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Monday. The Literary Circle of. Hie Otago Women's Club held a most successful evening on Tuesday, Mrs Brickell reading the principal paper. It was principally on Irish playwrights in the Abbey Theatre, Dublin. During the lecture Miss Holland played on her zither harp some delightful Irish melodics.

Miss Reynolds was a hostess at bridge on Friday evening at her residence, Lees street.

A farewell afternoon tea party was given at the Women’s Club on Wednesday . afternoon to Miss M'Gill, who is returning to America, and Miss Bowbyes, who is having a year's training in the United States. Miss Wells was the hostess. Most delicious tea anti dainties were enjoyed, and everyone was afforded the opportunity of saying “ bon voyage ” before the two guests of the afternoon had departed. Some of those present were : Mesdames Hercus, Benson, Cameron, M'Kellar. Strong, and Bell, Misses Drury, Irvine, Little, Stevenson, Pope, Rawson, etc.

most successful entertainment was given in aid of the Free Kindergarten at His Majesty’s Theatre on Wednesday evening, when a delightfully artistic programme had been arranged by Mrs Richard Hudson, assisted by Mrs A. 11. Fisher, Mrs Garth Gallaway, and a band of young ladies, who called themselves “ Twinkiers.” The theatre had a distinct effect of brightness. In the bumper house gaily dressed young ladies were to be seen carrying trays tied with bright ribbons, and from these vendors one was able to buy. sweets of all description. Every effort had been made to make the entertainment a success, and the spirit in which the audience received all the items must have given a pleasant feeling to the performers. The opening item was a song and chorus by the ” Twinkiers.” These gaily dressed young pierrots in their yellow and black charmed everyone by their delightfully fresh and spirited performance. The colour scheme of deep saxe blue curtains as a background was most delightfully chosen, it throwing up the dancers and tableaux in an excellently spectacular way. One of the cleverest items was the interpretaton of a small girl by Miss Anita Winkel, who also gave other smart ami amusing items. The tableaux were delightful, some of the china being most realistic, framed in their setting of gold. “ Old Chelsea ” was represented by Miss Hartmann and Miss Greta Finch as the “ Shepherd and Shepherdess Musicians ” ; “Russian Peasant." by Miss Josephine O'Neill ; “ Norwegian Peasant,” by Miss C. Stock ” ; and “ Old Japanese,” by Miss Vivienne Gray. “ Royal Houlton.” Characters from Dickens were Uriah Heap, Major F. H. Lampen ; David Copperfield. Mr George Chance ; and Mr Pickwick, Mr H. D. Brewer. Of the tableaux Miss Barnett and Miss Joan Halsted were “Staffordshire”; Miss Rua Milne, “ Dresden China ” ; Mrs Roland Fulton and Miss Nancarrow, ” Old Bow Girl and Boy Musicians ” ; and Dr Crawshaw and Mr J. Calder, “ The Cheeryblc Brothers.” Royal Doulton from the “ Beggar’s Opera ” (Lucy Lockit, Polly Peacham. and Captain Macheath), Miss Eulalie Roberts, Miss Doris Ramsay, and Miss Marion Scott. Dresden (“A Shepherdess”), Miss Nancy Barr, Meisgen, 1760 (“The Dancer”), by Salle. Miss Mary Thomson; Continental China (“A Girl with a Muff”), Mrs Jack Sim. Royal Doulton. Miss Helen O'Neill and Miss Barbara Williams; Wedgewood, Mrs Garth Gallaway. Mrs G. Henderson, Mrs Leonard Hudson,’Miss Letty 'Williams, and Miss Betty Oram. The concluding item of the evening was the musical sketch by the “ Twinkiers,” entitled “ Tulip Time,” when to catchy music artistically robed girls in Dutch peasant dresses danced and sang. During the evening a classic dance by Miss Dorothy Dean was much enjoyed by all present. It has not been yet ascertained how much the Free Kindergarten will benefit by the concert, but judging by the large house it should be a considerable amount.

A unique dance was given recently in the Gardens Tea Kiosk by Mrs Ferris Brown in honour of her daughter Coreen. The whole room had been decorated in a Christmas scheme with greenery and brilliant colouring, whilst a huge tree, gaily decorated with all kinds of Christmas gifts, was in the centre of the hall, so that the dancers danced round it. From a spectator’s view it was most artistic, and the various colours of the dresses as they glided round, intermingled with the black of the men’s suits, was most charming. Quite an uncommon idea was the pedlar, who moved about with a tray handing his different favours to those present, and causing a good deal of laughter as the various ridiculous caps and trophies were displayed by the receivers. A most beautiful supper was enjoyed by all. Balloons and streamers seemed to be intermingled in all directions. A delightful orchestra played throughout the evening. Some of the guests present were : Misses Salmond, Bartlett. D. Law, Merrington, Robson, North, Mitchell, Howes, Parker, Murdock, Green, Crawford, Maxwell, Bain, Perry, and Griegg. Messrs Smith, Maxwell. - Furkert, Moller. Sharp. Waugh. Murdock, Bellringer, Green, J. Green. Wise. Wells, Simpson, Heenan'. Brook, O’Brien, Harbutt, J. Wells, and Burt. On Saturday evening Mrs Marshall MacDonald invited a number of friends to a bridge party at her residence, High street. Saturday night saw the usual large number of patrons at the Tudor Hall, where the cabaret seems as popular as ever. The music and coloured lights always have an alluring effect upon the dancers. Wembley Cabaret Club, held in the Early Settlers’ Hall and old Art Gallery, is wonderfully popular, and every Saturday night there are present from SOO to 1000 dancers. The orchestra is excellent, and the supper much enjoyed by all. The rooms were all prettily decorated with greenery, flowers, and coloured streamers. The singing of the National Anthem brought a delightful evening to a close. The Practical Psychology Club held a very pleasant evening on Thursday last, when Madame Alwyn was the guest of honour. Mrs Watson took as her subject the different planes we can vibrate to. Mesdames Botting, Mitchell, Burn, MacDonald, and Mr Watson all contributed musical items, and the evening was concluded with the singing of " Auld Lang Syne.” Hostesses at bridge during the week have been Mesdames Black, Halsted, Rattray, Cook, Hilton, and Fitchett, Misses 'Williams and Denniston.

