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Ellerslie is now the scene of great tivity with the Great Northern fixture so' T close. Nearly all the prospective can-j didates, with the exception of the WaM kato contingent, have arrived. j Last years dual winner Sir Rosebery is l in great demand for the same events. It r can be said that Garrett has his charge in great shape, and he has done a splendid preparation. There is no question that he is quite as good as ever, but whether he can successfully handle the extra weight is problematicr.l, as the ground is exceptionally heavy, and there are no signs of change. I fancy the big fellow’s . chance better in the hurdle race than the steeplechase. Archibald won the Brighton Hurdles like a champion, but has since been beaten under heavier weights. Latterly he has pleased immensely in his work, his display on Thursday being a splendid one. Archibald relishes the heavy-task conditions, and I am prepared to see hint extending the best of the opposition in the Great Northern Hurdles. Possibly after his fine exhibition at Wanganui Gaze will be the popular selection for the big hurdle race. At time of writing he had not been seriously tried at Ellerslie, but his condition is good, and a good display prior to the race would have the effect of sending him out at a short price. I like his prospects very much in each event. On the second day at Wanganui Crown Coin won handsomely, but he will need to go much better to win the Great Northern, although he is in great favour* Gaze impressed me much more at Wanganui, and although respecting the chance of Rangi Thompson’s charge I expect him to beat Crown Coin again. - So far the Waikato candidates have not reached headquarters, but it is re-/ ported that Cureaform and Royal Abbey' have been through good preparations for .

the big jumping events. Royal Abbey is a first-class 'chaser who has been up a good while, and will find favour in the cross-country event if he reaches Ellerslie ir« good orders During the past fortnight Llewellyn has greatly improved in condition, but there is still a doubt whether he will do .himself full justice, owing to lack of a race. However, he is such a good one that a run in the hurdles may put him right to make a bold showing in the steeplechase. It is a long time since Lord Star won a race, but there is a general opinion, after his latest showings, that Hannon's charge will play a prominent part in the Unisli of the Cornwall Handicap. At his best Lord Star is a first-class horse, and he has been up long enough to be now about cherry ripe. Latterly Barometer has not raced impressively. but he was doing well at the finish of his last race at Te Rapa, and has been working attractively since reaching Ellerslie. if anything is to effect a surprise in the big handicap it may be Barometer. Black Cruiser is being discussed in conuoction with, the Great Northern, double, but he will need to jump much better than ho did on Thursday to annex either of the big races. 8. Henderson went to Te Aroha during the week to school Peter Rosa, who is one of the most favoured lightweights For the Northern Hurdles. Latest advices from Te Aroha credit Peter Rosa with being in first-rate condition. A hack who is expected to race well at Ellerslie is Nucleus, who has in the past shown a liking for bad ground. The Lueullus marc is working very nicely ! without being fully extended. Serang is a picture, and it will take a lood one to beat him in any race he attempts at Ellerslie. He is thriving on his racing, and is now very solid. Among the hack division the most likely ones to score curly are Stormy. Lomint, Wend ay, Ned Kelly, and King Smock. Brushwood Boy won so well at Wanganui that lie is nsoured of strong support in his engagements at Ellerslie. The full brother to Eerie has taken to the jumping game with great aptitude. Pavo, who is a champion under bad ftobditiona, is likely to make a “come back* at any time, now that the conditions suit him. He has been hitting out very freely.

RACING IN NEW ZEALAND. GAMARU TROTS. The winter meeting of the Oamaru Trot. iVlt* C j. b w< t ß held on the 29th " !,d ? r Peasant weather coodihons The sun shone from a clear skv, and there was no wind. The track was in remarkably good order, considering the we" “ whl * h h ” rJ been experienced, but naturally enough, it wa, beginning to ge a bit cut up by the time the last *£ Xi„ u H D ir g T <hy £I9 ' 522 w«» Put H ne. as compared with permit^ 8 " ctab fir *‘ rec « vecl its second About 200 people travelled to Oemar.l from Dunedin bv the special train, and a large number also arrived bv the special ™i" Christchurch. The m^ng ° ff smoothly, and ,t is now becoming fixturß that thc «lnb should force on the arrangement* for having a course and appointments in keeping with snd importance. However, tnis pomt need not be stressed, as it i<» recognised that the officials of the club are fully seized with the necessity of improving *nffairs at the earliest possible date. Otago and Southland owners had a very e f ul ** of the eight races b£*g won by local or southern horses. The m»l d »r; ar K h oWnet, u M ? ner • Peter did r'” ™ ve much chance in the Innova, tion Handicap with half The distance 'J?! e '* d - Bnd t h * Dunedin owneil Ben Logan ho^her"' r W».from home the pair went out outsider d ii" * ratt,,n ST finisli the rank not lo!t 7- a "»«>• Had Ben Logan hate “ on* d ‘ h ° ,nitial part he “ust

