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“ Wherever a true worn-in comes, homo ifl always around her.”—lluskin. Esther will be pleased to receive letters from correspondents on any matter of interest to th* m, and t-o reply through the medium of this page, the nom de plume only of the correspondents to be publishrd. Letters bo be addressed “.Lather," care ol the Editor. ANSWER TO COE RES BO N D E N T S. Handy. —So far as is known there is no market in the eontliern hemisphere far such matter. Some time ago Tit Bits. London, or Answers offered a small prize fox the best received each week. TABLE TALK. Friday evening. On Tuesday evening a small and most enjoyable dance was given by Mr and Mrs Stuart Holmes at their residence, Queen street. Th> drawing room was used for dancing and a delicious supper was served in the hall. A “cotillion” was introduced into the programme of dancing, the various figures causing much fun and enjoyment. Present were Mr and Mrs Oldham, * Miss Nancy Holmes, Miss Joan Reid (Oamaru). Misses Hart, F. M‘lnt:sh, G. Fulton, M. Barnett, E. Roberts, Gkndining, Todd, S. M’Pher•son, M'Laren, Dr Ramsay, Petre (2), Todd, Messrs Monro, Shennan, R. Sinclair, E. Wilson, Tapley, Hilton, Petre, Brent, Coulls, Jennings, X. Fulton, Bridgeman, Solomon (2), Brown, Clapperton, Todd, A. Sise. On Thursday the weather in the forenoon was very unfavourable for the street sale of daffodils arranged by the Royal Society for the Health of Women and Children. Fortunately the afternon turned out finer, but was very cold for the sellers standing by their wares, who must, however, have felt well rewarded for their untiring efforts in supporting such a good cause, when they heard the returns of the day’s takings, which amounted to £l5B 10s Sd. Again social doings have been very quiet this week, but rumours are abroad that several dances are to be given during the coining race week. Mrs Dillon (Blenheim) is staying at the Grand Hotel, also Mr and Mrs Wells (Blenheim). Miss Joan Reid (Oamaru) is slaying with Mrs Stuart Holmes, Queen street. Mrs Carina! t Jones has returned from Wellington. Mr Russell Dymook (Wellington) is staying 1 at the Grand Hotel. A very pretty wedding was celebrated on Wednesday, October 5. at the residence of the bride’s parent 3, Gillingham House, Royal terrace, when Miss Lilian Cuming, only daughter of Mr and Mrs F. Cuming was married to Mr George A. Bell, of Singapore. The Yerv Rev. the Doan of Dunedin officiated. The bride, who was given away by her father, . looked charming in her bridal gown of white satin char me use and orthodox veil, with wreath of orange blossom. Her two bridesmaids—Miss M. M'Gill, in pale blue georgette over blue satin, with georgette cap; and her small niece. Miss Xueline Cuming, in pale pink georgette over pink taffeta, with georgette cap—looked very dainty. Mr W. Hcwley acted as best man, and Mr J. B. M‘Gill as groomsman. The bride's mother wore a handsome frock of black char me use trimmed with white georgette, black and pink toque; Mrs 8011, mother of the bridegroom, wore a becoming f.iock of black satin; Airs Clias. Cuming, smart navy c-ont frock, navy crinoline straw hat; Mrs A. M'Gill, sister of the bridegroom, black satin frock, black and cerise hat. A recherche breakfast was served in a marquee erected on the spacious lawn in front of the house. A large number of relatives and | friends were nreeent, amongst whom wore Mr and Mrs J. Dick, Airs Hudson, sen.. Air and Mrs W. Anderson (T-ananui). Air and Airs V* ~ Moore. Air and Airs John Gray. Air '[• Airs Paddock (Afiddlemarch), Miss O Brian (Timaru). Air and Airs C. Owen, Muss Owen, Mr and Airs F. J. Hocking. Air .and Airs R. and A. Hudson, Airs Hanlon, Mr and Airs Alinn, and Air and Airs J Brown, Air and Airs A. M'Gill, etc. On Wednesday, the sth inst., Airs J. J. Clark, at her residence, Balerno. Union street, gave a delightful “At home” in honour of Alisa Winnie James, who is shortly to bo married. Airs Clark, who wore a strikingly handsome gown of champagne ninon