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ATHLETICS. A NEW RECORD LON DON, September 27 At Gothenburg, Matt.-on, a Swede, ran 20,000 metres in llii smin 29aec, creating a ‘tew world's record. LAWN TENNIS. LONDON. October X. At, Hendon, in the hard court tennis finals, Sleen beat, Jacob. 6 —3, 6—l, 6—4. Fisher and Doust heat Hadi and Kramer, fi 7, s—-2, 6—2. Miss Rose beat- Mrs Bruce May, 3—6, 6 —3, 6—3. M Lowe, at, Fulham, beat Fyzee, 6 —3. ®—3- 5 1. winning the Downham Cup for the third successive vear.—A. anil X.Z. Cable. FISHER IX FORM. LONDON, September 25. At the Roehampton autumn tennis tournament F. M. B. Fisher was winner of the Open Singles and Men's Mixed Doubles.—A. and N.Z. Cable. A SPF.OTACT'LAR GAME. NEW YORK, September 26. At Chicago Andersen defeated Tilden, 3—6. 6—4. 6r—l, I—6, 19—17. in East against the West tournament, in spectacular match ever seen in American tournament, play. Richards defeated Ilawkes, 6-4 2—6 6-4, 7—5. Ilawkes and Anderson defeated Tilden and Jones, 4—6, 6 —2, B—6. 6—3. The Australians played with the West, which scored a victory by live matches to four. —A. and X.Z. Cable. MIDDLEMARCH TENNIS CLUB. The- Middlemarch Tennis Club held its annual meeting on M nday, 20th ult., when a wood number ot members were present. In the absence of the president, the Rev. H. Bloomfield occupied the chair. 'I lie balance sheet for the past year was read, and showed the club’s finance! to be in a satisfactory

condition. It was resolved to have the playing courts put into good order and to have additional netting placed at both ends o' toe courts. The matter o-f a pavilion was discussed, and the final decision was an in6tiuction to the committee to go into the matter of providing something in the way of a pavilion, and it was decided to hold a. public function at an. early date in order to raise funds for the object. The committee was also instructed to gain information and report to the club regarding the laying down of asphalt courts. The official opening day was fixed for .the forthcoming Labour Day. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mr T. W. Wise (re-elected); vicepresident, Miss Crawford; secretary, Mr Fuller; captain, Mr F. Taplin; and a committee of eight ladies and gentlemen. A pleasing feature is that a number of new players will take up the game this season, and the dub will be considerably etrenthened by players from other clubs now residing in this district. BOXING. NEW ZEALANDERS IN SYDNEY. SYDNEY, September 29. The visiting Australasian amateur boxers were tendered a civic reception. The manager of the New Zealanders, replying, claimed i that New Zealand’s record in past years was! extra fine, considering tho handicaps under which the visiting teams suffered compared I with the home teams which always had the ! advantage on account of being able to draw upon their full resources. , BOX 1X G TO UR NA M EXT. -Hie annual boxing tournament in con- I nection with John M'Glashan College took I place oil .Saturday night before a large and I enthusiastic audience. The exhibition proRented showed that ihe competitors had ! acquired considerable skill in the art of j self-defence, this being due to the excellent j instruction of Mr Maekie. Mr Charles | Lawrence acted as referee, and Messrs Afar- ' shall and Fitzpatrick as judges. Owing to j the large tnlmber of entries, the preliminary j bouts were fought beforehand. The oori- ' eluding results were: Bantams. —Chisholm defeated Biddles (1); Alcock and Biddles (2) drew, after a most, amusing contest. Feather-weight®—Wood defeated Neil; Jacobs (1) defeated Moslcv; j Giikiso.n defeated Wood; final, Jacobs defeated Gilkison bv superior skill. Lighl- 1 weights—Glover defeated Boyd (2); Nidal i defeated Perrin; D. X. M'Grogor defeated ' K* it; Glov or defeated M'Gregor; final. J Xidal, defeated Glover—a great fight, ! Kidal's science winning him the bout, j Heavy-weights Allan defeated Campbell ; I Stewart defeated King; final. Stewart dr- j feuted Allan. Both fought magnificently, j t ih» win no) l>piny l'.ft. tor on dofonco. Tho j jnr fho mc*t boxer wan aY.urWI i 0 Xidal. No danger from Influenza with ‘ NAZOL. Inhaled or taken on sugar.

