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The weather was perfect for the annual summer show yesterday of the Palnual summer show on Friday of the Paltoral Association. The spacious and beautifully situated show grounds at Palmerston were thronged with visitors all day, and the admirable natural grandstand formed by the grassy slopes which surround the ring was a picture. This is the forty-seventh show of this association, and the grounds, after a little improvement each year, have now become very nearly the best in Otago. The large ring was early filled with exhibits and bustling officials, many sections being judged simultaneously, with the result that the day’s programme was carried out with no unnecessary delay.

This year's president is Mr D. J. Ross (Hillgrove), while the position of secretary is still held by the old veteran. Mr A. A. M'William. Both of these officials are to be congratulated upon the excellent manner in whidh they directed the energies of the large working committee. which assisted the judges. The result of their work was the holding of the grand parade of prize-winning stock at the scheduled time. The parade was a great success, and included many animals of which farmers and breeders of Waihemo County might well be proud. The entries this year were about 600, much the same as in the last show in respect of total, but the sectional numbers showed some change. The sheep entry was not up to the usual standard in numbers or quality, but both horses and dairy cattle showed a marked increase on the previous year. The display of the milking breeds was the best ever seen at a Palmerston show, and the draughts and light houses were well up to standard. CATTLE.

The three dairy breeds of cattle were represented by very fine types of cows and bulls, but the competition might have been keener. The entries were good, but the competition in each section numbered only two or three. In the Jersey classes Messrs R. Riddle, D. Wright, and W. Reid divided honours fairly evenly, and Messrs T. Hewitt (Goodwood) and Nicolson Bros. (Hampden) had things'all their owa way in the Friesian classes.

Ayrshires were the strongest class, and competition was very keeu. Messrs M. A. Tubman, P. Walker, and D. and G. Reid shared the class awards fairly evenly. The dairy type in all the breeds was very pronounced, and proved that breeding for production has been tackled seriously by dairymen in this district. .

The dairy, crossbred, and any breed classes were very interesting, and it is doubtful whether many finer rings of dairy cows have been seen in the South Island than that which was paraded for the best dairy type on the ground class. Black, and whites, Jerseys, and Ayrshires rubbed shoulders in this section, the honours eventually going to one of Mr Hewitt’s Friesians. The beef breeds were represented by a small contingent of Scotch Shorthorns from Mr J. A. Johnstone’s select herd at Bushey Park. There was no opposition. Some fair pens of fat cattle completed the entry. ROUND THE SHEEP PENS. The sheep entry was not good enough for such a district as that served by this society. There was neither quantity nor variety, and even some of the popular breeds were represented by animals which, though in good enough condition, were not good typical specimens of the breed. For the first time in many years, if not in the history of the association, Southdowns and Ryelands found their way into the pens. Both breeds were only on exhibition, but a great deal of interest was shown in the few pens forward. Messrs J. and M. Payne exhibited the Southdowns, which were the pick of a line of 30 recently purchased for trial in this country. The Ryelands were sent in by Mr P. Walker. For breed character and uniformity of type the Corriedale entry must take the laurels. These animals, the majority of which came from Bushey Park, have earned honours in the best of company, which make their reputation at county shows unassailable. Messrs J. and M. Payne were new exhibitors in this field, and their sheep did not go unrecognised. Mr D. J. Ross also figured in the prize-list. Mr G. Ross met no opposition in the merino pens, and the Romney classes were monopolised by Messrs D. Ross and Ireland Bros. A triangular contest in the Border Leicester classes saw Mr J. Chisholm triumph over Messrs P. Walker and P. J. Callaghan. Mr D. Ross was prominent in the crossbred classes. THE HEAVY BRIGADE.

The draught horse classes contained some splendid examples of the heavy farm horse, but the numbers were not up to what might reasonably be expected of this district. The entry was slightly larger than that of last year, so that in a year or two this show should bring its display of Clydesdales up to a reasonably high standard as regards numbers. The entries numbered two or three, and these were yearlings and two-year-olds. Perhaps the most outstanding animal in the various rings was a filly exhibited by the Bushey Park Estate. This two-year-old won the red ticket in her class, and was later awarded the New Zealand Clydesdale Society’s silver medal for competition among yearlings and two-year-olds. Her final triumph was the supreme female championship. Her performance was certainly a meritorious one. Messrs W. R. Wedge, C. M'Callum, J. Cook, J. Reid and D. Ross were among the prize-win-ners. The farm teams and working draughts made up some excellent classes, and the competition for the class awards was very keen. The representation of females compensated in some degree for the lack of entries, but it is regrettable ■that the male entry should have been so small. It suggests that the breeding of heavy horses in the Waihemo County is passing through a period of slump. LIGHT HORSES.

