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Monday. During the week a number of small parties have been given as farewells to Miss Gracie Park, whose marriage to Mr Arthur Adams, of Lawrence, takes place shortly. An afternoon tea was given on Thursday by Miss Winnie Johnson at Maori Hill, whilst Miss Mollie Wilson entertained Miss Park at her residence on Wednesday. Mies Marjorie Pdomfield gave an afternoon tea on Friday afternoon at Pitt street, when once again a jolly time was spent. Delicious tea and dainties were much enjoyed in the dining mom, where the table looked pretty with chrysanthemums. Only young people were present, all intimate friends of Miss Park. A delightful afternoon party was given on Wednesday by Mrs Bishop at her residence. St. Kilda, when some delightful musical items were much enjoyed. The hostess received in the dining room, which was prettily decorated with chrysanthemums, chiefly gold and brown, which toned in with the colouring of the room. Mrs Bishop was gowned in a smart pastel blue art satin, with tunic of lace the same shade. A dainty tea was much appreciated in the dining room, the table being prettily decorated with chrysanthemums. A large bridge drive was held on Monday evening at St. Clair in the Hydro tea rooms. It was in aid of the free kindergarten. A splendid turn-out of players wa9 present. As a result the St. Clair branch will be benefited by about £l3 or more. The room was prettily decorated for the occasion, and during the evening a delicious supper was much enjoyed. Mrs T. K. Sidey presented prizes which had been played for, there being much merriment over the winners. On Tuesday evening Mrs Hilton was hostess at bridge at her residence, St. Clair. Mrs T. Harrison, who left Dunedin for the north during the week, was entertained by Mrs Alexander Martin at her residence, when a most enjoyable evening was spent playing bridge. A competition was also much enjoyed by all present: Some present were: Mesdames Leigh, Scott. Bretherton, de Latour. Lindon, and Cameron, Misses Martin (2), Stenhouse, etc. An interesting evening was held by the Society of Women Musicians on Wednesday, when a debate took place on musical competitions. The discussion was distinctly interesting, showing how much music had increased, and what a great interest the competitions meant to music lovers. Miss Flora Allen, who judged ' the winners, decided in favour of the affirmative. The Don Russian choir has ,been a very great attraction at His Majesty’s theatre this week. All who were able to hear them were sound in their oraises of the choir. Some noticed in the audience were: Dr and Mrs Riley, Mr and Mrs Sarsrood. Mr and Mrs Paterson, Mr and Mrs Hutchison, Mr and Mrs Smith, Mr and Mrs G. R. Ritchie, Mr and Mrs Hudson. Mr and Mrs Gowan, Mr and Mrs L. Miles. Dr and Mrs Fitchett. and Mrs Roberts. Mesdames S+ock. Black, M'Master, Ritchie, M'Lean. Earl, Blair, and Large, Misses Barron, Graham, Irvine. Hartmann (9). Yoreton. Smith, iu>berts, Webster (2), Hislop, Dunlop, etc. Ladv Marjorie Dalrvmple passed through Dur*din on Wednesday on her wav north to Hawke’s Bay, where she is to take the nl&rn «f Miss Fol’ard as Woodford House during Miss Holland's absence in England. Mrs Csrmftlt-Jones. after a brie* visit to New left Dunedin for the north, en route for England. Mrs Watsnu Shennan, acc'unpanied by heT daughter, Mrs Garth Gallaway, left for Sydney on Wednesday. Mr and M v s Barron, of Bav. are visiting Sir John Roberts, of Littlefcourne. M** J. Wright, of Auckland, i* on p v, Vt to Donedi”. and if string with hjs sister. Mrs S. Sinclair, of Mornington. IXWERCA RGILL. Jnlv 10. Mr and Mrs Murray Pa*re, of Northend. we**t to Oaroaru during the week. Miss Beatrice Lawrence was in Dunedin fo 1 * ♦he Pavlova concert on»Patnrdav evening Miss Crofts left on Monday afternoon attend Conning ceremonies io Dunedin. Miss MacGregor, of Linton, was tha guest, of Mias Kitty for a f«’ v davs\t the end of the week. Bridge hostesses during the week included A. C. MorF-gn F. P. Thomas. W. J. Bardav, R. N. Todd. A. Owen-John-stou, R. Abercrombie, beside the bridge circle at the ‘■Yon’i’"'* Cb’b on Mondov. when there were nine tables. Miss Fer v, 'n winning the r>me for the highest score, Mrs Rowlev for the hidden number. The engagement is announced between Nen*. only daughter of Mr end Mrs Percv A. Fild-s, A.MJ.ME.. A.M.TF.E.. of Sydney. end niece of vf rg J. B. Sale, of Invercargill. and John Mavne. second eon of the Hon. Edward Gibaon. of Surrey England. Mr and Mrs Arnold M‘Donald, of Dnhe afreet, ~-ve a delmhtM dance for Miss Gladys Thompson, of Timaru, on Tuesday evening, about 30 counts bgjng present. On Friday evening Miss Tda Sneirs another nfea«ant dance at her home North road for her o-uest. Mrs Gordon Charters returned to her home at Wendonside last Saturday, accompanied hv her sister. Miss Edith Bews. Mrs Horae Macalister gave a large dance in the Women’s Club on Friday evening for her brother-in-law, Mr Norman MacaHeter. who has come of age. Rigby’s orchestra was in attendance, and carnival favours and an efficient hostess mads the dance one that will be long remembered. Lady Marjorie Dalrymple, after holding a most successful guiders’ camp at Otatara for the past week, left Invercargill for a similar camp at Wanganui on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Hugh Anderson, of Brookdale, Hokonui, spent last week-end with Mr and Mrs R. A. Anderson, Victoria park. Another successful evening was held by the cabaret cirole of the Women’s Club on Saturday evening, about 90 couples being present.

