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Monday. A very large gathering attended the St. Clair Women’s Club on Monday evening, when the committee had arranged a splendid programme. Decorations on the stage had the effect of a bush camp. Shrubs and greenery and ferns were there, while towards the centre was a camp lire brilliantly lighted, throwing its glow all over the stage, and giving a most realistic effect of a camp in the bush. Choruses and banter were amusingly bright. Solos were given, “ The Lilac Tree ” and “ We'd Better Bide a Wee ” were illustrated in picture form, and coloured limelight was artistically thrown on the stage. Tableaux of spring, summer, autumn, and winter were really beautiful, the colour scheme of each being a good representation of each of tlic four seasons. The burlesque on the beauty contest caused a lot of amusement. The parade of shawls worn by different girls was interesting, and a description of each shawl and the year it was worn was given as each one was shown. A play reading, “ Suppressed Desires," concluded the programme. During tlie evening the performers were Mesdanies Williams, Rodgerson, Wilson, MTntyre, Cross, Payne, York, and Sharp, Misses Bull, Harraway, and Lightfoot. A most delicious supper of tea, coffee, and dainties was much appreciated by all present.

The Play Reading Circle of the Otago Women's Club was entertained by Miss M'Leod, who gave an excellent lecture on Barrie’s plays on Monday night. During the evening extracts from Barrie's shorter plays were given.

On Thursday afternoon Mrs George Sise gave a delightful afternoon tea party at her residence, St. Clair, in honour of Miss Peggy Priest, who is leaving Dunedin shortly to be married. During the afternoon handkerchiefs of all kinds were showered on the bride-elect. A most delicious tea was partaken of in the dining room, where the table looked charming with its decorations of white narcissi, whilst the drawing room looked springlike with its violas, etc. There were present, as well as the guest of honour, Mesdames Aufrere Fenwick, T. K. Sidey, Dunlop, Paterson, Scorgie, Mackay, Lampen, Owles, Dutton, Evans, and Chapman, Misses Nancarrow, L. Williams, Priest, and Malange.

The engagement lias been announced of Miss C. Sundstrum, daughter of the late Captain Sundstrum, to Mr W. T. Wilson, general secretary of the Y.M.C.A.

Miss Betty Reeves, who was one of the party who went to Mount Cook, lias returned to Dunedin.

Mr and Mrs Garth Gallaway have gone to Christchurch for the Grand National.

Mr and Mrs Elliston Orbell. of St. Clair, left on Thursday for race week in Christchurch.

Dr Strong and Miss M’Gill were hostesses at Lite Otago Women’s Club on Wednesday evening when they entertained a number of their friends at an "at home." The hostesses received the guests at the entrance to the lounge. Dr Strong looked charming in black mirror velvet radiantly trimmed v.ith clusters of steel beads, while Miss M'Gill looked very smart in orange taffeta silk with posy 'of spring flowers; Miss Bowboyes, who assisted the hostesses, and leaves shortlv for a trip to America, was gowned in a soft ecru lace and georgette robe. The lounge had been prettily arranged with vases of spring Howers and large bowls of coloured leaves. Supper was partaken of in the luncheon room, where the table was charmingly arranged with all kinds of delicacies and crystal vases of jonquils. During the evening some delightful music was given bv Miss Meda Paine (vocal), Miss Fraser (piano), Mr de Clive Lowe (violin), and Dr Galway (piano). Miss Fraser and Dr Galway accompanied throughout the evening. Amongst the guests present were : Professor and Mrs HewitSon, Dr and Mrs Inglis, Dr and Mrs Dunlop, Dr and Mrs Evans, Mr and Mrs Chapman, Dr Benham, Mrs Leech, Dr and Mrs Ross, Dr and Mrs Hercus, Dr and Mrs Iverach Mr and Mrs • James, Mrs Sidey. Mr and Mrs Asch Mrs Angus Cameron. Mrs J. Roberts,, Dr and Mrs Gordon Bell, Dr and Mrs Galway, Mi and Mrs Baitham. Mr and Mrs Cameron, Mrs Champtaloup, Mr and Mrs Bluson, Mr and Mrs Scurr, Dr and Mrs Moore, Dr and Mrs North. Mr and Mrs S. p ‘T rk ’ Mrs Walter Ross. Mr and Mrs J. B. Callan, Mr and Mrs H. Cook. Mrs and Dr Gloy Dr and Mrs Jack, Dr and Mrs Marshaß MacDonald. Dr and Mrs Parkinson Professor and Mrs Ramsay, Professor and Mrs Park, Mr and Mrs J. C. Stevens, Professor and Mrs White, Dr Muriel Bell. Mr Thompson, Misses Dalrymple. Park, Stenhouse, ul l’ lc jL Wells, Reynolds, Rennie. Neil, Martin, Ba i, Ewing, Barron, Nicolson, Kerr, Blackie. Todhunter, M’Cluggage. Forbes. Paterson Sise Mitchell, Moodie, Tennant, Benson, and many others.

A delightful tea party was given for the committee of the. Federation ot 1 Women bv Mrs Benson to meet Mrs M Neill Anderson, who is here from China, and. is the guest of Mrs Mackie Begg. Some present were: Dr Marion Taylor. Mrs C .cghoiii Mrs Mackie Begg, Misses Fyfe, btevens, and Muriel May. -

Mr and Mrs Harman Reeves left on Saturday for Christchurch.

Mrs Barron has gone to visit friends in Christchurch.

Some delightful music was given at the Otago Women’s Club on Vi ednesoay afternoon. During the afternoon Miss Jean Begg played several times, and Miss Elsie Nimmo sang. Great appreciation is felt by the club members to Miss Whitson, who arranges the musical afternoons on Wednesdays. Lniortunately these afternoons are now likely to terminate for a time as Miss Whiston is shortly leaving Dunedin for a visit to Melbourne, where she will be the guest ol her sister, Mrs Doorley.

A very enjoyable afternoon tea was given by Miss Joan Hartmann on Wednesday afternoon at her home, North-East \ alley. Among those present were: Misses Josephine and Helen O’Neill. M. Nancarrow. L. Williams, P. Priest, B. Nancarrow, D. Hartman, W. Johnstone, etc.

