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Monday. Toe St. Celia Club held its monthly meeting at the Barth School of Music last Monday night. During the evening Mrs Primmer spoke on Chinese music, and musical items were given by Miss Barth and Miss Grieve. Last Monday evening the St. Clair Women’s Club held another of its successful evenings, when the room was beautifully arranged with bronze chrysanthemums and palms. A number of non-members of the club contributed. The programme had been arranged by Mesdames C. A. Thompson and A. Johnston. Those who took part were Miss Sparrow, violin, accompanied on the priano by Miss Grigg, Miss Winnie M’Peak sang, also Miss Molly Andrews. Recitations were given by Miss Neilson and Miss Holland. During the evening Miss Caddie acted as accompanist. A dainty supper was much enjoyed by all. On Wednesday morning the executive of the Women’s Section gave a morning tea in honour of Mrs llainsworth, who has left with her husband for the Lakes. Most delicious dainties were much enjoyed, the tables being beautifully decorated with jonquils. There were present Mesdames W. A. Moore, Hayward, Melville, Brown, O’Neill, Marshall MacDonald, A. Barnett, Strong, T. Ross, Halsted, J. Sim, Burt Sleigh, W. Ross, F. Halsted, R. Hudson, M’Master, Hutchison, Primmer, Blues, Speight, Leech, Evans, Misses Begg, Macassey, Williams, Sommervilh Peacock, Fraser, Joachim, Martin, Nicolson, and Little. During the week Mr and Mrs C. Speight entertained Mr and Mrs Hainsworth at the Tudor Hall at a dance, when a most enjoyable time was spent. The hall, with its exquisite lights, beautifully arranged flowers, palms, etc., and a very efficient orchestra, made the evening all that could be desired. kt the conclusion Mr Speight in a few wellchosen remarks, wished Mr and Mrs Hainswoilh bon voyage, after which “Auld Lang Syne” was sung. On Thursday afternoon Mrs B. C. Haggitt invited a number of friends to bridge at her residence, George street, when tea and bridge were much enjoyed. There were present Lady Sira, Mesdames Bryan Haggitt, Sinclair, Laidlaw, Le Cren, Fisher, Vivian, etc. * On Friday afternoon Mrs Roland Fulton gave a most enjoyable bridge party at the Otago Women’s Club. During the afternoon tea and dainties of all kinds were much enjoyed. Some of the guests present were Lady Ferguson, Mesdames Halsted, P. Halsted, G. Callaway, Hutchison, Hazlett, J. Sim, Smeatcn, Leslie Wilson, Matheson, Henderson, Phillips, Barron, Stanley Batchelor, Misses Reynolds, V. Reynolds, A. Matheson, Rogers, etc. The great attraction during the week has been the Pavlova season at His Majesty's, when splendid houses were present The opening evening the house was a most enthusiastic one, and Pavlova received several beautififl bouquets. The last night, Saturday, there was again a splendid audience, who cheered well throughout the evening Some noticed were Sir Lindo and Ladv Ferguson, Mr and Mrs E. Halsted, Mr and Mrs Theomin, Mr and Mrs Sargood, Dr and Mrs Riley. Mr and Mrs Leslie Mills, Mr and Mrs P. Halsted, Dr and Mrs Fulton, Mr and Mrs Hutchison, Mr and Mrs G. Gallaway, Mr and Mrs ilamsay, Mr and Mrs Haggitt, Mesdames Fitchett, Black, M’Master, Moore, Leslie Wilson, M’Kellar, Orbell, Cook, Laidlaw, and Gallaway, Misses Macassey, Orbell, R. Neill. Ulrich, Webster, G. Webster. Rattrav, Williams (3), Moodie, M'Kerras. Stocker, Orbell, Fenwick, O’Neill, j Reeves, Clapperton, Smith, Blomfield, Park, etc. Mr and Mrs Hainsworth left on Thursday for the Lakes before returning to England. Mr and Mrs Hamilton Sinclair Thomson, of Geraldine, were in Dunedin at the Carlton during the week. Mrs Thomson, of Lawrence, has been the guest of Mrs Fisher this week. Mrs Burdon, of Canterbury, has been the gueet of Mrs Benson. The Misses Harding, who were the guests of Mrs Riley (George street), left for Wellington on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Arthur Nicholls and Mrs tt-—’raves were visitors to Dunedin this week. Mrs Earl, of the North Island, is the guest of Mrs J. M. Ritchie, Pitt Btreet. Mrs Sleigh left for the north on Thursday, en route for England. Miss Stock has returned from visiting her sister, Mrs Falla, of Wellington. The Misses Burton left for Wellington on Wednesday to join the Arawa at Wellington, en route for England. Mrs B. Dawson left during the week for Auckland, en route to Honolulu. Mrs It Cilmour. of Invercargill, accompanied by Miss K. Hazlett, was in town for the Pavlova season. Ifrs Allsn Orbell, of Waikouaiti. and Mias Lorain Orbell were in town for the theatre this week. Mias Thurza Rogers, of the Pavlova Company, has been the guest of Dr and Mrs Newland* (London street) during her visit to Dunedin. The engagement is announced of Mias Bernice Thom, of Christchurch, to Mr A. N. Watson, of the National Bank, Dunedin. On Friday afternoon last a farewell tea party was given by Mrs Bretherton in the Tudor Hall of tbs Savoy in honour of Mrs IT. Harrison. Among those present were I Mesdames Harrison, Seott. Ross, Loudon, I Moody, Bretherton, Parkinson, Martin,

Burdfikin, Wien, Carswell, and Sicdeberg, Misses M. Scott and Stcnhouae.