embroidered in gold, received her sueets in the drawing room, which was decorated in a unique way with spring flowers. Tea was served in the morning room, when the table was decorated charmingly with rink and heliotrope sweet peas. Alias James, the guest of the afternoon, who was prettily dressed in a lemon silk coat frock, embroidered in blue, with large -picture hat, was the recipient of a “lucky charm” bouquet. Among those invited were Mesdames James. Bowie. Cameron. Dawson, Doorlev, North Speeding. IT. K. Wilkinson, *R, ' Wilson! Aliases Hazlett, Dowling. Cameron. Dick, IJanhan, K. Glendining, Church, and Stat ham. INVERCARGILL. October 8. Airs Handy side went to "Wellington last week to attend the ladies’ championship meeting of golfers at H-eretaunea. Mrs Po*finger also went to Wellington for the golf chamnicnship. Alise Ewart lias gone to Queenstown for a holiday. The Invercargill Lawn Tennis Chib Imd its opening day on Saturday. There was a enrol attendance, and Hie courts were well filled with players. Aliss Adobe is the guest of Airs Callender, Gala street. Airs AlacOregor, Ab nut Linton, was m town during the week-. Mr and AJrs W. Wsdswoith War-bek Downs) were in .town f- » *}m week-end. Th v were the guests of Air W. Henderson, Tweed street. Aliss Sutton (The Willows) was in town last week. Airs J. L. Watson has returned from Wellington. Airs Sumpter (Onmaru) is the p ucst c*f AD's Keddeli. A venal. Airs AFacphorsnn ’Australia) lias been staying with Alias Roc, Spey street. Airs Tardir.o <Hircliw. od) was in 1 .• v during the week. Aliss L. Brought; m left Dsn .In 11:. week. Last Saturday night there was a small Cinderella dance in h.mour of Aliss L Broughton in the Friendly let. -s’ Had. The decoration's of greenery and flags were very pretty, while Hie supper table showed

a brightness of spring flowers. Among those present were Alls Hall-Jones, Mrs R. CrawLid, Alisses Broughtcn, Alorrah, llaggitt, (irace, Logan, Corbett, Hazlett, Snow, Hogg, Anderson, Field, Bco chain, D. Smith, Henderson, 11. Macdonald, Alessrs Alorrah, RovcTs, Broughton, Kcddoll, Hall-Jones, Callender, Pruin, A\ illiams, Gilmcur, Reid, St. George, Hazlett. Bund as, Binncy, and Ilowat. OAMARU, October 8. The members of the Ladies’ Golf Club played a Logev match last Friday, which was won by Alios M'Adam. On Friday evening Aliss Wilson, assisted by her staff and prefects, gave a very enjoyable dance at the Girls’ High School. Tire guests included Air and Mrs M'Culloch and » number of senior pupils from the Boys* High School. \ n last the Alcadowbank Tennis Glub held their opening day. The members ot this club, whose courts lend themselves fio delightfully to a gathering of this kind, hospitably entertained a large number of visitors. On Thursday Aliss Humphries entertained some of her girl friends at a “bridge” evenmg m honour of her guest, Aliss Bunny. l ie same evening the Old Bovs’ Football L.uo held a jolly dance in the Lyric Hall. Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Cuthbertson aro having a holiday at Peel Foie-st. Mrs George Sumpter is visiting Invercargill. Mrs Hew at is also staying in Invercargill at present. ■ W, W - Jones (Invercargill) lias been visitmg Airs Jones, New street. dine ISS has returned from GeraLy , . TIMARU, October 7. wore-U 3 , 6, ncfi” r Thomson (Geraldine) Lie Hydro during the week. Mrs I‘\ A. Raymond (Beverley road) haa returned from Christchurch Mr and Mrs IV T. Pearce (Wellington) are m I l maru for a few flays. aAUvr 1 n t lnd 11 rs Ciavden (Christchurch) " d Barbara Ciavden are in Timaru cut .lift the stay of the Connthic. • v* IV u IT (kelson ioi race) is staying m Wellington for the golf tournament. Mrs Meares (Christchurch) and Miss Mearea aie staging at the Hydro. Wilson (Christchurch) is staying with Mis I cache, Albury. Mr and Mrs John Barker (Woodbury) rotuined this week from England. Mrs Onnsby (Christchurch) is staving with Mrs Hope, Tumianokn. " Mis Hindmarsh (Christchurch) is staving at the Giosvenor. ' I)r Russell Ritchie has returned to