During the week great appreciation has been shown the Allan Wilkie Shakespearian Company by the large number who have

availed themselves of the opportunity of once more seeing and hearing Shakespeare well acted. Mis Cossins and her daughter, Miss Nan Cossins, are the guests of Mrs J. M. Ritchie, Balvraid. Mr and Mrs Cowper, of Christchurch, arrived in Dunedin on .Monday, and are th© guests of Mr and Mrs George Ritchie. INVERCARGILL. August 6. Misses Nancy Strettell and Rumj Scandrett were in Dunedin for the Otago-South-land football match, and stayed at the City Hotel. Mrs F. O. Mac Gibbon and Mrs John M'Crostie spent a few days in Dunedin during the week, staying at the Carlton Hotel. Mr and Mrs C. F. A. Jones returned last Tuesday from an extended holiday in the South Sea Islands. Mr and Mrs Frank Webb, accompanied by Mrs Leonard Webb and Miss FynesClinton, left by motor last Saturday for Christchurch. Mrs F. C. Rowley and Miss Howells are aljto in Christchurch for the Grand National. Mrs A. le H. Hoyles also left on Saturday morning for Grand National Week in Christchurch. Miss Molly Hoyles spent the week-end in Dunedin. Mrs Tomlinson and Mrs C. H. Hobbs motored to Dunedin on Thursday for a few days. Miss Jenny Rodger spent a few days with Dr and Mrs J. E. Rodger, Gore, en route to Auckland, where she will make holiday for some time. Mrs F. A. D. Barclay is spending a fortnight in Wellington. Mr and Mrs A. M. Wilson, of Oamaru, are the guests of Mrs R. M. Gilman, Winton. Miss Mary Gardner, Clifden, was tha guest of Miss Kathleen King, Duke street, during the week. On Thursday Mrs Quentin Christophers, of Geraldine, returned north, accompanied by her mother, Mrs J. E. Bews, and the Misses Vera and Edith Bews, who will spend a holiday with her. Mrs W. Hammond, Russell street, wag hostess at afternoon tea during the week. Mr and Mrs F. Wallis, jun., Mrs F. V. Piper, and Mr and Mrs E. A. Pigeon are Gore visitors at present in Christchurch for the Grand National. Dr and Miss M'Dowell, of the London University, are at present visiting friends in Invercargill. The engagement is announced ot Kathleen, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs It. A. Anderson, of “ Victoria Park,” Waikiwi, to Dr Eric Minty, elder son of Mr and Mrs W. J. Minty, of Repton street, Christchurch. On Thursday evening Mrs J. T. Bush was hostess at bridge at her home, Duke street. I Her guests were: Mesdamcs J. T. Prain, R. N. Tod G. Cruikshank. J. L. Watson, T. S. Miller, S. W. Wade, F. D. Mot rah. C. S. Hackworth, J. Callander, and H. O. Haggitt, and Misses Bedford, M'Caw. Fynes-Clinton, an.'. Tucker.

Mrs D. H. Thomson gafe a young people’s dance at her home, Tweed street, on Friday evening of last week. Those present were: Mesdames Thomson and T. M. Macdonald, Misses Thomson (2), M. Ott. O. Holloway, K. Gilchrist. N. Clare, P. and N. Stewart, Gough, and D. Rent. Messrs Thomson. Rent I 2),'Driver, Elliot, Treeby, Yule, and Sheridan.

On Tuesday evening Mrs J. Callender was hostess at bridge at her heme. Gala street. Her guests were: Mr and Mrs 11. O. Haggitt, Mr and Mrs W. A. Hammond. Mr and Mrs C. C. Jennings, Mr and Mrs G. Cruikshank. Mr and Mrs A. le H. Hoyles. Mr and Mrs F. J. Loughnan. Mesdames Hackworth, Wade. Prain, Shand, and Stuckey, and Miss Guthrie. Those dancing at the cabaret circle of the Women's Club on Saturday evening were: Dr and Mrs Allan Tennant. Mr and Mrs G. Broughton. Mr and Mrs A. G. Butchers, Mr and Mrs Walter Johnston, Misses Strettcll K. Wilson, R. Scandrett. J. Spiers. M. Annan, M. Collins, A. Fraser, and W. Giller. Messrs J Dundas, A. Dunlop, T. Mahoney, Drees, G Reed, J. Dick. M. Ott, and 11. Smith. There were 11 tables for bridge at the Southland Women’s Club on Monday evening. Miss Lov.sley won the prize for the highest score, and Mrs Handyside the prize for the hidden numbers. The following were present?—Mesdames T. M. Macdonald, W Macalister, W. S. Todd. C. C. Jennings, Robinson. H. 0. Haggitt. W. Johnston R. S. MTnnes, Owen-Johnston. A. G. Butchers, F. O. Mac Gibbon, J. Sutton. A. M. Macdonald. J. T. Carswell. F. A. D. Barclay, H. Carswell, L. W. Spencer, P. H. Vickery, J. Thomson. G. Moffett. J. Waymouth, H. O. Stuckey, Hackworth. M. Mitchel. R. Camm, T. F. Macdonald, D. Cochrane. Pasley. W. Clark. H. J. Farrant. W. Handyside. .1. L. Watson, W. J. Barclay, and D. Cuthbertson. Misses Perrin. Brown, 'Waymouth. Guthrie, Brodrick, Housley. Henderson, loung, and Hackworth. The reception room of the Southland Women's Club was brightened by bowls of spring flowers on Tuesday evening, while a black curtain at the back of the stage, and several etchings on the walls, did much to improve its appearance. The occasion was the open evening of the Play-reading Circle. Acting upon a suggestion made at the annual meeting, the circle this year presented A. A. Milne's “ Dover Road.” all the parts being read bv women. The following was the cast:—Latimer. Mrs A. M. Macdonald: Dominic, Mrs H. J. Farrant: Leonard, Mrs R. S. MTnnes; Nicholas. Miss Perrin: Eustasia, Mrs Owen-Johnston : Anne. Miss C. Bailey : chorus. Miss M. Manson. Those present were : Dr and Mrs Stanley Brown, Dr and Mrs J. G. Macdonald, Dr and Mrs Owen-Johnston, Mr and Mrs A. M. Macdonald. Mr and Mrs N. J. Armour. Mr and Mrs Simpson. Mr and Mrs W. Millar. Mr ant Mrs R. N. Todd. Mr and Mrs J. Milne Adam, Mr and Mrs J. D. Gilmore. Mr and Mrs Tomlinson. Mr and Mrs D. W. M'Kay, Mesdames W. Macalister. Hackworth. Wade, A. M'Caw, Tennent, J. D. V'atson, Watton, Robertson. Spencer, C. C. Jennings, W. S. Todd, Lillicrap, T. F. Macdonald, J. D. Mitchell. W. R. Copland, W. Jones. F. D. Morrah. F. Wilson, G. Cruickshank, T. S. Miller, T. Moffett, Waymouth. B. W. Hewat, E, W. Howorth, T. M. Macdonald, J. T. Prain, P. Macdonald. C. Campbell. F. O. Mac Gibbon. J. M'Crostie, R. Camm, D. B. Hutton. C. H. Hobbs. T. D. Pearce, A. E. 11. Bath, H. Carswell, J. B. Sutton, and Taylor. Misses M'Caw, Cran, M'Kay. Conland, Brookesmith (2), Waymouth, Young. Waddington, Richardson, Hardy, Rogers, and Perrin, etc. On Monday evening the annual regimental ball took place in the Victoria Hall, was effectively decorated with ferns and flowers for the occasion. Amongst the large number present were: Lieutenantcolonel and Mrs J. Hargest. Lieutenantcolonel and Mrs J. A. Cushen, Major and Mrs M'Hugh. Major R. N. and Miss Hogg. Major and Mrs T. M'Carroll, Major and

