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Saturday. Tho Medical Congress was opened on 'Monday evening,, when a large "Conversazione*" was given in tho Art Gallery by Dt Lindo Ferguson, Dean c-f the Medioal Faculty at Otago University. Dr and. Mrs Ferguson received at the entrance of th© Art Gallery, tho hostess being very becomingly attired in a handsome black dress heavily trimmed jet and relieved! with whit© ninon. Several speeches were given during the evening and some delightful music was listened to. A string band on the stage rendered many good selections. The hall was very prettily decorated with greeaiery, baskets of flowers and ferns .hanging from the ceiling. The water colour room, where supper was arranged, looked charming, ell the small tables being 'decorated with pink roses and carnations and asparagras fern. Some I noticed present were the Mayor and Miss Begg, Dr and: Mrs Whitton, Dr and Mis Young, Dr and Mrs Russell Ritchie, Dr and Mrs Zcebel, Dr and Mis Talbot, .Dr and Mrs Wilson, Lady Williams, Sir Robert .and Lady Stout, Mr and Mts J. Roberts, Dr Ulrich and Miss Ulrich. Dr Porritt, Dr and Mrs Sandston, Dr and Mrs Wylio. Dr and Mrs AVilson, Dr Elizabsth James, Dr Eleanor Baker, Dr and Mrs Paterscn, Dr and Mrs Moore, Dx and Mrs Faulkner, Dr Stanley Batchelor, Miss Batchelor, Dr and Mrs Parkes, Dr and Mrs Pottinger, Dr and Mrs Hardiei, !Dar and Mrs John Guthrie, Dr Harrison, Dr and' Mrs Hall, Dr Bathgafc, Dr and Mts MacDonald. Dr and Mrs Acland, Dr Merchant, Dr and Mrs J. G. MacDonald, Colonel Hunter, Dr and Mrs Hogg, Dr and Mrs Truby King, Dr and Mrs and Miss Lyon, Dr Hector, Bishop of Dunedin and Mrs Richards, Mr W. Ferguson, Dr Crooke, Dr Caldicutt. Dr Urwin, Dr and Mr 3 Bett, Dr and Mrs Barclay, Dr and Mrs Gowlan 1, Mr H. Gore, Dr and Mrs Foster, Dr and Mrs Gieson, Dr and Mrs' Elliott, Dr Irving, Dr and Mrs Burnett, Dr and Mrs Hewlands, Miss Allen, Mr and Mrs Acton Adams, Misses Williams, ■Mr and Mrs Sim, Mr and Mrs Femvick, Canon and Mrs Woodthorpe, etc.

On Monday evening Miss Daisy Kennedy gav© another of her delightful concerts in the Burns Hall, . and on Wednesday she. brought her season to a close. On Monday she was gowned in a powder blue eatm djrapod with blue nino<n, with a sirrah© colciired pattern at the back of the bodice, a draping of the ninon hung from the shoulders, and the bodice itself was entirely composed of silver embroidery and lace. On Wednesday evening Miss Kennedy looked charming in a one-piece frock gown com.•posad rof yellow brocaded slatf'n with a peculiar pattern of plumes and red storks, a deep sash was tied round the waist of blue with a large bow at the back, the sleeves and part of th© skirt was also blue. Miss Doenan wore a yellow silk gown covered with cream net embroidered with gold, and gold fringe edging the sleeves and skirt. Another night she was robed in black and gold, and bodice handsomely trimmed jet. Some present were Mr and Mrs K. Turnbull, Mrs C. Turnbull, Mr and Miss Cohen, Mrs Shand, Mr and 1 Mro Grinling, Dr Ben-

son, Mr and Mrs Sargood., Mieseß Sargood Mi and Mrs Oldham, Misses Farquhar, Min M. Dowling, Mrs G. Roberts, Mrs and Mia« Macassey, Misses Allen, Mr W. Ritchie, Mrs Jcek Ritchie, Miss Ritchie, Mise Ogston, Miss Mills, Mr and Mrs Edward Theomin, Miss Wilson, Miss Cutten, Miss G. Jackson, Mis« Ross, Mrs Missea "Watson, Mrs Black. At the close of title concert on "Wednesday evening Miss Kennedy was handed two beautiful bouquets.

On Tuesday evening the Hostess to the British Medical Association Conference held an evening at the Otago "Women's Club, when a most enjoyable time was speijT, eame pleasant musical items being listened to, after which tea and cakes were enjoyed.

On Tuesday .afternoon i Mrs StanleyBatchelor gave an afternoon at home at th« golf house, when a delightful time was spent, some of the visitors playing whilst others took part in putting competitions, etc. Tea wa« enjoyed in the Ladies' Club Room, where the tables looked very pretty, being decorated with pink godetias and prunis leaves. Some present were Dr and Mra Barnett, Dr and Mrs Marshall MacDonald, Mr and Mrs Oldham, Dr and Mts Elliott, Dr and Mrs W. Young, Mr and Mrs Jos. Hutchison, Dr and lifrs Guthrie, Dr and Mrs Martin, Dr and Mrs Duncan, Dr Gunn, Dt Eleanor Baker, D'r and Mrs "Wilson, Mesdames Mackay, C. Turnbull, E. Reynolds, Dodgshun. Riley, Rattray, Fenwick, G-, Ritchie, Moore, Parkos, J. Cook.

On "Wednesday morning the Morning Tea Party, which it had been arranged to hold! in the Woodhaugh. Gardens, was held afe the Otago Women's Club owing to th« weather being very uncertain.

On Tuesday morning a. motor drive waa given by a number of hostesses, when some of the visitors were conveyed to Brighton, where they had morning tea.

