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Friday evening. The Misses Burton, Alva street, entertained some friends . at a most enjoyable tea in honour of Miss Lilian Fenwick on Friday afternoon last. The guests were received in the drawing room, and several musical items were received in the drawing room, and several musical items were listened to with much appreciation. Tea was served in the dining room, the table being artistically arranged with exquisite roses. Among those present were Lady Fenwick, Mesdames Wilfred White, E. Hazlett, Matheson, Clapperton, James, Guthrie, Inglis, Leech, Chiystal, Paterson, Throp, j. Sinij Allen, Carmalt Jones, O’Neill, Marshall Macdonald, Ross, Evans, LeCren, iSpedding. Edmond, Fleming] opencer, Spedding, Vivian, Cantrell, Sawell, J. Watson, Macassey. Lambert, and the Misses Fenwick, Mondy, Reynolds, Power, Hart (2), Barron, Mackerras, Moody, Smith, LeCren, Hazlett, Duncan, Edmond, (2), Macassey, Joachim, and Spedding. ® A pleasant little tea was given on Monday afternoon Mrs Vivian at her residence, p um^ >er l an d street. The guests were received draw i n f? room, which was decorated peas, and a dainty tea served in the dining room, the table being effectively arranged with shaded blue larkspurs Among those present were Lady Stout, Mesdames Macassey, F. Parker, Matheson, Wilson, v alange, E. Hazlett, Hutchison, Carmalt Jones, Dunlop (Oamaru), M’Kibbin, Fulton, the Misses M'Kerrow, and Hart. On Thursday afternoon Mrs Ramsay gave a tea at her residence, Albert street, to enable her daughter, Mrs Charles White, to say good-bye to her friends before leaving for Wellington on Saturday. Mrs Ramsay, the Misses Ramsay, and Mrs White received the guests in the drawing room, and tea, wa.s served in the dining room, the table being prettily arranged with carnations and gypsophila. Among those present were Mesdames Nisbet, J. White, naggitt, O’Neill Theomin, Dodgsliun, Wilson, Oldham, Keith Ramsay, E. Theomin, Sydney Neill, Chryetaii, Matheson, D. Ramsay, E. Hazlett, and the Misses Todd, M‘Ker.row, Scott (2) K. Ulrich, Haggitt, L. White. During the afternoon s. ngs were charmingly rendered by i 5! dham \ ,nd Miss Dorothy Theomin, and Miss Doris Ramsay contributed some pianoforte solos. Mr Macintosh left on Thursday for Auckland. t Mr Leslie Harris and his daughters arrived from England on Thursday evening. Among the bridge hostesses during the week were Mrs Hilton an J Miss Kathleen M Lean. J. M. Ritchie, who has been the guest, of Mrs George Ritchie at Waikouaiti, left this week for Timaru. Mrfe Russell Ritchie has returned from Moeraki. Mrs Fairfax Fenwick, who is visiting New Zealand after some years spent in London is the guest of Mrs H. S. Fenwick, Musselburgh Rise. Miss Vida Reynolds left on Monday for Invercargill, when she will be the guest of Mrs Denmston Cuthbertson. Miss Eulalie Roberts left for Timaru on Monday where she will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs Hunter Weston. Mrs and Miss Orbell returned last week from Queenstown. The engagement, is announced of Major P C. Bridgeman, eldest son of Mr and Mrs F. O. Bridgeman, St. Clair, and Ladv Gladys Honor Ward, eldest daughter of the Earl of Dudley. Mrs Cheeseman left on Thursday for Keinton Combe, Am-uri, to attend the wedding of Miss Bay Chaffey and Mr Johnson which takes place shortly. ’ Mr and Mrs Rattray and Miss Rattray have returned from Waikouaiti. Miss Biispk, who returned to New Zealand after an absence of several years, arrived from Timaru and spent a few days at Leith House before leaving for Queenstown on Monday with her friend. Miss Whittall. who is visiting New Zealand for the first time. The engagement, is announced Between Lieutenant David G. H. Bush. D.S.C., Royal Navy, of H.M.S. Chatham, sor of the late Rev. T. Cromwell Bush, of rnple Hayo, Tavistock, Devonshire, and tina Gertrude’ daughter of Mr C. W. Rattray, of Dunedin. Mr Leslie Reynolds (Auckland) is the guest of Mis W. E. Reynolds at present. Mrs Douglas Ramsay has returned from Wailiola. Professors Thomas and Dettman and Mr F. A. de la Mare, who have been attending the meeting of the Senate, returned to the north on Friday morning. Sir Donald M‘Gavin, K.C.M.G., and Hon. D. Collins, C.M.G., left for Christchurch on Friday. Miss Rosina Buckman, Mr Maurice Doisly, and party ’-ere passengers by the north express on Friday for Christchurch. Miss Stewart and the Hon. W. D. Stewart left for the north on Saturday. Mrs Frank Fitchett has returned from Waitati.