Dunedin. CHRISTCHURCH, Oetober ?. Miss R.ta Gibson, who lias been a guest •at Government House, lias .returned to .b er.dalton. Miss B. Gould, who was also at Government House, is now the guest of Miss Alice -burton at Feat hers ton. There has been quite a feverish exodus £°m Christchurch, during the week, members of the ladies golf clubs having gone to Heietaunga to participate in the championship oi New Zealand. Among the number were Airs Eric Harper, Aliss Cowlishaw, ALi s L. B. V ood, Airs Andre ae, Aliss Hoi mo re, Aliss Cotterill, Alias Beadle, Airs Donald, Airs S. Lawrence, and many others. Lady Clifford has returned to Stonvhurst a«ter spending a few weeks in town. Captain Talm Rhodes, the lion. Airs Ta-hu Rhodes, and their family have arrived, from England. They are accompanied by the Hon. Brinsley Phinket. Major and Alls Hutton and their three children have also arrived from England. Ilie Christ s College sports are to be held on the college grounds next Thursday, October 13, and aro eagerly being looked forward to by young and old. Airs Endell Wanklyn gave a small afternoon tea for Miss Innes Gould, who is leaving shortly for Wellington, where she will bn the guest of Mrs i 1 a mid. Beauchamp before returning to Melbourne. Sir Francis and Badly Boys are visiting 1 Auckland, and intend spending a holiday at Waitomo Caves and Wanganui before returning to Christchurch. Mrs HendersonBogg is joining them for a holiday a-t W anganui. Hazel Nolan has been visiting friends in Christchurch for a few weeks, and is at present with Mrs L. Lane before returning to Gisborne. Mr and Mrs Percy Wright, who were the guests of Mrs G. E. Rhodes, are now staying with Mrs M‘Kellar, Park terrace. Mrs Pinckney and Miss Pinckney (Waikaia) have been in Christchurch for a week. Miss Phyllis Pinckney is the guest of Mrs Davis Canning, Hawke’s Bay. Mrs Douglas Deans has gone north for a short visit to her mother, Mrs Paul Stu dholme. Mr and Mrs J. Jennings and! their two little boys have arrived from Hong Kong. Mrs Jennings, who was Miss Vio Parsons, lias many friends in Christchurch, and all are glad to welcome her and her family on a vis.t to Christchurch. The Royal Musical Society produced ‘‘The Golden Legend” at the Choral Hall on three evenings during the week, and were greeted by large and appreciative audiences at each performance. Dr Bradshaw has every reason to be proud of the success attained under his conduetorship. Mrs E. Samuel and her two daughters have returned from a lengthy visit to Paekakarild. ilr and Mrs J. B. Reid have gone to the country for a few davs. The marriage of Miss Hilda Pinckney to Mr Max Deans has been arranged to take place from Orari Gorge, Geraldine, on Wednesday, October 2G. BLENHEIM, October 3. There was a large attendance at the opening of the Blenheim Bowling Green last Saturday, when the president (Mr Elvy) declared the green open for the season. The vice-president’s wife (Mrs T. E. Bull), iu the absence of Mrs Elvy. threw the “jack, ’ after which play.was resumed well into the evening. The surrounding garden is looking very pretty just now. and some smart gowns were worn by a number of the ladies present. Afternoon tea was dispensed by the wives of ih» members, which was much appreciated. Some of those there were Dr and Mrs NobleAdams, Mr and Mrs H. Burden. Mr and Mrs G. Rudd, Mrs Frnser-Tvtley, Mrs E. H. Best. Mrs Murphy, Mrs and M'-s Harvey. Mr and Mrs Wright, Mis Lester. Mrs Hall. Mrs and Mi s s Cook, Mrs Revel!. Misses Mills c2), Neville (2). Great interest was taken in the returned soldiers’ gala last Saturday, the proceeds of which arc- intended to rebuild a suitable bridge and entrance tv tig' Soldiers' Club. A monster procession left the Soldiers' Club | ; ■ y n.m. for tin A. nr.s P. Grounds. Purine the afternoon Hindi amusement waa creat'd over a fancy dress football match. A ; 1 kinds of side-shows and competitions \.i ■' in evidence. Mi-i A. Van A«.-h has returned from visitin l’lcfon. I Mis T-. Chav ter 'Marshlands' has returned from Wellington.

