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Saturday. On Friday evening the Otago Women’s Club held its ninth annual birthday party. The accommodation, as is always the ease on these occasions, was taxed to its limits. The proceedngs were opened wth a speech by the president, lire Lindo Ferguson, who gave a brief resume of the chib’s doings during the year. A very excellent programme had been arranged, and many interesting and amusing items were given. The Musical Circle, headed by Miss Barron, contributed some very taking songs in Pierrette costumes. Scarlet and black were the colours worn, forming a pretty foreground to the stage, which was draped in scarlet. A scene by members of the Dramatic Club, the principal part being taken by Mrs Statham, was much enjoyed. Recitations by Miss Holland were very delightful. During supper a guessing competition was caried out.. Photos and pictures of celebrated people were hung on the -wall, and the names of the persons depicted had to be guessed. A delicious supper was partaken of in the luncheon room, the table being decorated with large heliotrope chrysanthemums. A few’ present were Mesdames Lindo Ferguson, Edmond, Oldham, Bcgg, Statham, T. Ross, Stanley Batchelor, Wakefield Holmes, Gilkison, Callaway, M'Kibbin. Fairfax Fenwick, O’Neill, Orbell, Tapley, Sleigh, Barr, Riley, Chrystall. Black, Callaway, Brickell, Doorly, H. L. Tapley, Blues, Johnson, C. R. Chapman, Marshal] Macdonald, Carmalt-Jones, C. Begg, Bell, Priest, Radcliff, Macassey, Misses Martin, Ross, Scott, Ulrich, Downie Stewart, Jackson, Mackerras, Smith, Callaway, Holland, Burton, Statham, Fleming. Turton, Williams. Barron, Bond. M. Cargill, Hart, Roberts, Holland, Orbell, Webster, MTferrow, Gilkison, Haggitt, Nicholson, Bell, etc. Mrs Eardley Reynolds gave an afternoon tea party at her residence, London street, each visitor being requested to bring books for people living in the back-blocks. A book title guessing competition was much enjoyed. Tea was partaken of in the dining room, tlie table being prettily decorated with chrysanthemums. Some present, were Mesdames Hewitson, T. Reynolds, Callaway, Begg, C. Begg, T. Ross, Ritchie, Laidlaw, J. Ross, Glendining, O'Neill, Edmond, Oldham, Batchelor, Ferguson, Misses Rattray, Reynolds, Mackerras, Theomin, Jackson, Den-nist-on, Maeandrew. The Cabaret was well patronised on Satur-, day and Wednesday, quite a number of parties being given. On Wednesday night a farewell party for Mr Arthur Porritt was given in the Tudor Hall, a very jolly evening being spent. Miss Freda Green, daughter of Mr H. T. Green, of Littleboume road, Roslyn, is to be married shortly to Mr Horace Matheson, son of Mrs Matheson, 43 Stafford street, Dunedin. Tlie Hon. Downie Stewart and Miss Stewart left for Wellington on Saturday. Mr Massey and his party were passengers by the express north on Saturday morning. Mrs Hazlett and Mies Agnes Hazlett (Invercargill) stayed in Dunedin a few days on their way to Sydney. Miss Sheila, Macphereon left on Tuesday for Wellington, where she intends taking up nu rsing. Mr and Mrs Alfred Bell (Shag Valiev), Miss Bell, and Mr Frank Bell returned to Shag Valley by motor on Monday. Hon. Mr Nos worthy and Mrs Nosworthy, who were in town for Show Week, left for the north on Saturday. Hon. Mr Statham, accompanied by Mrs Statham, left for Wellington on Saturday. Mrs Armitage, who has been the guest