The entry of light horseflesh of all descriptions was very large and very mixed. There were hacks, thoroughbreds, and

ponies of all sorts, and competition was keen in almost every class. Among the exhibitors of hacks were several Dunedin owners—Misses Statham and Greensladei and Mrs T. D. Dalziel being among th® prize-winners. The hack championship went to Miss Greenslade. Miss V M. H, Nicholls (Maheno) and Mr H. iSTicolson. (Hampden) were also successful, while Mt D. Ross (Palmerston) took away a number of red tickets also. Mr G. Roberts’s horses were also in the money. A very noticeable feature of the pony classes was the large proportion of young animals. This, to some extent, affected the general standard of quality, as th® youngsters have not learned much in the way of manners and good behaviour at two, three, or even five years. A pony is seldom at its best; before it has reached seven or eight years of age. In one class of 10 entries, not one animal was over five years of age, and seven had not yet reached four. Among the entries werp several two-year-olds. This augurs well for the future of this class of stock in Waihemo County. To a lesser extent the same applied to the hacks and roadsters. Too often breeders and exhibitors stick to the same horses far too long—perhaps until they are 15 or 20 years of age, and then when it is too late they find that there is insufficient young stuff coming on. There need bo little fear of this being rhe case in respect of the Palmerston Show. COMPETITIONS.

The programme of competitions included pony trots, jumping, a high jump, and a stockmen’s race. A great deal of interest centred round these events, particularly on account of the fact that a prominent rider was young W. M’Donald, the 12 year-old stepson of Mr George Roberts, who had already won the palm for the best boy rider. This young horseman further demonstrated his ability ia the saddle by riding one of his stepfather’s horses to victory in the high jump, and later winning the stockman’s race against a large field of competitors. In the final run his pony fell, and the other finalist (H. Coutts) called the race off, and gave the boy another ■ chance—genero»ity which cost him the race. The three pony trots staged proved very interesting contests, and loud applause greeted the winners of each event. Miss Gladys Mills’s win by a very short length was a popular one. A notable absentee from the competition events was Mr W. Hastie, string has been consistently successful at shows thia season. An unavoidable mishap prevented their appearance in the ring. HOME INDUSTRIES. * The home industries section at Palmerston is always a good one. Dairy produce and baking entries were very good, and competition was keen. The judge, Miss Kempshell (Maungatua), said that all the entries were good. The dairy produce was in very fine condition, the butter possessing good flavour, colour, and sweetness. The products of the kitchen came, in for the same praise. Other commodities on display were eggs, bacon, vegetables, a'ad several coops of poultry of various .breeds. The special prize award? 1 for most points in these classes was wen by Miss J. Chisholm, whose list of prizes was a formidable one. PRIZE LIST. ' < The following is the prize-list:-— -SHEEP. MERINOS. Judge: Mr. J. M'Kenzie (Ngapara). Ram, four-tooth and over. Three en* tries—G. Ross (Palmerston) 1 and 3, J. Philip (Palmerston) 2. Ram, two-tooth. Two entries—G. Ross 1 and 2, Pail < > two-tooth rams. Two entries —Geor/, t - Ross 1 and 2. Ewe. four-tooth or over, wet. Two entries —G. Ross 1 and 2.

Ewe, two-tooth. Two entries —G. Ross 1 and 2.

Pair of two-tooth ewes. One entry—5. Ross 1. Champion rain —G. Ross. Champion ewe—G. Ross. ROMNEY MARSH. Judge: Mr Alexander Mm ray.

Ram, foiir-tooth and over. . Four entries —Ireland Bros. (Goodwood) 1, D. Itoss 2 ami 3.