Mrs Latter (Kaikoura) 13 the guest of lier mother, Mrs Gale. Miss M. Davis is the guest of Mrs E. Reid. Mrs Nathan has returned from visiting the North Island. Miss Ball has gone to Auckland. Miss Makin Langley Dale) has been in town visiting Mrs A. Lester in Maxwell road. Miss Harvey (Otuki) is visiting Mrs E. J. Harvey. WELLINGTON, October 5. o*l Wednesday evening a ball was given a*. Government House by tlieir Excellencies \\ * Governor-General and Vicountess JelliThere vas a large gathering of guests, including many Parliamentary visitors, and, large though their numbers were, there was nol at anv time overcrowding owing to the recent additions that had been made to Government House. Cl-sed-in verandahs. furnish* d owl x n.a men ted with palms, foliage and pot ►vbtv.ts, r.uc« very pleasant retreats af>?r the e nices, while a conservatory adjc ming W* drawing room, in which were massed rnanv very beautiful plants, attracted rr mi; visitors Very attractive was the artistic grouping of softly-tinted pot plants at one end of the ballroom, while in all the rooms were quantities cf beautiful cut flowers. Supper was set in the large dining room, the billiard room, and in the vestibule, while another orchestra stationed in the lounge played between tin* dances. At 9 o’clock their Excellencies entered the ballroom, and the official set was at once formed. Taking part in it were his Excellency, who danced with Mrs J. G. Coates, her Excellency Viscountess Jelliccc and Sir William Fraser; the Hon. Lucy Jcllicoe and the Hon. G. Coates. Lady Chaytor and Mr Justice Sim ; Miss Eraser and Colonel Melville ; Mrs Camcross and Major-general Sir Edward Chaytor; Miss Bell and Commander Williams. Lady Jell if soft bite satin with corsag< di ped with ine gold lace and panel on the ski it of d< Wed yew 1 blue t ulle. All additional touch, of colour was given by a narrow waist belt of Wedge wood blue velvet, and she wore diamond orn.imerits. 'J he linn. Lucv Jellh-oe'a pretty frock was of canary yellow taffetas; Mrs Contes wore daffodil charmeuse; L *dv Chaytor, pea ock green cha• m- us< . with drai>ed 1 ) •• rdres- of silver embroidered net; Miss Fra-ser, Madonna blue channelize; Mrs Sim. emerald green satin, with overdress of Paris lace; Mrs Carncross, am Hivst charmcitse banded with gold tissue an d finished with -i touch of greet ; M Bell, coral pink tulle, and gold and coral pink brocade. Among those who were present were Mrs Art • " >er, who was w< ari ■ t ! Jack charmeuse with lace; Mrs Sprott, black satin and ninon; Airs Studhohne. black satin with • erics 1, idy Russell, black flatin, with < >rsage heavily beaded in white* Miss Gould (Christchurch o black charmeuse! Witli overdress embroidered in iridisccnt so-

quins; tlie Mayoress (Mrs Id. A. V\ r right), rose pink charmeuse and georgette; Mrs Arthur Young, gold and yellow brocade witli gold lace; Mrs* Pom a re, petunia-coloured char me use and gold lace; Mrs Randall Sherratt (Gisborne), buttercup yellow cliarmeuse; Mrs W. Turnbull, black satin with heavy embroideries; Mrs lan Duncan, black charmcuse with silver tissue; Miss Ida Duncan, black tulle; Miss Barbara Goulcl (Christchurch), pale pink taffetas; Miss Barton 1 Featliersl on), rose pink brocade; Mrs Macarthy Reid, white charmeuse draped with embroidered net and jewelled