Mrs H. M'Kenzie, Major and Mrs 11. Newman, Captain and Mrs Ritchie Crawford, Captain and Mrs M‘Caw, Captain and Mrs Pollock, Captain S. I. Keily, Captain Brown, Lieutenant and Mrs M'Gormack, Lieutenant and Mrs Henshelwood, Lieutenant and Mrs Ham, Lieutenant and Mrs Kelly, Lieutenant and Mrs Bleakley, Lieutenant and Mrs Smart, Lieutenant and Mrs A. E. W. M'Donald, Lieutenant and Mrs Newell, Lieutenant Withell (Dunedin), Lieutenant Chittock (Dunedin), Lieutenant Reid (Gore), Lieutenant O. Edie (Birchwood), Mr and Mrs W. R. Mabson, Mr and Mrs M. Page, Mr and Mrs Faircloth. Mr and Mrs W. Rea. Mr and Mrs J. M. Davies, Mr and Mrs E. S. Wood, Mr and Mrs F. C. Rowley, Mr and Mrs F. H. Taylor. Mr and Mrs G. Matheson, Mr and Mrs 11. Marshall, Mr and Mrs Leslie (Gore). Mr and Mrs H. M. R. Miller, Mr and Mrs C. M’Eachern, Mr and Mrs Kennedy, Mrs T. M. Macdonald, Misses E. Domigan, M. Collins, M. Ott, L. Lawrence, A. Walters, N. Nisbet, M. Meredith. Edie (Birchwoqd). Wilson, N. Royds, Lindsay, Jenkins, Brown, M. Annan, Carter, I. Spiers. M. Meadows, E. Meadows, A. Fraser, Barlow. E. M‘Kay, D. Evans. Messrs G. Todd, G. Reid, N. Nisbet, Marshall, Thom, Trevethick. Prain, Clark, Millar, Rout (2), Bray. Dunlop. S. Lindsay. M. Ott. J. Fogarty, Darby, W. Gray. J. Dick, E. Rillstone. A. Kingsland, G. Sadd, Gilkison, D. M‘Kay, Elliott. A. Butcher, T. Preston, Buchan, Drees. Hurst. Muirhead (Tuaiaperel.

OAMARI', August G. Major and Mrs Orbell have gone up to Christchurch for the Grand National meeting. Miss Pinkney is the guest of Mrs Nichols, of Kuriheka. Mi's Bates has returned from Ashburton, where she has been snending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs Wardell. Mrs Sutton aiyl the Misses Sutton have gone to Christchurch for the Grand National meeting. Mrs M'Douall and Miss M'Donall are visiting friends in Dunedin. Miss Kemp has returned from Christchurch. Miss Stronach is the guest of Mrs Jones. Miss Irvine, of Dunedin, is visiting her brother, Mr R. Irvine, of Hull street. Mrs Nichols and Miss Nichols have gone to Christchurch of National Week.

Mrs Clarkson is visiting friends in Christchurch.

Miss Nichols, of Kuriheka, has gone to Christchurch for the Grand National meeting. Mr and Mrs Allan M’Douall, of Clinton, are in Christchurch for National Week. Madame Winnie Fraser left for Auckland yesterday, where she. will be the soprano soloist for the Auckland Choral Society in the production of Verdi's great opera, “ Aida.” The Misses Nichols, of Kuriheka, have returned from Mount Cook. Kahanga ” was held on Thursday at the residence of Mrs Sutton, when a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr and Mrs Aithur Sutton have gone back to their run, “Waitangi.”

WAIMATEJ August G. Mr and Mrs 11. B. S. Johnstone are visiting the Hermitage, Mount Cook. Mr and Mrs End’ll Wanklyn, who have been the guests of Mrs E. C. Studhohnc, of “ Le Waimate,” have returned to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs J. H. Mitchell, of “ Kenwyn,” are visiting Melbourne. Mrs Large, of Napier, is the guest of Mrs W. Napier, of “ Te Kiteroa.” Mr George Barclay, who contested the Waitaki seat at the last election, is at present in Wellington, where he was called to attend a meeting of the Liberal Party. On Sunday morning some 40 or 50 Girl Guides and Brownies paraded to the Anglican Church under Captain Melton and Brownie Leader. Miss S. Purchase. The girls made a appearance in their march along Victoria terrace, and gave evidence that the training already given them has not been in vain Before a large audience on Friday night the Girl Guides presented their first concert, of which they have every reason to be proud. The varied programme thoroughly delighted the audience, especially the items by Captain Melton, she having .to respond to encores on the two occasions she appeared. The little Brownies were pleasing in the all too few it.’.ms they gave. A presentation was made to the Misses Walker at the Borough Council Chambers

on Wednesday morning. The Mayor, on behalf of the business people of the town, presented the Misses Walker each with a beautiful gold wristlet watch as a slight token of the esteem in which they were held, and hoped that it would serve as a reminder of the happy days spent in Waimate. Mr L. C. M'Lauchlan respond’d on behalf of the Misses Walker.

A farewell dance was tendered to the Misses Walker on 'Wednesday night, at which there was a large attendance of young people. During the evening Mr A Price, with a few appropriate words, presented Miss Irene with a gold bracelet and Miss Colenso with a string of pearls on behalf of those present. Mr Tindall responded on their behalf. A record number assembled at the Olympia Hall on Thursday night on the occasion of the Plunket ball. The hall was brilliantly decorated, gay streamers with multi-coloured festoons, making a happy effect, and adding to the carnival atmosphere of the function. Among those present were: Mesdames Studholme, Adams. Manchester, Leahy, Hurst, Craemer, Springer, Lewis, Foster, and Middleton ; Nurses Williams and Mitchell; Misses G. Manchester. Collett, Dailey, Hart, Smith, D’Auvergne, Creemer, Medlicott, Thompson, Meredith, Brownlie, Souness, Tew, Gregg, Hollamby, Evans, M'Lauchlan. Cain, Wain, Akhurst, Woods, and Mitchell.

