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Friday evening. This week began with a fee'ing of sadness at the news leii-g known that the hrnne Minister had passed to his long rest. On<* and all feel what a lose the Dominion has sustained, and it will be a long time before such a man with so high a personality and Stirling qualities will be found to replace Mr Massey. From noon on Thursday all business places were closed out of respect to our great leader. Services were held in the cathedral, Knox church, and the First church, commencing punctually at 2.30 p.oj., when the churches were packed to the doors. Very stirring hymns were sung, and at the conclunion the Dead March from “Saul" pealed out its sad reirain, thousands ol people standing with their beads bent as their last token of respect. The musical afternoons which were held last, year during the winter in connection with the Otago Women’s Club have begun again on Wednesday afternoons. There is always p very large attendance of members and friend# present, who enjoy immensely the musical items given during the afternoon. The performers last Wednesday were Mia Bain, who played her violin delightfully, and Miss Vickers, who sang several times, accompanied by Miss A. White. Last Friday evening Mrs P. R. Sargood gave a most successful bridge evening at Marinoto, when the house looked charming with all its beautiful pictures and decorations of lovely coloured chrysanthemums. Mr and Mrs Sargood received their guests in the drawing room, the hostess being gowned in a charming black georgette with gold. Bridge was played in tho drawing room and billiard rooms, the chief floral decorations being pale heliotrope chrysanthemums. There were present Mr and Mrs L. Mills, Mr and Mrs Mathieson, Mr and Mrs Edgar Hazlett, Mrs Stock; Misses Webster, Williams, G. v* uliams, K. McLean, and Neill; Dib Batcheloi, Williams, and R-as, and Mr R. Sinclair. On Wednesday afternoon Mr* D. Philips entertained friends at bridge at her residence, Royal Terrace. Bridge was played in the drawing room, and the hostess was gowned in black. Theie were present Mesdames Hazlett, Stock, Brewer, Fitchett, and Scherek, Miss Neill and Miss Sise. During the w’eek Sir Harry Lauder, wh.' is at present in Dunedin, has been giving a series of farewell concerts. Dunedin has 6hown its appreciation of being able to hear such a renowned artist by being present i» large numbers at His Majesty’s Theatre. A very good attendance of members belonging to the gardening circle in connection with the Otago Women’s Club were present on Monday afternoon, availing themselves of nearing Mr Tannock lecture on irises and lilies. These lectures are indeed profitable to many amateur gardeners, who greatly benefit by what they are instructed about growing various flowers. A pleasant bridge party was given by Miss Greta Finch on Monday evening at her home in Royal Terrace. There were present Misses Oram, Hartmann, N. Hartmann, O'Neill, Stephenson, and Fulton. A number of friends assembled at the Dunedin railway station on Tuesday to say farewell to Mrs B. C. Haggitt and Miss Tolmie. who left for Wellington en route for England, where they intend spending a few months. A ,'wedding of interest to many New Zealanders took place in London recently, the contracting parties being Miss Gwen | Wright, daughter of the late Mr Jack Wright and Mrs Cockerell, formerly of Dunedin, and Mr Peter Webster Adams, son of Mr and Mrs Percy Adams, of Knightsbridge, London, England. Miss Tftbart (Christchurch) is at present 911 a visit to Mrs Elliston Orbell, of St. Clair, before leaving for England next month. Miss Molly Dowling (Wellington) is at present visiting Miss Hilda Hazlett, High street. Miss Agnes Hazlett (Invercargill) is the guest of Mr L. Hazlett, Salisbury. Good/news has been received in Wellington of the HOll. Downie Stewart, who is undergoing vacine treatment in New lork, America. INVERCARGILL, May 15. Miss Vowles, who has been staying with Mrs Pottinger, has gone for a trip through the North Island before returning to England. Mrs Hackworth is spending a holiday in Nelson. Mrs Alien, who has been staying with her mother, Mrs D. Macdonald, Edendale, returned to Wellington this week with her family. Mrs D. Macdonald accompanied her 1 as far a# Dunedin. Mrs Beere, who has been visiting Iter mother, Mrs Wade, has returned to Geraldine. Mr and Mrs C. Callender, who have been visiting Mr# Callender, Gala street, have returned to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs W. Saunders and family left this week for their new home in Dunedin. Mr and Mrs F. Newton left for their new home in Timaru this week. Mr and Mrs E. R. Wilson motored to Otngo Central for a few days tliis week. Mrs and Miss Lyall (Queenstown) are the guests of Mi9s Dundos, Dalrymple road. Last Saturday morning Mrs F. D. Moriah gave a very enjoyable tea in honour of Misa Edna Thomas and her company. After Mrs B. Hewat and Mrs Abbey Jones had given some musical items, the guests hftd a very interesting little chat with Miss Thomas and Miss Lucille Laurence. Mrs Morrah’s rooms were wry prettily decorated with red berries and autumn leaves. Among those present were Mrs C. Gilbertson, Mrs Beere, Mrs R. ft. Todd. Mrs iVviU, MlB Bush, Mrs F. Webb, Mrs L. Webb, Airs Ewart, Mrs T. S. Milltfr, Mrs S. Cox, Mrs A. T. McCaw, Mrs Snow, Mrs Barclay, Mrs Haggitt, Mrs R. Gilmour, Mrs Quinn, Mrs Prentice, Mrs E. Russell, Misses FyneaOlinton, Bedford, Wateon, Honda* ton, Lester,

