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MEN FROM OTHER FORCES. AUCKLAND, September 18. The Westralia, from Sydney, brought 15 officers of Imperial Forces who have returned to New Zealand, three of them with wives. There were also half a dozen rank and file of Australian Forces who are natives of New Zealand. The Imperial officers are: Lieutenants V. F. P. Thompson (R.F.A.) and H.W. Bundle (R.F.A.), Second Lieutenants 0. M. Coverdalo- (R.A.F.), E. D. Williams. N. F. Harston, K. Simson, C. C. Blyde, G. A. Smith, and J. B. Wilson (all R.A.F.). From transport Prinz Ludwig : Major H. Riddick (R.A.F.), Temporary Captain H. Erlaine (Bth Lancers), Lieutenant H. H. C. Wellbourno (R.A.S.C.), Second Lieutenant Johnstone (R.F.A.). From other boats: Captain G. A. Millar (R.A.F.), Lieutenant J. Parr (R.A.F.R.).

REMUERA AND PAPAROA. WELLINGTON, September 18. The Remuera, with returning draft 289, left Britain on September 12, and is due at Auckland about October 26. The draft comprises 625 troops, 81 women, and 24 • children. The Paparoa, with draft 290. left on September 13, and is due at Wellington about October 27. The draft comprises 248 troops, 187 women, and 66 children. THE HORORATA'S DRAFT. WELLINGTON, Sept. «i Iho Hororata was a ciean ship, and her troops were landed this morning, after a fine trip, except on September S, when heavy seas smashed the dental room and damaged tin canteen. The men for the Main Trunk towns, Rotorua, Thames, Wairarapa, Canterbury, and Nelson leave to-day, and those for Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, Otago, and Marlborough on Monday. THE AYRSHIRE'S DRAFT. faept. _2O. The Ayrshire's Eroops auembariced this morning. The southern men left by the express. 'lhe Ayrshire, lett xaverpoo. Dock* on August 5, brcugne out a mixed draft of soluicrs, ranging trom the Main Body to tne Forty-third Reinlorcements. With the exception of about tour days' rougn weather, the trip was exceptionally smootn. The only port of call was Colon. A sad incident happened just before reaching Colon, Private (ji. M'Nicholls, who was well known in Christchurch, was lost overboard. Private M'Nicholis was standing at the stern of the vessel, and was apparent.y jerked overboard. The alarm was given immediately, and the vessel wa"s stopped, a diligent search being made in the locality for two hours without result. A full inquiry was held into the affair, and the decision was that it was pure accident. While the vessel was in mid-Atlantic a French sailing ship was passed flyius a signal of distress, 'ihe Ayrshire went alongside, and ascertained that 'the sailing ship had • been 140 days out and was . becalmed. The crew were absolutely starving, and so they ..-were, supplied with an abundance of food from the Ayrshire, and were profuse in their thanks.

Speaking in regard to food, Lieutenantcolonel N, F. Narbey, of Eltham, who was in command cf the troops, said they left England at a time when potatoes were scarce, and as a result the men had to go short of potatoes. During the latter part of the trip the meat and other foodstuffs were good, but there was a shortage of vegetables. A good deal of latitude was allowed to the men in the matter of bringing, out souvenirs from Colon, and several of the officers purchased monkeys, and tho men parrots and other birds, which safely brought out to New Zealand. Educational clas'.es were conducted on a purely voluntary ba.=is, and were highly successful, some of the classes being exceptionally well attended. Lieutenant-colonel Narbey, stated that about 50 men who had been terving long terms --f imprisonment for serious offences had been put on board before leaving, and would be handed" over to the proper authorities here. Some of these men wora really "bad lots," And had caused some trouble on the voyage. Four men had formed a plot to break into the kit store and rob the kits, but they were caught rcdhanded and v ere sentenced to 28 days' detention, besides being deprived of their railway privilege warrants. These men had been kept in close detention from the time they were sentenced, but the other prisoners were allowed the freedom of fcha ship. ARRIVAL IN DUNEDIN. The Otago and Southland men from the t r ansport Ayrshire, which arrived at Lytteltcn on Saturday, reached Dunedin by the express train from Christchurch at 9.25 on the 22nd. and were welcomed by a large assemblage of the public, which included many relatives and friends. The draft comprised some 70 men, three of whom arrived in New Zealand by tho Hororata. Of these 29 belongs to Dunedin, 34 for south of Duneclin, and tho remainder for places north of Dunedin. The local men were conveyed to their homes in motor cars, while the southern men were billeted with fri?nds in various parfs of the city. TAINLTS DRAFT. ARRIVAL AT WELLINGTON. WELLINGTON, Sept. 20. Tho Tainui, from London, via Panama, arrived in the harbour at 5.15 a.m. to-day, and berthed at 3 p.m. She brought 393 troops and 60 wives A very largo crowd gathered at the wharves to welcome them. Tho voyage was a good one, though it was marred by a casta It v. After leaving Panama on September 14, Farrier-sergeant Joseph, of the Engineers, was lost overboard. He was accompanied by his wife, who continued the voyage to New Zealand. The corinthic's draft. WELLINGTON, September 22. The troopship Corinthic arrived in the harbour at 3.20 this afternoon, and" will be berthed at 7 o'clock to-morrow morning. Her draft comprises 404 troops, 358 wives, and 78 children. September 23. The Corinthic, with returning troops, was berthed this morning. The men were given a hearty reception. The vessel had an «xcellent voyage.