OAMARU, July 10. Miss Lulu Robinson is spending a few weeks with Miss Stronach at Hampden. Mrs Hughes is at present the guest of Mrs E P. Lee. Mis 9 Sheila MacPherson has been spending a few days with Mrs Smith-Morton. A most enjoyable party was spent last Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs Fred Jones Some present were: Mrs Scott, Mrs Orbell, Miss Wilson, Mrs Mcllison, Mrs MacCulloch, Mrs Milne. Mrs Woodward, Madame Winnie Fraser, Miss Jones, Miss Dorothy Davies, Miss Searle, Miss Dennison (2), Miss Hewat, Miss Roxby, etc. Miss Marjorie Hewat, who has been in the country, has returned. Several bridge parties have been held during the week. Some of the hostesses were: Mrs Mitchel, Miss Banks, and Mrs Humphries TIMARU, July 8. Mrs It. B Bell, Arden, road, is on a short visL to Christchurch. Mrs J. Lynch arrived from Southland on Tuesday, and is with b°r sisters, the Misses O’Meeghan, Le Cren’s terrace. Mr and Mrs W. Harper and Miss Nettie Harper, Park lane, have gone on a holiday trip to the North Island Mrs Jr.mes Grant has returned from Christchurch; she left Timaru on Tuesday ‘lor Grey’s Hills. Professor and Mrs Stapledon, of Wales, are at Bluecliffs with Dr and Mrs P. R. Woodhouse. Miss Sinclair will return to Timaru tomorrow after a visit to the North Island. Mrs H. W. Hay has returned from Christchurch, and is at the Bungalow, Wai-iti road. Mrs Lloyd, of Wellington, i 9 the guest of her son and daughter-in-l-w at Geraldine. Dr and Mrs Mitchell, who were for some months at Ashwick Station, Fairlie, with the latter’s mother, Mrs W. F. Hamilton, have settled in British Columbia, where Dr Mitchell intends to practice his profession. Mrs A. A. Scott, Bidwill street, has let her house to Mr and Mrs Douglas Le Cren, Highfield. She left yesterday with Miss Maude Wilson for some weeks’ visit to Hawke’s Bay. Mr Bernard Thomas, of Bangor, i 9 the guest -of Mr and Mrs Timaru Rhodes, of Hadlow. Mr and Mrs R. Lucas, of Ashburton, have come to live in Timaru. The members of St. Peter’s Ladies’ Guild (Temuka) met at the Vicarage on Friday afternoon to make a presentation to Mrs WG.'Aspinall. who has resigned from the presidency after having held that position for 17 years. Mrs G. Nelham Watson, the new president, in making the presentation, referred to the capable manner in which Mrs Aspinall had always carried out her duties, and the many good qualities she possessed. She regretted very mufti that Mrs Aspinall could not carry on as she had done, but was pleased she was not leaving them, and that they would still have the pleasure of working with her. It gave her very much pleasure indeed to hand to their late president, on behalf of the guild members, a email gift, which took the form of a handsoma Morocco case, containing a manicure anl toilet set, as a token of appreciation for the many years of arduous work she had done. Mesdames Routledge, J. Talbot, E. Bremner, A. Hayhurst, H. Gapper, and Twentyman also spoke. Mrs Aspinall thanked the members for their beautiful gift, and their expression of esteem. A very jolly fancy dress dance took place in Ye Goode Intente tea rooms, which were gaily decorated with chrysanthemums, coloured streamers, and balloons. Some of those present were: Misses Helen Orbell, Alison Johnston, Morris (2), Cossins (2), D. Napier (Waimate), M. Gibson, Helen Paterson, Hargreaves, Bond (2), Messrs G. Barker, D. Johnston, B. V. Wright, Bruce Baxter, Unwin (21, Morris (2), Pat Gresson, L. Andrews, J. Acland, D. Ormsby, Hargreaves, and Dr Rich. ASHBURTON. July 10. The Hon. W. Nosworthy and Mrs Nosworthy spent the week-end in Ashburton. Mis Grace Henley, of Sumner, is the guest of Miss Barbara Morgan, Walnut avenue. Mrs Dickson has returned to her home in North Canterbury. Miss M. Buchanan is visiting Mrs Cresswell at Lismore Mr and Mrs Sydney Roberts, of Mayfield, are the guests of Mrs Albert Roberts, Cox street. Miss Helen Laing is sailing for Sydney tomorrow, and will be away some weeks. Mrs Cecil Wood, who has been visiting friends in Christchurch, returned to her home, Hackthorne, to-day. Miss Murphy, of Oxford, is the guest of her sister, Mis Godfrey Harper, cf Hackthorne. At the residence of Mr and L.ri E. F. Nicoll, Mrs T. Pettey gave a delightful dance on Wednesday evening in honour of the twenty-first birthday of her daughter, Evelyn. During the evening Mr L. F. Nicoll proposed the toast of the guest of honour, after which the birthday cake, lit with twenty-one candles, was cut. An exciting treasure hunt was won by Mrs Fisher and Dr Harty. Mrs E. F. Nicoll. who received the guests, wore black marocain with smart touches of red. and a handsome black satin wrap; Mrs Pettey wore black marocain; Miss Evelvn Pettey, cerise taffeta trimmed with tiny frills; and Miss Joan Nicoll, flame marocain with black georgette, and Oriental embroidery. Those present were: Mrs Pettey, Mr and Mrs E. F. Nicoll. M»-s Nicoll. sen., Mrs Seymour, Mrs C. Nicoll. Mrs Laing, T)r and Mrs Fisher. Mr end Mrs A. K. North, Mr and Mrs J. T. Thomss, Mr and Mrs A. J. Nicoll, Mr and Mrs C M. Pinfold, Mr and Mrs G. n. Nicoll, Misses Evelyn Pettey, Joan Nicoll. M. Fooks, A. Nicoll, Margaret Jennings, Peggy Robertson (Leeston), Rae Cuff, • Mardie Hunter, Audrey Pilbrow, Gwen Oakley, Madeline Buchanan, Messrs T. Watson, G. Cresswell, W Olaifcson, A. Lane. R. Laing. Guy Nicoll, V. Russell, J. Nicoll, 0. Harper-Smith, K. Nicoll, Geoff Nicoll, J. Oakley, Drs Harty, W. Ryburn, and T. Hunter. Mra Arthur Grigg, Longbeach, is spending a fortnight with her mother, Mrs Cracroft Wilson, Cashmere. » The engagement is announced of T. J. Ryan, only son of Mr and Mrs P. Ryan, of Moor house avenue, Christchurch, to Iris J., only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Paget, of Ashburton.