Results:— INNOVATION HANDICAP, ol 140.0 VS second 25sova, and third lOsovs. Saddle;' in hoppled trotters only One mile and

l!-Mr W. S. Wdhams’s ch g Waster Pet “. r ’ Master Ebony—Folly. *#® d - I?!*** Aitchcson) 1 2 ~ U T, 4- p.- *J“ d *°n's Ben Logan, 12yds (A. M I.eod) 2 B— Mr A. Burrows's Wee Patch, 36ydi (owner) i t 3 Also started: 3 Sake Bona scr (J. M‘Lcnnan), 10 Chairman *cr (E. J. Dwyer). 5 Ben Wood scr (T. Wallis), 1 Kerrnell (R. fownlcy). 9 Bay Boy 36yds (H. E Barnes), 4 Bonnette 36yds (J. M'Kewan, junr), 6 Grand Nature 36yds (W. Robinson), 6 Kenwood Bel! 72yds (T. J. Kirkwood).

In a fine finish Master Peter won by a nose, with Wee Patch six lengths away third, and Kerrnell fourth. Times: 3min 44sec, 3min 49 l-osee, 3min 52sec. ADVANCE HANDICAP. of ItOsovs, second 25sovs, and third lOsovs. Harness. One mile and a-haif. 2—Mr B. H. liotinson's ch h Stockade Junior, by Stockade—The Bronzewing, four years, scr (A. Hand(rioksen) ... j 7--Mrs J Hunt's Pretty Pointer, scr (A. Smith) 2 I—Mr C Johnstone's Daytime scr (R. E. Mills) _. 3 Also started: 13 Paudo Pointer scr (W Robertson). 11 Beach King scr tA Burrows). 5 Panto scr (O. E. Hooper), 12 ■ Morven Lass scr (T. Wallis). 6 Kinney | Dillon scr (J. F. o‘Conuell). 9 Caribou ■ scr (K. J. Dwyer). 4 Vasiliki scr (F D Henderson), snd Imperial Logan I2yds (F £• , Ta ,™ r "Pr) coupled, 8 Jimmy Chimes Tow nlcv), 3 Day Pointer 36yds IJ. M-Lennan), 10 Northope 60yds IT.' J Kirkwood). Stockade Junior won nicely by a length from Pretty Pointer, with Daytime half a length further back third. Day Pointer, Imperial Ix>gan, and Jimmy Chimes were the next to finish. Times: 3min 42sec, 3rain 42 l-ssec. 3inin 42 2-ssec. An Inquiry was held into interference by Town ley with Stockade Junior at the entrance to the straight for the run home, and it was decided to severely caution Townley for careless driving. Hendrick son’s sulky had a wheel bent up against the able stay, and wa* fortunate the wheel was not jammed altogether. Daytime came hack to the paddock with a knee guard hanging round hia hoof. This may have made the difference between victory and defeat. PRESIDENT’S HANDICAP, of SOOsovs; second ROsovs, and third 40sovs. Harness. For horsea that can do 4.37 or better. Two miles. 5 Mr V. R. WKenxle’g b h Silk Thread, by Bingen Silk—Handsome Jane, 4yrs, 12yds (D. Withers) l 7—Mr J. HisJop's Downcast, scr (A. M'Lellan) 2 6 Mr 11. F. KlcoU’e Sea Pearl, scr (D. Warren) 3 Also started: 10 Some Wilkes scr (owner), 14 Rets scr (R. E. Mills), 12 Ivy Audubon 12yds (J. M’Lennan), 8 Wharepinna 12yds (O. E. Hooper), 3 Escapade 12yds (W. J. Mori and), 1 Peter Bingen 24yds (J. J. Kennerley), Tommy Direct 24yds (E. J. Dwyer), 2 Cardinal Logan 24yds (A. Hendricksen), 4 Bing Boy 24yds

(It. Berrjr). 9 Harold Burtvoorf (Siyds (l» Dennett). 13 Audominion 30yds (C. Donald).

Silk Thread won nicely by a good half-length. Sea Pearl, who had not got a good run. came with a great finish and was right up third, liad she gone off well the result maybe would have been different. Wharepiana and Cardinal Logau headed the next buuch. Times: 4.40 4-3, 4.42 1-5, 4.42 3 5.