of Mrs Ross at Newington, returned to Temuka last week. Miss K. Ulrich has gone to visit friends in Timaru. Mrs Frank Fitchett returned from the north during the week. Mrs Elliston Orbell, who was the guest of Mrs Stanley Batchelor for a few days last week, returned to Christchurch. Mr Sam Chaffey returned to North Canterbury on Thursday. Miss Rattray has gone to visit iiends in the north. Mips E. Graham (Roxburgh) is the guest of Mrs C. C. Graham in Heriot row. Mrs Allan Orbell has returned to Waikouaiti. INVERCARGILL. June 1(5. The Hon. A. F. and Mrs Hawk© went to Wellington this week. Mrs B. Hewat has returned from Oamaru. Mr Thomson Bush has returned north. Miss D. APLean lias gone to Wellington. Mrs R. Crawford gav e a bridge party at her residence in Don street last week. Mrs C. J- Broderick gave a very enjoyable bridge evening last at her residence (Wellesley). Among her guests were Mrs Neuth, Miss Hackworth, Miss Watson, Miss O Morrah, Miss Hogg, Miss D. Russell, Mr T. Bush, Mr T. Royd-s, Mr G. Keddell. Mr S. Watson, Mr C. Prain, and Mr II Russell. Miss O. Morrah gave a fox trot, party at her parents’ residence (Gladstone) on Saturday evening. Some of those present wore Miss T. Watson, Miss Haggitt, Miss Guthrie, Miss Roberts, Misses Hogg (21, Miss A. Hazlett, Miss M. Logan, Miss K. Anderson, Miss Galbraith, Miss D. Russell, Messrs D. Morrah, T. Bush, T. Royds. J. Hazlett, Gilmour, Talbot, C. Prain, S. AVatson, Williams, S. Crawford (Timaru), and Guthrie. The Invercargill Golf Club ball was held in the Victoria Hall on Thursday evening, and it was one of the largest and most successful dances they have given. The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens and large tree-ferns, and the supper room,

I where a delightful supper was served, also j looked very pretty. Among those present were Mr and Mrs D. Cuthbertson, Mr and Mrs Fosbery Handvside, Dr and Mre R ] Crawford, Dr and Mrs J. G. Macdonald, Mrs A. T. M‘Caw, Mr and Mrs A. B. Haggitt, Mr and Mrs A. E. Smith, Mr and Mrs R. J. Gilmour, Mr and Mrs Caws, Mr and Mrs Calbraith, Mr and Mrs H. Macalister, Mr and Mrs Abbey Jones, Mr and Mr.s Ivo Carr, Mr and Mrs T. Christouhers, Air and Airs C. Jones, Air and Mrs O. Gilkison. the Rev. T. and ALs Thomson, Mr and ill's P. B. Macdonald, Afr and Mrs G. Broughton, Mr and Airs B. Hewat, Mr and Airs G. Henderson, Air and Airs R. J. Camni, Mr and Airs Fogarty, Mr and Mrs Abercrombie. Air and Airs 11. Carswell, Mrs 11. A. Alacdonald, Airs T, M. Alacdonald, Airs J. F. Lillicrap, Alisses W. Tucker, Hackworth, T. AVaLson, Storey (Vinlaw), H. Alacdonald, Haggitt, Muir, S. Hogg, Galbraith (21, O. Morrah, Bews, Smith (Auckland), Russell, Saunders, R. Anderson, Crofts, D. Moffett. Brooksmitli (debutante), Bernstone, Htre *to 11, Macphersop (2), M. | Gardner (Clifdcn). Lillicrap, Stout, Alacj Arthur, Brass, AHiaffey (debutante), Messrs Cruickshank, Gilmour, Saunders (2), Otway, Al. Mitchell. Tucker, Prain. Longuet, P. Gardner, Dr A. Tennent, Blnnpy, S. Watson. Pears, Beodel, de Castro. Dundas, Rae, Cantrell, Russel], Storey, Todd (2). Bewa, Talbot, Miller, Smith (2), and Ott. Aliss C. Brass is down from Dunedin for her holidays just now. Airs A\ T . T. Hazlett and Miss Hazlett left this weak for Australia, where they intend to spend the winter months. Aliss Nona Thomson, of Lennel, has taken Mr and Mrs Bicknells house on the Cashmere Hills, Christchurch.