Miss Barron left on Wednesday for a trip, to Sydney.

The monthly meeting of the Dunedin branch of the Women's National - Council was held on Wednesday evening, and despite the wet ami depressing weather there was a good muster of members. There were also two visitors from the Women Citizens’ Association. Dr Bell read a communication in regard to the proposed, establishment of a lectureship on psychyatry at the University, the provision of university teaching on this subject being supported by the British National Council of Ilygiehe. One of the main subjects discussed was a proposal advocated by tlie Howard League and other bodies that young persons between the ages of 16 and 21 guilty of disorderly conduct and minor offences should be dealt with without having a conviction recorded, inC?

order not to prejudice their future careers. The propriety for children of some of the kinema shows advertised so as specially to attract children was another matter brought up, and the opinion was expressed that there should be stricter oversight as to the pictures to which children are admitted, and that a woman censor should be appointed. The special feature of the evening was a resume of the work of the Home ■ Economics Association by Mrs W. H. Evans. One of the objects of the association is to improve the conditions of country life tor women, and it is co-operating with the women’s bj*anch of the h armors Union. INVERCARGILL, July 30. Misses Nan Ougliton and Phyllis Drewe, of Gladstone, left on Monday for Feilding, where they will spend two months with Miss Oughton’s sister, Mrs lan M'Grner. Mis C? B. Snow and Miss Kitty Wilson have returned from a fortnight in Dunedin. Mrs W. Hammond has returned from few davs in Dunedin. Mrs ’Tomlinson was hostess at a small musical evening on Thursday at her home. Mrs A. Morrell Macdonald returned from. Dunedin on Saturday a week ago. Amongst the ladies journeying to Dunedin with the Southland basket ball team on ■Saturday were: Mrs R. S. M’lnnes (president), Mrs R. H. J. Camm, Mrs R. M. Strang; and Misses Samuel, Watt, Burt, and White. Mr and Mrs A. A. Dickens and Miss Dickens spent the week-end in Dunedin, MrDickens staying at the Fcrnhill Club, and his wife and daughter at the Grand Hotel. Mrs G. N. Lindsay, cf Bluff, spent the week-end in Dunedin with her daughters. Mr and Mrs Walter Bows have returned, from their honeymoon, and have taken up resilience in Lewis street. Miss Onio Fraser spent a few days with her mother at Layard street during the week, retiming to Christchurch on Saturday. Bridge hostesses included Mesdames Denniston, Cuthberston, Owen-Johnston, Mervyn Mitchel. J. Robertson, and A. J. Butchers.

Mrs Cehwings, of Wellington street, is, visiting her daughter, Mrs J. T. F. Mitchell, of Auckland.

Mrs A. C. Mac Ewan, of Herbert street, gave a bridge drive on Friday evening at her home. Amongst those present were -.1 Mesdames J. Macleod, R. 11. J. Camm, L. W. Spencer, J. T. Carswell, T. !•’. Macdonald. Walter Johnston, W. Hammond, W. S. Todd, 11. O. Stuckey. d’Arcy Palmer,' J. Shand, J. D. Mitchel], Walter Jones, R. N. Todd, and W. Macaiister. There were 10 tables of bridge at tho Southland Women’s Club on Monday eveirt ing. Those members present were: Mesdames Owen-Johnston, W. Macaiister, W. Johnston, W. S. Todd. Hackworth, J. Sutton, J. Waymouth, G. Moffett F. C. Rowley, J. Thomson, Cochrane, I’. II Vickery, 1-. Ruck A. M. Macdonald, Christophers (Geraldine), W. Clark. Pasler, 11. J. Farrant, D. Cuthbertson, W. J. Barclay, F. A. D. Barclay, J. L. Watson, L. Webb, J. Carswell, J. Macleod, H. O. Higgins, and T. S. Miller; Misses Fynes-Clinton, Wavmouth, Brodrick, Pilcher. Henderson, Lousier, Brown, Young, and Oughtcn (2). Miss Lousier wen the prize, for the highest score, and Mrs Owen-Johnston the prize for the hidden number.

OAMARU, July 30. Miss Fay M’Kinnon is the guest of Mrs M’Douatl, of Wharfe street.