PAPAKAIO HANDICAP, of 170sovs. second 35sovg. and third 1550v3. Saddle; for hor&es that can do 3.0 or better. One mile and a-quarter.

l~Mr J. A. M'Laughlan’s br g Jazolook, by Hal Zdock—La Franz, 5 years 12yds ’J. Walsh) 1 2—Mr J. Henderson's Final M'Kinney 12yds (J. M'Lennan) 2 6— Mr W. Brady's Logan Hanlon, scr (D. Gailagber) 3

Also started: 12 Marines, scr (L. C. Morrison), 11 Jean M'Kinney (M. Holmes). 17 Ardlu&sa, acr (E. J. Dwyer). 10 Lewis M'Kinney. scr (R. Berry). 3 Omaha, scr (L, Frost). 16 Malice, scr (M. B. Edwards). 13 Ruby Carbine, sor (T. Clare). 4 Stan Wilkes, 12yds (D. Bennett), 9 Merry Bingen. 12yds (G. Aitcheson). 20 Gold Chimes. 24yd* (G. 17 Prince Athol. 24yds (E. Schofield). 4 Trimmer. 24yds (J. Fielding), 15 Nortbhope, 24ydu* (T. J. Kirkwood). 19 Kinness, 24yds (H. M'Lood), 6 Gibraltar, 24yds (F. E. Jones). 7 Logan Lad. 36yds (T. Wallis). 8 Wairua. 36vdc (D. Chapman). In a hard riding finish the favourite won by a short length. 1 —■" w*olop ten lengths farther back third. Times: 2min 571-ssec. 2min 57 3-ssec, 2min 59 2-5 sec. W AIK AURA HANDICAP, of 300sovs. second horse 36sovs and third 18sovs. Harness: for horse 1 * tint can do smin or better. Two miles. 1— Mr J. Deyell’s ch g Nelson Ata. bv Nelson Bingen—Winiata, 4 years, 43vds (Owner) 1 6Mr C. J. Butler's Young Tom. 24yds (S. Todd) 2 2Mr W. T. Lowe’s Tim Wood. 120yds (Owner) 5 Also started: 5 Kerrnell. scr (R. Town ley), 11 Bar Wqpd, scr (T. Wallis). 3 Hawkesbury’s Pride, scr (G. Carling), 7 Elen Logan, scr (A. M‘Leod), 12 Grand Nature, scr (W. Robinson). 10 Fancy Pronto. 30yds (J. M'Lennan). 4 Kerrwood Bell. 48vds (T. J. Kirkwood). 9 Master Peter (G. Aitcheson), 8 Patard, 72yds (D. Withers). Nelson Ata, trotting in faultless style, came on to win by three lengths from Young Tom. who beat Tim Wood bv six lengths. Tlrnn came Kerrwood Bell. Ben Logan, and Hawkesbury’s Pride. Times: smin 3 3-s?ec, smin 6sec, smin 3-sscc. ENFIELD HANDICAP, of 200sovs, second 36sovs, and third 18sovs. Harness; for horses that can do 2.35 or better. One mile and a furlong. 7 Mrs A. Ferguson's ch g Maiwhariti, Harold Dillon—Archlight. 6yts (J M'Kewen, jnn) 1 2—Mr J M Samson’s Ratana. 24yds behind (J. Bryce, jnn.) ... 2 Mr T. G. Butcher's Wharepiana. 24yds (O. E. Hooper) 3 Also started: 6. Some Wilkes 12yds behind (C. Hadfield). 2 Dixie’s Pride 12 (J. J. Kennerley) coupled with Ratana, 9 Edwin Harwin 12 (R. M‘Felin). 3 Bingen Lad 12 (D. Withers), 4 Lady Embrace 36 (E Dwyer) and Bing Boy 36 (R Berry) coupled, 5 Van Director (M. B. Edwards). 1 Brentloc 36 (J. MTennan), 8 Rosie Nut (C. Donald), 10 Harold Burwood 48 (D. Bennett) The Duned in-owned horse came on to win easily by a length and a-haif from Ratana, after being in front the whole way. Wharepiana was half a length further back, and then came I adv Embrace and Brentloc. Times: 2rnin 40 l-ssec, 2min 38 3-ssec. 2min 39sec.

