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CLASS EXAMINATION RESULTS. The Professorial Board has recommended the award of the following scholarships and prizes by the bodies concerned: The James Clark Prizes (awarded by th* Theological Committee of the Presbyterian Church).—Latin: Allan T. M'Naughton. English: Miss M. P. Morrell and Thomas Thomson ■ (equal). Mental Science: Thomas Thomson. Greek: A. P. Sutherland. Prizes awarded by the Dunedin Chamber of Commerce.—Mercantile and Practical Bookkeeping: Norman Brown. Advanced' Bookkeeping, Accounts, and Auditing: No award. Economics for Accountancy Students: W. G-. M. Grant. Mercantile Law, etc.: First year, A. R. Lowe; second year, E. W. J. Bowden. Ulrich Memorial Medal—W. E. Aitchison. Parker Memorial Medal. —Ada Stringer. Stuart Prize (Physics).—M. ■A. F. Barnett. Beverly Scholarship (Pass Degree Physios).—M. A. F. Barnett. Macandrew Scholarship.—W. Elliott. FACULTIES OF ARTS AND SCIENCE. HONOURS LATIN, First Class.—William Parkier Morrell. Second Class.—Aline Guscott Davy, Emily Elizabeth Stephens. ADVANCED LATIN. First Class.—Allan Thomas M'Naughton. S&cond Class.—William Morton Ryburn, Robert William Moir. Third Class.—Esme Rena Bentham and Gertrude Ethel Stokes (equal), John William Martin, Margaret Montgomery Duxward, John Allen Harvey. PASS DEGREE LATIN. First Class.—Marga/ret Victoria M'Gregor, Winifred Joyce Caroline Moody, Kenneth Cornwall M'Donald, William Albert Ritchie. Second Class.—Leila Agnes Sophie Hurle, Thomas Thomson, James Earnest Kinnear, Gordon Lindsay Taylor, Winifred Moir George, Kathleen Frances Oswin, Ronald George Lookhart, Hazel Madeline Hanbury Smith. Third Class. —William Scott Robertson, John Robert Brown and John Andrew Lockhart (equal), Henry Charles Luscombe, John Laing Thomas, James Walter Armstrong, Norman M'Donald Matheson, Douglas Robin Blyth, George Henry Gubbins, James Edgar Rankin Pat3rson, John .Boyd Deaker, Wm, James Bennett, Lesley Hueston Dickinson, Enid, Myrtle White. Exempted Students.—Second class: J. L. Cameron. Third class: John Edward M'Gettigan, James M'Guire, Peter B. Breen, H. W. James, Thomas M'Mahon, Robert Louis M'Cormaek (equal). JUNIOR LATIN. First Class.—Hector Keith M'Kay. Second Class.—Roy Andrews Diokie, Raweti Oratosh Mason, John Henry Conly, Venantia Imelda May Pledger. Third Class.—Alexander Milne and Allan Gordon Fleming (equal). JUNIOR GREEK—FIRST COURSE. First Class.—David Henry Hay, Robert George M'Dowall. -,-, .. Second Class.—Lawrence Moter Rogers. Third Class.—John Hemingway Combes. JUNIOR GREEK—SECOND COURSE First Class.—Alan Cameron Watson, William Morton Ryburn. PASS DEGREE GREEK. Second Class.—Arthur Francis Sutherland. Third Class.—William Elliott. HONOURS FRENCH. First Class.—William Parker Morrell, Margaret Muriel Brand, Aline Guscott Davy. Second Cla3&.—Vida Ferguson Sheddan. Third Class.—Violet Agnes White, Muriel Wallace May. ADVANCED FRENCH. First Year. • Second Class.—Gifford John M'Naught, William Woods Bridgeman. Third Class.—Mary Blackie Johnstone, Mary Elizabeth M'Queen, Gertrude Mary Mitchell, Arthur Joseph Deaker. Second Year. First Class.—Mona Sutcliffe Woodhead • Second Class.—David Wolff Faigan, Eva Mary King, Robert William Moir, Geoffrey Ross Watters, Catherine Mary Gillies, Colena Agnes Bixnvn, Gertrude Mary Stokes, Irene Emelia Searle. Third Class.—Winifred Moir George, Dorothy Helen Hawkes. Exempt Students.—Third class- H W James. PASS DEGREE FRENCH. n,r Fi^ Bt - Class -—Winifred Joyce Caroline Moody, Margaret Patience Morrell (equal), Thomas Thomson, Kathleen Frances Oswin, Margaret Victoria M'Gregor Second Class.-Lorna Isobel Begg, William Albeit Ritchie, James Earnest Kinnear, Leila Agnes Sophie Hurle, Hazel Madeline Hanbury Smith, Ronald George Lockhart, Muriel Jane DouU, John Hubbard, William Hawton Jackson Arthur James Gillman, Inelma Besant Maurais, George Henrv Guhi Pe^ce M ' Watt ' T- K Rantin ' Winifred Mary Third Class.-Evelyn Mary Fraser, James A. Murphy, Thomas SiUence Adam, Enid Myrtle White, Kathleen Elizabeth Walden,' Harold Oliver Jeffcoate, Rowena Mary Pardy, Jeanme Outhbert M'Nab, Henry F T6OTg T e Etrnest Wilkinson, liene Olivette Preston, John Robert Brown Frederick John Brook, Christina M'Neil Leslie Brown. ' *£ZTir^ eni -- Th » d cW F —is JUNIOR FRENCH. mS* Class - —Wmiam Wallace, Hector Keith Second Class.—Maidie Martin, Joan Dunstan Stephens, Rua .Frances Harvey, Roy Andrews Dickie, Alexander Archibald Polwarth, Ina Marcella Mackay. Third Glass.—Gertrude Marie Satterthwaite, John Henry Conly, Allan Gordon Fleming, Agnes 0 Brien, James Maxwell Brigtm, Ralph William Souter. Exempt Student.—Third class: F. R. Bigwood. FRENCH PHONETICS. First Class.—James Ernest Kinnear. Second Class.—Winifred Joyce Moody, Kathleen Frances Oswin, Margaret Patience Morrell, Margaret Victoria M'Gregor, Leila Agnes Sophie Hurle, Arthur James Gillman, Irene Olivette Preston, Lorna Isobel Begg, Hazel Madeline Hanbury Smith, Muriel Jane DouU, William Albert Ritchie, Thelma Besant Maurais, T. L. Rantin, Winifred May Pearce, Henry Charles Luscombe, George Ernest Wilkinson. Third Class.—Thomas Thomson, John Robert Brown, George Henry Gubbins, Ronald George Lockhart, Rowena Mary Pardy, Einid Myrtle White, Frederick John Brook, James A. Murphy, M. Watt, Kathleen Elizabeth Walden, Evelyn Mary Fraser.

