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Correspcmdentß are reminded that all letters for the current week's issue muet reach Dunedin NOT LATER THAN SATURDAY NIGHT. Letters coming to hand on Monday are too late, and am thus a week old when they appear. LAKE COUNTY. September 23.—There was a break in the spring" weather on Saturday last, when there was a return to winter conditions. The broken weather continued until yesterday, when it cleared up. A good deal of rain fell, and the mountain tops received a good coating’ of snow. Ladies’ Hockey.—Tho return match between teams from Cromwell and Arrow Ladies’ Hockey Clubs was played at Arrowtown on Saturday last. The ground was in good order, but a bleak, cold wind made matters rather unpleasant for the large number of spectators who had assembled to witness the match. The game, which was evenly contested throughout, was won by the Arrow team by 3 goals to two. Mrs Douglas was the referee. "Valedictory Social. —A social was tendered by the residents of Lower .Shot over to Miss Joan O’Leary last week. Miss O’Leary has been teacher of the Lower Shotover School for the last three years, and was recently appointed teacher of the Kapnku School, Southland . The social was largely attended, those present including visitors from Queenstown and Arrowtown. During the evening Miss o’Lear3 r was made the recipient of two presentations. Mr Albert Scheib, secretary of the School Committee, in the absence of the chairman (Mr Houston), who was unable to attend, presented Miss O’Leary with a handsome manicure set from the parents. In making the presentation, Mr Scheib said the recipient had proved Ivorself a most painstaking and capable teacher, and said she would have the best wishes of the residents for her future success. Miss Jessie Brown, on behalf of the pupils, presented Miss O’Leary with a gold pendant, suitably inscribed/ Mr James O’Kane suitably responded on behalf o r Miss O’Leary. Ball.—A ball, inaugurated by the Queenstown Football Club in honour of iis winning the Cup. was held in the Garrison Hall, Queenstown, cn Friday evening last, and was a groat success. The music was supplied by Mrs Burns and Miss Stevenson (piano), Mr J. Fraser (violin), and Mr H. Tomkies -flute), Mr J. J. M‘Bride was M.C. Bide Shooting.—The "YTakatipu Defence Rifle Club held its first shoot of the season at Beach Bay on Saturday. Notwithstanding the unfavourable weather conditions, a large number of members made tho trip from Queenstown by launch. At Beach Bay they were, as in past years, the guests of Mr H. Mackenzie and family. Twenty members took part in the shooting, for which prizes were given by the Messrs Mackenzie. The rang • were 300, 500 and 60 > yards. A triangular match was also fired between teams of five from the Queenstown Girls’ Brigade, Beach Bay. and Oik jnstown members of the Rifle Club. A feature of this match was the excellent scores put up by the girls, who beat the men. The match was seven shots each at 300 arid 500 yards, and the scores were: Girls’ Brigade, 303; Beach Bay, 2D6; Queensfown, 260. LAKE WANAKA September 23.—For the last few weeks we have had at least one good rain eveiy week, and so far \cry little wind. The ground is well sat muted, and consequently grass is coming away well. At present the weather is bright and sunny. A good coating of snow is lying well down the ranges, and on Wedt last v c had a t mch of frost. Owing to the favourable spring weather, lbed is plentiful on the runs, and sheep should do* well for some weeks at least. Sp* rt.—The fi ;tba:l season is now finished. The final match was played in Pembroke between teams representing Wanaka and the local stations, and resulted in a win for the former by 3 points.—A meeting of the cricket club was held in the hall on tho 10th September, and was well attended. The balance sheet shewed a credit balance ci £3 or £lO. The officers elected ling vear are: President, Mr J. Faulks; captain, Mr \V. deputycaptain. cret. v, and trvusurer, Mr J. Bro ks. match -• ioct - M< 3 . \V. T < - vathan. J. B.