CHRISTCHURCH, July 9. In spite of the dampness and cold, there was a large attendance at the Plunket Society's annual meeting, held in the Art Gallery last week. The meeting this year took the form of a drawing zoom gathering, J which proved euch a success that it is certain to be repeated. The guests were received by Mrs Algar Williams and Mrs H. R. Smith. The platform was occupied by his Worship the Mayor, the president, Mrs Cracroft Wilson, Mrs Cecil Wood, ana Dr Chisholm, who came from Hanmer Springs specia'ly to address the meeting. The gallery, which was comfortably furnished, was decorated with bowls of beautiful flowers. Violets, marigolds, daisies, and irises, which were charmingly arranged, lent their fragrance and beauty to the room. After the addresses, a musical programme, which was greatly appreciated, was given. A delicious supper, 6erved by members of the committee, concluded a successful meeting. Sir George and Lady Clifford and Misses June and Aroha Clifford are visiting Wellington. Miss Dorothy Anderson has left Christchurch on a visit to Ceylon and India. Mrs Randal Burdon, of Woodbury, is the guest of her mother, Mrs C. S. Bowden, Pnpanui road. Mrs Gerald Mathias, of South Canterbury, is visiting Christchurch. Mrs Hardy, of Clifton, entertained a number of Sumner ladies in honour of Miss Woods, of Redcliffs, who has been spending her furlough in New Zealand after some years of misisonary work in China. Miss Woods gave a very interesting account of the native customs in China, and entertained those present with a narrative of the work done amongst the Chinese by the missionaries. During the afternoon Mrs Powell expressed the appreciation of those present of the work done by Miss Woods. She thanked her for her talk on her work, and on behalf of all • prosent hoped she would return to her work benefited by her holiday, and able to take up her duties with more profit and pleasure than ever. Mrs Powell then asked Miss Woods to accept a set of cups an<r saucers as an expression of the good wishes of her Sumner friends. Dr and Mrs iAn Murchison have returned to Lake Coleridge from their visit to Sydney. Miss Beryl Flesher, who has been visiting the Chatham Islands, has returned to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Percy Acton-Adams have returned to their home in Kaikoura after a visit to Christohurch. A delightful tennis party was given by Mrs J. C. Lord and Miss May Spain on the Avonside tennis oourts in honour of Miss Blaine Buchanan, who is shortly to be married. The players were: Mssdames J. 0. Lord, H. G. Wake, and Mules, and

the Misses Buchanan, Saunders, Wake, Ferrier, Muirson, Campbell, and Partridge. Others present included Mesdames Buchanan and Ferrier. A delicious afternoon tea was served in the president’s room in the pavilion, which was prettily decorated for tne occasion. BLENHEIM, July 9. The members of the Ladies’ Bridge Club assembled at the residence of Mrs Young at Springlands on Monday evening, when the first prize fell to Mrs Young. Others present were: Mesdames Renai, Brammall, Bacon, Whiting, P'owell, Leech, Crocker, Fleming, Rowe, Duncan, Mills, Sproeen, Bastings and Hawkins, and Mias M'Cracken. On Saturday afternoon the weather was unusually attractive for golf enthusiasts, and a number of players journeyed out to the Fairhall links, when the second men's medal competition was played in conjunction with the second round for the Bennett trophy, also the first qualifying round for the senior and junior championships. Some of those noticed there were: Mir 'and Mrs E. Reid, Mr and Mrs W. Churchward, Mrs A. Maclaine, Mrs Young, Mr and Mrs Boyes. Mr and Mrs Hursthonse, Mr H. Burden, and Misses Burden (2), Mr and Mrs Murchison, Dr and Mrs Bennett, Miss H. M'Callum, Misses Chapman, Messrs Mece, Greville, Horrobin, Chesney, Coull, Williams, Seddon, etc. Mrs A. E. Brockett is visiting relatives in Nelson. ' , Mr and Mrs W. B. Stevenson, Upcot, are visiting Wellington. Mrs B. Barlow, who has been visiting the Mieses Neville at* Thurston, has returned to Morrinsville. Mr and Mrs D. Rutherford, Mount Gladstone, have been spending a few days in town, and returned yesterday. Mr and Mrs P. M*Lsan have returned from a short visit to Nelson. Mr and Mrs J. G. Gow, of Southland, arrived in Blenheim yesterday, and will take up their residence here. Mr Gow is well known to Blenheim, having besn a resident here prior to the war. Mr and Mrs J. M'Arthur, Ngaionui, were in town during the week. A gloom has been cast over Blenheim by the sad news of Mr C. Waddy’a death, which took place ft the Bowen Street Hospital at Wellington yesterday, after a very short illness. Mr O. Waddy is an old Blenheim boy, and was very popular in our midst. He leaves a wife and small family, and a large number of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. WEILLINGTON, July 9. The annual ball of the Wellington Racing Club took place at the Town Hall last night, and was a great success, although the pre-

