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LONDON METAL MARKET. LONDON, June 28. Copper: Spot, £56 13s 9d; forward, £57 11s 3d. ~ Lead: Spot, £29 17s 6d; forward, £29 17s 6d. Spelter: Spot, £33 3s 9d; forward, £93 Gs 3d. Tin: Spot, £272 2s Gd; forward, £271 2s 6d. Silver: Standard, 30 3-16 d; fine, 32 9-lGd per oz. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURN. LONDON, July 1. The following is the Bank of England return for Wednesday: ISSUE DEPARTMENT. *

.£183,096,000 The note circulation is £141,705,000 compared with £140,388,000 a week ago. The proportion of reserve to liabilities has fallen from 24.70 to 17.10. Short loans are quoted at 4§ per cent, and three-month bills at 4J per cent. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. •* LONDON, July 1. The following are the latest quotation? for Government securities, compared with the prices ruling last week

FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATEb. (Press Association—Bt Telegraph—copyright.) LONDON, July 1. The exchange rates are as follows:

• LONDON WHEAT MARKET. LONDON, June 28. Wheat cargoes are quiet and tending lower. Parcels are in small request at 3d to 6d decline. Liverpool futures—July, 11s 6sd per cental; October, 10s 4Jd ; December, 10s 4 3-Bd. June 29. Wheat cargoes firmed 3d to 6d in sympathy with America, but the market was quiet. Parcels were in moderate request at a similar advance Liverpool futures: July 11a 6d October 10s 6sd, December 10s 4|d per cental. The spot trade is very quiet, and price* are tending easier. Australian (ex ship), 61a 6d. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. NEW YORK, June 30. Chicago wheat: July 182 cents per bushel, September 1325, December 1365. July 1. Chicago wheat: July 1345, September 135, December 136$ cents per bushel. LONDON MARKETS. LONDON, July 1. Flour is dull. Australian (ex store), 4fc 3d. Onto are slow and rather lower. Peee ere steady and beans are quie^ Sugar, granulated, Ms 7sd pet ewt.

The colonial butter trade ie almoat at a •tandetill. New Zealand choiceet aalted and unsalted, 170 s to. 179 a; Australian, 168 a to 170 a; Danish, 170 s. The cheese market is alow. New Zealand, 80a to 90s; Australian, 87a to 88s.

