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c ~ Monday. beveral welcome homes ” have been given during the week to Lady Ferguson, President of the Otago ’Women's Club, by the various circles of, the club. The Motor Circle met on Vv ednesday afternoon, the guest of honour being Lady Ferguson. Mrs Ambrose Hudson, the chairwoman, in a few well-chosen remarks, welcomed back th e guest of honour, who later gave an interesting talk on her travels. During the afternoon music was enjoyed, Mita Morison and Miss Oram singing several times. Mrs W. T Smellie read a letter from Mies M’Nab, thanking the ladies for giving the patients motor drives, and saying how much they are appreciated. Delicious tea anj dainties were much enjoyed by those present.

A morning tea party” was given at the J udor Hall on Friday morning by Miss M. Livingstone in honour of Miss J. Blundell, of Canterbury, who is at present on a visit to Dunedin. ,

Each night large audiences have witnessed the performances of ” Kos e Marie” at His Majesty s Theatre, where those present have enjoyed the wonderful “ Totem Pole ballet with its gorgeous colouring, the enchanting music, luxurious dresses, and the marvellous scenic effect of the Canadian Rockies

Mrs Had gave a most enjoyable musical afternoon on Wednesday at her residence, Granville terrace, the guest of honour beirr? Mrs M Kenzie and Mrs J. Logan, who are leaving on a visit to England shortly.

Mrs Nisbet, who left on Thursday to spend the winter months in Australia, was given a farewell patty on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs Cleghorn at Archerfield school when the guests present were able to bid the guest of honour farewell and express their °°ocd wishes for a happy holiday. The guests present weie mostly members of the staff ana of the Old Girls’ Association.

large was present at the Golf Club on Saturday afternoon, when the mixed foursome took place for the cup presented by Mr and Mrs T. K. Sidey. Later in the afternoon, when most of the scores had been handed in afternoon tea was enjoyed by all present, it bemv given by Mr and Mrs T. K. Sidey

On Thursday evening Mrs Leslie Mills gave a . rge. dinner party at her residence, •‘ Piccadilly,” when the house and tables were beautifully arranged with asters and sweet peas. After dinner dancing was indulged in tor the remainder of the evening.

During the week Lady Allen gave an afternoon “at home ” in honour of Dr J. G. Russell, of Columbia University, New York, at her residence, Clyde street. Present weie Sir Lindo and Lady Ferguson, Archdeacon hitehead and Miss Whitehead, Ur A. G. I’isher, Professor and Mrs Benson, Mr and Mrs Morrell, Dt Strong, Dr Benham, Professor and Mrs R. Lawson Miss Mells, and Mr H. D. Skinner.

An engagement is announced between Hazel, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. S. Burns, to Alan, only son of Mr and Mrs T. Buxton, of Christchurch.

On Wednesday afternoon the membeij of the Arts and Grafts Circle yvere entertained at a very interesting lecture on “ China given by Miss Fraser in the Otago Women's Club Rooms. The lecture was illustrated with lantern slides, showing many parts where Fraser bad lived. Miss Vida Reynolds, the chairwoman, in a few wellchosen remarks, welcomed the speaker. At the conclusion of the address, Mrs Theomin accorded a hearty vote of thanks, after which refreshments were enjoyed.

A successful meeting of the Gardening Circle of the Otago Women’s Club was held on Tuesday afternoon when members brought various plants for exchange.

On Tuesday afternoon Miss Neill gave a most enjoyable bridge party at the Otago Women’s Club. Amongst the guests present were Mesdames Gallaway, Sargood, Cheeseman, Black, Riley, Rattray, Wallis, and Halsted, and Miss Denniston.

A most successful bridge party was given by Miss Sise at her residence, Queen street, in honour of Mrs Hay, of Christchurch. Among the guests were Lady Ferguson, Mesdames Oldham, R. Sise, Russell Ritchie, and Stanley Batchelor, and Misses M‘Lea.l, Ferguson, Graham, and Denniston.

The Rev. W. Bainber and Mrs Bamber, of Christchurch, have gone to the southern lakes, after visiting friends in Dunedin.

A surprise party was held at the home of Miss Nancy Nicol, Burwood avenue, on Wednesday evening, when a very jolly time was spent in dancing. Present were Misses Phillips, B. Nancarrow, Halsted M. Davis (Auckland), B. Williams, ~M. ' Reid, P. Stronach, Livingstone, L. Williams, and J. Blunden, Messrs Colbeck, Russell, Blundell, Henley, Hislop, Gatley, Gore, M'Lean, Hodge, etc.

A very pleasant afternoop was scent at the home of Miss Joyce Nevill, St." p’aul’s vicarage, on Thursday afternoon, when a number of friends were invited to meet Misses Letty and Barbara Williams, who are leaving shortly for England. Present were Misses Reeves, Nancarrow, Gram. Halsted, Vipan (2), Batchelor, Stronach, Blundell, Livingstone, Arthurs, etc.

Mrs Frank Elmore, who has been on a visit to New Zealand, left on Thursday for Wellington, en route for England.

Miss J. Stronach, who has been visiting her relatives in Dunedin, returned to Canterbury on Wednesday.

Miss J. Blunden, of Canterbury, is the guest of Miss M. Livingstone, Dunottar.

Mies Marjorie Blomfield has returned to Dunedin after visiting friends in Wellington.

Mr ana Mrs John Hunt, who have been visiting Dunedin, have returned to Pembroke.

