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A sitting of Jie Otago Land. Board wag fcommenced on Wednesday, when there were present Messrs R. S. Galbraith (commissioner of Crown lands), James Smith, C. J. Loder, T. A. Munro, and G. Livingstone. APPOINTMENT OF ARBITRATORS. W. P. Reid, who holds sections 54 and block IV, Otepopo S.D., under education reserve lease, objected to the. rental fixed for the_ new term, and appointed Mr George Livingstone as his arbitrator. The board appointed Mr J. A. Munro as its arbitrator. NASEBY COMMONAGE.

_The Commissioner reported that he and Mr Inder had inspected the commonage on February 23, and had attended a public meeting in Naseby on the same evening. The existing committee intimated its •willingness to relinquish control, and a new committee was elected. At Mr Inder’s suggestion, a vote was taken whether the commonage should be cut up, and a large majority voted against subdivision. A very important matter was the urgent need to cope effectually with the problem of clearing sweet briar and noxious weeds, nd. the Commissioner said he hoped the new committee would meet the demands of the Agricultural Department in that respect. He thought the rates charged by the Maniototo County Council would be a serious handicap to the new committee, and he suggested that if a license from month to month were granted this would exempt the land from the operation of the Rating Act. This concession, combined with a nominal rental, should ensure to the committee sufficient funds to allow of the noxious weed question being met effectually. The Conditions on which it was proposed to grant a license to the new committee were-: — That the existing license be cancelled as from April 15, and the new license take effect from April 16, 1028. That the license be in the name of“ The Naseby Commonage Committee,” such committee to consist of not more than seven or less than four persons to be elected by the local residents and to hold office for a term of two years. The Land Board reserves the right to remove any person from or appoint any person to the committee notwithstanding that the maximum or minimum number be thereby increased or decreased. That the committee shall have the right to fix the grazing rate per head of cattle, and may decide that such charge may be varied from time to time and may be reduced in special cases of hardship or poverty. The committee shall have the right to limit the number of cattle which any one person may graze. All surplus receipts must be expended for the improvement of the commonage by keeping down rabbits and noxious weeds and erecting fencing. Within 14 days of the first day of April in each year the committee shall submit to the Land Board a complete statement of revenue and expenditure for the. year. Should any person feel aggrieved by “any action or decision of the committee, he may appeal to the Land Board, and the board in its discretion may order the com. mittee to alter its action, revoke its decision, or do any other thing to comply with the written requirements of the board. Any failure so to do on the part of the committee shall be deemed to be a breach of duty, and shall render the license liable to immediate cancellation. The Land Board at all times shall have the power to cancel the license upon giving one month’s notice of its intention so to do, and the board need not give any reason for such cancellation. The committee shall i.ot allow sheep to be grazed on the commonage without the consent of the board. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the committee by any member resigning, dying, becoming incapacitated, or leaving the district, such vacancy shall be filled by election of the local residents-. The board decided to grant a month-to-Tnonth license to the Naseby Commonage Committee at a rental of 5s per month on the conditions stated above. TUAPEKA COMMONAGE.

Thomas Brembe wrote stating that he was unable to comnlete his application for sections 185 and 186, block XIX, Tuapeka East S.D., and' asking the board to rescind the previous resolution granting the areas to him.—Resolution of December, 1927, amended accordingly. ST. BATHANS COMMONAGE. The Commissioner reported that the arrears of rental owing by the Sc. Bathans Commonage Committee had now been paid, and the board was asked to consider rescinding the resolution cancelling the license. —Resolution of February 8 rescinded. "TEVIOT SETTLEMENT. The Commissioner reported that parts of the old railway reserve through sections 10s and 12 to 14s, Teviot settlement, had been included in the areas of these sections, and as the land was Crown land the board was asked to fix a value at which the various portions might be brought under the Land for Settlements Act. —The values as suggested by the commissioner were approved. APPLICATIONS FOR LAND. W. G. Kindley applied for the rio-ht to occupy section.3l of the Brightorf subdivision, block XVI, Dunedin and East Taieri S.D Area deleted from M.L. at present held by James Mitchell and thereafter granted to W. G. Kindley on a year-to-year tenure under section 147 of “The Land Act, 1924,” at an annual ' rental of £l, noxious weeds and gorse to be kept in check. Hames Johnstone applied for a crib site, section 32 of the Brighton township, block ■XVI, Dunedin and East Taieri S.D.’—Area deleted from M.L. held by James Mitchell, and a year to year right to occupy granted at an annual rental of £l. Alfred Henry Hamer applied for a license to occupy as a crib site section 48 of the Brighton subdivision, block XVI, Dunedin and East Taieri S.D., area ia.—Granted at an.annual rental of £L A. Blanchard applied for the piece of land adjoining his residence, which . he stated was outside the /boundary of the Naseby commonage, and was not used by anyone.—Referred to the field inspector for a report and sketch.,. The Commissioner submitted the field inspectors* report on the application made by Janet Wilkinson for an area of land