Cotton: August shipment, 8.78 d per lb. Bubber: Para, 19jd per lb; plantation Smoked, aojd. Jute: August shipment. £37 10s per ton. Hemp: June-August shipment, £36 per ion. Copra: June-July shipment, £9B 10s. Linseed oil, £34 10s per ton. Turpentine, 67s per cwt. Sheen: Argentine light sd, medium 4ld. Lamb: Canterbury Tight 98d, medium 9Jd, heavy 9d, seconds 9d; other selected*. light Hd, medium 9|d; North Islands, firsts 9|d, seconds Bjd; Australian firsts, Victorian B|d, others 8d; seconds, others 8d; Argentine, firsts, light B£d, medium 7Jd; seconds, 7sd; Patagonian, seconds 7|d. Frozen beef: Argentine hinds. 6id; chilled Argentine fores 4Jd, hinds 7Jd; Uruguay fores 3id, hinds 6d. DAIRY PRODUCE. WELLINGTON, June 28. The secretary of the New Zealand Dairy Control Board advises having received the following cablegram from the London office of the board, dated June 26: Butter: New Zealand salted and unsalted, 179 s to 174 s per cwt. Australian, 168 s to 170 s; nominal. Argentine, 156 s to 160 s. Irish. 1645. Dutch, Esthonian, and Latvian, 158 a to 1625. Siberian, 152 s to 1545. Danish, 172 a. The market is verv quiet, and retail prices are unchanged. The American market is •till depressed. The holdings on June 1 were over 30,000,0001 b. as compared with 13.000,0001 b for ihe corresponding period last year. The German market is unchanged. Cheese: New Zealand white and coloured, SBa per cwt. The market ia quiet. LONDON TIN MARKET. LONDON, July 2. Tin: Stocks, 15,037 tons; on spot, 446 tons; afloat, 1230 tons. The deliveries during June totalled 2772 tons. LONDON TALLOW MARKET. LONDON, June 30. At the tallow sales 259 casks were offered and 176 were sold. Prices were unchanged to 6d decline at 45« 6d per cwt for fine and 42s 6d for medium. July 1. Tallow: Stock, 6615 casks; imports, 1862; deliveries, 1736. THE APPLE MARKET. LONDON. June 28. Some of the Importers of the Port Hobart’s apples are doubtful if the trouble with the fruit is brownheart. One believes that the fruit at some period was exposed to too low a temperature. June 29. The -unsatisfactory condition of the Port Adelaide’s apples depressed the Liverpool market. Tasmanians, ex the Orari, realised 6s to 13s, and ex the Port Adelaide 4s 6d to lls 3d. Victorian and South Australian apples brought from 6s to lls The Port Hobart’s New Zealand apples are reported to be in good condition. July 1. At the apple sales at Liverpool the Port Hobart’s New Zealand Jonathans brought 8s 6d to 10s 6d, and others 6s 3d to 10s. P. AND O. SHARES. LONDON, July 1. P. and O. shares are quoted at £250. THE PRICE OF GOLD. LONDON, June 30. Fine gold is quoted at £4 4s on oz. AUSTRALLAN MARKETS. StDNEY, July 1. Wheat: The market is very dull. Buyers are offering 5s 8d at country stations and 6s 3d, ex trucks, at Sydney; millers' parcels, 6s 6d, f.o.b , Sydney. Oats: Tasmanian white, 5s 3d to 5s 6d, Algerian, 4s 9d to ss. Maize : Local white, 6s -. yellow, 6s 6d, South African, 6s 4d, to 6s Gd. Potatoes: Tasmanian, £l2 to £ls; New Zealand, £lO to £ll. Onions: Victorian, £22. ADELAIDE, July 1. Wheat: Growers’ lots, 5s lid; parcels, 6s fid. Oats, 3s. MELBOURNE, July 1. Hides: Light kipe advanced |d to fd, other grades unchanged. July 2. Wheat: The market is quiet; sellers, 6s 4d Oats: Milling, 3s 9d to 3s lOd; feed, 3s 3d. Barley: English, 4s to 4s 6d; Cape, 3s 9d to 4s. Potatoes, £ll to £l2 Onions, £lB 10s to £l9. BRADFORD WOOL MARKET. LONDON. June 28. The Bradford wool market is dull and inactive. Quotations are fairly firm. July I. The Bradford wool market is very quiet, and quotations for all gradea remain unchanged. ANTWERP WOOL SALES. LONDON, July 1. At the Antwerp wool sales 4900 bales of La Plata were offeied, but only 200 were •old. The attendance and competition were poor. Prices were unchanged. SHEEPSKIN MARKET REPORT. The Dunedin Woolbrokers’ Association (Messrs Dalgety and Co., National Mortgage and Agency Company, New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Otago Farmers Cooperative Association, Donald Reid and Co., Stronach, Morris, and Co., and Wright, Stephenson, and Co.) report as follows: Comparatively small catalogues were offered at last week’s sale. Competition was keen, and prices can be quoted par to |d dearer on quarter and half-wools, and about id higher for three-quarter and full-woolled skins. The following is the range of prices: Merino: Three-quarter to full-wool, 13d to 14d; half-wool, lOd to 12<L Halfbred: Three-quarter to full-wool, 12|d to 14d; half-wool, lid to 13|d; quarter-wool, 9d to 10|d. Fine crossbred : Three-quarter to fullwool, lid to 13|d; half-wool, 10|d to 12|d; quarter-wool, lOd to 10id. Crossbred: Three-quarter to full-wool, 9d to ll|d; halfwool, B|d to 10|d; quarter-wool, B|d to 9|d. Halfbred: Damaged, ll|d to 12|d; dead, 9|d to 12d. Fine crossbred: Damaged, 7fd to 10|d; dead, 9|d to 10|d. Crossbred: Damaged, 9d to 10Jd ; dead. 9d to Hid. Fine crossbred hogget, 9d to lid; crossbred hogget, fi|d to lid; lambs, 10|d to 13d; pelts, 6|d to »d.