Ram, two-tooth. Four entries—lreland Bros. 1 and 2, D. Ross 3. Ram lamb.. Four entries —Ireland Bros. 1 and 2, D. Ross 3. Pair of two-tooth rams. Three entries —D„ Ross 1, arid 2, Ireland Bros. 3. Ewe, four-tooth. Five entries —Ireland JBros. 1 and 2, D. Ross 3. Ewe, two-tooth. Six entries—lreland Bros. 1 and 2, D. Ross 3. Ewe lamb. Four entries —D. Ross 1, Ireland Bros. 2 and 3. Pair of two-tooth ewes. Three entries—D. Ross 1 and 3-, Ireland Bros. 2. Champion ram—lreland Bros. Champion ewe—lreland Bros. CORRIEDALE. Judge: Mr John M'Kenzie (Ngapara). Ram, four-tooth and upwards. Six entries —J. A. Johnstone 1,2, and champion. Ram, two-tooth. Six entries—J. A Johnstone 1,2. and 3. Ram lamb; Eight entries—J. A. Johnstone 1 and 2, J. and M. Payne 3. Pair of rams, two-tooth. Four entries —J A. Johnstone 1, R. J. Ross 2. .Ewe, four-tooth and upwards (wet) —J. A. Johnstone, 1,2 and 3. Ewe, two-tooth. Eight entries—J. A. Johnstone, 1,2, 3, and champion Ewe lamb. Eight entries—J. A Johnstone, 1 and 3, J. and M. Payne'2. Pair of ewes, two-tooth. Five entries— J. A Johnstone 1. D. J. Ross- 2, J. and M. Payne 3. BORDER LEICESTERS. Judge: Mr Alexander Murray (Clydevale). Ram four-tooth and over. Three entries—J. Chisholm 1 and 3, P. J. Callaghan 2. ? a ™ • and over. Five entries —J. Chisholm 1 and 2, P. Walker 3. Ram lamb. Six entries—J. Chisholm 1, ana o. Chlshol of rams > two-tooth. One entry—J. Ewe, four-tooth and over (wet) Three entries—J. Chisholm 1,2, and 3 , „ Six entrics-P. Walker 1 and 2, P. J. Callaghan 3. .nJ V X V entri es-J- Cisholm 1 end 3, P. J, Callaghan 2. , P ST„ of , ewes > two-tooth. One entry—P J. Callaghan 1. Champion ram—J. Chisholm. Champion ewe—J. Chisholm; CROSSBREDS. Judges: Combined Sheep Judges. JfL° £ mu ree cr ° ssbrcd ewes, with lamb 1 3. Pen of three crossbred wether hoggets Two entries—D. Ross 1 and 2. S FAT SHEEP. Judge: Mr A. Mathewson (Dunedin). ° f ” Ol i less tban three fat longwool wethers, not more than three-shearS r' sloni 11R J - “'“s' l " ip,,; v?! 011 , of ./ hree fat eW€S - Fo ur entries— Ireland Bros. 1, D. Ross 2, P. J. CaUa„jFbree T? fc > lambs, bred by exhibitor. Five fid B^^nd (Palmerst ™) 1. I;nl hre c- fat 1 ?“ bs ’ T most suitable for freez'Wnit entries—lreland Bros. 1 p [Walker 2, Chisholm Bros. 3.

CATTLE. SHORTHORNS Judge: Mr J. W. Blair (Outram). i- “ lf ” A&JT “ “ 1[ “ »ilk--2 Heifer, two years—J. A. Johnstone 1 and

2 Heifer, one year-J. A. Johnstone 1 and

A °“ e J ear ’ brcd b y exhibitor-J A. Johnstone 1 and 2. -stS’e W ] and tWO ° f her A. John-

Bull three years and upwards—J A Johnstone 1 and 2. g Bull, two years-J. A. Johnstone 1 and

P-rJ’ - ° T i ea ?r J ; Johnstone 1 and 2. Champion bull—J. A. Johnstone. Champion cow-J. A. Johnstone. friesians. Judge: Mr H. Allnut, Morven. Cow four yea re and upwards, in calf or wood? anJ V x Hewitt (Goodwood) 1 and 3, Nicolson Bros. (Hampden)

C° W ’ tbre^yea rB, in calf or in milk. Four entries T. Hewitt 1, Nicolson Bros. 2 and

Cow or heifer, twp years and over, in eo!i Brea? T HewUt 1 and 3 > Nic ° L

Heifer two years, in calf or in milk— T- Hewitt 1 and 3, Nicolson Bros 2 Heifer, one year—T. Hewitt 1 and 2 Heifer, one year, bred by exhibitor-T. Hewitt 1 and 2.