INVERCARGILL, July 3. Mrs Walter Jones went to Dunedin on Saturday for Pavlova’s final appearance. Mrs J. W. Smith was a passenger north by Saturday morning’s express. Amongst those who went north to attend Pavlova’s season were: Mesdamcs John Macdonald, H. A. Macdonald, J. J. W. Pollard, R. J. Gilmour, A. le H. Mackrell, W. Quinn, C. F. A. Jones, and Misses Croft, Young, G. Rankin, Aitken, Lousley, Reid, K. Hazlett, etc. On Tuesday morning Mrs Ivo Carr left to spend a holiday with her parents in Wanganui. Mrs Deere, of Geraldine, returned north on Tuesday's express. Mrs Storey, of “ Venlaw,” left during the W’eek for a holiday in Wellington. Miss Minnie Mills, of Riverton, has returned from Dunedin. Lady Majorie Dalrymple was met at the station on Monday evening by the Girl Guides en masse, who accorded her a royal welcome. During the week and the week-end a camp was held for the Guiders at Mr Ranee Brodrick’s bungalow, Lady Marjorie attending. Bridge hostesses during the week were: Mesdames W. Macalister, W. Jones, W. J. Barclay, and Miss Brodrick. There were also 11 tables playing at the Women’s Club on Monday evening. Mrs H. A. Macdonald opened a very fin* cabaret on Thursday evening in the Pro. gressive Club Rooms. The arrangement/ - were excellently carried out, and Mrs Mac* donald is fortunate in securing the services of Rigby’s Jazz Quartet. Streamer dances and carnival favours assisted to make a very jolly evening. Amongst those present were: Mr and Mrs J. J. W. Pollard, Mrs G. Charters (Wendonside), Misses N. Strettell, V. Bews, M. Lawrence, J. Aitken, J. Lange, C. M’Laren, O. Holloway, E. Spence, D. Brockenshire, M. Annan, and P-. Jenkins, Messrs J. Strettell, A. Oughton, B. Scully, H. Macdonald, Trevithick, W. Bews, T, Miller, Vickery, Rout (2), etc. There was a splendid turn-out at the Women's Club Cabaret last Saturday evening, amongst whom were: Mr and Mrs G. Broughton, Mr and Mrs H. B. Farnall, Mr and Mrs R. H. J.Camm, Mr and Mrs A. M‘Donald, Mr and Mrs J. J. W. Pollard, Mr and Mrs L. B. Hutton, Mr and Mrs C. de R. Andrews, Mrs H. H. Macdonald, Mrs G. Charters (Wendonside), Misses Strettell, Bews, Logan, M’Kay, Todd, Ott, Holloway, Annan, Wingfield, Aitken, Fleming, Rein, Richardson, Fraser, Hazlett, Dickens, Crofts, Collins, Macpherson, Brookesmitb, Nicolson, and Messrs Prain, Trevithick, Greig, Ott, Ferguson, Macdonald, Scully, Rout, Todd, Dick, Dundas, Preston, Reed, M‘Kay (2), Strang, Lipscombe, etc. OAMARU, July 3. Miss Noeleen Reid is visiting friends ifl( the country. During the week Mr and Mrs Arthug Nichollß, of Kuriheka, were in town. Mr and Mrs Macdonald, of Waimate, who have been visiting Mrs Burry, Wharfe street, motored home oil Sunday. Mrs Harold Preston has returned from Christchurch. Mis 3 Lulu Robertson, who has been staying with friends in the North Island, ce* turned last week. The Misses Stronach, of Hampden, went in town during the week. Mr and Mrs Len Wright and their little son are staying at Braemar tiouse during the winter. Mrs Cuthbertson, who ha/1 been staying at the Hydro Grand for the Anna Pavlova season, returned on Tuesday. A number motored to Timaru to see Anna Pavlova. Some were: Major and Mrs Orbell, Mrs R. S. Orbell (Reed street), Mr and Mrs Woodward, Mr and Mrs T. Wright, Mrs M'Culloch, Mr and Mrs Shand, etc. On Wednesday evening the Philharmonic Orchestral Society gave a very enjoyable concert to a well-filled house in the Opera House, Miss Valda M’Curdy, of Dunedin, and Miss Winkel, of Dunedin, taking part. The artists were greeted with great enthusiasm. TIMARU, July 2. Mr and Mrs C. L. Orbell, of Pentlow, Tycho, left to-day on a visit to Sydney. The Rev. G. Young, Vicar of Ross, and Mrs Young have returned to the West Coast after several months in Timaru. Miss Mollie Chapman has gone back to Christchurch after. visiting friends in Dunedin and Timaru. Mrs Acult, of Windsor, England, who has been sent out to New Zealand by the Dr Barnardo Home as the head of their organisation in Wellington and the South Island, is the guest of the Rev. A. C. and Mrs Lowry, Butler street. Mrs L. O’Callahan and Miss O'Callahan, who have let their property at Hadlow, have taken a house in Beverley road. Mis 3 Wills and Miss Smith, of England, who were at the Hydro Grand, left to-day for Tekapo. . Miss Frances Thorne, O’Kain s Bay, who was with Mrs Gordon Wood._ Wai-iti road, is now at Balmoral, Mackenzie Country. Miss Leslie Le Cren has returned to Dunedin after a week with Mrs C. J. Le Cren, Grey road. Miss Ethel Le Cren, Maori Hill, left Timaiu yesterday to join the s.s. Ulimaroa at Wellington, en route for a holiday m Sydney. ... Dr and Mrs Watt. Kurow. who were with Mrs Raymond Wright, Seddon street, have gone on to Akaroa. Mr Francis Barker and Miss Eva Oox, Nile street will leave to-morrow on a tour of the North Island. Miss Amy Cox will go as far as Christchurch. Miss Watt arrived from Wellington yesterday, and i* with Mrs Huddlestone, North street. . , , , Mrs H. W. Hay, Sesley street, and hef guest, Miss Downes, of Dunedin, are spending a week in Christchurch. Mrs C. W. F. Hamilton, who has been in Timaru for several weeks, returned ttf Irishman's Creek yesterday. ASHBURTON. June 30. Miss Helen and Miss Mardi Hunter went to Christchurch to see Pavlova on Saturday. Mrs Henry Harper, of Waimate. who haa been the guest of her mothor, Mrs Peaohe, Mount Somers, has gone to North Canterbury to visit Mrs Courage. Mrs John Lane. Mr and Mrs W. Lane, Mr Alan Lane, Mr Ken Nicoll, and Mian Fooks went to dmetchurch to see Pavlova, Mrs Tictor Mulligan, of Lismore, is spend* ing a few days in Christchurch.