OAMARU, June 15. Miss Robinson returned from the North Island last Friday. Airs Darling gave an enjoyable dance on Wednesday evening. Madame Winnie Fraser gave a farewell recUal on Tuesday. A large audience ase sembled in the Opera. House to bid liev farewell, as she leaves for Europe shortly. Mrs Sumpter gave a small dance in honour of Miss Saxton. Aliss Prc3ton went to Clinton for a few days on Thursday. On Thursday evening Dr Fitzgerald gave liis first lecture in connection with the firstaid classes held under th>- auspices of ths St. John Ambulance Association. Miss N. Reid has returned from Christchurch. Tlie meeting of the Oamaru and Waimats ladies’ teams was held on Tuesday, and resulted in a very enjoyable contest, ending in a win for Wa-imate by one game. Airs Fowlds .(Auckland) is visiting her daughter. Mrs Littlejohn The Kailianga met at Airs Woodward 6 OB Thursday evening. TIALARU. June 15 Aliss Rattray (Dunedin) is the guest of Airs Gladstone Robirson (Oakwood, Timaru). Major and Airs Bend, who were at Warwick House, Christchurch, have returned to Alount Possession Aliss May Oliver, who was at Surrey Hills, went back to Christchurch on Tuesday. Mr and Airs J. Scott (Cannington) returned from Sydney on Thursday. Aliss Lois Bassett (Bank street) is back from a round of visits in the North Island. Airs James Alitchell and Aliss Leithe Mitchell (Cashmere Hills), who are with Mrs R. Bell (Arden, Wai-iti road), intend leaving to-morrow for Christchurch. Airs Bowen (Christchurch) is the guest of Airs J. A. Julius (St. Mary's Vicarage). Alisa Bowen is spendng a month in Christchurch. The engagement is announced of Aliss Jessie Gvtlia Black, daughter of Air and Mrs AV. Black, "AVaihao Grange.” Waihaorunga, to Air T. D. S. Cross, youngest son of Mr and AUs George Cross, “Feklands.” Airs IV. Barton (Featherston) spent last week-end in Timaru, and went north on Monday. Miss Parsons (Christchurch) is with Mrs Rickman (Church street). Airs G. Hampton Rhodes, who was the guest of her son, Captain Eric Rhodes, at The Cliffs, has returned to Christchurch. Aliss Alice M'Laren (Queenstown) is staying with her aunt, Airs J. C. Miller (Orari). Mr and Airs James-Innes (Haldon) have taken Miss Thomson’s house in Orbell street, and will arrive shortly to spend the winter months in Timaru. Aliss Agnes Scully (Wellington) is at the Grosvenor Hotel. Aliss Alice Evans (North street) returned to-day from a visit to Mrs A. Mackenzie at Edgecliff. Captain Eric Rhodes, Air A. S. Elworthy, Air Timaru Rhodes, and All' H. B. Johnstone are down south on a deer-stalking expediton. . Air Richard LcCren (Grey road) returned to-day from a week’s visit to Dunedin. Aliss A T ida Belt, who was the guest of Mrs Inglis (Avenue road), has returned to Dunedin. Mrs O. Grant (Aigar.tiglie) 16 visiting her sister. Airs Ronaldson (Papanui road, Christchurch). CHRISTCHURCH, .Tune 15. Sir Harry and Lady Lauder were on Thursday night the guests of the Scottish Society of New Zealand at “high tea” in the Reresfor.l Tea Rooms. Alany were present, including the deputy Alayor, Mr Arnaud Al'Kellar, and Mr A. K. Anderson (crincipal of St. Andrew’s College). Chief R. Chisholm presided. Sir Harry Lauder has been attracting huge audiences at the Theatre Royal, and has been accorded a very hearty welcome to this city. The pantomime ‘‘Jack and the Beanstalk” is being presented in the Theatre Royal next week by “Unlimited Charities,” in aid of Nurse Alaude, District Nursing Association, and promises to be a great success,, the young people at present giving most, of their time to rehearsing. An enjoyable concert, organised by Aliss Lucy Cowan in aid of the Returned Soldiers’ Unemployment. Fund, was uiven during the week in Jellicoe Hall, and was a great success. Airs Barron (Dunedin) and Mrs Grant (Timaru) are. the guests of Alis C. J. Ronaidson in Papanui road. Miss P. M. Forbes (Dunedin), who is leaving shortly for England, has been staying with Mrs James Deans at Homebush. Dr and Airs Alanning and Miss Marjorie Alanning are leaving shortly for England. Air and Alr3 Fosbery Nancarrow left Christchurch recently to reside in Dunedin. All- and Airs Joseph Studholme are spending a few days in Dunedin. Mr and Airs W. 11. Norton and the Misses Norton are leaving for Auckland, where they intend to remain for several weeks. Aliss Sheila Cuthbertson (Oamaru) is the guest of Miss Lorna Herdman at Fendalton. Major and Airs Bond, who were on a visit to Christchurch, have returned to Mount Possession. Mrs H. A. Knight (Racecourse Hill) has been on a short visit to Christchurch. Mr and Airs J. D. Alillton have returned to Fendalton after several weeks spent at Sumner.