«, ks. rud \Y. Bovctt. As the club is very strong in numbers and some very ] si y - coining on, it u 1 give a good acc ui of L for< the end of the season. tiring the past winter the ro real ion reserve has had a considerable am .unt of weak done on it, Loth with the . . lemerits, and is now almost level. A large part of it has been sown with fescue and fenced. In a few 1 1 king well. Last Saturday a working bee was formed, and a great number 1 roung trees planted. Entertainment. -A few weeks ago the bachelors o.f gave a ball, which proved very successful. Quite a large number of visit ors v. • re j > re sent fro i n f he d ifferen t parts of tho district, and tho hall was well filled. The supper was excellent and plentiful, and gc«*d music was supplied by MiHardy, of Cr: in well. and several local musicians. Mr B. Bailantyne made an efficient M.C. RATANUI. 22.—The Ratanui Memorial "mill, which was or. . 1 bv a concert and dance on Friday night, 16th, proved to be too small for the crowd of visitors and friends wli > wished 1 > lie present. The door was opened at 7.30. and by H o’clock the body of the hall was full to overflowing. Friends were pro:-' nt from AYaitati, Dunedin, Rue’s Junction, Taicri Mouth, and Kaitangata: also from Tahakopa, Maclennan, Kahu’kn. I’ukctiro, Tawanui, Tahatika, Owaka Valley, Owaka, and surrounding districts. The hall was nicely decorated with ferns and daffodils. Mr "Williams, who presided. after a, few words, called on Mr Malcolm, M.P., who liad been invited to bo noce< : fi icii lie did in -mi appropriate speed!. lie congratulat'd the people of Ratanui on the nice ] :■ ■ : built to tin of tli "r - dh*rs He then deel«red tlie ball '.lien. N Maciipn -s (Owaka) also spoke a few w o s. Il( --•! i -1 t n: ■ I for tho * ohliers I ’ ■ ! t:,em fs. a d :ud then, all on tl ■ had given tliem mem nt< *s, ccd :i • \v th. V had Lorn fuH 5 and had built lhc had. Tii" h .” -..hi ; ! u h m-.-felt 'v i,{ a held J* which had pr- ■ \ t fir too small on most Mv.ei :.s. ’I he ■' f...*k pa !-f. ill the i ■ items •• on on '{ . Mr M-alr-ebn (B- ■ ’ it ho), Mrs Perry, Mn? Gibbs Tl-aii : , M Morton, B • ; C J sir ‘ U '(K ■■ ’ Mrs Reid, Mi,s T.-vlor, Missra F.lvid -e, Overton, Reid ’'(fivufii), Mfis E. M'Cidelu (Taieri Mou h Mi Burgess (Roi mb] a). M.sses Shaw. A iliah,'.-u>- l»r-ought tiie con cert pari tu a close. A plentiful suppei

(which was supplied by the ladies of the district) was handed round, after which the floor was cleared for dancing, between 50 and 60 couples taking the floor. The music for the dance was supplied by Mrs Perry, Mrs Overton, Miss Shaw (piano), Messrs Rae, M'Lean, Overton, and White (violin). Messrs W. Harrington and J. M‘lvechnie acted as M.C.’s, and kept dancing going till about 5 a.m. Unfortunately some who had promised to take part in the programme were unable to be present. Welcome Social.—On Monday night an enjoyable social was held in the church as a welcome to our new minister, Mr King. We have been without a minister for over two years, and so are pleased to get one at last. Members cf the Owaka choir were present, and gave three very enjoyable items. The Rev. Mr Wilcox, who occupied the chair, welcomed Mr King into our midst. Others who spoke were Mr Williamson and Rev. Mr CTaigie, also Mr King. Mr Taylor (secretary of the church committee) read the balance sheet. Those who contributed to the night’s enjoyment were: Solos by Misses Alice Harrington, F. S. Shaw, N. Allan, Mrs Taylor, Mr Taylor, Mr Hunter (Owaka) ; duets— Mrs Taylor, and Mrs Christie. Misses Harrington; recitation, Miss H. M'Master (Owaka). The singing of the National Anthem brought the evening to a close. WAITAHUNA. September 24.—The weather is just perfect. We had a couple of wet days this week (Tuesday and Wednesday), and the rain has done a lot of good. The grass is coming away nicely, and every tiling looks sweet and green. There are -a good many lambs about now. Presentation.—Prior to her marriage, Miss M. E. Craig was entertained at a social by the choir of the Waitahuna Presbyterian Church, and presented with a plated bread platter. Wedding.-—On Wednesday, August 31, Miss Ethel Craig was married to Mr Thomas Italiantvne at the Presbyterian Church by tho Rev. Mr Bandy. The day was beautifully fine, and a 1 arge number of friends gathered to see the happy couple married. It was one of the prettiest weddings seen in Waitahuna. Property Sales.