at tlie back of her section at St. Balkans. —Year to year right granted at an annual rental of 10s.

William Noble applied to purchase section 5, block XLV, town of Alexandra; area la 35p.—Granted at a rental of £lOO. ' The Commissioner reported that the survey had been completed of section 160 block X, Leaning Rock S.D., area la lr Zip, applied for by Thomas A. Hawley.— Granted at a price of £lO. John Francis Partridge applied to pur«no closed road 1350 R, block V, Cromwell V., area la o.sp.—Granted at a price of £l.

Richard George Redhead applied to purchase closed road 1306 R, block X, Cromwell S.D. area la lr 27p.—Granted at a price of £4.

John R. Scurr applied for a grazing rin-ht over sections 46 and 47, block I. Caddrona S.D., area 22a lr 12p.—Granted at an annua] rental of 10s, provided the land is cleared of noxious weeds and gorse. Hannah . Elizabeth Menzic, of Bannockburn, applied to purchase section 41 block 11, Bannockburn S.D., area 3r ‘ 31p. Granted at a price of £3. John Bartlett Aitken applied for a renewable lease over section 38a block I Glenorchy S.D., area 47a lr 32p’.—Granted at a capita] value of £2O. John R. Tripp applied for a riHit to occupy about 800 acres at Skippers, known as the Commonage Reserve.—Year’to year y,^ nse granted at an annual rental of

Frederick Robert Parker apnlied to purchase section 92, block VIII, Benger S.D., area 10a o.7p.—Granted at a price of £l6’ E. L. Walter applied for a grazing right over part of a small area of land in block XII, Benger S.D., between the road and the river.—Year to year license granted at an annual rental of 10s.

S. Crawford applied for a right to occupy section 21, block V, Waitahuna West S.D., area 5a 39p.—Year to .year license granted at an annual rental of 10s. J D. Calder applied for a right to occupy sections 10 and 12. block XI, Woodland S.D.. area 41^a. —Year to year license granted at an annual rental of £4. DISPOSAL OF LAND. The Commissioner submitted a report made by Field-inspector Mee on section 14, block XXX, town of Hampden. The board was asked to consider the disposal of the land; area lr.—Year to vear tenancy granted to John Murray at an annual rental of 7s 6d. The Commissioner submitted a report by the field-inspector on sections 41 and 42, block XI. Moeraki S.D., area 15a 2r 23p.—Charles Squire, of Kartigi. to be offered a year to year license at an annual rental of £l.

The Commissioner submitted a report by the field-inspector on sections 1 to 22, block XV, section 4. block XT. section 4, block XVI, section 16, block XVIII. ana section 9. block XXL town of Waikouaiti. The board was asked to consider the disposal of these areas.—Recommendations submitted by the field inspector approved-. Commissioner reported that Thomas W. Newbold had not completed the purchase of sections 2. 3. 4. and 8, block VIII, Otago Peninsula S.D.. within’ the 30 days allowed by the Act. The board was asked to consider whether the transaction was to be completed —Receiver of Land Revenue to be authorised to accept the balance of the purchase money. The Field-inspector reported on an area of land at St. Bathans, occupied by the hotelkeeper. The board was asked to consider granting Mr Douglas a year to year license over same. —Year to "year license granted at an annual rental of £l. The report and valuation made by the field-inspector on the unsold sections in the Pembroke township was submitted.— Sections to be offered for sale by public auction at the upset prices suggested by the field-inspector.

