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The v.\ ight-s for the N.Z. C tlie 26th inst. Mr Y\k Cl. Steak ]-as booliM st en "box for the Avono.jile meeting. Gloaming continue? to shape brilliantly in his track work at Kumwick. Coalition has garl h.orcd 55:2050vs in stakes during the past twelve month Mr H. W. 12,'own has secured first call on G. Clarke for the present season. It is reported that the hurdler Kohu recently changed hands at 500/ns. The Oaks candidate, Pale-sti in a, is doin g useful work for forthcoming onvam iu.mts. lloy Hee-l will act as first horseman this season to Messrs A. 13. and K. S. Williams. Humboldt -and Malaga are once more active members of the team trained by kk i). J ones. The Hawk has wintered well, and all going well will be seen out m tlie Wanganui G uineas d was priced during i 1:/ Gran.d National meeting, but the owner declined to make a deal. y°° Ch.ov gets through useful work at Hie car ton, .and may be uni out at the spring meetings. The Wellington Trotting Club made n profit of £IBOO over their one day meeting held last season. Dead men toll no- talcs, but dead horses cry aloud in the pubs aft-, r the races, and sometimes before. A North Inland owner was desirous of buying Koval Star, but his owner would not put a price on the geiciing Dribble has joined T. H. Cillett’s team, ana will be out in the hurdle races decided at the spring meetings. Although Pitprop did not appear at thr Grand National meeting he is at present getting through usoiul exorcise. The high-class trotter, Hardy Wilkes, wa -sold last week at 250gns, and will take up stud work in the R&lson district. r l lie Diuodin Jockey Club will distribute 27.800 so vs its stakes this season, or an increase of lOOOsovs over last year. H. M'Sv.-cency lauded the £IOOO to nil about winning the Wellington Steeplechase and Grand Rational Steeplechase. Since the 1911-15 ceasen th. Mruniwiitr Racing Club has paid £59,807 G-. id into the Treasury coffers by nay of taxation. Mr G. L. Si -ad's colt, Raya! Box, injur d ins back some little tune back, but at latest reports had made a good recovery. Mr J. Williamson recently informed Whalebone that Loyal Irish has’ greatly improved since lie was sent ever t-o Sydnev. Bookmakers licensed to bet at Rand wick total 422, and it is estimated that there art at least 0110 licensed bookmakers in Svdnev \Y. Bryce has purchased H. Thompson's property and training stables, which are handily situated to Addins tern and Ric<ar ton. There is a fairly prod class cf materia entrusted at the Olatro Hunt Chub's meeting and. the caul should .supply an interest inday s -sport. Scrimmage, the sister to Onslaught, who got among the winners at the .National meet mg, is expected to gain' further wins durins the season. The Absurd—Snooze two ,v-ar-old Yiyelh: trained by L. Wilson at Hastings, is <y P cted to re: amongst the carlo winners o the season. Tin re is n. rumour abroad that Mr Kri Riddiford intends retiring Coalition from Hu turf, and pot sion him to a life of ease it the paddock. Although Maioha was a rood |-.orfonv.-’ last season he aim. a red to be a bit m being placed within 51b of Sasauof in tin 1 Avondale Cup. -iir J G Brion. e.f Oani°ru, has purchcis.: ■- Eniilius, and will place tire attractively so: or Rothschild and Imperialism at the die posa] of breeders * P carlings get by Greenback. sire of tlu *' ol 'th Otago stallion, Paper Money, mad "vj-rl prices at the JS'cvvaiarkct blood-stoc sales h !d in June last. Amy: ha - continues to cut i hrou >h us f "' in. and although he displays signs of sore vs-, t!■■-• tinri.p. is not . uffn gently scrim, j to -/1./; In Jii in li ; tv-orb. ; ; Ktiry;!; who w. C-gm: M:: , , , :1# , season, i- one oi t ic ruii . _ fancies for th , - v Cup, despite i'll; load oi 10 5 J which he will have to amry. The pacer. R he's Drift, is r .v (h e 1 proper! vofAl ,- |j. J. ys ,, , ; v i o pun 1 ;:: , ■ ■ bun at :'t ■ ■ l ion '. •- i y;. • ■. offered to dissolve a p;ud nobi. It wa- announce.-.! s-oni.:.- w- ri , w * Mr li. R -yn id -• had : i h-.d. J,V p ,V." as starter for the trotring , ■ i.s 01 , p, * Geraldine Racim- Club'., hh .ting. If Right !'•:, i.ler is ill anything like nu-im 1 form, he should be hard to beat in -th i Avondale Cup with only 6.12 to carry. II i is '.veil treated on his best form. The executors of the Douglas Esate wer , desirous of sending Lingerie ‘to Martian thi , season, but the son of Mar logon has a ft;] list, which is limited to 20 marcs. " The Irish Derby, of 150': ovs, was run oi June 22. and was won by Bally Levin, a soi ! of Santoi. B re.-dei-s of tlie placed horse 1 each receive <i share of the stakes. 1 The Kilbrrm-y Flowery Speech .. i Peroration, who - n.-t 10,Mans as a v, ;- iina won at Rosehili on August 6 in o' Maidt H.