Note circulation Notes in reserve ... — . .. £141,705,000 27,041,000 Government d<4)t .. •« £168,746,000 .. £11,015,000 Gold coin and bullion „ . 148,'996,000 £168,716,000 BANKING DEPARTMENT. Proprietors’ capital £14,553,000 Public deposits 10,458,000 Other deposits 154,699,000 Rest, seven-day and other bills .. 3,416,000 Government securities .. Other securities .£163,096,000 .. £51,610,000 . 103,092,000 Gold in reserve 1,353,000

Last week. £ s. d. This week. £ e. d. Imperial Consols, 2$ p.c. ... 55 10 0 55 10 0 War loan, 5 p.c., 1920-47 ... 100 15 0 100 15 0 War loan, 3$ p.c., 1925-23 _ 98 12 6 98 15 0 Conversion loan. 3$ p.a .„ 75 10 0 75 10 0 "wp.-ilth 6 p.c., 1931-41 ... 103 15 0 103 17 6 C’wealth 6) p.c. 1922-27 .. 100 0 0 100 5 0 N.Z 6 p.c., 1938-51 ... ... 108 15 0 108 15 0 N.Z 4 pc.. 1929 ... 98 15 0 96 17 6 N.Z 3J p.a 1940 ... 84 10 0 84 17 1 N.Z 3 p.c., 1945 ... 75 17 6 76 0 0 NSW 6) p.a. 1930-40 ... 105 '0 0 105 10 0 N.S.W S p.c., 1930-40 ... 102 15 0 102 12 6 N.S-W 6} p.c., 1922-32 ... 100 7 6 100 15 0 N-S.W 4 pc.. 1933 ... ... 91 15 0 91 10 0 NSW 3$ p.a. 1930-50 ... 82 15 0 82 7 c N.S.W 3 p.c., 1935 ... 73 7 6 73 2 6 Via 6) o-a. 1930-40 ... 101 5 0 101 0 0 Via 6 p.a, 1932-42 ... 99 15 0 100 0 0 Vic 49 p.a. 1921-26 ... 96 2 6 96 0 0 Via 3) p.c., 1929-49 ... 77 10 0 77 10 0 Vio 3 p.a. 1929-40 ... 71 0 0 71 2 6 Q’tond R pa. 1930 40 ... 103 0 0 133 0 0 Q’lsnd 3} p.a, 1930 ... 92 0 0 92 0 0 QMand 3 p.c., 1922-47 ... 68 2 6 67 17 s S.A 6) p.a, 1930-40 ... 105 0 0 103 0 0 S.A 3$ p.a, 1929 ... 83 0 0 82 15 0 R.A 3 p.a, 1916 or after ... 59 0 0 59 5 0 W A. 8 p.a, 1930-40 ... 102 0 0 101 15 0 W.A. 3J p.a. 1920-35 87 0 0 87 0 0 W A S p.a 1915-35 ... 84 0 0 83 10 0 Tns 6$ p.a, 1930-40 105 0 0 •103 0 0 Taa 3} p.a, 1920-40 ... 83 0 0 83 5 0 Tas. 3 p.c., 1920-40 w 78 0 • Ex interest. 0 78 5 0

Paris, fr. to £l Par. 25.22$ June 28. 167.67 July 1. 178.87 Brussels, fr. to £1 25.22$ 170.32 176.87 Oslo, kr- to £1 18.159 23.13 22.16 Copenhagen, kr. to £1 ... 18.159 18.35 18.36 Stockholm, kr. to £1 ... 18.159 18.13 18.13 Borne, lire to £1 25.32$ 133.75 135.50 Berlin, reichmkn. to £1 20.43 20.44 20.44 Montreal, dol to £1 ... 4.86$ 4.85* 4.86 New York. doL to £1 ... 4.86$ 4.86 11-16 4.86J Yokohama, st to yen ... 24.58 23 5-32 23* Calcutta, st to rupee 24.00 17$ 17 15-16 Hongkong, st to dol- ... 27* 27* Amsterdam, guild to £1 12.107 12.11$ 12.11* Batavia, guilders to £1 12.107 12.06 12.05$ • Governed by ] price of silver.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3773, 6 July 1926, Page 22

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COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 3773, 6 July 1926, Page 22

COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 3773, 6 July 1926, Page 22