■SCIENCE GERMAN. Margaret Barclay, Henry E. Dyer, Harold J. Finlay, Martin Fowler, Basil H. Goudie, George A. Holmes, Margaret Patience Rogers. HONOURS ENGLISH. First Class.—Margaret Muriel Brand, Vida Ferguson Sheddan. Second Class. —Emily Elizabeth Stephens ADVANCED ENGLISH. Second Class.—Colena Agnes Brown and Allan Thomas M'Naughton (equal), John William Martin and Mona Woodhead" (equal), William Woods Bridgeman. Third Class.—Gifford , M'Naught, David Wolfe Faigan, Margaret Montgomery Durward. PASS DEGREE ENGLISH. First Class.—Margaret Patience Morrell, and Thomas Thomson (equal). Second Class. —Lorna Isobel Begg, Kenneth Corn well M'Donald, Leila Agnes Sophia Hurle, Kathleen Frances Oswin, James Walter Armstrong, John Laing Thomas, Margaret Victoria M'Gregor, Irene Preston, Rowena Mary Pardy, Robert George M'Dowall and Gordon Lindsay Taylor (equal), James Edgar Rankin Paterson. Third Class.—Elizabeth Collins, Thelma Besant Maurais, Muriel Jane DouU and Lena Mary M'Cutcheon and George Ernest Wilkinson (equal), Norman Eric Oakley, Joan Dunetan Stephens, Raymond Christensen, Elsie Annie Scoon, Cecil Denis Francis and Eileen Mary WaldiMi (equal), David Wylie Bews and Lesley Huxton Dickinson (equal), Christina M'Neil, Norris Yeoman Smith, Norman M'Donald Mathieson, Edward Boulton, Laurence Moter Rogers, Arnold Henry Nordmeyer and Enid Myrtle White (equal). JUNIOR ENGLISH. Third Class. —Reweti Mason, Charles M. Sullivan. EXEMPTED STUDENTS. ' Advanced English.—Third class: Thomas Morrison M'Donald. PASS DEGREE ENGLISH. Third Class.—James I. Gavin, Peter T: B. M'Keefry, Harold F. Trehey. "C" ENGLISH. First Class.—lsobel JJunriet Sutherland.' Second Class.—Winifred Jane Gibson, Hannah Marion Sim, Ella Annie Sutherland, Margaret Helen Dallas, Ina Marcella Mackay, Ellen Ramsay Wright, Douglas Robin Blyth. Third Class. —Hazel Dorothy, Brand, Alice May Naismith, Isabella Henderson Cowie and Ethel Beatrice M'Kay (equal), Gwendoliza Mawhera M'Lean, Beryl Oliver Cook, Ellen Baxter and Vera Bessie Milne (equal), Evelyn Margaret Hall, Flora M'Donald, Millicent Bridson. Potts, Margaret Holmes Henderson, Hazel Mabon Bell and Eric Hoare and Constance Isla Smith (equal), Mary Milne Hall, Daphne Isabel Hamilton Ooghill and Isabella Martin Donald and Nano Marjorie Fahey (equal), Muriel Aldyth Glendinning Dallas and Winifred Iris Elder (equal), Barbara Ballantyne andi Annie Harriet Morgan and Jean Waugh M'Donald (equal), Ethel Elizabeth Botting, Ellen Scott Brown and Mabel Elizabeth M'lntyre (equal), Jane Arnot Eaton and Mary Elizabeth Barron and William Joseph O'Sullivan and Eileen M'lntyre and Alice Mary Richdale (equal), Evelyn Mabel M'Elrea and Mary Yule Wallace (equal), Eva Margaret Turner, Olive May Brighton, Elsa May Cuppies and Andrew "Eliot Selby (equal), Escott Bonthron and John Clifford Harris and Alice Amelia Stringer (equal), Mary Elizabeth Lumsden and! Kenneth Inglis Robertson (equal), Robert M'Kee Sullivan and Violet Elizabeth Parsons Scheib (equal), Jessie Sanders Campbell, Ethel Isabel Gavina Brownlie and Isabella Leticia Griffin and Doris- Trevelyan Renfree (equal), Henrietta Amy Boyd andi Norah Betina Sharpe (equal), Grace Ayton and Agnes M'Pherson (equal), Janet Miller Campbell and Elizabeth W. Malloch and Nora Muny Rennie (equal), Jessie Campbell, Tui Williamina M'Donald, Alexander Archibald Polwarth. . ADVANCED LOGIC. . Second Class. —George I. M'Gregor, John Hubbard. Third Class.—Malcolm Turner, Fred Robertson, Arthur Sutherland. Exempted Students.—Second class: F. M'Mahon, F. Finlay, L. Richards. ADVANCED PSYCHOLOGY. First Class. —Ralph Souter, Alan Watson. Second Class. —Malcolm Turner, John Hubbard, George M'Gregor, Fred Robertson, Arnold Nordmeyer. Third Class.—Murray Gow, Arthur Sutherland, Margaret Hughes. Exempted . Students. —Second class: F. M'Mahon, L. Richards, F. Finlay. ADVANCED ETHICS. First Class. —Ralph Souter. Second Class. —Alan Watson, John Hubbard, Malcolm Turner. Third . Class.—Arnold Nordmeyer, George M'Gregor, Murray Gow, Arthur Sutherland. Exempted Students.—Third class; F. M'Mahon, L. Richards, F. Finlay. PASS DEGREE LOGIC. Second Class.—J. 1. Gavin, Peter M'Keefry, J. K. Hooker, 0. K. Mar low. Third Class. —Horace Fawcett and Charles Taylor (equal), Edith M. Homan, N. C. O'SuIIiVan p?SsVEGREE PSYCHOLOGY. First Class. —Thomas Thomson. Second Glass.