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“ Wherever a true woman ccines, liomo i* always around lier.’’— Luskin. Esther will be pieasul to receive letters from correbpomleats on :n.y matter of int rest to tin m, and to reply through the medium of this *, the nom de plume only of the e.*rrespornlents to be pubiishfd. Letters to be addressed “Esther," care of the Editor. TABLE TALK. Friday evening. Mrs Leslie "Wilson gave an evening for bridge on Saturday. Sepiember 10. at her residence, Stuart street. The guest of honour was Airs Cut hbert. •3oll (Inveicargili). Also present were Ivies dames Hilton, Okiiiam, E Hazlett, Misses Gilkison, Neill, Fenwick, Mocdio, Reynolds >2), etc. Mrs J. A Cook also gave a small bridge part}- 1 lie same evening, the guests including Mesdames J. 13. Reid (Christchurch), J. Black. Edmond, Misses Williams Dciimston, Webster. On Wednesday Mrs Oa 11away gave a bridge evening at her residence. Queen’s drive, Musselburgh. Amongst the guests were Mesdames Stock, O'Neill, Oldham, Garth Gallawoy. Hilton, Oldham. K ay, Falla, Misses Gallawav, Webster, Neill, Si sc. Some other bridge hostesses during the week have been Mesdames Black, Hilton, Keay. A number of juvenile dances have been given this week. The hostesses have been Mesdames Stephenson, O’Neill, Men love, etc. The rink seems to have become very popular ogam. Several parties have taken place lately. “The Welcome Stranger” Company is playing at His Majesty’s and attracting full houses. Mr Alex. Watson gave h:s final recitals this week in the .Burns Hall, which was taxed to the limit of its seating capacity. Everyone greatly enjoyed the evening with Kii'A'ng; and the beautiful poem “The Glory

<*£ the Garden,” which. Hr Watson gave on liis first visit to Dunedin, was well remembered by ail who had the pleasure of hearing him then. Miss Agues Mill returned from Wellington last week. Mr and Mrs *J. "B. Be id left by motor at the beginning- of the week for Christchurch. Mrs Cheesemin has returned from a visit to the North Island. Mrs Rattray. Miss Una Rattray, and Lieutenant Neill Rattray aie visiting Christchurch. The Missc-s ll'■Laron have returned to Tiniaru. Miss Ilclmore lias returned to Christchurch. Miss Shand has returned to Timaru. Mrs J. A. Cook and the Misses Williams left this week for a visit to the North Island. Mrs Stuart Moore and family hare returned from Peru broke, where they spent a very pleasant holiday. Master Charles has been staying at his grandfather’s place at Klugwny.