—Mr Martin Ryan hos bought the late Mr M‘Caw’s property, on the opposite side of the road to his house and adjoining his own land. Mr John Uren has bought Miss Ferriss’s property up the Waitahuna Gully. •Stock Sale.---The 'fin on Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Association held their monthly sale at their yards on Monday, 19th of September. Tli ere wag a. fair attendance, but bidding was _ very dull. Following are the prices obtained:—Two-tooth ewes, 15s to 17s Gel; f.m. ewes with lambs, Gs 3d to 7s 3d all counted: wether" hoggets, 3 s; fat wethers. 17s 6d; dairy cows, £9 to £l4 10s; pigs, 29s to 395. LIJ MSDEN. September 23.—We are now enjoying- glorious spring weaflier. Fruit trees and bushes are budding freely everywhere, and all the countryside is lookin': bocnlifnlly fresh and green. Tho farmers are taking full advantage of the fine weather conditions, and spring work is well forward. Large areas are being put under grain crops, principally oats. It is too risky to sow wheat- in this locality, as it is subject to late and early frosts. Church Affairs. —The Lumsden, Mossburn, and Castle Rock Presbyterian Church annual . social and congregational meeting was held in the church on Tuesday. Septemebr 20. There was a large gathering of the congregation and friends. The Rev. Mr Fisher presided, and was assisted by Rev. Mr Banner-man (Athol) and Rev. Mr M'F.v-nn (Waikaia). Rev. C. "Webb (vice- Iniru-den Anglican Church) was present. The chairman gave a resume- of the year's work throughout the parish, which was received c.s very s-atisfactorv. The clerk of the Deacons’ Court (Mr T. M'Co.tckeon) read *l:e minutes of the year’s meetings, which were approved and confirmed. The- treasurer (Mr IV. Cummings) submitted the balance sheet, and drew attention to the necessity for strict economy in the use of the church, funds, and earnestly solicit:!— grottier financial support from the parishioners. Very ill tore .--.I in • and able addresses wer-> riven by Rev. C. Webb (who spoke of the reunion of churches) Ik v. Mr Bann'-emian , 'Akh'd\ and Rev. Mr M'Ewan (Waikaia). who spoke on "Philosophy and Ambition.’ At the , social anthems were rendered by a siren, r . choir, and soles were given by Mr* IT-tJtlcli. [ Miss Fisher, and Messrs Allen and V ilson. , accompanists being Mrs 11. L. C’-wt: - and Mrs Fotheringliam. A recitation of hi; h merit was given In- Air A. V ‘ ' s' ■ ; he , | meeting closed with the boned otion. The J ladies of the congregation had provided, a 5 solondid supper, vliwb was handed rod • to all nrcsent, and highly appreciated. Tin's 1)i" 11y 11f a- satisfactory year's work to a fib-alba'll.- A match was played on Septem- % l,„ r 3 Vcrthern team v. Western, at : o+nutau. The game ended in a win lor - ’Northern In- fi points to 3. On the same t date the Waihopni School bova -.da;: 1 » 1 fvjendlv game with the local school boys at - Tmmad'en, the latter winning by 6 points - to nil On September 17 the LumHen 1 Second's tc-m plaved the Balfour Second’s i team at Balfour, with the result that T-unis-,’V,i won bv G points to Balfour’s nib The T.umsdcn Second team are thus winner's of tlm 1921 Banner. p: r ,,_On Monday last. 19th met... a ronr-ron-red cottage, owned by Mrs M’Plierson 1 c-id occupied by Mr C. Sutherland, was j burnt- to '{ho ground, nothing being saved. ‘ Much svmoa'hv is f-R for Mr Sutherland r end family in their heavy less at such a 3 time. j V*; BtP'lNft. ' September 21.—We have had beautiful ’ weather lately—in fact this is the best spring we have experienced for many years. 1 Farm” work is well advanced, -a largo area of '■rain being already sown. From all appearr a-iccs a large acreage is to be sown in crop ° tbis spring. Tt is to be hoped that prices for oats will improve before next harvest, the farmer will not receive much for Sto.'v--All classes of stock -arc h -king 1 this spring, but the prices for sheen and a co cat’h- are very disappoint rig. At the s j..,« Clinton sale sliecp were alincst unsaicI :Vv,. fjarobs in fairly plentiful, and if i : ' ■' 1 ■ a v< ■■ i a iig lb ■ y< o Da'iry cows are selling well, but very tew are < ti rt - Tic > - nd price - IT -ring for dairy p:o----t }, a< induced most of the farmers hors -p) f, -.V cov -. ai-d 1 think T am ■ afe ! . V, predicting that this district is fast I fv-o: l. \ cr : i-'< club has b.