Champion cow—T. Hewitt. Bros W l flnd tW ° ° f her progen y~Nicolson

Bull, three years and upwards—T. Hewitt

Bull, two years—Nicolson Bros. 1. Bull, one year—T. Hewitt J Champion bull—T. Hewitt. ’ • AYRSHIRES.

Mr C. J. Cowan (Kia. Ora). Cow, 4 years old or over, in calf or in Julk. Nine entries—P. Walker 1, M. A Tubman 2, D. and G. Reid 3. Cow, three years old, in calf or in milk. Four entries—D. and G. Rei# 1,2, and

Heifer, two years old, in calf or in Four entries—D. and G. Reid 1, P. Walker 2, M. A. Tubman 3. Cow or heifer, twp, years or over, in calf or in milk; bred by exhibitor). Four entries—M. A. Tubman 1, D. and G. Reid 2 and 3.

Heifer, one-year-old. SiC- entries—D Bnd G. Reid 1 and 2, W. 3. Heifer, one-year-old, bred by exhibitor. Bix entries—D. and G. Reid 1,2, and 3. Cow, and two of her progeny. Two entries — D. and G. Reid 1.

Bull, one-year-old. Three entries —P. Walker 1, M. A. Tubman 2. i Champion bull—P. Walker. Champion cow —P. Walker. ‘ JERSEYS. Judge: Mr H. Moore (Tapanui)., Cow, four years and upwards, in calf or in milk. Five entries 1 —D. Wright (Goodwood) 1 and 3, R. Riddle (Palmerston) 2. Cow, three years; in calf or in milk. Five entries —R. Riddle 1, D. Wright 2 and 3.