Mrs Lin do Ferguson has returned from Auckland, where site has been spending some weeks. On Saturday morning the sad news was learned that Mis W. O. M’Kellar had passed away the previous evening. Quito a gloom was cast over her large circle of friends. The deepest sympathy is felt, for her husband and relatives in their bereavement. j INVERCARGILL, September 17. Miss Webb (Dunedin) has been staying , with Mrs F. Webb, Gladstone. Mrs King (Nelson), who was the guest, of her mother, Mrs AY. Mitchell, has returned < homo. Mr and Mrs F. W. Bicknell have left for their new home in Christchurch. Mr U. Russell and his daughter. Miss B. Russell, left for Sydney last week. Miss T. Watson has gone for a- trip to the South Sea Islands with some friends. Mrs T. L. Hodgson left on Monday for a visit to Dunedin. Mrs Hazietr. gave a very enjoyable young* i people’s dance lari Friday at her residence, , Gladstone. Among her guests were Mr and j Mrs Abbey Jones. Misses Hogg, Hnggitt. j Boyds, Rodger. M. Baird (Wyndliam), Storey, , Field, Grace, Snow, Broughton, Logan. Hen- i derson, Messrs Ha.ggit.t, Iveddell, M‘Pha.l, Sumpter. Hunt. J. Moffat, Watson (2). Dun- ; das, Story (Venlaw), Williams, and Brough- j ton. I Mrs W. Sutton was in town during the ' week. Miss Stobo is spending a short holiday in Dunedin. Miss Broderick gave an afternoon tea this week at her residence (Gladstone). Among her gnosis were Mrs Hall Jones, Mrs C. Jones. Mrs W. Wadsworth 'Warwick Downs'). Mrs Livingstone. Mrs Xewri . Mrs K. J. Gilmonr, Mrs Oilkisrn. Miss G. Tucker, Miss F. Field, Miss E. M'Lcan, and Miss L. Henderson. Miss R. Hogg gave a very enjoyable dance at he- residence (Herbert street) this week The decorations of daffodils and bush g-.oer.-orv were verv prcltv indeed. Among her guests were Mieses ltuoheiu, t n its. Morrrth. Field, Corbet*. Harriett (-2b Anderson. Storey AVnlaw). Broughton, M'Phaii, Hsygitt, Logan, Henderson. Snow. Messrs T. Watson, J i! T>; i-.'.ee:. Ir vlr ITrwat, Kcdddl. R Howells, J. Mcffu t, Hunan*. APPhaih Broughton. Williams. ITaggitt (2), Sumpter, cud Bee. TIMA RU. September 15. Dr and Mrs Bo wo iWai-iti road) are sjvr.din r; nme weeks at Rotorua. Mr and Mrs T.lowden (Park lane) returned on Saturday from Dunedin. Miss Hamilton (Ashwick) was in Timaru for the week-end. Air and Airs Bridgewater (Preston street) have returned from Christ i■] mrch. Mr.' \V. I). Canruboll \Sol\vyn street) and the Mis£’*3 Campbell returned Inst week from Mel bourne. Mrs Hansell (Wellington) is staying with Mrs 1\ Elworthy, Gordon’s Valley. Mrs A. R. Otway (Dunedin) spent the week-end with Mrs VvNgley, Park lane.

Mrs Cecil Perry returned last week from Tasmania. Mr and Mrs Garland, who were staying at Cadoeran, have- returned to Waimate. Miss M. Ward (Christchurch) is spending 1 some weeks in Timaru. CHRISTCTI E RCTT, Senteml or IC. A very pretty wedding 1- ok pb \oo, on Wednesday afternoon of St. Bamr.h s’s Church, Fendalton, when Miss Murid Wester; ra, onlv daughter of Airs Oor ?M W* tenia and of the late Dr Gernhl Westonra, was married to Mr Henry Clyde Nolan, cf Waii'oa. Hawke’s Bay, an 1 s u of Air James Nolan, of G mho me. The bride. who was a vva y by her bro? lier, Mv Godfrey Westonra. wore a most beautiful wedding dress of ivory georgette, b roca? 1 with panno vr *vet and finished with a b rg court tinin. Her ved of tulle, and nminycd with a wre.T/ 1 of silver leaves, and she earned arum lines. Ihe church was lpvGhly decorated f r th rt oceasicn with a pr 'fusion of l b ssom and drfßdds. The ceremonv was performed v - Eueh Leach, and the best man was Mr Col in Deane. The bride w a c by Lirc-e hridesmadds—the ?- r; ws B-ia Rattrav, K flihgm. and Daisy Pra 4 t. who wore b?- " frocks ' f primro -■ ta and lace and small turban hats of rd] lace; they p.i-o carried bouquets of seerlet and mauve anemones. The bride’s goinrr-awav dress was