—John H. Combes, James D. Salmiond (and Walter H. Rushbrook (equal), Esm© Bentham, David H. Haig, Robert M'Dowall and Ada E Stringer (equal), Vera K. Harrison. Third Class.—Annie W. Todd, Norman E. Oakley, Lawrence M. Rogers, Thomas Adam, Gordon L. Taylor, Norman M. Tyrrell, LesUe Brown, Daphne Henderson and George A. Naylor (equal), Elorace H. Hawkins, Wm. S. Robertson, Mary B. Johnstone. Exempted Students.—Second class: H. Fawcett. Third class: J. I. Gavin, Chas. Taylor, Peter M'Keefry, J. K. Hooker, H. F. Trehey, Edith M. Homan, N. C. O'Sullivan, O. R. Marlow. PASS DEGREE ETHICS. First Class.—John H. Combes, Thomas Thomson. _ Second Class.—David Hay, James D. Salmond, Robert M'Dowall, Esme Bentham and Vera ' Harrison (equal), Thomas Adam, Ada Stringer. Third Class. —Gordon L. " Taylor, Lawrence M. Rogers, Norman Oakley, Annie Todd, Walter H. Rushbrook, Horace H. Hawkins, Leslie Brown, Norman TyrreU, Florence Smith, Mary 8,. Johnstone. EDUCATION First Class.—William M. Ryburn. Second Class. John Hubbard, Esme R. Bentham, Louise S. St. John, Gifford J. M'Naught, Alan F. Watson, Christine L. Cuniming, Julia W. Hughes, James D. Salmond, Elfrida M. Barraclough, Helen A. Henderson, John W. Martin, David H. Hay, MargaTet Morton, Evelyn M. Fraser, Linda G. Lynn, Ella M. Manson, Murray A. Gow, Catherine M Gillies, William H. Jackson, Barbara M. Munro, Catherine L Finlayson, Mary E. M'Queen. Third Class. —Andirew M. Davidson, Florence A. Smith, Harry Talbot, Ellen Beardsmore, Margaret M. Gait, Alice A. Hamilton, Helen A. Hislop, Annie M. Yardley, Arthur

J. Beaker, Robert W. Moir, Elizabeth Collins, Vida A. Mackintosh., P, C. Dopdale,, Sara E. M'Leod, Margaret I*. B. Young, Norris Y. Smith, Daphne* G. Carey, Agnes Gv Clarke, Marjorie B. Blair, Agnes M. J. Franois, Annie W. Hodges, ■ Jeannie C. M'Nab, MurieJ M. Morris, Doris L. Wishart, Howard A. E. Botting, Mary G. Burn, Bethia Mawhinney, Ina B. Romans, Arnold H. Nordmeyer, Marion H. Meldrum, Fredk. J. Brook, Douisa. Aiken, Huia V. Harland, ILeiia M. M'Cutoheon, David T. M'Vie, Mary K. Isitt, Mina R. M'Leod, Marcia E. Morris, Norman M. Tyrell, Gwendoline Bennet, J&ary M. Buchanan, Margaret T. M'Dougall, Alice I. "Wilson, Violet A. White, Herbert W. Thompson, Thomas H. M'Donald, Ina I. "Williamson, Kathleen E. Walden, Janet H. IWilkie, Nina S. Graham, Potcr Sohroedex,

B-uth An drew, "William J. O'Sullivan, Cecil B. Bell, Violet M. Mitchell. : . ADVANCED HISTOEY. Second Year or Bepeat.—Class 1': "William Morton Byburn,; Eva Mary King. Class S.Arthur J. Gillmian. First Year.—Class 3: Harold 0. Jefcoate. PASS DEGBEE HISTOBY. Class I. —Bobert "William Stanley Botting, Kenneth. Corn-wall M'Donald, Alan Cameron Watson. Glass ll.—Deo Sylvester O'Sullivan, "Wm. Albert Bitchie, B.aymond Christensen, James Edgar -Patemson, Andrew M'Bae Davidson, Douglas Eobm Blyth, William James Bennett, Horace Fawoett, Bonald George Lookhart, James "Walter Armstrong, Murray, Alexander Gcw, John Horace Starnes, Arthur Joseph Deaker. Class lll.—Alexander Milne, Dorna Isabel Begg, David Boy LockharJ;, John Andrew Lockhart, Edward Morris Stevens, Daniel "Wylie Bews, William Hawton Jackson, Howard Andrew Elliott ' Botting, George Henry Gubbins, Herbert Walter Thompson, George" Bobert Kennedy, Frederick Mortley Peake, Hazel Marie Sellwood, Daniel M'Dityre, Philip James Palmer, Hazel Madeline H. Smith, George Ernest Wilkinson J. B. Dunn, N. 0. Dopdell, T. M. M'Donald, I. H. M'Donald. -.- HONOUBS ECONOMICS. Class ll.—William J. M'G. Henderson. Class lll.—Henry Drees. ADVANCED ECONOMICS—FIBST YEAB. Class I.—William Elliott. Class lll.—John Allen Harvey, Dorothy Helen Hawkes. ADVANCED ECONOMICS—SECOND YEAB.' Class ll.—Ealph William Soutesr. Class lll.—William Woods Bridgman, Fredenk Mortley Peake, Norris Yeoman Smith. STATISTICAL METHOD. Class ll.—William J. M. Henderson Class lll.—Henry Drees, Alfred Thomas. PASS DEGBEE ECONOMICS. cl * ss *•— Jolrn Hemingway Combes, Raymond Christensen, George Innes M'Gregor, Norman M'Donald Matheson. Class il.—Leo Sylvester O'Sullivan, Gifford John M Naught, Edward Morris Stevens I/oxuse Sara St. John, Gertrude Mary Mitchell, Horace Fawcett, Harold Oliver Jefcoate, Bobert William S. Botting, Alexander Milne, Harry Talbot, Norman Eric Oakley. Class lll—Cecil Denis Francis, John Andrew Lockhart, Daphne Olga Henderson. Cecil Robert Bell, John Laing Thomas, Mary Elizabeth M'Queen, Escott Bonthron Edward Boulton, Alice Adele Hamilton, Annie White Todd, Walter Henry Bushbrook. Exempted Students.—Class 111- P B Breen, I. B. Hubbard, M. A. Steele I M'Mahon, T M. M'Donald, L. W. Richards' N. M. Finlay, A. Gregory, J. Maguire, J. E. M'Gettigan, T. M'Mahon, B. L. M'Cormack. MATHEMATICS. THIED HONOUBS COUBSB. First Class. —Hubert J. Ryburn. FIRST HONOURS COURSE. First Class.—Harold J. Finlay, Miles A. F. Barnett, Second Claas.—Millen Macbeth, Thora C. Marwick. Third Class.—Mkry I. M. A. Robertson, Mary H. Yardley? PASS MATHEMATICS. First Classv—Miles A. F. Barnett, Mary