On Wednesday morning Mra A. A. Finch gave a morning tea party at the Kia-oxa Tea Rooms in honour of Mrs Ellis and iSk* Wilson, Wanganui.

On Wednesday afternoon Mrs Lindo Ferguson gave a large At Home at her residence, Anderson's Bay, in honour of the visitors who are in Dunedin at present. Owing to the inclemency of tho weather it had to bo mostly an inside party, which was a pity, as the beautiful garden was no* seen to advantage. Dr and Mrs Ferguson received their guests at the hall. The hostess was attired in a smart one-piece gown of shrimp pink brocaded crepe de chine, relieved at tho neck with cream, large white hat lined with black, and black feather cape. Most of the guests assembled in the ballroom for afternoon tea, it being arranged! 'v.-lith loungos iand thio .walls hung with drapery, whilst the te.a tables were very tastefully decorated with single heliotrope asters, sweet peas, and usparagrass fern. ■ During the afternoon a band played, end when It was fine, people took the opportunity of going into th<s garden. In the drawing room several o* the visitors gave pianoforte solos and some vocal items. Some I noticed present; were—Dr and Mrs Russell Ritchie, . Mr& Champtaloup, Dr and Mrs Newlands, j Mrs Riley,' Dr and Mrs Falconer, Dr and I Mis Wilson, Mrs Blade;, Dr and Miss Ulrich, Mrs Wa-t?on, Dr Stanley Batchelor, Dr and Mrs Acland, Dr and Mrs MacDonald. Dr and Mrs Riley, Mr and Mrs Rattray, Misses Rattray, Mrs Ritchie, Dr Gunn, De Baker, Dr and Mts Paterson, *Dr and Mrs Mis3 Grab am, Miss Sise, Mies Batchelor, Miss Webster, Miss Henry, Dr and Mrs Elliott, Dr and Mrs Parkes, Dv and Mrs M'Kellar, Dr Bathgate, Miss M'Hwraith, Miss Chaftey, Miss C. Graham, Mrs J. G. MacDonald. Mr and Mrs Aufrero Fenwick, Mr and Mro H. S. Fenwick, Dr and Mr» Moore, Dr and Mrs Gowland, Dr and Mrs Foster, Dr and Mrs Bett, Dr and Mrs Crawford, Dr Crooke, Mr H. Gore, Dr - Hector. Mr T. Hunter, Dr Irving, Dr and Mrs ' King, Mrs W. A. Moore. Mrs Stock. Mrs Acton Adams, Mrs Black, Miss Ritchie, Mrs Edmond, Mr and Mrs Spencer Brent* f. Mr and Mrs Vincent King, Mrs Bridgeman, Miss Bridgeman, Mrs Barman Reeves, Mr and Mrs Eustace Macaesey, Dr and Mrs Whitton, Dr and Mrs Zobel, Mrs Cook, Mra Halsted, Mrs Theomin, Miss Theorain, Mra Cheeseman. . . -

On Thursday evening Dr and Mrs Linda Ferguson gave a dinner party to a number of the visiting doctors andl their wives at their residence, Anderson's Bay. The tabs* •was beautifully decorated with deep * pink sweet peas. Mrs Ferguson wore a beautiful rose pink satin gown relieved with white.

During the week several bridge parties were given. On "Wednesday, Mrs- Riley, Pitt street, entertained several guests, and Mr« Frank Fitchett also invited a number of the visitors to bridge.

On Friday evening Mrs MacKellarj Pit* street, entertained several of the visiting doctors' wives at dinner, also dinner pcrtiea were given by Mrs O'Neill, High street; Mr« KStsy, {Pitt street | after which all the guests adjourned to a delightful "At Home£ given by the hostesses of the Medical Branca Conference at the Otago Women's Club.

A delightful motor picnio took place at Evansdale Gorge on Thursday, when about 40 motor cars left town for the fostivo scena. Dr and Jira Barnett were the hostwi&ds on this occasion, and a most delicious tea had been arranged in the echool house, where the table was daintily arranged with carnations. Numbers of the visitors enjoyed roaming up the gorge, which ' was much admired. Although the sun did not shine as it might have done, still a very pleasant day was spent.

I On Thursday evening: a largo conjoin* I dinner party wtio given to the medical j visitors, the heat 'and hostesses on this I occasion being Dr and Mrs Marshall Mao- | Donald, Dr and Mrs E. Bitchie, Dr and Mn» F. Fitchett, Dr and Mrs S. Batchelor.

! On Wednesday evening Mrs Marshall , MacDonald gave a most enjoyable bridge | party at her residence, High. street. Mrs ' MacDonald-received her gue3ta in the drawj ing room, and woa-e a, charming pale pink ! gown relieved with cream ninon, find trimmed beads. Supper was partaken of in_ the dining room, where the table was daintily arranged with pale pink sweet peas and gypsophlia. On Saturday afternoon. Mrs K. Sise entertained a number of guests at bridsre at her residence, Kaituna, the guest of honour being Mrs Ellis (Australia.).