The railway platform was crowded on the 23rd, the occasion being the arrival of a special train from the north conveying the Otago quota of the returning drafts of men ex the troopships Hororata and Tainui. The train arrived at 8.30 p.m., and the Dunedin men were promptly conveyed to their homes in motor cars kindly provided by the Otago Motor Club. Each man on passing through the vestibule of tho railway station received a parcel from ladies representing the Otago and Southland Women's Patriotic Association. His Worship the Mayor (Mr W. Begg) and Cr James Douglas were on the platform, and tho Defenoa Department was represented by Colonel T. W. M'Donald, 0.C.D., Major Lampen, G. 5.0., Captain Dyer. A.A.G., and Lieutenant M'Carthy, A.D.T. Tho total number of men arriving was 401, 252 of whom were for destinations south of Dunedin, 114 for the city and suburbs, and 35 left the train at stations north of Dunedin. Lieutenant Moffat was in charge of the draft, and assisting him were Lieutenant Monagban and Sergeant-major leted for the night, and went forward to their destinations the next morning. The Salvation Army Band was on the railway platform and played several selections, all of which were much appreciated: As on many previous occasions members of the Central Fire Brigade assembled at the intersection of Cumberland street with Stuart street where they had erected an improvised arch, formed with two extension ladders, beautifully decorated and illuminated. OFFICERS WELCOMED. WELLINGTON, September 23. A civio reception was tendered to-day to Captain L. W. Andrew, V.C., who returned in the Corinthic. A hearty welcome was also given vo Brigadier-generals Melvill and Young. Eulogistic speeches were delivered by the Mayor (Mr Luke), Mr Massey, Sir Joseph Ward, Sir James Allen, and Mr Veitch, M.P. Captain Andrew and Generate Melvill and Young replied suitably. ARRIVAL OF THE CORINTHIC'S DRAFT. The Otago quota of the draft of men who returned by the Corinthio arrived in Dunedin by the express train from Christchurch on tho 24th, and were given a good reception. The draft, which comprised 64 men, was in charge of Lieutenant Chapman and Sergeant-major Macan. Of this number 14 wore for Dunedin City, 15 for stations north of Dunedin. and the remainder for stations south of Dunedin; these latter were billetted in the city, and went forward by train next day. The men" each received the customary parcel from women representing the Otago Women's Patriotic Association, and the men whose relatives reside in Dunedin were conveyed to their homes in motor cars provided by the Otago Motor Club. Of the southern men 20 have brought brides back with them, and these were received with some attention, most of them being plentifully sprinkled with confetti by numerous friends who had assembled to greet them. -■„ His Worship the Mayor (Mr W. Begg) and Cr J. S. Douglas were among those present on the railway platform. The military authorities were represented by Captain Dyer and Lieutenant M'Carthy. ■ ■ Major D. White was among those who returned. He was received by a laree circle of friends, and was loudly cheered on making his appearance. The -major has been absent on active service for five years, and his old colleagues in the Coast Guard Defence were among those who were present to greet him. The officers present in uniform were: Colonel Fredric, Captain H. L. Tapley, Captain R. P. Jones, and Lieutenant D. Cooke. Members of the Coast Guards Defence paraded in strong force, and formed a guard of honour, and the Coast Guards Defence Band also paraded and played appropriate selections. After inspecting the guard of honour, tho major was received by tho Mayor (Mr W. Bejrsr) and escorted to a carriage drawn by four horses, mounted by outriders, and driven to Iris home in Newington avenue. As the carriage moved off cheers wei'e renewed. lONIC DRAFT. Tho lonic, with returning draft 238, is due to arrive at Wellington on October 23. The draft consists of 35 officers and 312 other ranks of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, five Imperial officers, 356 women, and 90 children. The following is the complete list of officers and the list of men of other ranks belonging to Otago, Southland, and South Canterbury :■ — OFFICERS. Evans, C. H. D., Lieutenant-colonel (D. 5.0.), Officer in Charge, Gisborne. Tracey Inglis, R., Colonel, Auckland. Dearsley, R. A., Major, Christchurch. Lemottee, J. 8., Major, London. Dunn. R. W., Temp. Major (M.C.), Wellington. Mewett, J. E. H., Temp. Major (M.C.), Auckland. Spiers, P. W. G., Temp. Major (M.C.), Dunedin. Bright, J. W., Captain, Kclburn, Welling-