E. M. Macdonald, Cecil R. Davis, Robert J. W. Howorth, Eileen B. M'Elrea, Catherine O- M'Haffie.Second Class.—Muriel J. Doull, J. B. Dunn (exempted), Harry Talbot, Kenneth 0. Roberts, Arthur V. Fleet, Eric W. Mathewson, John T. Samuel and Robert H. Wise (equal), Wolfram Penseler, Elsie A. Scoon, Margaret E. Allan, Cecil R. Francis, Joseph B. M'Bride. Third Class. —Basil H. Goudie, Arthur J. Gillroan, Elma M. M'Carthy, Alexander G. O. Crust, Margaret R. Tumbull, Rowena M. Pardy, Margaret S. Barclay, Kenneth J. Robertson, Sydney W. S. Strong. Obtained Terms in Junior Mathematics. — Venantia J. M. Pledger. MECHANICS. First Class.—Miles A. F. Barnett, Alfred A. Levi. Second Class.—Robert J. W. Howorth, Jas. C. Leitch, Mary E. M. Macdonald and Eileen' B. M'Elrea (equal), Basil H. Goudie, Catherine O. M'Haffie, George G. Hancox, Alexander G. C. Crust, Robert H. Wise. Third Class.—Russell 0. Scoular, Eric W. Mathewson, Norman M. Tyrrell, Sydney W. S. Strong, Margaret S. Barclay. HONOURS ELECTRICITY—THEORY. First Class.—Henry E. Dyer. HONOUR'S ELECTRICITY—PRACTICAL. Second Class. —Henry E. Dyer. HONOURS HEAT—THEORY. Third Class:—Margaret P. N. Rogers. HONOURS HEAT—PRACTICAL. Second Class.—Margaret P. N. Rogers. PHYSICS lI—THEORY. Firsts Class.—Harold J. Finlay, Frederick H. M'Dowall (equal). Second Glass.—nAirini I. Somerville. Third Class.—Vera K. Harrison. ADVANCED PHYSIOS- lI—PRACTICAL. First Class.—Frederick H. M'Dowall. Second Class.—Harold J. Frnlay, Vera K. Harrison, Airini I. Somerville. ADVANCED PHYSICS I—THEORY. First Class. —Miller Macbeth, George M. Übir. Second Class.—Alfred A. Levi. Third Glass.—Alexander G. C. Crust, Guy S. M. Batham. ' ADVANCED PHYSIOS I—PRACTICAL. First—George M. Moir, Miller Macbeth. Second Class.—Alfred A. Levi, Guy S. M. Batham. Third Class.—Alexander G. C. Crust. PASS DEGREE PHYSICS—THEORY. Pirst Class.—Miles A. F. • Burnett, Nataniel Malcolm. Second Class.—Kenneth C. M'Donald, Winifred J. C. Moody, Kenneth C. Roberts, Robert J. W. Howorth and Mary E. M. Macdonald (equal), Christine L. Gumming, Catherine O. M'Haffie, James E. R. Paterison. Third Class.—Cecil R. Davis and Eileen B. M'Elrea (equal), Winifred M. Pearoe, Colin L. Gillies Eric Walter Mathewson (equal), Wolfram Penseler, Frank L. Sanderson and Oswald C. Stephens (equal), Gieorge G. Hancox, Mary H. Yardley, Joseph B. M'Bride and Robert H. Wise (equal), lan F. M'Kenzie, Hugh T. Gordon, John T. Samuel «.nd Margaret R. Turnbull (equal), Sydney W. S. Strong PASS DEGREE PHYSICS—PRACTICAL. First Class.—Miles A F. Baxnett, Nathaniel Malcolm. Second Class.—Christine L. Cumming,

&oorg3 G. Hancox, "Winifred J. C. Moody, Kenneth C. Roberts and Cecil R. Davis (equal), Mary E. Macdonald,' Eileen B. M'Elrea, Kenneth C. M'Donald, and Joseph B. M'Bride (equal). Third Class.—Robert J. W. Howorth, Wolfram Penseler and Alfred P. Lee-Smith (equal), John T. Samuel, Catherine O. M'Haffie, Margaret R. Turnbui], Mary H. Tardley, lan P. M'Kenzie and Eric W. Mathewson (equal), Colin It. Gillies and Matthew D. Calvert (equal), Frank L. Sanderson, James E. R. Paterson, Sydney W. S. Strong, Helen A. Henderson. PASS DEGREE; PHYSICS. Beverley Scholarship.—Miles A. P. Barnett. Stuart Prize.—Miles A. P. Barnett ADVAISTCED CHEMISTRY. (Second Year.) First Class.—Frederick Henry M'Dowall, Harold John Finlay. . Third Class.—Martin Fowler and George Andrew Holmes (equal). ADVANCED (First Year.) First Class.—Ada E, W. Stringer. Second Class.—George Morrison Moir, Alfred Aaron Levi, Basil Hughson Goudie. PASS DEGREE CHEMISTRY. ' First Class.—Cecil Reginald Davis. Second Class. —Kenneth Charles Roberts, Colin Lillie Gillies, James Ernest Kinnear, Wolfram Penseler. Third Class.—James A* Murphy, Guy Symonds Batham, John Thomas Samuel, Erio Walter Mathewson, Horace Edward Fyfe, Robert Henry Wix, Robin Sutcliffe Allan, Robert James Walton, Howorth, Lindsay Sangster Rogers, Frank Leonard Saundereon. BOTANY. ' (Theoretical.) First Class.