A wedding of unusual interest took place in St. Paul's Cathedral on Monday morning, when Miss Lilian Fenwick, daughter of Sir George and Lady Fenwick, of Ravelston, Mornington, was married to Canon Percival Janies, of St. Mary's Cathedral, Auckland. The ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Dunedin. The : wedding was extremely quiet, and only' the immediate relatives' of the bride were present, but many friends were assembled in the church to the ceremony. The bride wore an extremely pretty dress of palest blue crape maiocain embroidered across the skirt in a design of seed shells, outlined in gold and silver, the underdiess being exquisitely embroidered in gold. With this she wore a toque of shot blue and gold tissue and gold tissue roses, and her shoes were of gold brocade. She carried a she.if of Annunciation lilies. The little bridesmaid, daughter of Mrs Wilfrid White, wore a sweet frock of gathered white net over pale blue, caught here and there with posies of forget-me-not and gold leaves. Lady Fenwick, the mother. of the bride, wore a beautiful dress of black souple satin enriched with panels of embroidery, and a toque of black panne velvet and silver. She carried a bouquet of palest pink Malmaison carnations. Miss Fenwick wore a frock of navy blue georgette, and a eharnnng of navy blue and silver. Mrs V hite (The Levels) wore an amethyst cacliemire de soie, with toque of mole and amethyst; and Mre Hazlett an extremely handsome dress of black panne with swinging panels" of shot rose and silver tissue. The bridegroom was attended by Mr Evans, and there were present also the bride’s two brothers. Dr Geprge Fenwick (Auckland) and Dr Eordley Fenwick (Wellington). The service was choral, conducted by Mr Heywood. The bridegroom’s gift to ihe bride was a string of pearls, and to the bridesmaid a wristlet watch. After a short and bright ceremony the party left for the wedding luncheon at Ravelston, and earlv in tne atternoon Canon and Mrs James left by motor on their weding trip, the bride wearing a blue jersey silk cloak over blue georgette, and a greycrinoline hat with large grey loses and navy blue ribbon. INVERCARGILL, February 2. The Rev. and Mrs Lawson Robinson and family have returned from Oamaru. * ■ Mrs Callender has been spending a holiday for some weeks with her daughter, Mre HSutton, The Willows. Miss Lester returned from Dunedin this Mise S. Weymouth, who was the guest of Mrs G. Moffett at Stewart Island, has returned home. Mr and Mrs D. Cuthbertson, who spent a short holiday at Riverton, have returned home. Miss M. Ridings (Auckland), who has, been here for some time, has left tor Canterbury. Dr and Mrs P. Gow (Winton) have returned from the North Island where they spent their wedding trip. The Rev. and Mrs Gilbert arc spending a holiday in the Oamaru district. Mr and Mrs G. S. Moffett and family have returned from Stewart Island. Miss Stout returned from Stewart Island last week. Mrs and Miss Logan returned from Dunedin this week. Mr and Mrs L. Webb and family have returned from Queenstown. Mrs R. B. Caws gave a small morning tea this week at her residence, Gladstone. Among her guests were Mirs Hall-Jones, Miss Massey, Miss Watson, Miss E. Moriah, and Miss