Cow or heifer, two years and over; in calf or in milk; bred by exhibitor— D. Wright 1 and 2, W. Reid 3. Heifer, two years; in calf or in milk— D. Wright 1 and 2, W. Reid 3. Heifer, one year. Five entries —R. Riddle 1, W. Reid 2, D. Wright 3. Heifer, one year—W. Reid 1, D. Wright 2 and 3. Cow, and two of her progeny. Four entries—R. Riddle 1, D. Wright 2 and 3. Bull, three years and upwards—D. Wright 1. Bull, two years—R. Riddle 1, W. Reid 2. Bull, one year—D. Wright 1 and 2, W. Reid 3. Champion bull—D. Wright. Champion cow —R. Riddle. DAIRY CLASSES. (Combined Cattle Judges). Cottar’s cow. in calf or in milk. Two entries—Miss Cochrane (Palmerston) 1, T. W. Philipson (Goodwood) 2. Two best dairy cows (any breed), in milk. Ten entries—D. and G. Reid 1, T. Hewitt (Goodwood) 2, R. Riddle (Palmerston) 3. Best dairy cow (three special prizes presented by Otago Co-operative Dairy Company, T. Hewitt, and H. S. Sheat). Thirteen entries—T. Hewitt 1, P. Walker 2, D. Wright 3. Cow, four years old and over, in calf or in milk. Five entries—Miss Cochrane 1. J. Whitfield 2 and 3. Cow, two years old, in calf or in milk. Two entries—J. Whitfield 1, P. Walker 2. FAT CATTLE. Judge: Mr A. Mathewson (Dunedin). Pair of fat bulocks—E. O’Fee (Palmerston) 1 and 2. Fat bullock —G. Coutts (Palmerston) 1. Pair of fat cows or heifers—J. A. Johnstone (Bushey Park) 1. i Fat cow or heifer—J. A. Johnstone 1. HORSES. DRAUGHTS. Judge: Mr John Young (Allanton). 1 Entire colt, two years—P. J. Callaghan ■ Entire colt, one year—Chisholm Bros. 1. Mare, dry, four years and upwards. Five entries.—J. Cook (Glenpark) 1, W. R. Wedge (Palmerston) 2, J. and M. Payne 3. Brood mare, with foal at foot, or in foal—C. M’Callum 1. J. Cook 2, F. J. Collins 3. Filly, three years—J. A. Johnstone 1, J. Gilmore 2. Filly, two years—J. Cook 1. Filly, one year. Four entries —J. A. Johnstone 1, W. R. Wedge 2, D. Ross 3. Mare and two of progenv. Three entries—W. R. Wedge 1 and 2, C. M’Callum 3. Special prize for best yearling by Fabricana. Four entries—W. R. Wedge. N.Z. Clydesdale Horse Society’s medal for the best yearling or two-year-old colt or filly. Two entries—J. A. Johnstone 1, J. Cook 2. Gelding, four years and over. Six entries—J. Reid (Oamaru) 1,2, and 3. Gelding, three years. Three entries— J. Reid 1, D. Ireland 2, J. Cook 3. Gelding, two years. One entry— Cook 1. Gelding, one year. Two entries—W. R. Wedge 1 and 2. Spring carter, up to 12cwt. Six entries—G. Johnstone 1, C. M’Callum 2, J. and M. Payne 3. . • Two-horse team. Five entries—J. Reid 1 and 2, J. Cook 3. Three-horse team. Four entries—J. Reid 1, J. Cook 2, W. R. Wedge 3. Four-horse team. Four entries—J. Reid 1, J. Cook 2, W. R. Wedge 3. Tradesmen’s turnout. One entry—F. Elston 1. Champion entire—P. J. Callaghan. Champion mare—J, A. Johnstone. LIGHT HORSES. Judge: Mr Gordon Maze (Kakapuaka). Roadster, up to list. Eight entries — Miss Greenslade (Dunedin) 1, G. Pryde (Evansdale) 2, Miss M. Statham 3. Roadster, up to 13st. -Six entries— J?. Dalziel (Dunedin) 1, Miss , • Nicholls (Maheno) 2, H. Nicolson (Hampden) 3. Roadster, up to last. Four entries—n (Dunback) 1, H. Nicolson 2, Miss Cockrane 3. Cob, 14.2 hands and not more than 15 hands. Four entries—l. Philip 1 G Pryde 2, G. Fisher 3. ’ Mounted infantry horse. Eleven entries—Mrs T. D. Dalziel 1, Miss V. Nicholls 2, H. Nicolson 3. r - Ladies’ hack. Nine entries—Miss Greenslade 1, G. Pryde 2, Miss Statham r. R e^ p , a , ced hack - Thirteen entries— C. M’Callum 1, Airs T. D. Dalziel 2, Aliss Greenslade 3, Best lady rider. Seven entries—Aliss btatham 1, Aliss Greenslade 2, Aliss Ross Dog carter Six entries—l. Ross 1, R. Frame 2, Aliss Cockrane 3. Buggy horse. Eight entries—A. W Douglas 1, Aliss V. Nicholls 2, C. M’Callum 3. Champion hack—Miss Greenslade. THOROUGHBREDS. Judge: Air Alexander Campbell, Milton. Dry mare, three years and upwards. Four mitries—Miss Statham 1, T. Johnston 2, R Riddle 3. Colt, gelding, or filly, o ne year—F. Galloway (Palmerston) 1. PONIES. Pony, mare or gelding, 13 and not exceeding 13.2 hands. Six entries—D; Ross 1 A. Cameron 2, Miss Cochrane 3. Pony, mare or geiding, up to 14 hands, hive entries—D. Ross 1. A. Cameron 2, Miss Cochrane 3. Pony, mare or gelding, 12.2 to 13.2 hands. Five entries—Miss V Nicholls 1, A. Wright 3, D. Ross 3. Pony, up to 14 hands. Eleven entries— Miss Nicholls 1, B. Stevensen 2, D. Ross

Pony trot, 12.2 to 13.2 Hands. Five entries—D. Ross 1, .Aliss Nicholls 2, A. Wright 3: Pony trot, up to 14 hands. Seven entries —Aliss G. Alills 1, B. Stevenson 2, D. Ross 3.

Entire pony, 12 to 14 hands. Two entries —J. Burgess 1, D Ross 2. Pony, under 12.2 hands. Two entries— D. ,Ross 1, Miss Al. Larnach 2, Aliss L. Larnach 3. Pony, under 13 hands, driven. Three entries—D. Ross 1, P. Walker 2. Pony trot, under 12.2 hands. Seven entries—A. Aitchison 1, Betty Fraser 2, Mar v Ross 5.