—Airini Isabel Somerville, Mary Isabel M. A. Robertson, Margaret Patience Morrell, Elma Margaret M'Oarthy and Mona Annie Yardley (equal). Third Class.—Thelma Besant Maurais, Lesley Hueston Dickinson, Mary Alma Archer. Earle xPead Northcroft. (Practical.) First Class.—Airini Isabel Samerville, Earle Fead Northcroft. Second Class.—Mary Alma Archer . and Elma Margaret M'Carthy (equal), Margaret Patience Morrell, Mary Isabel M. A. Robertson, Mona Annie Yardiley. Third Class.—Lesley Hueston Dickinson, Thelma Bebant Maurais, Hazel Marie Selwood. ZOOLOGY. (Lectures.) First Class.—Ada Stringer. Second Class.—C. L. Gillies. Third Class.—G-. A. Holmes, M. Fowler, J. B. M'Bride, I. F. M'Kenzie. (Practical.) First Class.—Ada Stringer. Second Class.—G. A. Holmes, C. L. Gillies. Third Class.—M. Fowler, J. B. M'Bride, I. F. M'Kenzie. FACULTY OF LAW AND COMMERCE. 1 JURISPRUDENCE. Second Class.—Harold Erie Barrowclough, William Woods Bridgman. Third Class.—John Boyd Deaker, William Scott Robertson. , CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. First Class.—Harold Eric Barrowclough. _ Second Class. —John Boyd Deaker and William Scott Robertson (equal), William Woods Bridgman. ROMAN LAW. Third Class.—William Woods Bridgman. INTERNATIONAL LAW. Second Class.—G. R, Waiters, H. E. Barrowclough. Third .Class. W. W. Bridgman. CONFLICT OF LAWS. Second Class.—G. R. Walters, H. E. Barrowclough, Third Class.—W. W. Bridgman. TORTS-. Second Class.—A. S. Geddes, W. A. Harlow, J. M. Robertson and E. F. Rothwell (equal), E. T. Moody, G. V. Murdoch and K. G. Roy and G. R. Waiters (equal), G. H. Hodges, H. .C. Alloo, H. J. S. Grater and F. C. Morice and F. J. D. Rolfe (equal). Third Class—L. S. Adam, S. L. Gould, I. D. Jack, A. R. Wilson, R. T. Hodgson and W. O'Connor (equal), F. J. Hanron, G. W. Ferens, H. A. M'Donald, R. G. Stevens, CRIMINAL LAW. Seoond Class. —Geoffrey Ross Watters, Howard <Cecil Alloo, Kenneth Graham Roy, Edward T. Moody, Eric Francis Rothwell. Third Class. —George Victor Murdoch", Geo. Henry Hodges, lan Donaldson Jack, Leslie Simpson Adam, Francis Charles Morice, William Airthur Harlow, Frederick John Daniel Rolfe, Hector Alfred M'Donald and John M'Leod Robertson (equal), George Westland Ferens, Alfred Storer Geddes and R. T. Hodgson and William O'Connor and Robert George Stevens (equal). CONTRACTS. Second Class.—Oliver Arthur Burns Smith, lan Donaldson Jack, George Henry Hodges, Kenneth Graham Roy, William Arthur Harlow, George Victor Murdoch, Howard Cecil Alloo, Edward Tabruai Moody, Francis Chas. Morice.

Third Class.—P. R. K". Beckingsale, Clifford Frederick Jones, J. C. Plain, Frederick John Daniel Rolfe, Leslie Simpson Adam, Erio Francis Eothwell, Francis Joseph Hanron, R. T. Hodgson, Robert George Stevens. PROPERTY. Part I. First Class.—G-. R. Watters. Second* Class. —K. G. RoyThird Class. —G. V. Mxirdoch, C. F, Jones, F. C. Mo-rice, H. J. S. Grater, W. A. Harlow, G. H. Hodges, F. J. D. Rolfe, A. S. Geddes. A- R-_ Wilson, E. T. Moody, L. S - . Adam. PROPERTY. Part 11. Second) Class.—Henry Karo Emanuel, Geo. Innes M'Gregor, Basil Henry Blackwell Pinfold, George Tyrrell Baylee and Charles Eric Begg (equal). Third Class. —Eori Bruce Chisholm Murray. EVIDENCE. First Class.—Henry 'Ksto Emanuel. Second Glass. —Oliver Alfred Burns Smith, Charles Eric Begg, Clifford Frederick Jones. Third Class.—E. B. C. Murray, Basil Henry B. Pinfold.' ' ■' . . PROCEDURE.' First Class. —Charles Eric Begg, Henry K. EmanueL Second Class.. —George Y. Baylee, Basil H. B. Pinfold, E. B. C- Murray.' Third Class. —Henry James Selwyn Grater. CRIMINAL LAW. Sieoond Class.—Geoffrey Ross Watters, Howard Cecil Alloo, Kenneth Graham Roy, Edward. T. Moody, Eric Francis Rothwell. Third Class.—George Victor Murdoch, George Henry Hodges, Lin Donaldson Jack, Leslie Simpson Adam, Francis Charles Morice, William Arthur Harlow, Frederick John Daniel Rolfe, Hector Alfred M'Donald end John M'Lead Robertson (equal), George Westland Ferens, Alfred Storer Geddes K. T. Hodgson, Wm. O'Connor, Robert George Stevens (equal). ACCOUNTANCY LAW. v BANKRUPTCY. First Class.—E. W. J. Bowden, F. S. Arthur. Second Class. —F. H. Muixhead, J. K. M'Cahon, J. S. Park Third Class.—S. E. Crimp. . RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF TRUSTEE'S. First Class.—E. W. J. Bowden. Second Class.