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.Friday evening. Glorious weather favoured the Otago Tennis Club on Saturday, September 24, for their opening day, and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. A delicious tea was provided by the president, Mr J. Sinclair. A band of musicians played at intervals during the afternoon. Some of those present were Mesdames Ramsay, It. Sise, Chrystall, Hislop, Harman Reeves, J. Hislop, Clapperton, Lemon, Gallaway, E. L. Macossoy, McPherson, Morris, T. S. Dawson, Caselberg, C. White, Hudson, Misses Hislop, Gallaway, Todd, MHntosh, Laidlaw, Allen, Reeves, Cook, ITazlett, Bowler, Flemming, E. Haggitt, G. Morris, Hart, Cadded, Glasgow, Holmes, Smith, Pharazyn, Dowling, Neill, Jackson, U. Rattray. Miss Noel Dowling returned from Christchurch last week and intends residing in Dunedin for the present. On Thursday a large number of young people formed a party for the rink, where an enjoyable evening was spent Hostesses for bridge during the week have been Mesdames Ferguson, F. Fitchett, Rattray, Hilton, Sise. Mrs Carmalt Jones left for Wellington on Tuesday. Mrs Oklham, Mrs Stock, and Mre Falla have been staying at Wuikouaiti for a week. Mr and Mrs C. Fenwick, Anderson’s Bay, have returned from a visit to Blenheim. Mrs Friedlander lias been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Halsted, Queen street. Mrs James Watson, Park street, left for Rotorua this week, and intends remaining away so me months. Mrs Armitage (Termika) has been spending a few days with Miss Dennis ton, Melville street. Mr and Mrs Godbv (Christchurch) were in town for a few days. Last Monday (Dominion Day) two interesting golf matches were played on the Balmacewen links between teams fiom the Christchurch Club and the Dunedin Club for the Campbell and Keeking Shield and the Hnnmer Shield, resulting in a win for Dunedin for both shields. The Dunedin Horticultural Society held their spring show on Friday and Saturday in the Art Gallery. It was on r> of the finest shows of narcissi that lias been seen in Dunedin. There was a Is.) a exhibit of polyanthus primroses. The decorated tables were very pretty, so also w re the baskets, bowls, etc. Several hats made entirely of leaves and flowers were very cleverly carried out. On Saturday afternoon the jubilee of the Dunedin Bowling Green Club was celebrated at the grounds in Cumberland street, when a large assemblage of people were entertained bv the president. Mr Charles Fraser and Mrs Fraser, who received the guests on their entrance to the grounds. An excellent band of musicians provided delightful music during the afternoon. Splendid arrangements were made for seating, which added greatly to the comfort and pleasure of everyone. The president gave a very interesting account of the club, its commencement, and up to the present day. An impressive tribute was paid to those who hove passed awav by a minute’s silence, which was concluded by a bugler playing ‘‘The Last Post.” A presentation was made by the directors and members of the club to Miss Callander, daughter of the first president, and to Mrs Fraser, wife- of the present president, of enamel brooches set in cold. The guests were to a large extent the descendants of founders and early members of the club, including Misses Callender, Dr and Mrs Stanley Batchelor, Mrs Lin do Ferguson, Mrs D. Baxter, and Mrs T. K. Sidey: Mr "VV. D. Main. Mr and Mrs D. M. Speddmg, Mr h. H. Campbell, Mr Alexander Bathgate, also Sir John and Lady Roberts, Sir George Fenwick, Mr G. L. Denniston, Mr Peter Barr, Mr and Mrs NV. Emery, Mr and Mrs Gallaway, the president and some members of tlic Dominion of New Zealand Bowling Association and lady friends. the President and executive of the Dunedin Bowling Centre, ex-presidents of the Dunedin Bowling Club and lady friends, the ciation and lady friends, the provincial bowling clubs, in Otago. The grounds filled up so rapidly as the afternoon progressed that it was only possible to get about bv keeping strictly to the asphalted paths. The back of the numerous veilms And many late comers may have been overlooked in these notes. Miss Sise entertained a few friends at bridge on Saturday evening Present were —Mesdames Gallaway, M‘Ed bin. Oldham. George M‘Leau, D. Ramsay: Musses Graham, Ulrich, 'Webster. Rattray (2), Mill. Miss Rattray returned from Shag Valley last week. INVERCARGILL. September 30. • The Rev. Dr S. Richards, Bishop.of Dunedin, spent a few clays here this w cM. Many people were delighted to see Dr Richards here again. Mrs E. Russell has gone ror a trip to the North Island. Mrs Broughton left for her new home in Dunedin this week. Several parties have been given this week in honour of Miss Broughton. Miss Grace had a bridge evening for Miss Broughton. Miss D. Smith also entertained her. Miss Moriah gave an afternoon on Tuesday also for Miss Broughton. Sonic of her guests were Miss L. Henderson, Miss A. Corbett. Miss Hogg, Miss J, Haggitt, Miss Lowe, Miss Grace, Mis* A. Hazlctt. Miss Field, Miss Snow, and Miss Durham (Christchurch). Mr and Mrs C. Longuet left for Dunedin on Wednesday. Mrs M‘Ewan gave a farewell evening this week for Mrs Reach and her daughter, Mrs Livingstone, who are leaving for Dunedin. Mrs J. G. Macdonald gave a most orgyable children’s party at her residence, Don street, on Friday.