Tho Rev. A. J. Petrie, of Lyttleton, ha* been spending the weok-end at Mount Bomers, and was the guest. of Mrs E. O. v Wood. Mr and Mrs Cecil Wood, of Haokthorne, are in Christchurch. Un N. W. Wilson is the guest of Mrs W‘. £ Cook, of Orait. Mr Tdndsay Ross, the New Zealand Golf Union’s professional coach, arrived in Ashburton this morning. He intends hers a fortnight. Mr Anstoine Konstant, the eminent French pianist, gave a most enjoyable pianoforte rebital under the auspices of the Ashburton Musiral Club. Among those present were: Dt and Mrs Mullin and Miss Mullin, Dr and Mrs Daunt, Mrs Fisher, Mrs D. Thomas, Miv Jennings, Mrs Coward, Mm Bruoe, Mm Galbraith, Mrs Moore, Misses Jennings (SO, Galbraith, Cameron (2), Thompson, Mm Trevor, Mm J. T. Thomas, Mm A. T. Smith,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Williams, Mrs Thompson, end many others. Mrs Dickson, of North Canterbury, is visiting her mother, Mrs Orbell, Walnut avenue. Miss Barbara Morgan, who has been staying with friends in Palmerston South, returned home on Monday. Lady golfers from the Richmond Hill Club (Christchurch) visited Ashburton on Tuesday, and contested a match with the local ladies. Ashburton were the winners by 13 games to 2. Miss Coward, Havelock street, left on Tuesday for a short visit to Wellington. Mr and Mrs W. A. Morgan, of Mount Somers, spent the week-end in Timani.

CHRISTCHURCH, July 1. Twelve ladies from the Hagley Ladies’ Golf (Hhb wars the guests of the Christchurch

