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Weekly Stock Sale*. 1 Monthly (continued). Burmlde, WednesC Woodlands, 2nd ThursAshburton, Tuesday . day Addington, Wednesday* *Vyndham, last ThursWalarcka Railway Juno- day tion, Tuesdays Ualfonr, 3rd Thursday .WalJacetown, Tuesdays Thornbury, Ist Frid.iy Duntroon & Otautau, Fortnightly. 2nd Friday Clinton, Thursday. P iv '"^ ale ', "i* ££2* BulcluU.a, Fridays ™ aka ' l *£J fe« Gore, Tuesdays Clydcvale, last IhursOamaru, Tuesdays aa ? Wallacetown, Tuesdays Periodically as AdverHeriot, Thursdays tised. i»„„fhi„ Lumsden, Moasburn, Monthly. Orepuki, Mataura, Pnlmerston, Ist Monday Waikouaiti, Eivc-r-Winton, Ist •Thursday ton, Ngapara, and Duutrocn, 2nd Friduy Otago Central sales. OTAGO. ; Very warm, sultry weather ruled throughout the week, with some ( slight electrical rain showers, which served somewha,t to freshen up the root crops' in' Otago, but was not the sort of weather relished for the ripening crops. The damp and the heat together may prove to be rather too favourable for geminating conditions of the' grain in the cereal sheaf. However, so far there has not been much to complain about, and eny rubbed-out samples of oats the writer has seen have been bright and quite satisfactory, with no discolouration. Inland it is dry enough, and fair general or ogress has been made with farm work. Rain would bo welcome. Both rabbits and noxious weeds will in all probability have a good innings this season and next. In any case they commence the year' under auspicious circumstances. The former are apparently, not wanted for food or fur at the moment outside the Dominion, or, rather, freight is short, while the Clutha farmers effectively : dished up practical reasons why Canadian and weed "blooms" should be taken easily this year, and have com© to an understanding with the Secretary of Agrieulturo (Mr Pope) in connection with the eradication of erstwhile pests. It is some satisfaction to learn that fencing wire, when available, will bo supplied to soldier settlers by the Government at cost price, plus freight and landing charges. Presumably this scheme' would apply also to rabbit-netting. BURNSIDE MARKET. The fat sheep yarded at Burnside on Wednesday were in short supply, and prices paid for the first few races were fully 4s ahead of the provious week's returns. Towards the end of the sale, however, the trade seemed callous in regard to thoquality offered, and tho last raco was passed at auction; but subsequently these sheep were sold at a. shade above the provious week's values. The small entry of fat lamb 3 were readily placed > at a few shillings a head above tho previous week's rates—that is, well over and above freezing values. A good lot of beef, incliisi . T o of some pens of particularly well-finished bullocks, met with a very fair sale at within 5s a head of last sale'3 rate, beef making round about 46s 6d per 1001 b, and heifer and cow 3s per ICOlb less. The yarding of store cattle comprised some 350 head, 50 of these being assorted bulls. The demand showed some" weakening, and '"'boners'' secured some reasonable lots; while graziers wera not keen buyers. Vealers, perhaps, alone maintained the level of late Rather above tho average yarding of fat pigs were secured at somewhat easier rates, with an entry of young sorts practically unchanged. ADDINGTON YARDS. Fan sheex> were in moderate supply at Addington, and values of wethers and ewes firmed Is 6d and Is a head respectively compared with tha previous week's quotations. Just about 2800 fat lambs were yarded, mostly of fair to good quality, with odd pens of unfinished sorts. Values vvor-j very firm, with graziers taking Ptock require "topping" up at comparatively reasonable values. In a very Large entry of store sheep an over-supply of lamb? heralded a drop of 2e a head compared jyitii prices ruling £or lambs at last sale.