vailing colds made a difference to the attendance, only about seven to eight hundred being present. The decorations were in the usual lavish style, and included a canopy in the main hall of pink and white drapery, depending from the central electrolier, with alternate ropes of lycopodium and paper poppies. The central light was shaded in yellow, with a huge black tassel to finish, and tne smaller ones were shaded in pink with gilded leaves. Round the gallery was a white trellis, twined with lycopodium and poppies, a pearl grey drape, with festoons of lycopodium being below. Lower down were chains of lights, and the floor underneath the gallery was divided into alcoves, with rose coloured curtains, each being handsomely furnished in drawing room style. The stage was a mass of handsome pot plants, bamboo, palms, etc., with arches of trellis twined with electric lights and lycopodium. The entrance hall was artistically decorated in the same manner, carpeted throughout, with runners of crimson baize up the stairs and round the coridors, groves of firs and other big plants being in tubs 'found the passages, which were furnished to match, for the comfort and pleasure of those who wished to sit out. The supper room was lightly decorated in lycopodium and poppies, the vice-regal table being arranged charmingly with Iceland popies and brown birch. Very beautiful bonbons, specially made in the south, were the theme of much admiration. Their Excellencies were received by the president of the Racing' Club, Mr J. B. jHarcourt, and Mass Harcourt, also the Mayor, Mr C. J. Norwood, and Mrs Norwood. Her -Excellency was in black satin, embroidered in jet, and with diamond ornaments; Miss Harcourt was in pale green crepe de chine, embroidered i* crystal and silver, and with ribbon velvet bows and long ends to match; ton Norwood wore embossed velvet in bois de rose shade. The Government House party included Mr and Mrs J. Studholme, Misses Marrow and M. Warren, Messrs Keswick and Little, and Captain Wentworth. There were manv visitors from other parts of the Dominion, and. the ball waa a very brilliant one. Unexceptionable weather prevailed at the first of the winter race meetings at Trentham on Tuesdav, when there was an unusually large attendance for first day. especially considering the uumber of influenza colds that have been about the town. Although it was wet underfoot after heavy dew, the grounds looked well, and smart frocks showed up in the bright sunshine. Most people, however, wore wrap coats, or heavy furs, a number o e very handsome specimens of the latter being evident. But there were mostly very smartly cut cloth or tweed coats, doublebreasted in style, and sometimes finished at neck and sleeve with fur. These looked well with the close-fitting hats, which were most in favour, though in very bright tints. The Russian boot was to be seen here and there, and was doubtless comfortable under the circumstances, but their presence certainly detracts from the style of the wearer. Most women were content with a smartly built winter shoe of glace or patent leather. Their Excellencies the-Governor-General and Lady Alice Fergusson were present, and stayed for the whole day. Their party included p&lonel and Mrs Neilson, Mr and Mrs J. 'Studholme, the Marquis of 'dale, Ifisses Marrow and Warren, Messrs Litile, Keswick, and Captain Wentworth. Others present included Lady Clifford, Lady Carncross, Miss Skerrett, Mesdames T. Y. Seddon, P. Blundell, Elgar, Tringham, Levett, Bidwill, Barton, Johnston, H. Crawford, Lowry, Dyer, Sommerville, Higginson,, T. Lawson, W. D. Stewart, Shand, Denniston, Gilbertson, Gordon Roid, Misses Statham, Morice, Miles, Barton. Duncan, Dyer, Pike, Chapman, Blundell, Menzies, V. Man tell. Malfroy, and many others. A small dance was given at Government House on Wednesday night, when a number of visitors in Wellington and a few of the local young people had a most enjoyable time. The ball room was divided by a number of high screens and also bamboos, palms, and other conservatory plants; there was good music, and a sufficient number of guests for good dancing. The reel was one of the particularly enjoyable items, both to dancers and onlookers. The drawing rooms were warm with blazing fires, and many beantiful flowers—cyclamen, pointsettias, and others. The supper was set in the large dining room, the polished tables reflecting the silver and gold candelabras, and large bowls to match, which had cither fine ferns or were filled with bronze and gold chrysanthemums. Her Excellency was in powder blue charmeuse, veiled in silver net embroidered in beads of the two shades; and there were many other charming frocks worn. A very happy afternoon was spent recently by the girls at the Point Halswell Borstal Institute, on the occasion of the presentation of the St. John Ambulance certificates for first aid and home nursing, her Excellency Lady Alice Fergusson kindly consenting to make the presentations. The