of srr.ev and blue silk blende. and a black lmt with touches of blue. The bride’s moiher wore a smart mrt frock cf navy char mu so with a axe blu° embroidery. a b’o. b- silk nonlin coat, : nd black and white hat. The hridegroem’s mother wore black taffeta, and n id white hat with n=r>r-v3. All«s Hav-l N b:n wore a Lock of navy taffeta daisrilv finished with grev georgeite and grey crinoline straw hat. Mrs Westonra held a, lnr-e receipt ion at her house vn Garden read, when a great nn*ny relatives and frier) da were present., includinrr Mrs .Warner the Misses W."-.-terra. Air Derrick Wcatenra. Air and bis Justin Westonra, Air and Airs Jock Thompson, ?J- and Aire Cracvoft-AVilson and the Misses Airs IT. Gray, Airs C AA r . Rattray and Tu’cntenant Rattrav, Airs Re-aim. end Al’-s Jim Deans. Air r-n.l Airs Goo. Rhodes, Mr and Airs Boyle, and. verv monv others. Several parties have given during the being Alisa Joan T •-» Airs Charlie Reid, and Aliss Aluriel Cocks. Airs T. F. Gih-on iHelm'-ro’s road) vavc a smrdl end enjovable in honour o f Miss Sv!\-(a YVstaava rliirinc tli- week. ?Ti-s G. A. IT. Tnnrjer is "ivins* a cV!Viren's Ln 11 i.-*, the Art Gfillerv or. Fridav ll'e-llt. to wtiich manv ynnns people eagerly lookin'* forward. Owing 1o the p’-evalenro of m-asios Hi-v- are a few who will he Bitterly disappoh'trri at r-t lieing pi-r«.ent. Mr and Mrs Sim-on Mackenzie, Raincliff, Ren' 1 . PTnterlmrv. are in town. Mrs Hugh Acla.nd and h,or children haro relu—'ied from AVordhurv. ''it** Constance Haroroeyes has loft for F-*•:’ •--.d. Mrs F. B. Millton. Birch Hill, is spendin**- a few clays in town. Mrs Charlie Tintt'nv. Lientenant Rattray, and M'.ss Una ilitir-*’ are in town, and staving ot 'Warner’s Ho+el. Mr and Mrs " Tripyi (Ti-uarn) have he* n in town for a fe-.v days, staying at the I T ni*ed Pervice. ':(;<■** File Helmore has returned from Dunedin, where she was the guest of Mrs C' l *-lie Rattray. Mr and M s AYiliiani Doris, Pendown, are spending a few days with Airs Bowden. Mrs Leonard Clarke and her two hoys have returned from the Rakaa Fishing Huts, w 1 *r* **. they snort the school holidays. Mrs C. A. L T . To and her children