Mrs Millton and Miss I. Cracroft Wilson, after a visit to the southern lakes, are now in Dunedin.

Mrs James Park, who, in the last few weeks, has been the guest' of honour at many enjoyable dinner and luncheon parties given by friends and relatives, left Dunedin on Tuesday en route for London.

INVERCARGILL, March 19. Mrs E. W. Haworth has returned from Christchurch.

Miss Mary M'Quilkan. of Ashburton, is the guest of Miss Marjorie Todd, oi Northend.

Miss M. Rowley, of North road, has returned from Dunedin, where she spent several weeks.

Mrs F. J. Loughnan has returned from a holiday in Wellington. Dr and Mrs A. C'Caw return from their motor tour of Otago Cental on .MondayMrs George Broughton left on Tuesday for Cliristchurch, where she will b e the guest of her mother, Mrs Leversedge. Miss Marjorie Studholme returns to Christchurch on Monday. Miss Waddington, of Auckland, who has been the guest of her sister, of th e Hank of Australasia, returned home last Tuesday. Mrs E. A. Gumbley and family arrived from Wanganui on \V and have taken up residence in Invercargill. Mrs W. A. Hammond, of Russell street, gave a small tea paity at her home on. Friday afternoon. On Friday evening of last week she was hostess at bridge.

Mrs R. A. Harvey was hostess at a small dance at her Lome in Thomson street yesterday evening. Those present were Mr and Mrs F. Robinson, Mr and Mrs Murray Page, Mr and Mrs T. E. Davis, Mr and Mrs W. Brown, Mr and Mrs J. Hamilton, Mrs J. x’’. H. Alexander; Misses Mamie and Gwen Kensington; Messrs B. Meredith, Baird and A. Bissett. Mrs J. K. Garrett was hostess at delightful dance given at her home in Spey street on Tuesday evening in aid of the Invercargill Tennis Club. Those present were Misses M. Ott, Lawrence (2), N. Oughton, M. Logan, M. Todd, M. M'Quilkan (Ashburton), A. Fraser, K. Wilson, H. Brookcsmith and M. Hamilton. Messis T. Royds, G. Todd, J. Strettell, C. Drain, M. Ott. L Sherriff (Dunedin), I. Jack, G. Broughton, AV. Martin, J. Dick, A. Dunlop, H. Trevethick, A. Kingsland, and A. Oughton. WAIMATE, March IG. Mr and Mrs J. Springer, “ Mornington,” Harris street, have returned from a holiday spent in North Canterbury. Mr and Mrs E. Davies, of Waihaorunga, have beeu on a visit to Queenstown. Mrs R. H. Kaan has returned to Waimate after a short holiday in Oatnaru. Mrs A. G. Pitts returned to Waimate on Tuesday after a holiday in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs J. H. Beattie returned from Christchurch on Tuesday. Miss E. Dunlop has been selected the Friendly Societies’ queen for the carnival to be run conjointly by the Friendly Societies, Plunket Society, and the Rugby Union in the near future. Nurse M’Kee has been selected as the Plunket queen at the forthcoming carnival. Miss Wilce, of Christchurch, is visiting Waimate. and is staying with,her mother, Mrs F. Wilce, in Rhodes street. OAMARU March 17. The Hon. J. G. and Mrs Coates spent a day in Oamaiu on their return to Wellington. Miss Dcrotby Davies has returned from Franz Josef. Mr and Mrs Appleby and family, who have been staying with Mrs Roxby, have returned to Omarama. Dr and Mrs Scott have returned from a few weeks’ holiday at Hamilton. Mr and Mrs Alan M'Donall have returned south after a short visit to Oamaru. Mrs Cowie Nichols, of Kurehika, has returned from a short stay in Dunedin. Miss Joan Reid, of Burnside, has gone to Dunedin, where she will stay a few weeks. Miss Peggy M’Farlane, of Sydney, who has been the guest of Miss M'Kellar, Wharfe street, has gone tr Christchurch. Miss Gilchrist has returned from a short stay in Dunedin. Mrs Fotheringham, of Dunedin, is staying with Mr and Mrs D. Fotheringham.

Mrs J. Russell is the guest of Mr and Mrs Thompson, of “ Brookstead.” A very pretty wedding was consummated on Wednesday morning at St. Luke’s Church, when Mr James Thorp Preston, elder son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Preston, of Ouse street, was married to Miss Rita Roxby, daughter of Mrs and the late H. M. Roxby, of Avon street. The church was beautifully decorated by friends of the bride. The Ven. Archdeacon Russell officiated, and Mr F. Burry presided at the oigan. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr Appleby, and was attended by Miss Dorothy AV right as bridesmaid and Miss/'Patricia M'Donall as flower girl. The bridegroom was accompanied by Mr Douglas K. Thompson as best man. The bride looked charming in a frock of ivory georgette, with an accordeon“ple.ated tiered skirt, the long-sleeved bodice being appliqued in delicate shades of mauves and pinks, outlined iu gold. Her handsome veil, worn off her face, was arranged with a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet composed of pink and cream flowers with asparagus ferns. The bridesmaid wore a dress of rose nink georgette, and a headdress of pink tulle, and the flower girl apple green with a hcadbaud of flowers. TIMARU, March 17. Miss R. Rutherford, of Dunedin. Is the guest of Mrs A. Muir, Sarah street. Miss Cotterill, who has been visiting friends in South Canterbury, has returned to Christchurch. Mrs Hunter-Weston, “ Highthorne,” has returned from Dunedin. Dr and Mrs L. S. Talbot, Te Weka street, have returned from the North -sland. Miss Alison Johnstone, Wai-ltl road, is back from Dunedin. Mrs Hector Scott, Nile street, has left on a visit to Sydney. Mrs A. Hope, “ Tumanako,” has returned from Christchurch. Mrs F. Haines, “ Marston,” has returned from Orarl. Mrs Ross Mackay, of Dunedin, is the -guest of Mrs W. T. Smith, Mona Vale, Al« bury. Miss Barron and Miss Allen have returned to Dunedin. Mrs F. Avent, who has been spending some weeks with Mrs G. S. Cray, Seaview terrace, has returned to Christchurch.

