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OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. MEETING OF GRAND LODGE. The twenty-eighth annual session of the Grand Lodge of Otago and Soutnland I T ited Anci i Order of Druids was opened in Ellison’s Hall, Dunedin, yesterday morning. Grand President Bro. A. E Churchill being in the chair. Grand Lodge officers •• ad representatives were present as follows:—G.Y. President. Bro. I. A. L. Oliver; 0. Secretary, Bro. W. B. Steel; G. Treasurer. Bro & L. Birt; G. Guardian. Bro. A. Sherborne; I.P.G. President, Bro F. C. Barham; Otago Lodge—P.D.P. Bro. C. E Bear.ley, P.A. Bro. F. Barton; Enterprise—P.D.P. Bro. R. M. Laing. P.D.P. Bra. S. Workman; Royal Oak— P A. Bro W. Dickenson, P.A. Bro. J Robertson; Acorn—P. DP. Bro. A. Low, I.P.G.P. Bro. F. C. Barham; Linden—P.4. Bro. W. Duff. P.D P. Bro. A. W«’»ker; West Harbour—P.D.P. Bro Geo;ge Thomson; Endeavour—P D.P. J. Gerrie; P. A. Bro. G. M. Gardiner; Good Intent—P.G.P. T. Walsh. P.D.P. Bro. T Sineatou ; Rose of Palmerston—P G.P. Bro. W. H. Hopkins; Gore. P.D.P. Bro. A. Sherborne, P.A. Bro. J. Fraser; Li!? of the Valley—P.A. Bro. A. Watson; St. Patrick’s—P.A. Bro. W Mudge; Pride of Mornington—P.A. Bro. H. Wyatt; Star of Tuapeka—D.P. Bro. W. J. Milne; Iranhoe —P.D.P Bro. H. Brockie, P.A. Bro. A. Smith; Bay Lodge—P.D.P. Bro. W. B. Iluston; Hampden—P.D.P. Bro. A. Prain; All Nations—P.D P. Bro. H. C. Reeves. P.A. Bro. C. W. Wade; Oak of Waikiwi— P.A. Bro. W. M. Strathearn; Star of Thornbury—P.D.P. Bro C. E. Webb; Mistletoe—D.P. Bro. D. Reid. After the calling of the officers and members’ roll the Grand President delivered his address. GRAND PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. The address of the Grand President was fes follows: Worthy Grand Vice-president and brethren— I extend a cordial welcome and fraternal greetings to the delegates assembled to this our twenty-eighth annual meeting of Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland, and Store especially as it is our Exhibition year.

Allow me to congratulate you on being elected as representatives of your lodges to assist in the great work which falls oti an organisation such as ours. Twelve months have now passed since you honoured me ov electing me to the highest pinnacle of Druidism—that is, as your Grand President. 1 have done my best to uphold the dignity of this high office, and I gratefully acknowledge the able assistance given so generously by my brother officers and Past Grand Presidents and members of the board, without which I could not have achieved what little I have during my term of office At ali times they, and especially the Grand Secretary, have assisted me with therr valuable knowledge gained by long experience. I must. also mention the courtesy shown me by the staff when ‘1 was seeking information in connection with our order. During the year my officers and inyseli. accompanied by the board, have visited all the lodges in Nos. 1 and 2 Districts, but owing to various reasons over which I had no control I have not had the privilege of visiting the outlying lodges, i pleasure I should have enjoyed, and I believe the brethren would have enjoyed receiving. In looking over the balance sheet before you to-day it is gratifying to note the state of our sick and funeral fund, also the amount of interest earned. It is a pleasure to know that our funds are being handled by capable trustees, and I trust they will be long spared to carrv on the good work. The special funeral fund, in spite of the heavy claims made upon it, shows a steady increase. I must also congratulate the advisory boards in Invercargill and Oamaru for the. good work they are doing; all honour to them Altogether the situation is very satisfactory. Now. I cuat touch on the state of the membership. While showing an increase, the position is far from satisfactory, as, in spite of the care and interest taken, we can only show a net increase of 14. In some of the lodges a decrease is shown, and if this wastage could onU be overcome a more satisfactory 6tste of affairs would accrue. During the year I had an honour conferred on me of opening a new lodge in the dirtrict. an event tnat has fallen to only a few Grand Presidents, and I can assure you that I felt highly honoured when, on February 24. along with my officers and board, we had the oleasure of opening a lodge in Mutaurn* t~ be known as the Pride of Mataura, No. 26, and it was the finest opening ever attended by my officers and myself. All honour to those brothers who worked so hard to bring about this h*v» n ? consummation, and may they long continue to prosper and flourish. I might at this stage also congratulate the Juvenile Committee, who are at present working to open a branch in the north end of Dunedin, and the Grand Lodge