On Friday afternoon Mr and Mrs Sargoodl

sav.a a large "At home" at tiheir residence, Marinoto, when a great number of visitors w«o present. Mr and Mrs Sargood received their guests in' the hall, which looked beaii■jlful with its many loveily flowers arranged In masses everywhere, and the drawing room Boomed quite a bower of pink rambling roses. A band w&9 stationed •upstairs, which played tJeUghtfiiiiv all afternoon, and many of the ffonu w>7itloi oathralled by the exquisite sannfo, da.tio*d fox trots, etc. The whole of th» A?jiin,u room and billiard room were •rvnugeci ts«r afternoon tea, the tables lookIkk k»v«»ly with vases of pale pink sweet Jx*a« '.tnd raaidenhair form Mrs Sargood was . attired in a soft mole georgette irfth panels handsomely edged with nutbroura pan velvet, very becoming iaige brown velvet hat; Miiw Sargood, a striking robe of emerald preen georgette edged with beads, Emaa-t bright-green hat to match; Miss H. Bargood, dainty rob© of a soft shade of pale pink ninon and crepo de chine, with large black kvoe bat with a touch of pink. Some present were I«?dy Sinclair, Lady Williams, l»ady Stout, Lady Allen, Dr and Mrs Young, ■Dr and Mrs Wilson, Br Elizabeth Gunn, Dt and Mrs Aeland, Dr and Mrs Talbot, Dr Bathgate, Dr Raker, Dr, Dr Siedeberg, Dr and Mrs Kitchie, Da: S. Batchelor, Mr and Mrs Moore, Mrs Vallange, Mr and Mrs Sawell, Mrs J. Roberts, Mrs L. Wilson, Mr G. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs J. Ritchie, MiDavid Mills, Dr and Mrs Sorbel, Dr and Mrs Whitton, Mr. and Miss Begg, Mr and Mrs Cheeseman, Dr and Mrs Parkes, Dr and Mrs Ferguson, Mr and Mrs Dunlop, Mrs Ellis, Mr and Mrs Finch, Mr and Mib M'lntcoh, Mrs J. M. Ritchie, Mrs Jock Ritchie, Dr and Mrs Barnett, Dr and Mrs Fulton, Dr Benham, Mrs Leech, Mr 3 Sare, Mr and Mrs Armstrong, Mr and Mrs Sidey, Dr and Mrs Elliot, Dr and Mrs MacDonald, Mr and Mrs Femvick, Dr Marchant, Dr and Mts King, Dr and Miss Galdicutt, Dr and Mrs Moore, Dr and Mrs Fleming, Dr and Mrs Finlay, Dr and Mrs Hogg, Colonel Hunter, Dr and Mrs Hall, Dr and Mrs Hard'ie, Dr and Mrs Faulkner, Mr and Mll3 Lyon, Mesdames Mooassey, rToti, Cowper, GaJlaway, Halsted, Theomin, Boss," Ansley. gabeorts, Hutchison, Moore, M'Lean, Dr and rs> Gowland, Mr and Mrs E. Theomin, Mrs Wallis, Misses Laing, Lav/, Wilson, Theomin, Bitchie, Ulrich, Williams, Allen, Barron, Hai-t, JNoiil, Bvtu. Rattray, Gbees«>man, Dowling, Farquharson. Gallaway, Laidlaw, M'lntosb, Stock, Messrs Sinclair, Wright, Dawson, Monro, Richardson, Ritchie, Sise, eto.

On Friday evening another "Evening at

home" was given in the Otago Women's Club, whon a very pleasant evening' was spent. The tjiib rooms looked pretty, all tastefully decorated with a variety of flowers. During the evening a very nice musical programme \vp3 listened to, «omo excellent items being 1 given. Ten., coffee, and cakes were handed round during the- evening. • The cardroom was open, where many of the visitors took the opportunity of a game of bridge. At the close of the evening l Mrs Parkes • (Auckland) thanked the Dunedin people for the excellent reception they had given them. Some I noticed present were Dra Bathgate, Gimn, Sands, Hyatt, Bennett, Paterson, Baker, Siedeberg, Mtesdamea Newlands, MacDonald, Finlay, M'Kellar, O'Neill, Jtiley, Statham, R. Ritchie, Malcolm, Moore, Fitchett, Wilson, Oldham, Parkes, Elliott, Talbot, J. MacDonald, Gulhrie, Duncan, Hutchison, Barr, Misses Ban-on, Theomin, Farquhar, Reynolds, Batohelor, Holland, Foster, Hart, Browning, Wilson, etc.

On Friday evening a number of the doctors belonging to the Fernhill Club entertained the visitisg dootors at a large and most successful dinner party.

On Saturday morning there was quite a crowd at the railway station, when nearly all the visiting medical men departed north and south. The medical congress; seema to have been a most satisfactory one, both intellectually and socially. Some interesting papers were read, and many demonstrations of a sciostifio nature witnessed.

Dunedin has also had the engineers' .conference here this week, and now we are all looking forward to the Band Contest, which begins on Monday.

Mrs Weigall (Sydney) is- the guest of Mr and Mrs G. Sise, Queen street.

Mrs A. Boberis (Wellington), accompanied by Miss Eulalie Roberts, returned north on Tuesday.

Miss Chaffey, who has been the guest of Mies Webster, Heriot row, returned to Canterbury on Thursday.

Mr and Mrs G. Graham are the guests of Mrs C. C. Graham, Heriot row.

Dr Ulrich returned to on Thursday after having spent a few days with Mrs Ulrich, Cumberland street.

Mrs Wilford, who has been the guest of Lady M'Lean, Elder street, returned to Wellington on Saturday.

Dr Harper and Miss Wark, who have been the guests of Klra Nisbet during their stay here, left for the north on Friday.

Miss Williams and Mir.:- Francis Rattray left on Wednesday to attend the Red Cross conference, which took place in Christckurch this week.

Mr J. Black, accompanied by his sister, Miss Black (England), arrived from Auckland at the end of the week.

Dr Hector, who was the guest of Dx Fitchett,' Pitt street, returned to Wellington at the end of the week.

Mrs Howard Jackson and Miss Dorothy Jackson havo returned to Dunedin from Stewart Island.

Sister Hana-n and Miss Dorothy Young have been spending the week-end with Mrs Hislop at Brighton.

