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SUCCESSF UL OPENING. The annual show of the Dunedin Fanciers’ Club, which wras opened on the 30th in the llall, was a most noteworthy event in view of the fact that the club, in a spirit of most commendable enterprise, had arranged for Air Bam Crabtree, who is known m many parts of the world as a judge, to judge the dogs at the show. The New Zealand Kennel Club, moreover, had gra.ated the club championship in all breeds of dogs. Entries had been received from Canterbury and Southland, and these, with the local entries, made a very tine total—in all, over 1200 exhibits being staged. The show would have been even more successful but for the fact that the North Island exhibitors were under the impression that Air Crabtree was to judge at the Wellington Club’s show. Air Crabtree, however, has come out to New Zealand under engagement to the Dunedin Fanciers’ Club, and if the Wellington Club does obtain his services it will have to be by arrangement with the Dunedin Club. The action of the Wellington Club in connection with this matter is not very favourably commented on by local and visiting fanciers. Moreover, Air Crabtree does not intend to do anything which would conflict with the wishes of the Dunedin Fanciers’ Club. As ho himself has stated, his word is his bond Mr Crabtree went into the judging ring shortly before 10 o'clock, lie took an hour for his lunch, and then went on again till 6 o'clock, when ho concluded his task. Every dog was carefully examined, and not one complaint, as could naturally be expected. was heard in regard to the placing®. Air Crabtree has judged in England. Scotland. Ireland. Wales, Belgium, Holland, the United States (from New York to San Francisco), Canada (from Toronto to Vancouver), and South Africa. He has now come t o Now Zealand, and then goes on to judge in Australia and South Africa. He has been exhibiting, breeding, and judging for the past 40 years, and for the past 25 years has devoted the whole of his time to judging. In all he has acted as judge at something like 2COO shows. Mr Crabtree said that, taking them altogether, the exhibit- of dogs was not quite what he had expected to find, because some little friction, he supposed, had somewhat spoilt the entering of the large number of clogs which should have been exhibited, lie thought the action of the other club was a rather foolish one. lie considered that they

should have shown all they possibly could. The best sections at the Dunedin Show were Airedales and cocker spaniels. The winning Airedale —Mr D. M‘Kenzio’s Shirley Mac, by Shirley President— Peterborough Tui, —which also won in the Bracelet class, was a good dog; and G. and F. E. Biltcliff's Wairiki Wilhelmina, by Shirley President—Wairiki Winning Way, was a good type of bitch. The cocker spaniels were a little bit uneven in size. Some of them were just a little on the small side as compared to what they had in England. Altogether, however, they were a very nice lot. Messrs Morten and Dawson’s Stonycroft Rufus, by Ahuriri Rhu —Sassafras Rosanna, was a good upstanding Irish setter, capital colour, with plenty of galloping room about him. The same owners won with a very nice bitch in Stonycroft Shiela, by Ballarat Shamrock —Molly Vene. One of the Gordon setters exhibited,_ Ota nomomo Don, by Otanomomo Rival— Teviot Lass, got the special for the best setter in the show. He was a good type of the breed. Retrievers were a very moderate lot. There was nothing much of note in the collie section. Mrs A. Smellie’s Bob was the best of the lof. The bulldogs were a nice lot, but there was not many of them. Mr Lloyd’s Bruce, by Bonny Mac—Roman Maid, was a good type of dog—big skull and face, good shoulders, well sprung ribs —just a really nice type all through. The winning. bitch, Mr J. E. Robertson’s Roman Maid, by Narekiki Punch—Burbank Countess, was low to ground: a cloddy bitch, true to type : good head and front. The Irish water spaniels were very poor, but the winning dog in its section, Miss R. S. Davis’s Rouse, by Rouse —Belle, was a very gcod liver pied of the Sussex type. Irish terriers were very moderate. Eox terriers, smooth, were only fair—nothing outstanding. Wire-hairs were a better class. In the open section G. and F. E. Biltcliff’s Speak, by Brinsea Boy—Chatter of Felixstowe, beat the same owner’s champion Glenmore Bristler. The winner scored in eyo and expression. length of neck, shortness of back, and fineness in" shoulders. The second was just a bit better in the fore-face,. but lost in other resnects. A nice bitch in Dusky Pearl, by Wire Result—Letta, won the championship in bitches. There wore only a brace of Scotch terriers—just a nice brace. Poms were not numerous, but were ot nice quality The pugs were all too long in the nose and on the big side. Only one Pekinese was shown. . a very good bitch, only “out at elbows.’ The sporting brace went to Messrs Morten and Dawson’s Irish setters, and the sporting team to G. and F. E. Biltcliff s wire-haired fox terriers, . The champion of champions was won by G. and F. E. Biltcliff’s Glenmore Bristler, by Oliver Thistle—Glenmore Bristles. There were only two this class. Summing up his impression, Mr Crabtree saiti rhnt tl'c* Gordon setter, the Xrisn setter, the Airedale, and the two cockers which won their sections, were good enough to compete in any big outside show. Messrs P. C. Sinclair. W. M’Donald, 1. Leedham, and H. L. Sproseu judged the utility breeds of poultry, bantams, eto. Mr Sinclair stated that the Leghorns were very good and the Ali norcia r , exceptionally good. Taking it all through, the show of poultry was probably the best ever held in Dunedin. The winning pullet in the Minorcas could hold her own in any company. The utility birds, in fact, were of a, Tpj-y high standard all round. _ The entries received in the canary section were quite up to the usual number, and they included some very typical Tvorttich birds and good Yorkshires. The winning Norwich was a lovely type with beautiful feather and showed itself well. Taking them as a whole, the canaries were quite up to the average standard. ... Following is the prize-list in the principal classes: POULTRY. PLYMOUTH ROCKS. White cockerel. One entry—G. M. Dry--sen J ' WYAXDOTTES. Silver-laced cock. One entry—J. B. White Silver-laced lien. Tv.-o entries—J. B. White 1 and 2. ; . r Silver-laced pullet. Four entries —J. £>• White 1. 2. and 3. While cock. One entry —I. Blee 1. White hen. Two entries —T. Blee 1 and 2. White cockerel. One entry—T. Blee 1. White pullet. Two entries—T. Blee 1 and 2. t >RPINGTONS. Black cock. Three entries—T. H. Harris 1, James M'Kay 2. X. F. M’Pherson 3 Black cockerel. Three entries—l. H. Harris J and 2, F. G. Asher 3. RHu»DE ISLAND BEDS. Cock single comb. Two entries—T. M. Dalton l and! 2. Pullet, single comb. Seven entries —J. G. Wilson 1, G. F. Ashton 2, T. H. Dalton 3. (JAMB. Indian cock. One entry —E. J. Doherty 1. Indian hen. Two entries—E. J. Doherty 1 ana 2. HAMBURG e'. Golden-pencilled cock. One entry—B. L. M’Kernan 1. Golden-pencilled hen. One entry—B. R, Jyi'Kornan 1. Golden-pencilled cockerel. One entry—B. It. M'Kernan 1. Golden-pencilled pullet. Three entries—B. R. At'Kern an 1,2, unct 3 FAN f Y ! ,E< IHOB X/. White hen, single comb. One entry—A. C. Goodiet 1. White cockerel, single comb. Two entries _A. C. Good let 1. White pullei, single comb. Four entries— J Rattigan 1, H. B. Ives 2, IV. Spence 3. A X !JA LUBIAN Cock. Four entries —A. O. Williams 1, T. H- Dalton 2, William Evans 3. Her.. Four entries—l, H. Dalton 1, W. Bloy 2 and 3. * SUSSEX. Cock, fine entry —G. Bundy 1 Hen. One er.tiy—G. Bundy 1. Cockerel. Cue entry—G. Bundy 1. Pullet. One entry—G. Bundy 1. NOVICE f - . Ha avy breeds, two entries.—S. Higman X and ‘2. Lio-hb breeds. Ono entry—S. Higman 1 DUCK*. Amy other variety drake. One entry—J. C. ■Wilson 1. Any other variety duct. One entry—J. Q. Wilson 1. SELLING CLASSES. Orpins 1-ms. black ecek or cockerel. Two entries—ll. J. Conway 1 and 2. Leghorn, brown cock or cockerel. One entry —T. H. Dalton 1. Game Indan or Malay cock or cockerel. Ono entry—W. C- Jenkins 1.

Game Indian or Malay hen or pullet. One entry—W. G. Jenkins 1. UTILITY GLASSES. Leghorn, white single-comb cock. Ten entries A. 0. Goodiet 1 and 3, W. Spence 2. Leghorn, white single-comb hen. Sixteen entries —John Burke 1, P. F. Bennett 2, W. Spenoe 3, A. C. Goodiet 4. Leghorn, white single-comb cockerel. Twenty entries—J. B. White 1 and 2, R. W. Coombes 3. Leghorn, white single-comb pullet. Forty entries—J. Rattigan 1 and 2, H. B. Ives 3; AAY V. Stunner vie, J. B. White vlic, S. Devereux h c. Leghorn, brown single-comb ben. One entry'—Y. M. Heazlewood 1. Leghorn, brown single-comb cockerel. Three entries—A. Robertson-1 and 2, H. Jackson 3. Leghorn, brown single-comb pullet. Four entries —V. M. Heazlewood I and 2, A. Robertson 3. Minorca hen. Two entries—H. C. Brown 1, 11. L. Sprosen 2.' Minorca cockerel. Five entries —H. L. Sprosen 1, A. Earle 2, R. H. Loy 3. Minorca pullet. Ten entries —H. L. Sprosen 1,3, and 3. Plymouth Rock, white hen or pullet. Six entries—J. Jackson 1 and 2, N. R. M. Rein 3. Plymouth Rock, barred cock or cockerel. Three