-en forn d S (': 1 ■ ": • . " o ■ d t' i, ere to be c io o'e'rs I ■■ > V *. r:» a in it IP 1 .:.). Y< : > - a •> t lie c: 111. ~ <•!• -.(. tea It. was a VI., y si 1 o on.", -o'd it D !o 1... h that before ho: we M vain i 1-. put a tea: i ■ in tli, fi ! I that • : !l j. I do credit to the place. A vary successful I j " no.-id. was held last Friday night to raisi r funds for the newly-formed club. The night

was fine, and there was a large attendance. I understand that the promoters are well pleased with the result of the concert. School.—The examination of the local school took place on the 7th September, and I understand the scholars acquitted themselves well. Our teacher, Mr Townrow, is to be congratulated cn the result of the year’s work. The school is closed just now for the spring vacation. WAIKAIA. September 23.—Fine weather was followed on Wednesday by heavy showers of rain, and keen frosts on Thursday and Friday. Congratulations.—Mr James Handyside, one of the oldest pioneer miners of the Switzers gold mining days, celebrated his ninety-first birthday last Sunday. The Rev. Mr M‘Ewan, on behalf of the congregation, spoke kind words of congratulation. Mr Handyside was mining when Messrs Skene and Hurst brought hi the Argyle water race to the gold mining claims in 1866. He is bright and cheery and in possession of all his mental faculties, and for many years has been a storekeeper at Waikaia. Lecture.—On Monday evening, in the Church Hall, the Rev. Mr M'Ew-an delivered lantern lecture, the subject being the New Hebvdcs. Recital ions were given by Master M'Kwan, Mr Mhne. and Mr Christie, and Misses Allan and M‘Kechnic; duet by Mesdames Allan and Hunter. The proceeds were in aid of the P.W.M.U. Social. —The Christian TSndeavour Society held social evening on Friday. The ladies brought baskets, and games and musical items were the chief features of the evening. FLAXBOURNE. September 19.—As usual with us, the great question is rain or no rain. This time I am thankful to report that, after an exceedingly dry winter, and just when things were beginning to look serious, we have had a beautiful rain of about 2in, which lias quite saved the situation in the meantime. Stock. —The weather for lambing- being so fine, the percentage will be good, the few lots already tailed running about 100 per cent. In spite of the dry weather, fat stock arc plentiful, a considerable drop in price j having taken place in them during the last month. Good fat wethers bring from 15s to 17s Gd, ditto ewes 11s to 13s. Fodder and Seeds.—Oats and chaff are very slow of sale, a good deal being still held in the stack. Red clover is bringing up to Is Id, and lucerne seed to Is 3d per lb, but are now mostly out of the producers’ hands. Railway Cut.—A-s is the case with so many other places, we have had cur railway service curtailed in various directions. Amongst others, we have now no- train on Saturday at all. Aviation.—We have been quite lively here lately in the matter of aeroplanes, no less than two passing over last week on their way to Wellington. It is interesting- being, as we are, m the track they always scorn to fly from Christchurch to Blenheim. They all seem to call at the latter place before crossing the strait. SVS OSSBU RN. September 23.—Mr and Mrs Christie gave a small and very enjoyable evening- at their residence, Springfield, on September 17 in honour of Miss Dhyllis Turner, who is homeon her vacation from St. John’s College, l .'