H. Macdonald. Mr and Mis F. O’Beirne have returned from their motOT trip through Southland. Miss S. Wright (Levin) is the guest of Mrs Storey, Venlaw. Mr and Mrs F. G. Hall-Jones gave an enjoyable picnic at Riverton beach last Saturday in honour of theix son, Teddy’s, birthday. Among their guests were Mrs Bush, Mr and Mrs C. J. Broderick, Miss Broderick, Mrs R. B. Caws,. With tlieir children were Mr and Mrs D. Cuthbertson, Dr and Mrs R. Crawford, Mr and Mrs F. Webb, Rev. and Mrs Lush. Mr and Mrs R. J. Gilmour, Mrs Barclay, Mr and Mis Neutli. Mrs Bush gave a small tea last week at her residence, Gladstone. Some of those present included Mrs Massey, Miss Massey, Mre J. L. Watson, Miss Watson, Mrs Hall-Jones, Mrs Morrah, and Mrs Russell. Mrs G. Hannon Wileon returned last week from her residence at Puketeraki. Miss K. Anderson gave a very enjoyable dance at Victoria Park this week. Among her guests were Misses Watson, Hazlett, Moriah, Hogg (2), Wright, Storey, Brass, Brodie, M'Donald, Haggitt, Messrs Royds, Cantrell, De Castro, Benney, Beadel, Stead, Storey, Watson, Brass, Talbot, and Gilmour. TIMARU, February 2. Mrs G. Wright (Wellington) is the guest of M’S F. Raymond, Beverley road. Mr and Mrs J. Grrnt (Giay's Hills) spent the week-end with Mri Gfant, AigantLghe. Miss Agnes Buchan m (Croftonj returned from Mount Cook or. Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Campbell (Dunedin) are staying at the Hydro. Mrs J Turnbull (fiefton street) >s the guest of Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, Christchurch. Mrs Reid (Palmsrston North) is staying with Mrs Maitland, Mere Mere street. Mr and Mrs W. Raymond (N lie street) have returned from Pleasant Point. Dr and Mrs Ulrich (Elizabeth street) have returned from Lake Tekapo. Mis P El worthy (Gordon’s Valley) is staying with Miss Julius, Christchurch. Mrs Anderson (Dunedin) and Miss Anderson are staying at the Hydro. , Mrs J. P. Newman (Moana) lias returned from Christchurch. Mrs Harold Fisher (Shenley) and her children have returned from Akaroa Mrs Murray (Braemar) and Mi?s Molly Murray were at the Hydro during fhe week. CHRISTCHURCH, February 2. Mr and Mrs A. Boyle, accompanied by Miss Phyllis Boyle, have returned to Christchurch after an absence of a year. Mr Henry Cott-enll also returned to Christchurch from England by the Remuera. Mrs Hampton Rhodes, accompanied by her son, Mr Eric Rhodes, also returned to Christchurch by the Remuera. Miss Tabart and Miss Peggy Palmer are going to Dunedin for the races, and will be the guests of Mrs Elliston Orbell. Dr and Mrs Hamilton Gould have taken, a house at Sunnier for a month. Mr and Mrs Alfred Pratt (Otago) have taken Mrs W. Day's house for a few weeks. Mrs Claude Sawell has returned to Christchurch after a visit to Wellington. Mrs Triman and her children, who have been spending the Clirisfmas holidays with Mrs Warner Westenra. and at DunsaJidel, have returned to their home in Masterton. Mrs Percy Biworthy (Gordon’s Valley) is spending a few days with Miss Julius, Cashmere Hills. ... ~ Miss Joan Raine is the guest of Mts Guvon Macdonald. Orari. Mr Eustace Bromlev-Cocks, of Hongkong, is soending a few months in Chri si church. Mrs Eric Harper and her children have returned from Timaru.