TIMARU, August 5. Mr and Mrs H. B. S. Johnstone. Otaio, have returned from Mount Cook, and will go to their house in Christchurch for the National. Miss Brenda Bell, Shag Valley, who was with Mrs W. O. Moore, Kitchener square, is spending the week-end with Mrs Walter Raymond, Park lane. Mrs Boyer. AVaverley. spent a holiday with her sister, Mrs Ernest Oliver. Surrey Downs, and has now gone to Mr and Mrs J. G. Tennent, Lake Coleridge. Dr and Mrs Anderson, Hongkong, left for Dunedin on Tuesday after a short visit to Mrs Melville Jameson, Otumarania. The engagement is announced of Lewis Pierrepont (only son of Mr and Mrs W. E. Mills, of Scotston, St. Andrews) to Kari Mai (younger daughter of Mrs A. E. Wilkinson, of Christchurch). Miss Meg Loughnan, Fairlie, will be the guest of Mrs W. O. Campbell, of Christchurch, for the races. Mr and Mrs Timaru Rhodes, Iladlow, and Mrs C. E. Thomas. LeCren's terrace, will motor to Christchurch on Sunday. Mrs Buchanan, of Nelson, is the guest, of Mrs Gladstone Robinson. Oakwood. Mrs Ben Howell, Cave, is spending a few weeks with Mrs George Rhodes, Beverley, Christchurch. News has been received that Mrs F. P. Haines (formerly Miss Bessie Howell, of Timaru) will return to New Zealand early in November on the s.s. Rotorua. Miss Bartieman, of England, who is with Mrs R. L. Orbell. Park lane, will go to Temuka to-morrow to stay with Mrs George Armitage. Miss Lily Holmes, of Dunedin, is the guest of Miss Alice Thomson, Highfield. 'Mrs George Cossins and Miss Nan Cossins, Wai-iti road, are visiting Dunedin. ML.j Mary Rolleston. LeCren's terrace, will be the guest of Mrs Teschmaker, of Christchurch, for National Week. Mrs W. Davidson, Sefton street, has returned from a visit to Dunedin. Under the management of Miss Islip the Tyrol Tea Rooms were reopened on Wednesday. and were beautifully decorated with anemones, Christmas roses, and greenery. Several tea parties were given, among them one by Mrs Gladstone Robinson who entertained the following ladies at tea :—Mesdames Buchanan (Nelson), A. Elworthy, R. L. Orbell, Bernard Tripp. F. F. A. Ulrich, M. IL R. Ulrich, and E. H. Gibson and Miss Bartieman (England).

ASHBURTON. August 5. With the object of supplementing the Ashburton Plunket Society’s Daffodil Day funds the conveners of the toy stall—Mesdames F. H. Knight. H. J. Fraser, and C. M. Innes—organised a dance, which was held in the large dining room at Taurangi Home on Wednesday evening. Music was supplied by Mrs White and Miss Ibell, and a pleasant time was spent by all present. As a result of the effort about .£lO was collected. Two matches were played among members of the Ashburton Ladies' Golf Club yesterday. A flag match, which was postponed from last week, was played in conjunction with a medal match, and was won by Mrs W. Thomas, while the best cards sent in for the latter match were by Mr W. Thomas, Miss Dickenson, Mrs J. T. Thomas, Miss J. Nicoll, and Miss E. Stewart. A number of Ashburton people intend visiting Christchurch next week for the purpose of seeing the Grand National, and for other festivities in connection with race week. Mr and Mrs Frecth, of Sydney, are the guests of Mrs Brown. Wakanui. Miss Betty Russell has returned to Dunedin. The Hon. W. Nosworthy, who spent a week-end at his home in Ashburton, has returned to Wellington. Mr and Mrs C. C. Roberts, who were staying at the Clarendon Hotel, Christchurch, have returned to Ashburton. A programme of sacred music was presented in St. Stephen’s Church before a large gathering last night by the choir under the direction of Mr E. M'Eachen. After the programme a social evening was held in the hall, when more music was given and supper partaken of. About 150 parishioners were present. Miss M. Hunter leaves on Sunday to visit her sister. M~s Dr Miller, of Waikari, North Canterbury. CHRISTCHURCH. August 5. Mrs Charles Rattray, of Dunedin, is the guest of Mrs Henry Cotterill, Cashmere Hills. Mr and Mrs 11. C. Nolan, of Gisborne, are the guests of Mrs G. Westenra, Garden road, Fendalton. Mrs Ben Howell is staying with her mother, Mrs George Rhodes, “ Beverley.” Lady Fergusson, wife of Admiral Sir James Fergusson, arrives in Christchurch on Sunday, and will be the guest of Mrs Boyle, Park terrace. Captain and Mrs IT. Burden. Woodbury, will be the guests of Mrs C. S. Bowden, Papauui road. Mr and Mrs G. L. Rutherford have returned from a trip to Sydney. Mrs Bond and Miss Mary Bond arc expected in Christchurch on Monday for Grand National Week, and ■will stay at AVarwick House. There was a large attendance nt the bridge drive held at the AVinter Garden on Monday evening with the object of augmenting the Plunket Society and ATolet Day Fund. It was very successful. An exhibition of paintings z and drawings was held at the studio of Misses Cora AA’ilding, Ngaio Marsh. Margaret Anderson, A'iola Macmillan Brown, and Edith AVall. and Messrs W. H. Montgomery and W. S. Bavertock, many friends attending the private view by invitation. A great variety of paintings were on view, including landscapes from European scenery, Algeria, Tahiti, and New Zealand, and also portraits of wellknown Christchurch people. Amongst some of those present were: Mrs AA’ilding, Mrs Burnes Loughnan, Mrs J. Gore Newell, Mrs AA r . H. Montgomerv. Mrs George Harper, Mrs Morton Ollivier and Miss Ollivier. Dr and Miss Irving, the Rev. Mr and Mrs Williams. Mrs Guy Ronalds, Mr and Mrs AA’inchester,