1 . *i ■- ■* returned from Alt are a. .Mrs F. G. Gibson end her children have also return*d from holidays spent at Aknroa. Miss Kathleen tHridi, who has hem spending a forinisli* sri Hnmehv.ah with Mrs Jim Deans, left for Timaru on Saturday to stay with her brothers. , , Th-> Senior Chnmp-'on-riiio of the Ladies Golf Club, plavrd on th“ Shirley Links, was won by Airs Geoffrey Kingseoto, who defeated Mrs Sidney Lawrence in the final. The Junior Championship was won by Mies D. Ronalason. BLENHEIM, September 12. On Tuesday evening a small impromptu dance was held in the Orange Hall. The hall was artistically arranged with mimosa, and the sunner was dispensed on the stage, the ' table being tastefully decorated with lovely vc!low jonquils. Mrs Cimino supplied the music, and dancing was resumed in an enjovahle manner until a late hour. Some of those* there were Mrs Nmi-ling. Mrs Bennett, M'««es He-ton. Gale A' T olfcrsten. M. Gud00*0 J "Williams. Mend (2), G. Griffiths. V. Murnhv. Burden 12), S. Bennett. J. No’ile-Adams. M'Cormick. Tlaswell. Maitland, Hunt (2) C-river. Moran. Knell. Messrs NewVn'cr Griffiths. Reid. Maitland, Murphy (2), Maclaine. Bennett, etc. „ ~ Op Thursday afternoon M-s G. Rudd ontevtgined a number of friends at her resifDuce ill Dillon street in connection with rais’ng funds for improvements to the Boron oh bYhool £rronrul«. E-acli _ gnest brought with her a kitchen utensil, and during +he afteimoon Mrs A. Duncan won the guessing competition as to what live contents of each parcel were. Rcnm of those fl-.-wp were "Mrs Times. Mrs T'l Kenzie, Airs lies' Mrs P. Monro. Mrs O’Domghue. Mrs J? Furness. Mrs ITarvey, Aliss M'Kenzi© iTimavni. Mrs Frnser-Tytlor. etc. Atws W. fi. Fulton, wh- has relinquished tlm matronshln of the AVaivau Hospital, which she has held for the past 10 veers, * was the guest of the nursing staff of th© institurion at a pleasant gathering at the Nn as’ Heme, and was presented with a handsome dressing-ease as a mark of appreciation. Friday afte-neon Arise Fulton was entertained at the Te-lonn Rooms by past mo-dvrs of the nursin'- and radical staffs, ami in their behalf Dr J. F. Bennett presented her with « pume of sovereigns as a token of their esteem and g od wishes. Aric s Irene IT* l-ton is spending a few days : di-’m the sounds. Afr and Airs A. Bell are hero froin_Ua*tin ■ . and are visiting their residence in the rounds. ... , . AJr and Mrs Rolling are visiting their rea'd-nce down the a-nods. Air and Airs G. Rudd are staying at th© Tumirms, Picton. Airs D. T. ster. Airs F Bull, and Mrs C'. Ainu are all staying in Picton. A r - end Mrs >,P. Alonro. St. Andrew's, are vv u .ml are accompanied by Mr and Airs Hi!man. Ari-s Wallis (Waikato) is the guets of Airs A Graham. Afis Gillies Auckland) is the guest of her eisier. Aha H. Howard, in Maxwell road. Mis M. Grace has returned from Picton.

WELLINGTON, September 14. An “At home," which took the form of ci dance, was given by the Wellington branch of the Navy League in the Garrison Hall in Buckle street on Monday night in honour of the visiting Springboks. Their Excellencies the Governor-General and V Tec unless J ellicoe were present with their daughter, tire Hon. Lucy J ellicoe, Captain Southey, A.D.C., being in attendance. Flags in great numbers were used for the decoration of the hall, and there* was a very large all end?.) ice of dancers, including 1 13 or 14 of the- Springboks, with their manager, Mr Ik-nneit. Beautiful flowers had been given for the decoration of the supper tables, some especially beautiful lucifers having been given by Miss Booth, Carterton. Her Excellency Viscountess- Jellicoe wore a- nock of deep rose georgette, with corsage outlined with diamante pa-ssementerie and finished at the hem of the skirt with jewelled fringe. She was presented with a bouquet of free si as and anemones upon her arrival at the hall. The Hen. Lucy Jellicoe was in a frock of pcfvanche blue tulle, banded on the- skirt with satin of tlie same shade. The committee responsible for the arrangements of the evening comprised Mrs AY. Luke. Mrs Montgomery, Mrs Gavin, Mrs Bayfield, Mrs J. Darling, Mies Price, Miss Ellison, Miss Peterson, Messrs A. F. Roberts, Mirams, J. Crawford, AVire-n, Finch, Burt, Darroch, and Captain C bud ley. Among those who wire present were Colonel Campbell, chairman of the Executive Committee, Mrs Hosking, president of the Ladies’ Auxiliary, Airs Sprott, and many members of the league and its brandies. 0n T 1 iurs clay afternoon, at the invitation of Airs Spro't, a drawing room, meeting was held at Bishops court to discuss matters in connection with tine million half-crown scheme which is being set on foot for the military memorial chapel. Alanj r wore present, and aster tea had been served in the dining room everyone gathered in the draw-