STEWARDS* HANDICAP, of lTfeovs; second issovs and third 15sovs. Har- ; for horses that can do 136 or better. One mile and a-ltaif. 6— Mr A. M’Leod’s br m Moor Chimes, by Four Chimes—Wildwood .mare, aged, 72yds (J. Walsh) ... 1 B —Messrs E. end H. Phillips's Colehill, scr (8. Todd) 2 Mr 11. Booth's Lingfield, scr (Owner) 3 Also started: 1 La Sonnette scr (A. Hendricksen). 17 Malice scr (M B. Edwards), 9 Golden Dawn scr (A. M‘Lei lau), 15 Winsome Melody scr (D. M'Kendry). 12 Jolly Roger scr (J. D. Smith), 10 Logan Hanlon scr (1). Cinna inon). 18 Ruby Carbine scr (T. Clave). 5 Omaha scr (A. Smith) and Kate Thorpe 24yds bhd (.T. M'Lennan), coupled, 2 Ten nessee's Child 12 (E. J. Dwyer), 7 Mirella 12 (C. R. H»dfieW). 13 Sparkling Chime? 12 (T. 11. M'Kenzie), 11 Ada Bell 24 (O. E. Hooper). 4 Trimmer 24 <T. Rainer). 14 Silver Band 24, (J. Henderson) The back marker came on to win the easiest fashion by four lengths from Golehill, who cut down the tiring leaders in the last bit. Lingfield was lengths further back, third, with La Sonnette and the others pulling up. .Times: 3min 30 3-ssec, 3min 37se, 3min 38sec. ELECTRIC HANDICAP. of 200sovs', occond 36sovs and third 18 ovs. Saddle; for horses that can do 2.19 or better. One mile. 4—Mrs A Ferguson's Maiwharite, by Harold Dillon—Arclight. 36yds (F. E Jones) 1 6 —Mr J. Henderson’s Bismurate. 36yda (J. M'Lennan) 2 11—Me J. Hunter’s Van Director 36rds (M. B. Edwards) 3 Also started - 1 Glen Farg scr (R Berry), 13 Kami knot scr (G Lee), 14 Lewis M'Kin ney scr (J. Bruce, jun.j, 8 Schoolmate 12yds bhd (J. Toomey), 5 Carbon 12 (J. Aitcheson). 10 Beta 24 (W. Bell), 7 Edwin Harwin 24 (Todd). 3 Four Bells .36 (O. E. Hooper), 2 Lenamhor 30 . (J. Walsh). 9 Tommy Direct 48 (E. J. Dwyer), 12 Rosie Nut 48 D Chapman!. Maiwharite came away to win easily by four lengths from Bismurate, who was another four lengths in front of Van Director. Then came Glen Farg and Four Bells. Times: 2min 18 3-ssee, 2min 19 l-s\ec, 2min 20 l-ssec.

RACING IN AUSTRALIA. BRIBBANE RACING. BRISBANE. May 29. The King’s Plate resulted as follows*— Fujisan 1, Lady Bhepherd 2, Tabragalba 3. There were seven starters. Won by half a length. The Leger resulted:—Plastoon 1, Weeglen 2, Sumking 3. There wsre seven

starters. in a great finish 1 las toon won by a short head. Time, 3min 6 Aset*. Stradbroke _ Handicap.—Highland 1, Dalsyce 2, Fair Exchange 3. Nineteen started. Won by one and a-quarter lengths. Time, limn 13sec. In the Leger and Stradbroke Handicap race records were established. THE NEWCASTLE CUP. SYDNEY, May 29. The Newcastle Cup resulted as follows: Donald 1, Lady Lizzie 2, Penny bolt 3. Twenty-seven started. Won by half a length. Time, 2mi a 21Jsec. WEIGHTS, ACCEPTANCES, ETC. D.J.C. WINTER HANDICAPS. Tho following are the acceptances for the first day of the Dunedin Jockey Club’s winter meeting: TRIAL HURDLES HANDICAP. Of 200sov8. One mile and a-half.