Mrs D. W. Westenra, Mrs C. G. Dalgety, Mrs W. H. Symes, Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, Mr and Mrs Polhili. Mrs R. J. Loughnan, Lady Campbell, Mrs Leonard Clark, Mr and Mrs IL Cotteriil, Mrs J. R. Wilford, Mrs M, Godby, Dr and Mrs Douglas Anderson, Mr and Mrs Hutchinson, Mrs Wilkin, Miss Jessie Wilkin, Mrs H. H. Turnbull, Mr and Mrs E. G. Hogg, Misses R, Cracroft Wilson, Gibson, M. Nixon. H. Loughnan. Stodart, Guthrie, Wilkin. Aitken, and Fulton. The Christchurch Hunt Club held its anual race meeting on Saturday at Riccarton. The weather was good, as also was the attendance. an., the racing was specially interesting, as it gave a forecast of the big meeting next week, many horses competing on both occasions. Amongst some of those present were: Mrs Boyle. Miss Boyle, Mrs George Gould, Miss B. Gould, Mrs Deans, Mrs C. G. Dalgety, Mrs Arthur Elworthy, Mrs Hugh Reeves, Mrs J. Dryden Hall, Mrs E. B. Newton, Miss Jean Newton. Mrs D. W. Westenra, Mrs John Stevenson, Mrs Gerald Gerard. Mrs H. S. Lawrence. Mrs H. Richards, Mrs W. G. Ives, Mrs W. H. Price. Mrs J. Mowbray Tripp. Mrs Algar Williams, Mrs E. C. M'Cullough, Mrs M. O'Rorke, Mrs Harold Barker, Mrs G. L. Rutherford, Mrs Godby, Mrs W. H. Symes. Mrs H. Jellett, Mrs J. W. C. Nixon, Misses Joan Fulton. Nancy Gibson. Ann Ensor, Nancarrow. Joan Maling, Elizabeth Harris, R. Cracroft Wilson, and Meta Nixon. - The engagement is announced of Margaret (Rita), elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Alfred Kinvig, of Avonside. Christchurch, to Edgar, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. E. Chivers, of Christchurch. BLENHEIM. August 4. A most enjoyable dance and dinner party was given by Dr and Mrs Bennett on the occasion of their daughter Pauline's twentyfirst birthday. Mrs Bennett received the guests wearing a handsome gown of gold lace over emerald satin. Miss Pauline Bennett looked charming in a dainty pink taffeta frock. Those present were: Mesdames L. Griffiths, wearing beaded georgette; B. Clouston black velvet; F. F. Reid, green and silver lace : M. Wood, black and green marocain; E. Reid, black crepe de chine; and Churchward, cyclamen pink . lace; Misses B. Griffiths, pink georgette embroidered with pearls; J. Noble-Adams, silver lace over crimson ; J. Burden, black taffeta ; L. Burden, orange and silver lace; M'Lauchlan, black beaded georgette ; Anderson, black georgette ; and Smith, black crepe de chine, also Messrs R. Paul, F. F. Reid, M. Wood, Denys Cunningham, John Vavasour. Ward (2). T. Mead, T. Davies, and S. Clouston. and Dr Bennett. A most successful dance was held in the Masonic Hall on Friday night for Miss Williams, one of the candidates for the Plunket queen carnival. Noel Rose's orchestra supplied the music, and a delicious supper was provided, the table and hall being decorated in red and white. Some of those present were: Mesdames Greig, wearing black beaded georgette ; Teschemaker. black satin ; Goyder, black channeuse. F. F. Reid, black georgette, with Chinese jacket; Rutherford. electric blue georgette; Latter, jade green satin; Stocker, black georgette; de

Castro, black satin; Richmond, crimson georgette; Andrew, blue satin and georgette ; Williams, black satin ; Robertson, green beaded satin; and Jeffries, cream georgette; Misses Williams, salmon pink crepe tie chine; N. Latter, rose crepe de chine; N. Crigg, black and silver satin ; P. Bennett, green accordeon pleated georgette; G. Goulter, cream georgette, with sequin trimmings; J. Burden, pale blue taffeta ; L. Burden, green georgette; Al. Murray, floral tissue and pink georgette ; B. Rutherford, cream lace : P. Mills, blue crepe de chine; M. Bell, black satin ; and N. Hammond, pink marocain ; Messrs Grigg, Coyder, Richmond, Murray, Stocker, Rutherford, Robertson (2). Cunningham, Browning, F. F. Reid, Dillimore. Horton, H. Adams, P. Hall, Critcliley, and Dr R. Adams. Miss Barbara Griffiths gave a most enjoyable afternoon in honour of Miss Joyce Williams, whose marriage is shortly to take place. Those present were : Mesdames Reid. Griffiths. Bennett. M'Callum. Burden, and Boyes, Misses Bennett. Burden, Horton (2». Noble-Adams, and B. Mead. WELLINGTON, August 6. The visiting delegates to th? conference of the women’s division of the Farmers' Union were very pleasantly entertained by Airs S. Myers at her residence, Kelburn, on ono afternoon when conference was over. Tea was served and much enjoyed after the work of the day, and then an amusing time was spent in competitions and speeches made up on the spur of the momqjt on a number of given subjects. Hearty thanks were given to Airs Myers for her kind hospitality. In ih.? evening a number of the visitors went to the Winter Show, and others were the guests at some of the picture theatres. A very bright, and cheerful afternoon party was given by Mrs F. E. Ward at the Adelphi Cabaret on Friday afternoon, when she entertained a number of Wellington friends, as well as some of the sessional visitors. The large dancing room was arranged drawingroom fashion, with carpets and easy chairs and sofas, while the tea was set along one side and end c.f the room. The orchestra played a number of selections, mostly of dance music. Mrs Ward received, wearing black embroidered crepe de chine, the skirt trimmed with large coloured embroidered appliques a hat of black with an osprey, and a scarf of mauve tulle. Amonj the man?.' guests were: Mrs J. G. Coates, Lady Rhodes, Lady Poma re. Miss Downie Stewart, Miss Skerrett ; Mesdames L. P. Blundell, K. S. Williams, Larnach, Brandon. Butts, Coleridge, Fitzgerald, W. Field, Stafford, Macalister Bnrdekin, W. Kennedy, Nelson, Hudson. M Holmes. Davison, Young, Macasscy, Gillon, Hislop. M'Ewan. and Ewen; Aliases Brandon, Barron. Medley, Hals,?, Edwin, M.ecGreeor and others.