Ladies’ Golf Club at the Shirley links on Monday. The visitors were received by Mrs Vernon, captain of the Christchurch Club. A very enjoyable match was played between the two teams, the Shirley players being the winners. After the match they were entertained at a very enjoyable tea in the clubs pavilion. Mrs F. H. Pyne is visiting her daughter, Mrs George Denmstoun, Peel Forest. The Society for Imperial Culture held its monthly meeting on Saturday night. The musical items contributed by Miss Doreen Hight and Mias Louise Croucher were very much appreciated by members of the large gathering.- Miss Hight, who sang charmingly, wore a very becoming frock of cyclamen taffeta. Miss Croucher, the talented violinist, wore a mole marocain frock with Oriental embroidery. Mrs Spencer Westmacott is visiting her sister, Mrs Louis Campbell, Happy Valley. Tho usual weekly dance took place at Dixieland on Saturday evening, when a very large number of guests was present. The lounge and supper tables looked very pretty decorated with spring flowers and palms. Great interest is being taken in the American tea which Mrs West'-Watson is arranging to help to raise funds for the Dioceßan quota for foreign missions. It is hoped iliat many people will attend who will bring a gift, buy a gift, and have afternoon tea. Arrangements have been made for a fancy dross ball to be held in the Art Gallery on August 12 in Grand National Week. The committee, comprising Sir Charles and Lady Campbell, Mr and Mrs Lascelles, Mr and Mrs Derrick Gould, Mrs Hugh Ensor, Miss Fulton, Messrs F. W. Freeman, L. E. Cooke, and Mr J. Moore. Mrs J. Ritchie and Miss Gwen Ritchie, of Gloucester street, have returned from an extended round trip, via San Francisco and the United States. Mrs H. V. Drew is visiting friends in South Canterbury. The engagement is announced of Margaret, elder daughter of the late Mr Edmund Harper and Mrs Harper, of V’hitecliffa, and Alexander Anson, elder 6on of Mr and Mrs Anson’ Hutchinson, of Little River. Also of Madeline, eldest daughter of Mrs Buchanan, of Ashburton, and the late Cyril S. Buchanan, to Geoffrey, youngest son of Mr and Mrs W. J. Cresswell, of Barnswood, Liemore.

WELLINGTON, July 2. A most successful dance was given by Dr and Mrs J. S. Elliott as a coming-out party for their daughter, Miss Jessie Elliott, and two friends, Miss Nell Blair and Mies Mary Weld, of Marlborough. The dance was held at the Adelphi cabaret, which, with its elaborate and handsome decorations, was a good setting for a number of pretty girls and beautiful frocks. The supper, a most excellent one, was set in the private dance room, the long table being centred with a fine piece of Sheffield plate, and the flowers consisting of early daffodils and jonquils. The lounge was beautiful with its Chinese decorations, to which vas added a wealth of hydrangeas in their winter colours, which were much admired. Mrs Elliott received with Dr Elliott, and was wearing an effective gown of gold lace over tissue, with cubist patterning in French beads. Miss Elliott was in soft cream georgette over silver tissue, the only trimming consisting of flat taffeta flowers edged with silver. Her bouquet was of white and pink flowers sot in silver lace; Miss Nell Blair was in cream georgette over gold lace, the bodice and pelalled edge to the skirt being edged with gold, and her posy was of golden coloured flowers; Miss Mary Weld (Marlborough)'was in silver lace over tissue, finished with French flowers, her posy being of pink, with silver streamers. A party from Government house, including Mr and Mrs Day, the latter in black chiffon; Miss Marrow, m apricot georgette embroidered in silver; Captain Wentworth, Messrs Little and Keswick. Others present included: Lady Rhodes, Sir Donald and Lady M'Gavin, Sir Alex, and Lady Roberts, Colonels Watson and Symonds, Dr and Mrs Young, Dr and Mrs Bowerbank, Dr and Mrs Stout, Dr R. Stout, Mesdames Firth, Blair, Weld, M‘Rae (Maeterton), Greenhough, T. Ward, Bucholz, D. Peacock, V. Rhind, J Peacock, Brodie, T. Y. Seddon, M Holmes, J. G. Coates, Weld (Marlborough), Lowrie, A. Young, M. Rose, Beere, Misses Statham, Hawken, E. Ward, Gray, Morice (2), Shirtcliffe, P. Blundell, Hume (Wairarapa), Abraham (Falmeraton North), Herbert, Clay, Pigeon, Miles, N. Pike, Wilberfosa, M. Findlay, Colonel Beere, Messrs V. and P. Ward, M'Ewan, Blundell (2) Loughnan, Harcourt, Morison, Leckie, Bucholz, Young, and many others. There was a very pleasant gathering of Rotarians at the invitation of Mr and Mrs D. J. M'Gowan at their residence, The Mansions, on Saturday night. The largo dining room was tastefully decorated in black and yellow—Wellington College colours, and with ropes of lycopodium interspersed with yellow paper flowers, made a gay and charming effect. Dancing was the order of the evening, excellent floor and music being provided, while card tables were also ready for those who preferred cards. However, the dancing and cheery conversation passed the time so pleasantly that the tables were not used. Supper concluded an exceptionally pleasant evening. A great deal of interest was attached to the opening of the exhibition of Mr Archibald F. Nicoll’s pictures at the Art Gallery, and, considering the coldness of the night, and the prevailing slight influenza in Wellington, the attendance was good. Mr E. W. Hunt (president), in opening the exhibition, alluded to the fine artistic record of the exhibitor, and to the credit of his war record also. He spoke of the generous gift he had made of a fine picture to the gallery, for which the committee was most grateful, and considered that Wellington art lovers “had much to thank Mr Nicoll for in his generous gift. A great deal of special interest was centered in the portrait of Lady Stout, which is an outstanding piece of work, and much admired by those present It is a gift from the women of Wellington to Lady Stout, as an appreciation of her fine social service, particularly to women and children. The picture is in restful shades of mauve and grey, the pose excellent, and the likeness very good, and it is likely to give a great deal of pleasure. Among the portraits shown were those of two V.C. men. Sir Robert Stout, Mr Justice Alpeis, the late Mr 0. F. Bevan Brown, Dr G. M. Lester, Dr D. Colquhoun, and Dr W. T. Roberts. There were many beautiful landscapes shown as well. i’lie winter gaities in prospect so far are, a small dance at Government House on July 7, and an investiture and reception on the 12th. The Wellington Racing Club has issued invitations for the annual ball on July 8. Mrs Alan Macalister, of Invercargill, is visiting Wellington. Mrs Hannan, of Invercargill, is in Christolturch, an route for Wellington, Mrs Wilfrid Hall, of Hororata, is in Wellington, en route for Napier. Miss Marjorie Macandrew, who has been visiting relatives in Wellington, has returned to Dunedin. •