-ndicop ccntca-lc-.l by a field of 19. Close on IDnfl horses were registered las j season to meet (lie conditions of the An trulinn Joi key Club's Accident Fund. Th j fee has been reduced from Ills to 7- (id. New '/ a'::. ! Lis iivl candidates for th A..J.C. Dai !:,- ui pr:-a ot io S'-diiov. Ti, quintette is mad-, up by Loyal Irish. Do: j Marinin. Kiel: Off, C .d-g - . a --,, Cn dam : Although Will Oakland \ a- leported : ; have broken down on lie last day of th Rat ion al meet n . he has since re ap j iea re ' ! ui !! leca rton, and g-d th rough useful ex.i else. I i The fi ur-vear-old cc It Omia us. a .son r ! ! Oily, on whom lid Gray v.on three times i ' i the Rev innrl -.1 June on (me, is eonmder-. the 1 st met home in England at the preset ! lima. j Wh-m Mr lar.i Pot won ui 1!:.-. Rational I) J is sari to lie-..' bast: the iir-i success soon: - | I.v Mr G. B. Stark v for about thirty yeiii d i: is a loia ■ st 1 ':;. hi. or i-.i hi ne. ; .. | I: iai-arton. > i The imposed horse- Ethiopian recently wo ; the Mah'! S ekes i a i!i..-■ suaml year : s ; succession. Ethiopian is a son of Dai I j Ronald. amt I 1 .-ueaecd mt 1 . C; i • i!! i <-B i C’u | and Melbourne Cup. g 1 The L’L iMg. Fox hors, R. o, who vif | purchased at the R.-wm.i -. ! .-! Id Block sab (li del last month) la; Rew- Zealand, was ■- i v. ii;m on 111 flat, ati-.l also unde. t!

G. Price in.cmdr-. starting as a public trainer when Mr «J. Gorins*' Jolinston's team is dispersed. \V i t i i wt-11-known ability to ' a stable under his eharyo. d ;ie Otapo IP: it Club's. ; <■-ramim-. wlu'eli | v ’*D be i r -it lif W ii:: : u, on Skptcinb.r 10 has b . 1 pa i - I • . a. ; ai • • - •. 1 and for :h- *r. < | : 'e ; .I.:: Si in or: l arrived sal !y in A:n. id- ■ : ;> ; • v da - a ■ •. und . • : d .■ ibtvour?. • : • - those who had tl - of “eu ay. owv i !;•• 6011 of ! ) • • d. * • < ■ 1 J Port t: r, • ie s; •. .. !e Ce: ... vr.i : u wluis'd iiv Mr F. Horn , li< » t M.r «). Al’Cane at '.ben . .. and Y u a Star b ner at 3 Mr J . ! I - v i 'he Aus A. O ai'rwcd from y under cneGgrinent to ' W. R. lvei* table. < wi ih cons well ii® in Ansfra’ia, ni l c n c > to s. . le ot 7.10. Fire dr like, a rwo-ycur-oid bv Greenback (sire of Paper Mr-moy). defeated 22 oDiers in a tw >vear-o:d re..:-a run ai Windsor on June I "• den fly his win was anything but a fluke. Mr XV. Higgins lias refused several offers from persons v.'ibing ic jiureha-e Callaghan, blit decided to k. op tho colt. It is understood that 2vlHi eg ins refused an offer of SOOOg-s for ( .: lb: _ ban before the colt w. s shipped Irom Kn g land. In referring to a win by IT. Gray on Orpheus, Die sp-jc'al comniis iioner of th© London Sportsman said: “V.b* muat not forget the discreet riding of Gray, who lias a it. ad on him. which makes him understand his race at every .stage ol ii.” An old-time rider who a: present occupies an official position in u-nnection with racing was sic.ndiug near the last jump in tho Grand National S* .o deehas .*, and informed the wi-iter that ii Waimai had not slipped up or landing he “would have- walked in.” Last season the Geraldine Racing Club made the n ta . ■ tlie handicaps for tie: fir. t d y ol its meeting prior to the running at the Ashburton spring meeting, but this year Die figures will not | be declared until th letter meeting is over. Count .. sold to a G reymauth sportsman. The English gelding will go so fast around some of the small tracks on the West Coast that his rider will be able to see his own back and very probably the backs of other riders tit the finish. After tlie (fraud *SI • ua ••liase cn Sunday, June 19, G. Pa.riVement, the rider of Heros Xi I. was deprived r{ his license to ride for Dio rest of tho year, an l Thibauit, who had the mount on Rayon, was lined 500frs. The offence in each case whs going the wrong COU l\rO. IDs the King has been hnvir.g rather poor luck on the turf, but at Newmarket on July 1 he won 1 he Princess Stakes with a two-vear-old named Springbuck. by Bcppo from yvoet Verna!. The Royal colours scored amidol cheer.- from the spectators. Corogien was go* by Glen Abvn from Scotch Lady, by Gluten from Sco ch Thistle, by Leolantis from Hinem a, by Tot am from Amoiiia, by Tow ton from Anticipation, by Rayonsworth. Glen Abyn was got by Soult from Mi«s Lottie, by St. Hippo—Lottie, by Muskateer —Ladybird, by Feve. In illustrating the high charges now in force for the transport ni horses by railway in New / ai; 1, Mr J. V i f Auckland, recently stated that it cost him 7s more to ship a horse to Wanganui (310 miles) Ilian it did to pay for one to Sydney by boat, which had ‘u travel i 700 miles, G.noral Latou**. t.Lc : re of Mustard Pot, was cold n couple of y. ars ago at 25gns. Air G. 13. S ; ni tin; a with General La’our t' . t lie nt Prudish on a. visit to luiTi, am tl < result is Alustard Pot, who ia proving the c'-rwctru: ss 0 f his owners j u darue nt. In Melbourne rc cntly Die X .RA’. Committee fined a prominent Flemington trainer £lO for his behaviour towards the stipendiary stewards. If com© trainers (says an Australian writer) e uld i. * fined in accordance with the;- opinion? of some stipendiary stewards payment on iheir part would be impossible, the 5 • It was genci.iliy anticipated that Corn Itma would 1 ' a good price if he won the seven furlcng race in which he was engaged on the last da: of Dio Nat.anal m eting, as so far lie hae failed to stay beyond a six furlong journey. : the north, however, ton!: a fancy to hi? <*hauce, and a 3 a result swamped the dividend. Whalebone writ?? as fellows:—‘‘One good jud f roii Auc] . wi wil i; j ; . j i a Nation;:' -iccolechr e from the outsid near the l.n. v e turn, was the most surprised maw vat I* hearten when tho p.rotest indeed against th" win war for interference ' v.;,-. di miss d." Oilier red bl witnesses .. : . • san e opinion. Tv fill;-' o{ tl. Bomion sportsman to hal'd -1 ■■■ ■ v a i- a fnirlv biiek deuiaii.i fur U ■ t . (.ray's services when he ia uot »Liinir f-r 7’r H . Cimliffc-Owen. from : | ho ; : . ; rctaiiisi At tlie Xewiv,ark< ’ snus held I. June Sit H. < lifl ' Owen paid Muitlpna for a veariinv colt by Tracery .trout C'ouuloss Ziu, an.l lienee a . I.u'other to The lfiinl'u'r. . An Anehhtiid anortsnt'tt. v If r enlly saw Hiroov Vot '.£r< ratirf: in Australia holds the opinion that h : n snmrter pacer than Au; I' or Dillon. It »B-;*1 y Vovavi romes ~ .. |here ■ I ■ u , ie ■ : ■■ yretJ racing at Addimrton in N • nher next fi t\v< en A nt hoi I) ;; Hnpuy Vi'yi.-ye, Albert Clinsr, Man-o'-Wtir, Grua err u ,;i J one oi two more that w:li chase the fi.v eiaKiH. It is cetii.'ot ;i 1' '..550 ■ rsons were nt a; Loiita I'Hies to witness the race for the Grand IVx H Paris. Th" pate ni. nee rc-tlis <1 O.l." '> fram--. :hkl the tiguree £ ■■ Lie pai i-mutuil v. ere 1 J. 150.001 francs ' while "'.525 re v car .- were sold. Mr J Watson, the owner of Lemon ra, is said t< have landed ovt r e miltioi and y-cp.iart n ! francs in bet? end stake® in his remarks at the annual ni.etine o: > (iie N.Z. Trott: ny Asteciutitm. ilr Hell; ' State i that in 100:5 th " were Dili license: 1 ' rider?, driver?, and t rain: r - Ni: ■ year, liter ; hd"; \e e re- 21 ' 7 ; while cl it 1 i; ty 11 ■* - pa ? season 2617 We.rc t.u «d In 1911 tin f stak"? yi'.en awa> l-fi a 'fid tfi.5.000. while la? ! tiiev i eacheil id'o. shown,-.- th; I great advan mad in the or! T! Mrrtii 1 ■ 1 • ported to be shapir." well in his work a ' R a rid wick, and r.ppa rent i in ue h better t ha l :1 his stable coinpani. :, C mi?ton, the son o Sunny Lake and Pm J;. Cv. fim is roaavdci ' ), v the Sydney elite'? a? a ver\ fikeu w 1 in 'the lieu iuturc, and the stai o i, the tea tn in (\ loa min:: thread :•? to eclipse a I , the other stars in the Australian turf world : ■ ki r J. Willi lilt vt, who rt ntfi returtu ,1 :. Are Ulan it n ”: ■ come s bad w pronoun; ed \ ~ w. ta iv. stub!- OH s be nil' vt rv ni'.ici vhe ijer ill N " S nut s Wait ? than' ■: N"V. Z< al.. • i. ■ ■ me . a the iimne- ho quo! ui ay? Phaet-id fi aim 0 ! on fe f an.l elm; ye® ex..ct-rl under varum ’ le ::.lilies are CD o: wry much: mere model

*te lines compared to those in force in New Zealand. Hitherto apprentices riding in two-year-old races have not been allowed to claim any allowance. The A.J.C. committee lias now decided to amend the rules of racing relating to the claiming of allowances by apprentices by deleting the words ‘ not being a race for two-year-olds,” thus permitting of apprentices claiming allowances in races for two-year-olds in New South W ales. The alteration will take effect on October Lord Londerderry was the owner who cornpained about 11. Gray making too much use of liis whip when riding a horse called Mount Stewart. It appears that Gray used the whip after passing the post. Grey made a mistake as which post was the winning peg, and the stewards severely cautioned him. The stewards also called him up for not making sufficient use of another mount, and after hearing the evidence of the owner and trainer another caution was administered. A Christchurch sport had a rare hit of luck on the last day of the Grand National meeting. He desired to invest £0 on Likelihood, but by mistake received them on Red Blaze, who paid dose or. half a century. Another punter made a mistake, or had it made for him at Addington, and benefited to the tune cf about £250, instead of being s loser. Another betting at S.P. put a “fiver” on Caverock “all up” on Corp Rigs, and reaped the thickend of three centuries. The Auckland Racing Club has decided that in all the principal races in its programme of ter the first payment the final payment to be made at the scales. r ihis was the practice some years ago in Australia, with the result that three or four pages of horses! could figure in a race book with perhaps only a doz:n or less going to the post. Occasionally one would have to turn over three pages to pick out half a dozen starters, and it is a retro-gads movement which the A.R.C. intend to make. The veteran trainer, W. S. Hickcnbottam, who prepared Carbine -and other crack- or. the Australian turf retired from an active participation in the sport some month. 