entries—S. Devereux 1. Plymouth Rock, barred hen or pullet. Six entries —S. Devereux 1 and 2. Orpington, black cock. Four entries —T. F. M‘Flierson 1, G. Bundy 2, H. C. Conway 3. Orpington, black hen. Seven entries—F. F. APPherson 1, H. J. Conway 2 and he, XV. AY Sturmer 3. Orpington, black cockerel. Fifteen entries —A. Stubbs 1, N. R. M. Rein 2, T. H. Harris 3. Orpington, black pullet. Fifteen entries— R. N. M. Rein 1, G. Bundy 2, T. F. Macpherson 3. Orpington, white hen. One entry—M. Nichol 1. Rhode Island Red cock, single-comb. Two entries- —C. R. Aunison 1, T. H. Dalton 2. Rhode Island Reds, cockerel. Five entries—S. Dick 1, W. E. Sleep 2, Miss E. A. Wilden 3. Rhode Island Reds, pullet. Eleven entries —J. C. Wilson 1 end 3, T. H. Dalton 2, S. Dick vhc, C. R, Aunison he. Rhode Island Reds, rose-comb cock orcockerel. One entry—F. Annan 1. SOLDIERS’ CLASS. (Open to any Returned Soldier.) White Leghorn cock. Two entries —J. Still 1, W. J. Stewart 2. White Leghorn hen. One entry—J. Still 1. White Leghorn cockerel. Three entries — A. Pedofsky 1, A. Seymour 2. White Leghorn pullet. Seven entries—F. Shirley 1, A. Pedofsky 2, H. B. Ives 3. UTILITY SELLING CLASS. Heavy breeds, cock or cockerel. One entry —L. A. Miehie 1. GAME BANTAMS. Black-red cock. Four entries —B. H. Winchester 1, XV. Been 2, P. Lindsay 3. Black-red hen. Four entries—S’, and B. Esquilant 1,3, and 4, P. Lindsay 2. Black-red pullet. One entry—B. H. AAJinchester 1. Pile cock. One entry—W. Been. Pile pullet. Two entries —P. Lindsay 1, W. Been 2. Duckwing hen. One entry—AY. Been 1. Duckwing pullet. One entry—AY. Been 1. Old English cock or cockerel. One entry —B. H. Winchester. Old English hen or pullet. One entry—r. Winchester. Any other colour cock or cockerel. On© entry—AAY Been 1. BANTAMS (NOT. GAME). Pekin cock. Three entries—P. Lindsay 1, T. A. Brown 2, \Y. Been 3. Pekin hen. One entry —P. Lindsay 1. Pekin cockerel. One entry—T. A. Brown 1. Pekin pullet. Two entries—T. A. Brown 1, AAY Been 2. Sebright silver cock. ’ One entry—James Fleming 1. Sebright silver lien. Five entries —James Fleming I and 2, M. Nichol 3. Sebright silver cockerel. Two entries—M. NichoJ .1, D. Auld 2. Sebright pullet. Three entries —M. Nichol 1 and 2, T. A. Brown 3. Black rose comb cock. Two entries— T. A. Brown 1 and 2. Black rose comb hen. Five entries—T. A. Brown 1 and 2, D. Auld 3. Black rose comb cockerel. Seven entries —P. .Mason 1, B. H. Winchester 2, T. A. Brown 3, v li c, and he. Black rose comb pullet. Eight entries —T. A. Brown 1 and 3, D. Mason. 2 and he. POULTRY SPECIALS. Special prints donated by the Young Dire* Society were as follow: —Pekin cock, T. A. Brown; Sebright cockerel, J. Fleming; any other variety game pullet, B. H. Winchester ■ black rod hen, B. IT. Winchester. The special prizes offered by the Otago Bantam Club were won as follow:—R.c. bantam cock, T. A. Brown; black r.c. cockerel, P. Mason; black r.c. hen, T. A. Brown; most points in black rosecombs, T. A. Brown; Sebright trophy, J. Fleming; most points in bantams, T. A. Brown; best variety bantam, T. A. Brown; game bantam, T. A. Brown. Other prizes were won as follow:—Black red cock bantam, B. H. Winchester; any other variety game bantam cock or cockerel, B. 11. Winchester; black r.c. bantam pullet, T. A. Conn; any other variety game bantam hen or pullet, B. H. AViuchester; Pekin bantam pullet, X. A. Brown; black red cock or cockerel bantam, B. H. Winchester. DOGS. Judge: Air Sam Crabtree. G HKYIIGCXDP. Bitches, puppy. Two entries—T. M'Guire 1, AY. O. Clark 2. Bitches, maiden. One entry—Miss D. M. Watt 1. POINTERS. Bitches, puppy. One entry—A. Williamson 1. Bitches, maiden. On© entry—A. AA’illkiinson 1. Bitches, open. One entry—A. AAYUiamson 1. sun EH*—ENGLISH. Dogs, novice. One entry—Mrs Jardine 1. Dogs, open. Three entries —G. W. MTntosh 1, Mrs Jardine 2, J. J. Macartluir 3. Bitches, maiden. One entry—J. A. Boyd 1. Bitches, novice. One entry—J. A. Boycl 1. Bitches, junior. One entry—J. A. Boyd 1. Bitches, colonial bred. One entry—j A Boyd 1. Bitches, limit. One entry — J. A. Boyd ], Dogs, limit. One entry—G. AAY MTntosh 1. Bitches, open. One entry—J. A. Boyd 1. Dogs, open. One entry—G. AAY MTntosh 1. SETTKKS—] KISH. Dogs, colonial bred. Two entries—Morten and Dawson 1, C. Petersen 2. Dogs, open. One entry—Morten and Dawson 1. Bitches, puppy. One entry—C. Petersen 1. Bitches, maiden. Two entries —Morten and Dawson l and 2. Bitches, novice. Two entries—Morten and Dawson 1 and 2. Bitches, colonial bred. Three entries —Morten and Dawson 1 and 2, C. Petersen 3. Bitches, open. Three entries—Morten and Dawson 1 and 2.