Miss Jackson is an Auckland visitor, staying with Mrs A. W. Blair at Eastbourne. Mrs and Miss Weld and Miss Grigg, of Blenheim, are visiting Wellington. The Hon. A. F. Hawke, M.L.C., with Mrs and the Misses Hawke (2), have taken a flat in Aitken street for the session. Mrs Rogersou has returned to Dunedin from Wellington. Mrs Sandford Cox, of Invercargill, is the guest of the Misses MacGregor, Portland crescent. Mr and Mrs Henry Vickery, of Lower Hutt, are viaitoro to Sydney. Lady Qosking is leaving shortly for a visit to her daughter Mrs Allen, in Sydney, the lattor having taken a house on Belevue Hill. Miss Cargill, of Dunedin, is visiting Wellington. Miss Lindsay-Browne, of Leura, Blue Mountains, is the guest of Mrs J. A. Pike Gladstone Terrace. Mrs L. O. H. Tripp is visiting ‘Dunedin. Mrs Acutt, of Windsor, who is in New Zealand organising for Dr Barnado’s Homes, is at present the guest of Mrs A. C .Lawry, Butler street, Timaru. Mr and Mrs W. E. Bethune have left for the south. Lady Bell is visiting Christchurch.

CARTERTON, July 1. A wedding of much interest was celebrated at the Methodist Church, Masterton, when Miss Eva ictoria Fairbrother (only daughter of Mr and Mrs V. L. Fairbrother, of Masterton) was married to Mr Roland Francis Cooper (second son of Mr and Mrs J. Cooper, of Newman). The Rev. Mr Spencer conducted the ceremony. Miss Mary Hart attended as bridesmaid. After the ceremony a reception was held at “ Karloo,” Renall street, the residence of Mr and Mrs H. E. Hart, where the guests were received by Mrs Fairbrother. A quiet wedding was solemnised in St. Mark’s Church, Carterton, by the Rev. W. Raine on Thursday afternoon, when Valerie Edith widow of the late Mr George Rayner, and eldest daughter of the late M. F. and Mrs Humphries, late of West Taratahi, was married to Mr William Meyers, of Stratford, Taranaki. There were no attendants. Later Mr and Mrs Meyers left for the south. A pretty wedding was solemnised in Knox Church, Masterton, when Miss E. Hutchings (daughter of Mrs H. J. Hutchings, of Eketahuna) was married to Mr Geoffrey W. Bicknell (son of Mr A. Bicknell, of Martinborough). The Rev. J. Davie officiated. Miss Jessie Hutchings acted as bridesmaid, and Mr Keith Bicknell was best man. A very pretty wedding of considerable interest was solemnised at St. Matthew’s Church on Wednesday evening, when Lilia May, only daughter of Mr and Mrs W. G. Lamb, of Masterton, was married to Joseph Pas coo, third son of Mr and Mrs Frank Perry, of Maranui, Martinborough. The Rev. W. Bullock (vicar of Masterton) performed the ceremony. The bride was attended bv three bridesmaids. Miss Monica Bunny (chief) and the Misses Ross Andrews (Wellington) and Doris Tatham (Homewood). Tha best man was Mr R. Tolhurst, of Wellington, while Messrs Geoff. Perry and J. A. Richardson were groomsmen. In the evening a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s parents In Herbert street, where Mrs Lamb received her gueste. About 60 guests were entertained last Saturday by Mr and Mrs P. Price at their residence, Mastetton, on the occasion of their, silver wedding. A very enjoyable time was spent. Guests were present from Carterton, Dannevirke, Eketahuna, Martinborough, and Waipawa. w Mrs M. Denniss and Miss R. Denniss, of Wellington, and formerly of Masterton, have left for a visit to Australia. Mrs M. Macßse, of Wellington, bat been visiting Mrs W. A. loros, of Martinborugh.