Bridge parties have recently been given by Mrs H. H. Loughnan, Mrs John Sn v---r----son, Mrs J. H. Hall, Mrs Nancarrow, Mrs T. Cowlishaw, and Mrs M. Campbell.

Mrs Howley lias returned to Timaru. ill's IL-moton Rhodes spent a few days in Timaru during the week •with her son, Commander Eric Rhodes. Miss Barbara Cowlishaw is the guest of Mrs George Bloomfield in Auckland. WELL 1 y r TOX, June 13. The big Town Hall was a very gay place on Saturday’ evening, when a plain and fancy-dress ball, organised by the ladies’ Guild of St. Peter's Mission, was held there to aid tiie Rev. Hidden Taylor’s work for the boys of the city. The floor was crowded with dancers, many of whom were in fancy dress, while others contented themselves with paper caps in the gayest of colours, masks, and any other touch that seemed to them commendable. Paper dresses were again very popular, and all sorts of ideas were carried into effect.. The grand march was headed by two pipers in lull Highland dress, and after the parade round the hall the winners of the best costumes were announced. These fell to Miss Beryl Robinson, who represented “.New Zealand,’’ and Mr Peat, who mad© a very

swashbuckling Mexican cowboy. Mrs M’Vioar and Mrs Chatfield were the judges. Another feature of the evening was the Chinese Orchestra, who arrived somewhat late. This was quite a novel touch, and the first time in Wellington that East and West have come together in a ballroom. A counter supper was served, the arrangements being carried out by members of the committee. The joint secretaries for the ball were Mrs Kr.ibbs and Mrs lls ley, with Mrs Ctaridge as ticket secretary. The hall had been decorated with flags, and excellent music was played for the dancing, the Chinese Orchestra being there for only a part of the evening. The prizes for the best fancy dresses were presented by the Rev. Field c n Ta v lor. One of the most enjoyable of balls was that given by members of the Pa hi at us Club in the Drill Hall at Pahiatua last Friday. The decorations were charmingly carried out with coloured streamers and strands of lycopodium, and special attention was paid to the corners, which were comfortably furnished with oouche3 and shaded lights. The guests, numbering about 300, were received by tlie president of the club, Mr S. Bolton, of Oete, and Mrs Bolton, the latter wearisg a draped gown of black georgette ornamented with jet. The committee comprised the following ladies:—Mrs J. Y. Crawford, weaving a frock of grey georgette; Mrs I>a wson, mauve and silver; Mrs J. E. Hewitt, black sequins over charmeuse; Mrs F. P. Nelson, black charms use with gold lace; Mrs A. Sheckle-ton, black panne velvet; Mrs P. Thompson, black morocain heavily beaded. Among those who were present wer e Mrs Harding, of Waipukurau, in pale blue georgette and silver; Mrs Prendegast Knight, navy blue crepe de chine; Mrs F. C. Lewis (Masterton), black satin with beaded net; Mrs Free- (Masterton), grey radium lace; Mrs 0. Sladden (Wellington), flame satin; Mrs (r. M. Perry (Masterton), apricot brocade: Mrs Maunsell (Masterton), gold tissue; Mrs Kobbell (Alfredton), red brocaded georgette; Mrs Trevor Beethpm. crimson velvet; Mrs A. Nelson, black satin; Mrs G. L. Hawley-Drewe, black satin; Mrs G. S. Humphries, pale blue and gold brocade; Mrs Oswald Meyrick, white brocaded m-aroca in; Miss Bolton, green and gold shot tissue; Miss H. Hewitt, cerise satin; Miss 'Goldmgham, salmon pink georgette embroidered with sequins: Miss M. Smith, black satin with sequins overdress: Miss M. Goring-Johnston, lemon taffetas; Miss Dorothy Devin (Feilding), black georgette; Miss Hilda Thompson, cherry panne; Miss Valm-ai Gore, grey georgette; Miss Sheckleton, lavender charmeuse; Miss B. liYglis (Napier), metal-embossed net; Miss HartF'b' gold tissue; Mass