The first of a series of tea parties took place at the pleasant club room of the. E.S.U., when a number of members took advantage of the invitation issu’d informally to be nresent, much to the pleasure of the committee members in charge of the party. A delicious tea was served, in charge-of Mesdames Preston, O'Shea, Ardell. and Leigh Hunt, very beautiful soring flowers being used in the adornment of the table from the garden of Mrs Preston at Eastbourne. Conversation and exchanges of stories passed the time very happily, and it is hoped that those meetings, which are arranged to take place monthly, will bring members of the union together pleasantly, and form a place where visitors to the city may find friends.

A presentation of a handsome gold wristlet watch was made to Miss Noeline Bevan, who represented the Navy League as their oueen nt the recent military nageant held in AVellingfon. The presentation was made by Sir A’exar.dov Roberts nt. a party given by himself and Lady Kober's at the Midland Hotel. when all the members of th-? general and pageant committee's were present. The function was a very pleasanl one. L-n being set in the dining room, and the tables decorated with vases of yellow narcissi and ferns. M’.ss Bevan has since left for a. visit to Auckland. A verv enjov’blo dance was given at the Art Gallery, when the quest of honour was Mrs J- C. Andcrs'on. president of the Wellington Lyceum Club. The dance was arranged bv the members of the executive of the club, end the decorations, under direction of Miss Black (a club member), wee carried out in shades of blue and gold, the club colours A great manv beautiful bulb flowers in m- >lden shades were used most effectively. The much-appreciated supper was of Hie v’vietv, and camo from Hi’ club kitchen, which is in charge of Mrs Bruce. Mrs Andersen was presented with a posy of lovely spring flowers by Alias Barbara C'l«rk. the guest of honour luring received bv <h.’ vice-n residents M?sdanics C’ark ’"J Hicks'n Among those present w»re; Dr end Mrs F'mvth. Dr and Mrs f' l oti-r; M’sclnnies Gralv'm. T.von, GeoreAVat’oi'. AV(|! n „<dri>v, None’stcad Bo:ile«. Waff. Wvll’ Gill. Goodwin. Oaldov. ’.rd T'hitcford' Miss o * A v ing Ahern. Cock. AHUs, Fagan. O’<L BhmV. Tl'-wnhill, Ko.bloll. C’mnbell, Palmer, Hume AVilson, and many other’. Mrs S T’iddler. of Wol I ’'’"f.-in. is visiting Alas A. T Chapman, of Wellington. ALc F. J Rol’eston is spending same tini’ in Timaru. M»’s R’elm-'l Rowles has relnr’ od to T-’at-m'rstg.n North offer a visit to AA'cHineton. M-? THwaael] Grace is paving a visit to AVellington.

Misses Barion and Campbell, of Thorndon, Lave returned from a visit to Australia. Mrs and Miss S. M. Gcargo, of Alfredton, are visiting Wellington. Mrs J. Blair, of Gisborne, is visiting Wellington. CARTERTON, August G. The marriage took place in St. Matthew’s Church in Masterton on Tuesday evening of Miss Winifred Alice Uden and Mr Paul F. P. Price, both of Masterton. The Rev. W. Bullock officiated. Miss A. Uden was bridesmaid, and the duties of best man were carlied out by Mr G. Truscott. The marriage took place in Knox Church in Masterton on Tuesday afternoon of Miss Mildred Henderson, eldest daughter of Mr

and Mrs John Henderson, of Gladstone, Wairarapa, and Mr Archibald Smith, of Ahiaruhe. The Rev. John' Davie, officiated. Miss Inga Ray attended as bridssmaid, and Mr Nile Henderson was Lest man. Miss F. Middleton, of Carterton, was tendered a parcel evening by her many friends in honour of her approaching marriage. A parcel evening was given at Te Whiti to Mr Archie Smith and Miss Mildred Hen derson to mark the event of their marriage. The Featherston Golf Club held their annual ball in the Anzac Hall on Thursday night. It was one of the most enjoyable and successful functions ever held in Featherston. The decorations were elaborately carried out in pink and drapings of lycopodium. One lounge was decorated in a colour scheme of red, and the other in orange. Mr and Mrs Nash of Wanganui, who have been staying with Mr and Mrs Fritz Kummer, of Masterton, have returned home.

Mrs S. W. Parry, of Mount Bruce, is the guest of Mrs J. H. Hughes, of Masterton. Mrs H. M. Boddington and Miss Nina. Boddington, of Masterton, have gone to Wellington. Miss L. Reynolds, of Masterton, left on Monday for Grsym-juth with Mr and Mrs W. Reynolds, who have been spending some months in the North Island.

Mise E]na Cook, of Masterton, has returned from a holiday visit of some weeks in Auckland. Mies Mary Edson, of Napier, was tho guest of Mrs H. T. Wood, of Masterton, for the wesk-end. Mr and Mrs H. J. Jones, of Masterton, left last week on a visit to Australia. Mr and Jlrs W. B. Chennells, of Masterton, are at present on a visit to Wellington. Miss Bunting, who has been in Sydney for some weeks, has rsturned to Masterton. Mr and Mrs E. F. Trustrum, of Featherston, spent the week-end in Wellington. Miss Eva Howie, of Wellington, is spending a holiday in Featherston, and is the guest of Mrs C. Rea. Mrs W. R. Goodrich, of Otane, who lias been on a visit to her parents. Mr and Mrs J Viles, has returned to her home. Mr and Mrs S. M. George, of Alfredton, are on a visit to Wellington. Following a month’s holiday in Sydney Miss Doreen Armstrong, of Suva, is the guest of Mrs C. B. M'Clurs of Masterton. Mis J. C. Burns, of Wellington, is visiting Masterton on holiday. Mrs C. N. Stillburn, of Masterton, is visiting Wellington. Mrs G. Taylor, of " Craigie Lea," is a visitor to Masterton. Mrs Coggins, of Te Wharau, is staying in Masterton for a week’s holiday. Mrs J. B. Henry has returned to Auckland from Masterton. Mrs Norman Beetham, of Palmerston' North, is ths guest of Mr and Mrs Trevor Beetham, of Masterton. Miss Clark, a visitor from England, is staying with her niece, Mrs L. S. Nicol, of Masterton. " Miss Ethel Daniell is staying with her sister, Mis Denton, of Hastings.