Mr F. Townloy Little, who has been invalided in Auckland for nearly three months, hoa just returned to Dunedin,

INVERCARGHjL, February 27.

Miss Thomson and Miss I. Thomson motored to Christchurch this week. Miss Thomson- will be leaving l for England shortly. Several farewell teas were given in honour of the Misse3 Thomson before their departure.

There have also been a number of teas, parties, and dances this week for the Misses Seamon, who are leaving for their new homo in Wellington. .On Wednesday night a very enjoyable little dance was given in Ashley's Kail in honour of the Misses Seamon. Mesdiames D- Morton, Loughnan, and Smith acted as chaperones. Amongst others present were Misses Seamon (2), Logan, D. Smith, Wylie, Bews (2), Guthrie (2), Hazlett, Morrah, Hawley, Strettell, Snow, Macpherson, Dr G. Applegate, Misses Hogg, Ham, Mao alister, Stout, Berndstone, Scott, Carswell, Mehiaffey, Brodie, Dr White, Dr Salmond, Messrs Mehaffey, Dundas, Royds, Morton, Hazlett, Wright, Gilmou'r, Smith Broughton, Williams, Irvin, Morrah, Far nail, Maoalister, Fowler, and Keddell. • . On Monday night a. very enjoyable surprise dance was arranged to go to Mrs Hazlett's. Some of those present were Misse3 Prain, Hunt, Seamon,. Hogg, Morrah, Hazlett, Guthrie, Smith, Messrs Dundas, Royds, Wright, Prain, Morrah, Haalett, and Guthrie.

Mies Crofts gave a farewell evening to the Misses Seamon on Thursday night at the Music Studio, street. Some of her guests were Mrs Hogg, Mrs Roe, Misses Tucker, Seamon (2), Hogg, Mehaffey, Campbell, St. George, Prain, D. Smith, Galbraith, Logan, and Greig. • ,

Mrs Seamon gave an afternoon tea last week to say good-bye to soin© of her fiends.

Miss Hunt had a very enjoyable pioture party on Saturday night. Miss Murphy is the guest of Miss Stobo, Waikiwi.

Mis Wade has returned from her holiday at Queonstown. Miss Guthrie has returned to Invercargill after some years spent in England. Mrs H. Macandrew has been staying with Mrs B. Haggitt, Forth end, Mr and Mrs R. J. Gilmcnr are spending a holiday in the north. Mr S. Watson, who was here on k a short visit, has to Gisborne. Mrs Struan Gardner (Lillburn) was in town during' the week. Dx and Mrs Pottinger have gone to Dunedin.

Miss Campbell returned from a short visit to Christchurch last week.

Dr A. M'Caw and Mrs -M'Caw have gone to Ihmedin for a few days. Dx and Mrs Ewart have also gone to Dunedin.

Sir Joseph and Lady Ward paid a short visit to Winton, and have since left for the north on their way to Australia. Miss G. Tucker is spending a holiday in Dunedin. Mrs T. F. Macdonald has returned from Qu&enstown.

Mrs Oldham (Wanganui) is visiting- her sister Miss MacGillivray, Forth street. Last week the members of the Invercargill Croquet Club entertained Mx3 Benzoni, who is leaving for Wanganui, at an afternoon tea at the croquet lawns. On behalf of the club Mrs A. M. Macdonald presented Mrs Benzoni with a gold brooch as a token of their regard for her. Some others present were Mrs R. F. Cuthbertson, Mr® Ewart, Mliss Ewart, Mrs T. M. Macdonald, Mrs T. D. Pearee, Mrs P. B. Macdonald, Mr 3 Robinson, Mrs Scandrett, Mrs J. L. Watson, Mrs Noble-Campbell, Mrs Hirst, and Mrs Jennings.

OAMARU, February 27.

On Tuesday afternoorE" Dickson gave an exhibition cf flying" in Major Orbell's paddcck, and was greeted by. a large and enthusiastic audience, a large number of people availing themselves of the opportunity to make a trip in the aeroplane. The Horticultural Society held their Autumn Show in the Drill Hall on Thursday. There were a larger number of exhibits than at ihe previous Show, also an increase in the number of entries in the decorative classes.

A tennis match was played between the Oamaru A team find Meadowbank on Thursday, the result being' a win for Oamaru. The same afternoon Oamaru B team played the Hill Club, the latter winning the match. Dr and Mr» Whitton motored to Dunadin at the beginning of the week. Dr Orbell ailso went down to be present at the Medical Conference in Dunedin.

Mr J. M. Bulleid is at present in Dunedin.

Miss Bobinson has returned from Hampden.

TIMABU, February 28. Mrs D. G. Mathesc-n (Fernside) is staying with Mrs Matheson, Tighnafeile. Mr and Mrs H. Beid (Mornington) are stayin? with Mrs Howden, Park lane.

Mis? A. Strachey (Christehureh) spent the week-end at the Hydro. Lady Bodwell, who has been staying at the Hydro, returned this week 1o Fiji. Mr and Mrs M. Galloway (Wellington) are the guests of Mrs F. Baymond. Mr and Mrs E. G. Kerr (Nelson terrace) have returned from Wellington. The Misses Stronach (Oamaru) are the guests of Mrs Stronaoh (Beverley road). Mr and! Mrs A. Grant (Aigantighe) are staying 1 at Akaroa,

Mrs Spencer Wwtmacott is staying with Mrs Westmaoott, Nile street. Mr and Mrs Dtrammond (Wairoa) are the guests of Mrs Thompson, Bidwill 3treet.