—F. H. Muirhead, E. S. Arthur, J. K. M'Cahon. MERCANTILE LAW IL First Class.—E. W. J. Bowdien. Second Class.—J. K. M'Cafcon. MERCANTLL-E LAW I. First Class.—D. G. Adam, E. R. Grace, S. 'P. . Cameron, J. Denford, A. R. Low, W. R. Brown, J. Wilson, J. H. A. WKaeiry, W. J. M. Grant. Second Class.—J. Edgiax, J. Spiro, R. T. Bradley, G. R. Couling, F. C. Scrivener, N. Brown, A. G. Douglas. Third Class-.—F. H. Mujrhead, J. G. Ritchie, W. A. Mitson, J. A. Evans, A. Bringans, R. Notmah, J. Cable, lit S. Abernethy, C. H. Kifchin, M. J. Thomson, J. A. Templeton. COMPANY LAW. First Class.—A. R Low, J. Spiro, S. P. Cameron, J. Denford. Second Class.—J. A. Templeton, D. G. Adam, E. R. Grace, N. Brown, J. A. Evans, J. Ed-gar, J. H. A. M'Keefry, ,G. R. Couling, W. A. Mitson, J. G. Ritchie, W. K. Brown, W. J. M. Girant, Third Class.—F. C. Scrivener, J. Cable, A. Bringans, W. E. Gregory, R H. Robert- ' eon,. M. J. Thomson, H. F. Browne, J. H. Steel, J. Wilson. BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTS. BUSINESS ORGANISATION AND METHOD. First Class.—Norman Brown, Howard W. Boddy, Arthur ' Robert Low. Second Class.—Frank Muirhead, John. Wilson, Robert Bradley, John Edgar, Wm. Edgar Gregory, John H. A- M'Keefry, Wm. R. Brown, Lindo S. Abernethy, James Drysdale, Gordon R. Couling, Joseph Spiro, Wm. John Milner Grant. Third Class.—Fred B. Brooks, Fred S. Arthur, John S. -Bark, Stuart Peter Cameron, Vincent Pledger, James A. Templeton, John Denford, Tui Isabel Mackenzie, James A. Evans, Edmund R. Grace, Fred Scrivener, Stanley Crimp, Ivan Tait, Alex. Bringans, Maurice Thomson, Harper White, Jas. Graeme Ritchie, Stephen Carey, AndrewLaurie, Leslie M'Dcnald, Donald Malloch, Richard Notnran, Robert H. Robertson. ADVANCED BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTS. Third Class.—William. A. Mitson, Leonard G. Tuck, John K. M'Cahon, Ernest Johnston, Edward Bowden, Charles Kitchin. AUDITING. Second Class.—John K. M'Cahon. Third Class.—Harper White, Ernest Johnston, Edward Bowden. ECONOMICS OF COMMERCE. Class I.—William Jolm Milner Grant, Joseph ■ Spiro, William Albert Mitßon. Class ll.—Douglas George Adam, Edmund Robert Grace, Frederick Charles Scrivener, Norman Brown, Frank Hugh Muirhead,

Stuart P. Cameron, James Andrew Evans, Lindo Stuart Abemethy, Gordon Richmond. Couling, John Deniord, Arthur Robert Low. Class lll.—Maurice James Thomson, John Wilson, Alexander Bringans, John Edgar, "William Richmond Brown, Richard Notman, Robert Henry Robertson. Chamber of Commerce Prize.—William John Milner Grant.


First Class.—R. H. Boyd, K. W. Miller. Second Class.—o. 0. Moller J. Fitzsimmons, A. E. Porritt, H. S. Wilkinson,-C. D. Meadowcroft and R. P. Roberts (equal), P. E. Smale, C. D. Read and R. S. Whiteside (equal), Miss C. M. Williamson. Third Class.—H. B. Lang© and R. B. Martin (equal), H. B. Berney and L. S. Davis and W. R. Fea and Miss E. Gilkison (equal), N. R. Cotton arid' W. R. C. Stowe and W. S. Pogg and Mass M. Fisher (equal),-CM. T. Hastings "and B. M. Johns and Ni. Waddle (equal), P. W. Stoddart, D. J. Brown and 0. E. North and L. H. Potaka and E. B. Watson and Miss C E. W. Anderson and Miss E. M. Morgan and Miss M. Torrance (equal), E, F. Fowler and' W. H. Hamilton and F. C. M. Short and Miss M. M. V. -Grater and Miss M. E. Brown and Miss.M. A. F. Reeve (equal),-M. H. Aiken and iv. V. Shaw and O. S. James (equal), 0. S. Hetherington and CL, Maloney and Miss S. M. D. Gmord and J. C. Forsyth (equal), P. C. Brunette and E. H. H. Taylor (equal), P. M. Dodds and K. E. M'Kinnon and C. A. Moore and S. H. Swift (equal), R. C. Bennington and I. C. Fraser (equal), Miss Z. T. Miles and T. H.. Thorp (equal), G. E. Fowler and E. G.-Sayers and'Miss M. M.'Aburn (equal), R. F. " Clare and S. Cotton arid J. A. Dale and M. S. Harris and L. E. Jordan and Miss .K. A. Ewing (equal), W. A. Wilson and G. H. Fahey (equal), K. H. Holdgate, R. H. Marendaz and Miss E. Langley and Miss I. M. Harrop (equal), A. T. Brunton and 0. ESawers and W. E. Williams (equal), R. O. Davidson. T. G. de C. Lowe. W. R. S. Eantin and F. G. Stockwell and Miss M. Douglas and J. D. Murdoch (equal), Miss H. H. Harle and H. R. Domigan (equal). .33grotat.—Miss D. -Grant. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. First Class.—J. Fitzsimmons, E. H. Boyd, K. W. Miller, C. D. Meadowcroft, Miss M. A. Champtaloup. ' Second Class—Miss S. M. D. Gifford, L. S Davis, A. E. Porritt, F. R. Smale, R. H. Howells, C. D. Read, H. B. Lange, W. S. Fo<rg and Miss C. M. Williamson (equal), G.