ing room to hear the scheme explained. Briefly it is on the following lines. The city has been divided up on an electoral basis. Two representatives arc to be chosen from each electorate who will form the central council, with powers given them to set up their own 1 res in their respective •areas for purposes of canvassing cr raising funds in whatever way scorned best to them —garden parties, clan-cos, entertainments, etc. The- explanation having been given, Airs Sprott • was -elected patroness; Lady Luke, president of the council; Lady Bell. Lady Johnston, Airs Arthur Pearce, .and Mrs Adams, vice-presidents; Airs Gaby, secretary pro tern. The election of members cf the Central Council was not completed owing to the absence of some whom the gathering wished to appoint. Each area has taken a distinctive colour as its badge. A very successful event of last week was the annual dance of the AV.elJingtcn Girls’ College, which was held in the Central Hall o-f the college. The decorations were very light and pretty, and were carried cut. with streamers of black and yellow drapery alternating with ropes of lycopodium radiating from the centre to tine sides of the room and the walls were draped with flags of the Allied countries. Foliage and flowers banked the stage, and had also been used for the decorations of Hie simper tables. The chaperones for lho evening were the principal. Miss M‘Lean, Airs' Kirkcaldie. Airs Cornish, Airs Dawson, find Airs AVilc-ocks. The committee included Misses Anyou, Avery, Ballinger, Latham, Fenton, Forsyth, Frank!in, Grant, Holm, Poutawer-a, Pasche, Pownnll, Salmon, Sutherland, and Williamson (2). The joint secretaries were Misses Poutawera and Williamson. Among those who were moment were Aliss L. Martin, Miss K. Pown-all, Alias Grant. Alcssrs Rogers, A. J. Kircher, Moody, R. W. Henry, Young, Stewart, Grant, and many more.

In those days of financial, stringency many institutions are suffering somewhat severely, and various efforts are being made by their •su poor ter s and friends to assist thorn. Last Friday night a bridge party and dance was held in Sfc. Peter’s Hall, in Glurmee street, for the benefit, of St. Alaev's Homes at Karori. There was a. good fitter)dance of interested friends and helpers, and a verv

pleasant evening was spent. Bridge was olaved in one room and dancing took place in the main hall. Sun nor was served upon the stage, the tables haying been arranged with beautiful narcissi. Among 1 who were present were Afr« Gore, ATrs Prodie Mrs AToss. Airs IT. Tvb-kcaldm. Airs Raw-sou] Mrs Page, Airs Reading. Airs Poole, Airs Trine-ham, Airs Dußno, Airs P*»r or.? V at-- 3 Didsbury, Ali.-yes AYliyte, R.anJdne-Brown.

Buihm. Bows, AforGon, O’Callaghnn (Svduey), Richard sen, Simpson (Huntervillek A. Stevens, Turnbull. Alnceregor, Telford 'matron of the Heines), Afessrs Brodie. S. Kirkcs.Vl>>. Pinch. Pace. M. D-siacan, ' Stewart.; Hawkins.. Marclihanks, Pore. Hunt. Tv.'.ps, Moss, and many more. Mrs g. Kirkcaldie, secretary for St. Maw’s Homes Guild, was unable to he present, and her place was taken by h«r sister, Miss Macgreeoi*. The committee for the evening jnclnd-'d Mesd nines A. E. Whyte. Bristow, C. Richardson H Kirkcaldie. H. Gore, and 8. Kirkcalriie' ’ Mrs Hanley and Miss Me*a Ttupley hove J >al,l! ci-3toii North for the wedding of Miss Parrot.