Mrs Henry Knubley, who has been staying with Miss Knubley, Sarah street, has" returned to Geraldine.

Mrs Farr, irho has been staying with her mother, Mrs Matheson, “ Tighnafeile," Waiitl road, has returned to Wellington. Mrs James Grant, “ Grey's Hills," has returned from a short visit to Christchurch. Dr and Mrs Gibbs, of Nelson, were the guests of Mrs F. I. Washbourn, “ Wichenford," Grant’s road, this week. The Misses Hassell, Preston street, and the Misses Hassell, North street, have returned from Geraldine. Miss Elizabeth Harris, of Christchurch, has been staying with Mrs Cossins, Wai-iti road.

Tlie Misses Olliver, of North Canterbury, are staying at the Bungalow, Wai-iti road Miss Enid Jones, “ Otirltiri,” is on a visit to Mrs J. C. Guinness. ‘ Farmleigh," Ealing. Mrs de Salis and Miss Heath, of England, were the guests of Mrs H. Elworthy, Craigmore, last week.

Mr and Mrs D. C. Turnbull, “ The Gables ” Evans street, are on a visit to Wellington. ’ Mrs J. Turnbull and Miss Biss, of Christchurch, are at Cadogan, Sefton street.

_ ASHBURTON, March 17. • r? , ?. vor » who has been visiting friends in Geraxhne, returns home to-day. Mrs W. Nosworthy, of Walnut avenue, has returned from a trip to the North Island. Mr ami Mrs Galbraith have gone to Nelson. Au i• Bomfant, of Avoca, ia visiting her mother, Mrs Coster, of Nelson Mrs Graham, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mr H. Bomfant, of Avoca Mrs Bonnington and Miss Bennington are staying at the New Brighton Cafe. The engagement is announced of Mildred youngest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr W. Sparrow, of ’’ Minnies’.ea,” Ashburton to Matthew, fourth son of Mrs and the tote Mr H - Kingsbury, of Lyngholme, Kyle. Miss E. Jones, of Timaru, is the guest of her sister, Mrs J. C. Guinness, of Ealing. .Miss J. Jones, of Timaru, is staying with Mrs Gillies, of Maryfield. Miss M. Hunter has gone to Oamaru, where she is the guest of her sister, Mrs Nelson Saunders.

Miss Nosworthy, cf Christchurch, who was the guest of Mr and Mrs R. Nosworthy, of Wakare,” Mount Somers, has returned home.

Mirs. Cecil Wood, of Hackthorne, is visiting her sister, Miss Murphy, of North Canterbury.

Mr and Mrs Henry Stevenson, who have been on a trip to England, have left by the lonic, and expect to arrive in Ashburton tbe first week in April.

CHRISTCHURCH, March 16. In brilliant sunshine on Saturday afternoon the final of the Tahu Cup matches was won by the Christchurch B team, which also won the cup presented by Mrs G. Gould. Amongst the spectators were the following ladies: —Mrs George Gould, Lady Rhodes, Mrs John Studholme, Mrs George Rhodes, Lady Stewart, Mrs George Hutton, Mrs Derrick Gould, Mrs John Montgomery, Mrs H. Menzies, Lady Campbell, Mrs J. H. Grigg, Mrs G. Grigg, Mrs Peter Johnson, Miss Hynes, Miss Olliver, and Miss N. Gibson.

Mrs J. H. Hall gave a very enjoyable tea party on Friday afternoon at her home in Papanui road In honour of Mrs A. K. Firth, who, with her husband and children, are leaving for Australia, en route to England. Amongst those present were: Mrs Gosset, Mrs Henry Acland, Mrs Sydney Lawrence, Mrs Ned Cordner, Mrs B. B. Wood, Mrs Cooper, Mrs Jim Williams, Miss Nancarrow, Mrs H. O. Devenlsh Meares, Mrs John Stevenson, Mrs Carney, Mrs Vesey Robinson, and Mrs Percy Wynn-Williams.

Sir Charles and Lady Campbell are leaving this week for a trip to England. Mr and Mrs Gladstone-Robinson and Miss Robinson are staying in Christchurch. Mrs W. Helmore, who has been paying a "Visit to Christchurch, has returned to Timaru. Mrs Simon MacKenzie, of “ Otumarama," Timaru, is visiting Christchurch.

Mrs W. Day is spending a short holiday at the Rakaia Huts.

Mrs Vincent Ward, of Heretaunga, is staying in Christchurch, and is the guest of her mother, Mrs R. G. Petre. Flowering fuchsias and palms adorned the stage at the Choral Hall on Wednesday night when Mr H. M. Lund gave a pianoforte recital. Madam Winnie Fraser, whose singing gave the greatest pleasure to the large audience, wore an elegant gown of pearl grey crepe de chine, beautifully cut on Puritan lines, and quite untrimmed except for the crystal fringe weighing the graceful side trains. She also wore a long neck chain of silver and crystal. Miss Katherine Lund, who played the accompaniments, was dressed in a pretty frock of deep cyclamen georgette, uncommonly trimmed with ruchings and a narrow front panel of cyclamen taffeta.