Violet Hutchinson (Masterton), pink georgette; Miss Alice MacRae (Masterton). black sequins over georgette; Miss Mona Macßae, black lace frock; Miss N. Armstrong (Alitie), henna marocain; Miss F. Armstrong, apple-green taffetas; Miss M. Thompson, black charmeuse and jet; Miss Leslie Taverner »Rangit.ikei), pink and silver brocade; Miss M. Knight, rose georgette. Also present were Mesdames J. Bolton, Tvle-e, -J Smith Mac Sherry, Didsbury, Hunter (Masterton)’, Luike (Wellington), Misses Tvl-e-e, Lethbridge, Corson (Bulls), "Wilson (Bulls), Mair (u an Abraham (Palmerston North), lvobei ts (Vv anganui), Co-wper (Wanganui), Dlackiston JDannevirke), Perry (2), Wilkin--5? 31 .'--b (V aipukurau). Grant (Wocdville), Rhodes (Gisborne), Nelson (2), and many more. Mrs Harold _ Carr, wife of Acting-Judge . rl \ of tire Dative Land Court, Gisborne, is visiting Wellington. Mrs F. (V. Twiss, of Nairn street, returned to Wellington this week by the Manama from Sydney. Mrs Herbert F. Wood returned to Weinngton this week from Sydney. Mr and Mrs Charles Haines left by the -Tahiti this week for Sydney. Mrs W E. Atkinson,'formerly of Hurwotu school, V anganui, is leaving for a visit to England shortly. T( le engagement is anounced of Miss Beryl Barlthoi-pe only daughter of Mr and Mrs l' Vf Barlthorne, Te Maire, New Plymouth, Mr Brian Brent, eldest son of Mr and Mrs w. H. Brent, of St. Clair, Dunedin. Miss Grace Rattray has returned to the south from Wellington. The engagement is announced of Miss Marjorie Blaxall, daughter of Mr and Mrs U. J N. Blaxall of Oriental Bay, to Mr lcric Lawson, of Wellington. Mrs E. W. Kane returned to Wellington rrom Imiaru, accompanied by Mrs F E, Baume. ’ Mr and Mrs Cockburn-Hood (Masterton) leave tins week for a visit to Sydney Mrs H. Buckleton (Oriental Bay) has retuined from a visit to Auckland'and the vv aiaato. Mrs J. Holden, of Dannevirko is visiting her sister, Miss Macintosh in Grant rdad ° ihe engagement is announced, and the marriage will shortly take place, of Alastair, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. Mackenzie, i-inaniate, Dannevirko. to Iris, third daughter of Mr and Mrs E. B. Ross, OtTima Porangahau. ; ’

. ALCKLAXD, June 13. An interesting function took place at Government House on Monday evening of last week, when the Governor-General Lord Jolltcoe, presented the various orders and decorations lately conferred by his Majesty King George The recipients, with their relatives and friends, and a number of other .guests, were afterwards entertained at a reception in honour of the King’s Birthday xhe investiture took place in the ballroom’ I he scene was one of great splendour, for those entitled to wear orders and decorations were all* present. Lord Jellicos handed to Sir George Elliot his letters patent ot Knighthood; the 0.8. E. to Mr P E Suttie, of Papatoet-oe; to Mr Charles Chap: man, of Rotorua, the Albert Medal (in r eco~nmon of his having saved several lives fn t lie Paparoa floods three years ago) • Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers’ Decora’tion, Lieutenant-colonel Hardie Neii, D S O. °j Auckland, and Captain Willoughby, also oi Auckland. Her Excellency wore a handsome frock of green and silver brocade, the trained skirt of which was draped ad the corsage trimmed with silver lace The Hon Lucy Jellic go’s frock was of gold and crimson brocade. Mrs Day wore a black panne velvet, frock with black and gold lace: Lady Elliot, black sequined frock with cluster of gold tissue roses; Lady Nolan, black charmeuse with overdress of black and gold lace; Mrs Gunson, black lace and chiffon \eLet, Mrs Oven 11, dark red georgette frock embroidered in black; Mrs Vivian Riddiford ( Wellington), grey chiffon velvet; Mrs Percival James, black charmeusc with embroideries of black and royal blue; Mrs J. M. Brigham, black charmeuse and gold lace, and Airs Arthur Myer-'\ grey georgette and silver tissue. The Auckland Racing Club held the third day of its Great Northern meeting on Wednesday of last week, when the weather was fine., and there was a good attendance of the public. The Governor-General, Lord