afternoon was fairly fine, and the new building and grounds looked very homelike and pleasant. Her Excellency was accompanied by Miss Marrow, and was received by Miss Simpson, superintendent of the institution. The lecture hall was decorated for the occasion, and her Excellency was received with great enthusiasm. The lecturer was present, and mentioned to Lady Alice that quite a number of the girls had received high marks, and all had done well. On giving the certificates, her Excellency congratulated each girl, and later, in a brief speech, ga v e them great encouragement to study in every way they could, and fit themselves for good citizenship later on. She mentioned her high appreciation of the value of the St. John Ambulance training, and told the girls how she had on one occasion felt the great assistance which; trained help could give, and urged them to make everv use of what they had learned so well, and under such good auspices, whenever they came across sickness or accident later on in their lives. Miss Marrow added a few interesting words about her experiences as a V.A.D.. which took her right in among the wounded soldiers in France, and said that she would have found the St. John training the greatest assistance in the earlv days of her work. She had to learn as she went on, and was so thankful that she had the opportunity of helping, and would never forget the experience. Afternoon tea was served in the dining room, where lycopodium and flowers added to the bright appearance of the large room. Some part-singing by the girls was given, and then they showed her Excellency some of the bandaging which they had learnod, receiving much commendation. Later she took her denarture, followed by cheers and thanks of all concerned. It was a real "red letter day" for the girls. The members of the Wellington Lyceum Club had a very acceptable entertainment given them by Mr Leo Buckeridge and party, when an amusing little play, which Mr Buckeridge had translated from the Italian of Giocinto Galliui, was given. The aotion of the play was in mid-Yictorian times, and concerned the supposed devotion of a widow for her late husband, and the teaching of her little girl of nine years Euclid, etc. The parts were taken by Messrs Buckeridge. Oewin, J. C. Anderson, and .1. Lee, Mrs Buckeridge, and the Misses Ahern *nd Lynberg. Mr J. Pearson was stage director. Tho hostesses for the evening were

Mrs J. C. Anderson, Mrs H. Gill, and Mrs K. Carter. A thoroughly well-arranged dance was' to the ctedit of the Wellington College Old Girls’ Association last Saturday night at the Sydney Street Hall. The decorations were of streamers of black and gold (college colours) with black cats and huge butterflies carried out in the same colours, the effect being most carnival-like and gay. The supper room, where there was an excellent supper, was beautifully fragrant with spring flowers, as well as late rosea and autumn berries. With good music and floor, and plenty of fuests, the dance was a complete success. he chaperones for the evening were; Mesdames Norwood, wearing black panne velvet; H. Kirkcaldie, black georgette; Dawson, black and silver lace; and Miss M'Lean, blue beaded gown. The committee included: Misses H. Franklin, R. Holm, E. Anyon, E. Ballinger, I. St. I. SearU, J. Burt, P. Shannon, E. Norwood. L. Mitchell, F. Porter, O Croker, Perr, L. Pownall. H. Jeffries, and K Pownall. Among thoee who have left recently to pay a winter visit to Sydney were Miss A. Barker. Mr and Mrs C. L. Orbell (Timaru), Lady Hosking. Miss Ethel Le Cren (from the south), and Mr. Mrs, and Miss M'Pherson, and Mrs and Miss Jacobsen, of Wellington. Mrs ** K. Sleigh, of Dunedin, left by the Ruapehu for England; other passengers included Mrs J. G. Tweed and Mrs W I. Reid, of Wellington. Sir George and Lady Clifford, the Misses Clifford, and Mr Walter Clifford have arrived for race week. Also Mr a*d Mrs Rov Rellars, Mr and Mt* Tattle, and Mrs Algar Williams, all of Christchurch. Miss Watt is the guest of Mrs Huddleston, of Timaru. Mrs Hunter is staving with her parents, the Hon. Mr and Mrs Bollard, for the session. Mrs J. Q Neville, of Christchurch, is visiting Wellington. Mr* F. Herrick is spending the week with her parents, Mr and Mrs Brandon, Hotaon street. Mrs Birch, of Marion, will be in Wellington for Svnod. Mr Justice Frazer and Mrs Frazer have returned from Christchurch. Miss Marv King, daughter of Sir Truby and Lady King, has left with Miss Bother land, of the Forestry Department, for a visit, to Rio de Janiero. The engagement is announced of Ngaire. second daughter of Mr and Mrs F. M. Jervie, of Lower Hntt, to Harold, third eon of Mr George F. Fearce, Brampton, Lower Hntt. Other engagements recently announced stc of Lexie. only daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth MTVonald, of Palmerston North, to Clarence, second son of Mr and Mrs W. Bryden, also of Palmerston North* and of Genevieve Marriott, only daughter of Mrs M.