CHRISTCHURCH, February 27. Their Excellencies the Governor-General and Lady Liverpool entertained a number of friends at & garden party at Elmwood on Saturday afternoon. The weather was perfect, and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent by the guests in wandering round the beautiful gardens or watching' the tennis tournament which vr?o in progress. During the afternoon their Excellencies were presented with ft beautiful 1 silver rose-bowl by the tennis players as a remembrance when far away of the several delightful tennis tournaments their Excellencies have given at Elmwood. I/ater tea was dispensed from a mnraueo on one of the lawns. Those present included the Mayor and Mayoress (Dr and Mrs Thacker), Sir Heaton and Lady Rhodes, Mr and Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes, Lady Ward, Mr and Mrs Gr.' E. Khodes, Miss Shona Rhodes, Hon, H. F. Wigram and Mil* Wigrarn, Colonel, Mts, and Miss Foljambe, Archdeacon and Mrs Haggitt, Lioutenanteommander Bourke and Mrs Bouxke, Colonel Young, Mr and Mrs Sj'dney Williamson (Auckland), Major and Mrs .'Norton Francis, Colonel Chaffey, Mr and Mrs B. B. Wood, Mr and, Mm H. Cotterill, Mr and Mrs R. Macdonald, . Mrs Boyle, Mr and Mrs T. Gibson. Mr and Mrs M. Bothell (Palm Pastures), Mrs C. Dalgety, Major and Mrs Hawkes, Mrs G-eorge Gould, Miss Hester Gould, Mr and Mrs H. Wood, Misses Moore (2), Anderson (2), N. Rich, T. Beowiok, Humphries, Cracroft Wilson (2), S. Johnson, M. Macdonald, E. Helmoro, R. Gibson, Dorothy Bowden, P. Boyle, B. Cotterill, Messrs Atkinson, Humphries, Wilding, Robinson, Gould, Millton., Helmore, Denniston, Cotterill. Mr and Mrs 0". R. Oowper are

visiting Christchurch and staying at War" ner's.

Dr and Mrs Acland are visiting Dunedin, Major and Mrs Bond (Claremont) were in town during the week. Mr and Mrs Cyril Ward and Mrs Barnard Wood have returned from a trip down south with Sir Joseph and Lady Ward. The finals of tennis tournament at Elmwood were played off on Monday afternoon, the winners being Miss Dorothy Aderson and Mr A. Humphries first, and Miss Hope Wood and Mr D. Gould second.

An -interesting wedding took place at St. Mary's Church, Merrivale, on Wednesday, when Mr Cyril Alexander Stringer, son of Mr and Mrs Justice Stringer, was married to Miss Eilleen Green, daughter of Mrs J. F. Green and the late Mr J. F. Green, of Christchurch. Archdeacon Haggitt performed the ceremony, and the church, which had been beautifully decorated by girl friends of the bride, was crowded with guests and spectators. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr Maurice Louisson (Auckland), wore a dainty bridal gown of soft satin and silk tulle delicately embroidered in silver. A long train of tulle glistening with silver embroideries hung from the shoulders; the veil was also cjf tulle, attached by a circlet of orange blossoms. Two tiny cildren— Patty Conierford and George Louisson—attended the bride and held up her long train, the former in a sweet little frilly lace frock over a pale pink foundation, and the latter wearing a white satin suit. Mr Frank Wilding acted as best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's mother in Colombo street, where the rooms were beautifully decorated with white tulle and pink and white flowers. The wedding breakfast was served in a large marques on the lawn. The guests included Dr and Mrs Bruce Stringer (Auckland), Dr and Mrs Maurice Louisson, and Mr and Mrs Charles Louisson (Pailmerston North), Mr and Mrs J. Williams, Mr and Mrs N. Myers, Mr and Mrs Harry Macdonald, Mr and Mrs Maurice Gresson, Mr and Mrs H. Gotterill, Mr and Mrs S. Gordon, Mtr and Mrs L. Comerford, Mrs M'Bride, Mr and Mrs T. G. Russel, LV and Mrs Sandston, Mr and Mrs Merton, Captain and Mrs Wheeler, Mr and Mrs Flowers, Mr and Mrs Sloman, Mr and Mrs Hamilton, Mr and Mrs F. Trent, and many others. Later Mr and Mrs Cyril Stringer left on tbeir wedding trip, the bride wearing a smart navy-blue striped silk jersey frock and a small hat trimmed with blue ostrich plumes. The Canterbury Women's Club entertained its patroness, the Countess of Liverpool, at a farewell "At home" on Wednesday afternoon. Lady Denniston received her Excellency, and made a short speech, welcoming her to the club, and expressing sorrow at her impending departure, to which Lady Liverpool replied, saying that she would always treasure the remembrance of the many happy hours spent at the club. A delightful musJtal programme was arranged by Mrs Burnes-Loughnan, those who contributed items being Mrs Gower-Burns, Miss Paula Scherek, Miss Agnes Lawlor., Miss Vera Mitchell, and Miss Eileen LascoUeo. Among those present were *Mrs Thacker (the Mayoress), Lady Boys, Mrs Andrew Anderson, Mrs Gray (Wellington), Mrs Newburgh, Mrs H. Holland, Mrs Ridgen, Mrs CliftonBingham, Mrs Palmer, Mrs D. Wood, Mrs Toswill, Mrs Orchard, Mrs A. Burn3,' Mrs Bridge, Mrs Bloxam, Mrs Kendall, Mrs Speight, Mrs Ratcliffe, and others.