Broderick, 11. Macdonald, Muir, Hawke, and Erskine. Mrs W. Quinn entertained Miss Thomas at her home in Couon street on Sunday afterMiss Johnstone (Dunedin) is the guest ol Mrs C. Hobbs, Lewis street. Mrs Menlove (Athol), who has been staying at The Grand, returned home this week. Mrs Lambie (Christchurch), who has been staying at The Grand, left for Queenstown on Friday. The committee of the Music Circle of th® Women's Club entertained the members to a musical evening before the meeting on Friday. Miss I. Corbett, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs C. Tapley, Dalrymple road, has returned to Akaroa. A most enjoyable Hunt Ball was held at Clifden on Monday. Some of those present were Mr and Mrs C. Gardner, Mr and Mrs O. Gardner, Mr and Mrs Milne, Mrs Sandford, Mr and Mrs D. Y\ nite, Misses Gardner Miss l)rewe, Miss Fowls, Miss Hanan, Misg Hamilton, Messrs Gardner (2), Watson, and Drewe. The members of the ladies’ guild of Ail Saints pariah entertained Mrs Newton at » farewell evening ere she left, and gave her a handsome presentation. Musical items wer® given, and a very happy evening was spent. OAMARU, MAY 16. Miss Mnnsel has been the guest of Mr and Mrs Armstrong. .*>. s ±’ < ion It l * returned from spending a few weeks at Clinton. M : ss Kenderdine, who has been staying with Mrs M'Drual! Wharf© Street), left for Auckland on Saturday. Airs Clarkson is staying with her mother, Mrs W. P. Reid, ter a few months. Mr and Mrs Rowe left for Christchurch on Wednesday. Mrs A. M'Douall (Clinton) is staying H» Oaruaru for a few weeks. On inursday, ivuss j/reston gave a very en,Vv«b!o nicture nartv, in honour of Alia* Betty Reid; afterwards Miss Alison Darling entertained the guests to a supper party at her home in Eden Street. Miss Gilchrist has gone to Dunedin to spend a few days. Bridge hostesses for the week were:—* Mesdames Scott, Kemp, Darling, Woodward-, Banks, and Humphries. TIMARU, May 15. Mr and Airs Wolseley Kain. who were with Airs Melville Jameson, Gtumarama, hav® returned to Geraldine; the Misses O Brten Hodge, who were also her guests, have gon® back to Orari. , . Alisß Betty Cossins, Andraquere, is tote* from a fortnight in Dunedin. Miss Shona Rhodes (Christchurch), wbo was with Mrs Wilfred Howell, Cave, went back to Christchurch to-day. Mr * R. H. Rhodes, Came, feealey street, and her guest, Airs Arthur Martin (Martinborough), are spending a week in Christ°hMrChand Mrs Bernard Tripp. Orielton, if turned on Thursday from Christchurch. Airs Shall crass, Otipua road, has returned from the Bluff. . . Mrs G V. Gerard, Branscombe street, the guest o t the Misses Gerard, of ChristCh Mrs h 'and Miss Coxhead, Beverley road, art in Christchurch for the Coxhead-Fevrier weddlMrs Harold Wright has returned to Mayfield after a week at the Umon Bank with, AJrs C. S. Tories??. . , Airs H. Marshall, Elizabeth street, left for Auckland on Monday. Vr, P. R. Woodhcuse, Bluecliffs, is m Christchurch. . ... , Mr and Mrs G. P. Wood, Vai-iti road, ar® expected back Horn Christchurch to-morrow. Mrs T. F. North cote arrived from Norta Canterbury yesterday on a short visit to Airs Hope, Tumanako; Miss Elia Tripp, who was also there, returned to Oran Gorg® Airs R T. Bruce, of Rollesby. is expected here to-morrow to spend the week-end witH M s L. E. Finch, Avenue road. * Mr and Airs Norman Hope, of Stanton, who were st Tumanako, are now the guest, of Mrs J M. Barker, of M aihi. The Rev. J. and Mrs Thorpe .(Pigeon Bay) arrived hero to-daiy cu a visit to Mis Howell, Marsden, Mansion road Mrs Bannerraan, The Bumialow, V\ai-iU road has returned from the Bluff. Mrs DeLatour, Avenue road, is back from a visit to North Canterbury and Christ(Viss Hardy, Hinemoa, Elizabeth street, haa g °Mrs to Kingsdown, returned to-.,ay from Christchurch. ASHBURTON May 16. The Rev. A. H. Barnett (Tinwald), IB payin', a visit to Auckland, where he will represent Tinwald at the Church of England intends leaving A *»r 8 ?r &“t mn“! Sl ?l, e, Max Friedlunder (Auckland), and MrP Vriedhudev (Christchurch), arrived ra A vl’s“ rt Fdw“ds W (Fendalton) ) is the guert ol M^i'^T R -Ser, and F. Wilson have gone to Christchurch^ and are staying “‘jV;” Harold Wright (Mayfield), who ha. i * .terinsr in Timaru, has returned homo. b, M' xkv’oV Christchurch), t. «*.Jbeen^he'guest of Mrs Newton, has returned h °Mr ’ and Mrs P. Jackson (Union Bank), have Ron. to the laland^fo. Mr ,“ X p Norman. Among time. f".,n|weAi-Mi.- M. B and L ' wiißon ' A - TiY_ssider aud i< Australasia). K ftVP * Mrs Lain* (Bank oi game, small evening on 1 uday t inand dancing took place, kino Hunt E PeHey M Jennings, Joan Nicoll. Misses E. Mardie Huntar, Laing. The drat monthly medal golf match of the ABhburton Ladies Golf Club s season waa played iM* week. There waa a good »t-