Wethers and ewes were also a shade cheaper. The fat cattle section being moderately supplied, prices were beyond exporters' limits, and values would work out at up to 50s per 1001 b for best beef. The entry of store cattle was a good all-round one. The demand was firm; but Holders in some | instances held for yet higher prices, and a proportion of the yarding was passed iD at auction. Dairy cows showing promise tf returns sold freely at £9 to £ia All classes of pigs were promptly cleared at late good rates. PALMERSTON STOCK SALE. Some 1500 sheep and about 200 head of cattle were submitted in showery weather at Palmerston .to a very fair gathering of graziers and others. The sale of sheep was by no means bright, the prices offering in most instances failing to induce owners to part. A line of open wool two-tooths .was passed at 25s lOd; also a yard of four and six tooth three-quarterbred ewes tit 33s 6d, crossbred two-tooth wethers, finewooled; failed to change hands at a bid of 25s lOd; some fine-woolled young ewes (mixed) were turned .out at 27s Bd. A line of fine-woolled ewes (young) were sold at 27s Bd, small halfbred two-tooth wethers 21s and 21s 6d, paddock lambs (mixed sexes) 22s 6d. The cattle, on the other hand, which were all in great order, wcro cleared at satisfactory rates, and mado rather better values than obtainable further south a few days later. A yard of 25, just about three-year-old crossbred steers, made £l3 17s 6d, and a similar lot of heifers £9 12s 6d, yearlings to 18 months ranged from £7 10s* to £B, calves in low condition £3 4s, fresh and fat cows £lO to £ls, old cows £7 10s to £lO 10s. NORTH ISLAND STOCK VALUES. Generally the stock markets in the North Island are fairly well supplied, and values, to judge from late advices, are stable in the meanwhile. In the South Auckland area beef is firm at up to 52s per 1001 b; some pedigree Polled Angus cows with ca.ves made 24gs to 50gs, year-and-a-half bulls 20gs to 29gs, ordinary cows £lO 103 to £ll, two-and-a-half-ycar-old steers £ll to £l2 ss. In Poverty Bay: Good wethers to 31s, best very forward two-tooths 25s 6d to 28s 3d, yearlings (mixed) £6 15s, ordinary weaners £4, good sorts of steers £l4 ss. In the Manawatu: Year-and-a-half steers £7 ss, in-calf heifers from £6 ss, two-and-a-half-ycar-old steers £lO 15s, rape lamba 18s to 19s 6d, shorn lambs lis to 13s 6d, cull two tooth wethers 20s to 225. In the Wairarapa; Medium two-tooth wethers 20s to 22s 9d, fair 26s 6d, forward four and six tooths 30s to 345, rape lambs 17s to 18s 3d, year-and-a-half steers £8 15s, store cows to £B, cows and ealves £9 to £ll 15s. In Taranaki prices are firm at late rates: Ewes und wethers 25s 3d to 31s, lnmb3.l7s 6d, culls 8s to lis 6d, fresh k cow3 £ll to' £l2 ss, store i cows £3 to £9 10s, cows and calves' £9 to £lO 15s. STOCK NOTES. The Central sales will commence this season at Oturehua on the 21st of this irorth, folio sved by the Waipiata sale on the 22nd, and at Middlemarch Saleyards on the 23rd. Perhaps it would be an exaggeration 'to write that invariably sheep marketed in saleyards as straight from the farmer make the most money in comparison with dealers' lots; but in most cases it is so, and there is the added blessing that the farmer, as 'the result of competition gets all the sheep are worth, and not the dealer. Under the present war conditions it is astounding that the farmer does not seem to want all there is in the stock business. Some day he will be keener, perhaps, and see to it that he gets the lot. At tho moment there is considerable inquiry for lambs for rape and ewes, with wethers perhaps quiet. .Fair lines of stora lambs have been placed at late quotations, while ewes with good mouths are 2s a head dearer than they were at this time last year in Otago. Pat lambs appear to be the gambling attraction just at present, and it is alleged (contrary to recent northern reports that there was a combination among freezing buyers to reduce limits) that fat lambs for March-April delivery at Oamaru have been sold at over 9d a pound. The New Zealand and Australian Land Company, Hakataramea, New Zealand, have sold (states tho Pastoral Review) up to da'to for tho present season 657 twotooth flock Corriedale rams and two stud two-tooth rams to various clients, 150 of them going to the late Mr Lascelles' estate, Woolamanata Lara, Vic'torjA. i At tho Newmarket yards, Victoria, tho other day some 94 cows with calves at foot were sold at auction, and some pens of steers and yearlings. Yards of good framed, fairly well-bred cows, with calves at foot, ! made £l4 15s to £l6. Some yards of Jersey ; sorts, with calves at foot, £l4 2s 6d; in- ! calf heifers to Shorthorns, £ll 5s to £l3 12s 6dj two and two and n-half-year-old steers in store order, £9 to £lO 7s 6d. A number of rams and ewes of different breeds wero offered. Tho demand for rnms was slack, and aged owes dull. Border Leicester two-tooth rams ranged from 2igs to 3|gs; Border Leicester owes, two-tooth, lfgsj Border Leicester ewes, aged, lg; Romney Marsh rams, four and six tooth, 433; four and six tooth merino rams, early shorn, 47s 6d; Lincoln ewes, four ■ and six tooth, small framed, 29s 6d to 365; Lincoln rams sold from 26s to 575, according to age.