Mrs Wigley (Timaru) has been spending a few days in Christchurch. Miss Mary Wig.ey (\V hangareii, who ha 3 been paying a round of visits in Canterbury, returned to the north during the »wk. Mr and Mrs Berty Lawrence (Wellington) »r® the guests of Mr and Mrs J. W. K. Lawrence, Fendalton. Dr and Mrs Maurice Louisson leave shortly on a trip to England. Mrs John Stevenson has returned from a few days' visit to Mrs Hugh Ensor, Kakahuri. Mrs Andrew Killian and her two sons have returned from a v;sit to 1 1 maru. Archdeacon Haggitt, Mrs Haggitt. ■»■*»<! children have also returned after a holiday spent in Timaru. Mrs E. J. Cordner has gone for a trip to the West Coast. Mr and Mrs George Reid, Grassington) are in town for a few days. Miss Vera Hope (Timaru) is the guest of Miss Betty Northcote, Highfield. Mrs J. B. Beckett and family, accom pcnied by Miss Dolly Stack, have returnee to town front the Rakaia Huts. Mrs Sydney Johnston (Takapau, Hawke'r Bay) is visiting Christchurch. Dr F. Beaven-Brown has returned fror a visit to the southern lakes. Mrs G. Murray-Aynsley and Mi3s Gerrard have returned from Timaru. Lady Denniston is visiting her daughter, Mts Abraham, at Stratford. Miss Mildred Peters has left for England, where she is shortly to be married. Miss Irene Gray, who succeeds Miss Mildred Peters as exponent of Greek dancing, and dramatic art, has arrived in Christchurch from London. The liisses Fanny and Elizabeth Shand spent a few days in Christchurch during the week, and have now returned to TimarA Mrs Harold Fisher, who was at Akaroa for the holidays, has returned to South Canterbury with her 3mall sens. Mrs Atkinson (Wellington), who was here for a fow days during the week, has gone to Timaru to stay with her sister, Mrs Wigley. A quiet wedding was celebrated dining the week at Hororata, when Miss Emma Hall, cnJy daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilfrid Hall,

G '<-nr--y. •'■as married to Mr Douglas Gray, son of Mr Charles Gray, Waiohika, GisAnother quiet wedding was celebrated at Christchurch on January 27, when Mr Walter -V Jp+o of Timaru, was married to Miss Marion Henrietta Coombes, eldest daughter ot tlie late Mr Charles Coombes and Mrs Coombes, Temuka. GREYMOUTH, January 31. Dr and Mrs Lovell-Gregg returned from their holiday last evening. Mr and Mrs Alison, who have been visiting the North Island during -the holidays, returned to Greymouth last week after- spending a very pleasant time amongst their friends. Mr and Mrs R. Johnston (High street) returned last evening from Christchurch. We are pleased to hear that Mr Johnston has nade a splendid recovery after his very venous illness. Mr and Mrs Goss (Christchurch) motored over to the Coast this week. Mrs Sballcrass has b»en spending the holilavs at Punikaki Beach. Mrs P. Hambleton and family also spent a pleasant time at the new popular seaside resort, Punikaki Beach. Mr J. O’Brien, M.P. for Westland, leaves on Saturday to attend the first session of tho new Parliament. Mr and Mrs M'Queen and family, who have been visiting Greymouth, returned to Wellington on Saturday. Miss M. M'Queen (Melbourne) is visiting Mr and Mrs C. M'Queen, Omoto road. Mrs Smythe and family returned from Christchurch last week. Seldom has Greymouth been visited by such a company of talented artists a 3 the Rosina Buckman Company. Concerts were given on Monday and Tuesday evening, when tho Opera House was well filled in every part by a most enthusiastic audience, who received each artist with unstinted applause. Madam Rosina Buckman being the recipient of several floral tributes.