Brace. One entry—Morten and Dawson 1. Team. On© entry —Morten and Dawson 1. SETTE R S—G OHDO N . Dogs, colonial bred. One entry—D. P. Keogh 1. Dogs, open. Two entries —D. P. Keogh 1, Miss E. L. Berry 2. SETTERY Brace, any variety. One entry —Morten end Dawson 1. Team, any variety. One entry —Morten and Dawson 1. SETTERS AND POINTERS. AVorking Gun Dog.—Dogs, setter, any variety, open. Two entries—Morten and Dawson 1, C. Petersen 2. RETRIEVERS (Cmiy-oontod). Dogs, puppy. Two entries—E. E. Rowe 1, J. F. Cork 2. Dogs, maiden. Two entries- —P. Mason 1, E. K. Rowe 3. Dogs, novice. Two entries —P. Mason 2, J. It. Cork 3. Dog 3, junior. One entry—P. Mason 1 Dogs, colonial bred. Four entries —P. Mason 1, Major R. G. V. Parker 2, E. C. Fox 3, E. E. Rowe reserve. Dogs, open. Four entries—Airs M. Welsh I, Major R. G. AY Parker 2, E. C. Fox 3, J. F. Cork reserve. RETRIEVERS (Flat or Wave Coated). Dogs, maiden. One entry—No award. Dogs, novice. One cutty—Ao award. Dogs, colonial bred;. One entry —No award. Dogs, open. One entry —No award. Bitches, open. One entry—T. Millar 1. COLLIES (Rough Coated). Dogs, puppy. One entry—Miss A. AAY Brown 3. Dogs, novice. One entry—Airs A. Smellie 1. Dogs, colonial bred. One entry—F. E. Bisset 2. Dogs, open. Three entries —Mrs A. Smellie 1, F. E. Bisset 2. COLLIE- (.Smooth Coated). Dogs, novice. Two entries—AY. Carson 2, M. M’Lannan 3. Dogs, colonial bred. One entry—AAY Garson 2. Bitches, puppy. On© entry—Aiiss L. Kerr 2. BEARDED CULLIES. Dogs, puppy. One entry—L. T. Ferens 1, AL M’Mast-er 2. Dogs, novice. One entry—L. T. Ferens 1. AVORKING SHEEP OR. CATTLE DOG (Suitable for Farm Purposes). Dogs, novice. Two entries—L. T. Ferens 1, AAY Carson 2. Dogs, limit. One entry—J. R. Johnson 2. Dogs, open. Two entries—D. Auld 2, J. R. Johnson 3. BULL DOGS. Dogs, puppy (under six months). On© entry—G. M'Cartney 1. Dogs, New Zealand bred. Four entries —J. Lloyd 1, G. M‘ Cartney 2, R. L. Martin 3. Dogs, colonial bred. Four entries—J. Lloyd 1, G. M’C-artney 2, R. L. Martin 3. Dogs, limit. Four entries—J. Lloyd 1, G. AFCartney 2, R. L. Martin 3. Dogs, open. Five entries—J. Lloyd 1, G. AFCartney 2, R. L. Martin 3. Bitches, maiden. Two entries—J. E. Robertson 1, H. H’Ewan 2. Bitches, novice. One entry—ll. M’Ewan 2. Bitches, New Zealand-bred. Three entries —H. M’Ewan 2. Bitches, colonial-brecl. One entry—J. E. Robertson 1. Bitches, limit. One entry—J. E. Robertson 1. Bitches, open. Two entries—J. E. Robertson 1, S. I\. ..CUirdh am 2. Stud clog. Four entries—o. M'Cartney I and 2. Brood bitch. One entry- -J. E. Robertson 1, S. K. Gardham 2. AIREDALE TERRIERS. Dogs, puppy (under six months). One entry—R. J. Sinclair 1. Dogs, puppy (over six months). Two en-tries-—R. J. Sinclair 1 and 2. Dogs, maiden. Three entries—A. J. M‘Ente© 1, R. J. Sinclair 2. Mrs J. B. Sale 3. Dogs, novice. Four entries—R, J. Sinclair 1, A. J. M’Entee 2, Mrs J. B. Sale 3, J. Beckett reserve. Dogs, junior. One entry—R. J. Sinclair 1. Dogs, colonial bred. Two entries—D. M’Kenzie 1, J- Beckett 2. Dogs, limit. Two entries—Airs J B. Sale S, J. Beckett 3. Dogs, open. Four entries—D. M’Kenzie 1, A. J. AFEntee 2 and 3, J. Beckett reserve. Bitches, puppy (under six months). One entry—R. J. Sinclair 1. Bitches, puppy (over six months). One entry—G. and F. E. Biltcliff I. Bitches, colonial bred. One entry—R. J. Sinclair 1. Bitches, limit. One entry—R. J. Sinclair 1. Bitches, open. Two entries—G. and F. E. Biltcliff 1, R. J. Sinclair 2. Bitches, brood. One entry—R. J. Sinclair 1 Stud dog. One entry—A. ,7. AFEntee 1. Brace. One entry—R. J. Sinclair I Team One entry—R. J. Sinclair I Sp A NIK L— l ß TSH VAT EH. Bitches, puppy. On© entry—T. 11. Law 1. SP.4 X iELP -FIELD. BI.AC K. Dogs, puppy. One entry —Airs C. N. Draper 1. Dog-s, maiden. One entry—T. AY Mitchell I. Dogs, novice. One entry—T. X. Alitchell 1. SPANIELS—FIELD, OTHER. TITAN BLACK. Dogs, maiden. One entry—AAY H. Wilson 1. Dogs, novice. Two entries—Mrs ./Dickinson 1, AV. H. Wilson 2. Dogs, open. Four entries-—Aiiss R. S. Davis 1, J. Aitchison 2, Airs Dickinson 3, AV. H. Wilson reserve. * Bitches, open. One entry—Jas. Dean 1. SPANIEL?—COCKER, BLACK. Dogs, puppy' (over six months). Three entries —F. N. Alitchell 1, A. Kerr 2, Aiiss AI. Collins 3. Dogs, maiden. On© entry—A. Kerr 1. Dogs, junior. One entry—T. N. Alitchell 1 Dogs, New Zealand bred. Two entries —- C. Brice 1 A. Kidd 2. Dogs, colonial bred. Three entries—O. Brice 1, A. Kidd 2, It. AY. M’Kay 3. Dogs, limit. Two entries—C. Brice I, R. AY. M'Kay 2. Dogs, open. Three entries—C‘. Brice 1, A. Kidd 2, R. AY. M’Kay 3. Bitches, junior. One entry—T. AY. Richmond 1. Bitches, New Zealand bred. Three entries —T. AY. Richmond 1, C. Brie© 2, A. Kidd 3. Bitches, colonial bred. Four entries —T. AAY Richmond 1, C. Brice 2, A. Kidd 3. Bitches, limit. Five entries—A. Kerr 1, T. AAY Richmond 2, C. Brice 3, A. Kidd reserve. Bitches, open. Six entries—T. AAY Richmond 1 and 3, A. Kerr 2, C. Brice reserve, A. Kidd vhc. Bitches, brood. One entry —C. Brice 1. Stud dog. Two entries —C. Brie© 1, A. Kidd 2. Brace. Three entries—C. Brice 1, %T. AV. Richmond 2, A. Kidd 3. SPANIELS, COCKER. (Other than Black). Dogs, puppy (under six months). Two entries—Al. Cosgriff 1, F. Robertson 2. Dogs, puppy (over six months). Two entries —Dr A. C. M’Killop 1, D. Gillies 2. maiden. Three entries —Dr A. C. M’Killop 1, F. Robertson 2, D. Gillies 3. Dogs, novice. Three entries —Dr A. C. M’Killop 1, F. Robertson 2, D. Gillies 3. Dogs, junior. Four entries — Dr A. C. M’Killop 1, F. Robertson 2, D. Gillies 3.