3 ago. The Victoria Racing Club lias paid him a unique and well-deserved compliment of granting him an honorary trainer’s badge for life. In the latter, accompanying the gift, reference is made to the recipient’s honourable conduct throughout an extended training career, and the hope was expressed that he would be long permitted to use the badge. New Zealand owners who have horses engaged at the A.J.C. Spring meeting and do not intend to be represented at Rand wick should note that they will be- liable for full forfeits if they neglect to strike out their nominations on the day of general entry. Kil.fane, Kilderg, five youngsters in Mr E. Riddiford’s stkbles, and others owned by Mr A. B. Williams, Mr W. G. Stead, Mr E. W. Allison, and the Douglas Estate are engaged, in the A.J.C. Derby. Lord Lonsdale, in the course of a recent speech, made some pointed remarks on the clamour for increasing the & takes in England. They must remember, he said, there were two ways of racing. If you are going to do away with the old sportsmanlike competition as between gentlemen for the value of the race and the interest cf breeding, and are going to make it a purely monetary concern, you are doing away with one of the greatest essences that have maintained the turf for past centuries. That expenses for the owner should be reduced all agreed was o-f importance, but that racing should, like other things, be turned into a commercial enterprise was, to his mind, utterly and entirely wrong. It was detrimental to English sport. CANTERBURY DOINGS. Rv OBSERVE!! Having sot through the Grand National meeting, Ricearton is back to normal conditions again. Ihe visiting horses have returned to their homes in ilie north and 6outh, and representatives from local stables who competed at the recent meeting are having an easy time prior to beinggot ready for spring engagements. Ashburton will open the round of spring fixtures in the South Island, and from present indications there will be plenty of horses available from tliis end. That, at any rate, is the view to be drawn from the number sheltered in local stables. Cutts Bros., as usual, are working a big team, which includes a strong contingent of three-year-olds. These are headed by Winning Hit, a useful performer last season, who gives promise ot being a good stake-earner during the next few months, though he may not cpiite reach top class. Purple .Spire is another with bright prospects as a handicapper. We should have early opportunities for discovering how these two are going to shape. I expect that they will be racing at Ashburton next month, and that one of them will go to Wingatui a few weeks later for the Dunedin Guineas. Of the others in this team, Miss Manic is doing well, and looks like getting some money later on, though she will start the season with a good load of weight. P. V. Mason is working a very useful team at present The three-year-old Pluto, who was placed several times last season without winning, is going on nicely in his preparation, and he should develop into a useful sort. Vespucci and Egotism are both moving along freely in their tasks, and they look certain to get some money before the season is far advanced. G. Murray-Aynsley has a very promising team under Ins care. Warlove is coming on nicely, while Bluff, Warline, Conflict, and Limelight are a cjuartet of three-year-olds who are likely to pay their way—some of them pretty early. M. Hobbs Ins Palestrina in rare fettle, and this good-looking Clarcnceux filly may prove one of the best of her age this season. Her two-year-old half-sister, by Winkie, shapes like "being a smart galloper. F. D. Jones looks as if he would have a more than useful team this season. He has started off well bv capturing two races with Mustard Pot, who should get. some more during the next few months. He will have to race now in good company; but he is quite equal to the task, up to a mile, with a prospect ongoing further. Amythas is going along nicely in his work. He moves a trifle short at times, but soon walks it off, arid he should be ready to show bis bc-t form very soon. Provided all gees well with him, the Demosthenes gelding will make matters interesting in some of the big weight-for-ago races this season. Malaga has also joined Jones’s team lately, and is likely to be a useful stakeearner. The stable also shelters a couple of promising two-year-olds. Ricearton stables are well represented in the Dunedin Guineas I Ins year. Winning Hit, Pluto, Meteorite, Palestrina, and NAtan Tatsu would ensure a great race* if they were attracted to Wingatui. In the meantime they arc all doing well. Manawapango Game oik. and Vice R' gid are a trio of jumpers who arc being f. Jed for a few months.