The conversazione and private view night, which was held at the Art Gallery on Thursday, is an event always looked forward to with pleasurable anticipation, and one which Is greatly enjoyed by the guests. Thursday night's gathering was no exception, and though too crowded to allow much study of the pictures it was a very enjoyable function. The engagement is announced of Aroha, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs C. Stoddart, of “ Birchlea,” Lincoln, to Henry Carmichael, younger son of the late Mr and Mrs -Henry Anderson, of '*■ Stratharther,” Ladbrooks.

The engageent is announced also of Ngalre, second daughter of Mrs W. B. Clarkson and the late Mr W. B. Clarkson, of Rlccarton, to Donald Macbean. second son of Mrs D. Macbean Stewart and the late Lieutenant-colonel Douglas Macbean Stewart, of Christchurch.


Mrs Alex Young was "at home ” for a very pleasant afternoon party, held at her residence on Tuesday, when there were many guests, all of whom enjoyed a “ tea and talk ” afternoon very much, as a contrast to the continual bridge parties, which have been the chief entertainments for some time. The rooms were very prettily decorated with hydrangeas and tiger lilies, and a particularly dainty tea was much enjoyed. Among those present were Lady Chapman, Miss Skerrctt, Mesdames Sprott, Miles, Dyer, Marchbanks, Bidwill. H. Hall, Eichelbaum, F. Leckie, Ewen, W. Kennedy, Ashford, G. Tripe, C. O'Connor, R. W. Kane, D’Oyley, Etherington, Robertson, Arthur, Sinclair, Kemp, Clay, W. D. Stewart. W. Pearce, Frazer, Salmond, H. Moss, and Coleridge, Misses Dyer, Wheeler, Barton, and others. A delightful afternoon was spent at the Kelburn Municipal Croquet Lawns, when the members entertained the officials at a wellarranged progressive game of croquet. There was a number of entries, the five lawns being all used, and double-banked. The afternoon was beautiful, and the games “were keenly contested and very interesting. Afternoon tea was served in the pavilion, the tables being charmingly arranged with high silver vases filled with blue and white agapanthus and asters, forming the club colours. Several handsome trophies were donated by members, aim won by Mesdames Henderson, M’Gill, Gardner, Palmer, Willis, Pollock, Pope, Strickland, Christie, and Esam. . Mrs Palmer (President) thanked all the members for the very pleasant way in which they had shown their appreciation of the services rendered by their officials, and mentioned their gratification fcr the kind thoughts which had prompted the arrangement of such a delightful afternoon. There was such ample provision for the function that a sale was held of cakes and flowers, the results being handed to the Rev. T. F. Taylor for some of his good works.

The Girl Guide movement is likely to receive a great impetus as a result of a meeting held recently when a proposal was brought forward to obtain the services of a qualified and fully diplomaed Guider from the Imperial Head Office in England. The matter was fully discussed, and much enthusiasm was shown. The Guider would be employed to take all training classes in the towns for a year, as well as some of the country companies, which, through distance, do not get all the advantages which come to the towns, and it was felt that their interest would be greatly stimulated, and the instruction would be most valuable. The expense was, of course, the first consideration, but the enthusiasm was so great that the fine sum of £136 19s was subscribed in the room, and promised by various companies. With this gratifying result, it was felt that it was possible to cable to Lady Baden-Powell to confirm the appointment of the Guider, who will leave for New Zealand at the beginning of next year. It is thought that the movement in the Wellington district will benefit immensely by this assistance, and much gratitude was expressed to those who came forward so readily to help in the matter. The Waimarie Croquet Club held a very pleasant afternoon party, the B grade players being the entertainers, to celebrate the winning of the B grade shield for the second time. The dav selected, by a happy coincidence, was the birthday of the president, and part of the afternoon tea equipment was a fine birthday cake, made by one of the members. A number of competitions passed the time interestingly, the winners being Mesdames Stoupe, Fairbairn, Savage, Kelly, Howatson, Vaughan, and Parker, and Miss Elsie Stoune. Great amusement was caused by the playing of a game of “ sack croquet." Paper caps were charmingly made and presented bv Miss Elsie Stoupe, and added much to the brightness of the scene. Mrs A incent Ward is the guest of her mother, Mrs Petre, of Christchurch. Lady Pomare returned by the Makura from a brief visit to the islands. Mrs G. D. Greenwood has arrived in Wellington from the south. Mr and Mrs F. E. Tomlinson have left for visits to .Rotorua, Auckland, Taranaki, and Wansranui before leaving for Australia. Mr and Mrs G. H. Williams, who were here witn their yacht last year, returned by the Makura, and will be here for deep an< i bi? game shooting. Mrs Williams will visit Rotorua Mr and Mis W. D. Hunt and Miss Edwards, have been visiting Invercargill. Mr and Mrs Lowery returned by the Makura from an overseas visit. Mr and Mrs J. O’Shea have left for a visit to Nelson.

Mr and Mrs Hurst Secgar are going to take up their residence in Wellington for the winter.