tondance of players. The best three cards were:—Mrs Fisher. 103 (24); Mrs Pinfold, 100 (20); and Miss Boddington, 100 (17), 83. _ The Ashburton Musical Club gave the first jnusicale of the season in St. Stephen's schoolroom on Saturday May 2 before a large audience. The feature of tne evening was the piano music. The overture to “William Tell,” played by Misses E. Fletcher and G. Galbraith (first piano), and Misses I. Digby and M. Jennings (second piano), was specially enjoyab(c. The first meet of the Ashburton County ruction of the Christchurch hounds took place at Faiitor.* There wore present: Mr J. 11. Grigc (master), Mi A. Mr J. H. Bolby (ffUntsnben); Miss D. Keith, Miss E. Lemon, Mr A. J. Keith, Mr L. Fochney, Mr R. Dailey, Mr J. Pearce, Mr J. Cochrane, Mr J. B. Meekmg, and Mr Z. Ferriman. The going was heavy, owing to rocent wot weather, but several high fences were negotiated. Mr and Mrs Da; #y entertained the hunt at afternoon tea. it is the intention of the hunt to meet in the Ashburton district after the combined meet with South Canterbury Hunt at Timaru.

CHRISTCHURCH, May 15. Mr Massey, whose regretted death took place at his home in Wellington, was Prime Minister for a longer term than any other, except Mr Scddon, and was the only Prime Minister who acted continuously before, and since the Great War. Mr Massey set a great example as a patriot, and will be for ever remembered for his loyalty under all circumstances, to the greatest Empire the world has ever known. His unswerving fidelity helped to give New Zealand a foremost position, out of all proportion to its size, amongst the commonwealth of nations, and he will bo greatly missed. His Grace Archbishop Juliu# and Miss Julius left Wellington on Thursday by the Maunganui for Sydney, en route for England. Sir George and Lady Clifford have bought a house on Hackthorne road, Cashmere Hills, whore they will reside during the winter months. Dr arid Mrs Crosby left last week on a trip to the Old Country. Dr Crosby recently retired from the position of medkal superintendent of Sunnyside.