Dog 3, New Zealand bred. Five entries — F. Robertson 1, D. Gillies 2, J. Aitchison 3. Dogs, colonial bred. Five entries.—F. Robertson 1, D. Gillies 2, J. Aitchison 3. Dogs, limit. Four entries Dr A. C. Ai'Killop 1, F. Robertson 2, D. Gillies 3. Dogs, open. Four entries—F. Robertson 1, D. Gillies 2. Bitches, puppy (under six months). Five entries—C. Barlow 1, C. M’Lean 2. A. Docherty 3, F Robert son reserve and v h c. Bitches, puppy (over six months). One entry—C. E. Spedding--. Bitches, maiden. Six entries—C. Barlow 1, C. E. Spedding 2, C. M'Lean 3, A. Docherty, reserve, F. Robertson vhc and h c. Bitches, novice. Six entries—C. Barlow 1, C. E. Spedding 2, C. M'Lean 3, F. Robertson v h c and lie, A. Doherty reserve. Bitch©3, junior. Five entries —C. E. Spedding 1, C. M’Lean 2. A. Docherty 3, F. Robertson reserve and v h c. Bitches, New Zealand bred. Four entries F. Robertson 1 and 3, C. E. Spedding 2, F. Robertson reserve. Bitches, colonial bred. Four entries—F. Robertson 1 and 3 and reserve, C. E. Speeding 2. , Bitches, limit. Five entries—S. C. Cush 1, C. Barlow 2, C. E. Spedding 3, AV. C'. Lcveraedge, reserve, A. Kerr vhc. Bitches, open. Six entries—S. C. Crist) 1, C. E. Spedding 2 and 3, AV. C. Lever/edge reserve, F. Robertson v h c, A. Kerr h c. Bitches, brood. Three entries—C. Barlow A. R- Robertson 2, 11. E. Anderson 3. Brace. Three entries —C. E. Speckling 1, C- Biirlov 2. F. Robertson 3. Team. Two entries—F. Robertson 1. IRISH TERRIERS. jp°3 s , puppy, One entry—B. F. Barlow 1. Dogs, novice. One entry—B. F. Barlow. Dogs, colonial bred. Two entries—B. F. Barlow 1, J. Green 2. Dogs, open. Two entries —J. Doe 1, B. F. Barlow 2. Bitches, puppy. Two entries—J. Doe 2. Bitches, maiden. One entry—J. Doe 2. Bitches, novice. One entry—J. Doe 2. Bitches, junior. One entry—J. Doe 2. Bitches, colonial bred. One entri —J B White I. Bitches, limit. One. entry—J. Doc 2. Bitches, open. Three entries—J. B. AA’hitc 1, J. Doe 2. Brace. One entry—J. Doe 1. FOX TERRIER—-SMOOTH-COATED. P°gs» puppy. One entry—George Minn 1. Dogs, junior. One entry—AAY Ross 1. Ddgs, New Zealand bred. One entry—AAY Ross 1. Dogs, colonial bred. One entry—Aiiss Scolon 1. Dogs, open. One entry—Aiiss Scolon 1. Bitches, puppy (over six months). One entry—J. Doe 1. Bitches, maiden. One entry—J. Doe 1. Bitches, novice. One entry—J. Doe 1. Bitches, New Zealand bred. Two entries— L. Lennie 1, J. Doe 2. Bitches, colonial bred. Two entries —J. S. Davie 1, L. Lermie 2. Bitches, limit. One entry—,T. Doe I. Bitches, open. Three entries—J. fcj. Durie 1, L. Lennie 2, J. Dee 3. FOX TERRIER—AVIBE-lIA JR ED. Bogs, puppy. Three entries—D. H. Reid I, A. Bamford 2, S. K. Gardham 3. Dogs, novice. On© entry-—J. Doe 1. Dogs, junior. Three entries—J. Doe 1, D. H. Reid 2, A. Bamford 3. Dogs, colonial bred. Two entries—D. H. Reid 1, A. Bamford 2. Dogs, limit. Three entries—J. Doe 1, D. 11. Reid 2, A. Bamford 3. Dogs, open. Four entries—G. and F. E. Biltcliff 1 and 2, J. Doe 3, D. H. Reid reserve. Bitches, puppy. One entry—D. H. Reid 1. Bitches, maiden. One entry—D. H. Reid 1. Bitches, novice. Two entries—J. S. Davie 3, D. H. Reid 2. Bitches, colonial bred. Two entries—J S. Durie 1, I). H. Reid 2. Bitches, limit. Two entries —J. S. Durie I, D. H. Reid 2. Bitches, open. Four entries—J. and F. E. Biltcliff 1 and 3, J. S. Durie 2, D. H. Reid reserve. Bitches, brood. On© entry—D. H. Reid 1. SCOTTISH TERRIER. Dogs, colonial bred. One entry—Aiiss G. X 7. Beillantyne 1. D-ogs, open. One entry—Miss G. AY Ballantyne 1. Bitches, colonial bred. One entry—Aiiss G. A'. Ballantyne 1. Bitches, opc-n. One entry—Aiiss O. AY Ballantyne 1. Brace. One entry—Miss G. V. Ballantyne 1. POMERANIANS (Black under 71b). Dogs, open. Two entries—E. Minilie 1, Airs A. H. Bath 2. Dogs, open. Four entries—Airs F. Baldoek 1, Mrs G. Lewis 2, Mrs V. R. Dry