Miss Meadowcroft has returned from a visit to Mrs Imlay Saunders, of Wamranui. Mrs Mitford has left for a visit to her niece, Mrs L. Chaytor, of Blenheim. Miss Hazel Aldous has returned to Picton after attending the Navy League Conference tn Wellington

Miss Mabel Earle, who has been visiting Wanganui and Wellington, has returned to Ne'son.

Miss Chrissie Beggs. formerly of Hanmer Springs, left by the Niagara for an extended tour of the United States. Mr and Mrs B. N. T. Blak e and family have left Wellington to take up their residence in Auckland.

CARTERTON, March 15. A successful dance was given by Mrs Norman James, of Masterton, at the weekend as a farewell to Misses Jean Graham and Jean Lawrence.

A pretty wedding was solemnised at Knox Presbyterian Church in Masterton, on Thursday morning, the contracting parties being Miss Violet Jacobsen, of Mauriceville, and Mr George Kempton, son of Mr H. W. Kempton, of Carterton.

The marriage of Kathleen Ma v Clarke, only daughter of Mr and Mrs G. Clarke., of Kingsland, .-took . plans recently at St. Andrew’s Church. Auckland, when she became the wife of Mr Robert Neil Gibson, youngest son of Mr and Mrs W. J. Gibson, of Masterton.

A social evening was tendered to Miss Marjorie Collier at the residence of Mr and Mrs C. R. Tocker, of South Featherston, on Tuesday evening.

The annual meeting of the Wairarapa High .School Old Girls’ Association was held last week in Masterton.

At St. Mary’s Church, Karori, on February 18 Mr C. Rupert Knowles, second son of Mr and Mrs Charles Knowles, of ■Stanley Bay, Auckland, was married to Idrienne Isohel, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Knell, of West street, Greytown. A carnival dance was given by the Haunui Croquet Club on their lawn in Featherston on Thursday night.

A merry party gathered in Messrs Hugo Miss B. 3. Macomish left Masterton on

Friday evening, when Miss Mainwaring, who is shortly leaving fur England, enteitained the senior staff at supper. Dr Helen Cowie, of Masterton, and Miss Elizabeth Ccwie are in Dunedin. Miss E. S. Mamomish left Masterton on Monday for Dunedin. Mrs Ward and her two children have left on a visit to the South Island. Miss M. Rutherford, of Masterton, and Miss M. Sandjrsou, of England, were in Stratford recently. Mr and Mrs G. W. Sellar, of Masterton, have gone to Palmerston North for a holiday. Miss Violet Ronayne, of Wadestown, is visiting Miss Spel’uian. of Masterton. Mrs J. Corney and Miss Eileen Corney, of New Plymouth, are visiting Masterton. Mrs W. Galbraith has returned to her home in Featherston after spending a holiday in Wellington. Mrs Robinson and Mrs D. Ingley, of Morrison's Bush, have left on a holiday visit to Christchurch. Miss Betsey Parker, of Lower Valley, has been spending a short holiday with her aunt, Mrs H. Williams, of Featherston. Mrs J. L. Murray, of Masterton, is visiting Feilding. Mrs W. J. M'Eldowney, of Wellington, is visiting the. Misses Daniell, of Masterton. Mrs H. H. Beetham, of Masterton, has returned from a visit to Wellington. Miss Bessie Shaw, of Te Ore Ore, is spending a holiday in Napier. Mr and Mrs Payton and Miss Leslie Payton, of Masterton, have returned from a visit in the South Island. Miss Freida Kummer, of Masterton, left last week for Sydney, where she will spend some months. Mr and Mrs A. B. Lawrence and Miss G. Lawrence ieft by the Maunganui for Sydney. Mr and Mrs L. B. Maunsell have returned to Masterton from Lowry Bafy, Mrs Eric Hodder, of Masterton, is visiting Palmerston North. Mrs H. Wooster, of Masterton, has gone to Dunedin. Mrs D. Ogilvy, of Masterton, is staying at Oriental Bay. Miss Alexa Stewart, of Masterton, is visiting Wellington. Miss Isobel Smith, of Wellington, has taken up her duties as a teacher at the Wairarapa High School, Masterton. Miss Card, accompanied by Miss I. Card, of Featherston, have left on a short visit to Christchurch. FEILDING, March 16. Mrs and Miss Perry and Mrs Phillips motored to New Plymouth for the week-end Mrs Miles entertained several friends at bridge during the week. The prizes were won by Mrs Little and Miss Redwood. Mrs ' Treadwell, of Mataroa, is visiting Feilding. Mrs Jack Hill has been the guest of Mrs John Duncan, of Taihape. Mrs David Bell is visiting Auckland and Rotorua.

Mrs and Miss Fry and Miss Flora Conwaj have returned from Rotorua. Mrs Graham, of Highfield road, was hostess at a most enjoyable farewell afternoon i> honour of Mrs G. Davey, who is short!,, leaving to reside in New Plymouth. Mrs Graham received her guests in a handsorm beige georgette and lace frock. The guest of honour wore a charming putty crepe oc chine frock with coat and hat to mate! Those present were Mesdames Phillips, Little Kingston, Harding, Norris. Webster, Saild ford, Tingey, Revington-Jones Pratt, Miles Hanger, Fair, Bell, Tankersley, and Brewer, Misses Harper, Pratt, and Phillips. Musical items contributed were much appreciated, and amusing competitions helped to make the afternoon a jolly one. The winners of the competitions were Mrs Little and Mrs Miles. /

PALMERSTON NORTH. March 16. Miss Beatrix Loughnan is spending a few days in Wellington. Mrs L. R. Lyons has returned from Paraparaumu. Miss Marjorie Fltzherbert la visiting New Plymouth.