Mis« E. Field gave a very enjoyable afternoon at Otata-ra for Nliss Bi'oughton. Among her guests were Mr and Mrs Xcnth, Miss L- Broughton, Masses Morrah, Henderson, M Pliail, Hazlett, Corbett, Messrs G. Broughton, Morrah, M‘Pliail, Binney, St. George, and Lonquet. OAMARU, September 80. On Friday a "surprise” fox-trot party was held at Mrs John Fraser’s. Amongst those present besides Mr and Mrs Fraser and Miss Tu] loch were Misses Dennison (2), Humphries, Grave, M‘Adam, and Dr Morton ; Messrs Thompson, Sanders, hid wards, and Mollison. The Oamaru Tennis Club held its opening daj' on Saturday. In spite of the counter attraction of a laj’ge football tournament a - number of friends were present to enjoy the afternoon tea and tennis provided. . Gn Thursday the fin-:d evening of the Kahanga Club was held at the residence of Mrs J. M. Bulleid. A number of friends were invited, who greatly enjoyed the programme, which consisted of music, dancing, and dramatic items. Among those present besides the members of the club were— Mesdames Hargreaves, Douglas, Scott, Merrit, Jones, Vennall, J. Scott, S. Reid, Irvine, and M'Auley, and Mi-snee Xicolls, Banke> be well, Grave, Dennisorr, and Hewat, etc. Mrs John Fraser, who is again to sing in the northern centres, left on Monday. Miss B. Whitton is visiting friends in Geraldine. Miss Piper is the guest of Miss F. dm Lambert. TIMARU, September 30. Mr and Mrs Walton, Park lane, and Mies C. Walton returned ibis week from Australia. Mrs Matheso-n (Tighnafeile) and the Missea Matheson are spending some weeks in the Mackenzie Country. Mr and Mrs Edgar Jones and the Mlssee Jones have returned from Napier. Mrs Holmes Warren (Wairarapa), who was staying at Bluecliffs, returned to the North Island on Monday. Mr and Mrs L. G. Wood, who were staying with Mrs Gordon Wood, returned this week to Pahiatua. Mr and Mrs Foster Neill (Albury Park) were in Timaru during the week. Mr C. BTTfchana-n (Christchu: b) spent tha week-end with Mrs Buchanan, Crofton. Mrs Gladstone Robinson is staying with Lady Denniston, Christchurch. Mrs C. E. Johnstone, Avenue road, lias re- y turned from Bluecliffs. Mr R. M. Sterndale, formerly cf, has been appointed manager of the branch of tlie Imperial Bank of India at Mondau* iay, Burma. CHRISTCHURCH, September 3ft. Among Shirley players who leave tin’s week to take part in the New Zealand Ladies* Golf Championship meeting p.t Hcretarmgsb are Lady Boys, Mesdames Donald, Sydney Lawrence, Symes, Kingscote, Eric Harper, B. B. Wood, Godbv, Green, and the Missea Newton, Hoi more. Cotlerill, B. Wood. X. Be ado 1. M iss Coro 'hv A ll •\c r son is at present in the North Island, and will a»sa be playing. Miss YVright (Timaru), the present champion, is also already in Wellimrton. The closing ceremony of the Harley Golf Club took place during the week. There wae a . record attendance. Lady Denniston, after a charming little speech, presented the prizes won during the season. The Jazz Club’s dance on Friday night \xas as successful as ever, and monv were present, including Mr and Mrs Cyril Ward, Mr and Mrs M. Fell. Dr