den 3. Bitches, open. One entry—Airs G . Lewis 1. Brace. One entry—Airs G. Lewis 1. Dogs, open. Two entries —Airs H. AY. Turley 1, Alisa A. Sunderland 2. Bitches, puppy. One entry—Miss G. Walker 1. Bitches, maiden. One entry-—Aiiss G. AValker. Bitches, novice. One entry—Aiiss G. Walker. urns—fawn. Dogs, uuppv. Two entries —Miss D. Keeler 1. Dogs, maiden. One entry—Aiiss L. Holt 1. Dogs, novice. Two entries —Aiiss li. Dunn 1, Miss L. Ilolt 2. Dogs, colonial bred. Three entries—Miss H. Bunr. 1, Aiiss L. Holt 2, Aiiss D. Keeler 3. Dogs, limit. One entry—Miss 11. Dunn 1. Dogs open. Two entries—Miss H. Dunn I, Miss D. Keeler 2. Bitches, puppy. One entry—Mrs S. A. Bonn 1. PEKINGESE. Dogs, open. Two entries—None forward. Bitches, open. Three entries —Airs .C: Bolt 1. Ladies’ Bangle, any breed. Fifteen entries —D. AUKenzio’s Shirley Mac 1, Mrs F. Baldock reserve. Sporting brace. Seven entries —Alorten and Dawson 1, G. and F. E. Biltcliff reserve. Sporting team. Three entries—G. and F. E. Biltcliff 1, Alorten and Dawson 2. Non-sporting brace. Two entries —Airs G. Lewis 1. Non-sporting team. One entry—None forward. Maltese dog. One entry—Alra AAY S. Harold. Maltese bitch. One entry—Airs AAY S. Harold. OITAIiriON OF CHAMPIONS. G. and F. IC. Biltcliff’s Glenmore Bristler. The Dunedin Fanciers’ Show was ag'ain well patronised on Friday. The arrangements are excellent, the president (Mr Esquilant), with the secretary (Air E. S. Wilson) and a team of willing and enthusiastic workers having seen to it that the success of one of ihe most notable events in the history of the club should he assured. The show is in the Brydcne Hall, and will well repay a visit on the part even of the least initiated in the art of the fancier. The cats, children’s pels, and pigeons, etc. were judged yesterday, Air Gridnev judging

the cats, Air R. Bankahaw the pets and pigeons, and Air Al'G. Allan all the other classes. THE CHAMPIONSHIPS. The dog judge (Mr Crabtree) awarded championships in the various dog classes aa follows: Greyhounds, bitch—T. Al’Guire's Floss. Pointers, bitch—A. AATliiamson's (AYaikouai. i) Trixey. English setters —dog, Airs Jai.lirc's Digger; bitch, Air G. AY. M'Jntosh's Blue. Irish setters —dog, Ale|-|' a and Dawecn s (Christchurch) Stonycroft. Rufus; bitch, same owners' Stonycroft Sheila, Gordon setters, do; —D. P. Keogh's (Milton) Olaromomo Don Retrievers (curly, dog)—Mrs AI. AVelsh's Nip. Rough-coated coliie (dog)—Airs A Sni"l!ic’s Bob. ~ Bulldogs.—Dog, J. Lloyd’s Bruce; bitch, J. E. Robertson’s Roman Maid. Airedale terriers—Deg. JJ. Al'Kc-nzie's (Christchurch! Shirley Mac; Bitch, G. an* F. E. Biltcliff’s (Christchurch) tiairiki AYII- - Field spaniels (oilier than b 1 ok, do-’— Aiiss R, S. Davis's Rouse. Cocker spaniels (black)— Y C. Brice's (Christchurch i Melrose Bruce : bitch. T. L. Richmond's (Christchurch) Kd.-nva'o Zoc. Cocker spaniels (other than black)—Dog, Dr A. C. Al’Killop s Maitland Gunner; bitch, i-b C. Crisp’s (Christchurch) Straven Daisy. Irish terriers—Dog, B. I-. Barlow’s (Ashburton) Dan Grogan; bitch, J. B. AYhite'a Red Riot. Fox terriers (smooth)—Dog. Aiiss Opawa Special; bitch, J. S. Dune's (Christchurch) Northland Necklet. Fox terriers (wire) —Deg, G. and F. E. Biltciiff's (Christchurch) bpeak; bitch, same owner's Dusky Pearl. Pomeranians—Dog. Airs I-’. Baldock’s (Christchurch) Brookland Pat; bitch. Mrs G. Lewis’s (Christchurchi AAY-ybvklge Theda. Pugs (fawn, dog;—Aiiss 'if. Dunn’s Scottie. Pekingese (bitch)—Airs C. Bott’s lAYellmgtor.) Pekin Pearl of Remueia. SPECIAL PRIZES. Ihe Panders' Show was open on Saturday and _ was brought to a conclusion in th© evening'. I lit l attendances were good, as was only to he expected, the show as a whole being well worth a visit. The following is a list of the winners of the trophies and special prizes not- hitherto