ton. Coiner, G. L.., Rakaia. Guthrie, J., Captain, Christchurch. Johnson. C. G., Captain, Auckland, Jones, L. F., Captain (M.C.), Wellington. Morran, H. S.. Captain, Wellington. Cottrell. W. H., T/Capt., Cheviot. Dickinson, T. H., T/Capt,, Fordell. Nelson, C. H., T/Captain, Dunedin. Cachemaille, E. D., Lieut., Kelburn. Dawn, W. M., Lieut., Remucra. Emerson, J. S., Lieut., Nelson. Johnston, W. R. S.. Lieut., Auckland. Beaumont. E. T.. 2/L:eut... Ashburton. Gordon, L. G.. 2/Lieut. (M.M.). Dunedin. Haddow, R. W., 2/Lieut. (D.C.M.), Pon

sonby. Jarvis, J. G., 2/Lieut., New Plymouth. Long, T., 2/Lieut., Pleasant Point. M'Dermolt, R. J.. 2/Lieut.. Taihapo MncGregor. R. R., 2/Lieut.. Wellington. M'Kain. E. T.. 2/Lieut.. Wereroa. Nicol, P.. .2/Lieut.. Tiroaru. Shipton, R?. H., 2/Liout.. Eltham. Sissons, T. H., 2/Licut.. Huntly. Vincent, G. A., 2/Lieut. (M.M.), Auckland. M'Nie. L. A., Matron, Dallington, Christ

church. Hay, E. G.. Sister, Romahapa. Trott, V. M., Sister, Waimato. Honeyfield, I. K., S/Nurse, Patea. Tipler, E. J., Rev., Nelson.

OTHER RANKS. Adams, G., Methven. Agnew, T. R., Awarua Plain 3,

Blair, D., T.W.O. 1, Tuapeka Mouth. Bleaken, G., Caversham. Bryce, J. A. E., Corporal, Dipton. Burtenshaw, A. W., S. Invercargill. Butler, C. E., Corporal, Merrivale. Child, P. G., Dunedin. Coffey, J., Pukeuri. Cole, R., Corporal, Timaru. Coll, J., Fairlie. Craigie, li. J. V., Anderson's Bay. Davies, W. E., Oaversham. Diok, J., Otago Peninsula. Dickson, W. J., Timaru. Dix, P. F., St. Andrews. Duncan, J. W., Kaikorai. Firth, C. H., Oaraaru. Gilchrist, J., Kaikorai. Glassey, A., Ashburton. Hansen, H. S., Hinds. Hayes, 8., Oturehua. Hopkinson, L. T., Temuka. Keen, E. F, Wairio. Levy, W„ Sergt., Dunedin. M'Farlane. C. 8., Corp., Thornbury. Mac Kay, I. A., Wyndham. M'Leay, D., T/Sergt., Arrowtown. M'Mullan,- J., T/Sergt.. InvercargiU. Martin, P. T., Sergt., Gore. Miller, C, Mandeville. Owen, S. T., Corp., Invercargill. . Partridge, J. S., Milton. Pitcher, M. H. G, West Harbour. Potts, H. W., Sergt., East Gore. Reid, N. C, Roslyn. Robinson, A. F., Dunedin. Seator, T. L., Otapiri Gorge. Sinclair, L. H., Sergt,, Tapanui. Smith, W. C, Thornbury. Stechmann. Corp., Timaru. Tennant, J. /Thornbury. Todd. L. W., Dunedin. Tohill, J.. Dunedin. West, W. J., Boslyn. Wilde, H. M., Henley. Young, M. J., Corp., Timani. SUPPLEMENTARY, NOT N.Z.E.F. Decartaret, Miss. Deck, Mrs. Herbert, Mrs. Lee, D. C, Captain, Oxford. Morton D. A., Mr, Palmerston l^orth.

OTHER DRAFTS. WELLINGTON, September 24. A wireless message received from the Cordoba (with returning draft No. 278) states that the approximate date of her arrival at Wellington is September 30. _ The Adolph Woermann (with returning draft No. will arrive in Wellington at 8 a.m. on October 1.

The Remuera, with draft 289, is due at Auckland on October 26. This draft consists of s+' officers, four nurses, and ?■ other ranks of the N.Z.E.F., and 11 Imperial officers, 81 women, and 24 children. The Paparoa, which is due at Wellington on October 27, brings 22 officers, 6 nurses, and 192 of other ranks, also Imperial details, consisting of seven officers and 31 of other ranks, 187 women, and 66 children.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3419, 26 September 1919, Page 44

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RETURNING SOLDIERS Otago Witness, Issue 3419, 26 September 1919, Page 44

RETURNING SOLDIERS Otago Witness, Issue 3419, 26 September 1919, Page 44