REARING THE CALVES. I According to the annual report of the Adelaide Government dairy expert it appears that an effort is being made to save a numbar of heifer calves, which under ordinary circumstances would be destroyed. The movement is of decided interest, -and may well grow into a bigger undertaking than first anticipated. The idea seems to be to save a number of the best heifer calves which are born in the metropolitan dairying area, it having been recognised that a great percentage of the best dairy cows in the State find' their way to the metropolitan district. As the milk is nearly all J sold, few heifer calves are retained, they being either killed outright or they find their way to tho abattoirs. Special feeding arrangements and accommodation are being provided at Turretfield, and arrangements have been made to take a number of young heifer calves from the metropolitan dairymen on special conditions and rear them. Later on in the spring months, when most of the cows calve, the department will then take many of the young females and transfer them to the calf-rearing depot at Turretfield. It is anticipated that if the dairy folk and tho department work together many calves will be saved, the work quite justifying the cost, time, and trouble. i . WOOL APPRAISEMENTS. I The seventh appraisement of Otago wools under the present scheme was concluded m Dunedin last week. The selection in this centre was again an excellent one, and prices ruling for station and farm lots were satisfactory. Naturally, some of tho wooj off paddock sheep is heavier' in condition than earlier shorn sheep, and-~ there is a I suspicion of seed in some of the clips, with necessarily a lower range of values. Some I of the more or less well-known brands in tho various districts, with tho prices realised for wool at per lb, may prove of interest. Commencing with the finer wools ; J D over Rocklands (Central) —merino 18ad to 20d, quarterbred 18d to 21d, halfbred 18|d to 20Ad, hogget 19idi M under M S (Central) —merino 19d, halfbred 19£d, crossbred 18d; two hearts (Benmorej—merino 19d, halfbred 20d; Edenbank (Central)— merino 18£d, halfbred 17-Jrd to IBidj J Z over O (Lakes)—merino 184. d, halfbred 19d to 21d; L L (Central)— merino 18d, halfbred 17id to 19d; Ritchie Bros. (Central)— merino 17d to 18d, halfbred 18|d; Cluden (Central)—merino to 19d, halfbred 17A.q to 18A_d, crossbred 17d; Waipori (Lawrence) —merino halfbred 17d to 18id, crossbred 16d to 17id; Mount. Rosa (Central)— merino 17£d, halfbred 17|d; J 0 over Wyuna (Lakes)—merino halfbred 17d; triangle (Central) —merino 17£d; two B's over B (Horiot), 17d; S K in circle (Central)—merino 17d, halfbred 17d to 18£d, crossbred 16d to 16|d; O A K in leaves — merino 17d, halfbred 18d; Dusky (Tapanui) —halfbred 20d to 22d, crossbred 17£d to 21d; "Hukarere- (Tapanui)—halfbred 19d to 20£d,_ crossbred 17£d to 18id; Wilden (Heriot) —fleece wool averaged Avondale (Central) —halfbred 20id, crossbred 184 d to 20d, Bonspiel (Central)—halfbred 17£d. to 20jrd; 2-and reversed F (Palmerston) — halfbred 20d to 20£d, crossbred 18d to 19d; M B over Inverlochy (Hindon) —halfbred 20id, crossbred 18id; U (Central)—halfbred 20d, crossbred 17d to 17id; Mount Royal over crown N Z—halfbred 18d to 20d, crossbred 15|d to 17Ad; cross over 0 M (Wai- j kouaiti) —halfbred 16d to 20d, crossbred 16d | to 18d: Moa Flat over Downs (Heriot) —■ halfbred 19id to 20d, hogget 18id, crossbred 17|d; bar over circle (W'aikaka) — halfbred 19£d, crossbred to 17|d; T A (Central) —halfbred 19jd, crossbred 18£d; Mount Benger over MB conjoined (Central) —halfbred ' to 19id, crossbred 