Mrs Roy Mitchell has been staring with her mother. Mrs Jasper Nicolis. Mr and Mrs Fleet Burry, cf Christchurch, arc visiting Oamaru at present. Miss Winsome Milner- has returned to Christchurch after spending a few days at home.' Mrs Alan M’Douall and family are staying with Mrs Ireston, of Ouse street. Miss Hertslet is the guest cf Dr and Mrs Orbell. Misses Nicholls, of Kurehika, and Miss Maude Nicholls have gone to the Hermitage, Mount Cock, for the 'winter sports. Mr and Mrs M’Donald, who have been visiting patnaru, have returned to Waimate. TIMARU. July 29. Dr and Mrs Anderson, of Hongkong, are expected in Timaru on Monday, and will stay at Otumarama with Mrs Melville Jameson. Mrs Anderson will give an address to women and girls in the Y.W.C.A. Hostel on Monday afternoon and evening. Mr and Mrs H. B. S. Johnstone (Otaio) and Mr Gerald Mathias (Cave) are at the Hermitage. The Rev. L. A. and Mrs Knight (St. Saviour’s Orphanage) will leave next week for a holiday in Australia. Mrs George Cossins and Miss Nan Cossins. Wai-iti road, will go to Dunedin early in the week to stay with Mrs F. Fitchett. Mr and Mrs Everett Shiel, of Dunedin, and Mrs St. John Smith, of Christchurch, are at the Grosvenor Hotel. Miss Margaret Harper, of Whitecliffs, left for Christchurch to-day after a visit to Mrs Maurice Harper, Waitawa. The members of Miss Brenda Bell’s party will return from the Hermitage on Monday. Miss Bell will stay with Mrs Moore, Kitchener sqsare, before going back to Shag Valley. Mrs Boyer, of Waverley is the guest ot Mrs Ernest Oliver, Surrey Downs. Mrs Barry-Martin, of Wellington, is with l the Misses Hassell, North street. Mrs Robert Ensor has returned to Rangiora after a visit to Mrs Howell, Marsden. On Friday night the South Canterbury Hunt. held a most successful ball in the CauUine Bay Hall, which was most attractively decorated with green and red streamers and large and small red poppies set in a background of greenery. Native shrubs and tree ferns were clustered round the walls, and the shaded electric lights gave a softened effect to the attractive deco-

rative scheme. The supper rooms were pretty with greenery and ferns, and on the tables were spring flowers. Among those present were Mrs C. L. Orbell (wife of the master), in lavender taffetas and georgette with rucliings of georgette and silver tissue; Mrs W. H. Orbell, black georgette with panels and corsage of sequins; Mrs Arthur Elworthy, maize-coloured satin beaute, with skirt of vandyked panels embossed with orange and silver sequins; Mrs Melville Jameson, black crepe-de chine, coat of bobtail and kolinsky ; Mrs W. N. Bond, black georgette heavily embossed in silver; Mrs R. L. Orbell. black beaded georgette with deep black silk fringe ; Mrs Orr-Walker, pale pink georgette; Mrs Hennessey, black lace frock, scarlet shawl; Mrs Charles Macfarlane, rose-coloured lace frock; Miss Betty Harper, blue georgette sequinned-frock; Miss Peggy Webb (Invercargill), silver lace frock embroidered in mauve and jade green ; Miss M. Harper (White Cliffs), blue georgette sequinned frock: Miss B. Cossins, apricot embossed crepe de chine, with hem of velvet flowers ; Miss Mary Bond, pale green georgette., cape frock, embroidered in pink and green sequins.

On Saturday night Mr and Mrs Maurice Harper and Miss Betty Harper gave a delightful dance at W-aitawa. The house was prettily decorated with spring flowers and greenery, and dancing took place in the dining room. Mrs Harper wore a lovely crimson embroidered crepe de chine frock, with a fringed skirt; Miss Harper, a gold and lace frock with a flowered petal bouffante skirt; Mrs C. H. Gresson, black georgette with a beautiful Oriental shawl; Mrs Melville Jameson, black georgette and crepe de chine ; Mrs W. H. Orbell, soft green charmeuse ; Mrs R. L. Orbell, green brocade and silver lace; Mrs C. L. Orbell, lemon georgette with shawl of buttercup yellow; Mrs C. Kain, black georgette embroidered in silver; Mrs G. Gerard (Birch Hill), apricot figured taffetas: Mrs Henry Harper, black taffetas embroidered in flowers; Mrs P. R. Woodhouse, gold and black lace frock; Mrs F. F. A. Ulrich, blue georgette embroidered in silver and crystal; Mrs G. H. R. Ulrich, shot blue and pink taffetas; Miss Margaret Harper (White Cliffs), mauve taffetas; Miss M. Tripp, black lace frock; Miss Alison Johnston, emerald green satin : Miss Mary Bond, black taffetas, skirt banded with various colours; Miss N. Tcnwick (Dunedin), Aoney-coloured beaded orgette ; Miss Peggy

Webb (Invercargill), cinnamon satin with lace overdress; Miss Mary Rolleston, white georgette with silver trimming; Miss M. Oxford, ciel blue taffetSs ; Miss Joyce Jones, pink taffetas, shaded skirt; Miss A. Gillies, black georgette, pink lace on skirt; Miss June Orbell, beige crepe de chine; Miss Betty Cossins, yellow georgette; Miss P. Palmer-Chapman, pale pink georgette; Miss Barbara Willia’ns (Dunedin), mauve georgette; Miss Hargreaves, black georgette and satin; Miss E. Harris (Christchurch), mauve georgette; Miss K. Wood, blue georgette; Miss Enid Jones, pale blue georgette, and Miss N. Gillies, cream net frock.

WELLINGTON, July 29. A most successful “ At home " was given at the Wellington Lyceum Club on Monday afternoon, when her Excellency Lady Alice Fergusson was the special guest of honour. The artistic club room was charmingly decorated with flowers, spring bulbs being used very effectively, also some large jars of autumn foliage and dried grasses, all arranged by Miss Black with excellent effect. A charming posy of flowers the work of Miss Gray, was given to Lady Alice on arnval, and Mrs Coates (warden of the club) had a bouquet of pale yellow daffodils. Her Excellency was received downstairs by Mrs J, C. Anderson (president) and the members of committee, and escorted to the club, Mrs Anderson making a cordial speech of welcome. She mentioned that the last time her Excellency visited the Lyceum her daughter was with her. The club was doing good work on Lyceum lines, and the circles had increased in number and membership. There were circles for art and craft work (some of their beautiful work being shown), for music, play-reading, and the “ ponwomen’s coiner.” The members all helped in social service work, and most of them were mothers of families, either little ones or grown up, and were good home-makers as well as club women, arid used the club for a place of recreation and rest. She extended Lady Alice a hearty welcome from all. Her Excellency, in reply, said that she did not mean to make a speech, as she had come for a social afternoon, such ao alio had enjoyed at the club before. But she was much interested in the penwomen's circle, and said

that that day she had received from England an early effort of her own, a poem on New Zealand, which she had illustrated, with the object of showing the beauties of New Zealand scenery. She mentioned it only as showing that she had early appreciated the beauty of the country, and hail tried to put her thoughts into form. A little presentation was made to her Excellency, in the form of a tooled pewter box made by a member, with some charming little dolls for the little grand-daughter, made by a member also, and sent with many good wishes. Lady Alice expressed cordial pleasure at the thought and the /kind gift. An excellent programme of songs, recitations, and a delightul play-reading was given by members of the club, and then afternoon tea was served and enjoyed. Among the guests were Mrs J. G. Coates and Sir James and Miss Allen, and there was a crowded, attendance of members of the club.