Miss Maisie Harris, of Christchurch, has been visiting Miss Margaret Guy, of Palmerston North.

Miss Lexle Macdonald is spending a few days in Wellington. Mrs Miles, who has been staying with Mrs S. Goldingham, has returned to Sydney. Mrs Payne, of England, who has been staying in Dannevirke, is at present visiting the South Island. Mr and Mrs E. Hodder, of Masterton, were visitors to Palmerston North this week. Mrs R. C. Abraham has returned from Nelson.

Mr and Mrs G. Harkness, of Wellington, are on a visit to Palmerston North.

Mr and Mrs F. Carter, of Rangataua, are at present in Palmerston North. Misses Crump, of Wellington, are on a holiday in Palmerston North. Mrs A. Jamieson, of Martinborough, has returned to Wanganui after spending a holiday in Palmerston North. Miss Lorna Miller, of Palmerston North, has returned from Plimmerton. Mr and Mrs Norman, of Port Nelson, are touring the North Island. Mrs John Goring has returned from Hawera. WANGANUI. March 16. Mrs A. Hood left last week by the Maunganui for an extended holiday in Sydney. Mrs R. B. Gibbons, of Khandallah, motored to Wanganui early this w'eek, and is the guest of Miss Craig, of Anzac parade. Mrs J. T. Werry, of Nelson street, is the guest of her sister, Mrs Pointon, of Hastings, Hawke's Bay. Mrs O. Gillies Watson, of Remuera, Auckland is the guest of her mother, Mrs J. C. Patterson, of Wanganui East. Miss K. Fraser left on Monday for Wellington en route for a trip to England. Mrs R. Withers was hostess at a ** gift ’’ afternoon given in honour of Miss Ferens, who is to be married shortly. Mrs Hine was hostess at a bridge party this week in honour of Miss Kitty Rankin, who is visiting this city. The engagement is announced of Francis Thelma, second daughter of Mr and Mrs R. L. Smith, of Wanganui East, to Gordon, second son of Mr and Mrs T. Canieron, of Otahuhu, Auckland. Mrs A. J. Weekes was hostess at an afternoon on Thursday. Mrs Ernest Olliver, of Timaru. who has been spending a holiday with her sister, Mrs Boyen, of Wavcrley. arrived in Wanganui to-day, and is the guest of Miss Hylton. Miss M. Earle, who has been staying with Mrs A. E. Cowper, of Gonville, left for her home in Nelson yesterday. Mr and Mrs Sefton E. Hawker leave this week for a month’s holiday to Wellington, Carterton, and Palmerston North. Mr and Mrs H. Digby-James, of Gonville, paid a brief visit to Hawera during the week.

HAWKE'S BAY, March 15.

The Napier Park races were held in beautiful weather, and some smart autumn frocks were worn. The racing was of a high order, and some closs finishes were witnessed by the large number of racing enthusiasts. Mrs T. 11. Lowry, *’ Okawa,” was present, wearing a black floral georgette frock, and black hat; Mrs W. G. Stead, Flaxmere. navy charmaline, and tuscan hat; Mrs Leahy, mauve tailored suit and grey felt hat; Mrs H. M. Bishop, r-.vy silk rep with royal blue relief, and navy hat; Mrs Ziele, navy crepe de chine with ivory collar, and navy hat; J. Hindmarsh, navy and beige suit, and navy nea-green felt hat; Mrs D. Riddiford, rose beige tailored suit, and felt hat; Mrs F. North, fawn georgette, and ciel blue hat; Mrs C. Bee, navy silk marocain, and mushoom hat; Mrs Thompson, brown coat, fur trimmed, and hat to tone; Mrs J. Lowry, green crepe de chine, and beige hat; Mrs Mrs Trevor Geddis, nvy pleated frock, and hat; Mrs T. C. Moore, navy blue marocain, and hat in navy and del blue; Mrs F. N. Harvey, navy blue coat frock, and blue hat; Mrs H. Douglas, cornflower blue jumper suit; Miss M. Stead, green jumper suit, and beige felt hat: Miss B. Moffat, floral georgette, and black hat; Miss Wanklyn, vieux rose jumper suit and hat to tone; Miss J, Harston. grey cloth coat, fur trimmed, and grey felt hat; Miss Esme Morgan, jade green crepe de chine, and felt hat; Miss Hope BernaU, tweed tailored suit, and felt hat; Miss Marion Lowry, beige crepe de chine, and hat to tone; Misa Nelson, navy tailored suit, and