officers and brothers have been invited to the opening and dedication on March 11, and I trust tnat as many as poss.ble will attend. It is with pleasure that I have to announce the event of the year, which w. j undoubtedl the‘reception of the valua tion repoit, which has been eager' v looked for. and the result, as published and mid before you make gratifying reading so far as our chief benefit fund, the sick and funeral fund, is concerned. The announcement that the sick and funeral fund was up to the department’s high-water standard of financial stability b most welcome. Tho order paper put before you to-day, although not large, is most important, and the problems coming up for settlement to-day will have a far-reaching effect upon the history and welfare of the order. The question of the collection of interest 1 comrnen dto you, as it is a step in the direction of reaching that which we all desire—namely, a full-time secretary—and l trust you will give it your favourable consideration. You have also the consideration of female lodges, a scale of contributions being placed before you for your reception or otherwise, as well as remits from the various lodges. In con elusion, f wish to express my grateful thanks to the members of the board of management for their kindness and comtesv. to my officers for the r loyal support; and, while in no wise desiring to minimise the sen-ice of anyone, would especially thank Grand Guardian Bro. Sherborne, for he has been a tower of strength to the board and the order in general, and I trust, that, you will mark him out for further advancement. In mv experience as a me* her of the board, an officer, and Grand President, I have always been im pressed with the value of hav ng upon the board brethren of tried capacity whose experience and advice are of so great service to vounger . .embers, and your incoming board will h»ve to take into consideration the compiling of a new law book I would commend you to choose the members of that capacity. The Grand President also reported on his vis’t to the Canterbury Grand Lodge. Both r»norts were adootod. and the Grand President was thanked for his address.

It was resolved to have the reports pr ; n»t»d.

The Grand T.olr'e statement of receipts ami expenditure showed a very satisfactory state of affairs generally. Receipts received from the combined lodges wore:— Sick and funeral, £00,025 10s: special funeral. £7362 18s Id; management. £OO3 5s 71; and national proviiWt. £1725 10s Od—mak ing a total of £100,077 10s lid. Expenditure against receipts amounted to £3701 13s 31, leaving n credit balance over all the funds of £96.882 17s Bd. The balances brought forward were:—Special funeral

£1774 15s 9d: sick and funeral. £34.277 3? Od; management, £lO 10s Od; national provident. £lO7 Ifts Od: while the balances brought forward fro.u lodges were:— Special funeral fund. £2322 2s 4d; sick and funeral, £1034 Ss: interest on special funeral fund. £200; interest on sick and funeral fund. £4OOI 5s 3d; national provident. £15.281; goods, etc., management, £052 0s Id. The auditors reported that the balance she*»t correctly represented the transactions of Gran 1 Lodge for the year ended November 30. 1925. The balance sheet was adopted.

The Grand Lodge trustees—Bros. E. J Bryant. A J. Wynn, and E. Sunderlandreported that there had been a continued improvement in the consolidated fund over a period of 28 years covering the activities of Grand Lodge. The statement of investments for the year ended December 31, 1925. showed that £25.170 had been invested during the year on 52 different securities This exceeded the previous year by £6525, and was by far the largest amount handle] by the trustees during any one year. This large sum, of course, was not all new money, hut included amounts of principal repaid at maturing of mortgages. The rate of interest obtained averaged just over 6 per cent., and was on a par with the previous year. The demand for money was still good, and the interest rate was firm at C per cent, for first-class securities. The grand total invested amounted to £06.000, an l the interest received during the year under review was £5,230 5s 3d. The trustees were also very gratified to report that the Grand Lodge sick and funeral fund had l»een declared to be solvent as at December, 1023. There was a total ini provement shown in this fund over a period of live years of £6065. or an average of £1213 per year. The report of the trustees and the statement of investments for the year were received and adopted. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT. The report of the Board of Management showed that 12 ordinary ami two special meetings had been held during the year, when the attendances had been excellent. Tne report was adopted The Board of Management submitted a bousing scheme as follows: “That the trustees be empowered to giant advances in accordance with the ‘Fiiendly Societies Act,’ under the following conditions : “1. The advances shall be made to financial members of the Order and only to enable them to secure a home. ‘*2. The inteiest charged shall be the ordinary market rates for the tinia being at the commencement of the loan. “3. Financial members of the Order who continue as such and whose recurring payments are mude on due date shall be entitled to a rebate of one-half per cent, cn the rate of interest charged. “4. Payments of principal and interest shall be made monthly or quarterly as arranged at the prescribed rates, and the adjustment of the principal shall be made at the end of each financial year. “5 All rates and other charges on the property shall be borne by the borrower, who shall also insure the property in the name of the Grand Lodge Trustees in such office as the Board of Management may direct. “6. The property shall be kept in good order and condition by the borrower, and the trustees shall have the right to inspect same whenever they so desire, and to insist upon reasonable repairs and maintenance work being carried out. “7. Should the property be sold during the currency of the loan, then the balance of the loan money must be repaid in cash.’’ It was proposed by Bro. Oliver, seconded by Bro. Webb. Bro. Gecrie moved that the Endean Lodge proposals be an amendment, seconded by Bro. Gardiner. The following remits from lodges were received and dealt with as shown:

Otago Lodge.—Rule 76 in the third line: Delete the words "in June and.” Moved

by Bro. Barton, seconded by Bro. Bingley. —LosL

Linden Lodge.—Delete from rule sb, page 29, in third line, “or when a vacancy may occur,” and in uinth line, “or in case ot a vacancy on the lodge night immediately following the nomination.”—Harriet!. Add after election in the 19th line: “In the event of a vacancy occurring the Board of Management may, if it thinks fit. appoint a Past District President to carry out the duties of District President for the balance of the period.”—Lost. Rule 116 a. Amend scale by adding Id to each amount per week (this will bring in an additional Is Id per quarter per member).—Lost. Rule 121 a. clause 2.—Substitute 9s for 8s in each case where it occurs.—Lost.

All Nations —“That a hospital scheme for Druidic members ho formed, such scheme to be voluntary.’ l —Lost. Rose ot Palmerston.—Amend rule 73 by striking out the words “and their respective ages shall not be less thau 21 years” in the seventh and eighth lines —The motion was amended by the provision of Grand Lodge to delete Arch-Druid Bard from Committee of Management and included in Junior Office, and carried

Endeavour Lodge.—“ That the lodge is of the opinion that there is an urgent necessity ac the present time for the funds of the Grand Lodge being made available for the assistance of members of the Order in securing for themselves a home, and for this purpose the lodge respectfully submits th.following suggestions(l) That the Government be requested to frame a regulation empowering the Grand Lodge to invest up to 90 per cent, on a fair valuation on hous* property being acquired by members for themselves. (2) That the Government be asked to guarantee the excess of the purchase money in excess of the 65 2-3 per cent as provided for in the ‘Friendly Societies Act,’ up to the limits of within the 90 per cent money if required. (3) That the interest in no case shall be in excess of ‘hat charged by the State Advances to Workers Department, and may be below that at the discretion of the Advisory Hoard. (4) That the term of repayment of loan shall not exceed 20 years; interest, shall be calculated at half-yearly rests. (5) Applications for advances by members shall be made to the Advisory Board for the District, the said application will then be considered by the Advisory Board, and if approved, shall be submitted to the Grand Lodge trustees. That the member who receives the advance must keep himself financial as a member of his lodge during the time his liability i? in excess of the limits allowed by the ‘Friendly Societies Act. Only one advance shall he allowed to any member at one time.”—Lost on the voices Acorn.—Add to Rule III: “Candidates must be proposed on the one night and then ballotted for and initiated on the following lodge night (except in the case of country candidates or other exceptional circum stances which shall be decided by the lodge.*’—Carried. Lily of Va ley.—Amend Rule 94 after the wo.ds, “Past Grand Pres’dent” in the third line, insert the words “Past Grand VicePresident. Past Grand Secretary. Past Grand Treasurer, and Past Grand Guard- • an.’ —Carried.

New Rule. “Add to Rule 2, after fifth paragraph, ‘Each outgoing Grand Officei desirous of retiring or unable to continue in office and having performed his duties to the satisfaction of tne Board of Management shall be entitled to the Past Rank of the office held.* ’’—Carried.

“That the Grand Lodge take into consideration the question of mLed lodges as inaugurated by the Grand Lodge of New South Wales.”—Lost.

Pride of Mornington.—Rule 101 a. Amend by deleting the word “may” in the first line and insert the word “shall.” Rule 101 a, insert after the word “visitors” in the f.fth line, “be shall have the right to retire with out saluting the chair whilst attending to his various duties.”—Withdrawn. Bro. Hopkins proposed and Bro. Smith seconded — u That it he a recommendation to the board to make the necessary arrengements for the definition of Past Grand collars.”—Carried.

It was moved by Bro. Walsh and seconded by Bro. Geerio —“ That the in coming board of management reconsider the question of reducing the age limit from 75 years of age.”—Carried. The following officers were nominated: G.P.. Bro. A. L. Olliver: G.V.P.. Bro A. Sherborne; G.T., Bro. E. L. Burt: G.G., Bro. A. Walker; members of board >f management—Bros. A. Watson, N Bioekie, G. Thompson, W. B. Ruston, F. Barton; auditors—Bros. A. Mitchell, ll P. Harvey, A. J. Cannon; Judicial Appeal Committee—Bros. W. H. Honkins E. T. Bryant, T. Walsh, J. M. Harland, W. Knox.

The next meeting was arranged for Dunedin.

The new G.P. was duly installed into his office by the retiring G.P., and Bro. Olliver then installed the various officers

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Otago Witness, Issue 3757, 16 March 1926, Page 82

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DRUIDS’ CONFERENCE. Otago Witness, Issue 3757, 16 March 1926, Page 82

DRUIDS’ CONFERENCE. Otago Witness, Issue 3757, 16 March 1926, Page 82