A pleasant gathering took place at the Pioneer Club on Wednesday afternoon, when the Pioneer Club entertained the delegates who are attending the conference of the women's division of the Farmers’ Union at present going on in Wellington. The reception room was bright and fragrant with spring flowers, fires wertf-an acceptable item, as the weather was seasonably cold, and afternoon tea of a superior quality was much enjoyed. Miss Kane (president) welcomed the guests, and spoke of the real interest taken by town women in the affairs of then sisters in the country districts,', and the sympathy they felt when misfortunes came. 'They were always glad to know when they could assist, and she hoped that great gooif and better knowledge would be the result of the conference. Mrs Polson, in thanking all for their cordial welcome, said that it was the first time they had had such a reception from the town dwellers, and they found it a very pleasant experience. She mentioned that the division had been formed for only two years, and she thought they might be pleased at the amount of work done. They had established a bush nurse, whose duties began when those of the maternity or other nurse had left, greatly to the benefit of patients who were helped so much by a little longer care; also a bush housekeeper, who went into homes where there was sickness or other troubles, and undertook all or any duties that she found necessary. In each case they thought they had found just the right people to carry out the work. Then the bush library was an appreciated idea, and many hundreds of books and magazines had been despatched to the back-country homes. She hoped that those who had late publications to spare would send them to Marton, which was the headquarters of the club. During the afternoon Mrs .Townley and Miss Penny "ave songs with Mrs Doctor as accompanist, these being much enjoyed. 'there was a large attendance of Justices of the Peace, including three of the Wellington women justices—Mesdames P. Fraser and M'Vicar and Miss C. E. Kirk—at Kirkcaldie's lounge on Wednesday evening, when a social was held, mainly with the object of making a presentation to Mr I. Salek, the oldest justice on the present list, one who has held the position for a great number of and who has done excellent service. I'.* IJ. Cray, chairman of the Wellington Association, presided, and a brief but excellent programme began the proceedings. Messrs Coe and Stark sang, and a charming song-cycle, ‘ A Pageant of Summer,” was given by Messis Lcn Barnes and Coe, Mrs Harris, and Miss Mackie, with Miss Given Ming a.s accompanist. A great treat was also given by Mr Clement May, who rendered character recitals from Dickens and O. Henry. The Mayor of Wellington, Mr G. A. Troup, made the presentation, and eulogised Mr Salek’s work among people who needed all the kindness that could be given. A very handsome grandfather clock, with M estminster chimes, was the ' gift offereil, this having a gold plate suitably inscribed, expressing the esteem and appreciation of the good work done by the recipient. Mr Salek, in acknowledging the beautiful gift, spoke of the new vision in treatment of those incarcerated, both men and women, and of the efforts not so much to punish them as to build up self-respect, and turn them out as useful citizens. Mr Keesing, of Wanganui, welcomed the women justices, expressing the opinion that there was plenty of a oik for them to do, and saying that the inen of the associations would always be glad to see them, and work with them An adjournment was then made to the Jacobean tea room, where a good supper was served, and a pleasant social time passed by all the guests. Among those present 'veie Mis Salek and Mr L, Salek and his wile.

A pleasant inspiration was that which prompted the wives of Ministers to give a party in the old Legislative Council Chamber for the relatives of members of both Houses, and also those of the staffs. It was held last 'Friday, and was a very sociable occasion, fhe room, with its many interesting photographs and curios, lending itself well for such an entertainment. Tl?e tea tables weie set down the middle of the room and charmingly decorated with large bowls of rata, which, came from Lady Pomare’s garden at Moiling, and with beautiful anemones and cyclamen, sent from Auckland for the parly. An orchestra discoursed pleasant music, and Mrs R. A. Wright's daughter. Mrs Simcox, sang two songs delightfully. .1 he rest of the time was occupied in the les(s getting better acquainted with each other, for the hostesses took care that they au opportunity. Her Excellence Ladv Alice Fergusson was present, attended by Mr Little, and was given a bouquet of fine carnations. Her costume was of black cloth, and she also had a fur-trimmed coat, and high black hat, with a swathe of blue velvet. Lady Rhodes was in a suit of pale ixna de rose, a fur-trimmed coat, and hin-h hat to match; Lady Pom&re, black embroidered in gold and scarlet, and a black hat; Mrs Nosworthy, light patterned crepe de chine, black coat, and hat with touches of colour; Miss Stewart, fuschia velvet, with ottoman velvet coat, and hat to tone; Mrs Andersen, black, trimmed with floral silk and a squirrel coat; Mrs M’Leod, henna costume and hat, and fur coat; Mrs Bollard, black, and a feathered hat; Mrs Hawken, r.ack silk coat over a blue costume and a hat to match; Mrs Wright, bois de rose frock, and hat en suite; Mrs M ilhams. biack and pale blue. Anionothose present were Ladv Carncross m aU \v Fi . e!d ’ H ' M - Claik > Forbes, X-' 1 •^ B A <K3 r’ H ' Hol!an <l (Christchurch), xnw 1 ’ K ' C,arke > Earnshaw, D. Jones. Glenn M Keen Bartrum, Scott, Guthrie, Forsvth, rr'll T,’„ C - W - Saiu >on, Linklater, Hawke, Hill. Holland (West Coast). E. W. Kane, C. Day. Reade. Bothamley, and Lowe; Misses Holland. MacGregor, Hawken, Bollard, Hawke. Pomare, Rhodes, and Statham. A very pleasant afternoon party’ was given by Mrs W. L. Lowrie, wife of tlie American Consul-general, when she entertained the lady members of the committee of the EnglishSneaking Union. The party took place at Mrs Lowrie’s residence. Central terrace, Kelburn. Tea was charmingly set out in tho 'dining room, the jade green tea service

