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Correspondents are reminded that all letters for the current week’s issue mast reach Dunedin NOT LATER THAN SATURDAY NIGHT. Letters coming to hand on Monday are too late, and arc thus a week old when they appear. LAKE COUNTY. October 7.—After a week’s fine weather a cold snap is being experienced to-day. Dairying.—The Lake County Dairy Factory was opened for the season on Monday last, when 370 gal of milk was received. This is a big increase on the opening day last season, when 1 GO gal was received. Death.—The death occurred at her residei • “Arranmore,” Frankton, on Monday, of Mrs O Connell, wife of Mr J. E. O’Connell. Deceased had not been in good health for sometime, but the end come somewhat suddenly, the cause of death being heart trouble. Iler husband and family of six—four girls and two boys—are left to mourn their loss. Deceased was a native of St. Bathans, and the body was taken there for interment, tlio funeral taking place yesterday. Much sympathy is felt for Mr O’Connell and family in their bereavement. Ball.—A benedicts’ and spinsters’ ball was held in the Garrison Hall, Arrow town, on Friday evening last, and was largi Iy attended. Those present included visitors from Cromwell, Pembroke, Glenoichy, and Queenstown. The grand march, which was led by the Mayor and Mayoress (Mr and Mrs John Raid), was participated in by about 80 couples. The music was supplied by Steveneon’s orchestra, and Messrs **?. Peacock and C. Forbes were the M.C.’s. LUMSDEN. October 7. —Me have had two nice warm showers during the past month, doing a vast amount of good to gardens, pastures, and the newly-sown fields. On two mornings we experienced hard frosts during the week, giva slight set-back to the early blossoms. Tennis.—Last Saturday afternoon the local Tennis Club opened the season with a friendly game between members of the club. The ladies treated the players and spectators to afternoon tea. The club is having a second c <?urt laid down, this giving local players and visitors greater facilities in the playing area during the incoming season. Crcket.—The local club is making great improvements to the playing area, in the Recreation Park. A permanent pitch is being laid down, and other improvements are about completed. Personal.—Mr and Mrs Henderson had a visit from a surprise party on Saturday evening, the occasion being a house-warming and a welcome home. A very pleasant time was spent with song and story, and a light supper served. Maledictory.—A gathering cf friends met on Saturday evening at the Ifoyal Mail Hotel to bid farewell to Mrs M'Dougall, who has been proprietress of the hotel for a number of years, she having disposed of the business to Mr J. T. Gwynne, who tcok possession on the Ist of the month. Concert.—On Friday, 30th September, an entertainment in aid “of the Lumsden Football Ciubs funds was held in Crawford’s Hall. The whole seating accommodation was occupied, and the football funds should benefit to the extent of over .-£3O after paying the expenses of the evening. The entertainment opened with a chorus by the circle, which was comprised of some 20 ladies and gentlemen. 'Solos were given bv Mcsdaraes Hazlett and Henderson, Miss Fisher, and Messrs Wilson, Griffiths, and Allen, l!;e chorus of each son? being- sung by the circle. The corner men, in their black faces, provided lively interludes with their c< mic antics. A duet by Mrs Hazlett nnd Mr Allen was ljeautifnlly rendered. The leer.