A. Brereton, of Taikorea, to Mr W. A. Taylcr, of Masterton, eldest son of Mr and Mrs J. Tayl'er, of Alton, Taranaki. CARTERTON, July 8. The Town Hall at Martinborough was decorated for the annual tennis ball, which this year totally eclipsed anything of its kind yet held there. Among those present were: Mesdames W. B. Martin, Walter Martin, Arthur Martin, Tweed (Carterton), Tweed (Wellington), Carne Bidwill, D. C. Collins. Ward, Bennett (Masterton), Spooner, Perry, C. M'Allum, J. Kershaw, Kitching, Biss, Lorcke, Rendle, Skerman, M'Master, Beale. Elliott, Griffiths, Colman, Hardie, and Stubbs, Misses Martin, Jones, Monica Bunny, Cameron, Stubbs. M'Kay, Willis, Card, M. Martin, Clarke, Routhnan^ E. M'Leod, Carrick (Masterton), J. Carrick, M'Leod, Wall, C. M'Leod, A. M'Kay, Haydon, Wisker, Drummond, Sutherland, E. Bennett, Colman. and Munro. On Monday evening a surprise party paid a visit to Mrs Hazelman, Clifford square, Featherston, when a very pleasant time was spent. The early part of the evening was taken up with cards, the winner being Mrs Ball, who tied with Miss Card, but won In the play-off. The prize was handed to Mrs Hazelman In commemoration of the day—it being her birthday. After a dainty supper nusic was indulged in, Mrs Carlyon presiding at the piano. A surprise party paid a visit to Mrs G. Rayner at her residence in Carterton recently, the occasion being in honour of her approaching marriage. A very pleasant time was spent with games and music, and an Interesting competition was held, Mr A. Wallis proving the winner. Some of those present included: Mrs F Humphries, Mr and Mrs Kemp Goodler, Miss C. Humphries, Mrs Rayner and Misses Rayner (2), Miss Wallis and Misses R. and N. Wallis, Mr and Mrs J. Archer and sons, Mrs N. C. Grigg. Miss M. Mitchell. Miss K. Mitchell, Miss Meta Wills (Nelson), Mrs Jackson. Mrs Wallis, Mr A. Wallis, and Mr W. Myers (Stratford). Another pleasant time was spent at the residence of Mr and Mrs W. Spooner, Rhodes street, Carterton, also given In Mrs Rayner's honour. Dancing anad music contributed to the evening’s enjoyment. Mrs 0. Rayner and Mr W. Myers were married in St. Mark’s Church, Carterton, last week, and have now left for their home in Stratford. St. Andrew’s Church, Carterton, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday morning last, the contracting parties being Mr Cyril E. L. White (eldest son of Mr and Mrs H. White, of Hukanul) and Miss Lilian M. Smith (third daughter of Mr and Mrs W. W. Smith, of '* Heathcote,” Clarevllle). The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr Joseph Smith, was attended by Misses Evelyn Smith and Miss Hazel White. Mr Harold Kendal, of Eketahuna, was best man, and Mr R. White groomsman. Miss Molly Erwin, of Wellington, has been spending the week-end with Mrs D. F. Thurston.

Mrs and Miss Greathead, of Feathejrston, left last week to take up their future residence in Wellington. Mr A. Anderson, of Lower Hutt and formerly of Carterton, was a visitor to the Wairar&pa this week Mrs G. Vincent, of Featherston, is making steady progress towards recovery after her recent severe illness. Mr W. Gibbs, of Balclutha, and at one time postmaster at Greytown, has been on a visit to the South Wairarapa. Mr and Mrs M'Leod, of Greytown, are visiting Hamilton on a short holiday. FEILDING, July 8. Mm Pratt, Highfield road, is visiting Nelson. Miss Sybil Conway, of Cheltenham, is visiting Wellington. Miss Moira French is visiting Wanganui. Mrs Foreman, of Christchurch, is the guest of her sister, Mrs Guy Goodbehere. Mrs Levett is visiting Wellington. Miss Dorothy Levin, Westella, is the guest of Mrs H. M. Campbell, of Hastings. Mr and Mrs J. Stewart, of Dannevirke, are visiting Feilding. . During the week Mrs Phillips entertained a number of guests at an enjoyable bridge afternoon. Among the guests were: Mesdames Parkes, Hanger, M'Lean, Graham, Jenkinson, Bailey, Evanß, Bell ; Hill, and Revington-Jones, and Miss Marjorie Bailey. The prizes were won by Mrs Evans, Mrs Parkes, and Miss Marjorie Bailey. On Thursday evening Mrs Hanger entertained a number of guests for bridge. Those proeent were: Mesdames Phillips, Sandford. Brewer, Graham, and Little, Misses Shortall (2), Miss 'Mahoney, and others. The prizes were won by Mrs Graham and Miss Shortall. On Wednesday evening Mrs Fawcett entertained a few friends for bridge. Among the guests were: Major and Mrs M'Lean, Mr and Mm Billing, Mr and Mrs Brewer, Mr BretW'r, jun., Mr and Mrs Miles, and Mrs Weaver. HAWKE’S BAY, July 9. A pretty wedding was celebrated at St. Andrew's * Presbyterian Church { Hastings, when Miss Hilda Evelyn Sinclair, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs William Sinclair, of Pakowhai, was married to Mr Allan James Driver, of Auckland. The Rev. D. Shaw

officiated. The bride, who looked very pretty, wore a frock of ivory charmeuse flounced with silver lace. A handsome embroidered veil formed a train, and was arranged on her head with a coronet of pearls and orange blossoms. A shower bouquet of pink and white hothouse flowers completed a charming effect. The bridesmaid, Miss Madge Foster, wore a model frock of lavender georgette. Her hat was of silver tissue with mauve feather, and she carried an early Victorian posy of violets. Mr John Runciman, of Napier, carried out the duties of best man. Mrs Sinclair, the bride’s mother, was frocked in black marocain, and a black panne hat. After the reception and usual toasts, the bride and bridegroom left on their honeymoon, the bride travelling in an ensemble suit, of rust red, with smart hat to tone. 7 Dr Jessie C. Maddison, who has been practising in Waipawa for the past eight years, left yesterday en route to England. She will join the Niagara at Auckland. Mr and Mrs Hunter-Weston, of Timaru, are at present visiting Hastings as the guests of Mrs Barron, Mrs Hunter-Weston's sister. Mrs Algar Williams, of Christchurch, is paying a visit to Lady Russell. Tunanui. Miss Levin, of Feilding. and Mies Fergnsson, of Auckland, have been staying with Mrs H. M. Campbell, Poukawa. Mrs Douglas Williams, of Havelock North, was visiting Dannevirke for the GrantCowper wedding. Mrs George Reynolds, of Mangaheia, is visiting Wellington. Mrs L. E. Young, of Te Kuit'i, is visiting Otane. Mrs G. Thomson, of Napier, is visiting Wellington. Miss Flora Faulkner, of Havelock North, is spending a holiday with friends in WelMrs Leahy, of Napier, is on ft visit to Wellington. Mr and Mrs T. H. Lowry, of Okawa, Miss Lowry, and their guest,. Miss Spencer, of Queensland, have gone to Wellington for the race week. Mrs W. Richmond, of Hastings, is also a visitor to Wellington for the rices. Mrs Sydney Johnston, of Takapau, is on a visit to Wellington. Mrs W. Lunn, of Hastingf. has Ml for Auckland, where she will reside in future.