resting on linen mats of the same shade, set on a polished table. A beautiful bowl of yellow narcissi was in the centre of the table. An adjournment was made to the drawing room after tea, when much conversation on subjects of mutual interest passed the time most pleasantly. Among those present were: Mesdames Montgomery, Bennie, Leigh Hunt, Nielson, Preston, O’Shea, and Davidson. Among the arrivals by the Tamaroa from England were Mrs Ludbrook (East Coast), Miss A. Abkinson, Miss M’Udowie (Gisborne), and Mrs Cavan, who has come out to join her husband, who is attached to H.M.'S. Dunedin. Mrs T. Campbell Thomson has returned to Auckland from Masterton. Mrs W. Barton, of Featherston, is visiting Timaru. Mrs Bernard Wood Iras arrived in Wellington to visit her father, Sir Joseph Ward, at Heretaunga. Mr and Mis O. 11. Porritt, of Timaru, are in Wellington, en route for Nelson. Mrs W. E. Collins and Miss Cobbs are visiting Auckland. Mrs L. C. Rathbone has returned to Auckland from Wellington. Miss G. Sommerville. of Wellington, is visiting her brother at Christchurch.

CARTERTON, July 29. In honour of their youngest ’ daughter, Dorothy, coming of age Mr and Mrs a’. Burt entertained a number of friends in the Methodist Hall, Featherston, on Friday night. Music, competitions, and dancin<» filled the programme. The engagement is announced of Edith second daughter of Mr and Mrs A. M'Leavey’, of Ohan, Levin, to John Charles, second son of Mr and Mrs J. 11. Cuff, of Ransom street, Dannevirke. The engagement is announced of Flora youngest daughter of Mr S. J. A. Perry’ of Lansdowne, Masterton, to G. ForernfTn’ of Mamakau, fourth son of Mr and Mrs G. Foreman, of Wairarapa. A party was tendered to Miss Alma Styles in the Master-ton Municipal Hall on Saturday night on the occasion of her cominw or age. Over a hundred guests were pr£ sent, and dancing formed the chief amusement. Mr S. Neilson contributed some musical items. Miss Styles was the recipient of many presents. The engagement is announced of Doris Margaret, only daughter of Mr and Mrs J Walker, of Johnston street, M"sterton to Ronald Johnston, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Alex. Grant, of Masterton. The marriage took place at St. Luke’s Uinrcli. Greytown, on Wednesday of Mi=s Ellen Mary Feast, fifth daughter of Mr S W. Feast, of Grevtown. and Mr Eric ,X M Buckman. of Wellington. The Rev. W. F* Stent officiated, and Mr F. Bull presided at Hie organ. The bridesmaid was Miss Roma I’east, and Mr. Gordon Buckman acted as best man.

A wedding of considerable interest to Wairarapa peoole was solemnised in the Kent Terrace Church on Wednesday last when Miss Anita Howe, daughter of Mr and Mrs

H. Howe, of Wellington was married to Mr 11. Adams, son of Mrs and the lata Captain Adams, of Taita, Lipper Hutt. Misses Lydia Williams, Eva Howe, Mavis Howe, a.nd Alina Tucker were bridesmaids. Mr W. Adams was best man, and Mr Jack Natusch was groomsman. A pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Luke's Church, Greytown, by the Rev. W. F. Stent, when Lain Virtue, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs H. S. Brooks, of Greytown, wag married to Roland John, only son of Mr and Mrs J. Allan also of Greytown. Misses Ivy Allan and Lorna Allan were, bridesmaids, and Miss Jean Brooks was flower girl. Mr Gordon Duff attended ns best 'man, and Mr Leo Brooks was grooms-

Miss Joyce Cundy, of Featherston, is spending a short holiday in Wellington. Mrs R. F. R. Beetliam, of Brancepetli, has returned from Wellington. Mr and Mrs Alan Wardell, of Mastertoil, are visiting Mount Cook. Mrs J. Vallance, of Ngatahuna, is visiting Wellington. Miss-JErina Tylee, of Makuri, has returned, from a visit to Samoa. Miss E. Daniell, of Masterton, is at present on a visit to Hastings. Mrs W. G. Beard and her daughter. Mrs L. Moore, are visiting Napier. Mrs lan Macßae, who lias been staying with her mother, Mrs Duncan, of Wellington, has returned to her home in Masterton. Mies Muriel Cameron, of Flat Point, has returned from Wellington. Mrs Mark Castle, of Masteiton, is visiting Wellington. Mrs Edward Yates and Mr Mervyn Yates, of Lower Hutt, are visiting Masterton. Mr and Mrs Roger Church, who have been (he guests of Mr and Mrs F. Reynolds, of “ Burnbrae," have returned home. Mrs James Allan and Miss Thelma Allan, of Lansdowne, who have ben on a visit to Australia, have returned home. Mrs E. P. Cameron, of Masterton, is staying at Ngaipn. Mrs W. M. Webster. ha*s been spending a holiday in Wellington. Miss E. T homas. cf Wainawa, is staying with Mr and Mrs Godfrey Thomas, of LansMr and Mrs L. B. Maunsell have returned to Masterton from Wellington. .^.*’. ss • Putclnson, of Masteiton. lias been visiting Wellington. Miss Daphne Saunders loft Masterton last week on a visit to Palmerston North and Wanganui. Miss Barbara Williams, of Te I’arae. has been on a visit to Wellington. Miss Zella Wall, of Pal liatua, is visiting Masteiton. Mrs and Miss Carey, of Lansdowne, have returned to Masterton. FEILDING, July 23. Miss Ella Mahoney, daughter of Mrs E. Mahoney, of Sandilands street, loft this week to join the Niagara at Auckland on a business venture to Canada and the United States.