} cage excited merriment, and route of those wore very clever. Several farces were given, and all taking part are to be ce nnior’.ded on thru,* performances. The committee were fortunate in having an excellent accompanist in the person cf Mrs Wylie, whose playing was appre iated by all the performers and the audience. This part of the entertainment was brought to rt close by ♦he singing of the National Anthem. The flour was then cleared for dancing, about 80 couples taking part. During the evening -a very strong wind had sprung no, and the boisterous weather doubtless caused many intendi lg dancers to hurry homo. However, those who did wait thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Music was supplied bv various wi'llug helpers, one of our host helpers in time of need being Mis G. Small. A very nice supper was handed round, and in the early hours of the morning tired, hut happy, folk wended their way homawa-rd. voting’ the - a hug-3 success. I hiring the evemn" 1! Ostimbel] gave a resume of the season's work, and thanked all patrons and supporters of the club. FERN!} ALE. October 7. —For -me time the weather ha, been fairly dry, though we haw had some refreshing showers lately. Vv'e exnectcd nil early spring, bn! t e Veld nnHh-easterly winds have kept things back. The country looks very well on the whole, and farm work is well forward. More people are Inking up dairying Ill's vear on account cf (lie drng in wo; 1 and mutton. Property Changes.—Mr Waters, who recently bought a farm here af a fairly high Price, has sold part of it at an even‘higher A 'lire, and has built a th-w house on the remainder. It is a good thing for the district to see farms getting smaller, 0.3 it leads to closer settlement. Armour’s.—Farmers visiting Gore on business are invariably spproached by two gentlemen with a petition which they arc asked to sign. It is petition to allow Armour’s to operate, in Nov- Zealand. If the present slump’ drives farmers to co-operate, as is urged by tatives of t.he Farm -rs’ bloion t uring the • < mtry, it will not have been an unmitigated evil. QTP iJTA Sj. G-. tenor 7.—The good old came of cricket has b< ■ll ti nv. . very enfh ; ,1 mp. it,;* year, and the c n o ; f a wod strnn^ memb-rshin. It is anticipated at the close of th- season to ha ■ a credit bah, lice, and tbs spoils volumes id- the enthusiasm of the nrcsid'M. Mr I. M Gill, tl,o rest of iht 1 < Itirel • new out,,' has had <o i-e Th- [ V l '*''?* ' rr ' , ‘ • ' u Sntnrday, Ist L-tewr. wuh nr f- li, SO-],-, v Married. ar.d the letter •-•••>■ < • . j..u ,i; I■ • ft Jby six - J , • jot rims. Term ’ " effi Club takes pk : <> •S at 7f ft Ocf i. y an d pr* -sw f.i * for th - on u--- !?ri• ■T• f. T},; H chib has I)- n pariicub.i: ly uefutunafo duiiiv Ibe v.’ftr irtiol, as m .si of ike young j n < were ■ or v . Tin •■ ■ a its ted practically Hi? ■ 5 n of the courts, nnd lb/' consequent iv- -Get of the play in J area. The work o-f top-dressing is iuo- ■ 1 , the club rib the end of the season with an overdraft of about £'7<>. A number of the members el tended He official opening of tho Riverton Club on Wednesday afternoon.

Sports Bazaar. — A number of representatives of the various sports bodies met in Mr Matlieson’s office on Thursday, 29th September t-o consider whether it would be possible to hold a combined monster carnival to put all sports bodies on a good financial footing. Mr J. M‘Gi.ll was appointed to the chair, and explained the object for which they were gathered together. A proposal to amalgamate the clubs, pool the finance, and have a controlling executive was discussed, but it was considered inadvisable to go on with any proposal until there was a more representative attendance of the various clubs. The adjourned meeting was held on Thursday evening, when it was decided to hold a combined carnival, on a date to be fixed, the proceeds to be divided as follows: —Half to be divided amongst the tennis and bowling clubs, and the remainder between the cricket, football, and hockey clubs, the ‘ two former being the ones that required the finances most. The president and secretary of each club, with the captain of the hockey club, are to form the executive, with Mr J. H. Thomas president, Mr