WAIKATO, July 9. The Waikato Lyceum Club at Hamilton was officially opened on Saturday evening by Mrs W. H. Parkes, of Auckland. There was a large attendance of members and visitors present. The club room looked very pretty and cosy with soft shaded pink lights and bowla of purple irises. The ladies present were: Mesdames W. H. Parkes, H. Douglas (president), H. T. Gillies, M. G. Bell, E. T. Rogers, F. B. Jolly, E. H. O'Meara. Vere Chitty, R. B. Cranwell, T. Platt, W. H. Hume, F. Pratt, H. J. M‘Mullin, E. Page, A. Ramsey, H. J. Greenelade, E. H. Noy, R. J. -Guy, M. Donny, Vigors, A. H. Nicoll, E. R. Lee, C. Hume, J. E. Chitty, T. M. Hall, W. Pountney, A. J. Bond, A. Josepn, H. Sergei, ClaytonGreen, A. W. Green, F. Gruar, P. Gannaway, C. Newell, J. J. Seales, Haber-Harriaon. F. O. Vickery, MTntosh, E. Walders, E. H. Hammond, S. Bennett, A. L. Yule, A. C. Johnson, M. Johnson, A. S. Brewia, T. I. Pemberton, P. Dingle, E. Hale, J. Lewis, J. O’Sullivan, O. R. Farrer, H. Hasler, W. E. Clark, Burtenshaw, Wyvern Wilson, M. Williams, Kitto, J. D. Smith, A. I. Walker, A. F. Meldrum, G. Robbie, H. G. Coombes, R. H. Boyd, J. M'Kinnon, F. C. House, Oliver, Coles, A. W. Green, G. Seifert, D. Seymour, A. H. Tompkins, J. Taylor, C. Blundell, S. Arthur, J. W. Warren, W. Fraser, Sutcliffe, E. C. Day, C. Long, R. Barnett, W. J. King, Andrews, Bouillion, E, J. Mears, H. Loveridge, Coventry, H. Glendinning, F. Burley, N. Ratcliffe, C. L. Mac Diarmid, L. Tompkins, T. M. Hall, A. Joseph, Sanford, and Montgomery, Misseß A. Drake, M. Stevens, M. Lovel, Mahony, G. Wyatt, W. Yule, F. Jolly, N. Ramsey, Gardner, D. Hall, H. Chitty, Stout, R. Burley, C. Jolly, E. Scherer, Russell, Rimmer, E. Wilson, D. Clark, S. Empson, W. Lamb, A. Necker, E. Walsh, L. White, C. Whitton, Eggleston, V. Jolly, Ray son, Hodgso. , Young, B. Finlayson, E. Tierney, M. Mackay, and A. Walsh. The Cambridge tennis dance, held in the Town Hall on Thursday, was a smart function, the decorations in the hall and supper room being carried out on a most lavish scale. The ladies present were: Mesdames Mahony, F. Swayne, Short, Entwisle, Luker, 0. Peake, Blundell, S. Lewis, A. Game, Watson, M. Wells, Sands, Grieg, Holmes, Pearce, H. Ferguson, and Ambury, Misses Brabant, Crowther, E. Garland, Banks, R. Souter, Hewitt, E. Nelson, Bowden, Dallimore, I. Storey, Cowley, Moorhouse, Houston, Ross, Lamb, Pinckney, F. Clark, Wattam, A. Brown, Green, Darrow, Croxford, Willis, E. Dunstan, Steel, Veale, Bray, G. M‘Lainon, N. Butler, Black, Clemow, Chainey, K. Fisher, Sharp, Simpson, Hart, Dix, Hobson, M'Cftroll, Geary, Rawlinson, Garrett, Speight, Quinlan, J. Thompson, M. Armstrong, and G. Bertlesen. A very enjoyable social in connection with the Young People’s Club at Frankton was held in St. George’s Hail on Wednesday. Those present were: Mesdames Denz, Prenton, Newsome, Taylor, Barker, Zellman, Hemus, and Buckland, Misses B. Newsome, Fawcett. Eyre, Fricker, E. Jackson, P. Davis, Vautier, I. Steel, Clough, M. Taylor, Price, Anchor, Keats, P. Smith. Carter, Ritchie, Hudson. C. Buckland, Anderson, T. Keats, and D. Edwards. AUCKLAND, July 8. Mr and Mra A. M. Ferguson and Miss Feruson have left on a pleasure trip to Honolulu. While they are away, Mr and Mrs Mervyn Reed have taken possession of their home in Victoria avenue, Remuera. Mrs K. S. Ramsay, of Dunedin, is a visitor to Auckland. Mrs Gage Williams, of Wellington, and her two children are staying with Mrs Seymour Thorne George, St. Stephen’s avenue, Parnell. Mr N. Alfred Nathan has received cabled advice that his daughter, Molly, is to be married in London on the 22nd of this month; and also that Mrs Nathan is leaving Marseilles by the Nakunda for Auckland on October 1. Miss Mary King has left for Rio de Janeiro, and is to be away for some months. The seventh birthday of the Lyceum Club was celebrated last Thursday evening, when there was a large attendance of members at the club rooms. A large pink and silver birthday cake, ornamented with a pink rose and seven pink candles, was cut by the president, Mrs W. H. Parkes, who wished the club many happy returns of the day. A musical programme was contributed by Miss Alice Law, and a short play entitled “Everybody e Husband,’’ in one act, was performed. The Auckland Lyceum Club has now a membership of almost 700, and with a bank balance of £2OOO, it is hoped that when the lease of the present premises runs out, a suitable building will be obtained, this