M- end Mrs ff. H. A tick 1-aye returned to Wellington from a visit to Christchurch. Miss E. M. St-a+ham, inspector of soldiers’ end historical craves, Auckland, is in Wellington at present. Mris H. Meredith (Mastcrton) is visiting AVMling ton. Mrs C. A. Cameron returned to Ma Merton on Monday after having- spent several days in Wellington. Mrs J. W-dlis, who has b?cn stn ving wif h Airs R. Sloddon. nf Napier, returned to AYol--lin e’ton la '-it week. Airs Ormond Cooper is spending a few days in Nelson. Will Lawson has returned from Napier, where she was The guest of Airs Dewes. AUCKLAND, Foptomber In. The eoncArt by Airs Kent Johnsfn;i and Airs Dymock, with the aid of St. Michael’s Church Woman's Guild, took place in the Parish Hall. IVvouport, last week, nn.l was me? 4 successful. The after deducting expenses, amounted to £3O, which is to be handed to Ihe Parish .Hall Fund. Included in the prog rainin'' was a rose ballet, songs, ami recitations, and an amusing farce. Airs AV. J. Potter (The Priory, Remuera roridl gave a dance, when amongst the invite<l guests wore- the Aliases A", and L. Alunro AVilson. Kingswell, Rathbone, Monk, Bows (:b. E. Rhodes, Otway, Bull, and Gilfillan. The grounds were plentifully decorated with coloured lanterns, and masses of Ina nve an d yell ow was 11 1 e r- c 1 1 eni e of decoration in ide the liouse. Airs Potter was w.r-aring a- frock of black crepe de chine relieved with gold: and Aliss Potter, mauve georgette finished with mauve and silver flowers. The Kindergarten Old Girls’ Association held their annuo 1 dance this week at the Myers Kindergarten. Bowls of spring flowers decorated the various rooms, and the supuer table was prettily arranged with daffodils and violets. Some of those present were Airs and Alias Robson, Airs and Aliss P. Norie, Alias Birch, Aliss Kingswell. the Aliases Alii lor, Aliss Ziman, Alias Hunt, Aliss U. Perkins, Alias Billing, Alias Nairn, Miss Gilfillan, Miss AI. Ilay, and Aliss B. Morris, etc., etc.

The Alisses Enid and Joan Upfill (Gladstone load, Parnell) gave -a bridge party last week. Airs Armstrong, Alins AI. Clark, Aliss Fie da Rathbone, Alias Nancy Hanna, Aliss G. b bar land, Ali.-s Ails a Brown, Alisa Phyllis Alexander, Aliss Mac furl a lie, Aliss Vida Caldwell, and Nf.ins AI. Hellaby were anioagst till? guests. After supper jazzing to_k place in the drawing room, and as there were plenty cl partners everyone enjoyed themselves. Air an! Airs Trevor Kol.mclm and their young son arrived by llie Ruapehu on Monday ir- in England. They have been living in Persia for some Hire, and after a visit to England have returned to Auckland, where they are intending to remain. At present they are the guests of Dr Holmden in Jervois road, Ponsonby. Aliss Clapper ton (Dunedin) is staying at Car gen, having returned from a very pleasant trip to the Islands. AI iss AI. Alaudo (Otahuhu) is visiting friends in Napier. Airs and AI ss Caro are the guests of Airs K ing, Hill street, VVelliiigtcn, for a lew ’l lie eng*-'acment i* announced of AT?«s Jean Id l '- ell (elder daughter of the late Air T. Russell and Airs Rusaell, Dirleton, St St? ydi&n’s avenue, Parnell) to Air Robert Tube, of Hihi'ahi, Tailmp? (youugost son of the hit'- Major Take, formerly S.AT. in Taranaki). The Williamson Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Ci.mpaxiy are playing- to crowded houses each evening at 11. At. Theatre. To-morrow and Saturday evenings the attraction will be “Patience. ’’ which has net ken staged here for some years. Very general is the sympathy repressed v.dHi the widow and grown-up family of the lat? Air Bartholomew Kent, who passed away yesterday at his residence in Lower Symonds street. Descriptions of balls, A.C., must !>e endorsed by either the Witness correspondent for the district or by the secretary of the ball committee. The MS. of any correspondents who do not comply tyith this rule will be sent to the secretary for endorsement prior to appearing. WEDDING AT ftOSLYN. On Wednesday evening, 7th inst., a marriage 1 was solemnised at the residence of Air and Airs Robert Wales, Bryngwyllt, Roslyn, between their elder daughter Jean and Air Gordon Sinclair Alilsom, of Downs, Marlborough. The officiating minister being the Rev. Gray Dixon. It was truly a spring wedding. The young bride’s gown was pale yellow primrose satin and silver, the corsage of silver tissue and net with pleated net side panier cascades. A very pretty bridal \\eil was worn, with a tiny spray of orange blossom, and she carried a posy bouquet of Alarechel Neal roses. The bridesmaids were Aliss Jessie Wales, her sister, and Aliss Edie Payne, and they looked charming in artistic and becoming frocks of reseda green