On Monday Mr and Mrs T. Seddon held a reception iJ their honour. Mr and Mrs Doisley are quite enthusiastic over their visit, and declare they have never seen finer scenery in any part of the world than what they have seen 3ince coining to the Coast. WELLINGTON, January 31. There has been much entertaining of the French officers and sailors of the Jules* Michelet during its stay in Wellington. Dinners, lunches, dances, and outings generally, as well as smoke concerts, have all helped to make up a busy and entertaining time for the visitors. On Friday night last a dance arranged for officers of the cruiser by Miss Borlase was held in the Goring Street Cabaret. There was a good attendance of dancers, and although the evening was very muggy the heat seemed., to have but little deterrent effect upon the dancers. Assisting Miss Borlase were Mrs Bayfield, who was wearing black satin and lace with a cluster of flowers at the waist; Mrs J. Darling, also in black ; Mrs L. O. H. Tlipp, in black charmeuse; and Mrs Govv also in black. Alias Borlase wore black frilled, net. Among those who were present were the Mayer (Mr R. A. Wright, M.P.) and Airs Wright, Captain r aveieau, Captain Villiers, A.D.C., Lieutenants d Anselm. Co l file. Tranier, Bnseigne clamant, Enseignes Bachy, Blouhet, de St. i ere, iouanin, de Ganay, and Youslin, also some of the members of the Mission, the trench Consul (Mr Bendall). Mrs R Purdv Mr and Mrs Berkley Clarke, Miss Alison Purdy M‘SS Moya Kennedy, Mrs Gillen, Mms MClure. Miss Jones, Miss Morton, Mr Darnng, Commander and Mrs Siddalls, Miss Corrigan. Mr and Mrs Hollis, Miss Kirkcaldie, Miss Betty Hislop, Miss Zita Chapman, Miss Jean and Miss Henrietta Decky, Mrs Shorney, Miss Ainslie, and many more. J \I A U r i'? ht for , t , he niatelots of the Jules Michelet was held in the Town Hall on Saturday evening, the arrangements havingbeen made by the Navy League at the request of the Mayors committee of citizens, there was g large number of the men present, and as the entertainment comprised dancing, with the addition of some vocal ? l ar " e number of girls had been invited (o dance with them. The decorations carrled ouL with flags, the French Trtth^ 1 °T C n CUP r° a ? on ; 3 Picuous place amongtiine’ de £ rg ? of the sailors were Ca|TFerret d Offiefe comma ndant en second l errip,, Oflieier Mecamcien, Principal Bruel During Tri^lf (her accompaniment beino- D i av „ rl xrHunt recitation H .TA co . ntrlt >dted a French' recitation Second Engineer Louis Youan, ot the trench cruiser, possessor of an ev ceedmgly sweet tenor voice, sang two or three songs one of them a sailor's son ° A tinl a'rdoor'kS taken all the saiWs. fimosi M r T P rNy I w' ffiC,,:t ar taSk T , at such and Air Darling ci, arlin £T* Mrs Bayfield, neath the ~ Sl,pp 7, was served undersupper be.; ° ® ry ’ , a d *hcious home-made wa P s P n, charge o7 e tt * MrS Phi,l iP 3 -Turner Anio n „ those i 6 su PPer arrangements. Mayor” (In R A w ' ?r ?.P were the Commander Siddalls “nd M^'S^lenT”!! several members of the French PlnK ’ a i members of the Navy Lea7,e and he’ f'branch of tho the girls they° have' f " ends /h™ 2®' Osrt&zs: zfß tbSm a D l° orWa73 ’ P and even the Tins themselves were wreatlmr? i T. uns alternating with coloured* lights and°d^ [Um earned out with knives, bayonets and off 63 Basa*«? ” ”.s d sis T)?f } , th ? way of decorative effecthe ship s band, stationed on the upper deck, played most excellent music fm P ?hf dancmg which took place on two decks with a buffet supper served at one t c upper deck. As they tilt It- P i t lf „ many quests were received bvAd miral GiUy and Captain Favercau and dun mg the course of the evening in- 1 was pos e s“we' a t „°Ld hP t„ ff H m*s a, Tn With averdr< * 3 a 'f ' 3 nit general Chaytor IZ iSSf wl^ wfai in bTack m w d the re Hon Ch G m T eU A fl d '' ap ° d Captain Hamilton (Nav°aT adviser m hDci 10n V With Mrs Hamilton, who was black cliaimeuse and tul (Mr R. A. Wright) Gar<Fne? ld and e Mrs L ( l< ” ll^. na ut-colone) Murray arci nei and Mrs Gard'ner, who was »!,„ eiddeuTTn' bk^k" S, ' dd^la Bendall (French Consul m rose pink; Mrs Pow in hl.Jt i. . u l, Matthews black charmeuse, and her ter in pink taffetas; Mr Harcourt