embroideries; Mrs Murray Clard’ner, emerald green charmeuse; Mrs M. Myers, gold net over dark green charmeuse; Miss Helen Gard’ner, white taffetas, with petal skirt caught with roses; Mrs Duncan Bauchop, white charmeuse pannclled with lace and trimmed with sequined embroideries; Airs J. Peacock, henna-coloured frock with gold lace and touches of blue; Mrs George Nathan, cherry red taffetas with panels of gold and crimson brocade; Miss Lever, black lace and tulle; Mrs C. Richardson, gold brocade, with clusters of vivid flowers; Airs D. C. Bates, blue charmeuse; Miss Phyllis Bates, emerald green ; Miss Alison Purdy, mauve charmeuse; Mrs Herbert Kirkcaldie, flame panne velvet draped with yellow crepe de chine; Mrs Ashford, black charmeusc with beaded embroideries ; Airs A. F. Roberts, black satin, with loose overdress of black-beaded net; Airs Buckleton, pale blue cliarmeuse with embroideries of chenille; Alisa Alary Jones, rose pink tulle; Airs J. G. Hughes, black charmeuse with cream lace overdress; Alisa Harcourt, white satin; Airs G. H. Didsbury, black satin with panels of gold tissue, and swathed belt of blue and silver brocade; Airs Alex. Young, white satin with panels of jewelled net; Airs Stanton Harcourt, grey black, with draped overdress of blue charmeuse; Alias •lean Alackenzic, white satin with jumper corsage of black .satin and lace; Mrs AI. Gillon. black satin with touches of silver tissue; Alisa Alacandrew, black crepe de '’bine and tulle; Mias Corrigan, palest p:nk cliarmeuse; Airs A. Newton, green and '..•01d brocade; Alins Newton, pale blue crepe de chine; Aliss Lucy Brandon, blue charim use; Aliss Gwynnoth Richardson, fuchsiacoEurod frock of cliarmeuse and ninon; Airs Veleii line, black velvet; Airs Ernest Blundell, frock of black /diarmeuse, witli jumper co-save of rose-patterned brocade; Airs Tringham, biack in: also the Hi Lop of vWllingion (Dr Sprott), Mr Justice Chapman and Mrs Chapman, Air and Airs E. Coleridge, Mrs Walter Johnston, Air and Airs Vivian Rhino, Hie ATavor (Air R. A. Wright), Dr Valentine, Mrs Elliott, Dr and Airs Purdy. Mr and Airs W. V. Ward, Mr and Airs E. Ward, Air and Airs Brandon, Mr and Airs Corrigan, Mrs AY. B. Montgomery and M:3S Montgomery, Air Buckleton, Air A. Newton, Professor and Airs Kankine brown, Mr and Airs Malcolm Ross, Airs AY. D. Stewart a*; f t Vi*** Sic wart, Airs and Miss

Gore, Air G. H. Didsbury, Mr and Mrs AY. It. Field, Mr and Airs Hunter Maoaudrew, Air and Airs T. N. Wilford, Airs and Miss At or ice, Air P. Dyer, Airs and Alis 3 Earle, and Air Douglas Earle, Air and Airs Pr.cndergast Knight, Air lan Duncan, Sir John and Lady Sinclair, Sir John and Lady Luke, Airs and Aliss Alcss, and many more. On Monday afternoon a reception was held at Government House by their Excellencies the Governor-General and Viscountess Jellicce to welcome back to New Zealand the Right Honourable the Prime Minister and Airs AV. F. Massey from tlieir visit to England. As usual, beautiful flowers were to be seen in all the rooms, and in the ballroom, where the guests were received, the whole of one side, as well as the dais at one end 01 the room, was banked with very beautiful flowering pot plants. An orchestra stationed in an alcove and a. band outside provided very enjoyable music. The Prime Minister and Airs and Aliss