Yaldhurst Handicap. One mile and ahalf. —Woodbine, Peter Felix, Royal Audubon, Brent Boy, Reta Vivian, Bea Queen, Lady Alva scratch, Nelson Boy, Henry Tracey. Young Tom, Nelson Ata, Lonesome, Rose Audo 12 yards behind, Fille de Ballin. Nourraahal 24, Lady Fan 36. Marvin Drift, Count Dee, Guy Parrish 48, Johnnie Bells, Merry Peter, Mount Royal 60, Happy Rosa, Real the Great, Randolph, Some Jazz 72, Direct, The Toff 84, Theseus 96, Bingenette 120. Peninsula Handicap. One mile and ahalf.—Vera’s Doll, High Jinks, Harley Dillon, William the Great, Bingen Lad, Wuiterere, Biddy Logan, Acre, King Abdallah, Morning Glow, Lincoln Huon scratch. Blue Star, Binscarth, Diamond Child, Billy Whizz, His Pal, Berenice 12 yards behind. Edwin Harwin, Royal Oak, Dixie’s Pride, Macaranda. Double Event, Golden Sun, Nipper 24, Four Bells, Prince Lyons. Ratana. Granite City, Rufine, Dalmeny, Reta, Nagol Pointer 36, Jewel Pointer, Daphne Wildwood 48. King George Handicap. Two miles.— Paul Dufauit, Escort, Talaro scratch. Harbour Light, Harry Audubon, Talent, Dreamalion 12 yards behind, Dillon Wilkes, Audacious, Logan wood 24, Roicole, Becky Logan 36, Prince Pointer 60, Waitaki Girl 96. Lyttelton Handicap. Two miles.—Polo Jim. Throgmorton, Ariki, Silent Member, Omaha. Alvira, Holly Bell, Colehill, Lady Cio, Trimmer scratch, Great Form, FrL j Beau. Searchlight Lad, Plywood. Edith Chimes. Maiwhariti, Winnie Dillon, Glen Farg, Spring Note, Mabon’s Day 12 yards behind, Schoolmate, St. Fillan, Ada Bell. Inchbonnie 24, Wairua, Haumii 36, Lord Clan. Direct Wood. Blue Thorpe. Locanda Child 48. Lord Bingen, Tranquil, Nipper 60. Newcourt 72, Bright Bell 84, Shine Soon, Daphne Wildwood. Royal Oak 96. Rosie Nut, Royal Step 108. Aviation Handicap. Two miles.—Queen Ida, Nelson Bell. Happy Rosa, Some Jazz scratch, Audobell, Frisco Beau, Koraki 12 yards behind. Young C rbine, Little Logan 24, Burnie 36, Our Lady, Engagement 48, Mangoutu 60. Money Spider, First Fashion. Red Oak 98. Escapade 120, John Mauritius 144, Whispering Willie 156. Stewards’ Hundicap. One mile and aquarter.—Rebel, Asturio. Cardinal Logan scratch. Lady Embrace, Escort. Downcast, Daphne Wildwood, Dalnahine 12 yards behind. lvohara. Harold Burwood, Bessie Logan, St. Maura, Ivy Audubon, Succession 24, Native Chief, Brutus, Queeu’s Own 36. Peter J ingen, Golden Devon, Bonny Logan 48, Willie Logar. 60. Railway Handicap. One mile.—Joyful, Macaranda. Edward Harwin, Blot, Reta, Tarzan, Nipper scratch, Granite City, Kantwich, Bismurate, Nagol Pointer, Four Bells, Jewel Pointer, Why Worry 12 yards behind. Lady Embrace, Fight Ever, Countryman, Downcast 24, Gleaming, Dreamalion, Darknito 48, August Dillon 60. * Au Re voir Handicap. One mile.— Rebel, Asturio, Ben Dillon, Downcast, Trenand scratch, Latona, Succession, Ivy Audubon, Talent. Brentloc, Bruce 12 yard* Native Chief, Alto Chime*, Gleam-

ing, Whetu, Her Ladyship, Landlord, Paul ])u fault, Shine Soon, Partner 24, Peter Bingen, Becky Logan,, Ben O’Hau, Golden Devon 36, Willie Logan, Dillon Wilkes 48, Logan Chief, Minton Derby 72.

AUCKLAND ACCEPTANCES. Great Northern Hurdle Handicap, of 2000sovs. Tw miles and a-half.—Eerie 11.9, Sir Roseberrv 11.8, Landbird 10.12, King’s Guard 10.4, Peter Maxwell 10.4, Llewellyn 9.12, Peter Rosa 9.12, Archibald 9.11, Gaze 9.9, Lucullent 9.5, Black Cruiser 9.5, Crown Coin 9.5, Sea De’il 9.4, Cureaform 9.2. Mahgoloire 9.0, Zircon 9.0, Dick 9.0, Kawini 9.0, Karamu 9.0. Cornwall Handicap, of lOOOsovs. One mile and a-quarter.—lncome 10.4, Degago 10.1, Town Bank 9.5, Tanadees 9.4, Polonett 9.4, Princess Ronnie 8.13, Nippy 8.8, Gala Day 8.4, Muscator 8.4, Charlady 8.0. Gold Jacket 8-0, Lord Star 8.0, Passionate 8.0, Barometer 8.0, Queen Emerald 8.0, Master Doon 8.0, Uralla 8.0, Holymonti 8.0. Great Northern Steeplechase Handicap, of 225050v5. About three miles and threequarters.—Sir Roseberry 12.0, Eerie 11.3, J,andbird 11.3, Tuki iO-10, Royal Abbey 10.10, Glenotus 10.6, Llewellyn 10.4, Sea De’il 9-10, Peter Maxwell 9.10, Dick 9.8, Gaze 9.6, Pittsworth 9.5, Prince Rufus 9.5, Peter Amans 9.3, Birkenella 9.3, Kawini 9.2, Ucullent 9.2, Crown Coin 9.2. Black Cruiser 9.2, Kendal 9.0