Mr and Mrs Justice Stringer came to Christohurch to be present at the wedding of their son, Mt Cyril Stringer, to Miss Eilleen Green, and are staying at Warner's. Captain and Mrs Gray (Weillington) are staying,at the United Service. Mr and Mr 3 J. Hall and Miss Sutter (Sydney) have returned- from a visit to Hanmer Springs. • Mrs Martin and Miss Mavis Martin CMaxtinborough) are visiting Christohurch. Major and Mrs Bond (Claremont) were in town during the week. Sir Robert and Lady Stout are visiting Clu-istchurch.

: Mr and Mrs .A. M'Master have gone to their new home at B'roomfield, Amberley.

BLENHEIM, February 26. Mesdames Andrew and Bastings provided and dispensed a dainty afternoon tea at the Marlborough Lawn Tennis Court last Saturday afternoon, when there was a good attendance. Some of those present were Mrs Wiffen (2), Mrs Budd, Mrs Bagge, Mrs White, Mrs Mowat, Mrs Belling,' Mrs Fraser-Tytler, Mrs Young, ..Maw Scott-Smith, Mrs Beid, Misses Mead, Williams, Lightfoot, Neville (3), Pigou (2)j Penney, Mowat (2), Bayly, Urquhart, M'Lachlan, DeOastro, Mei33rs Bell, Wiffen, Beid, Thompson, Bagge, Griffiths, DeCastro, Baillie, Jameson, etc. A small, but enjoyable, impromptu dance was held in the Orange Hall on Saturday evening.. Supper was provided by the ladies present, and the floor was in good order for dancing. Some of those there were Mrs Bevell, Mrs Clouston, Mrs Mason, Mrs Lightfoot, Misses Mead (2), Williams, Clouston, Bevell, DeCastro, Wolferstan, Barnett, Pigou, Townshend, Mowat, Bayly, K. Bobertson, Davies (2), Messrs Bevell, M'Callum (4), Jameson, Baillie, Pari?', Grace, Pigou, Bobinson, Dr Adams, etc. Miss I. Coull left last week for Wellington.

Dr and Mrs Hill (Picton) were in town during the week. Mrs WatTdy (Palmerston Ntarth) is visiting Mrs Griffiths in Maxwell road. Sirs Balfour-Kennear (Hawke's Bay) is visiting Mr and Mrs Burden, in High street. Misses Cheaseman (2) have been visiting their sister Mrs Belling in Maxwell road. -

Mrs G. Green, who has been visiting Mrs Neville at Thurston, has returned to Nelson. Mr and Mrs C. Mills have returned from a short visit to the Sounds.

Mrs Bennett has returned from New Plymouth.

Miss Pigou lira returned from Wellington. Mrs R. ~E*id has returned from a visit to Wellington.

GREYMOTJTH, February 25. Mr "*wid Mrs Reg. Smith are at present on a visit to Greymouth. Miss K. Dennehy (Timaru) and Miss Morrison (Darfield), who have been on a visit to Greymouth, returned home on Tuesday morning. M'ra Law© and her son Jack, who have been on a holiday in the North Island, will return by the express on Tuesday evening. The many friends of Mks Truscott will bo pleased to learn that she is sufficiently recovered from an attack of influenza to bo able to be out of bed for a few hours daily. Miss B. Cornwall and Miss M Hopkins, formerly of the staff of the Grey District High School, left on Tuesday morning for Christchurch, where they will enter the training college. Yesterday afternoon a huge number of Hady friends of Mrs H. Hart! and assembled at the residenoe of Mrs W. C. Thomas for the purpose of bidding her farewell prior to her departure for Wanganui. During the afternoon the visitors played bridge, Mrs P. Hambleton being the prize-winner. Mra W. Thomas, on behalf of the ladies, presented Mra Hartland with a pearl and amethyst pendant" and chain. Mrs Hartland suitably replied, and the singing of "For she's a jolly goodi fellow" concluded a very pleasant afternoon;.

On Monday and Tuesday the "Diggers"