Massey received many warm greetings from their friends, and it was a matter of general comment as to how well Air Massey looked. Lady Jellicoe wore a frock of black charmeuse draped over white silk veiled with georgette and trimmed with beaded embroideries ; her wide-brimmed back hat was trimmed with feathers. The Hon. Lucy Jellicoe was in a grey taffetas frock embroidered in blue, and a small grey hat in which the touch of blue was repeated. Airs Massey wore black charmeuse with heavy embroideries, and a long cloak lined with blue; her small black hat was trimmed with shaded feathers. Aliss Alassey was in a blue embroidered frock, and small black feathered bat. Among those who were present were the Bishop of Wellington and Airs Sprott, Sir Francis Bell and Lady Bell, the HOll. 1). Guthrie and Airs Guthrie, the Hon. E. P. Lee and Airs Lee, Major-general Sir Edward Chaytor and Lady Chaytor, Sir John and Lady Luke, the Hon. Dr Pornare and Mrs Ponrare, Airs "Walter Johnston, Air Justice Chapman and Airs Chapman, Air Justice H asking and Airs Masking, Mr and Airs B. Wilson, Aliss Ida Fraser, the Alayor (Air R. Wi t Hit) and Airs Wright, Air and Airs Day, Mrs Justice Sim and Airs Sim, the Hon. AY. C. F. Carncross and Airs Carncross, Air Justice Frazer and Airs Frazer, the Hon. Downie Stewart and Miss Stewart, Commander \\ 1 Ilia ms, Surer-on -irenera 1 Sir Donald APGavin and Lady APGavin. the Mon. A. Hawke and Airs Hawke, Airs R lv Scott. Air and Airs ARVilly. Air and Mrs W. B. Montgomery, Sir John and Lady Findlay, AD- Rowley, Mr smePMrs Alex. Gray, Airs C. Earle, Professor and Airs Sonnnerville, Guptain and Mrs Post, Professor and Mrs Rank inn Brown, Air Statham, Air and Mrs T. AI. Wilford, Professor and Airs Hunter, in- and Mrs Adams, Hie Vcn. Archdeacon Johnson and Airs Johnson. Airs Eric RiddilWd. Airs Hayes, Air and Mrs AY. H. ('hold. Sir John Sinclair and Lady Sinclair, Mr and Aliss Ha re oitrfc, the TLm. AY. ft’ D<-;-i vs, Ifun. A. J. Contes, Air and Airs Hudson, Si** Frederick Lang, Air and Mrs

! liane, Air and Mrs C. Turrcll, Dr and Airs Thacker, Air and Airs Bollard, Air Jones, Air APLeod, Colonel R. J. Collins and Airs Collins, the Rev. Askew and Airs Askew; the Hon. Dr Collins, the Rev. D. C. Bates and Airs Bates, Commissioner Sullivan and Airs Sullivan, Airs Aloorhcuse, Air and Airs AI. Myers, Air and Airs Corliss, the Hon. J. Grimmond and Airs Grimmond, Airs Moore, the Hon. J. G. Garland, the Hon. AV. Earn-sh-aw and Airs Earnshaw, Air and Airs L. Isitt, the Hon. AY. Stewart and Airs Stewart, the Rev. Dr Gibb and Airs Gibb, and many more. Aliss Bunny (Ahiaruhe) is spending a few days in AVellingt-on. Mrs ITolroyd Bee re and Aliss Estelle Becro have returned to AVcllington from Alasterton. Airs R. K. Scott (Otago Central) is visiting friends in Alasterton. Airs Pegg and the Rev. and Airs Gray returned to Wellington on Aloud ay after having spent the past 11 months visiting Egypt, Italy, France, and England. Airs and Aliss Massey arrived in Wellington on Monday from their visit to England. The engagement is announced of Aliss Alonica Fulton, only daughter of the late Air AY. H. J. Fulton and Mrs Fulton, of K.elburn, Wellington, and grand-daughter of the late Alajor-general J. J. Fulton, ’Madras, India, and of Air John Blundell. AVellington, to Air Arthur