Mrs A. W. Hogg, of Masterton, lias returned from a visit to Wellington. Mrs E. M. Bundle of Masterton, has left for Hanmer, where she is undergoing treatment. Miss M. M'Killop, of Wellington, is visiting and ia the guest of Misseß Gray, Taratahi. Mrs R. D. Morrison, of Masterton, has left for Sydney by the Marama on an extended holiday. Miss Blackburn, of the State Physical Culture Class, is to visit the Carterton School next week. Sister K Booth arrived home at Carterton on Tuesday after a lengthy stay in Egypt. Mr and Mrs H. H. Donald left Sydney on Friday on their return to Masterton. Mrs J. Holes, of Okau, Whakataki, is at present seriously ill. Mrs Hope Lewis and Mrs G C. and Miss Williams, of Masterton, left Wellington on Friday for Sydney, en route for the East. Miss Paterson, of Auckland, and Miss Lees, of Christchurch have taken up their duties at the Masterton Hospital as night sister and home sister reepectively.

HAWKE’S BAY, July 2. The Hawke’s Bay races, held at Hastings, attracted an unusually large number of people The weather was good, the ground being as dry as for a summer meeting. Among those present on the two days were: Mrs T. H. Lowry, wearing a fur coat over a petunia marocain frock; Mrs W. G. Stead, seal coat over a bricket-red suit, and hat to tone; Mrs 0. Nelson, seal coat, mauve frock, and mauve hat; Mrs Hetley, brown fur coat and small felt hat; Miss Wanklyn, biskra rep suit and hat in the same shade; Mrs Monckton, heather-grey tailored suit and small hat; Mrs Nairn, black rep frock and coat, and black hat; Miss Nairn, long black coat, grey fur collar, and black hat; Mies Glazebrook, wine suit and felt hat in the same shade- Mrs Blundell, brown velour cloth coat and brown felt hat; Mrs Canning, brown fur coat and brown velour hat, Mrs Deecha, black coat and smart velour hat in black with red relief; Mrs Newbigin, green velvet suit and green felt hat; Mrs Beataon, navy cloth frock and hat to tone; Mrs R. Buddo, beige cloth coat and rose silk -ribbon hat; Mrs 0. Krogh, brown velour coat and fawn velour and velvet hat; Miss Small, seal coat and black hat; Mrs Gill, grey suit and blue felt hat; Mrs grey tailored suit and hat to tone; Miss M. Cato, navy pleated frock and navy hat; Miss Nairn, brown fur coat and carnation velvet hat; Mrs Morgan, maroon suit and hat to tone; Mies E. Morgan, grey tailored suit and mauve hat; Mrs R. Anderson, mauve suit and mauve felt hat; Mrs O’Meara, long brown coat, fur trimmed, and a brown velour hat- Mrs Falls, black seal coat and rose velour hat; Mrs Paul, powder blue suit and grey velour hat; Mrs Hewatt, natural Kasha suit braided in brown and small hat to tone; Mrs Curlett, grey euat, orey hat with blue- Mrs Beamish, navy cloth frock and black hat; Mist Beamish, rose jumper suit and felt hat; Mrs Riddiford, cinnamon jumper suit and araall hat in the same ehade; Mrs Barry, navy frock and blaok hat; Miss A. Anderson tweed suit and cherry red hat; Mrs Symes, navy suit and black hat; Mrs Sproule, navy cloth costume and navy hat with white; Miss 8. Clark, rose jumper suit and rose felt hat; Mrs H. Tonkin, rose jumper suit and hat in two’ shades of rose; Mrs A. Small, checked twoed suit and naw hat; Mrs Von Dsgelszen, black and white suit and green felt hat; Mrs Barnsdale, brown cloth ooat and boia de rose ribbon hat; Mrs Hull; Mis Ford North, navy" froek with cerise Sanel, skirt odged with fur, and navy hat; trs Rogers, navy pleated coat froek and