FEILDING, August 4. Mr and Mrs Guy Goodbehere are spending a holiday in Christchurch. Miss Patricia Goodbehere has returned from a trip to National Park, Ruapehu. Mrs Rupert Reid is on a visit to Nelson. Mr and Mrs G. H. Best, of Karachi, India, and their small daughter, June, arrived by the Marana from Sydney during the week, and are staying with Mrs Best’s parents, Mr and Mrs J. Grey, Kawa Kawa road. Miss Gladys Innes Jones, of Wellington, has been the guest of Miss Westcott. Dr Elizabeth Gunn, medical inspector of schools, is at present on an official visit to Feilding. Mrs Miles and Miss Molly Miles are visiting New Plymouth. Miss O’Halloran and Miss Brown entertained some guests at bridge on Wednesday night. Those present -were Mesdames Phillips, Parkes, Weaver, and Connell, Misses Murdoch and Pearpoint. Mrs Phillips won the first prize.

PALMERSTON, North, August 4. Miss S. Watson is staying in Takapau with Mrs Sydney Johnston. On Friday evening Mrs Coombs, Featherston street, had a bridge party, when there were about 20 playing. Mrs Coombs received her guests in a black frock with touches of mauve. Amongst those present were : Miss Coombs, wearing blue georgette ; Mrs S. Tras':, black and white; Mrs J. P. Innes, black, embossed in Oriental colours; Mrs W. L. Fitzherbert, beige lace; Mrs D. Wylie, shot taffeta: Mrs Whyte, blue crepe de chine; Mrs M'Knight, black and cyclamen ; Mrs Haggitt, black charmeuse; Mrs Rapley, beige lace; Mrs F. Coombs, black, embroidered in colours; Miss Blackmore, rose chenille trimmed with fur; and Miss Haggitt, black charmeuse, with Oriental embroidery. Mrs W. L. Fitzherbert had two tables of bridge for the Plunket Fund on Saturday night, those playing being Mesdames Fitzherbert, Haggitt, Innes, and Coombs, and Misses M. Fitzherbert, M. Sim, R. Putnam, and O. Haggitt. Miss B. Loughnan has returned from Wanganui. Mr and Mrs 11. Keeble, Alfredton, are the guests of Mr and Mrs E. C. Gaisford, Rangitikei. Mrs P. T. Putnam has left for Wellington, en route for Sydney. Miss M. M’Rae, of Wairoa, is the guest of Mrs P. A. M'Hardy. Miss A. Smythe, of Christchurch, is the guest of Mrs John Miller. Miss Snodgrass, of Napier, is the guest of her sister. Mrs A. M'Hardy, Ashhurst. Miss P. Keeling is on a visit to Wellington. Mrs W. Jacobs, Kiwitea, has been spending a few days in Palmerston North. Mrs R. A. Fuller has returned from an extended visit to Dunedin. Mrs A. E. Russell is the guest of Mrs C. Birch, Wellington. Mrs Stewart, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Keith Stewart, Bath street.

WANGANUI, August 6.

Mrs F. Wagstaff, of Gloucester street. Wanganui, returned this week from a motor trip to Auckland. Miss V. Ralph, of Christchurch, is at present visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs C. Ralph, at Wanganui. Mr and Mrs Ellingham, of Dannevirke, have returned home after visiting this city. Mrs Russell Grace has returned from Wellington. Mrs Skcrman and Miss L. Skerman, of Te Horo, are visiting this city. Mrs Campbell was hostess on Wednesday at a farewell evening given for Miss Mavacia Jensen, who is leaving Wanganui next week to join her parents at Wellington. The drawing room was tastefully decorated with masses of yellow bulbs, mauve and yellow violas, and maidenhair fern. Dancing and cards helped to pass a jolly evening. Mr and Mrs Rawlinson left for Wellington this week on holiday. Mrs W. Nelson (Gonville avenue) was hostess at a pleasant afternoon on Thursday. Mr and Mrs J. Beard, of Kuangaroa, Wanganui, returned last week from an enjoyable three months in Sydney and Melbourne, etc. Miss Olga Taylor is visiting her parents at Stratford this week-end.

The many friends of Mrs Annie Cutfield, “ Roxford,” Westmere, will regret to hear of her death last Tuesday, after a lingering illness for almost two years. During the week a most enjoyable bridge evening was held at the Lady Jellicoe Club Room, when every available space was filled by members and their friends. Among those present were Lady Burdett, Mesdames (Dr) U. Williams. Palmer-Jones. F. Swan, Jarvie, Wilson. Bullock-Douglas. H. V. Hammond. Moffat. C. H. Barton. Dexcell, Oldaker, Haszard, Wall, C. P. Brown, Walker; Newman. Gardner, Collier. Sherriffs, 'Woollams, Hints, Lomas. Curtis, Rathbone, Prowse, Crawford, Walker, G. H. Swan. C. Patterson, R. Thomas, Failover, C. Millward, Triggs, A. Barton, Aitken, Merewether, Benjamin, Misses Murray (2), Samson. Cowan, and Mitchell. Mrs J. Horn, of Dunedin, is the guest of her sister, Mrs G. R. Simpson, in Halswell street.

Miss Gwenda Nelson has. returned from her holiday spent at Christchurch and Dunedin.

NAPIER. August G. The Napier Cabaret was well attended on Saturday evening, and some pretty frocks were worn. Mrs Fitzgerald wore dainty cameo pink-beaded georgette: Mrs Jack Kennedy. black georgette and lace; Mrs Cartwright, black; Mrs Blundell, black, with

coloured design in embroidery; Mise V. Cotton, cherry-red georgette, beaded to tone; Miss L. Williams, gold lace and tissue; Miss Sproule, dainty ivory georgette; Miss Tennant, ciel blue georgette; Miss E. Barry, rose-pink taffeta, with full skirt; Miss « ( ope Bernau, gold lace and tissue; Mis s Cato, dainty cameo pink lace and georgette; Miss V. Herbert, cyclamen taffeta; Miss M. Cornford, jade green georgette beaded; Miss Geddis, forget-me-not blue georgette; Miss Campbell, charming black satin; Miss M'Glashan,, rose-pink taffeta, with transparent hem of gold lace; Miss Inglis, black satin; and Miss Peggy Lane, ivory satin and beads.