Youngest girl rider—Olga Larnach. Youngest boy rider—R. Hudson. POULTRY. Judge: Mr W. Spence (Palmerston). White Leghorn hen or pullet. Three en tries—Miss M. Stenhouse 1, J. W. Clearwater 2 and 3. White Leghorn, cock or cockerel. Three entries—J. VV. Clearwater 1 and 3, Miss W. Spence 2. Rhode Island Red, cock or cockerel. Two entries—R. Bryce 1, W. Hitchcock 2. Rhode Island Red, hen or pullet. Two entries—R. Bryce 1, W. Hitchcock 2. Black Orpington, hen or pullet. Two entries—W. Hitchcock 1 and 2. Black minorca, cock and cockerel. Three entries—Peter Walker 1, J. W. Clearwater 2 and 3. Black minorca, hen or pullet. Three entries—J. W. Clearwater 1 and 3, P. Walker 2. Pair of Indian Runner ducks. , One entry —J. W. Clearwater. DOGS. Judge: Air John M’Kenzie. Rough collies. Five entries—R. Al’Gregor 1, G. Ross 2 and 3. . Smooth collies. Five entries—G. Ross 1, P. Walker 2, G. Wright 3. Bearded collies —G. Ross 1 and 2, J. Coutts 3. DAIRY PRODUCE. Judge: Aliss Kempshell (Mauhgatua). Fresh butter. Six entries—Airs D. Walker 1, Mrs J. W. Clearwater 2, Aliss Chisholm 3. Powdered butter. Six entries—Mrs D. Walker 1, Miss Chisholm 2, Mrs J. W. Clearwater 3. Fancy butter. Two entries—Airs D. Walker 1, Airs R. Marshall 2. Salt butter. Two entries—Aliss Chisholm 1, Airs A. Gordon 2. Fresh butter (for amateurs). Five entries—Miss V. Clearwater 1, Aliss Al. Al’Gregor 2, Airs R. Alarshall 3. Powdered butter (for amateurs). Four entries—Aliss A r . Clearwater 1, Miss Al. Al’Gregor 2, Mrs R.. Alarshall 3. ‘ BAKING. Judge: Miss Kempshell. Home-made bread. One entry—Airs J. W. Timmins (Waikouaiti) 1. Oaten : cakes. Four entries—Airs W. Johnston 1, Airs J. Guffie 2, Airs A. Gordon 3. Girdle scones. Four entries—Airs D. Walker 1, Aliss Chisholm 2, Airs A.- Gordon Girdle scones (amateurs). One entry r Mrs R. F. Hay (Macraes) 1, Oven scones. Six entries—Airs D. Walker 1, Aliss Chisholm 2, Airs Timmins 3. Oven scones (amateurs). Two entries — Mrs R. F. Hay 1, Home-made bread (amateurs). One entry—Airs C. M’Leod 1. Pikelets. Eight entries —Airs A Gordon 1, Mrs D. AValker 2, Miss Chisholm 3. Sponge , sandwich. Ten entries—Airs A. Gordon I,‘ Miss Chisholm 2, Aliss V. Clearwater 3. Pikelets .(under .17 years). Two entries —Aliss Rena pwight 1. Gingerbread cake. Seven entries—Aliss Chisholm. 1, Miss V. Clearwater 2, Airs R. F. Hay 3. ’ Shortbread. Six entries—Mrs W. John--ston 1, Miss Chisholm -2. Mrs A. Gordon Madeira cake. Seven entries—Airs J. Guffie 1, Aliss J. Burrows 2, Airs A. Gordon 3. Alost points in baking—Miss Chisholm. SUNDRIES. One dozen hen eggs. Four entries— Miss D. Ritchie 1. R. Bryce 2, Mrs J. W. ; Clearwater 3. Roll of bacon. Three entries—B. Wilson 1, E. O’Fee 2 and 3. Best collection of vegetables. Three entries—Miss Clearwater 1, Airs D. Walker 2. T. Cowan 3. COMPETITIONS. Best jumper (twice round). Six entries G. Roberts 1 and 2, Airs T. D. Dalziel 3. Special prize, ladies over hurdles—Aliss Statham 1, Aliss Greenslade 2. L-Best pony jumper (14 hands and undet). Three entries —B. Stevensbn 1, D. Ross 2. Best boy over hurdles—W. Al‘Donald 1, H. Ross 2, M Stevenson 3. High jump. Five entries—G. Roberts 1, G. Aitchison 2. *'• i : ' Stockmen’s race. Ten entries—W. Al’Donald 1,, H. Coutts 2. ■' ‘ i

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Otago Witness, Issue 3854, 24 January 1928, Page 21

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PALMERSTON-WAIHEMO SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 3854, 24 January 1928, Page 21

PALMERSTON-WAIHEMO SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 3854, 24 January 1928, Page 21