cyclamen felt hat; Miss Smith, fawn velour coat and fawn felt hat; Mrs H. Bradley, navy costume; Mrs E. R* C. Bowen, navy suit relieved with white, and navy hat. Miss M. Cato, navy pleated suit and small hat to tone; Miss ‘Webster, bois de rose jumper suit and velour hat; Miss M. Broche, long brown coat and small felt hat; Mrß Davies, violet jumper suit and grey hat; Mrs F. Douglas, tailored suit and velour hat; Miss M. Dowry, brown fur coat and brown velour hat; Miss Strachan, tailored suit and hat to tone; Mrs H. Stratton, navy rep coat and violet hat, Mrs Rainbow, grey tailored coat and felt hat to tone; and Miss Durie, beige velour coat, fur trimmed, and hat in a darker shade. Mrs Van Asch, of Havelock North, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs Edwin Hamilton, of Christchurch, has returned. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs Jameson, who will spend some time m Hawke's Bay. . TT . Mrs P. Wall, of .Hatuma, was in Hastings for the races. , Miss Betty Cottenll, of Christchurch, is the guest of Misß Molly Cato, of Hastings. Mrs A. Harris, of Gisborne, was in Napier for the Pavlova eason. . Miss Pittar, of Gisborne, was in Napier during the week. Mrs Faulkiner is m Wellington fur a holiday Mr and Mrs Haldane, of Hastings, are in Wellington fer race week. Mrs A’Court, of Christchurch, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs Robjohn, of Napier, returned home this week. Mrs Hewat, of Palmerston North, was in Hastings during the week. The Hunt Club ball at Hastings was the success of the season. The committee was untiring in its efforts to make the ball go with a good swing. Among those present were Mrs G. Beatson, Mrs TTH. Lowry, Mrs W G. Stead, Mm D. Williams, Mrs Coleman, Mm Boberts, Mrs N. Beamish, Mrs A’Court, Mrs Rochfort, Mrs Landels Mrs Rainbow, Mrs O’Meara, Mib hryer, Mre N. White, Mrs Van Asche, Miss M. Lewrv, Miss Kelly, Miss Shnmpton, Mine G. Nelson, MiBS Straclian, Miss Joan Swanaeger, Miss Cooper, Miss Tui Fryer Miss M Stead, Miss A. Anderson, Miss Gibbons, Miss Cotton, Miss Eeme Morgan, Miss K. Downing, Miss S. Moore (Napier), Miss Symes, Mass Webster, Miss M. Brodie, Miss Speedy, Miss M. Douglas, Miss M. Lusk (Napier). Miss Sproule, Miss Hope Bernau, Miss E. Barry, Mibs Inglis, and Miss "sydney Johnston, of Takapau, is visitRathbone, of Waipawa, returned from Wellington this week.

FEILDING, July 3. Mrs E. A. Allen, of Waikanae, has been visiting Feilding. . ~ Mre Meyrick has been visiting her mother, Mrs Norman Gorton. Mrs Leslie Gorton has returned from Welh%: Saunders is visiting Wellington, and is the guest of Mrs Tripe . w . Mre Gordon Eliott has been visiting Wellington end Taranaki. Mr and Mre A. E. Sandford have returned from Auckland. . . , Miss J. Bailey, of Wanganui is the guest of Mrs Harry Bailey, Campbell street. Miss Patricia Uoodbehere has been visiting U MiM ’ Adeline Hare has been visiting Rotorua after spending Mveiml weeks there. The three-act comedy Why Smith Left Home” was presented at the Tivoli Theatre this week by the local amateura-Hia Nsoce Company. That Mr Alf Kingston waa able to produce so olever a piece of oomedy, with its many delightful situation* which could easily hsvo fallen flat, is an achievement upon which the whole company is to bs congratulated. Following is the cast: Miss Miriam Hutchison, the leading lady, waa Mm Smith; Mies Eileen Redwood wee Mrs Billet Doux; Mre Phyllis Beritrop was Miss Smith; Miss Meg Knyvett wee Hose Walton; Mies Nettie Neflson wa» Julia, the maid, Miss Leila Moore, the other maid, Elsie. The Irish cook, Levinia, wi# well portrayed by Mm Foeter. Mr Harry Shakea waa Mr John Smith; Mr D. 0. Cullinane undertook the difficult role of the French General; Mr George Kingston had a light, part—that of Mm Smith'* brother, Bob Walton. Mr

Ron. M‘Donald, of the Old Guard, who had loved Miss Smith since she was a baby, took the part of Major Duncombe. Mr - Alf Kingston, in addition to his heavy and exacting duties as producer, played the part of Count Guggenheim.