and Mrs A'Court. Mr and Mrs 11. C. Nolan, Mr and Mrs A. M‘Master, Air and Mrs L. Comerford. the Misae* Cotter ill. Hall., Pync. Palmer, Bean, Valerio Reid, Bowden, \\ aw chop, and Messrs Dalgety, Norman. Doirdas, Gibson, Brittan, Cotterilb and many others Mr and Airs J. B. Reid taken Mr* Pylie’s house at Avcnside fnr two or three months. Mr and Mrs George Tlelmore are returning to their house in Avonside. which has lately been occupied by Mr end Mrs Reid. , . Mr and Mrs H. C. Nolan have left lor their homo m Hawke's Bay. Miss Noel Bowlin", who has been living in Christchurch for the last eighteen months, where she has made many friends, has returned to Dunedin. , , Mrs Hugh Beeves lias beer, to Christchurch for a few days’ shopping. _ . . Mrs and Miss Beckett are at the Eakata ,lU Miss Joan Eaine (South Canterbury) is the truest of Mrs J. F. Buchanan, Km loch. Little River. .. , , Mrs J. F. Buchanan is giving a childrens fancy dress hall in honour of lisr little daughter Helen’s birthday. It will be held, next week in the new winter gardens. Miss Agnes Turrell is also giving a danco next week in the winter gardens. The marriage is shortly to take place of Miss Marianne Soott. only daughter of the late Dr William Affleck Scott of East Africa, and Mrs Affleck Scott, of New Abbey, Dumfries, Scotland, to L-entenant Hugh Anderson, R.N., youngest eon of Mr and Mr* Andrew Anderson, Opawo. i' 83 *' arrives bv the Bemnera at Auckland, and the wedding is to take place a, W ban.,am,\ the home of the bridegrooms sistei, Mis H. T. Ferrar. BLENHEIM. September 27. There was quite a fair attendance at too Rive Hands golf link* on Saturday afternoon also Monday (being a holiday) Some of those there Nere- Mr and M,a ChiirokaM M,- md Mrs Newling., Mrs Maclaine, Mrs Cu thbertson, Misses Chapman, Clous ton. Gale, Messrs Moore, Reid, Mitchell, Griffiths, vefv'large -number of people assembled at the A. and P. Show Grounds on Saturday afternoon to witness the meeting of t West Coast and MarlPorourli teams playfor the Seddon Shield, winch resulted in. Ivi for Marlborough. Some of these I ward, Mr and Mrs P. Monrm Dr and Mrs Redman, Mr and Mrs F ros r-Tytler, Mr and Mrs Clou-ton, Misses Ho; toil, Mead, Millianifi. etc. , j Mrs Watson-Hi!l (Pic-ton) was in town during the week. . Miss Ds-iina Horton (Hs.rt.ngs) is the guest of Mrs J. Mowat. , ... Miss Lissaman (Seddon) is the guest of Mrs , B. Clouaton. Mrs A. J. Maclaine has returned from visiting Wellington. Miss K. Ball is visiting Wellington. Mrs Mason is visiting relatives in the North Island. Quite a f(oom was cast over the town on Wednesday' when the sad news became known of the death cf Miss Marjorie Mary M'Calhun, only daughter of Mr and Mrs R. M-Callum, of “Argylo.” She passed away on Tuesday evening after « somewhat lengthy illness. Miss M'Callum was one of Marlin rough’s popular girls, and much sympathy is extended to her bereaved parents and only brother. “No Rubbing” Laundry Help is quite tlio life of the grocery irado imt now, the ilcmand tiding so Ileum ,1. Kittrav & Son. Wholesale Agents for "Xu Rubbing.