Jervois Handicap, of 500sovs. One mile.— King Smock 10.0, Pegawav 8.13, Quincoma 8.11, Rowley 8-11, Pinon 8.9, Highflown 8.9. Nucleus 8.6, Wenday 8.4, Titanees 8.4, Maverlish 8.2, Constellation 8.0. Golden Krist 8.0, Lomint 8.0, Killute 8.0, Gay Comet 8.0, Adi Vunivola 8.0, Piton 8.0, Judge’s Box 8.0, Archeno 8.0, Thursday 8.0, Bowman 8.0. Queen Comet 80. Star Comet. 8.0. Schoor 8.0 Comet King 8.0, Scot Free 8.0, Norma Talmadge 8.0, San Quin 8.0, Festina Lente 8.0, Merry Ann 8.0, Westshp 8.0, Marble Crag 8.0, Marquil 8.0. Odd Sox 8.0, . Penrose Hurdle# Handicap, of 500sovs. One mile and three-quarters.—Alaric 11-5, Zircon 10.9. West Abbey 10.6. Glenidle 10.6 Karaeo 10 5. Bright Tight 10.3. Brushwood Boy 10.3, Rangatahi 10.1, Glenotus 10.1, Prince Abbey 9.8, Tinopono 9.6, Penniless 9.6. Kniehtood 91. Roval Fame 9.1, The Drifter 9.0 Wedding March 9.0 Tapuhi 90, Flowing Bowl 9.0 Zanna 9.0, Bizarre 9.0. Kamohameha 9.0. Lord Bruce 9.0. Pepin 9.0, Criss Abbey 9.0. Star of the East 9.0. Birkenella 9.0 Hunt Club Hurdles Hand trap, of 500 soys. Two miles-Radio 1012. Ulva s Isle_ IC.IO, and a-holf— Young Wilkin. Una Dillon. Mary Audubon. T.ittle Huia. Zn M Kirmov. Mount fx>, Roamer, Castle Chimes. Point Ixiuan srr. Andthon Patch 12 vards behind. Roll Dial 12. Nellie Parsons. Halmore. Fliton. Limited 24, Hal Huon .Id. Carm.'t 00. Te Hanarn Dandiean. of I2osovs. One Hvnothesi. 10.10 Advent 10.4. Stonewall 9 10. Cui Bono 9.8. Faber 98. Monday 9 7. Indemnity 9.7. Manpanalco 9 4. Mano'abowai 94. Pendavies 9.2. Pnriri -lark 92. Oetor 9.2. Trea Bon 9.2. Dim Tight 9.2. BilW M‘Ornrk»n 9.2. Beau Cavalier 92 Night Comet 9.0. Members’ Hand'cao. of 650sovs. Six furlongs.—King Merv 10-3. York Abbev S 11. Le Cboncfls 9.4. Sernng 9.4. Merry Damon 90. T-tl Timber 8 11. Pavo 8.11, Pelbam 8.11, Ballvnov IT 8.9. Chairman 8.9. Hnariri 8 9. Nadarino 8 9 8.8. Sleenv Sol 8 8 King T., 97. Da? Gn«’*d 8.6, Master n-Bon-ke 8.4. Bins Polo. BA. F,v»rtlv 8.3, Vim-field 82. 2ara*ro7a 8.1. Ned hellv 8.0. Dohhin B.n. F.-thnnia 8 0. Pomnev 8.0, Ma Brmehnt 8.0 Berenthia 8.0. Qninetle 80. Gold 8 0 Praiseworthy 8.0. blaster Doon 8.0. „ . Greenland Steenlecba-e Handicap. of .VHl<;ovq 'bout two and a-half.— Prince "Rufus Kendal 19.8. Pendenr,l = pi* Hekioi 9-7. Crnokcoii 9.7. Pansalino 9.0, Gambler’s Gold 9.0.