Marauder lias rejoined Cults Bros.’ team after a few weeks’ rest. He gallops well, but cannot go far owing to liis wind infirmity, Humboldt is a recent addition to F. D. Jones's team. He has not grown much since he was raced in the autumn. The All Black mare Dribble, who failed to show any form in hack hurdle races at the Grand National meeting, has gone into I. H. Gillett's stable. The Digger, a Campfire gelding purchased in the North Island by Mr G. Fulton, is being educated as a jumper. He shaped well in his first turn over the hurdles last week. R. Longley has had two additions to his team. They are a six-year-old gelding by Bonifonn from Gwendolina and a five-year-old mare by Nassau from Gwendolina. Mr P. Delargey has leased the three-year-olds Nyanza by Sunny Take —Lady Minerva, and Frisco Mail, by San_ Francisco—Lady Victoria, and they have joined S. Trilford s stable. J. M'Combe is busy with Sunny Loch, Pyjama, and Quarrelsome, to whom lie has just added Unio, who looks well after his spell. Battle Scene has resumed work, and is in good, health, following on a rest since her trip to Trentham last week, as a result of which she tightened up a lot. Foochow is striding along in good style in his work, and lie should be seen to advantage in big handicaps (bis season. The pacing stallion Emilius. by Rothschild- —Emmeline, has been sold by Messrs Clarkson Brothers to Mr J. 0 Brien, of Oamaru. At the sale of the late Mr J. Porter’s stud in North Otago last week the Ameri-can-bred trotting sire, El Carbine, was purchased by Mr F. Holmes, of Riecarton. who has already done well with another importation, Logan Pointer. Mr H. Thompson has sold liis property at Riecarton, where W. Bryce will shortly 7 take up his quarters with a team of trotters and pacers. Mr J. M'Taggaxt, one of the owners of the pacer, Paul Default, died suddenly last week. Paul Default is one of the great bargains of the trotting sport, as lie only cost £9, and subsequently won some big prizes. Nominations for the New Zealand Trotting Cup are due on Wednesday. It- is expected that the list will number from 16 to 30. The pacer Rorke's Drift was sold last week for 385 gs to Mr 11. Deal. It will remain under the care of R. J. Munro, who has handled him throughout his racing career. During an interval between two of the races at Riecarton, on the last day of The Grand National meeting, ail opportunity was provided for tlie two-year-olds to sprint about two furlongs down the straight. They were sent in two batches, each containing about half a dozen, and the youngsters furnished an interesting interlude. The first batch was led home by Mr G. Gould’s filly (half-sister to Palestrina), by Winkle— Judith, while the Boniform —Peace Colt and the Clare-nceux— I Chantress filly, both from F. D. Jones’s stable, were at the head of the second lot. There was, however, no suggestion of racing, some of the youngsters being quite obviously under a strong pull all the way. Forty-five owners secured a. share of the prize-money at the Grand National meeting. The principal winners were: Messrs E. Riddiford £hsoo. W.‘ R. Keml all £1355. M. Gorrie £925, Clarkson and Pearson £760, \. N. Gibbons £725. G. R htarkv £630, H A. Russell £570, O. F. Valienee £420. J. L. Nicholls £420, H. D. MTvor £350, R. Knox £3lO. C. Penetiio £3lO, L. B. Harris £3OO. G. I. Rutherford £2BO. A. M’Donald £2BO, R. McDonald £270, J. S. Barrett £225. Sir G. Clifford £2lO. Me.-srs W. Gardiner £7lO. W. Garrett £2lO, J. IT. Grigg £2lO. H. H. Fisher £2lO, and E. Ai-iabio £2OO. The progeny 7 of 38 sires earned money at tiie Grand National meeting. Advance beaded the list with £1535. followed by Patronus £ISOO, Birkenhead £1475. G’enalbvn £925, General Lafour £630. Finland £490. Martian £430, Kenilworth £420, Rokebv £350. Marble Arch £-350. Soult £350, All Black £345, Penury £3lO, Wnuchope £3lO, Antiphone £3OO. All Red £2BO, Boris £250. Rorke’s Drift £2lO. Antagonist £2lO. M’.rkiiope £2lO, and Heather Mixture £2CO. The riding honours at the Grand National meeting were widely distributed, 17 different riders piloting winners during the three days. S. Walls was the most successful, with four wins and a third, while TV. 11. Bowden was on three winners and two thirds, R. Reed on two winners, and J. R. Kaan on two winners, two seconds, and two thirds. Those who piloted one winner were: —Mr R. M. D. Johnston. T. O’Connor, R. Thompson, IT. M'Sweeney. S. Henderson, IT. Young. F. Voight. H. Burt. G. King, R. S. Bagby, N. K. M'Donnell, A. M‘Donald, and A. H. Wilson. Of the riders who failed to win a race, J. Decry was three times second and once third. The nominations received for the New Zealand Cup number 55, tile same as last year. There are 39 from the North Island, while the 16 from the South Island include 10 from Riecarton stables. With five exceptions, the list includes the best performers of last season. Oratress, the Cup winner of 1920. is not engaged, having been retired. Duo is another notable absentee, which may mean that, he !