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The monthly meeting was held at Balelutha on Tuesday, when there were present: Cl-3 A. T. Harris (chairman), D. R. Jack, R. M’lndoe, W. S. Thomson, T. Haginness, Wm. Lawson, Jos. Mosley, Geo. Hay, W. J. M’Kenzie. and Jas. Cumming. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE. For the month ended July 29: Receipts— Rates, £215 163; dog registration, £lO5 6s lOd; motor receipts, £2O 15s; slaughtering license, 10s; eating-house license, 10s; rents, £3 3s; refund insurance, £5 7s 3d; Government grants, £754 5s; —total, £llOs 13s Id. Expenditure.—Bridges and ferries, £126 5s 9d; grants, £212 os sd; county bridge loan, £96 17s 2d; general, £2107 8s lid; —total, £2542 17s 3d. The Finance Committee’s report was adopted, with the addition that one-fourth cf the year’s levy to the South Otago Hospital Board—viz., £ll78 —be added to the expenditure. Moved by Cr Hay, and seconded by Cr Mosley—“ That the contract to fill up the washout in the Romahapa-Glen road be cancelled, as the three months are up.”— After considerable discussion the motion was agreed to. Moved by Cr Lawson, and seconded by Ur Mosley—“ That Tabor and Moncur be given notice to discontinue carting on Baker’s and Main road, and that they be held responsible for damage already done.”—Agreed to. The District Engineer, Dunedin, wrote that the cost of the Pomahaka bridge and auoroaches was £8075 15s 3d. Council’s subsidy on a £2 for £3 basis was £3230 6s, of which £2530 had been paid, leaving a balance of £650 6s, which amount he requested should be paid at an early date.—Cr Mosleysaid the approaches were in a dangerous state; a regular “botch” of the job had been made. —Cr Cumming moved that the balance of £650 6s be paid.—Agreed to. L. B. Campbell, chairman Group 17, Main Highways Board, wrote asking for particulars of estimateg of work to be done under the Main Highways Act in the district.—The Clerk submitted an estimate, which showed that the estimated cost of maintenance and repair of main highways from Balclutha boundary- to Southland County boundary was £ll2B.—Cr Lawson wanted to know if theie was any chance of getting the other roads previously mentioned included in this year’s estimates.—Cr Jack (member of the Highways District Council) said these roads would have to be included in the next year’s estimates.—Agreed that the estimates as sent in bo approved. The Department of Agriculture, Wellington, acknowledged receipt of application for renewal of slaughter-house license for South Otago Freezing Co., Turnbull and Fraser, and H. A. Brough (Ltd.), Owaka; K. Ross, Papatowai, and stated that same had been granted.—Received. Manager Bank of New Zealand, Balclutha, wrote asking if the council required the £SOO, Katea loan account, to remain on fixed deposit, also notifying that, the council's application for an overdraft limit of £BOOO had been approved.—Received, an extension of six months for the Kahea loan having already been granted. Palmer and Son, Logan’s Point, notified an increase of 8d per ton in the price of metal.—The Chairman: It is getting too dear. We will have to do our own crushing.— Members agreed. W. Roy, secretary South Otago Hospital Board, notified that the board was prepared to contribute pound for pound towards cost of forming and metalling back entrance to Owaka Hospital.—Agreed to thank the hoard, and inform it that the work would be put in hand as soon as possible L. W. Potter, Bruce County clerk, notified that his council was agreeable to a caretaker being appointed for Balclutha traffic bridge.—The Clerk raid no reply had been received yet from Balclutha Borough Council. —Cr Cumming moved that consideration be deferred. —Agreed to. R, Hanning, secretary Otago Acclimatisation Society, notified that tho society was prepared to contribute £2O towards erecting a bridge to carry motoa and other traffic