WELLINGTON, September 28. Yesterday afternoon the executive of the Wellington Returned Soldiers’ Association entertained the committee for the recently held annual ball of the association at afternoon tea in the club room of the association’s buildings. Before tea was served a brief report of the receipts and expenditure in connection with the ball was read by Mr R. J. F. Aldrich, the secretary, and various acknowledgments for assistance were nrade. The following were thanked for flowers— Lady Bell, the lion. J. Coates, Dr Jeffries, Mrs Bradley, and Mr Turnbull; for loan of furniture, the Savage Club ; donations of claret, Messrs Brown and Preston; for assistance at the hall, Mr Leslie; the Caledonian Pipe Band, for the playing of the scottische. In the course of a brief speech Mr Wilson (chairman) thanked the ball committee for the way in which they had worked, and spoke appreciatively of the assistance given by the ladies cf the committee, and also of the work of Mr Aldrich, who had done so much to make the function a success. Mr W. Perry (president of the association) also spoke on similar lines. Tea was then served, and a very pleasant hour or so followed. Many people accepted the invitation of Mrs Coleridge, Miss Fraser, and Mr and Mrs Horace Hunt to attend a reception held in the Midland Hotel on Friday afternoon for M. Mb iho Levitzki. Beautiful narcissi decorated the dining room in which the guests were received, and tea was served at many small tables. A brief speech of welcome was made by Mr Hunt, who spoke of the great pleasure that was felt at the visit to Wellington cf M. Levitzki, and he paid a warm tribute to the enterprise of Messrs Tait brothers for making it their aim to secure tor New Zealand visits from t lio world’s great artists. > Replying to Air Hunt’s welcome M. Levitzki told his hearers that his ! friend, NX. Heifitz, had prophesied a very | pleasant time for him, and had said how j greatly he had enjoyed his tour in the T)o- ---! minion. Mr Bert l’oyle also welcomed M. i Levitzki. The afternoon was a most pleasant one, and before they left the guests were presented to the guest of the afternoon. Among those who were present were Lady C hay tor, Mrs and Miss Henry, Miss Doreen Walsh (Auckland), Professor and Mrs Somer- | ville, Mrs lan Duncan and Miss Duncan, Mr i and Miss Harccurt. Mr and Mrs Scott C’ol- ! ville, Mrs Mancy (Motueka), M'ss Arndt, Mrs «F Harper, Mrs Macartliy Reul, Miss M. Kennedy, Dr and Mrs Jacobsen. NXr and Mrs Vivian Rhine.!, Miss H. Miles Mrs Tombs, Mrs Lever, Mrs D’Oyly, Dr and Mrs Morioe a.nd Mies Morice, Mr T. Sedclon, Mr and Mrs E. C. Gachemaillc, Mrs Young, Mrs Hughes Steele, Miss M‘Loan, Mrs Gore, Miss Barber, Mrs and Miss Hamilton, Mr J. Farrell, Mrs Chaj r tor, Mrs and Miss Earle, Miss Kebbell, Mrs and Miss Leicester, and many more. Mrs Coleridge wore a frcck of mole taffetas with touches of blue and a mole hat in which the same note of blue was repeated. Miss Fraser was in a frock of shot blue and gold taffetas and a wide brimmed feathered hat, and Mrs Hunt wore dark green taffetas with a green hat to match. At the private view of the annual exhibition of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, opened by Hi? Excellency the" GovernorGeneral on Friday evening, there was an unusually large attendance of members and i friends. YITi-e best -exhibition for many j years” is the general opinion, and without : question there is a higher standard obs-erv-i able all sections. Some delightful scenes ! ere exhibited, and a noticeable feature is ! Fiat much mere attention lias been paid I to setting sunshine effects in many of'the | paintings than has been the ease "hitherto, j So °ften in the past it was a rare thing to see ! really “■sunshiny'’ paintings, and after all, ■ as New Zealand is very much a land of sunshine, it is but fitting that such sunshine should be adequately represented by her artists. At any mte there is a distinctive improvement in this respect. A greater number of women artists have exhibited this year, some, of course, well-known, others now to fame. His Excellency was’ accompanied by Viscountess Jellicoe" and the Hon. Lucy •Teliicye, ar.