HOCKEY. KAITANGATA HOCKEY. Hie last match of the season for the Ixi dies’ Hookey Club took place on Saturday, when the team played against a team from, the members of the Loyal Pride of lva.itangata Lodge. A most enjoyable afternoon’s outing was enjoyed by one and all, the match resulting in a win for the lodge by 4 goals to 3 goals. X.G. Bro. Gibson stated during the afternoon that lie hoped the female lodge would have a team entered for the South Otago competitions next year, and. that there wouid ba many practice matches between the male and fern-ale lodges. GOLF. The annual competitions for the inter-club shields were played on ihe 2Gth on Balm are wen Links between the Christchurch and Otago Clubs. The Campbell-Hosking Shield \v:s presented in 1900 by Mr Campbell, who was then president oi the Christchiuch Golf Club, ; and Mr J. 11. now Hr Justice) Hosking, who held a similar office in the Otago Golf Club. Christchurch won it in 1900, 1902, 190 H, 3912. 1913, and 1914, and 01 ago in 1901. 1903, 190 4, 1905, *I9OO, 1997. 1909. No matches were played in lull, and from 1915 to 1919 the competitions were suspended owing to the war. The 1910 and 1920 matches were drawn. The competition is decided by singles. -Mr N. <r. W. Hanmer. is competed for by foursomes. Christchurch won in 1898, 1899, | 1904, 1900, 1907, 1913, 1920, and Otago won 1901, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1908, 1999, 1910, 1912, ! 1914. The match in 1900 was drawn, and in ( 1911 and' from 1915 to 1919 no matches weio i played. j On the 2611 i the weather was beautifully fine j and the course was in very good condition, but a tricky westerly wind wa-s rather disconcerting to the players. Christ church sent down a very strong team, but Otago were without the services of some of their best players. Contrary to expectations, Otago won both shields, the singles by 9 matches to 3, and the foursomes by 18 holes to 0. The scores were as follow (Otago names given first): Singles. J M. Yv. Horton (2 and 1) 1, B. B. Wood 0. j ii. G. Scott (3 and 2) 1, H. W. Maefarj lane 0. I B. Brasch (5 and 3) 1. C. A. Seymour 0. j J. R. Callender 0. E. IVL. Macfarlane (1 ; tip) L ' J. S. Nbmro 0, B. C. Rutherford <3 and j 1) 1. i C. W. Rattray 0, L. Bonnington. (5 and 4) 1. j C. T. Irvine (2 up) 1, T. W. Woodroffe 0. G. Gall a way tat nineteenth) 1, W. 'T. JJ. Harman 0. E. J. Hocking (6 and 5) 1, W. P. AnderI son (). C. Turnbull (1 up) 1, M. H. Godby 0. R. B. Lambert (4 and' 3) 1, R. T. Tosswill 0. A. C. M'Killop (.1 up) 1, G. YV. Haverfield 0. Totals: —Otago i) games, Christchurch 3 games. j Foursomes. | M. AY. Horton and R. G. Scott 7, B. B. 1 Wood and H. W. Macfarlana 0 j H. Brasch and J. R. Callender 5, C. A. I Seymour and E. M. Macfurlane 0. | J. S. Munro and C. T. Irvine 6, B. C. Rutherford and YV. T. 1). Harman 0. E. J. Hocking and R. il. Lambert 0, L. Bonnington and T. XV. 'VVixxlroffe 0. Totals:—Otago 18 holes, Ciiristclrurch 0. j Mr John A. Cook, president of the Otago Golf Club, formally handed over the shields to the winners, and thanked the Christchurch players for coming down to resume these interesting compel i lions. Mr B. B. Wood replied on behalf of the Christchurch team. ; BOY AND GIRL CHAMPIONS. LONDON, September 28. j In a match between boy and girl champions Miss Sarson beat Mathieson, 6 up and 4 to play. j AMERICAN GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP. I 33 ASJIINGTON, October 1.. ' | Waller Hagen won the Professional Golfers’ Association championship, diamond ; medal, and a. 500dol purse, defeating Jim Barnes. 3 up and (2D to go.- | j The St. Andrew's Gross Competition was played on the Balmacewen Links on Saturday afternoon under line weather conditions. The winner was C. W. S. Cox, who had a good round—£B-16-72. The best scores were: Gross. Hp. Net. C. \Y. S. Cox 88 16 F. T. Anderson . . ... 90 12 — 78 \V. F. Edmond 94 16 J. S. Monro 84 5 ■ — 79 11. Ramsay 84 4 K. 11. Barron 89 9 F. \V. Mitchell 94 14 A match, played o:i the St. Clair Links on Saturday, was-won by W. I). ] M‘Carthy, with a net score of SO. The best i cards were : Gross. Hp. Net. YV. L>. M'C’arthy £6 6 J. IL Drake- ..' 82 1 W. 11. Shepherd 99 18 C. Ann man 80 7 (.’. B. Wight 83 plus 1 G. 11. Mooney 92 7 M. Macbeth ' 89 4 W. Clayton 101 16 NORTH OTAGO v BALMACEWEX. | A very enjoyable time was spent on the j links, which were in good order, when North Otago met Balmacewen. Oamaru t won handsomely, winning by live games to | three in the singles, and winning four and halving one in the foursomes. Following are. the results (Oamaru names first); —Singles.— Cuthbertson lost to Brasch. Box by beat Hocking 2 up and 1 to play. Hamilton beat, Callaway 6 up and 5 to Play. - - j 1 Ilewat beat. Haggitt. 5 up and 4 to play. ’ Armstrong lost to Stock 5 up and 4 to ' play. j i Irvine beat White 6 up arid 5 to play. > Saunders lost, (o Gow 2 up and 1 to play. 1 Scott beat, Sbannsin 3 up and 2 to plat. Donaldson all square to Rutherford. —Fouresomes.— Cuthbertson and Ilewat beat Brasch and ! , Hocking 2 up and 1 to play. R-oxby and Hamilton beat Callaway and j Haggitt 6 up and 5 to play. Humphries and Irvine all square to Stock j ! and White. Armstrong and Saunders beat Gow and ! , Shannan 2 up and 1 to play. j j Woodward and M'Kenzie beat Ruther- I . ford and Donaldson 2 up anil 1 to play. ’ 1 RIFLE SHOOTING. BRISBANE, September 30. At the Rifle Association meeting the King’s i Prize was won by Roberts with 268, Richard!- ' son and Boosley scoring 267 each. Ail are i