over the ICuriwae Stream on the road from Clinton to the fish hatchery, provided the council would erect the bridge.—The Chairman moved that the society be thanked, and informed that the council had already- started the bridge.—Agreed to. The Clerk, Waitomo County Council, forwarded resolution for council's favourable consideration urging the necessity of amending the existing legislation so as to enable local bodies to obtain loans from the State Advances Office for the purpose of the Main Highways Act and other development work. —The Clerk, Horowlienua County Council forwarded a similar resolution and suggested that the Counties’ Association be asked to take the matter up with the Government. — Cr Jack said he thought these people were only “looking for trouble.” The local bodies could not be expected- to keep these roads up to a high standard for the use of other people.—The Chairman: I’m glad to see you taking such a stand. —Correspondence received. The Lands and Survey Department forwarded plan of read to be closed adjoining section 5, block VI, Catlins S.D., for the council’s consent.—Agreed to take the necessary steps to close the road. E. Lockerbee, secretary Maclennan Hall Committee, wrote asking for a road in the township of Malennan. Mrs M'lntyre had donated a half-acre of land for a hall site, and was also prepared to dedicate further land to the council as a roadway leading to the hall property. The writer stated that he understood the road had to be formed and gravelled before the council took it over, but their financial position did not warrant them going to this expense, and they requested council to take over the road in its present state.—Mrs I. M’lntyre wrote dedicating land for road to council.—The Chairman: It is doubtful if the county can accede to the request.—Cr Hay thought an exception should be made in such a case.—The Chairman: But we have to sign a declaration that the road is formed and metalled, and we could not conscientiously do that.—Cr Hay moved that council regrets that it cannot accede to the request. —Agreed to. Jas. D. Calder (Owaka) and 24 others petitioned council to have the ungraded portion of Ryley street from the railway crossing to the hospital graded, as it was much used by foot passengers and other light traffic. —Cr Maginnes moved that the road be graded in tho summer time. —Seconded by Cr Lawson and carried. S. R. Craig, stock inspector, Owaka, requested council to clear noxious weeds on the Glenomaru Creek bank from Glenomaru to' Rpmahapa; also on Kuriwao Creek bank and the Owaka Creek from Old Landing to Pcunawea.—Cr Hay moved that the necessary work be done in his riding.—The Chairman said it was doubtful who was responsible for the Kuriwao Creek bank. If there was a fishing reserve there the council were not responsible.—Agreed that the council clear the weeds where responsible for same. It was pointed out that the department could allocate the responsibility. M. Kirkpatrick (Gore) wrote that council could use either of his quarries on the Waikaka-Kelso road. As he would benefit from the improved road he was prepared to accept 3d per yard royalty.—Accepted, Mr Kirkpatrick to be thanked. R. H. Clapperton and two other residents of Owaka wrote drawing attention to the bad state of the road running parallel to section 80, block VIII, Glenomaru, and asked that application be made for a Government grant of £IOO towards the work of repair.— Cr Maginness moved that application be made for a Government grant of £IOO for this work.—Agreed to. 11. Hunt (Owaka) wrote requesting that something be done to Chloris Pass road, which was badly cut up owing to heavy carting of firewood. —Cr Maginness said that at present nothing could be done till the summer time. It was impossible to do anything to such a road at present.—Deferred till summer. Arthur G. Speak (Houipapa) and two others petitioned council to have the footbridge across the Catlins River, also the culverts leading thereto, attended to. —Held over, oil the motion of Cr Maginness. J. J. Campbell (Glenomaru) requested that the bridge over the Glenomaru Stream leading to lus section be attended to.—Cr Hay said the applicant had another outlet, and was not so badly off as he made out.— Received. M. A. Anderson, “Carol,” Waiwera South, applied for a grant of £IOO for the purpose of opening up the road leading to his property at Waiwera Gorge, Block V. He was willing to give use of a team for a week if the work was gone on w ;th. —Or Thomson moved that the chairman and the mover inspect the road and report.—Agreed to. Coiin C. Stuart (Kahuika) asked that road from Stuart’s Siding to Mouat’s Saddle road be repaired.—Cr Lawson said the workman had had to leave, but would be going back to this road a 3 soon as possible. Henry Mornison (Wharetoa) and six others requested that the loose metal on the watertables on Clydevale-Wharetoa road between Messrs Weir’s and Powell’s and on Burk’s Ford-Tuapeka Mouth, road, near Wharetoa School, be graded and rolled.—Cr Moßley said lie had authorised the work. — Action approved.