paid us a return visit, and played to overflowing houses. WELLINGTON, February 27. The marriage took place at the Kelbura Presbyterian Church on Wednesday of Miss Lynette Mackenzie, daughter of Mr and Mrs James Mackenzie, of Karori, to ' Captain Edwin E. Wells, son of Mrs Wells, of Christchurch. The Rev. James Pater Eon, an old friend of the family, performed the'cereruony, and the church had been charmingly decorated for the occasion. The bride wore a frock of white georgette draped over silver lace with a Limerick lace veil that had been worn by many brides, fastened with silver leaves. Her bouquet was of white roses and carnations. The chief bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Mackenzie, .wore a frock of powder blue silk patterned with roses and a large black hat trimmed with tulle and an osprey. She carried a bouquet of pink and crimson "roses to match those on her frock. Two little girls, Joan Mackenzie and Dawn ,Gower, were also in attendance upon the bride, and they wore frocks of pale pink organdine muslin, frilled to the waist with pink mob caps finished with bows'. They carried baskets wreathed with Dorothy Perkins roses. Captain C. Wells attended his brother as best man. Both bride and bridesmaid were military nurses and had served in Walton-on-Thames Hospital. After the wedding, a largelyattended reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents. Very beautiful flowers were massed in the different rooms and the table in, the dining room where the breakfast was set was arranged with rcses and gypsophilla*. Mrs Mackenzie, ;the bride's mother, wore mature crepe de- chine with embroideries in a deeper shade, and a black and mauve toque: Miss Joan Mackenzie was in a frock of apricot glace silk with waistbelt of silver tissue, and Miss Sheila Mackenzie wore shell pink taffetas trimmed With lace. Mrs Wells, the bridegroom's mother, wore a grey coat and skirt and hat with touches of blue. The Misses Wells, sisters of the bridegroom, were also among those who were present, and serveral nurses from the hospital. From present indications, Wellington is going to be very gay this winter, and among the different forms of entertainment that are looming ahead is a "club carbaret," which is being looked forward to with an immense amount of interest by young people. Mr Theo Tresize has the matter in hand, and as he has a reputation as an excellent manager of entertainments, the Carbaret ( should go well. It is to be open from Tuesday to Saturday nights (inclusive) in the Goring Street Hall, which is now being renovated and transformed into a most artistic venue for such a form of entertainment. A band will be in attendance and supper will be procurable every evening. Several well-known Wellington ladies have promised their icfoaperonag.n, and /the whole affair promises to be extremely popular. Only club members of course will be admitted. The wedding took place in St. Paul's ProCathedral on Wednesday of Miss Gladys Alfreda Smith, second daughter of Mr Alfred Smith, manager of the Wellington branch of the Bank of New Zealand, to Mr Archibald James Hawke, son of the Hon. A. F. Hawke, M.L.C., and Mrs Hawke, of Invercargill. The Ven-Archdeacon Johnson performed the ceremony. The bride wore a very pretty frock of white crepe de chine and georgette over pale pink, the train also being lined with the pink. Sprays of orange blossom fastened the tulle veil to her head and she carried a bouquet of white and pink roses and carnations. Miss Enid 'Smith attended her, sister as bridesmaid and wore a frock of maize coloured georgette made with an accordion pleated skirt and a black velvet hat trimmed with touches of maize , and pink.. She carried' a bouquet of mauve •asters fastened with long streamers to match. Mr Eobert Hawke attended his brother as best man. Mrs Smith wore a gojwn of black crepe de chine with a black toque trimmed with touches of gold and heliotrope, and she carried a bouquet of mauve flowers.. Mrs Hawke was in black georgette oyer dull blue with a black hat trimmed with blue and pink. Her bouquet was of pink and mauve flowers. Miss Hawke was in pink with a black hat, and Miss S; Hawke wore white crepe de chine with a black picture hat.; After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs Smith, in Hobson street, attended principally, by. relatives. The bride travelled in a nigger brown coat and; skirt and a hat- to match trimmed with green, fawn and pink. A very pleasant gathering was held at the residence of Mrs Preston, lady superintendent of the St. John Ambulance • Brigade Overseas, at her residence at Newton early in the week, the guests, being those who had been associated with her in Red Cross work during the past years of warfare. After tea had been handed around, Mrs Preston gave a brief history of the Society's activities. It was impossible to give exact figures, aa in the early rush of .. the work much had been done and much sent out that had been taken no definite account of. According to the totals, they had in hand, 357,013 garments had been sent away to the different theatres of war (exclusive of ewabs, bandages, face cloths, etc.). Foods to the value of £BIO 12s lOd had also been sent away witb •sundries totalling £309- 13s. In addition, 1398 cases valued at £20,460 and 504 bales valued at £5463 12s had been sent away, totalling in all a value of £25,923 12s. The Society bad also provided 102 kit-bags—-each kit-bag being valued at £3 —whi>h were for the use of returning men. An amount of £lll9 6s 5d had been forwarded to London Headquarters, and in goods and money the financial vahie of the Society's operations totalled roughly £27,096 lis sd. There was now a sum in hand of £3600, and by the time everything was gathered l ' in it would be very nearly £4OOO. This, Mrs Preston proposed, should be handed over to the National War Funds Council to be used for permanently ' disabled men. As the gathering -was m full agreement with Mrs Preston's suggestion, and all the branches had given their consent, this proposal will be acted upon. AUCKLAND, February 26. Preparations are already being made in anticipation of the visit of the Prince of Wales to Auckland, chief amongst which ia the race meeting to be held at Ellenslie. A programme of six events, carrying prize money totalling £4OOO, has been drawn up for the purpose. An aerial mail service between Aucklanl and the Thames is now an accomplished fact, arrangements for the same having been mode by the proprietors of the New Zealand Flying School at Kohimaramara with the Postal Department. The service will be run two or three times a week The Auckland Diocese gave a. farewell social in honour of Bishop Averill and Mrs

Averill, who, -with their daughter, are leaving on a short visit to England. The gathering wa,3 he-Id in St. Mary's Parish Hall, Parnell, which proved too small for the large number present. Archdeacon Mac Murray presided. During the evening Mrs Averill was presented with a (sued© travellingcushion, and Bishop Averill with a substantial cheque to meet part of his travelling expenses. Mrs C. F. Buddie has given a tea party to introduce her daughter-in-law, Mrs Carl Buddie, who has recently arrived from England. Some of those present wear© Lady Lockhart, Mrs Edward Russell, Mrs Ntorman Mackintosh, Mrs Singer, Mrs Bentley, Mrs Mackay, Miss' Margie Tole, Mrs Sidney Thome George, and Mrs E. Anderson. The hostess was wearing navy blue charmeuse with grey silk embroideries; Miss Una. Buddie, a charming cream frock; and Mrs Carl Buddie, .navy, blue georgette with touches of coral pink. Mr and Mrs Herbert Marshall, who have many friends in Auckland, are, with their young family, shortly leaving for Timaru, where they will reside permanently. Commander B. L. Hewitt, R.N.,. and Mrs Hewitt (who was Mis.? Roie Nathan, of Auckland) and their little daughter are due in "Wellington next month by the Athenic, and are to remain in the Dominion for an indefinite period.