KAITANGATA DEFENCE RIFLE CLUB. The opening day of the Kaitangata Defence Rifle .Club was held at the Gentrewood range on the 24th ult., and was favoured with exceptionally good weather, with the result that there was a very large attendance of members and their lady friends. As the day wore on a tricky wind sprang up, varying from right to left across the range. Teams were selected by the President and Deputy President, and resulted in a win for the President by 19 points. The ladies also had a match, and a great struggle took place for premier oos it ion between Airs Hawke and Mrs F. Carson. After a number of ties, the former eventually won. Tlie ladies present also drew th© gentlemen for first, second, and third prizes, and the following were the successful winners:—Rifleman W. D. Paterson, 47, drawn by Airs H. Baker. 1; Rifleman T. Frazer, 47. drawn by Airs Hawke, 2; Rifleman M. Carson, 46, drawn by Airs \Y. Carson, 3. One of the items that made the afternoon sucli an enjoyable and social one was the handsome refreshments supplied by the ladies. The following are the scores of the match President v. Vice-president: President. Vice-president. T. Frazer 47 AY. Paterson .. 47 AI. Brown .. .. 46 AY. Penman .... 45 H. S. Baker .. 42 11. Cuthbertson.. 14 D. Nelson .. .. 42 G. Frazer .. .. 44 D. Anderson .. 40 AY. Johnstone .. 41 XV. APDougall .. .39 F. Carson .. .. 38 E. T. Turner .. 36 AY. AYvber .. .. 38 M. Carson .. .. 36 L. Mosley .. .. 30 R. Barclay .. .. 35 N. Biss-et .. .. 28 J. Kyle .32 L. Latham .. .. 21 Total 335 Total 376 QUEENS LA X D RIFL E AIE X. A Brisbane cable reports that at the Queensland Rifle Association meeting the King’s Prize was won by Roberts with 268, Richardson and Boosley scoring 2.57 each. All are Queenslanders. MIDDLEMARCH GUN CLUB. The Middlemarch Gun Club held a shoot on Saturday, 24th inst. The weather was not altogether favourable, a perplexing’ gusty wind blowing from the north-west. This made shooting difficult, but some very good scores were made, some of the younger members of the club doing very well under the circumstances. The shoot was a ladies’ day. Names of shooters were drawn, and the prizes awarded to those ladies who had drawn the winers. The competitions were as follow Six-bird competition.: Air F. Taplin and Air J. Ande)son, with six birds each. AYinners drawn by Airs G. Robertson and Miss Crawford. Nine-bird competition: Four tied with eight birds eacli—namely, Messrs T. Al'Rae F. Taplin, XV. Guy, and Dr Haslett! ‘Winners drgwn by Aliss Mary Elliott, Mrs Al Rite, Airs Munroe, mid Aliss Crawford. A sweepstake was shot off, and was won by Mr AV. Ware.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3525, 4 October 1921, Page 42

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LAND AND WATER Otago Witness, Issue 3525, 4 October 1921, Page 42

LAND AND WATER Otago Witness, Issue 3525, 4 October 1921, Page 42