Cresswell, of Christchurch, is visiting her daughter, Mrs E. B. Bullock, of Westhburne’ road, Remuera. Great interest is being taken in the set of 21 water colours, " Illustrations to the Book of Job,” by William Blake, the famous painter of religious and mystical subjects, which are the property of Miss Martin, of Arthur street, Ellerslie, who inherited them from her father, Mr Albyn Martin, who passed away many years ago. It is thought that these pictures, which have hitherto been considered by the owner as only of passing value, are to-day w’orth several thousands They are to be sent to England for examination by experts, after being exhibited for. a short period in our art gallery in .Wellesley street. Mrs Nat Madison, of the Maurice Moscovitch Company, has arrived from Sydney, and is staying with her parents, Mr and Mrs Alfred Nathan, of Princes street. Mrs Tosswill has left on her return to her home in the Malay States, after having spent several months with her mother, Mrs T. C. Savage, of Remuera. Mr and Mrs F. M. Ward, of Timaru, are staying at Cargen Hotel. ■ , Mrs Oram, of Dunedin, is spending a holiday in Auckland, and is at Stonehurst. Mr and Mrs W. Fraser, of Dunedin, and their family, after having~Spent the summer months at Takapuna, have now taken up their residence in Arney road, Remuera. ! Mrs and Miss Marshall,, of Marton, are among southern visitors to Auckland, who are staying at Braeburn. Mrs J. B. M'Diarmid, of Tauranga, is snending a couple of weeks at the Grand Hotel.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3864, 3 April 1928, Page 63

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3864, 3 April 1928, Page 63

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3864, 3 April 1928, Page 63