The son of the Dean of Christchurch, Mr Charles Carrington, has been offered a travelling scholaiship from the Universities' Bureau of the British Empire. Ho will receive a first-class return ticket to New Zealand for six months, and he is asked to collect material for a monograph on the early history of New Zealand, lie hopes to arrive in Christchurch in August, and to return to England in time to take up his duties as a master at Hailey bury College in January. Mrs I. W. C. Nix>n, Miss Meta Nixon, and the Misses Bulien left Auckland on Tuesday by the Aorangi for England. Mrs Ilugounin accompanied them as far as Auckland. Miss Shona Rhodes left last week to stay with Mrs Wilfred Howell, South Canterbury. Miss Betty Cotterill and Miss Molly Cato returned last week from a visit to Dunedin and Waimate. Mr and Mrs Jack Buchanan left last week on a short visit to Hastings and Auckland. Mrs Henry Wood, who 13 leaving for England shortly, entertained a number of her friends at a delightful luncheon party at the United Service hotel. The tables were tastefully decorated with violets, jonquils, anemones, and irises. The guests, each of whom was presented with a prettv floral posy, were Mrs Wardrop, Mrs Eric Harner, Mrs Henry Cotterill, Mrs Nancarrow, Mrs Burnes Loughnan, Mrs Walter Fox. Mrs Leonard Clark, Mrs J. H. Hall, Mrs John Stevenson, Mrs F. G. Gibson, Mrs Nedwill. Miss Bromley Cox, Mrs Richard Allen, Miss Fabric Denniston (Dunedin), Miss Humphreys, and Misg Aitken. BLENHEIM, May 12. The Marlborough Horticultural Society 'e autumn show was held in the Town Hall on Friday, when there were some lovely exhibits, especially in the chrysanthemum and rose line. The entries were smaller than usual, but the quality was superior. Mrs C. Peak, of Picton, gained first prize for champion bloom, and again won the Bartlett Cup for 12 varieties of chrysanthemums. Some of those present wore: Dr and Mrs “Redman, Mr and Mrs K. Bacon. Mr and Mrs Stocker, Mrs G. Watts, Mrs B. Clouston, Mrs J. White, Mrs Chaytor, Miss Amy Neville, Mrs G. Pudd, Miss Harding. Miss Mills, Mrs A. Duncan, Miss Chaytor. Mrs J. Ro9e, Mrs E. Rose, Mrs Evatt, Mrs Bacon, Mrs Teschemaker, Mrs Wadsworth, Mr and Mrs H. Redwood Mfss Anderson, Mrs J. M'Lauchlan, etc. Mr William Heughan opened a two-night season at His Majesty’s Theatre on Thursday evening, when he received a hearty welcome from a most enthusiastic audience. Some of those present were: Mr and Mrs J. Corry, Mr and Mrs Nathan, Mr and •Mrs A. Adams (Langlev Dale!. Mrs Adams (Langley Dale), Mrs Hall, Mr and Mrs Bastings, Mr and Mrs Lester. Mrs Jameson (Christchurch). Mr and Mrs NobleAdams, Misses Neville (2). Mrs C. M'Lauchlan. Miss Mac Nab, Mr and Mrs Reiling, Mr and Mrs B. Moore, etc. On Thursdav evening at her residence, in Springlands, Mrs A. Mowat entertained ? -number o T " young people by means of a dance, which took place on the wide verar dah and front room. A lovely supper waf dispensed in the dining room. Mrs Mowat received her guest-3 wearing plum-coloured marocain. Miss Mowat wore pink silk marocain, and Miss P. Mowat wore pink marocain. Mrs E. Ball, of Auckland, wore black lace. Others present were: Afesdarnes Flannigan (Wellington), Brammall. Misses M. Bell, Burden (2). G. Griffiths. Rita Coull, C. Bacon, J. Rose, K. Redwood. Messrs Mowat (2). Flannigan, Andrews (Napier), J. Corry M'Callurn, Baillie, F. Horton, J. Stevenson, J. Barnard. Brammall. etc. Miss Mac Nab i 3 visiting Mrs A. Mac Nab, in weaver road. Mrs A. Van Aselw has returned from a most enjoyable isit overland to Christchurch. Miss Doris Rudd is spending a holiday in Christchurch. Mrs E. Ball, of Auckland, is the guest of Mrs A. Mowat, at Springlands. Mr and Mrs C. Mills Mr and Mrs E. J. Harvey, and Mrs F. Bull have returned from a motor trip to Nelson, where they attended the races. Mrs Fovartv, who has been visiting Mrs O’Donorliue at “ jDuncannon," has returned to Grey mouth. Mi?a Rutherford, of Kekerangu Station, has been spending a few days in town. Miss Loughnan, who has been the guest of Mrs F. Reid in Maxwell road, has returned to Wellington. WELLINGTON, Mav 13. Farewell wishes and hopes for a pleasant visit to England were the theme of a morning tea which was held for Captain Chudley at the Pioneer Club on Friday by the members of the Navy League Ladies’ Auxiliary. Among those who were present wore Mr and Mrs J. P. Firth, Mrs A. E. Brown, Mrs Middleton, Mrs Larnach, Mrs McKibbin, Mrs Bayfield, Mrs Darling. Mrs Roso, Mrs Brown, Miss W. Chudley, Mr Walker, Mr R. D. D. McLean (Hawke’s Bay), Mr Darrock, and Mr Wren. Mrs Forth, president of the Ladies Auxiliary, wished the guest of honour a very pleasant visit, and Mr Firth, on behalf of the men’s executive; did likewise, as did Mr McLean. Many old friends and past associates in war service were present at the linen tea which was given on Saturday by Airs H. T. Marshall at her home at Karori for Miss Brooke, till recently matron of the Rannerdale Home for sn-servico patients nt Christchurch. /Miss Brooke is shortly to be married, and her friends were 'very glad of this opoprtunity to wish her in person the best of nappinesa for the future. It was a very cheery, jolly gathering, and the guests as they arrived were received in the entrance hall by Mrs Marshall and Miss Brooke. A competition which tested their geographical knowledge of New Zealand soon absorbed their attention, three tying for firsl nlace. Tn the eliminating process that followed, Mrs Rawson emerged the victor, and was presented with her prize. Tea was served in the dining room and drawing room, which had been decorated with berries, chrysanthemums, and mlchnelmas daisies, Miss Broad bent (Carterton), Mrs Speedy, Mrs King, and others of the guests assisting. Later, groat interest centred in the opening of the parcels, which included manv dainty and beautiful gifts. Among those who were present ware, in addition to those already montioned. Miss Hester Maclean date matron-in-chief of the N.Z.A.N.8.). Miss Bicknell (director of nursing). Misses Willis, Brandon, Mcßae. M. and S. Wilson, Mrs Corkill, Mrs Cecil Palmer, Miss Hetherington (Christchurch), Mrs Hall, Mrs Dick," Mrs Myers, Miss Larohant. Miss Burke. Mias Nicholson, Miss Lloyd. Miss Todd, Mis* Gilmour, Mrs Nash, Mrs Macllugh, and many more. At the end of the afternoon a brief speech was made, wishing Miss Brooke every happiness, and “For Sho’s a Jolly Good Fellow” was sung, ending with three cheera. Miss Marshall wore a frock of soft black satin finished with a rose on one shoulder, and Mias Brooke wore a frock of black lace. Mrs Claude Weston has returned to New Plymouth from Wellington. Mrs Herbert and Mis* Dorothy Herbert left with Dr Herbert for a visit to America. Mias Mildred Cooks (Chrietohnroh) is visiting Wellington.