announced, tho names of the previous w inners being given in parentheses; POULTRY (OPEN SECTION). Trophy, value £3 3s, for best Black Orpington cockerel (not utility). To be won twice in succession or three times at intervals (J. Carbis, T. E. Conway, Thomson Bros-.) —T. il. Harris. Trophy, value £'2 2s, for lio-st Single-comb AATiite Leghorn cockerel or pullet. ~ To be won twice in succession or three times at intervals (C. C. Thomson, X. 11. Dickinson, R. Forsyth, C. C. Thomson, A. C. Goodiet) — J Rattigan. Trophy, value £3 3s, for hast Silver AA'yandotto cockerel or r;c.Hot. To be won tiiree times (J. B. AYhit-e) —J. B. White-. i‘3 3s, for best Black Orpington. To be won twice in succession, or three times at intervals (T. ii. Harris) —T. H. Harris. Trophy, value £3 3s, for best utility AYhite Leghorn. To be won three times (A. C. Goodiet, Airs J. B. AATiite)—J. B. AYhite. Trophy, value £3 3s, for besi variety bantam. To be won three times (D. Auld, X. A. Brown) —T. A. Brown. Setting of eggs for best Black Orpington— F. G. Hanson. Best bird in soldiers’ class—A. Pedofsky. Best hen in soldiers’ class—J. Still. Setting of eggs for best AYhite Leghorn cock in soldiers’ class. —J. Still. Best cockerel in returned soldiers' class — A. Pedofski. Best pullet in returned soldiers’ class—F. Shir'ev. < PIGEONS. Best 100-mile old cock—J. Fraser. Best 100-mile old hen—T. Ateitch. Best 200-mile cock —James Hislop. Best 100-mile young cock —Stevenson and G oodman. The Young Bird Society trophies:—Best young cock, likely flyer—AY. AY at son ; best young hen, likely flyer—A. Fraser; best 50mile young cock, open to members Young Bird Society—Stevenson, and Goodman : best 600-mile coeli—B. AA’atson, jun.; best 600-mi!a hen—S. Hutchison. North Dunedin Pigeon Club trophies: Best 500-mile cock—James Hislop; best 500jnile hen— D. G. Strong. Best magpie or owls Ben Johnson. Best fantail or jabcciu—J. Still. Best tumbler—H. AI. South. Best A.O.AY fancy pigeon, cock—P. Lindsay. Best A.O.AY fancy pigeon, hen —H. M. South. Beat 400-mile lien—D. O. Strong. Best 300-mile cock or hen—Stevenson and Goodman. DOGS. Commemoration spoon, donated by Ih© Northern English Colli© Club, and brought out by Mr Sam Crabtree—Airs A. Smellie’s Bob. ’ (Silver speon. for beet bulldog or hitch, presented by the Manchester and Counties’ Bull Dog Club, and brought out by Air Sam Crabtree—J. Lloyd’s Bruce. Colie Challenge Belt, fev best collie in show (A. Ewart, J. L. Bissett)—Mrs A. Smellie’s Bob. Cup, value £5 os, for best cocker spaniel. To be won twice in succession or three limes at intervals (A. Kidd) —C. Brice’s Alelro-se Bruce. Best working gun dog-—Alorten and Dawson’s Stoneycroft Rufus. Best smooth fox terrier dog—Miss Scolon's Apawa. Special. , Best smooth fox terrier ' hitch—J. S. Dune's Northland Necklet Best, wire fox terrier dog.—O. and F. E. Biltcliff's Speak. Best wire fox terrier hitch—G. and F. E. B-itcliff’s Dusky Pearl-. Best Airedale dog- D. M'Kenzie’s Shirley Best Airedale bitch ~G. and F. E. Bilteliff’s AA’airiki Wilhelmina. Best cocker spaniel dog—f*. Brice’s Melrose Bruce. Best cocker Bpanicl bitch—S. C. Crisp’s Straven Daisy. Best Irish terrier dog—J. Doe's Paddy Selection. Best Irish terrier bitch —J. R. AYhite'a Red Riot, Best bull dog.—J. Lloyd's Bruce. Best bull bitch—J. E. Robertson's Roman Maid. Best Irish setter dog—Alorten and Dawson's Stoneycroft Ruins. Best. Irish setter bitch —Alorten and Dawson's Stoneycroft Sheila. Gold medal, best setter other than Irish— D P. Keogh's Otanomomo Don. Gold medal, best fox terrier pup, wire or eunoot-h —J. Dee's Rsbymere Smart Set. Ladies’ bracelet. 1 angle value £3 m 3s—D. nzie’s Shirley Alac. Champion of champions, trophy value £3 3s —G. and F. E. Biltcliff's Glenmore Bristler. Best fox terrier dog, smooth—Miss Stolon's Opawa Special.