J. M'Gill vice-presi-dent, and Miss D. Harrington secretary, and the date of flic bazaar to bo fixed by the executive. The matter of amalgamating the various sports bodies was discussed, but it was considered the project was a little premature. Soiree. —The annual soiree of the Presbyterian Church was held in the Town Hall on hriday evening, the building being packed to its utmost capacity with an appreciative audience. Lev. A. Macdonald, M.A., pastor c 'i ie congregation, officiated as chairman, and announced the various items. The programme was composed largely of children’s items, those taking part belonging to the .Sunday school and the Bible class. Mr Jellyman gaVe a pianoforte solo, and son vs v-vre rendered by Miss Matlneson, a dance by four mem! ers of Mrs Ireland’s class (encjivd). Leci nitrons by Miss Ait ken were encored, two anthems were rendered by the choir. Lev. G. Gilbert, minister cf St'. Paul’s, Invercargill, was present, and expressed his pleasure at being invited. He gave some racy anecdotes of the Great War,‘he having beeii a padre in the Xew Zealand Division! He also gave an interesting address on Christianity and tne Christian life, during the course of which he recited the poem “Play the Game, _ and advised his hearers to live ]ip l ° th® ideals of Christianity and “plav the game. A bountiful supper was provided, alter winch a comprehensive vote of thanks vas passed to everyone who had .assisted. mossburn. October 3.—The weather has been exceptionally good .all through the winter and spring with the result that all stock are in a good advanced condition. Farm work is v.-el, ahead, excepting in the case of those v. no had heavy crops of t urnips to eat off. .Plain So.d. The ihrar ring and chaffcutting plant has been sold and left the cli-:-t'icl. 1 here ought to lie an opening for an enteipi lsuig man with a plant, as tho c.istrict is a,, large one. Ball.—The Mossbttrn Football Cub bold a plain and fancy dress ball recently. There was a rine response, and everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Those in fanco costume included Misses It. Cournane. harem lady: M. Cournane, nurse; D. Crosbie Japanese lady; J. Beer, Japanese lady; Mrs J. lu-or, Dawn; Messrs T. lb. id, sailor; J. Gil lie an, Sultan of Turk v ; B. Be id, Japanese; Tv. Deacon, Uncle Sam- T. T R<»icl Buffalo Bill; E. M’Donald, cricketer; te. Keid, cowboy. The mure was suovdied I>y Mrs F. Crosbie (piano), Messrs Sinclair, ioung (violm) and J. Christie (bagpipes). T w--i ntleS of M - C - were carried out by Mr J. Wilson. Supper was served in the dining looni by Mestbiuos J. "Wilson, F. Dorc and fo tha 11 c 1 u b me m b ers. Personal.—A welcome home was held at. ihc Plains Station on Tuesday, -27th nit., to welcome Mr Angus M'Dcmcid "and iris bride. j.he night, unfortunately, turned out very wet. OTAMA. Oe teller B.—The weather conditions have been mast, adaptable for this time cf the year, and farmers everywhere are getting i.a.-ir work well forward as a result. There is, lion ever, a cerium feeling of uneasiness prevailing m the minds of most agriculturists on account of what aceui to be very signuicant signs of a drought such as was experienced by Europe during their last summer, and which has been," to a large extent, responsible for the widespread misery existing m lliissia ~t tile present time i i su.cli u drought pays us a‘visit, then 'it is hardly safe to say in what condition it will rin-e the country, bad a-, ii can pu .mib’\ be at tJio pie.-ont muiiiji^t. 1 ] - J ]je .--t cck market- lias aga in shown a etcc:(! cl falling off, an.l tho prospects for the ftrnir.