Mrs Strang and Mrs Ashford havo left for a visit to England via America. Mias Hetherington (Cashmere Hills) is visiting Wellington. Miss Brooke, formerly matron of the R.inutrdale Home for ex-soldiers, Christchurch, left on her return to Christchurch early this week. Mrs T. S. (Karori) is the guest of Mrs W. B. Ciiennells (Masterton). Misses C. and D. Gray (Taratehi) have returned from Wellington. Mrs Lindsay Inglig (Christchurch) is visiting Wellington. Mrs J. B. Mac Ewan has returned from a visit to the country. Mr and Mrs Quinton Donald (Featherston) have returned from a visit to Australia. Mrs C. H. Izard is visiting Auckland. Mrs C. Houghton has returned to Auckland from a visit to Wellington and Coast. Dr Elizabeth Gunn has left for a visit to Honolulu and America. A gathering to bid farewell to Mrs T. B. Strong, who has lived at Khandallah for the past five years, was held in the Presbyterian Hall. A committee of the Presbyterian Women’s Mission Union, of which Mrs Strong had been a member, was in charge of the arrangements, and the big room had been beautifully decorated with flowers and foliage. Musical items, both instrumental and vocal, were given, and before the afternoon ended Mrs Strong was presented with a dinner service and handbag, accompanied by the good wishes of the gathering. There was a large gathering at the Adelphi Cabaret on Saturday evening, ana dancers spent a particularly pleasant time. Among those who were present were the Misses Duncan (2), Findlay, Morrison, Riddell, Clayton, Joliffe, Reid, Clarke, and Russell; Messrs D. Whyte, P. Williams, Findlay, Ward, Squires, Hebb (2), White, Millward, Greer, and many more. CARTERTON,* May 14. The engagement is announced of Elsie, only daughter if Mr and Mrs William Griffiths, of •Fukemarama,” Lansdowne, to Leslie, eldest son. of Mr and Mrs uavid Donald, of “Pakaraka,” Te Whiti. The engagement is announced of Miss Jadlia E.sie Amelie Connor, elder twin daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Connor, of Nireaha, to Mr George John Treder, of Mangamaire, eider eon of Mr John J. Treder. A wedding of considerable interest was solemnised in St. Matthew’s church (Masterton, by the Rev. O. Gibson, when Miss Melva Noble, daughter of Mr and Mrs Y\. Noble, of Cornwall street, was married to Frederick J. Pyne, of Auckland, second son of .Air and Mrs W. Pyne, of Wanganui. The bride looked charming in ivory marocain with osprey trimmings, and carried a beautiful bouquet of pale pink carnations, white cnrysantneinums, and maidenhair fern. She was attended by her sister, Miss Billie Nobie, who wore a charming frock of aynoot marocain, and carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums to tone. Mr Lesne Donald, of Alasterton, acted as best man. The bride travelled in a cinnamon coat frock trimmed with fur, with hat and shoes to match. Of considerable interest was the marriage at “Mathon Lodge, Masterton, last week of Miss Ida Daniell, daughter of Mr C. E. Daniell and the late Airs Danieil, to Mr W. J. McEldowney, son of Mr J. and the late Mrs McEldowney, of Wellington. The bride wore a charming frock of champagne coloured French lace, the- side flounces edged with Thibetan fur, and with panels of finely-pleated georgette from the yoke, and finished at the waist with a swathe of gold. With this was worn a gold and net turban, and she carried a shower bouquet of cream roses and carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Ethel Daniell, was daintily attired in pink velvet de soie and georgette, with turquoise blue velvet finish at the waist, and a black tulle hat. She carried a bouquet of pins carnations and cyclamens, with touches of blue. Mr G. G. Gibbes Watson, of Wellington, was -best man. Air and Mrs McEldowney left later by car for Auckland, the bride travelling in a navy blue suit finished with bandg of Roman silk, bat en suite. A wedding in which an unusual amount of interest was centred was that of Miss Moira Maria Cameron, only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. P. Cameron, of Wellington, and granddaughter of the late Sir John McKenzie, to Frances Stanley Rolls, eldest son of Airs Rolls, and nephew of Mr H. Kolia, town clerk of Featherston. The ceremony was solemnised at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church by the Rev. R. Inglis. The bride wore an exquisite gown of ivory crepe de chine, beaded all over in an intricate design of tiny silver iridescent beads; her veil of embroidered net formed a diaphanous train, and was attached to a coronet of silver leaves. A tiny flower girl, Moira Cameron, niece of the bride, was in a frilly frock of pink, and carried a silver basket of pink roses and lilies. The two bridesmaids. Miss Margaret Atkinson, of Dunedin, and Miss Rolls, of Napier, wore dressed alike in orchid mauve taffetas, the skirts bordered with ostrich feather trimming of the same shade, which also formed a rosette, centred with a diamante ornament, at the low waistline. Each had a turban headdress of mauve and silver tissuo, and carried a bouquet of pink flowers and autumn leaves. Mr W. Kellow was best man, aud Air Gordon Cameron groomsman. As the bride and bridegroom left the church the bride was presented by little Bill Cuthbertßon with a silver horseshoe decorated with orange blossoms. The reception was held at the residence of the bride’s parents, "Lochiel,” Kolburn, which was eharmir f 'iy decorated with a colour scheme of mauve and pink flowers. The guests included Sir Joseph Ward, Mrs R. J. Seddon, Mr and Mrs Dyer, Alias Dyer, Mr and Mrs Bothamley, Miss Bothamley, Mrs Montgomery, Mr and Mrs Craig, Mr and Mrs Cnthbertson, Mr and Mrs Ryan, Mr and Mrs Hislop, Mr and Mrs Richardson (Khandallah! Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron, Mrs Miller, and many others from other parts of New Zealand. Miss R. Chapman, Victoria street, has returned from a short visit to Wellington, where she was the guest of Mrs Denniss, Brougham street. Mrs Tylee and the Aliases Tylee, of “Llandaff,” Masterton, spent the week-end at Makuxi. They have now left for Napier. Mr and Mrs'Ludbrook (Bay of Islands) are visiting Masterton as the guests of Mr and Mrs G. Elliott (Lansdowne). Afrs K. McLaren and Alias McKain have returned to Hinakura after spending several weeks at Rotorua and Auckland. Airs Downard (Karori) hag been spending a holiday with Mrs C. A. Foston (Pahiatua). Mrs McDonald (Sandon) has been the guaat of her sister, Mrs J. Coombs (Pahiatua). { Mrs Dalrymple, South road, lias been visiting Wellington. Mrs Beresford (Eketahuna) has gone on a visit to Christchurch. Mrs F. Hedges (Whangarei) has been visit- j ins Pahiatua. Nurse Leslie, formerly of Masterton, has been a visitor to Pahsatua. She is now private nursing in Woodville. Mies Clare (Christchurch), who has been •pending a holiday as the guest of Mrs J. Cooker, returned home last week. Mrs A. D. Griffiths (Auckland) is the guest j of Mr and Mrs W. Griffith*, "Pukemarama,” j Lansdowne.