°B. Campbell, W. H. Hamilton, and Miss E M. Morgan (equal), F. M. Dodds, Miss J. Mavfield, O. C. Moller, E. H. H. Taylor, H. "S. Wilkinson (equal)., R. S. Whiteside. Third Class.—R. B. Martin and W. A. Wilson (equal), P. C. Brunette, D. J. Brown, H. P. Gray, 0. S. James, K. E, M'Kinnon, J. A. Paterson, R. M. Rockel, E. G. Sayers (equal), H. B.Berney and Miss B. Langley (equal), Miss K. A. Ewing, Miss O. M.: Goldie, Miss -Z. T. Miles, and W. E. Mintv, and W. R. C. Stow© (equal), L. H. Potaka, B. C Birmingham and Miss P. Walmsley (equal), M.' Jl. Aiken, N. R. Cotton, and R. F. Roberts (equal), E. F. Fowler, R. V. Shaw, and Miss A. C. Rose (equal), Miss C. E. W. Anderson, Miss M. M. V. Grater, I. C. Fraser and C L. Maloney (equal), W. R. Fea and G. E. Fowler (equal), O. S. Hetherington and Miss D. Grant (equal), E. R. Harty arid B. M. Johns (equal), H. R. Domigan, T. 'W. Stoddart, and J. T. Noonan (equal), S. • Cotton, F. G. Stockwell, 0. E. Sawers., and Miss M. W. Rein (equal), W. E. Williams, C. E. North and T. H. Throp (equal), Miss M M; Aburn, S: H. Swift, ¥= C. Bridgman, A. T. Buxton, R. F. Clare, N Clarke, J. J. Crawshaw, T. G. d© 0. Lowe, C. A. Moore, F. C. M. Shortt (equal) PHYSICS. INTERMEDIATE TERMS. THEORY. First Class.—J. Fitzsimons, K. W. Millar, O. C. Moller, R. H. Boyd. Second Class.—H. B. Lange, H. S. Wilkinson, A. E. Porritt, R. S. Whiteside, D. R. Jennings, C. E. North, and R. V. Shaw (equal), C. W. Isaac, E. R. Harty, F. R. Smale, and W. R. C. Stow© (equal). Third Class.—J. A. Paterson, R. B. Martin and R. F. Robeits (equal), J. H. Dennehy, E. H. H. Taylor, T. H. Throp,' and Miss C. M. Williamson (equal), L. S. Davis, Miss E. M. Morgan, C. D. Read, and E. G. Sayers (equal), Miss M. Aburn, Miss K. A. Ewing, and C. M. T. Hastings (equal), F. M. Dodds, C. S. James, N. D. S. Menzies, and Miss F Walmsley (equal), W. E. Minty, Miss C. E. W. Anderson, W. R. Fea and W- S. Fogg, J. L. Moore (equal), H. ..B. Berry and B. M Jones (equal), H. R. Doinigan, K. E. M'Kinnon, and D. A. C. Will (equal), Miss B. A. Walker, S. Cotton, Miss H. E. Dougall, nad Miss "H. W. Harle, L. R. Hay-Chapman (equal), Miss S. M. D. Gifford, N. Waddle, and E.. B. Watson (equal), N. Clarke, J. K. Diavidson, and F. C. Shortt (equal), E. F. Fowler, C. F. Moloney (equal), L. P. Jordan, J. A. Dale, G. E. Fowler, and W. A. Wilson (equal), C. B. Gibberd, M. Kronfeld, and Miss E. Langley (equal), J. J. Crawshaw, K. H. Holdgate, and Miss I. M. Rabbidge (equal), R. P. Clare, O. S. Hetherington, J. D. Murdoch, M. H.- Reid, and F. G. Stockwell (equal), R. C. Bonnington, I. C. Fraser, and Miss H. F. JRudall (equal), M. H. Aiken, Miss M. E. Brown, "A. R. Evans., C A. Moore, L. H. Potaka, W. R. S. Rantin, R. D. M'Cully, and S.. W. Swift (equal). • PRACTICAL. First Class. —J. Fitzsimons, H. B. Lange, F. R. Smale. Second Class.—T. H. Throp,. H. S. Wilkinson, O. 0. Moller, R H. Boyd and W. E, C. Stow© (equal), K ■ W. Miller, R, D. M'Cully, C. S. James, J. L. Moore, and A. E. Porritt (equal), N. Waddle. Third Class.—Miss E, M. Morgan and R. S. Whiteside (equal), B. M. Johns and P. M. C. Shortt (equal), S. Cotton, H. R. Domigan and R. V. Shaw (equal), Miss M. Aburn and C. M.'-T. Hastings (equal), R. O. Bonnington and Miss H. H. Harle (equal), J. H. Dennehy and S. H. Swift (equal), H. B. Berney, Miss S. M. D. Gifford, K. E. M'Kinnon, and 0. E. North (equal), K. H. Holdgate, C. W. Isaao, L. H Potaka, and O. D. Read (equal), M. H. Aiken, L. S. Davis, E. G. Sayers, Miss E. Langley, and R. F. Roberts (equal), F. M. Dodds, W. S. Fogg, Miss B. A. Walker, and Miss C. M. Williamson (equal), Miss M. E. Collie, I. C. Fraser, F. G.~ Stockwell, and E. B. Watson (equal), W. R. Pea and T. W. Stoddart, W. E. Williams (equal), Miss M. E.< Brown and E. H. Taylor (equal), Miss C. E. W. Anderson and J. A. Dale (equal), N. Clarko and G. E. Eowler (equal), C. B. Gilberd, O. S. Hetherington, J. D. Murdoch, W. R. S. Rantin, and M. H. Reid (equal), Miss H. E. Dougall, O. L. Maloney, Miss 1. M. Rabbidge, Miss H. F. Rudall, T. E. Miller, and R. F. Clare (equal), C. A. Moore, J.. J. Crawshaw. BIOLOGY. First Class. —J. Fitzsimmons, R. H. Boyd and O. C. Moller (equal), A. E. Porritt, L. S. Davis, R. H. Howells. Second Class.—R. Bevan Brown, R. B. Martin, R. V. Shaw, W. R, C. • Stow©, jo..