M’’«s Max M’Leod has returned from a visit to Mrs Wood, of Foxfon.

Mr and Mrs John Graham have returned from a visit to Wellington. Mr and Mrs E. Brewer are spending the week-end in Stratford. . The Musical Club held its fortnightly afternoon at “ Highden,” the home of Mrs Wilfrid Perry. There was a very few present, owing to the epidemic of influenza. The room was artistically .decorated with bowls of violets and yellow bulbs. Those pregent were: Mrs Shakes, Airs Andrews, Alis Lance Dernier; Misses C. and B. Perry, Harper, and M. Bailey. Mrs Cameron entertained a number of gueets at bridge during the week. Those present were: Mesdames Lovett, Wheeler, Evans, Phillips. Perry Atkinson, Gorton, and Le Cren ;* Misses Chalmer (2), Spain (2). Perry (2). The prizes were, won by Miss Chalmer and Mrs Levctt. Amidst scenes of unprecedented enthusiasm the 1927 Commemoration Day celebrations of the Agricultural High School were held this week. Mr Hector Booth, who gave the, planted a commemoration tree. The tree planted, Mr Booth made this appropriate remark: “Kia tupu taua kakau ” which translated means: “Let our tree grow.” Football, hockey, and basket ball occupied the greater part of the afternoon. In the evening the old pupils were the guests of Mr L. J. Wild (director) and Mrs Wild at the annual re-union tea—l3o being present.

ASHBURTON, July 30. Miss A. Gillies, of Mayfield, who has been etaying with Mrs M. Jamieson, of Otumarama. is now the guest of Mrs W. H. Orbell, of “ The Levels,” Timaru. Miss R. O’Leary arrived in Timaru on Wednesday, and is staying at the Hydro Grand. Airs J. Brown and Miss E. K. Brown are etaying at the Clarendon Hotel, Christchurch. Miss Jean Newton went to Christchurch to attend the ball at Lincoln College. Despite the weather, there was quite a good house at the Theatre Royal for the concert organised by the Ashburton Basket Ball Association for the purpose of raising funds to finance the teams going on tour. A bright and varied programme was presented, and encores were frequent. Mrs H. J. Chapman’s orchestra played the overture. and songs, dumhells, dialogue, saxophone, and cornet duet, as well as pierret ballet, were given. PALMERSTON NORTH. July 29. Mrs E. Warburton has returned from 'Wellington, where she was the guest of Mrs F. Fulton. Mrs J. Waldegrave. To Kuiti. who has been staying in Palmerston North, is now the guest of Miss Millais, of Wellington. Miss S. Macdonald has returned from Masterton. Miss M. Atkinson, cf Feilding, is spending a holiday in Hastings. Miss M. Ferguson passed through Palmersi on on her way home to Auckland from Hastings. Mrs B. Lawrence, of Christchurch, is the guest of her mother, Mrs G. Moore, College street. Mrs Dawson, of Dunedin, is the guest of Mrs Langley. Bath street. Dr Elizabeth Gunn, cf Wellington, is at present in Palmerston North. Mr and Mrs K. Clayton liava returned from Nanier.

Mrs W. Pearce, nf Wellington, spent a few days in Palmerston North this week. Mrs J. P. Innes has returned from Auckland.

Miss Whitcombe. who has beer, staying with Mrs R. H. Spencer, has left for Wellington.

Mrs J. Gamble, of Wellington, has been j spending a few days in Palmerston North. Captain and Mrs H. Stewart and their small daughter leave Palmerston North next i month for England. They will spend some time in Colombo en route. Mr and Airs D. Smale, of Feilding, arc staying in Wanganui. Mr and Mrs H. O. Miles, of Auckland, are visiting Napier. Miss Phyllis Fatham is at present visiting Wellington. Mrs Edgar Holmwood, of Masterton, has been on a short visit to Wellington. WANGANUI, July 29. Dr and Mrs Howard Taylor, of the China Inland Mission, are at present visiting this citv. Mrs Russell Grace is visiting Wellington. Dr and Mrs Cameron, who have been visiting here, returned to their home in 'Wellington this week. Miss Sheila Young was hostess at bridge on Wednesday, when 16 guests were present. Miss Young wore blue flounced georgette with silver pipings, and silver shoes and stockings. The attractive flower decorations were cyclamens, grape hyacinths, and fern baskets. Mrs E. Gower, of "Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Hope Gibbons, Mount View road, Wanganui. Miss Joan Staples, of Marton, is spending a month in Wanganui. Mrs and Miss Clapham are the guests of Mrs J. W. Wells until next week, when ■ they sail from New Zealand for Honolulu by the Niagara. Mrs Watson and Mr Donald Watson, of Victoria avenue, Remuera, who have been the guests of Mrs Patterson, ” Arles,” WTanganui East, have returned to Auckland. Dr Elizabeth Gunn is visiting Palmerston North. Mr and Mrs W. J. Polson returned at the end of last week from Auckland and Hamilton. and left on Monday for Wellington. Mr and Mrs F. W 7 agstaff motored to Auckland this week. On Tuesday Mrs Dr H. D. Robertson entertained a large number of friends at her residence, Wick steed street. Mr and Mrs and Miss Keesing are the ‘ guests of Mrs D. Solomon,’ of Wellington. Mrs Wilberfoss, of Wanganui, is spending a holiday at Auckland. Mrs John Ball, who will shortly be leaving for "Wellington, where Mr Ball has recently been installed as editor-announcer for the Radio Broadcasting Company, was yesterday afternoon entertained at a social gathering bv members of the Trinity Methodist Ladies’ Guild. Several musical items were rendered, and a delicious afternoon tea was served. Mrs Ball was the recipient of a suitable gift from members of the guild, and eulogistic reference was made to the valued services, extending over a period of many years, rendered by both Mr and Mrs i Ball" in various Church activities. Mr Ball ’ was until recently editor of the Wanganui Chronicle, and latterly manager of John 1 Ball Advertising Agency, Ltd.