IF YOUR WINTER WORK IS OUTDOORS, or if you havo to walk far on bad suburban roads, INVEST IN A PAIR OF THE G.P. CITY GUM BOOTS. These Boola will keep you warm, dry, and clean, and will last you for several seasons. They are comfortable Boots, light, and neat-fitting. Obtainable in Men’s, Youths’, mid Boys’ Sizes.

Mr and Mrs Charlie Williamson, Waituna, have returned from Wellington. Mr and Mrs Kingston, Senr. are visiting Feilding. Mrs Jenkinson, Sandon Road, has returned from Wellington. Mrs Hanlon, Napier, is the guest of Mrs E. Brewer. Miss Ethel OTlalloran is visiting Wellington, and is the guest of Miss Brown, Day's Bay. xUiss Margaret Hill has returned from Wellington. The Musical Club had e most successful opening a* the homo of Mrs John Graham, on Friday afternoon. Among the guests were: —Mesdamca Burrell, Battersby, Andrews, Pcriner. Shakes; Misses Kingvett, Harper, and others. HAMILTON, May 11. The Hamilton Bachelor Women’s Club was opened on Wednesday evening in the Kia Ora club room. Progressive bridge and five hundred were played, the highest scores being Miss G. Wyatt and Miss Stout. After supper the president, Misa A. Drake, made