georgette, with japonica shade taffeta side paniers, bouffanto hem, slices and stockings en suite. Each carried a sheaf bouquet of japonica and asparagus fern. The bride’s little cousin, Tui Pannell, who was a flowermaid, carrying a basket of yellow primroses, looked sweetly pretty in a frilly georgette

frock of the same primrose shade with touches of reseda green. Air Huia Shund was best man, and Air R. Park attending

groomsman. The mother of the bride was becomingly attired in mole colour crepe de chine frock with trimmings of silver and Oriental colouring. As it was an evening wed cling most -of the guests, who were principally relatives and a few of the bride’s yo-ung friends, wore evening dress. The house was decorated with masses of japonica,

violets, and spring lilies, many sent from Wellington by the bride’s aunt. Over the bride and bridegroom was suspended a lovely floral bell of primroses, from which showers of confetti fell after the ceremony took place when the bridal pair received congratulations from the guests assembled. Then all adjourned to the supper room, where the usual toasts were proposed and responded to With musical honours, several congratulatory telegrams being read. The supper table looked beautiful, the decorations being carried out in the same colour scheme as iho bride s toilet. During the evening dancing was indulged in, led off by the young couple. Some of the guests included the bride’s grandparent, Mr Andrew M'Farlane, the bridegroom’s father, Mr James B. Milsom (Marlborough), Miss Wales (Wellington), Mrs C. Pannell (Marlborough), Mrs J. Gow (Christchurch), Mrs J. M’Farlane (Windsor), Mrs Alec M'Farlane (Benmore), Mrs Gray Dixon. Mr and Mrs Chevne (Mosgiel), Mr and Mrs Matthews, Sirs Wm. Stewart, Mr and Mrs P. IT. Wales, Mrs Edgar and Mrs, Mrs and Miss Armstrong, and Masses Gow and Gibson. Especially noticeable were the bevy of pretty, daintily-dressed young girls present, among whom were Misses Rene Harrop, Thelma Johnstone, hllie- Aright, Peggy White, Rose M’Farlane, Hazel and Clarice Cheyno, and Girlie Kane; and among the gentlemen wore Messrs J. Blair, Muirhead, Payne, Wales, Shand. Wilson, Matthews, etc. Later on Mr and Mrs Mi Isom left by car, amidst showers of confetti and tributes of good wishes and luck for their honeymoon. The bride wore a becoming knitted silk coat frock of henna and grey, with smart hat to correspond, and a fur coat. The presents were numerous and beautiful, including many cheques. A Guest. WEDDING AT WAITAIIUNA. A very pretty and popular wedding was celebrated at the Waitahima Presbyterian Church on Wednesday afternoon, August 31, the contracting parties being Mary Ethel’ second youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mis R abort- Craig, of Waitahima, and Mr Thomas Baliantyne, son of Mr David Ballantyno. Miller's Flat. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion by friends of the bride, and was well filled with friends of the happy couple. The bride entered the church on the arm of her brother, Mr R. \\ . Craig, and looked charming in white crepe de chine dress, hand embroidered, with the usual veil, and carried a hand bouquet of white narcissi and Christmas roses. Aliss Rita Craig was the bridesmaid, and wore a pretty frock of henna crepe de chine relieved with champagne trimmings, with a picturesque hat to match. Mr F. J. Tempera acted as best man. Miss M. M-'Caw presided at the organ, and played the “Wedding March. After the ceremony the guests adjourned to Carmody’s Hail,