green, hat; Miss Margaret Brodie, navy crepe de chine relieved with cherry red, and felt hat in cherry red ; Miss M’Glnshan, ivory crepe de chine, and hat to match; and Miss Inglis, cameo pink jumper suit, and beige hat. A pretty wedding was celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church, Napier, when. Ruby Alice, daughter of Mr F. Hagen-Pratt, of New Plymouth, was married to Noel Joseph, son of Mr J. M'Cormick,' of Napier. The Rev. Father Murphy officiated. The bride was t frocked in white crepe de chine toned with delicate pink. She wore a white crinoline Straw hat trimmed In shades of white and pink, and carried a pink and white posy. Mrs W. Wilkie, sister of the bride, attended as matron of honour, and wore lavender crepe de chine relieved with cream lace, and a lavender hat. She carried a lavender posy. Mr H. Hastie acted as best man. • After the reception the bride and bridegroom - left for the south, the bride travelling in a frock of mushroom silk rep, with smart felt hat to tone. Mrs Guthrie, M.A., of St. Andrew’s University, Scotland, has been appointed to a position on the staff of the Napier Girls’ High School. Mrs J. W. Macdonald, of Napier, is at present on a visit to Wellington. Miss Muriel Holt, of Napier, is spending a holiday at Taupo. Mr and Mrs Steele, of Woodville, have peen on a visit to Mr and Mrs Sargisson, of Porangahau. Miss Shirley Andrews, of Dannevirke, has been on a visit to Napier. Miss Wase, sister of Mrs W. G. Jarvis of Taradale, has gone on an extended visit to England. ~ Mrs J. Sommerville, of Walroa, spent a few days in Napier as the guest of Mrs F W. Triggs, en route to Dunedin, where she is going to reside. Mrs R. M’Lean, of Waipukurau, is paying a visit to Nelson. - Miss Mary Cornford, who has been on a visit to Auckland, has returned to her home in Napier. Mrs Houston, of TVellington, has been on a visit to Napier. Mrs Sproule, of Namier, is visiting Wellington. Miss N. Kelly, of Napier, is visiting her sister in Masterton. Mrs R. W. Carpenter, of Waipukurau, Is visiting. Auckland. Mr and Mrs L. E. Bullock, of Napier, leave shortly to take up their residence in Wellington. Mr and Mrs Raymond, of Auckland, have been visiting Morere. Mr and Mrs A. W. S. Longley, of " Taradale,” Wimbledon, are leaving shortly on an extended visit to England. Mr W. Moore, of Sydney, and his wife (well known in New Zealand as Dora Wilcox) were in Napier for a few days. Mr H. M. Rathbone (of Waipawa) and Mrs Rathbone are at present visiting Nelson. Mrs F. Smith, of Otane, is visiting Dannevirke. Miss Eileen Walker, of Waipawa, Is holidaymaking at Ashhurst. Mr and Mrs Fletcher, of Queensland, who are holidaymaking in New Zealand, spent a few days in Napier. Mrs and Miss Gilmour, of Elsthorpe, have returned from a trip to America, and are at present staying in Wellington. Mrs and Miss Gleadon, of Napier have returned from a visit to the Morere Springs Mrs J. Nairn, of Hastings, has been on a visit to Gisborne. Mr and Mrs J. W. Sandtmann, of Napier, have returned from visiting the Morere Springs. Mr and Mrs N. M. Paulsen, of Takanau, are leaving next month on a visit to England. Mr and Mrs Percy Wall, of Hatuma, were in Napier for the races. Mr and Mrs H. Ashtcn, of New Plymouth were m Napier during the week Mr and Mrs W. Walters, of Napier, have left on a trip to England.

, WAIKATO, March 15. . T L® fete and sale of work held in the High School grounds at Hamilton ? n .,,, tu l day , were a great success. The drilling by the senior pupils was a feature or the fete, and was much enjoyed by the ? nd friends Present. .The proceeds of the fete were for the Hostel Building Fund The ladies present were: Mesdames Douglas, Eben. Wilson, J. Baxter C L Mac Diarmid, R. English, H. Hopkins, J. Bollard, Senior, R. G. Guy, D. Seymour W J Stevens, P. Cleary, S. Bennett, P. E. Stevens’ Apthorp, Jull, Vautier, E. V. Stace F A Snell, W. Whitlock. (Torrence, H. E. Gaze’ J. O. Taylor, S. B. Sims, A. Reeves, R. King, Redman, Mason, and Gudex; Misses N. Douglas, Wyatt, Gordon, Dowd, Tizard, Bowie, White, Hogg. Taylor, D. Clark, T. Collier, A Turley, S. Wright, Noble, H. Gaze, Burley, D. Speight, V. Cann, N. B ro ™P- M - X°“ bs - J - Masters, G. Hodgson, V. Watts, Ebbett, B. Taylor, and B. Manning.

A bridge evening was given by the Misses Branne at Cambridge on Tuesday. The flowers in the rooms were very pretty zinnias and late roses. The guests were * Mesdames G. G. Taylor, E. R. Lee A h’ Nicoll, and A. Sutherland; Misses Gwynneth,- Cox, and Dunne.

On Tuesdav the autumn show was held in the Town Hall at Hamilton, - and was a great success, despite the wet day. Some of the dahlias were particularly fine. Those present were: Mesdames H. Douglas, M. G. Bell, A. H. Niccol, J. D. Smith, W. Tudhope, P. R. Stewart, Vere Chitty, E. P. Cowles, R. B. Cranwell, T.' Toombs, C. Sutcliffe, J. H. Hammond, G. Way, F. Forster, P. Cleary, E. A. Cox, H. Whittaker, J. E. Page, A. W. Ward, C. Rees, J. F. Strang, Walker, Ramsey, and J. O’Sullivan ; Misses Searancke, N. Douglas, Whitton, Forster, A. Walsh, B. Mannihg, M. Christophers, G. Walsh, M. Searancke, P. von Sturmer, and Dr Mary Douglas. There was a very good attendance at the Waikato . trots on Saturday, the weather being beautifully fine and the course in good order. The ladies present were: Mesdames E. H. O’Meara, Vere Chitty, J. E. Chitty, A. J. Bond, R. B. Cranwell, A. Joseph, E. J. Mears, J. C. Gray, Matthews, M'Cann, A. L. Yule, R. G. Guy, Peake, T. Johnson, P. Gannaway, Montagu, Masters, Brown, W. C. King, A. L. Yule, A. Chitty, and Adams; Misses Wallnutt, W. Manning, Blair, Wilkinson, A. Browne, Hinton, L. Cussen, D. Yule. T. Grey, G. Hammond, Chitty, Nickle, E. Wilson, Stewart, Swayne, and Adams.