* a:e net too pel. Gain- Produce 1:1 I’ boon pr dieted by many, has come under the spelt of depression, and -verl farmers who have bought dairy cows 'at a high fig urc will be in somewhat similar position to sheepf.armers who stocked up belore the great slum]). '\Vool, thunk goodness, is slowly improving, but it will be a long time before it is' anythin-' m e what i* should be. Co-op ration. —On the 27th of last month many fanners from this district motored into Gale to lisien io addresses given by Mr ' ‘o' son (president) arid Captain Col beck' (vicepresident), of tiro N.Z. Farmers’ Union. Both opcak rs -dwell on the urgent need for the co-:.pera Con of all fiiriiieis t<iwards a scheme whereby their produce could bo placed directly on tho world’s markets, and thus reap the benefit of their honest and hardearned; labour by doing away with all middlemen and their huge profits. There are bo many farmers to-day who are prepared to muddle along in their own way and tune without thinking for a moment of what, could l>e den© to improve their position immeasurably by a hearty co-operation in such, a scheme as advocated by the two above-men-tioned gentlemen, whose every effort is for the farmer. Messrs Poison -and Co]beck are out to win, and the Farmers’ Union are to bo congratulated upon having such entnus’aslic leaders in a cause which eventual A is going to put the farmer upon a new footing of prosperity. Bazaar—During the Christmas holidays a Busy Be© liiv© was formed here. Bessie Byars was elected Queen Bee and 11. Whyte eeerelaiy. Some little lime ago it was decided to get “busy'’ and hold a sale of work during Scwt rmbav. Accordingly clonal ions were railed f-r and supplied by the enthusiastic, and with this ready nr-mey material ear parehaied am! mad: into saleable goods. Til” date cf th bazaar was fix 1 f.,r (he ■of of Seidcmber 11, and in dm ...,,-e Cam, : Her many bad worked as.-i iiimadv t eve ryi ■' ig ii o ■■ h! running ord a i ii ;l stall: v. ■a ' I a-1 a. A irge and most asi dde ■ a I lie ring a - ma’xd on I a-e la-id ,v a 'C. and. al l - r .Mr G. V. Milehell laid da!.- so -ad V. 111, a. lasi, f . ai i of ti: - aims Jill : a- 11 set <d H.- Baa. 1 g s a -f < r-dit ’a-, eo a: n la-d b a --'v, a by (ho raisi-er- raa—am I. flu- bazaar became a hive - I exnl nnid. Biisk biirjn.-us pr- vailed tlcom limit th-- ev.-nin- , and wlicn the total proeei Is had been counted it was found that the- largo sum of £':!8 had been obtained. ()f this money, £(> is to be dev-oted to the Native teacher, to the orphanage, £5 to

the Jhiori Mission, while the remainder is olio d m’ oted to expenses incurred and to a-dow sufficient to carry on with. SBLVERSSDE (Taieri). ? ct^ be T 6 -—Steady, soaking rain fell during „ -j® ea .f l P. a l*' i a - s t night, and. continues sin-rTc 'J 1 ' 0 thlß morning, with no apparent ? s f a cessation. Farmers and pastorat-i-st3 are jubilant. High, warm winds had, to a large _ extent, nullified the good effects o th 0 prevroms rainfall, ro the present down..l , f Particularly welcome, it is practice ll> impossible to estimate the value which 1 ' accrue from this splendid rain. Grass mm IT 1 ? Crops , will benefit, not to fuuposes fr€Sh sl,ppl y oi water for domesiio ia * s 13 B.ot too plentiful excepting m-obil Tr 3 flom which the stock have been S irf d for • som l ° tlm,e - Certainly there is a greenness in the paddocks which, from a -, b . “ "' 01 . ,1d : hjaci one to think that grass IS pkntiful, but the feed is not there. H< wGllm,; ,Clll ra ills which are now «.., : 7 " • ?' 1;i " : • " an i m I tuo , cc,ur “ c of a week or so feed ! should he plentiful. j Dairying.—The steady decline in the price of cheese and butter is causing some anxiety to those engaged in the dairying industry. :} V lO latest reports are to the effect tl-at til© cnees© market at Home is showing °. f improvement, and it is hoped tlult P:’ c * 3 fill .;M recede funner. And so j we wet and nope. Adam Lmjsav Gordon’s | € . 