Guy Stratton, only son of the late Air A. Stratton and Airs Stratton, Alton Priors, Marlborough, Wilts, England. The engagement is announced of Dr Louis D. Cohen, elder son of Air and Airs Alaurice Cohen, of Palmerston North, to Aliss Emily Frances Afatliias, fourth daughter of Air and Airs Lewis Mathias, of Tim a ru. AUCKLAND. October G. The public reception tendered to the Prime Atinister, the. Rt. Hon. AY. F. Alassey. bv the citizens of Auckland at the Town Hall on Friday last was attended by some .1000 people. Mrs and Aliss Alassey were also present. The marriage of Aliss Grace Sharland (eldest daughter of ATrs AY. Sharland, St. Stephen’s avenue, Parnell) lo Air Sinclair Reid (younger eon of Airs Reid and the late Air .P hn Reid, of Alien road) was solemnised at St. Peter's Church, Taka puna, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, Hie Rev. AV. G. Alonekton performing the ceremony. The bride was given away by her uncle, Air A. AI. Gould, and her gown was composed of cliarmeuse and georgette of an uncommon shade of primrose. The bodice was formed of a deep tunic, and a wreath and veil was also worn. Aliss Nanev Sharland was bridesmaid, and her frock of ivory taffeta, and hat composed of tiny 1 ucliings of shot ribbon in a siiado of apricot with lining of black georgette, was much admired. After the wedding a reception was held at the residence of the bride’s aunt. Airs A. AI. Gould. Takapuna. Amongst Hie guests were Airs ,*nid Miss Jessie Reid, Aliss Berry. Airs P Fraser,

BVD T/’ Y rs , W - J; - Wilson, and Miss ~YV\r' Mrs nnd Miss Alexander Mrs J. 1* rater. Mrs Drvden, Mrs Onru ra , - Ur s O. Pierce, Mrs Holl, L > ai vC1 j 1 -I^ ss Dsnniston. Aliss Colcgi ove, the Aliases Upfill (2), Airs H. Brett Mrs 1). Cf. Hunter, Mrs Fotheringhain, ; , j etc., ctc. Mrs Sharland (mother of the- bride) was m a mole gabardine Dock, aid hat cf a like shade with touches ot b.ue. Mrs Gould were « frock ot navy blue georgette embroidered in beads, and smur. blue straw hat witli velvet flowers. c ' Die bride went awaj* she was wearing a jrock of grey jersey cloth embroidered in nattier blue, hat cf a like shade, and capo ot seal. Mrs I*. Masefield has given a dance for her nephew, Mr Ralph Wylde-Brown, when V< ie tr ° " 1 11 r wcro amongst the guests; fi 13 Ha»i°rid, Mrs Poison, Airs Roy Wilson, "ti-a:cs Mitchell, Lintott, Mitchelson, i homps-in, J.awlord. (ivrd.n (2). liainger lot rr, Uynyard, and Davis. Mrs Sidney Nathan's bridge party last uccr was in honour < f .Mrs Chart s Nathan, wl.o has just j turned from a visit to England Among tha players were Mrs Stringer, xix 3 l pfi.l Airs Bickc: I o-i Fisher, Airs Col-br-ck, Airs A Acunas, Airs Ferguson, Airs Jbaume,' G. Brown, Airs George Roberts, t’- rs M,s Ramsey, Airs l>ar.-;ons, and Airs Lindsay Aliss lY Estrange Nolan, Portlend joed, uMnuera, gave a tea ) ir'y last Satir day afternoon, the guest cf hon.ur being Miss lv. Lott, who is shortly tj be married. A \ aried assortment of kitchen utensils was given to Aliss Lett by the guests. During the afternoon tennis was indulged in, also jazzing and bridge. The- guest of honour locked charming- in a nattier blue end white ninon frock, with pretty ot* nattier blue. Sc mo of those invited were Mrs O’Donnell, Air and Airs Guy' Pierce, Air and Airs Philip Hanna, Air and Airs Louis Nathan, Airs Davison, Miss K. Holmes, Aliss Ailsa Brown, Alr-is Rifoiu Thomas (Ala rl borough), Aliss Caldwell. Aliss Dorothy Denniston, the Ali.