a speech explaining the objects of the club. Mis Ka her-Ramson, one of the cluo s patrons, also spoke, and wished the members every success in their new venture. Those present were Mrs Kaber-Havrison, Mrs E. T. Rogers, Mrs H. J. Greenslade, Mrs Gribble, Mrs McCracken, the Misses Drake, Watson, G. Wyatt, Mahoney, R. Murray, Bourke, Cook, M. Chadwick, P. Fisher, K. Gould, Wailnutt, Blackett, de Henzy, JN. Scott. F. Chadwick, Spencer, D. Murray, Nuts/ord, Reece, E. Scherer, Stevenson, and Burgess. At Cambridge last week Mrs Sutherland entertained some friends at bridge, when the gu&sta spent a jolly time. Those present were Mrs A. H. Niccol, Mrs Stapley, Mrs Farquhar, Mrs Boston. Couper, Miss o>x, and Miss Qwynneth. Mr and Mrs W. Innes Taylor gave a coming-out dance for their daughter, Innes, last Friday at their home, “Lochiel," Ohaupo. The "uesis were Mr and Mrs Eben Wilson, Dr and Mrs E. T. Rogers, Mr and Mrs A. L. Yule, Mr and Mrs W. Tudhope, Mr and Mrs A. English, Mr and Mrs J. Taylor, Mrs W. Taylor, se:ir. Misses D. Clarke, H. Wilson (debutantes), E. Norris, E. Simmons, T. King, B. Roberts (Wanganui), L. Storey, Postgatc, M. Beale. M. Manning, Whewell, M. Stoity. D. Yule. E. Hammond, N. Douglas, W. Manning, G. Hammond, Pickering, Steadman, V. Jolly, T. Banks, Enid Hammond, N. Manning, H. Crowther, C. Hunter, A. Brown, A. Coventry, M. aones. At the Chequers tea rooms, Hamilton, Miss Joy Howe was recently a farewell evening, prior to her marriu re. The Jtiign School Old Girls presented her with a leather suit case. The Swimming Association gave her a cheque. Tire Hockey girls gave her a silver cruet, pepper and salt holders, and a butter dish. Mi&g Howe made a happy little speech in reply. These present were Mrs Howe, Mrs Fraser, Mrs Greenslade, Mrs Gribble, Mrs E. M. Masters, the Misses, Howe-, H. Gaze, C. C bitty. Wyatt, in. McMiken, E. Cann, V. Newell, A. Turley, Y. Cann, A. Newell, M. Jones, M. King, E. Murray, J. Sforrv, H. Blackmore, a. McLoughlin, S. Lightbourne, J. Masters, and Tompkins. lIAWKE'S BAY, May 15. A record crowd attended the Hawke's Bay races at Hastings, the great attraction being, on the second day, the meeting of Gloaming and The Hawke, the two great champions, for the J. D. Ormond Memorial Gold Cup. Gloaming’s win was received with tremendous cheering, and Miss M. Russell did the honours of folding the ribbon around Gloaming’ s neck. The weather was fine though cold, and the winter frocks and furs wor-u by the ladies showed to advantage. Mrs T. H. Lowry wore a handsome biack seal coat with black hat; Mrs W. G. Stead, black kasha cloth tunic frock with diagonal braiding, edged with' grey fur, black hat with crimson velvet roses; Mrs Biundcl (Waipawa), brown and orange striped suit, coat edged with handsome fur, br«wn hat; Mrs Troutbeck, large checked skirt, black cloth coat, and black hat; Mrs Barnsda.'e, henna and fawn knib suit, velour hat; Mrs umwiddie, bro-wn and beige suit, beige velour hat; Mrs Yen Kettle, black costume, small black hat •. Miss A .ueane (Takapau), black cloth suit, small black hat; Mrs F. Douglas, brown velvet- frock with brown fur edge, velvet hat in lighter shade; Laciy Carroll, brown fur coat, black hat; Miss "Woodward, brown and -beige, brown felt hat; Miss Faulkner, brown fur coat, small brown bat; Mrs H. I. Simson, black cloth frock, small black hat, black furs; Mrs O. Rrogh, cinnamon brown suit, brown velour hat; Miss Joyce Beamish, navy blue cloth frock, black hat: Mrs Armstrong, brown knit suit, small hat to tone; Mrs Sproule, black and white check cloth, fur coat; Mrs de Latour (Gisborne), brown fur coat, grey felt hat; Mrs Descha, fawn and orange check tweed suit, orange vest, brown