3 have “Jways made a strong appeal to j '‘Co-iuage, comrades! Ti ls j s certain, sill IS f-.r the best.” ] A comfortable philosophy, certainly, but not ! always easy t-o reconcile oneself “to How- ; ever even with the greatly reduced prices ot daily piOiluee, the dairy farmer is in a ; fortunate position n comparison to the shoou ! and ©aU.e man, whose losses at the present t.nm must be very consitieruble. Cnaijgcs. Mr \V. Quin lias disposed of his farm here to a Mr Nelson, and has purchased the farm at Wekari at one time held by tne Dunedin Technical College. Mr Or,hi was a good neighbour, and as such will be mi?seel here. HOMONA. October 7.—Welcome rains have fallen this week, which will make all growth io .slioot ♦ced is very backward he;©.' hlr V ei’-iantity of milk is ein„ taken m at the factory. Separatin'* is lA'Ab at v ?*** ni ’ ’ i! ' start wi ! takes 1 0,1 a«nuV.l meeting , place on Monday, 17th Ociober. < Jcuims C.uo.-The annual m-- Ming was held : el'cAA" 1 !Iv'lle 1 v ' lle ; 1 following were I ■n 1 ' °A r - -- for the ensuing vein-- - w irons—Messrs A - W. Amos, A. Moor© J I C-.mpbek, D. lord p, Bathgate, and AV. J 1 ' • President, Mr R. J,. i> j>i ; . | and treasurer. Mr F TV,bide I "M,, n I l \ for ri:V'; ; i ‘|i,V . : :"'A.'‘ a; 'A I th^ t !' at fhe 'i onip riHce will b© able to c»'tv the scheme out as early os possible. W4’ ”G % i H-TVItO'B Bsy'). of -“h'-ht but prolonged shock b nI’ersotial.—Mr J. T. Robson, the head-A-tAV- °J '■ r> Dlstv,ct High School, took "'Dll, ■ d° 3rCl ff ,V : t ’ AT.,. A:;’)- Ai h 0 tA , Vc An : r A ; ; l ,':vib;;.. 1 1 -,.h; b ,'ii ,V ought I able to kvm, d A- rf fA° lU ' nVaU ‘ 1 —:: A- cf ’.f7 i.iul costs C for -w 8008 a -ri towards xvsp. |,: ’, tn, ' :I r n ' r a l 'd. v.h: j :-r ,T .O. Scott, of U v SI9V active ■ in - • •niKl lAlir wbi’l’O 1 - ’ • ! . 1 ° 1 ' •'as unfoiTunato- ;. ; U t°.. los y ", Au 'ri-'b over the V:.. A A. 0 , OCi;1 Board fi. - A >v <1- Ma C.r Scott is ‘A ;. "“ t ! ln ti! -' h h. ,:a o (or this J .A ,A ■' .')' - ; , l! “ ’ V; ’ •- urrc-ico for i a! y,t 10 o < lock, wbdeh. 1u; f or the i'll lv ■ lval of (he ,' ■ j, . .. e |v , ?’!;A : V ; ” T a tv --riy it th ’wu.-iV-..j",),.,i.;, 'Bn; :. A ! ’ P 'i' ', a 11 | '' cd inau M.. Mioi.s to a married ladv, .and apparently ' * ' 1 ' l ' baiui hy night ; - r-.' -V”'.' bv;i: - •> ;; d h— va ous : '. ' 1 "f and feathers* or an mvohmtarv “V" 5,1 11 i v • 11 end c ’ : °' ' Y‘ ,: ' a '' Ult ♦’> B’.'t into opera'io.n w ; :: 11 P’ :■ °'"< jrs at ri ;d on t] No prosecutions are Jth.cly unless the in- ■ '■ wd vv: m ngs a charge .- f a . attl I !; , r I 1 the •: ty Lothario "'* • rf' 1 i : ‘ C ‘ 1::V i 11,03 new. '■ ' : : >• 7-A gene ral 1; mse to house inx -.i-r-tion rv made hoi-.? by tho borough aat noriti: s. accompanied In- the local health officer. This is with n view to securing a general “spring cleaning” so as to be in a - go. d position to combat anv epidemic that nr-v visit Ih-is r art of the Dominion. Fa rv,levs’ Union. —At a nv Bing of tin- local branch of the Farmers’ Union considerable d----at.i-. faction was expressed at the newlyinii(lf> slieatr rs’ award, as being on too high a bans, tm.-l resolutions to that effect were carried. , ft. was also proposed to form a b arm rs Pc'■ ton 1 L nion to enable farmers to better fight against or modify harassing labour legislation. The increase in the rabbi!, pest was also a giave cause for anxiety, .and more pressure is to be brought on the Rabbit Beard in keeping the pest clown. A. nnd B. Society.— Tbc local Agricultural end Pastoral Society held a very successful concert here on Monday last. A good programme- -v>s sul-mi lied, and th© thian'einl result was very satisfactory, and will go to assist the funds v.-iv considerably.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3526, 11 October 1921, Page 23

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THE COUNTRY. Otago Witness, Issue 3526, 11 October 1921, Page 23

THE COUNTRY. Otago Witness, Issue 3526, 11 October 1921, Page 23