16d to 17id; A C B over Cairns (Clinton)—halfbred 18d to 19jd; E under a bar (Freshlord)—halfbred 18id to 19id; Lochindorb over NZ (Clutha) —halfbred crossbred B over S—halfbred 18d to 19£d, cross bred 183 d; oblong (Central)—halfbred 19£d, crossbred 17J,d ; Moor (Greenfield) —halfbred 19d to 19£d, crossbred 17d ; M B (Central)— halfbred 19id, crosbred 16id; 4 over B (Mount' Highlay, Central)—halfbred 19d, crossbred 16d; A 1 (Tapanui)—halfbred 19d, crossbred 164C1; K B in square (Central)— halfbred 19d; P S over W in triangle (Central)—halfbred 17Ad to 19d; 16 in triangle (Central)—halfbred 18d to 19d; D B (Balfour) —crossbred 18d to 19d; Burnfoot (Tapanui)—halfbred 19d. crossbred 17Ad; J B over heart (Clutha)—halfbred crossbred 17d; Patcaroa (Central)—halfbred 17|d to 18fd ; HV conjoined (Tapanui)—crossbred 18d to 18£d; A J M'P (Central)—crossbred 18£d; G W (Clutha)—halfbred 18£dj S J (Central)—halfbred 18jd; two hammers in lino (Otago) —halfbred lojd; M in diamond (Hindon) —crossbred j Dunrowil (Waikaka)—halfbred 17|d to 18id; Kaiwera Downs (Pukera.u) —crossbred 18d to 18£d; II C over eyebrow reversed (Central) —halfbred 18id, crossbred lpid to 16gd; H and A ovov Mount Cowrie (Taierj)—halfbred 17d to 18id crossbred 15jd to 16|d ; 76 (Tapa-nuil-crossbred 17d to 18-Jfcd; R \v (Central) —halfbred 16|d to 18d, crossbred 17£dj Ashton Vale (Central)—halfbred 18d; S over cross (Central)—halfbred 18d, crossbred 17d; 18 (Central) —halfbred ISd, crossbred 17d; S under hurdle (Central), 17d to 18d; 7 M (Central)—halfbred ISd; M (Waitahuna)— iialfbrca 18cl , wineglass (Core)—crossbred ]6d to 18d; trident (Central)—halfbred 17Jid to 18d, crossbred 16|d to 17d; West Domo (Mossburn)—halfbred 17id to 18d; Fairviow Central)—half bred Hid to 18d ;\ Earnscleugh (Central)—quarterbred 18d, halfbred 17^3; Mainholm (Tapanui)—crossbred 172 d t P A (Waikato)—crossbred 17jd to 17|dj G 0 in

circle (Waikaka)—crossbred 17fd; 88 (Central)—halfbred 173 d; K reversed 1 (Clydevale)—crossbred 17£d to 17i|d; J E over Mount Ross (Central)—halfbred 17|d Skilbester over H F over Table Hill (Milton) -- crossbred 16d to 17|d; A T (Centrail—half • bred 17|d, crossbred 17d; Oykell (Palmerston) —halfbred 17|d ; Glenure (Gore) —crossbred 15|d to 17Jd; B N (CentralJ—halfbred 17d to 174 d; J S in circle (Tapanui)—crossbred 17£d. 4 B (Tapanui)—-crossbred 17id; Wainui Downs (Palmerston) —crossbred 17£d ; Waiwera—crossbred 17£d; G S over bar (Central), 17d to 17jd; D M over dash (Central) —crossbred 17Ad; Coronet Peak (Lakes)—halfbred to 17id; D 2 (Hampden)— Halfbred 17*d; Clumber (Kelso)—halfbred 17d to 17i_d; triangle (Central) —crossbred 17A_d; W C (Palmerston)—halfbred 17£d, crossbred to 16£dj-J and J E (Tapanui)— crossbred 16|d to 17^d; D. L (Tapanui crossbred 16|d to 17£d; A 0 W (Cluthaj—crossbred 17jd; H N conjoined (Central) — halfbred to 17£d; Y H (Clydevale)—crossbred 163 dto nui)—halfbred 17id, crossbred 16|d ; ASA (Central)—halfbred S in diamond over Westwood (Tapanui)—crossbred 17d; two strokes under bar (Tapanuj)—crossbred 17d ; Dalvey over two diamonds (Tapanui)—crossbred 16|d to 17d; T O (Tapanui)—crossbred 16Ad to 17d; Kawarau over Falls (Lakes)—halfbred 17d; Braeside (Central)— halfbred 17d; D E over J (Central)—halfbred 17d: H S, Hinemoa (Clutha) —crossbred 15 id to 16H

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Otago Witness, Issue 3335, 13 February 1918, Page 9

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STOCK AND GRAZING NOTES Otago Witness, Issue 3335, 13 February 1918, Page 9

STOCK AND GRAZING NOTES Otago Witness, Issue 3335, 13 February 1918, Page 9