A tennis party was enjoyed on Saturday at Miss Banks’s home, Cambridge. Play was kept up till dusk, some exciting matches being played. Those present were: Mesdames Norman Banks, B. Couper, Sale, L. Harvle, and A. H. Nicoll; Misses Maltby, J. Couper, J. Banks, N. Banks, H. Moorhouse, T. Banks; Messrs W. Nicoll, Benhett, and T. Banks. AUCKLAND, March 15. A number of parties have been given for Miss Jean Lawford, who is sailing for England by the Mataroa this week. As a return, Miss Lawford entertained last Wednesday afternoon at her home in Remuera a number of her young friends to bridge. Bowls of lilies and roses were used to decorate the drawing room, and the tea table in the dining room was arranged with asters in various shades of pink. Among those present were: Mesdames Mervyn Reed and J. Russell; Misses Ferguson, A. Horton, _C. Russell, M. Jackson, M. Kissling, N. Colbeck, Waller, Stewart, V. Jackson, J. Maclndoe, and B. Jackson. Miss Binney, who is leaving at the-end of this month for England to join her brother, Mr Roy Binney, has also been the. guest bt honour at a number of parties. Mrs F, 0. Wake, of Remuera road, waa tho

hostess at a morning tea party for Miss Binney last Wednesday. Among those present were: Lady Sinclair Lockhart, Lady Nolan, Lady Stringer, Mesdames A. M. Ferguson, Day (Wellington), Tewsley, H. Bayly, Polson, . Wilkin,. Trevor Thomson, Burmlngham (who is staying with Mrs Wake, but is returning to her home in Honolulu next month), and Misses Tewsley and Ruth Hawkins (Hawera). Mrs A. M. Ferguson, of Victoria avenue, Remuera, gave a large farewell bridge party for Miss Binney last Friday afternoon. Pink asters were used to decorate the large drawing room where bridge was played, and mauve asters for the tea table in the dining room. Among the guests were: Lady Elliott, Mesdames E. Anderson, Wilkin, Robison (Nelson), Steer, Noakes, Lloyd, Fairclough, M’Cosh Clark, Short, Duncan Clark, Edmiston, Wake, H. Tonks, Burmingham (Honolulu), Greig, Hall, Mengay, J. B. Macfarlane, P. Upton, Murray, Buchanan, P. A. Lindsay, E. Firth, A. Geddes, W. H. Parkes, Dargaville, W. Nichol, W. Frater, and Clayton.

Mrs H> R. Bloomfield, of St. Stephen’s avenue, gave an “at home" last Tuesday afternoon as a farewell to Mrs A. B. Donald, Mrs Edgar, Miss Binney, and Miss Langford, who are all shortly leaving for England, and Mrs Hart, who is intending to take up her residence in Sydney for the future. Bridge tables were set for play in a room reserved for the purpose, and the drawing room and dining room were bright with dark pink African daisies. The guests included: Mesdames Segar, Ralnger, Lindsay, Porter, James Donald. Dransfield, Owen, Spence, A. B. Donald, W. Donald, T. W. Leys, Somers, Devore, Howard, Ewen Alison, Archdale Taylor, and Edmiston; Misses Mowbray, Workman, J. and D. Thompson, and Segar. Miss Henderson and Miss Gladys Buddle chose a golf and progressive bridge party at Middlemore as a means of farewelling Miss Cooper, who is shortly leaving for England. In the afternoon a seven-hole golf foursome was played, the match resulting in a tie between Miss Culling and Miss Hanna and Miss Rathbone and Miss J. Reid. The progressive bridge tournament, played in the evening, was won by Miss Cooper. Among the guests were: Mesdames Howard Richmond, Henry, Ramsay. S. Thorne George, B. B. Robertson, D. Hay, and Louisson; Misses J. Reid, F. Hamlin, Culling, Rathbone, Hanna, Ruddock, and C. Hall. Mr and Mrs Fred Hellaby, who are leaving by the Mataroa for England, were the guests of honour at a bridge party last Friday evening given by Mrs J. Macky. St. Helier’s Bay. Bowls of beautiful pink and mauve hydrangeas were used to decorate the various sitting rooms, and multicoloured phlox were arranged on the supper table in the dining room. Among the players were : Mr and Mrs Harry Mowbray, Mr and Mrs Warwick Wilson, Mr and Mrs B. Finn Mr and Mrs J. Hellaby, Mr and Mrs Norman Hanna, and Mr and Mrs Frank Binney, etc. Mrs' Macky wore a smart frock of black lace and georgette, and Mrs Hellaby a pretty black-beaded frock of crepe de chine, with a posy of dark red flowers. Mr and Mrs W. E. Sargood, of Sydney, are staying with Mrs J. Ewen, of Remuera.

Mrs Ronald Seavill and her young daughter June are among the many Auckland passengers by the Mataroa, leaving Wellington on Saturday morning. Dr H. Wilson and Mrs Wilson, of Remuera, are visiting Mrs F. Wilson, of Wanganui.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3862, 20 March 1928, Page 67

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3862, 20 March 1928, Page 67

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3862, 20 March 1928, Page 67