_ Field-inspector Simpson reoorted on section 27, block XII, Tautuku S.D., area 110 a 2r 22p.—Section to be retained as a bush reserve. EXCHANGE OF TENURE. R. A. M'lntosh applied to exchange his small grazing-run lease over runs 220 C and 220 D, Tiger Hill S.D. (3900 acres) to renewable lease.—Referred to the field-inspec-tor for a report. W. H Spain applied to exchange his small grazing-run lease of run 238 D, Cromwell, Leaning Rock, and -Wakefield survey districts (4920 acres) to renewable lease.— Referred to the ficld-inspcctor for a report. Edwin A. Jolly, holder on small grazing run lease of runs 236 N and O, Cluden and Tarras S.D.’s, 3639 a, applied to exchange his tenure to renewable lease. —Referred to field inspector for a report. E. B. and E. G. Sanders, who hold sections 3 and 32, block 11, Kawarau S.D., 80a, lr 29p, under occupation lease, applied to exchange the tenure to renewable lease.:— Granted, subject to the warden’s consent, at an annual rental of £5 16s. PERMISSION TO BURN. George Hay applied for permission to burn scrub and fern on sectiop 7, block HI, Catlins S.D.—Action of the commissioner in granting permission confirmed. DISBURSEMENT OF IMPROVEMENT MONEYS. The board was asked to consider the disbursement of the sum of £33 15s paid in by ,C. Jocelyn for the improvements on section 74, block 1, Bannockburn S.D.— Receiver of land revenue authorised to pav the money to E. Halloway. CANCELLATION OF LICENSE. J. S. Buzan advised that he no longer required a grazing license over about four acres, part of reserves between read and coast opposite sections 56 and 57, block HI, Otepopo S.D.—License determined, and the land to be offered to Brown Bros, on a year to year license at an annual rental of £l. DETERMINATION OF MISCELLANEOUS LICENSE. _ The board was asked to consider the question of the determination of miscellaneous license 3398 in the name of D. J. Gunn, over an area of 4600 acres west of run 474’ Caples S.D., as the area is provisional State forest.—License determined as from June 10. CANCELLATION OF LICENSE.

James Brown, of Tuapeka Mouth, advised that he .wished to surrender his license to occupy sections 7 to 12, block XIII, town of Dunkeld; urea, 4a 32p. E. Pearson, of Beaumont, applied for a right to occupy the same area.—License determined and a year to year license granted to E. Pearson at an annual rental of 10s.

Thomas Bremner applied for the cancellation of his miscellaneous license 3050 oyer lr 20p, being part of mining reserve, black XIX, Tuapeka East S.D.—License determined. ', The board was asked to consider the question of the cancellation of Mr J. Carmichael's miscellaneous license over an area in block VI, town of Waipahi.—License determined. INCREASE OF RENTAL. The Commissioner submitted the report by the field inspector revising the rental payable on M.L.2627 by the Waitaki County Council.—Annual rental increased to £3 10s.

The Commissioner submitted the report by the field inspector after revising the rental payable on M.L. 3201 by J. G. Pagel—Annual rental increased to 15s. Revision of the rental _payable by M. Power, under education reserve lease 179 over section 1, block XI, town of Palmer-ston.—-Annual rental increased to ss. Revision of the rental payable by the Otago Education Board under education reserve lease 1814 over section 4, block XVI, town of Palmerston. —Annual rental increased to ss.

Revision of the rental payable by W. Steel under education reserve lease" 19S0, over section 16, block XXII, town of Palmerston.—Annual rental increased to 10s.

Revision of the rental payable '• by P. Rattigan under education reserve lease 59 over section 6, block 11, town of Hawksbury.—Amount. of rental increased to 12s 6d.

Revision of rental payable by D. Shand under education reserve lease 61, over section 3, block VI, Hawksburv town.— Annual rental increased to 12s 6d. Revision of the rentah payable bv William Sandford, under education reserve lease 63, over section 7, block X, town of Hawksburv.—Annua] rental increased to £l.

Revision of the rental payable by M. C. Smith, under education reserve lease 68, over, section 16, block XXV, town of Hawksbury.— Annual rental increased to 10s.

Revision of the rental payable by G. G. Smith, under education reserve lease 2001. over section 17. block XXVII, town of Hawksbury.—Annual rental increased to 10s.

Revision of the rental payable by James M'Gill, under education reserve lease 2003, over section 6, block XXX, town of Hawksbury.—Annual rental increased to 12s 6d. Revision of the rental payable by W. Maxwell, under education reserve lease 73, over section 9, block XXXIV, town of Hawksbury.—Annual rental increased to 12s 6d.