(T was received by the president, Mr Shuilor Weston and Mrs Weston. Lady Jellicoe was wearing a frock of two shades of mauve, witn jewelled trimming, ond (lie Hon. Lucy Jsllicoe wove a coral’ pink taffeta and tulle. Mrs Weston wore a frock of pearl grey with nn overdress of embroidered ‘georgette, finished with a girdle of pale pink and blue fiowgs. Among those who were present were Mr and Mrs H. M. Ciore, Sir John and Lady Luke. Mrs J. 1 ripe. Sir John Salmond, Mr and Mrs \ Newton. Mrs Chnytor Mr and Mrs W. Blundell, Misses Butler (2), Airs SommerviUe, Mrs W. D. Stewart and Miss Stewart, Mrs Richardson and Miss Gwvnneth Richardson, Miss Scanlan (Palmerston North), Miss Barraud, Mrs 71 K-irkr-aldie Mr and Mrs J. Harper. Mr C. 11. Haines! H - C T " -"'Lon. Mrs H mry and Miss 11 enry. Miss F. Richardson. Mrs Morpeth Mr and Mrs Murray Fuller. Airs Beere and Miss Estelle Beere, Mrs F. Lecky, Mr i ugcrit Welch, Miss I). K. Richmond, Dr i Adn Paterson, Miss Maitland, and many : more. ; Beautiful weather favoured the oneniim- n f Parliament on Thursday afternoon last mak- ■ mg a pleasant change from the usual aceomj pamment to tii:s function of pouring rain that has been ilia case for many years past i T 'jf ceremony was performed by His Excellency the Gcvernor-0 eneral. ' who was accompanied by Lady Jellicee and the Hon Lucv Jellicee. Her Excellency, who proceeded the Governor-General into the Legislative Council Chambrr, wore a frock of mole charmeuse, with a marabout stole and mole hat trimmed with sweeping paradise plunms j «nd carried a bouquet of bronze and volW i flowers fastened with powder blue ‘ tulle j streamers. File Hon. Lucy Jellico-e was in grey embroidered with blue and a grey hat i m which the note of blue was reo-eatm! I Lady Bel! wore black cbsrmeuse with steel j embroideries: Mrs Carnci'oss, black silk witli I grey furs and a grey hat touched with (taro* I colour; Mrs Guthrie, a gvev coat frock with furs and a dark blue hat; Mrs Bomaro, ; also in grey with toque trimmed with blue,’ ! pink and mauve (lowers; Mrs Lee, dark j grey costume and hat to mate!!;' Mrs Coates, navy blue and putty c .'loured eosj tunic with a pillar hox red hat. Interested I onlookers in the gallery were th» childr-n ! from Government it curie, with Mias M’Calmonf aa ■ t A! iss Gillctt, and ant mg t lie reln,|vr3 and friends of members of both Houses wc-e Lady Luke. Mrs R. TO. Scott, Miss Idei'. Mrs V ilford, Mrs !). T. Fleming, Mrs Vvk H. Field, Miss Alcan Sl'-vens, Mrs Potter, Miss Anderson, Miss Barr, Miss Louisson, Mrs Kohn, Airs It. A. "Wright. and many more. Mr and Mrs T. H. Gil! are braving at the end of the month for a visit to Rotorua and Auckland. j Airs Holmes Warren and her daughter. Airs j Marlon (Featherston) are visiting Chriot- | ohtwh ■ Alias Stothart, matron of the Picton Hospii t al, is -'ui annual holiday leave, and is stayI uig with friends at Auckland. I Lady Russell has accompanied .Sir ! Andrew Russell on a visit to Wellington. Miss Estelle Beere is visiting Masterton. Mrs T. E. Taylor is visiting her daughter, J Mas Luke, ju Wellington.

AUCKLAND, September 2S. Tho members of the Auckland Women’s Club entertained Mr end Mrs Alexander AWi Ison to tea in the club’s rooms on Fridav arternoon of last week. Mrs W. R. Wilson (who is president of the club) welcomed Mr and Mrs Watson. During the aft ernoon Mr Watson made a short speech, in the course of which he spoke in a most complimentary manner of his impressions of the Dominion and of the people lie had met during- his ton r. ihe redials which Mr Alexander Watson lias been giving this week in the Concert Chain x r have been largely attended and much, appreciated, being both instructive and amusing. n k°Hi Mias Marie Wilson’s concerts in the Town Hall have been crowded, and the Scottish prima donna won all our hearts. Honorary membership of the Auckland 1 phans Club has been conferred on this famous singer, who now holds the unique honour ot being the only la civ member of any orphans or savage club in the Dominion. AV Vraee Sharlnnd, whose marriage to ill- Sinclair R.ecd takes place this meek, has been the guest cf honour at several tea parties, amongst the hostesses being Mrs I arker I P-on, Victoria, avenue, Remuera, an cl Mrs All wno d, Ta kap un a Mrs Malcolm Fraser (Wellington) is maknig- a short stay with her aunt,’ Airs W. R- M llson, Fakapuna. Mrs Dumbleton and her young child, who have been staying wit-li Mrs Alexander, Remuera, for several weeks, have returned to \\ cllington. iMrs Duncan Clerk and Miss Tborold Clerk are staying with Lady Hay, Sydney, and are to be there for quite a long time. Miss N. Bullock Webster, is staving with friends in Gisborne. Mr and Mrs Henry Lavallan Puxlev (nee Miss Naomi Guinness) arrived by the Niagara yesterday, and after a short stay heic wi 11 go south to- visit Airs Guinness at Timaru. i he New Zealand Ladies Golf ChampionSII P 13 lo be played at Heretuuoga next week, and among the Aucklanders going south are Airs George Bloomfield, Airs Colbeck. .Mrs Marshall, the Mis&os Payton (2), J. Reid, and Allison. The Misses Margery and Marion Alaefarlane are going to Wellington at the end of this week to visit their sister, Mrs Philip Hanna. The engagement is announced of Air Harold Bruce Morton, youngest son of 'Sir and Mrs H. B. Morton, Epsom, to Miss F rancis Eleanor, elder daughter of Air and Airs F. AY. Rutherford, Wairama Downs, Onewhero. Airs A. AV. Perkins entertained a number of guests to tea on Tuesday afternoon of last week, when Airs J. Grant, who has been on a visit to England, and has but lately returned, was the guest of honour. Some of those invited were Airs and Aliss Russell, A'li-s and Aliss Maguire, Airs 11. E. Nolan, Airs Bull, Airs Sweet, Airs Stride, Aire Charlestown, Airs Pavitt, Mrs Meek, Airs •Sidney Nathan, Airs Bickortccn Fisher, Airs AVake, Airs AVorkman, Airs 13-ayly, Airs Alajor, Airs Alason, Aliss Fullerton, and Aliss Nolan. BZT Descriptions of balls, Src., must be endorsed by either the Witness correspondent for the district or by the secretary of the committee. The MS. of any correspondents who do not comply tyitli this rule will be sent to the secretary fer endorsement prior to appearing. FANCY DB.F3S BALL aS^MOMONA. A fancy dress ball was held at Alomona on the night of lhe 23rd ult., and was a great success. The decorations were done in red and blue, and with the gay dresses made a mail of bright colours. A first-class supper was served. The music was supplied by Price’s Orchestra, and was much enjoyed. Air T. Hackett made an efficient AI.C. The committee, with Air A. At* Hat tie as chairman, and Air F. Debbie a.s lion, secretary, are to be congratulated on the manner in which they carried out their duties. The following- are some of those present and tlie costumes worn—Aliss M. Murison, crimson rambler; Aliss D. Swanson, France: A! is sc 3 J. Johnson and Dow. pierrots; Alisses N. Hackett and E. Fcrd, Dutch girls; Aliss Alathcson, violets; Alisses Al. He ok, AI. Reid, J. Ralston, AY T . Ilastie and Chisholm, gipsies; Aliss Grainger, Starlight; Aliss Aliller, Japanese ladj r ; Alias Stan away, house to let; Aliss IX. Reid, Victorian costume; Aliss Bathgate, Irish colleen; Alisses Ross and O’Donnell, Quakers; Aliss M. Ross, Highland lassie; Aliss Scott, Jewish maid: Aliss Mcynihun, jester; Aliss K., Russian maid; Aliss R. Newman, rose; Aliss Snow, ragtime; Aliss Drummond, .food control; Aliss Wright, peanut; Aliss AI. Wright, Granny Chamberlain: Aliss J. Lindsay, Egyptian lady; Aliss Boved, Russian peasant ; Aliss Al. Pow, gaiety; Miss Black, Red Fading lived; Aliss Morrison, folly; Aliss APLiauch lan, billiard balls; Airs J. Kocft. Rowcna; Aliss F. Al'Lauchlan, schoolgirl; Aliss Haves, nurse; Aliss Milne, housemaid: Air F. Dobhie, French naval officer; Mr A. APHattie, soldier; Alessrs F. Al'Hattie and A. Johnson, Highlanders; Air F. Johnson, costermonger; Air Cunningham, lady; Alessrs Waugh and Alorrison, policeman; Air Walker, Indian; Air T. Aloynihan. Paddy; Alessrs Rolston, Randell, AFDiarmid, and Robinson, cowboys; Alessrs J. Ralston, Wr’ Jjt, Doclierty, Hannah,and Little, tennis ; Air Jarvis, evening drt&s; Air AI. Bathgate, Chinaman; Air Young, clown; Alessrs On moron, A,. Reid mid Ashby, jockeys; Alessrs AlTndoe, B. AX i Her and Bunting, i, av al o ffic or s ; Air J. Lin daa y, Egyoti an ; At r J. APDonakl, Indian Prince; Messrs T. Hackett and APAlillnn, old English gentlemen ; All* Hickev, South Sea Islander; Afr Bnyed, soldier; Air V. Reid, parson: Alessrs Jones and Chisholm, pieretts.—Corrcspon-

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Otago Witness, Issue 3525, 4 October 1921, Page 53

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3525, 4 October 1921, Page 53

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3525, 4 October 1921, Page 53