-■ to remain in Australia over the Melbourne Cup meeting. Tmaribbon. second last rear, is again in the list, as are Vagabond. Royal Star, Bonnie Maid, and Kilgour, who were in last- year’s field. Martian is the most liberally represented sire. 16 of his progeny being engaged, including Sasanof and Vagabond, two previous winners of the race. Absurd, another successful sire, is not represented, which is to he taken as evidence that owners realise that the. Absurds are poor stavers. Many o r the horses in the list have to- he taken as stayers, while some can he dismissed as certain to fail under that heading. On the other hand, there, are some good winners over long journeys. Thus, Pasanof. Vagabond, and Starland are winners at two miles, at which distance Tmaribbon and Gasbag have been placed. Lovornateb has won at a mile and three-quarters, while Maioha. Foochow, and Rival Star have good handicaps to their credit over a mile and n-half. Throe-year-olds in the list nurnh"i- 14. The TTawk and Ri val Box are (],e only representatives of good juvenile form, tint there are several others who may develop into useful winners this season, ( 'ough a f of them commence lie ir t hroe-y e'ir-'dd onwis as maidens. As usual Re C„n nominal mns in-bale a number of lm,or-s who are Hall, red with a rl'o o i„ sue!, conm.c’ lat there is nb-.f,- of

material to make a good race appear probable. WELLINGTON”NOTES. (Feom Oub Own Correspondent.! August 16. G. Price is in town arranging tor the disposal of the Highden team. lie informs your correspondent that Hurry Dp has been sold to a Victorian buyer, that Panache has been purchased by a patron of T. George’s Avvapuni stable, and that J. IS. Adams, of Otaki, has bought Panum. Air A. N. Gibbon passed through to-day on liis return to Auckland. He informed me that Kauri King has been pensioned off at his place at Alorrinsville. Several of H. Telford’s Trentliam team were entered at Avondale, but none of them are to make the trip north, it was considered inadvisable that they should travel so far so early in the season. Air Foy is unable to spare the time to get to Dunedin, and he is returning to Sydney by the Ulimaroa on Thursday. Rational wiJ probably make his first appearance as a three-year-old in the Stratford Handicap (six furlongs) at the North Taranaki Hunt Club’s meeting on September 3. While at Christchurch Air 11. W. Brown disposed of Counter Attack to Mr A. Smith, of Greyinouth. The Wellington owner has leased Domades, Loyal Arch, and Going- Up. The defeats of the imported horse Callaghan were a great disappointment to his local supporters. Air W. Higgins is having a bad spin with his team at present. The imported horse Tractor has proved untrainable, and will probably return to Elderslie at- an early date. Ho was- the highest priced leased horse in the Dominion. Your correspondent understands that Mr J. B. Reid lias offered Ah' Brown the pick of his yearlings at- Elderslie as some recompense for the disappointment over Tractor. AUCKLAND TOPICS. Bv Diaostn The Avondale Jockey Club received capita! nominations for the principal events to he run at the forthcoming spring meeting. The weights for the Avondale Cup and Flying Handicap appeared on the 16th inst. With S a=an off engaged in the Oup, the handicapper had no difficulty in selecting a horse to head the list, and with 10.2 to carry the son of Martian has been given a chance to add another Cup victory to his lengthy list. Gasbag 8.11 should be a useful four-year-old, but Landslide 8.7 is the one that catches the eye at first glance. Starland, the winner of the Auckland and Takapuna Cups last season, is well treated with 8.4. Rente and Strategy 7.13 are on a. good mark. 