The Waipukurau Tennis Club dance was held in the Municipal Hall, and was a great success. The large committee left nothing undone as regards the guests’ comfort. Those present included; Mesdames J. D. Ormond (Wallingford), Fisher. Blundell, Peacock, Harker, Waddington, P. Wilder, Tod Canning, Logan, Welch. Carlyon, and Mackie; Misses S. Ormond, Carlyon, Welch, Patterson, Nslson, Wills, Joblin, Monckton, Giblin, M. Douglas, Hunter (Porangahau), Sainsbury, Hobson, and Pohill. Miss Tylee, of Napier, has left on a visit to Suva. Mrs H. M. Rathbone, of Waipawa, has returned from a visit to Wellington. Mr and Mrs Wellwood, of Hastings, were in Wellington for a short visit, and were staying at the Midland Hotel. Mr and Mrs Dixon, of Hastings, spent a holiday at the Morere Springs. Mr and Mrs R. A. Barnsdale, of Hastings, leave shortly to make their home in Gisborne. Mr Barnsdale has been transferred as manager of the Gisborne branch of the National Bank of New Zealand. Mr and Mrs Barnsdale have been very popular in Hastings, and a round of parties is to be given in their honour. Mrs C. E. Woods, of Waipawa, has returned from a visit to Wellington’. Mr and Mrs L. S. M'Clurg, of Napier, who have been touring in Egland, are leaving on their return to New Zealand. Lady Hunter, of Porangahau, Hawke’s Bay, has been elected president of the women’s division of the New Zealand Farmers’ Union. Dr and Mrs, of Hastings, have returned from a holiday spent in Hamilton. Mrs Harley, of Hatuma, Hawke's Bay, spent a holiday at Morere Springs. Mrs G. Haggett, of PalmerstolT Nort’h, has been the guest of Mrs Fannin, of Hastings. Mrs Christie, of Wanganui, was in Napier during the week. Miss H. Brittan, of Waipukurau, was a guest at tho Morere Springs Hotel during the week. Mr and Mrs A. V. S. Recd, of Hastings, wens the guests of Mrs L. S. Williams, of “ Kahurua,” Gisborne. Miss Hassell, of Hastings, is visiting in Gisborne. klrs and Miss Canning, of Hawke’s Bay, paid a visit to Rotorua. Miss V. Herbert, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs Stewart, of Napier, h " returned to her home in Dannevirke. Mrs Herbert, of Dannevirke, is visiting Napier.

HAMILTON,. August 6

A most delightful concert was given at the Hamilton Lyceum Club on Monday night by Madam Irene Ainsley and a concert, party. Madam Ainsley wore a lovely frock of buttercup taffeta silk. Those present were Mesdames H. Douglas. W. C. Ring, H. Gillies, Vere Chitty, E. H. O’Meara, H. M'Mullin, F. M. Spencer, W. Tudhope, M. Bell, W. J. Stevens, J. M'Kinnon, J. D. Smith, H. Hammond, E. J. Stewart, J. W. Walsh, A. B. Beale, E. Cussen, P. Gannaway, K. Eade, Duncan, E. C. Day, G. A. Hurdwood, Pemberton, Gilbert, H. Grocott. A. W. Green, C. F. Bond, Andrews, Biackie, Toombs, A. J. Bond, Story, Pratt, and E. English, Misses Ainsley, L. Cussen, M. Stevens, F. Jolly, M. Chitty, Garrett, D. Ring, Rimmer, Ayre, Newell, Walsh, Motile, Grocott, and A. Moule. A bridge evening was given by Mrs T. Insoli at. her home, Hamilton East, on Friday. The rooms were decorated with pale pink peach blossoms. The guests were: Mesdames H. M'Mullin, Wyvern Wilson, E. R. Gresham, G. Hyde. W. G. Robbie, A. L. Sheppard, H. Hasler, T. F. Jolly, J. Chitty, A. Furze, J. Gray. O’Meara, A. Meek, and H. Greenslade, Misses Wyatt, Stevens, de Renzy, C. Jolly, and Wallnutt. At Cambridge on Tuesday Miss Calvert entertained a number of guests at a card evening. Those present were : Mesdames D. R. Caldwell, A. H. Nicoll, Tod, M. Wells, J. Sutherland, Graine, and Taylor. Misses K. Brabant. Gwynneth, M'Donald, Dunne, Brann, and S. Brann. The members of St. Peter’s Young People's Club held a social evening in St. Peter’s Hall on Tuesday. The room was nicely decorated, and a most enjoyable time was spent. Mrs E. H. Curling was the hostess. Others present were: Misses D. Perham, A. Wilson, Capper, F. Hall, Barber, D. Clegg, J. Pratt, M. King, H. Firth, B. Roach, M. Forrestt, K. Wilson, A. Capper, E. Brittain, M. Johnson, G. Hodgson, E. Hill, O. Wernham, D. Johnson, and R. Perham.

An enjoyable bridge afternoon was given on Wednesday by Mrs H. Hasler, of Hamilton, to a number of her friends. The guests were: Mesdames E. E. Roberts, A. Meek, D. R. Caldwell, E. R. Gresham, Wyvern Wilson, J. H. Hammond, E. J. Stewart, T. B. Insoli, E. H. O’Meara, J. E. Page, T. F. Jolly, J. Chitty, and H. J. Greenslade, Misses Christophers,. Gwynneth, and C. Jolly.


A large and most successful “at home’ was held by the president and members of the Auckland Officers’ Club at the Click Cabaret last Thursday evening. Pink blooms and rose-coloured lights gave a blight decorative effect in the lounge and in the supper room, while in the ballroom clusters of crimson chrysanthemums, tall palms, and coloured lanterns were in requisition. The guests were received by Colonel J. Hardie Neil and Mrs Hardie Neil, the latter wearing a frock of black panne velvet and satin beaute. Some of those present were: Mesdames Dawson. Sinclair, Reid, Dignan, Macky, Quartley, Eric Waters, Stilwell, N. Thomas, Spedding, Claude White, and Misses J. Stevenson, Robertson (2), Gordon, Bagnall, Bollard, Seaward, Souter, Entrican, Moir, Marriott, etc. There were over 500 couples at the pageant ball at the Town Hall last Thursday, when New Zealand’s National Festival was inaugurated. The majority -were in fancy dress, and although the hall was well filled there was plenty of room for dancing. The “ The Feast of Flora" ballet presented by Madame Edith Baird, was danced by 150 trained dancers, in costumes of great beauty, representing the floral queens of the garden. The final item in the pageant was a dance by 20 Samoans, whose vigorous and graceful movements won the applause of all. The quarterly “ at home ” of the Victoria League, held at the Lyceum Club on Wednesday evening, was attended by a large number of members. The resident (Miss J. Mowbray) received the guests, and in a short address welcomed those visitors from the south who were present. During the evening a musical programme was gone through, and afterwards supper was served. The Auckland branch of the Victoria League is doing remarkably good Work in connection with the English Public School boys, who are every

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Otago Witness, Issue 3830, 9 August 1927, Page 63

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3830, 9 August 1927, Page 63

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3830, 9 August 1927, Page 63