The Lauriston Timber Company (Tahakopa) made application to lay a tramway on JMokoreta road.—Permission granted. T. B. Buchanan (Maclennan) made application for permission to build a carshed on the side of the road at the entrance to Mr White’s sawmill houses.—Granted during the pleasure of the council on the motion of Cr Lawson. J. J. Campbell (Glenomaru) applied fon the position of road surfaceman in South Molyneux Riding.—Received on the motion of Cr Hay. l’ho». Glass (Eatamu) asked that the Lakeside road between the Ratanui Hall and section 13, block 111, Woodland District, be attended to.—Received. W. Prentice, secretary Otanomomo River and Drainage Board, forwarded statement of expenditure on cleaning roadside drains (£32 19s), and asked the council to contribute half-cost.—Cn Hay said that it would only be fair if the council paid one-third of the cost when the ditches were cleaned out on both sides of a road. Where only one ditch was cleaned council should pay halfcost.—The Chairman: It is in your own ha,nds as member for the riding.—Cr Cumming moved that the whole matter be held over till next meeting, including payment of the account. —Agreed to. Chas. Tyson and Co. (Tawanui) applied for three trucks of Logan’s Point metal to put on the road from Mr J. Gwyn’s to the railway gate. Writers were prepared to do the carting free.—Cr Lawson moved that the request be granted.—Agreed to. H. T. Bryant, secretary Tahatika Branch New Zealand Farmeas’ Union, wrote drawing attention to several awkward corners on the Owaka Valley road, and suggesting that it be widened by 6ft. —Cr Maginness .said it was really a good road and quite unnecessary to spend any money in widening it. He moved that warning notices be erected at the four corners referred to.—Agreed to. James Eastes (Pounawea) and 11 other ratepayers of Catlins Riding petitioned the council to give the owners of trees on the north side of Pounawea road notice to cut the same down to a reasonable height, as at present they made the road impassable.—Cr Macinness moved that the owners be notified to cut the trees.—Agreed to. The Ranger (H. C. Chittock) reported that the following stock had been found wandering on county roads during the month: Horses 2, cattle 14.—Received.The Chairman referred to the traction engines which he said had been using the roads all winter, although council had advertised that this heavy traffic was prohibited during the months of May, June, July, and August. The high price of chaff had probably had something to do with this revival of traction engine traffic. —The Clerk pointed out that the by-law did not prohibit chaffcutting plants from using the roads.—Cr Cumming moved that the advertised restrictions on heavy traffic be lifted on August 15.—There was no seconder. —Cr Jack moved that matters be left as they were for this season.—Seconded by Cr Hay and carried. Cr Lawson referred to the small bird nuisance.—The Chairman said it had previously been decided that this was a matter for each riding member..—Decided that the clerk order sufficient bird poison.—One member stated that the birds were worse this year than ever before. The levying of the various rates for 192425, of which notice had been given at last meeting, was confirmed. It was resolved that no rebates be granted this year. Cr Mosley referred to the rates of interest being paid by local bodies for loans, which at present seemed to be unrestricted, and the effect was that farmers could not get financed at reasonable rates of interest. Ho accordingly moved—“ That the . Counties’ Association be asked to approach the Minister of Finance to limit the amount of interest that any local body may be empowered to pay for any loan money, as the rates of interest are thus raised, causing money that would otherwise be used for productive purposes to be deflected to other channels, thereby limiting production for %vant of cheaper money.”—Carried. Nine applications were received for the position of county engineer, and after consideration in committee it was unanimously agreed to appoint Mr G. A. Gould, of Wellington, to the position; the clerk to write and ask Mr Gould to take up his duties as soon as possible. Crs Mosley and Maginness reported with regard to the deputation from the council that had waited upon the Otago Expansion League at Dunedin on July 19, and stated that the league had promised whole-hearted support to the proposal for a road from Clydevale to Balclutha along the west bank of the Molvneux River. The chairman of the league (Mr S. B. Macdonald) had promised to join with a deputation from the council in waiting upon the Minister of Public Works in Wellington and urging the construction of this road as a national undertaking in lieu of a railway up the valley. It was resolved that the chairman (Mr Harris) and Cr Mosley form a deputation to wait upon the Hon. Mr Coates at Wellington at an early date, in co-operation with the chairman of the Expansion League, the member for Clutha, and the Ilona. Malcolm and Fleming; also that Mr H. Simeon, chairman of the South Otago Progress League, l>e a member of the deputation.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3673, 5 August 1924, Page 17

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CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 3673, 5 August 1924, Page 17

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 3673, 5 August 1924, Page 17