'bite latter showed good, form at the A.R.C. winter meeting, and, being one of the Aleutian breed, should stay flic distance. Lower down the list, Khnblai Khan 7.10, Pine Arch 7.7, and Aliss Muriel 7.3 appear the most, likely. Silver Link heads the list in the Flying Handicap with 9.11, a weight that would not trouble her at. her best. On his recent form at Gisborne Gazique is well treated with 9.4. Mermin 8.8 is the early fancy, and there is no doubt the brilliant son of Absurd has been given, a chance to • commence his three-year-old career favourably. Rational 8.2 is quite close enough to Ai<‘rmin. though a meeting between the pair will create more than ordinary interest, Among the light-weights Toa Tana, Grotesque, and Dovclel read the best. Uncle Ned and Ma-ioha. did not, remain long in the Avondale Cup. The pair were withdrawn the day after the weights appeared. While exercising at E’lerslie on Tuesday morning Geoffrey met with an iniury that, will keep him on the easy list, for some time. This is unfortunate for his connections, as the horse was well forward for early engagements. Tile two-year-olds at E’lerslie are being sent along in view of the Avondale meeting. though up to the present nothing has shown anything sensational. F. Gilchrist has Mr Even Alison’s three Australian-bred youngsters well forward. Praiseworthy, a colt, by Roseworthv, appears to. be the pick of the trio so far. Air Fred Earl’s colt Steel Bar looks like turning out, a good one. though it, will be later in the season before he is seen at his best. D. Aloraghan’s two-vear-old (Kilbroqe.y—Honesty) is shaping well on the track, and looks like turning out smart, RACING IN NEW ZEALAND. BIRCTT WOOD HU NT. A large number cf spectators witnessed the two flag steeplechases at Win ton on Wednesday afternoon. The number of starters were more limited than usual. Following are the results:FLAG STEEPLECHASE (light weights), 11.7. Trophy value £5 5s for first horse. Distance about 3 miles. T. Wallis's Giralda, by Conrobert— Minaret (F. Langford) 1 D. Campbell’s Dalmeny (F. R. Ford) .. 2 Joe. Langford’s Prairie Fire (J. Langford) 3 Only the three starters. The course, starting from Awarua Factory and into the W.J.C. course proper, included three road doubles, two water jumps, capped fence, gorse fence, sod wall, and two post and rails. Won by three lengths. Prairie Fire a length away third. FLAG- STEEPLECHASE (heavy weights). Trophy valued £5 53 for first horse. Minimum weight 10.0. Distance, about three miles. J. Langford’s Skyrocket (J. Kirkwood) .. 1 A. Al’Donald’s Silent Pat (F. Langford) 2 J. Moore’s Walrus (Owner) 3 Also started: Lifebuoy (D. Keith). Won easily. Walrus overtook Skyrocket coming to the last jump, but, running off, spoilt liis chance. A half-mile sprint event enabled Lifebuoy to show to advantage. The starts were effected by Mr A. Gerrard. 111 an appropriate speech, Air A. Liddell, president of the Bircliwood Club, presented, on behalf of tile Winton Committee, the winning owners with the silver cups. Messrs Langford and Wallis suitably acknowledged the presentations. RACING IK AUSTRALIA. ADELAIDE-, August 21. The Grand National Hurdles resulted as follows: —Hattie King 1, Cattclo 2, Argosy liny 3. There were 16 starters. Won by 2£ 1 ‘ I: G f 1• - ’ .-I 111 :11 !1 . . ■

The Adelaide Guineas resulted: —Gnatt 1, Leachim 2, Prince Aidas 3. There were 19 starters. Won by half a neck. Time, lmin tlsec. WEIGHTS, ACCEPTANCES, ETC. OTAGO HUNT NOMINATIONS. HUNTERS’ HURDLES, Of 12osovs. One mile and a-half. Strowana Redfire Red Book War March Pamplona Blk gelding by BandsSilver Top man Downstroke Bay mare by AmeReady thyst—Grange General Wauchope JOCKEY CLUB STAKES HACK HANDICAP, Of loOsovs. Six furlongs. Curiosity Mirza R-uena Filigree Stra.thglass St. Augustine Galway Rex Sylva Silent King Bonnie Winkie Kilcullen Etta Sembiic Gannio Jack Miss Morn Osterman Black Mountain OTAGO HUNT CLUB CUP HANDICAP, Of 250sovs. Two miles and a-half. Curiosity Lonely Fairy Finn Gladys Dew Alias Trixie Downstroke Luigi Blk gelding by BandsSliver Top man Traditor Dardanelles Likelihood KENNELS HANDICAP (Open Welter), Of SOOsovs. Seven furlongs. Marianne Kilboyne General Advance Killov.-en Galway Be-beliead Listening- Post Kilbrogan Satisfaction Etta Silent King Corn Rigs Bothnia Multiplication Sunny Corner Robert Bell -V gilt Alarm Jcek Mirza WINGATUI TROTTING HANDICAP. Of 150sovs. One mile and a-half. Honest Ned Wharctoa Silver Shoe Norma Dillon Silver Boot Minimax Delville Wood Nightcaps Harold King Silver Wilkes Malice Swiftest * Bronwood Kanuknot Black Raven Prestissimo Intolerance Syndicate !toilette Roth King Float aw ay Hoeh Aye Aloyonne Menember Bon Te Wim re Child Kaymius Masterpiece Perfect Pointer Aliss Malvern Isla Wilkes Russell Maid Indian Child MAIDEN STEEPLECHASE. Of 125sovs. About two miles. Silver Top Grey gelding by CanBlackbird robert —Le Loup Likelihood Tabuna Lonely Bay mare by AmeWar March thyst—Le Loup Br mare by Grafton Hero-io Loch —Redwing VAUXHALL HACK HANDICAP, Of lOOsovs. Six furlongs. Grim Joke Filigree Buena Pop Result Matata Bothnia Kiltartan Nape-Nape Somarto Kilroy Kilbarry Aliss Morn Markhope—Fender