i Best Airedale pup dog—B. J. Sinclair’s Carlton Knigbt. Best wire fox terrier bitch pup—l). H. | Reid’s Pamela. | Best Airedale pup bitch.—G. and F. E. Biltcliff’3 Wairiki Wilhebnina.. Best wire fox terrier dog pup—D. H. I Reid’s Pink 'XJn. ] Best Irish terrier pup, either sex—G. j Petersen’s Kerry Lady. , Best toy dog, any breed —Mrs G. Lewis's j Weybridge Theda. Mr CRABTREE'S OPINIONS. On Friday the chib entertained the judges and visitors m the Overseas Club Room. There was a good attendance, and the pro- ! ceedings were of an enjoyable and enthu- ' siasdic nature. Mr W. Fkquilaiit, president I of the club, occupied the chair. Among the visitors were Mcsdames Biltcliff, Richmond, | and Lewis, of Christchurch, j The Chairman, in proposing the toast of | ‘‘The Judges,” referred to the pleasure all I felt in having Mr Sam Crabtree with them. I They had looked forward to Mr Crabtree's | coming to judge their dogs for a good many years, and at last their hope and expectations had been fulfilled. They had tried to show Mr Crabtree round a little, and he said that they were making him feel at home, and that he was enjoying himself. Ho (the chairman)' was sure that the dog fanciers would have gained a great deal of knowledge from Mr Crabtree. In responding, Mr Crabtree, after returning thanks for the kindness and hospitality extended to him on his visit to the dominion, said that with, regard to the Dunedin show he was in a sense a little disappointed to think that the fanciers in the district had not taken the opportunity to let him see all their stock, and get ! the opinion of one who had travelled I 14,000 miles for the purpose of giving it. He would have been far more 1 pleased if every fancier in the district had done his level best to make the show a success. Whatever the differences of opinion existing might be, he thought that everyone should have buried the hatchet, if only for a few weeks, and made a great entry, and if they wanted to quarrel have done so after he went away. That was his honest opinion, and he thought that the people who had kept away had been rather foolish.—(Applause.) lie would have been very pleased to have seen all the dogs. He knew nothing more about the existing differences than what he had indicated, but he thought the fanciers should nave taken a broader view than seemed to have j been the case. | Speaking with regard to the dogs, Mr | Crabtree said that he had not expected i these to come up to the English standard for reasons that were very easily explained. In the first place where there was one fancier in New Zealand there were 200 in the Old Country, and probably more. It. was not possible to go into the street of even the smallest village without. finding that there were two or three working men breeding pedigree dogs. It was a hobby and of interest to them. They tried to breed something good, because they were well aware that there were many men—men like himself —always ready to buy them. Many of these men paid their rent by breeding dogs, but irrespective of money they were doglovers and sports. Englishmen all loved dogs, and kept dogs irrespective of the money made from so doing, but if money could be made, then so much the better. If they did not make the dogs pay, they kept them all the same. It was on account of having so many fanciers that the Old Country was* able to produce stock of the quality it did and send it all over the world. The same remarks applied to all stock in Britain. Whether it was climate or not, he could not say, but be thought that I climate had a good deal to do with it. They could always produce the best stock. Stock was always being imported bv- otner countries from Britain to improve their own stock. America, was one of their bigrrost buyers; yet, a 1 thongn America was always paying big prices for tne best stocks in Britain, they still came for new niooci to renovate their old stock, and keep it up to the standard they were ainji-ng at. With regard to the dogs in New z<ealand, Mr ‘"Crabtree said there were some j very good Airedales, cocker spanie.s, and | setters; but, taken all through, the dogs L> showed room for improv uttput. iresfi blood ought to be introduced, In regard to the importation of dogs, they wanted,to | be vew careful as to the kind of animats ! purchased. Dogs grew very rapidly out I here and there was a tendency ior them |to become too big. Fanciers should pur- ! chase small clogs and breed from smau I stock. They "should not buy big dogs, as i that would only tend to make the dogs still : hi°'°'ci They should buy dog's of the nghu ! quality, but ‘small, in order to keep down | tlie tendency to size. , . j Ml (Tiibti ee went on to reier toxins j experineces as a breeder and judge tne true fancier, he said, was a dog breeder, and lie took his beating just as well as he took, his wins. Personally, he (Mr Crabtree) liked to see a man walk out ox tne ring, shake hands with the prize-winner, and' "go and- have a drink with him.”— (Applause). ... , _\!r K. Ramsay was entrusted with tno toast of ‘"The Visitors,” which ho proposed in impropriate terms. Messrs A. R. V. Morton (Christchurch), Mrs Biltcliff, Mr Biltcliff, and others responded. Mr Biltcliff expressed keen disappointment at the smallness of die dog classes at: the show ; he and the other Cani a-fbury fanciers had thought t' with Mr J Crabtree judging they would meet the ful- ! lest competition. As things stood, they i wore vis'v disappointed. Personally ho | would sooner gain a second place in a large j class i ban first place in a small one. | The toa-r of '' Kindred .Societies” was i propo.-od by Mr S. Deverwmx. —Mr Harvey -poke to the toast, particularly stressing the desirability of the two clubs' coming together. settling’ their differences, and working in harmony. The toast was responded to by several of the visitors and by the chairman, all recognising that the sooner the present situation was cleared the better it -would be for dog breeding throughout the whole of the southern portion of New Zealand. Other toasts honoured were " '-’lie A. and P. Society ” and those who bad contributed to the success of the proceedings by vocal items, Mr.-srs Re wlin-ha w. Decker, and others.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3512, 5 July 1921, Page 20

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DUNEDIN FANCIERS’ SHOW Otago Witness, Issue 3512, 5 July 1921, Page 20

DUNEDIN FANCIERS’ SHOW Otago Witness, Issue 3512, 5 July 1921, Page 20