. H'ongs were sung by Mi-sis Violet Christie, Mr Turner, Mr Eh C. Beer, and Mr Montague (a visitor from Auckland); selections cn the bagpipes by Mr James Christie; and a pianoforte solo (‘‘The Battle March of Delhi”) by Miss Turner. A dainty supper was served in the dining room. Th< i tables bring -u t:s‘ ically set cut, and decori atc-d with spring flowers. SRLVERSIDE (TfJtR"). September 22. —The protracted period of dry weather experienced dining August and the early part of this month, and which ! was causing considerable' anxiety to those | engaged, in agricultural pursui.s, came to j an end tbis week, when splendid rains fell, j On iuesday morning the Silvers!ream was J running high, telling of heavy rains in the l hills; but it was not until Tuesday night- ' j and during Wednesday that much rain was ; experienced licie. Though many ianne-is I would have welcomed a further cent in u- ! of the ram, still there has been snfii- | eknt to do an incalculable, amount oil good,, | and to relieve any anxiety with regard to J the immediate future. At the time oi writj ing it is fine, and there is a suspicion of " | frost in the air t-c night. Turnips and 1 1 mangolds are, in most cases, getting into k I small compass; but, following the ram. and especially if a spell of warm en- ;■ sues, mass should soon be more ph-t.Tul Dair\ m . . - The mi Ik : . ; is '• • ' ; increasing at the Lea! lac-cry. and may be expected h> increase m re rapidly henceforth. At the conclusion cf the annual meeting of sliaveliolders in the Mosgie! Coop native Cheese ETictorv, held in the Coro- ' nation Hall last Saturday night, a very enjoyable social hour was spent 1 iie company was presided oyer by Mr \\ ;iliam Bla-ckie, chairman of directors. After refreslnnents had been dispensed, and follow--1 ing the loval toast of “The King,” nurner- ’ oul other ‘ toasts were honoured, including! “The Army, Navy, and Air Forces, “ 1 lie 1 Dairying Industry, "I lie Manager _ and r Staff, “The Civil Service,” “The Ladies,’ etc. There were several musical items, and a "most enjoyable evening terminated with ' the singing of “Auld king syne.” I don’t 5 know whether this social liour is customary at tho annual me tings of ether dairy com- ! panics, or whether it is an innovation on »• the part of i he Mosgiel Company, but for stmulat ing interest in the company and for bringing suppliers into closer touch with each other! the idea- certainly has much to commend it, and might with adxantage be J generally adopted. r MOMONA. September 20.—Fine spring weatlicr has i prevailed during the Jast few weeks, and 3 welc.imo rains have fallen. Sale of Work.—The La-dseV Guild r re busy r ii n : 'd’in ,r no their work for the bazaar, w k'i c i ] will L held on October 13 and 1 !. r }ind it is to be hoped that their work will ] rewarded ! y a good sale of llic goods e nj'.t \ ided. lb: 11.- r lhe sMinisters held their annual ball f ]., g nil,nth. II It! R.. 1 im ■- x.ol’ -nt tiinn u'. ~ *j-] K . ,p w :o y p’.etty, and with - abi, -i't( i L ■ - v ifled the n o. :r. m<-« oiippcv wns " ! : 7\! a.i.i 1* m -l. 11. .. . | N. wore tli" M gs. :‘;T ’ by j:’;' | ■. n : i T. JlNeill -as .1 . v, ' :•. ii . f..i i ho mi:•• in which 11, I- |.;-:i’.i(!. ■! n •:.!*;>- p!< :r-!iiit » vi ,i ill nr i-v.- W'e n-.rrrt to h.i v-o to n -.1 t! .. -iiti (.j an <iii! Tsi.'ii i< -i lent in I- - j passing of Mrs Law roll eg. 'J'iic funeral loft ~ tho r si(U ine of her (iimplfcr. Mis W. |) 1 ’.■ r-. iai. Mr W. Tln ;ntun lias rccnvorctl ,| from Ins rcrint iilncss, sirl has tiil-en up w.ik with the Y.M.C’.A. at I 'iiTU-ilin, for ,t which lie has the good, wishes of hi a

friends.—Mr J. Snell’s little daughter is recovering- from her recent severe illness, and their friends hope that the recovery may soon be complete.—Mrs and Miss Sprott have returned from their visit to Sydney. Mr H. W. Sprott has taken up a farm at Mosgiel. Wo all wish him the best of luck.—A few friends of Mrs P. Douglas met at Mrs Janies Bruce's residence for the purpose of saying gooch bye to her on her leaving the district. Mr K. L. D. Blair, on behalf of the 'friends assembled, presented Mrs Douglas with a handsome rug. Mrs Douglas suitably replied. A pleasant evening was spent by all present. General. —The Debating and Social Club has finished up a very successful season. Motes of thanks were passed to tile president, Mr A. Moore, and the secretary, Mr P. G. Ford.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3524, 27 September 1921, Page 23

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THE COUNTRY. Otago Witness, Issue 3524, 27 September 1921, Page 23

THE COUNTRY. Otago Witness, Issue 3524, 27 September 1921, Page 23