u- ’ Harcourt, in grey charm-nao 1 -A. nd 4 1153 embroideries; Mrs SlomaiT Sllver rhf latteTTn^^een'satin" a'nd Miss Borlase, Mr and Mrs F Dyer 5 ’ Dyer, Lieutenant-colonel Corrigan Mrs ™ Alias Corrigan, Aliss Chanman 6 \x- r ai ? a nan Miss Betty Hislop Mr’ and 3 Mrs 8 J Darling and Alisa Darlincr at v Phillips Turner, M ra w. Barton “Featherston) and Misses Barton (2) Mr and a H pa y> Platts Mills and Dr Platts Mills M'SS Didsbury, Miss Edwin, Mr and Mrs '' j a vr and Mrs Coleridge, Mr al ? d Hj 3 He ward Ke.'d. Captain and Mrs Mi‘s d 'Fblott nd AT Ml 3 C ;, ea G h P'Connor. Dr and r lii ir' Mrs and Miss Bucklefon. Miss i. k 1 \(‘Vil'7 03 TP 1 ° n 1 5° Ty <2) ' Hrs Fulton, 5J r s MViUj, Dr and Mrs Adams, Dr and Mrs W. doling, Mr and Mrs A. Young. Miss Brandon, Miss Monce, Miss Alison Purdy, Miss Chaytcr, Misses Agues and Ida Dunw'T, 4“;' Ashford. Miss Cable, Mr W. F Ward Mrs and Miss Ward, Monsieur Du h lou and Aladaniß Du Flou, and inanv more. AL T CKLAND, February 1. On Thursday evening of last week Airs Alfred Nathan gave a dance at her home in Princes street. The large drawing room made an attractive ballroom, and the soft lighting showed up to advantage the pretty frocks worn. The Hawaiian band provided the music. Airs Nathan’s frock of amethyst embossed georgette was finished with georgette in a pale shade of pink. Airs Hewitt was in ivory satin and lace; Alisa Molly Nathan, primrose georgette embroidered in silver beads; and Alias Joyce Nathan’s frock of white georgette was worn over ivory bro-

cade. Amongst the guests were Mrs Stanley Thomas, Miss Al. Green, Aliss B. Ferguson, Aliss Joyce Bloomfield, Miss AI. Davis, Aliss L’Estrange Nolan, Aliss H. Egerton, Alias A. Russell, Alias Parkes, Aliss Lockhart, Miss Oxford, Miss Benjamin, and Miss Knight. Air and Airs A. W. Delamore, of the Federated Alalay States, a-re at present staying at Cargen. Mr and Mrs E. L. White have hft for their nev/ home in Dunedin, where the former has been appointed manager oi iiiQueensland Insurance Company there. Miss P. Norton, who lia-s been on a visit of some two months in Auckland, has returned to Christchurch. Mrs AI. A. Harding and Miss Guy (Palmerston North) are at present in Auckland. The comedy, ‘‘Captain Applejack," was staged last week by Air Lawrence Grossmith and his efficient company at His Alajesty’s Theatre. Auckland play-goers have seldom been afforded greater pleasure than has been given by this company throughout their season here. The New South Wale 3 lady lawn tenn.s players madb their first appearan e here last week, when a match was played representatives on the Stanley Street courts. T lie weather was ideal and there was a large number of sp:ctators, including the GovernorGeneral, Lord Jellicoe, and Lady Jellicoe. Three of the matches ran to three sets, but in each case the honours went to the visitors. Amongst the passengers by the Remuera from London last week was Sir James Alilla and his daughter, Mrs Curzon. After a stay of a few days at the Grand Hotel, they left for the south. The sudden death of Mrs J. L. R. Bloomfield, which took place while cn a visit to Rotorua, has cast a gloom over the whole city. She will be sadly missed in Auckland, both by a large circle of friends and by the members of the various societies in which she was so deeply interested. She had been for the past three years president of the Plunket Society; was also president of the Auckland Red Cross branch of the Victoria League; and vice-president of the Auckland Women’s Club. In recognition of her work for cur soldiers during the wai, Airs Bloomfield was made a member of the Order of tlitT British Empire; and she also received the Aledaille de la Reconnaissance Francaise. The greatest sympathy is felt for her husband and son, we latter, Air Trevor Bloomfield, being at present sheepfarming near Gisborne. The only daughter, who married Lieutenant C. C. Miles, of Wellington, died during the influenza epidemic of 1918.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3595, 6 February 1923, Page 53

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3595, 6 February 1923, Page 53

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3595, 6 February 1923, Page 53