Black Mountain filly Mirza Cannie Jack Staff Officer Osterman HUNTERS’ FLAT HANDICAP, Of lOOsovs. One mile and a-cruarter. Claverlicuss Ready Grim Joke General Wauchope Phil Alay Redfire Red Book War Marti; Paiencia Rex Sylya Downstroke Aliss Trixie Likelihood G range NEW ZEALAND CTTP ENTRIES. The following nominations for the New Zealand! Cup have been received: —Rouefi, Big Chief, Athens I, Alaungrango, The Speaker, Lord Martian, Flight Commander, Imaribbon, Moutoa Ivanova, Gasbag, Penitent, Almoner, Jock, Elens, Bonnie Maid, Quest, Whe-atfield, Royal Star, Caverock, Trespass, Vagabond, Foo Chow, Halifax, Battle Song, Affectation, Strategy, PrinceMartian, Lord Desmond, Toa Tana, Alaioha, The Hawk, Starland, Royal Box, Anomaly, Sasanof, Truthful, Isabel, Tame Fox, Orange Alart, Clean Sweep, Callaghan, Lovematcn, Esperance, Sunart, Kilgour, Quarrelsome, Pento, Warlove, Bluff, Admiral Ccdrington, Roekfield, Five-eighths, Prince Ferouz, Egotism. Pluto. DANAEYIRKE HUNT CLUB ACCEPTANCES. Hunt Club Hurdles, of lOOsovs. One mile and a-half.—Nicomar 11.13, Torneft 11.7, Brrkenvale 11.7, Te Allaire 11.4, Mannikin 10.9, Royal Gift 10.3, The Freak 10.2, Oak Rose 10.2, Nukurau 10.2, Toddy 10.0, Sir Alba 10.0, Eldcnholm 10.0. Hunt Chib Steeplechase, of IGOsovs. About two miles and a-half. —Nicomar 11.13, Tornea 11.9, Coolpan 11.7, Taihape 10.9, Rococco 10.9, Imshi 10.7, Burl on 10.7. Rakaiatai Flying Handicap, of lOOsovs. Six furlongs.—Alakere 10.11, Doric 10.7, Olynthus 10.3, Black Art 9.13, Warpath 9.8, Waterform 9.7, Regard 9.5, Saluta3 9.0, Conziska 9.0, Forenoon 10.0, Kia Oraform 9.0, Hallucination 9.0. Te Main Hunters’ Steeplechase, of lOOsovs. About two miles. —Taihape 10.11, The Hound 10.9, Scimitar 10.9, Three Bells 10.9, Roney 10.9, Master Orifiamme 10.9, The Knave 10.9, Morning Pride 10.9, Huarangi 10.7, Martinello 10.7. Burlon 10.7, Fiery 10.7, Te Tuna 10.7. Oringi Welter Handicap (open), of 150sov,=. Seven furlongs.—Truthful 10.9, Admiral Coclrington 10.8, Demos 10.6, Tigrinia 9.13, Printemps 9.13, Toa Tau 9.13, Bonny Briar 9.9, Tutmnoana 9.0, Sweet Song 9.0. Kaitoke Hack Welter, of lOOsovs. Seven furlongs.—Ben Bolt 10.13, Black Art 9.11, Waterform 9.5, Penitent 9.3, Five-eighths 9.5, Paluki 9.5, March On 9.2, Crystal Palace 9.0, Lady lima 9.0, Forenoon 9.0, Jingleform 9.0, Kia Oraform 9.0, Misty Wave 9.0, Huriwaka 9.0. Trial Stakes, of lOOscvs. Five furlongs.— Revelry, Demoness, Tinihnnga, Huriwako, Steadily, Coyness, Demoness —Sunlight filly, Actor, Orellana, Mountain Peer, Fcra, Lady I lima, Solstice, Lady Thnrnhnm, Morzonia, blk tti by Gazeley—Unknown, Waima.hoe, Amaryllis, Rowan, Aliss Elva, Wheel, Hallucination, Tolerance, Patuki, Le Quesnoy, Potomea.

FORBURY PARK TROTTINC CLUB. The following have been proposed for office at the annual meeting to be held on August 30: President, Air G. Hodges; vice-presi-dent, Mr T. Elliott; committee —Afessrs J. Goldsimd, J. L. Hamilton, J. Mitchell, W. Quirk, J. A. Sligo, and D. Young. As there are more than the required number for committee a ballot will be taken. DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB. The- monthly meeting of the D.J.C. Committee was held on the- 18th inst.; present: Messrs L. C. Hazlett (chairman), J. Gow, P. Miller, T. Elliott, S. S. Alyers, E. H. Lough, AY. H. L. Christie, J. A. Cook, J. Smith, and Dr Hall. The Otaero Hunt applied for the use of the course for its meeting on September 10.— Granted on condition that the trotting race is not run on main course. The report of the Programme Committee for the season 1921-22 was adopted, the total stakes amounting to £27,800, being an increase of £IOOO over last year. The date of the Cup meeting was altered from February 8 and 11 to February 9 and 11. NORTH OTACO JOCKEY CLUB. t here was keen competition for the election of tha new committee for the North. Otago Jockey Club. There were 11 nominations for the seven seats, and the following were elected by ballot, which was made known last Tuesday:—Mr J. R. Mitchell, 194 votes; Mr T. A. Munro, 182; Mr A. A. B. Christie. 151 ; Air Jeremiah O’Brien, 135; Mr F Jones, 133; Mr J. Hen derson, loO; Mr W. O. AI ‘K t- 'la r. 128 (elected). The defeated candidates were: Mr \V. K. Dooley. 109; Air M. J. Hannon, 105; Mr T. Johnston, 101; and Air E. J.ane 95. The new members of committee are Messrs Alunro, O'Brien, Jones, and Henderson.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3519, 23 August 1921, Page 39

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IN A NUTSHELL Otago Witness, Issue 3519, 23 August 1921, Page 39

IN A NUTSHELL Otago Witness, Issue 3519, 23 August 1921, Page 39