Miller, F. R. kmale, '6. E. North, R. F. Roberts, A: 8,. Sturterant, I. H- Dennehy, E. F. Fowler, C. S. James, N. D. S. Menzies. R. M'K. Rockel, B. M. Johns', Effie M. Morgan, D. A. C. Will, K. E. M'Kinnon. Third Class.—H. P. Gray, J. A. Paterson, C- D. Read, J. J. Crawshaw, M. H. Aiken and J. A. Dale and H. B. Lang© (equal), N. R. Cotton, H. B, Berney, R. S. Whiteside, S. H. Swift and N. Waddle (equal), Catherine E. Anderson and F. C. M. Shortt (equal), C. W. Isaao and E. G. Sayers (equal), D. J. Brown and Hay Chapman (equal), Minnie Aburn and W. R. Fea (equal), R. F. Clare and G. E. Fowler and M. S. Harris (equal), Helen E. Dougall and C. A. Moor© and F. W. Stoddart and A. W. Wilkinson (equal), E. B. Watson arid W. A. Wilson (equal), Ella Langley, D. Bruc© and F. M. Dodds (equal), R. H. Marendaz, R. C. Bonnington and K. H. Holdgate (equal). PRACTICAL BIOLOGY. First Class.—Porritt, Stowe, Gray andl North (equal), Davis and Johns and Paterson (equal), Smale, Fitzsimmons and Rockel and E. P. Fowler (equal), Menzies and Sturterant (equal), Moller.. & Second Class.—Stoddart, Bevan *Brown and Lange" (equal), Dale and James (equal), Cotton, C. H. Moore, M'Kinnon, Aiken, R. rJ. Martin and K. Miller and Read (equal), Will,' Boyd andl Hay Chapman (equal), Shortt. Catherine Anderson and T. Miller and Waddle (equal), Bruce, M. Harris. Third Class.—Berney, Howells, Wilson, Potaka, Minnie Aburn and Sayers and Shaw (equal), G. E. Fowler and Hetherington and Marendaz (equal), Roberts, Ella Langley, Helen Dougall, Swift, Bonnington, Effie Morgan, D. J. Brown, Dennehy, Holdgate, Dodds, Isaac, Crawshaw, Fea, Clare, Wilkinson, Watson, Whiteside. FACULTY OF MINING. PHYSICS. (Theoretical.) First Class.—Nathaniel Malcolm. Third *Class.—Cecil R. Davis, Wolfram Hugh Thomas Gordon, John T. Samuel, "R. H. Wise. (Practical.) First Class.—Nathaniel Malcolm. Second Class.—Cecil R. Davis. Third Class.—Wolfram Penseler, John T. Samuel, Matthew D. Calvert, R. H. Wise. CHEMISTRY. (Theoretical.) First Class.—Cecil R. Davis. Second Class.—Wolfram Penseler. Third! Class.—John T. Samuel, Horace E. Fyfe, R. H. Wise, Lindsay S. Rogers, Frank L. Sanderson. (Practical.) First Class.—Cecy R. Davis. -Second Class.—Wolfram Penseler. Third Class.—John T. Samuel, Horace E. Fyfe, R. H. Wise, Lindsay S. Rogers, L. Sanderson. MATHEMATICS. First Class.—Cecil R. Davis. Second-Class. —John T. Samuel. MECHANICS. Second Class. —James Craig Leitch. Third Class.—Russell Calvert Scoular. PASS DEGREE GEOLOGY. ■ First Class. —Wolfram Penseler. Second Class.—Mary Isabel Robertson, Robin Sutcliffe' Allan, Vera Kate Harrison, George Morrisori Moir. Third Class.—John Thomas Samuel, Kenneth Charles Roberts, Cecil Reginald Davis, Prank Leonard Sanderson, Lindsay Sangster Rogers. ADVANCED GEOLOGY.. Second Class.—Henry Albert Ellis. MINERALOGY—FIRST COURSE. Third Class.—Goidon Henderson Pairinaid, Horace Edwin Fyfe. PETROLOGY—FIRST COURSE. First Class.—Wm. Edwin Aitchison. Second Class.—Walter Henry John Cropp. .Third Class.—Frederick Clifford Calvert, Russell Calvert Scoular. PETROLOGY—ADVANCED COURSE. Second Class. —Henry Albert Ellis. Third Class.—Robert Faulks Landreth. Eecommended for Ulrich Memorial Medal, Mineralogy and Petrology.—William Edwin Aitchison. MINING I. Second Class. —Dundas Samuel, Nathaniel Malcolm, Horace E. Fyfe. -' MINING GEOLOGY I. ■ First Class.—Nathaniel Malcolm.. ' k Second Class.—Horace E. Fyfe. SURVEYING I. • (Theory.) Second Class. —Nathaniel Malcolm, Horace E. Fyfe. ■ , - Third Class.—Leonard Victor Ellis. ■ "(Practical.) First Class.—Nathaniel Malcolm, Horace E. Fyfe. - ENGINEERING—CIVIL. First Class.—Dundas . Samuel, Nathaniel Malcolm. Second Class.—Horace E-. Fyfe. GRAPHIC STATICS. First Class.—Dundas Samuel, Nathaniel Malcolm, Horace E. Fyfe. V > ' MINING 11. (Development.) First Class. —William H. J. Cropp, William E. Aitchison, Fred Clifford Calvert. Second Class. —Eric Ed. Akers Leach, Gordon Henderson Fairmaid. (Drainage and Ventilation.) Second Class. —William H. J. Cropp, William E. Aitchison, Fred Clifford Calvert, Eric Ed. A. Leach, Gordon H. Fairmaid. APPLIED MECHANICS 11. First Class. —William E.. Aitchison. Second Class. —Fred C. Calvert, Robert Faulks Landreth, Hugh Thomas Gordon, Gordon Henderson Fairmaid. Third Class. —Elric Ed. Akers Leach. WORKSHOP PRACTICE. p as3 ,—Walter Henry Jas. Cropp, Leonard Victor Ellis, Dundas Samuel, Russell Calvert Scoular. DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. First Class. —James C. Leitch, John L. Samuel. Second Class.—Wolfram Penseler, Cecil R. Davis. Third Class.—Matthew D. Calvert, Lindsay S. Rogers, Frank L. Sanderson, William B. Watson,' MECHANICAL DEAWING I. Second Class. —Nathaniel Malcolm, Dundas Samuel. FREEHAND DEAWING. Second Class. —James C. Leitch. AMBULANCE, Certificate. —H. A. Ellis, Robert F. Landreth, Russell 0. Scoular. ORE-DRESSING.. * First Class.—W. E. Aitchison, F. O. Calvert. Second Class. —H. T. Gordon. Third Class.—E. E.. A. Leach, G. H. Fairmaid

METALLURGY. (First Course.) Second Class.—L\ Samuel, "W". E. Aitchison, P. C. Calvert, H. T. Gordon. Third Class.—E. E. A. Lead). ■ (Second Coursej First Class.—L. V. Ellis. Second Class.—R. C. Sooular. ' DETERMINATIVE MINING ANALYSIS. Second Class.—N. Malcolm, H. E. Fyfe. ASSAYING. (First Course—Theory.) Second Class. —R. F. Landreth, D. Samuel. Third Class.—W. E. Aitchison, F. C. Calvert, H. T. Gordon, E. E. A. Leach, G. H. Fairmaid. (Second Course.) Second Class.— Hl. C. Scoular, L. V. Ellis. MECHANICAL DRAWING, (Third Course.) Pass.—W. E. Aitchison, F. C. Calvert, G.

H. Fairmaid, H. T. Gordon. E. E. A. Leach, R. P. Landreth,. D. Samuel.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3477, 2 November 1920, Page 17

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UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO Otago Witness, Issue 3477, 2 November 1920, Page 17

UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO Otago Witness, Issue 3477, 2 November 1920, Page 17