HAWKE'S B»v acceptances. Hive Handicap, of lb.Osovß. One mile mile and a-half-Ben 81-een. Tramn»"< Commander Bin"en. P«trolen«e. 1 Vativa p. r. Tui Bells 48 yards behind. Wakefield. Brian Bineen 72 Raima. Annette 90. Sweet Memory. Plunder 120. Srtme -Ta/* 1 92. Kapier TTandiean. of I7osovs. Cne mile and e-half.—Golden Stone. Ekoeranei. ■phie Glen <s. ; r Makauri Bell. Karma. Cora Tack« Hitrh Sea 12 yards behind. Moko Ghief." Tui Zolor-h 24. Ajax. 36, Uramic. Twr*ist *S. Go id Dial 60. Fast Coast of VWsovs. Two miles.—.'Tineal. Tui Zolnek. High Sea ser. V™ Rieh 12 yards li»h. w l Oold Dial, rsienovav. Master Cute ■)«. Marshal Neil fin Tfie Shrew 84. Peterwah 132, Van Cr.n 144. Hastings Haedicpr». of 120sovs One mile and a-half—Yel Luanda. Clarion Chimes. Una Dillon. Marv Audubon, Gladiolus. Fl’t.on, Audubon Patch, Castle Chimes. Golden Stone Roamer. Point Loffan. TTalmove. Fal Fuon, Bell )iaL T.ittle Huia scr. Nellie Parsons. Kanieri 12 yards behind Bh ,n Cion T .'mi'fod Cora Tacks. Moke Chief, Makauri Bell, LoeVette 36. T T ramic 72. Waiknnae Handicap of 14ftsors. Two miles—Ben Bingen. Tramofast Commander Bingen, Jaek Holt.. Tui Belle scr. Brian Bineen Wakefield 12 ’-ards behind. Annette 60. Peterson 72. Plunder, King Peter 96. Sweet Memory 106, Some Jazz 195

June Hand’Vnn. of 130sovs. N»ne furlongs.—Van Rich. Typist. Ajax, Uramic, Gold Dial .Tineal scr, Glenarav. Master Cute. 1? yards behind. Marshal N*»l. The Shrew 2 J . Rona 36. Peterwah 72., Van Cap S 4. Lady Joan 96.

OTAKI MAORI ACCEPTANCES. ) Tararua Hurdles Handican, of 150sovs. One mile and a-half.—Sir Wai 10.5, Sottano 10.4. Gluement 10.1, Birthmark 9.8, Asleen 9.8, Battle Knight 9.8. Tnitaiatn 9.7, Suspicion 9.5, Axle 9.4, Slump 9.4. Zero Hour 9.2, Velvet King, Moon Moth 9.0.

Wnitohu Hack Handicap, of 150sovb. Six furlongs.—Black Rock 8.4, Jubilance 8.3, Royal Land 7.13. King Broney 7.12, Hypnotic 7.9. Joy Bird 7.8, Merle 7.6. Gardant 7.6, Thomond 7.5, Lieutenant Bill 7.5, Bonny Marion 7.4. Coot, Petal, Town Grier. Tuition, Sole Mio, Sea Kist, Riverina 7.0.

Raukawa Cup. of 400sovp. One mile and a-quarter.—Merry Dav 8.8, Ona 8.6, Euphonium 7.13, Tame Fox 7.8, Kilfaire 7.7, Olymnic 7.6, Diogenes 7.3. Shining Armour. Sun Shot 7.3. Megan 7.2, Arch Salute 7.2, Clandhu, Patuki, Pantagruet, Rouex 7.0.