velour hat: Miss I. Barry, henna and fawn knit long coat edged with fur, small felt hat; Miss Lusk, brown fur coat, small felt hat; Mrs T. Cunningham, grey and mauve knit suit, small mauve hat; Mts Thomson, j cinnamon cloth frock, black fur coat, brown silk hat; Mrs Sbrimpton wore an all biack toilette, black hat; Mrs Riddiford, tweed tailored suit, felt hat; Mrs Mon-in, navy blue cloth suit, navy hat; Mrs Sutton, brown and henna knit, long coat edged with fur, felt hat to tone; Mrs Edwards brown fur coat, brown silk hat; Mrs Bishop, black cloth frock, black hat and furs~ Mrs Russell (Napier), navy blue, navy hat; Mrs H. Stratton, black fur coat, small hat in Oriental colours; Miss Harris, brown fur coat, velour hat; Miss Fannin, navy blue suit relieved with checked silk, navy felt hat; Mrs F. Wall (Hatuma), navy cloth frock, fur coat, navy hat; Miss Lowry, henna frock, fur coat, and small brown hat; Mrs Shand, grey frock, brown fur coat, cherry red hat; Mrs McClurg, long coat in grey cloth with orange and blue stripe, small hat in pale orange chenille: Mrs Twiggs, brown fur coat, blue grey silk hat; Mrs Nantes, black cloth frock, brown braided coat, black plumed hat; Mrs Higgins, black caracul coat, black hat; Mrs P. Ilunter (Porangahau) wore a block cloth frock, with black hat; Miss Marie Stead, green cloth frock, fur coat, small felt hat; Miss uarry (Gisborne), navy, and floral designed frock in cloth, navy hat; Mrs W. Richmond, navy cloth coat frock handsomely embroidered, small hat in grey fur and coloured silk, and furs; Mies Judd, grey cloth costume, cherry red hat; Mrs Carmichael, black cloth ♦rock, furs, black silk hat; Mrs Gleadon, brown fur coat,, brown silk hat; Mrs A. Small. bl%ck cloth frock with white relief. Hack silk hat. Mrs Morgan, long beige cloth coat, small hat; Mrs H. Stevens, brown fur coat, blo°k hat with royal blue feather mount; Mrs Mason, fawn cloth suit, cherry red hat; Miss Scott, beige knit frock, small hat in the same shade; Mrs Cornford, navy cloth frock, small black hat; Mrs Gaisford, chestnut brown frock, small hat to tone; Mrs O’Meara, black fur coat, Oriental coloured hat-; Mrs Price, mole grey suit. gTey list. The engagement is announced of Miss Joyce Beamish, daughter of Mr and Mrs n. E. Beamish, of Hastings, to Mr Brian L. Lewis, son of Mr and Mrs C. Lewis, of Waipukurau. Mrs Hanlon (Napier) is on a visit to Auckland. Mr- and Mrs Harry Guthrie-Smith, of Tutira, and their three childron. are leaving New Zealand shortly for Scotland. It is their intention to make their homo in Scotland. Mrs J. C. Scott (Wellington) is visiting Hastings, renewing old acquaintance. Mr and Mrg Dinwiddie have returned from a trip to the South Island. Miss Gladys Heinold. F.T.C.L. (Wanganui) has accepted a position ns musical instructress at lona College, Havelock North. Mr and Mrs Lewis Wanganui) are touring in the Hawke’s Bay district. Mr and Mrs Fox-Rogera are leaving Hostings shortly to take up their home in Auckland. During the week several farewell parties have been tendered to Mrs xoxRoeere. Mr and Mrs H. H. de Costa (Gisborne) paid a visit to Napier. , Mr and Mrs Thomas (Timaru) were in Nspior in their way to Rotorua. Mr and Mira Barker (Auckland) have been visiting Hawke’s Bay.

AUCKLAND, May 12. The invitation of Lady Gunson to meet our new Mayoress, Mrs G. Buiuion, alter the installation ceremony at the Town Hull last > ..ouay Was autiif ied by over a hundred women, representing every one of tho women’s organisations in the city. Lady urs>n made a very telling speech, in the o« I sion o' "diieh she said in handing over what might be termed the “mothership" of tho city to Mrs Baildon, she felt the sacred charge would be in good keeping. Miss Melville, tho only woman member of our Council, also extended a welcome to Mrs Baildon. and Dr Hilda Northcroft, who is nresident of the ’ Women’s National Council, assured the new to help her in every movement for the benefit Mayoress of Mount Albert, on behalf of the women of her dibtrict, extended congratulations and good wishes, and Mrs G. H. Wilson, president of the Y.W.C.A., also extended congratulations. The tone of tne gathering nt the same time wa§ tinged with ?onuine regret at saying farewell to Lady iunaon, who has -filled the placo so admir-

ably and so loyally for the past ten years. Several farewell bridge parties were given last week for Miss Graham, who has sine® left by the Aorangi, with Mrs Graham, on a visit to England. Among the hostesses have been Miss Ruth Robertson, Remuera, and *>. :as Joyce Nathan, Wiekford, Princes street. .'r ar.d Mrs V. J. burner und Miss liuna Lamer left by the Aorangi on an extended tour of the world, and will be away for an indefinite period. Groat interest last Wednesday afternoon was taken in the opening of the new building of the Missions to Seamen, lately erected in Emily place. The opening ceremony took place in the large hall, and tea was served in the anteroom. Lady Alice Fergusson, who accompanied the Governor-General, wore a smart frock of navy blue mnrocain, and small navy hat. A bouquet of violets and white rosea was presented to her Excellency bv Master Coates Mitsom (who is a grandnephew of Sir James C.»ates). Pink sweet peas and chrysanthemums composed tile beautiful bouquet presented to Mrs Averill. Songs were contributed during the afternoon by Mrs Walter Gray, Mrs Isherwood, Misa Cooke, and Miss Toore, and Miss Grant-

Omran gave a pianoforte eolo. The collection taken at the oloee of the ceremony amounted to over £4O, which Canon Grant* Cowan leoured thoee present would pay for

every one of the chairs that had been purchased for the mission. Miss Farquhar (Dunedin) ie spending a short holiday in Rotorua, after which she is to stay with friends in Kemuera.

Mis C. F. Thomas, who has been staying It Tuakau. is back again at her home n Parnell. Mrs Harrison (Dunedin), who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs R. English, at Hamilton, has returned to the south. Lady Nolan and Miss Nolan have left for Wellington, en route for London; they will be away about two years.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3714, 19 May 1925, Page 53

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3714, 19 May 1925, Page 53

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3714, 19 May 1925, Page 53