HAWKE’S BAY, July 28. Mrs Newbigin entertained a number of friends at a bridge afternoon at her pretty home in Hastings. The afternoon was chilly, but huge log fires burning in the open fireplaces, and softly shaded lights, made everything very cosy. The drawing room was decorated with red japonica and camelias, w’ith maidenhair fern. Mrs Newbigin received her guests wearing a black frock beaded in rose and green, with a double skirt of jade green georgette. Mrs C. Cornford and Mrs G. Thomson were the prize winners. Those present included.: Mesdames W. Johnstone, M'Leod, J. A. Millar, White, G. O’Dowd, O’Meara, and T. Cunningham, Misses Luckie and Munro (Hastings), Mesdames Nantes, Ruddock, T. C. Moore. Leversedge. Clark. Thomson (Napier), C. Cornford, Letham, Hislop, Fitz-

gerald (Napier), Cutfield, Wright, and Hogg. . . , The banks’ dance was a very enjoyable dance, held in the Assembly Hall, Hastings. The members of the combined banks liau done their utmost to make it a jolly evening. Mrs Barnsdale looked charming in an orange taffeta frock. Mrs G. M'Leod wore a violet panne velvet; Mrs Rowe, handsome black relieved with gold; Mrs Hull, black and gold lace; Airs Jackson, chenille emoussed georgette in mauve and cyclamen ; Airs Tonkin, rose pink getorgette beaded; Airs A. Small, cyclamen beaded ; Airs G. Clark, ciel blue beaded georgette; Airs Alyers, blue and silver; Airs O’Meara, chenille embossed georgette in tuscan and yellow shades; Airs Hogg, black velvet; Airs Chamberlaine. ivory charmeuse and lace; Mrs Gifford, black; Airs Rogers, black tulle and lace; Airs Fitzgerald, pale green georgette; Airs E. Commin, pale pink georgette over pink and gold tissue; Airs H. Stratton, cyclamen georgette with gold lace flounce; Airs Cuming, cameo pink georgette and lace; Airs Rosenberg, gold tissue and georgette ; Aiiss S. Al'Leod. cream chenille embossed georgette" with pink ; Aiiss Pinckney, black ; Aiiss J. Landels, pink georgette with silver lace; Aiiss R. Symes, rose pink taffeta with trans-

parent hem ; Miss Shirley, cameo pink georgette ; Miss Budd, rose pink taffeta: Aiiss J. Ballantyne, petunia taffeta; Aiiss Woodward, rose satin; Aiiss George, black taffeta; and Miss Al. Brodie, cameo pink taffeta. Aiiss B. Hartgill, of Dannevirke, is on a visit to Palmerston North. Airs T. 11. Groome, president of the Walpukurau Farmers’ Union Women's Branch, is in Wellington for the conference. Aiiss N. Chadwick, of Dannevirke, spent a holiday in Palmerston North. Air and Airs Budd, of Hastings, were in Wellington for a short visit. Miss H. Bell, of Taihape, is visiting in Hastings. , , , Miss Campbell, of Otane, has returned from a visit to Wellington. . The engagement is announced of Major John Bertram Andras (eldest son of the late Henry Walsinghani Andras, F.1.A., and Airs Andras, of 24 Cranes Park avenue, Surbiton) and Alarguerita Pedley (Kip) Lucas (daughter of Airs A. Af. Georgetti, of HastlUMr’and Airs W. Parsons, of Waipukurau, are visiting Auckland. . Airs H. Turnbull, of Arapawanui, is leaving for England. . , Mrs Af. W. Butterfield, of Waipaw’a, is visiting Auckland. Aiiss D. Brook-Taylor, of- Hastings, returned from a visit to Woodville. Miss Symes, of Richmond Park, Hastings,

returned from a visit to Hawera. Air and Airs Hull, of Hastings, have. returned from a visit to Wairoa. Mrs W. Richmond has returned from Dannevirke. , , . , Air and Airs G. E. Cartwright, who have been in Napier for the last six months, have left for Auckland. Air Cartwright has been appointed to relieve at the bank at Onehunga. Mrs C. Al’Lean, of Napier, spent a holiday in Wellington. Airs Al’Lean, of Porangahau, is the guest of her mother, Airs E. R. C. Bowen. Airs Fred. Smith has returned from a visit to Wellington. Airs H. Primrose, of Gisborne, was 1u Napier during the week visiting old friends. Air and Mrs Oscar Krogh have returned from a visit to Wellington. Air and Airs G. Hartshorn left Napier on Alonday for Christchurch. Duncan, of Hunterville, is spending a holiday in Hawke's Bay.