His Majesty's Theatre is at present occupied by Williamson's Grand Opera C< mpany, which has already toured the South Island. The company is drawing 'crowded-.houses each performance. Miss Madge Overton Smith, who is leaving by the Ruapehu .next week for London, whero she is to be married, has been the guest of honour at several tea parties. Mrs Brender and Miss D. Pavitt were two of the hostesses. Miss Una Buddie is another passenger leaving by the Ruapehu next week for London. . 43T Descriptions of balk, &0., must be endorsed by either the Witness correspondent for the district or. by the secretary of the ball committee. The MS. oi any correspondents who do not comply with this rule will be sent to the secretary fo' ißudorst-meat prior to appearing. WEDDING AT TOKOMARU BAY. A very pretty wedding indeed was celebrated at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Tokomaru Bay, on the 11th February, when Miss Ngaire Kathleen Blomfield, youngest daughter_ of Mr Nevill Blomfield, of the Tokomaxu Bay Pharmacy, and Mrs Blomfield, was married to Mr Robert James Mac Donnell, farmer, of Taihape. The Rev. J. Pigott, assisted by the Rev. E: M.. Eruini, conducted the ceremony. The church wao very beautifully decorated with Christmas lillies, fern fronds, roses, and other flowers, a special feature of the arrangements beisg a bridal arch before the altar surmounted by a floral bell of white blooms. Mrs E. Dyson and Mrs H. Johnston and other members of St. Mary'3 Ladies'' Guild were the artists who produced this pleasing effect. The bride, supported by her father, was very gracefully attired in white georgette, heavily beaded, with the usual veil and wreath of orange blossom. She also wore a> silver hair-band, and a horseshoe was worked in the back of her veil. Her bouquet was of Christmas lilies, asparagus fern and white sweet peas. The* bridegroom's 1 gift to her was a gold bangle. The bridesmaids were Miss Ince, of Auckland, and Miss Mac Donnell, of Taihape. Miss Ince was attired in gold gauze over heliotrope, and wore a heliotrope hat with black velvet strings. Miss Mac Donnell wore pink georgette, and black hat with blue rose. The bridegroom's presents to the bridesmaids - were pearl brooches. Both the bride's attendants carried handsome bouquets, Miss Inoe!s being of heliotrope asters asperagus ferns, and Miss Mac Donnell's of pink heath, Christmas lilies, white daisies, and asparagus fern. Mr Roy Jobbin, of- Taihape, was best man. Mr J. J. Mead presided at the organ and played the accompaniment of the hymns sung during the' service. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was given in a large marquee erected in front of the bride's parent's residence. Over 40 friends of the contracting pair and their families sat down to a sumptuous and lavish repast. The Rev. J. Pigott presided, and the usual toasts were honoured. The celebrations were continued at night when a dance was held. The bride was the recipient of a large number of very handsome and substantial presents. In the afternoon the newly-wedded pair left by car for Gisborne, where they will spend a week, and then finish the honeymoon further south before going to their new home, a farm at Terimea, Wairarapa. The bridegroom "is a returned soldier, and the bride his pre-war sweetheart. A WEDDING AT TIMABTJ. A pretty wedding took place at Trinity Church, Timaru, on February 11, when Miss May Mills, daughter of Mrs Wheeler and the late George Milk, of Dunedin, was married by the Rev. T. Stinson to Mr Percy Keene, of Timaru. The bride, who was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr A. Brown, Dunedin, wore a pretty white silk dress draped with silk lace and pearl trimmings. She wore the usual veil and orange blossoms, and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Eva Austin (Timaru) wore a pretty white costume, anl black hat relieved with pink. Her bouquet was also white with touches of pink. Mr

Walter Keene was best man. The -bridegroom's presents to the bride and bridesmaid was a gold bangle each. After the ceremony the guests were entertained at the Tyrol Tea Rooms, when the usual toasts were honoured, and after the breakfast Mr and Mrs Keene left by train for Dusedin. The brie's travelling dress was a smart navy costume, with which she wore a violet hat. WEDDING AT ST. KILDA. A very pretty anl popular wedding took place on Tuesday, 10th February, at St. •Kilda Methodist Church, when Miss Dorothy Hislop, only daughter of Mr Arch'bald Hislop (late New Zealand Railways) was married to' Mr Charles T. R. M'Lean, son of Mr John M'Lean, Gisborne. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion by girl friends of the bride. Miro Alice Beck played the incidental music, concluding with the "Wedding March." Rev. Arthur Hopper officiated at the, ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked 'iiharrning in her simple gown of ivory crepe de chine, the sleeves and bodice beautifully hand-embroidered. The bridal veil was of the finest tulle prettily arranged with orange blossoms, the bouquet of white loses and lilies completing a very pretty picture. The bridesmaid, Miss Laurie Laurenson, wore a becoming frock of white georgette with ewathed silk belt, and large picture hat of pink with underlining of black. Miss Lizzie Davidson, cousin of the bride, as flower-girl, was in all white. Both maids carried dainty bouquets of pink carnations and maidenhair fern. Mr Chas. Kidd was best men. After the ceremony a very happy time was spent at the Rata- Tea Rooms, "the aunties"—Mrs Stanton (Timaru) and Mrs M'Kinnon— acting as hostesses. The usual toasts were honoured and responded "to, and many cogratulatory telegrams were received' from friends far and near, including the staff of the Permanent Artillery, reporting also the news that the bridegroom had passed a further military examination.

Sergeant-major M'Lean has a fine record of service; leaving New Zealand with the Main Body, he served in Egypt, Gallipoli, and! France, being one of the last artillerymen to leave Germany. The bride travelled in a- grey tailored costume, with smart white hat Napo]*->n shape, and black fox furs. Mr and Mrtt M'Lean, who were the recipients of many valuable presents (including several cheques), left for the honeymoon amid showers of rice and confetti,- by the south express.—A Guest.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3442, 2 March 1920, Page 55

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3442, 2 March 1920, Page 55

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3442, 2 March 1920, Page 55