being generally recognised as very necessary to the comfort and welfare of all. Mrs Bunting. of Remuera, is the guest of Mrs Wynne Gray, of Hamilton. The Misses Mander, of Gisborne, are staying at Cargen. Another visitor, at present staying at Cargen, is Mrs Field Porter, from Thursday Island. Mrs A. R. Hislop, of Wellington, is visiting Auckland, and is at Cargen. Miss Jackson is the guest of her sister, Mrs A. W. Blair, of Eastbourne, Wellington. The engagement is announced of Miss Daisy Friend, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. P. Friend, of St. Stephen's avenue, Parnell, to Mr Charles Raseley Robinson, second son of Mr and Mr 3 11. Robinson, Pollen street, Ponsonby. Another engagement that has been lately announced is that of Miss Audrey Ross Walton, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs D. E. Walton, of Pencarrow avenue. Mount Eden, to Surgeon-Lieutenant Kenneth V. Francis,R.N., youngest son of Dr and Mra L. A. Francis, of Uxbridge, Middlesex, England. Miss Ethne Lloyd, of Otahuhu. is the mieat of Mrs T. H. Lowry, of Hawke's Bay, for a few weeks. Mrs James, who has been the guest of Miss Kathleen Holmes, Victoria avenue, for a few weeks, has returned to her home in Masterton. WEDDINGB.

A pretty wedding of interest to Dunedin and Otago residents generally was solemnised at the Taihape Methodist Church on Tuesday, June 29, the contracting parties being Arthur Robert Morgan, youngest son of Mrs S. Morgan, formerly of West

Taieri, and now of Taihape, and the late Mr M. Morgan, of West Taieri, and Gladys Eileen Wendelken, eldest daughter of Mr A. C. Wendelken, of Dunedin. The bride was given away by a friend, Mr A. J. Dawson (owing to the unavoidable absence of her father), and she was prettily attired in a handsome dress of shell pink satin moracain, with a veil of silk net and silk tulle daintily embroidered with pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of narcissi, heather, and asparagus feru. Miss May Moses, a cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and she wore a pretty dress of salmon brocaded silk and carried a bouquet similar to that of the bride’s. Mr Harry T. Morgan, nephew of the bridegroom, was best man. The service, which was choral, was performed by the Rev. J. Reid, and Mrs L. C. Parton presided at the organ. A reception and breakfast was held at the residence of the bridegroom’s mother, a feature of the latter being a handsome three-decker wedding cake, the handiwork of the mother of the bridegroom. The honeymoon is being spent in the north, the bride’s travelling dress being a navy blue costume and buff hat. Mr and Mrs Morgan’s future home will be in Taihape.

A wedding of much interest took place on April 21 at Columba Church, Oamaru, when Daisy Olive, fourth daughter of Mrs and the late Fleming Laurenson, “Home Creek,” Duntroon, w r as married by the Rev. W. M’Lean, M.C., to James George, elder son of Mr and Mrs W. Laird, “Craigie Lea,” Tokarahi. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr Chas. E. Laurenson, wore a dainty frock of ivory georgette, over white silk and radium lace. Her shoes were of silver brocade, and the customary veil and orange blossom were worn. A charming shower bouquet was also carried. The bride’s sister. Miss Grace Laurenson, _ attended as bridesmaid, and wore an apricot silk marocain frock, with autumn-tinted trimmings at waist and shoulder. A bandeau of autumn leaves and pearls was worn, and a beautiful bouquet of roses and autumn leaves completed the toilet. Mr W. Laird, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man. After the ceremony, the bride’s mother, wearing a black silk marocain frock, relieved with white, a black and white hat, and a marabout stole, received the guests at the “Bungalow,” where a sumptuous breakfast was partaken of. The bridegroom’s mother was dressed in a tunic frock of black marocain and silk, with a hat to match, and a marabout fur. After the usual toasts had been duly honoured, the happy couple, amid showers of confetti, left for the north on their honeymoon. The bride travelled in a navy ensemble suit, with a fawn hat, and a handsome sable fur, the gift of the bridegroom.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3774, 13 July 1926, Page 63

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3774, 13 July 1926, Page 63

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3774, 13 July 1926, Page 63