J Jellicc-e. and Lady Jellicoe were present, and j remained until just before the last race. Lady Jellicoe wore a fawn tailored suit and black hat wreathed with autumn leaves. The Hon. Lucy Jellicoe was in a suit oi' brown with short belted coat and pretty brown hat. Mrs Acton-Adams (Dunedin) wore a brown velvet frock and smart tangerine hat; Mrs Eric Riddiford (Wellington', navy and white frock and navy hat; Mrs Ewen Trou'bcck, long mole-coloured coat with fur and hat in a like shade; and Mrs George Bloomfield, smart navy frock and navy velvet toque. The marriage of Miss Cecille Earner, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs V. J. Lamer, Remuera, and Mr Cecil Barry Wake, only son of Mr and Mrs F. W. Wake, also of Remuera, t-cok place on Tuesday evening of last week at St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church, Remuera. The bride’s wedding frock was of gold brocaded tissue draped in soft lines, and caught with clusters of pearls on the shoulders, from whence hung a train of gold brocade lined with gold tissue. Pearls and. orange blossoms fastened the bridal veil of gold tulle to the hair, and she j carried a bouquet of cream roses and maideni hair fern. The three bridesmaids—Mis3 Run a Earner, Miss Ruth Ha when, and Miss Jessie Muir Douglas -were alike in frocks of gold tissue, with long sleeveless tunics i caught on the h'ps with swathed sashes, j Their headdresses were arranged over long gold tulle veils, and were draped over the ears with strings of pearls. Yellow jonquil were used for their bouquets. Mr Douglas Simpson, of Hunterville, was best man, and Mr AJastair Robison and Mr Lance Tompkins, of Hamilton, were groomsmen. After the ceremony a dance was held at Eimstone, the home of the bride’s parents. The bride and bridegroom received their congratulations from the many guests in an alcove in the reception room under a large floral bell composed of gold tissue roses. All the wedding presents were on view in a special room utilised for tlie purpose. Supper was served in the billiard room, the table decorations being orange and yellow poppies. When the bride went away she was wearing a smart frock of grey duvetyn and grey toque embroidered in chenille and grey fox furs. Mrs Earner’s frock of kingfisher blue sc-uple 'satin was made with an overdress of mole georgette embossed in gold and blue, and her mole-coloured lint \va3 wreathed with a blue ostrich plume. Mrs Wake’s black panne velvet frock was embroidered in crystal and white beads and was worn with a bla-ck hat trimmed with cspreys. Mr and Mrs J. M. Barker, of F'ou tli Canterbury, are staying at the Grand Hotel. Mr and Mrs A. Guy, of Palmerston North, are also at the Grand. Mrs Wilson, who arrived from England about a year ago, and who has been visiting friends in the South Island, is the guest of Lady Nolan (St. George’s Bav road, Parnell). Miss Dora Judson, well known in musical circles, returned to Auckland last week after a visit to Nelson lasting about a month. Mrs Beckett (Marton) is the guest of Mrs Osborne Knight at Mount Albert. Miss Ruth Ilawkeu, of flawora, is visiting Mrs Kingswell in Golf road, Epsom. Miss J. Buckle tool (Wellington) is the guest of Mrs A. B. Roberton in Remuera road.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3614, 19 June 1923, Page 53

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3614, 19 June 1923, Page 53

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3614, 19 June 1923, Page 53