Revision of the rental payable by R. Bell, under education reserve lease 74, over section 17, block XXXV, town of Hawksbury.—Annual rental increased to l 9 s 6d. Revision of the rental payable by W. M'Dougall under education reserve lease 75. over section 3, block XXXVII, town of Hawksbury.—lncreased to 10s. Revision of the rental payable by E. Ward under education reserve lease 76 over section 11, block XXXIX, town of Hawksbury.—lncreased to 10s. Revision of the rental payable by W. Rcndall under education reserve lease 65. over section 17, block XVIII, town of Hawksbury.—lncreased to 10s. Revision of the rental payable by B. Hallett under education reserve lease 77. over section 19, block XL, town of Hawksbury, area one rood.—lncreased to 10s. Revision of the rental payable by G. Williamson under education .eserve lease 78, over section 5, block XLII, town of Hawksbury.—lncreased to 10s. , Revision of the rental payable by William Dempster under edm-ation reserve lease 80, over section 4, block XLVI, town of Hawksbury.—lncreased to- 10s. Revision of the rental payable by B. Hallett under education reserve lease 81. over section 22, block XLVII, town of Hawksbury, area one rood.—lncreased to 10s.

Revision of the rental payable by E. S. Heckler under education reserve lease 82, over section 2, block L, town of Hawksbury.—lncreased to 12s 6d. Revision of the rental payable by J. Park under education reserve lease 85. over section 17, block LIX, town ’of Hawksbury.—lncreased to 10s. Revision of the rental payable by T. Allcock under education reserve lease 86, over sections 3, block LXI. and 6. block LXIII, town of Hawksbury.—lncreased to £l.

Revision of the rental payable by D. Walker under education reserve lease 2005, over section 3, block LXV, town of Hawksbury.—lncreased to 10s. Revision of the rental payable by- J. Park under education reserve lease 89. over section 11, block LXVI, town of Hawksbury.—lncreased to 10s. _ Education reserve lease 90 over section 7, block LXIX, town of Hawksbury. —Annual rental increased to 10s. Revision of the rental payable on miscellanctous license 3119 by- F. Pile.—lncreased to £3 10s.

The meeting was concluded on Thursday; present—Messrs R. S. Galbraith (commissioner of Crown lands), J. Smith, T. A. Munro, C. J< luder, and G. Livingstone.

The board considered reports by the field inspectors after revising the rentals payable in the following cases, and the following increases were decided on: — Mrs I. A. Ure, Waipiata, section 11, block XI, Maniototo S.D., area 23 acres, to £2; Mrs I. A. Ure, under miscellaneous license 2314, Maniototo S.D., tb £2; P. and T. Treacy, to ss; J. D. and J. E. Edgar, to £2"; W r . G. Labes, to £1 17s 6d.

Thomas M’Cone, licensee of lot 1, Benmore afforestation reserve, area 3954 acres, applied for k reduction of the rental under his miscellaneous license.—Reduced to £lOO. -

The board considered the cases of Mrs Mary M. M'Kinnon, lessee of run 531, Benmore; L. C. Munro, lessee of run 533, Benmore; David M‘Lean, lessee of run 534, Benmore; and J. Kelland, licensee of run 546, Waitaki County, and in each case it decided to insist upon a proper •compliance with th e residence condition within 12 months.

The board was requested further to consider the case of Thomas M'Cone, lessee of run 544, Benmore.—Held over till next meeting.

It was decided that John Anderson, licensee of run 550, Benmore, 8692 acres, John Shanks, licensee of run 553. Wai taki, 1688 acres, George Sanders, licensee of section 122, block XIX, Shotover Survey District, and W. B. Gibb, licensee of section 152, block I, Teviot Survey Dis’ trict, be called upon to show cause by the next meeting why their licenses should not be declared forfeited for non-compli-ance with the residence conditions.