-ses Alas-far lane (2), Aliss Ataguire, Aliss C. Lar-u-r, Aliss AlacLennan, Aliss .Sniverv (Philadelphia), in I Aliss Phjdlis Alexander. Al. ’ss H. Cc-cpcr has returned from a three m ;nths’ visit tc her brother, Dr A. Cooper, Elt ha ni. Aliss Vida Caldwell and Ali ss Sni verv (cf Philadelphia) are the guests cf Airs Cpfill, in (lladston.o road, for a couple of weeks. Aliss Helena Eraser is visiting friends in Wellington and Napier. Aliss Ritson Thomas (of Marlborugli) is the guest, of Airs Charles Brown, Parnell. The on gage merit is announced of Aliss Hilda Niciiol (only daughter of Air and Airs J. AV. Nichol, Epsom) to Air James Todd (.eldest son of Air and Airs David Todd, Dar-g-avillej. Large gatherings of music-levers filled the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, when the celebrated young Kmsian pianist Mischa Levitski made his first appearance in Auckland. The fine quality of his playing roused the audience to great enthusiasm, and the second recital is being looked forward to with eager anticipation. You will have heard this great artist when in Dunedin, eo that any description of liis powers from my modest pen would be superfluous. it3T Descriptions of balls, Ac., must lie f*nAorsed by either the Witness correspondent for the district or by the secretary oI the brill committee. The MS. of any correspondents who do not comply with this rule will be sent to the secretary for <Midorseov-nt prior Lo appearing. WEDDING AT lIIGIICLIFF. A marriage was solemnised at the residence of Air and Airs J. Bishop, Highcliff, on the 23th ult, between tlieir daughter Anne and Air Alfred Langford, of Dunedin. The Rev. G. H. Jupp was tire officiating minister. The bride’s dres9 was ivery crepe de chine trimmed with pearls and silver decorations, and a very pretty bridal veil was worn with a wreath of crange blossoms. She varied a bouquet of Alarechal Nicl roses. The bridesmaid ‘was Aliss Nelly Bishop, her sister, who looked charming in a lovely frock of fawn beng-aline de soie, embroidered with henna and s.ixe blue, with also a becoming hat to correspond. She carried a bouquet of spring flowers. Air J. W. Farqubar fulfilled the duties of best mail. The house was beautifully decorated with spring flowers and white chrysanthemums, and over the bride and bridegroom was suspended a lovely floral bell of polyanthus ana narcissi. About 40 guests sat down to a sumptuous breakfast, after which the usual toasts were proposed and responded to with musical honours. Several congratulatory telegrams were read. Later on Air and Airs Lcnirford left amidst showers of confetti and tributes of good wishes for their honeymou. The bride wore a becoming navy blue costume, with smart hat to correspond. alio presents wore numerous and beautiful. In the evening a number of young people were present to enjoy themselves with dancing, songs, and games until the small hours of the morning. — A Guest.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3526, 11 October 1921, Page 47

Word Count

THE LADIES9'PAGE. Otago Witness, Issue 3526, 11 October 1921, Page 47

THE LADIES9'PAGE. Otago Witness, Issue 3526, 11 October 1921, Page 47