Otaki Hack Haudicap, of ISOeovs. Seven furlongs.—Subjection 9.0, Kilia 8.12, Ardfinnan 8.2, Paitonu 7.11, Salamia 7.7, Inoe, Mountain Jean, Coot, Sir Monrcnt, Crown Reel, Puaphitc 7.0. Rahui Handicap, of 200sova. Six furlongs.—Orchid 9.5, Mireusonta 8.10, Royal Damon 8.4, Kilceit 8.1, Lady Fingers 7.9, Diamond Ring 7.8, Serene 7.6, Beaumont 7.6, Egyptian Flower 7.5, Crossfire 7.3, Huikai, Newbury Kii g, Santonio 7.2, Sir Pam, Bonideer, Star Shell, Gardenia, Sarty, Miss Hupana 7.0. Tehoro Handicap, of 150sovs. Seven furlongs.—Kilmiss 9.5, Ardfinnan 9.3, King Broney 9.2, Kilburn 8.11, No Favours 8.10, Captain Gazeley 8.10, Minstrel Boy 8.8, Closefire 8.4, Strongholt 8.4, Joyeuse 8.3, Our Jack 8.3, Lin Arlington, Debate, Calluna, Windy Night, Singer Boy Molto, Peshwa, Capitulation, Ayrovski 8.0. Kuku Maiden Flat Race, of lOOsova. Six furlongs.—Arrow River Takaroa, The Trapper, Tuition, Welcome Rain 9.0, Awa, Bonny Dawn, Red Glow, Dominion Rose 8.12, Acred, Essential, Mister Gamp, Otauru, Eclipse, Windy Night 8.11, Darktown, Gold Girl, Mountain Star, Rose Blossom, Holborn 8.9. M SWEENEY’S DISQUALIFICA TION. APPEAL TO BE HEARD. HAWERA, May 25. In connection w T ith the running of Dubious in the Manawapou Hurdles on the second day of the Egmont meeting, which resulted in the disqualification for 12 months of the rider (H. M'Svveeney), the club’s Judicial Committee held an inquiry last evening. After hearing a lengthy statement bv the bwner (Mr Eric Riddiford), the committee decided that no action be taken as to the disqualification of the horse. M'Sweeney’s appeal against his disqualification will be heard at New Plymouth next Friday.

at. lb. 8t. lb. Toa Taua .. 10 13 Valdamo 9 1A Bona tic 20 11 (’ashman 9 3 Sayonara 10 5 Beauty Light 9 0 Red Krisa .. 10 3 BRIGHTON HANDICAP, Of 2509OYS. One mile. Gay Queen . . 0 3 Spearmaid T 12 Taboo 8 12 Captain Sarto 7 11 Coch-y-King Cup .. 7 9 Bondhu 8 11 Clarion T 7 Kilris .. 8 11 Divinial 7 7 Bilbo .. 8 7 Quarrelsome 7 7 Paris .. .. 8 4 Luthy 7 7 Buoyant 8 3 French Belle 7 7 BIRTHDAY HANDICAP. Of 500sovs. One mile and a-hatf Deucalion 9 0 Mantua 7 0 Mountain Lion 8 11 Geranlal 7 0 Overdrawn .. 7 10 Kilfane 7 0 Loosest ep 7 7 Roman Archer 7 0 Pull Swing .. 7 2 OTAGO STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, Of 650sovs About three miles and a-quarter. Uncle Bob .. 11 2 Cartoon 9 11 Palencia 11 0 Whipcord 9 7 Kipling 10 9 Night Raid .. 9 0 Frenchman 10 5 TRADESMEN’S HANDICAP, Of SOOsovs. Six. furlongs. Baldowa 9 5 Ecuador 7 5 Sun Up 9 3 Chickwheat .. 7 3 Warhaven 8 0 Franca ise 7 0 Eaton Bells .. 7 10 Bugle Note .. 7 0 Clontarf 7 9 Tione 7 0 Moorland ’.. 7 7 Hurdy Gurdy 7 0 Carnot • 7 5 Misa Winkie 7 0 ST. CLAIR STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP. Of 250sovs. Abont two miles and a half. Mazarna 10 12 Mystic Boy .. 9 10 Happy Mac .. 10 7 De Cruse 9 0 Barrister 10 5 Galaxy 9 0 Blazing Light 10 0 Vice Grand .. 9 0 Oslerman 9 12 JUMPERS’ FLAT HANDICAP. Of 2 2590 vs. One mile and a-quarter. ’Frisco Mail .. 10 6 Sayonara 10 0 Adjutor 10 5 Uncle Bob .. 9 11 Bonomel 10 2 Captain Sarto 9 8 Coastguard .. 10 2 Mandrake 9 % WINTER WELTER HANDICAP Of 250soys. One mile. Sprinkler 9 13 Pink Note .. 8 9 Circulation 9 13 Marmont 8 7 Bonena 9 6 Guncase 8 4 Heather Lad 9 2 Ophir 8 2 Queen Baiboa 9 1 King Sol 8 2 Apaehe 9 1 All Style .. 8 0 Viewpoint 9 0 Snatcher 8 0 Rapier 8 9

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Otago Witness, Issue 3768, 1 June 1926, Page 59

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AUCKLAND TOPICS. Otago Witness, Issue 3768, 1 June 1926, Page 59

AUCKLAND TOPICS. Otago Witness, Issue 3768, 1 June 1926, Page 59