HAAIILTON, July 28. A progressive bridge evening was held in the Haeremai Tea Rooms on Saturday, when there was a good attendance. The evening was organised by the Hamilton branch of the National Council of Women. Those present were; Afesdatnes H. Valder,

F. Bullock, C. H. Holloway, Evans, de la Alare, Burtenshaw, G. Valder, A. W. Green, Prenton, V. Ratcliffe, H. Douglas, Burley, Vere Chitty, G. Seifert, A. English, E. B. Heywood, T. G. Reynolds, W. Currie,’ W. J. King, Staples, A. Furze, Taylor, Sinclair Arthur, C. Nisbett, Brewer, C. Newell, Pemberton, Buckland, Russell, A. Gifford, G. Smith, Johnson, H. Al’Mullin, Bisley, A. Gifford, Andrews, and R. G. Barnett, Alisses Keddie, Macleay, Hogg, Heywood, Burley, Cowie, Chadwick, Al. Campbell, Johnson, N. Valder, Aloore, and Newell. A delightful afternoon was spent at Mrs E. Hart’s home, “ Valmai,” on Alonday, at Cambridge. The rooms were decorated with pale pink camellias and foliage. The guests were received by Airs Hart, who was wearing a smart marocain frock. Those present were : Afesdames Rout, C. Hunter, Parnham, Rowland, Tod, Chitty, R. Lundon, A. Veale, and Hawkesby, Alisses Calvert and Parnham. The annual dance given by the members of the Hamilton Technical Old Girls’ Association was held in the Regent Hall on Thursday. The decorations in the hall and supper room were carried out in pale pink. Those present were: Alesdames J. W. Walsh, Patterson. Colvin, Toombs, and Pemberton, Alisses Al. Annett, Wright, C. Vautier, Dowd, C. Tish, G. Gould, Rothwell, Norman, Al. Green, L. Webster, F. Taylor, A. Bliss, Foster, Cunnold, A. Curtis, E. Bliss, A. Luxton, Hickey, E. Brewer, Al. Barber, E. Hill, G. Walsh, G. Rambry, R. Leith, Barlow, Hollow, F. Carey, G. Giles, Wright, Al. Bourne, R. Hayes, M’Mullin, J. Bowman, N. Edwards, E. Porter, N. Brown, Anchor, Hooper, Gallagher, D. Wheeler, Al. Barber, AV. Richardson, E. Silcock, N. Fitzgerald, Dawson, K. Peebles, Duncan, A. Faville, and B. Davey. Aiiss Cox, of Cambridge, entertained some of her friends at bridge on Tuesday afternoon. The guests were: Alesdames E. R. Lee, A. H. Nicoll, J. Sutherland, E. E. Roberts, R. D. Caldwell, G. G. Taylor, and N. Banks, Alisses Brann, Gwynneth, Al. Christophers, and S. Brann. A small dance was given by Air and Mrs B Elliott at their home in Hamilton Bast on Saturday. The guests were: Alesdames J. Flynn, J. Taylor, and B. Pearson, Misses J. Elliott, B. Taylor, H. Gibson, G. Griffi", D. Taylor, Bourne, E. Wilson, F. Elliott, and Al. Taylor. AUCKLAND, July 28. This has been such a week of heavy ram and etorms as one never seems to remember having occurred before, but m spite of this fact the Winter Show, which is being held in the Central Wharf, has been well patronised both afternoons and evenings, in many of the courts are to be found exhibits of special interest to women. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has a stall where all manner oi interesting goods are displayed. A great boon to mothers who have their children with them has been the rest room organised by the W.C.T.U., and which has been recognised as a new departure. Mrs H. Mowbray, of Tirohanga avenue, Remuera, gave a bridge and auction solo party last Thursday afternoon, when there were a large number of guests. The rooms wei*e decorated with bowls of purple irises and ’violets, and cyclamen in mauve and crimson colours were used foj; the tea table

in the dining room. Mi'S Mowbray’s frock of black panne velvet was finished with pipings of gold cord, and a gold-coloured Peter Pan collar. Among the guests were: Mesdames Duthic, Abbott, J. Mackay, Waller, Dargaville, Holmden, N. Hanna, Borrie, J. A. Carr, Roy Towle, Stewart, Ramsay, Harke, Finn, Bruce Mackenzie, Buttle, Wilkin, Sidney Thorne George, and Steer; and Miss Joyce Duthie, of Wellington. The Court of Convocation of Auckland University College gave a conversazione in honour of the graduates of the year in the College Hall last Monday evening, when, following an address by Mr W. A. Gray (president of the Court of Convocation), a pleasant time was spent, and later supper was served. Airs Eve Bentley has returned to Auckland after a visit of some two months t-o Sydney Mrs G. C. Swabey and Mrs Graham Watson have left for Suva, and will be absent

from Auckland for several weeks. Air and Mrs Noel Adams, who have been staying at the Hotel Cargen, have returned to Wharekawa. Mrs AV. Collins and Miss Cobb, of Wellington, arc at the Hotel Cargen. Airs Charles Reid, of Carlton Aiill road, Christchurch, is also staying at the Hotel Cargen. Miss Jean Fergusson, daughter of Admiral Sir James Fergusson, has arrived from AA'ellington to spend a few weeks with Airs A. Al. Fergusson, of Victoria Avenue, Remuera. Airs B. B. Wood, of Christchurch, and her young son are paying a visit to Auckland, after which they are to go to Rotorua. Airs T. C. Thomson, who has been visiting her relatives in Masterton, has returned to Auckland. Aiiss Betty Lockhart is spending a few

weeks in Napier with friends. The engagement is announced of Miss Gladys Hosking, youngest daughter of Mr and Airs T. Hosking, of Alount Eden, to Air Clifford Wiseman, of Fairview road, Alount Eden.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3829, 2 August 1927, Page 63

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THE LADIES PAGE Otago Witness, Issue 3829, 2 August 1927, Page 63

THE LADIES PAGE Otago Witness, Issue 3829, 2 August 1927, Page 63