WAIKATO, July 3. A bridge battle evening was given in the Kia Ora teirooms tn Friday by Mrs flasler, who received her guests in a rich black charmeuse frock. The winners of the highest number of flags were: Mesdames C. Rees and F. Bond and Miss Wellnutt. Others present were Mesdames E. J. Stewart, A. J. Bond, J. E. Chitty, P. E. Stevens, F. B. Jolly, F. B. Insoll, H. G. Greenslade, J. E. Page, T T. Lusk, J. F. Strang, A. L. Sheppard, J. D. Ritchie, T. A. Lucas, and J. Hammond, Misses . E. Hammond, Wallnutt, and C. Jolly. A golf match was played at Hamilton on Friday, when a team from the -Cambridge club motored over before lunch. The Cambridge players were: Mesdames G. Slack, Sutherland. J. Banks, Wilkinson, N. Banks, Nolan, R. Hannon, A. H. NicolL and Macky, Misses T. Banks, Robinson, Watt, Swayne, Cox. Pickering. Hamilton players and visitors were Mesdames W. Blythe, D. Hay, H. Douglas, A. Coyne, Joll, Mears, Bellingham, A. English, H. Rose, Masters, E. J. Stewart, M. Bell, L. Tompkins, P. Dingle, L. Sheppard, C. Rees, W. King, Wynne, W. Tudhope, N. Johnson, A. J. Bond, T. C. Fraser, T. T. Lusk, Misses Coventry, Masters, Stevens, D. Mackay, Yule, Templer, Tully, M. Beale, B. Hunter, E. Hammond, and Jolly. A bridge evening was enjoyed at the home of Mrs J. Sawers on Tuesday. The hostess wore a pretty pink brocaded satin frock. Those present were Mesdames Rush, Calvert, S. Lewis, and Tod, Misses K. Brabant, S. Brann, Calvert, A. Brann, Bertlesen, Messrs J. Sawers, Rowland, Rush, S. Lewis, Calvert, and Dr Tod. A bridge party was given by Mrs A. J. Bond for Mrs J. D. ltitohie on Tuesday. Tnose present were Mesdames H. T. Gillies, E. J. Stewart, C. B. Wake, 0. R. Farrar, A. English, A. B. Brown, R. Kemp, E. H. O’Meara, Wynne Gray, and L. Tompkins. AUCKLAND, July 1. The Town Hall was crowded on Wednesday evening of last week with spectators for the coronation of the Queen of the Carnival in connection with the effortß of the InterHouse Sports Associations, to augment the funds for the Y.W.C.A. hostel and holiday camp. The pageant waa preceded by two heralds in royal purple. The princesses with thedr attendants, maids of honour, train bearers and standard bearers gave a picturesque effect; the costumes were carried out with every detail, and were cleverly designed. Princess Doreen, Miss Bowen, queen elect from the establishment of John Court, Limited, was resplendent in her frock of white gauze, the skirt of which was fashioned with flounce upon flounce in crinoline effect, while the low silver tight tissue bodice was draped with a berthe of gauze, finished with a diamante ornament. Her lace veil fell from her gold and diamante crown, covering the long court train and cape of crimson velvet edged with ermino, which hung from the shoulders at the back. Her attendants were frocked in white, and her trann-bearers in royal blue and scarjet. The coronation was performed by an archbishop in purple and silver robes, and the Mistress of the Robes in attendance was respondent in turquoise and deep gold velvet. Preceding the coronation, musical items were contributed by the orchestra, as well as humorous sketches by various artists. Mrs W. H. Parkes, president of the Auckland Lyceum Club, opened the new Waikato Lyceum Club last Saturday evening. Mrs R. H. George has returned to New Plymouth, after a stay of several weeks with her mother, Mrs Devore, in Parnell. Miss Gwen Jones has returned to Christchurch after a visit to various friends in Auckland. Mr R. 0. Sweet, of the National Bank, and Mrs Sweet, have arrived from Gisborne, and are to take up their residence in Auckland for the future. Mrs Pat Marshall, o i Wellington, is at present in Auckland, and is staying with her sister, Miss Dudley. Mies Gillies gave a large luncheon party at the Grand Hotel last Thursday for Mrs P. Marshall. Among the guests were Lady Elliott, Lady Lockhart, Mrs Boyle, Mrs

W. H, Parkes, Mrs E. H. Reid, Mrs W. Alexander, Mrs Vaile, and the Misses Vaile (2), Mrs Mappin, Mrs Lindsay, Mre Trevor Bloomfield, Mrs Felix Kelly, Mrs Buchanan, Mrs Mac Cormack, Miss Dudley, Miss. Murray, and Miss Dorothy Nolan. WEDDINGS. A very pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Mary’s Church, Merivale, recently, when Joyce, only daughter of Mr and Mrs L. E. Haines, Western road, Christchurch, and formerly of Roxburgh, was married to Gerald, son of Mrs E. M. and the late Mr Sanders, of England. The Rev. Canon T. A. Hamilton officiated, and was assisted by the Ven. Archdeacon Haggitt. The bride looked charming in a frock of ivory faconne georgette, cut on straight lines and caught at one side with posy and trails of orange blossom and buds. Her long veil, worn over the face, was arranged from a wreath o* orange blossom, horseshoes of the same decorating the corners. She carried a sheaf of amber-tinted chrysanthemums, autumn leaves, and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid (Miss Sheila Macpherson, of Dunedin) wore an attractive frock of amber georgette with touches of pale blue, and a bandeau of amber ribbon and amber and blue flowers. She carried a sheaf of amber chrysanthemums and autumn leaves. Misses Bunty and Sylvia Sanders (nieces of the bridegroom) acted as train-bearers. Their dainty frocks were of cream crepe de chine, simply made. They wore bandeaux of amber and pale blue flowers, and carried posies of cream chrysanthemums and autumn leaves with streamers of cream ribbon. The bridegroom was attended by Mr F. Barrow, Ettrick. After the ceremony a reception was held by the bride’s parents at Ballantyne’s. Later the bride and bridegroom left by car for the south, the bride Wearing a jumper suit of accordeon-pleated rust-red crepe de chine, with hat and long coat to match, the latter being trimmed with grey fur.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3773, 6 July 1926, Page 63

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3773, 6 July 1926, Page 63

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3773, 6 July 1926, Page 63