where over 70 sat down to breakfast. Mr F. Martin (Lawrence) had tlie (allies beautifully decorated, and an excellent supply of edibles, together with a handsome three-tier wedding cake. Hie Rev. Mr Bandy, in a happy speech, proposed thhealth of' the bride, and other leasts followed, all enthusiastically responded t by the i u'.sia present. Mr and Mrs Baliantyne left f-r the ninth amid a shower of ecnfct'i and good wishes, the bride travelling m a navy-blue tailor-made costii■ i!ct, '.ri b tlo matcdi. They will lake up tneir re rib nee in bt. Kudo. Dimed:. l. The louiig cirtrile were the recipients of many uselul presents, together wiili a goodly numV' and cash of various amounts. A very pleasant social cv.niug was spent in Carmody’s Ball in the evening, Mr F. J. J -mpero making an efficient master of ceremonies, adding to the pleasure of ell. WEDDING AT ST. JOSEPH’S CATHF.DTtAL. cA 7 cry l; re Hy wedding was solemnised at .v!', 'Jysfph’s Cath dral on the night of the “L’ : 7• by (he Rev. Father Kavney, when Miss Lilian Harriett©_ Footer (Lily), only • - ’ : ! r - 1 ' Rid Mrs Frank Foster, of tins city, was wedded to Mr Greer William - ri , . 1 sirs and the late Mr a aton, of Invercargill. The bride, who was ■i rn nwa/ ! ■ her fa.her, was attired in a y n ‘y f-iwn cf ivory duchess satin, tUo (uinel being Itandsomelv worked with pear.s and crystal beads (the work of the undo s mother). The long court train, which hung front the shoulders, was ihushs.l with inige raised water lilies, and a hand-em-urcuietcd veil was held in place by a circlet °i orange blossoms. She carried a lovely sitower bouquet of white rev buds, ntaidennair tern, and white sweat epas. Tile bride was attended by Miss Maggie Hogan, who wore a charming frock cf pale pink crepe de 1 chine with overdress and'bows of net, ana picture hat, and shower bouquet; and Miss Thelma Paton (sister of bridepoem), v.;io wore a. dainty frock of pale lemon georgette, and (transparent black picSH ra , B li® a ’®o carried a shower bouquet. at - train-bearers—tlio Misses Marie Burk and Cicely Godfrey, cousins of i , wore dainty wltße trihed crepe de chine frocks relieved li l . 1> ! TlI h and lemon georgette roses, with b,sick hats with streamers to match, and carried lovely baskets of flowers. Mr Frank i alon, of Mornnsville, atieiidcd as best man, Rn '‘ “ '■! ”>• '•! f I nvr-mr-cll. w .„ groomsman. As the bride entered the church Dio "Wedding March ’ was pitiycd b» Miss Llva Baker, who also played us the bridal party was leaving the church, which was tastefully decorated bv schoolmates of the hr de, Mi-'se' l T. Bourk and 0. Th'.mn= ,i. Alter the ceremony the guests, numbering 1 ■' -j’J ad., u.nt-d to tns Victoria Hall, where the wedding breakfast was held and

dancing mdul ged in 4ill vh,o early hours of next morning. The bride’s mother wore saxo blue satin relieved with henna; and the bridegroom’s mother wore black silk. The bridesmaids ware presented with large lily OI the valley breeches, and the trainbearers brooches of lily of the valley m pearls. The bridegroom’s present to the bride was a pendant of rubies and pearls; and that of the bride to the bridegroom a large greenstone tiki. The presents v.ere numerous and costly, including many cheques. The bride’s travelling cost lime was peacock blue serge with toque to match, end ntch furs.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3523, 20 September 1921, Page 47

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THE LADIES’ PAGE. Otago Witness, Issue 3523, 20 September 1921, Page 47

THE LADIES’ PAGE. Otago Witness, Issue 3523, 20 September 1921, Page 47