In th e case of W. Rayne, licensee oi run 556, Waitaki, the board did not consider this run suitable to carry a residence condition, and exempted the licensee accordingly. Proposals by the following local bodies for the expenditure of “ thirds,” etc., were approved and the receiver was authorised to pay : —Alexandra Borough Coun oil, “ thirds,” etc., for period ending Janu. ary 31, 1928, amounting to £1 14s 8d; Waitaki County Council, “ thirds," etc., accrued for period ending January 31, 1928, amounting to £26 12s; Waihemo County Council, “ thirds,” etc., accrued for period ending January 31, 1928, amounting to £9 16s ■ Waikouaiti County Council, ” thirds,” etc., accrued for the period ending January 31, 1928, amountina to £23 13s 9d ; Taieri County Council, “ thirds,” etc., accrued for period ending January 31, 1928, amounting to £9 5s 3d; Tuapeka County Council, “ thirds ” and “ fourths,” accrued for the period ending January 31, 1928, amounting to £l2 7s 8d ; Clutha County Council, “ thirds,” etc., accrued for the period ending January 31, 1928, amounting to £9 5s lid; Southland County Council, thirds," etc., accrued for period ending January 31, 1928, amounting to £3 15s; Bruce County Council, “ thirds,” etc., accrued for the period ending January 31, 1928, amounting to 15s. The following applications for transfers were approved:—Area in block HI, Moeraki S.D., or 12p, .Sarah Pattinson to John M'Kenzie; section 20, block VI, Hawksbury S.D., 3a 3r, William George Carling to Abraham Y. Park; section 17 and part of mining reserve, block VI, town of Hyde, sa, Cyril S. J. Berkeley to John M. L. Tod; section 55, block 11, Blackstone S.D., and section 2, block 11, Blackstone S.D., Martha Jane Mee and Annie Elizabeth Mee to Eleena Agnes Mee; section 2, block XXII, Blackstone, 354 a Or 04p, section 10. block VI,- Blackstone, section 1, block XXII, Blackstone, 344 a 3r 21p, part section 11, block VI, Blackstone, 121 a Or OOp, Gordon’ White Johnstone to James Eric Leask; part block XL, town of Lawrence, 20p, Arthur E. M. Parker to Colin Goodlet; sections 2 of 58, block 11, 35a, Table Hill S.D., John James Lane and James Gray (executors of the will of George M'Leod, deceased) to John Joseph Duley; section 26, block 11, Glenomaru S.D., 15a, James Drummond to Ethel Lydia Murch; section. 21, block I Maniototo S.D., 175 a 2r 03p, sections 13,’ 22, block I, Maniototo 5.D.,130a 3r lip section 19, block VI, Naseby S.D. 300 a 2r OOp, section 18, block VI, Naseby* S.D.,

402 a Or COp, Henry Dugan to Robert Dugan ; half-interest in run 227 a Turnagain and St. Bathans S.D., 13,570 a, Gordon White Johnstone to James Erie Leask; run 244 k, Tteer Hill S.D., 2009 a, Alexander F. M'lntosh to George N. Mlntosh and Alexander F. M'lntosh, jun.; sub-lease of section 70, Ardgowan’ Settlement, 76a 2r 39p, William Albert Swan to James Shivas Yeoman; section 50, block I, Lower Hawea, 10a, section 52, block I, Lower Hawea, 84a; unsold sections in town of Gladstone, 60a, William John to John Davis Williams; part section 2 of 39, block 111, Waikouaiti Survey District, 16a lr 39p, Rachel T. Charlton to Doris M. Bennett; sub-lease of run 244, Tiger Hill S.D., 1824 a 2r 06p, section 14, block 111, Poolburn S.D., 136 a 2r Olp, section 15, block 111, Poolburn 0.D., 23a Or OOp, and an area between Pcolburn and the boundary of Blackstono Wilson to Hugh Wilson. lhe registration of assignment or run r? 1, 4495 a, from Charles Robert Churchill to Leslie D. Lister was aiip roved. ’

James Creighton applied for the cancellation of M.L. 2887 over an area of 18 acres 14 poles in block 11, Teviot S.D., and William Toms applied for a grazin'' right over the same area. License det ft” mined, and William Toms granted a year to year license under section 147 of the Land Act, 1924, at an annual rental of

W, E. Aubrey, lessee of run 547, Benmore, who was called upon at the last meeting of the board to show cause why he was not complying with th e residence condition, stated that he had built' a house on the run and intended in all good faith to live there., but the state of his wile s health rendered that impossible.He now applied for exemption from residence.—No action to be taken in the meantime.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3862, 20 March 1928, Page 15

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OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 3862, 20 March 1928, Page 15

OTAGO LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 3862, 20 March 1928, Page 15