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Monday evening. On Monday evening, at His Majesty's Theatre, Mr Cyiil Maude and his talented company inaugurated their short season by the presentation of the play "Grumpy." After a five nights' ran the most successful season was concluded on Saturday, when the old favo.irite "Caste" was staged with Mr Maude as "Eccles." Among the large and appreciative audiences present during the week were Mr and Mrs Theomin, Miss Wilson, Mr and Mrs W. A. Moore, Miss Moore, Mis 3 Bird, Mr and Mrs Edmonri, Miss Edmond, Miss Johnson, Mr P. C. Neill, Mr and Mrs 11. S. Fenwick, Miss Westenra, (Cliristchurch), Dr and Mrs Russell Ritchie, the Misses Rattray (2), Mr and Mrs Galbraith, Mr and Mrs Sydney Neill, Mr and Mrs Macintosh, the Misses Macintosh (2), Mr and Mrs G. R. Ritchie, Miss Mills, MiDavid Mills, Mr and Mrs F. Parker, Mr H. Parker, Lieutenant G. Parker, Miss Todd (Wellington), Mrs Macassey, Miss Macassey, Miss Livingstone (Carterton), Mr and Mrs Wallis, Mr A. Wallis, Mr Mill and the Misses Mill (2), Mr and Mrs Douglas Ramsay, the Misses Haggitt (2), Miss Denniston, Mr and Miss Laiiig, Mr Salmon, Dr and Mrs Fitchett, Mr and Mrs Bridgeman, Miss Bridgeman, Miss Nicholls (Kuriheka), Mr find Mrs Solomon, Mr C. Rattray, Mrs Wilson, Mrs W. S. Roberts, the Misses Farquhar (2), Miss Izard (Nelson), Captain Vivian, Miss Ulrich, and Mrs Ronald Orbell (Oamaru).

A very pleasant little tea was given on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs Sise at her residence, Queen street, in honour of Mrs Ellis (New South Wales), who is at present on a visit to Dimedin. Mrs Sise and Miss 5133 received their guests in the drawing room, whicli was charmingly decorated with roses, sweet peas, stocks, and carnations. Fragrant tea and delicious sandwiches, cakes, and ices were daintily served, and among those present were Mesdames Bridgeman, Butterworth, Stock, Free, H. S. Fenwick, G. J{. Ritchie, C. Turnbull, Hutchison, and the Misses Todd (Adelaide), Mills (Svdney), Stock, Mill (2), Denniston, Neill, C. Williams, and Ulrich.

The weather during the week has been very unsettled, and interfered with several tenuis afternoons which had been arranged. "

On Thursday evening Mrs W. A. Moore entertained a few friends at bridge to meet 'Mrs Ellis. Among the guests were Mesdames Finch, Edmond, Bnrnes, Allen, H. Zieie (Napier), and Miss Bird.

The engagement is announced of Dr T. C 4. M'Kellar, of Dunedin, and Mrs Blomfield. second daughter of Sir John and Lady Sinclair.

Miss Sylvia Westenra (Christchurch) is the guest of Mr P. C. Neill, Chingford.

Miss Livingstone (Carterton) is staying with Mrs Mucassey at present.

Mx and Mrs D. Aiken, who have been spending the holidays at Henley, have returned lo town.

Major Dudley (Auckland), who has been staying at Onslow House while in Dunedin, returned to the north on Monday.

Mr and Mrs H. S, Fenwiok, who have been staying at Clent Hills, near Ashburton, returned to to«ra for a few days last week, and are row at! with their family.

Mr and Mrs Ledingharn. (Melbourne^, who have been staying with Mrs R- Gillies, Kurow, spent a few days at the Grand Hotel last week before returning to the north on Friday

Miss Todd (Adelaide) is the guest of Mrs Charles Butterworth at present.

Miss Violet Nicholls (Kuriheka) spent a few days in town last week, staying with Mrs Bridgeman, and returned to Maheno on Wednesday, accompanied by Mies Bridgeman.

Mis Alan Nicholls (Christchurch) has taken a furnished house at Si. Clair for the summer months.

Mrs Henry Orbell and Miss Orbell, who have been staying with Mrs Alan Orbell at The River, Waikouaiti, have returned to town. '

Miss May Barron is the guest of Mrs Lindo Ferguson, Waikouaiti.

Mr and Mtrs George M'Lean, who have

been staying with Mies Shand (Thnaru), retrned to town last weetf.

Mrs Palgrave (Hawke's Bay) is the guest of the Misses Whitson at present.

Mr and Mrs C'otterill (Dunback) we<re in town for a few days last week.

Sir Eobert Stout arrived from Wellintgon on Saturday to attend the annual session of the senate of the New Zealand University,

The Premier the Eight Hon. W. F. Maesey, who has been visiting Central Otago, returned to pnmedin on Saturday, and stayed at the Grand Hotel, leaving on Monday for Christchurch.

Dx and Mrs Chilton (Christchurch) are in town at present.

Mrs Hislop got up two most successful concerts last week at Brighton. The first was for the school prizes and the other for the local Red Cross. On both nights the Hislop Hall was packed. Every year Mrs Hislop arranges those concerts, and they are much enjoyed.

Miss Millicent Mackerras has returned from Brighton, where she has been the guest of Mrs Walter Hislop *for a short time.

Mr and Mrs C. H. Breeze are at present on a visit to friends in Dunedin. Mr Breeze is shortly leaving for military duties at Tretftham.

IN VERCABGIDL, January 13. Miss Wade left for a holiday at Stewart Island last week.

Mis 3 Jobson has also gone over to Stewart Island Miss Dundas has returned from her trip to Eta gland. Mrs M'Lean left for a visit to Dunedin on Monday. Mr and Mrs L. Webb havs returned from a holiday spent at Stewart Island. Miss Handysile (Hawke's Bay) is the guest of Mrs W. Handyside. Corporal G. P. Keddell is down on leave from Tientham just now, visiting his mother (Mr© Keddell, Doon street). Mr and Mrs W. Henderson and the Misses Henderson have returned from their holiday at Queenstown.

Miss Miles (Wellington) is the guest of Mrs Fosbery Hatadyslde. Captain L. Bush, who was wounded at the front, returned home last week.

OAMARTJ, January 14. A crowded house greeted the "Look Who's Here" Company on Monday night, when they gave a splendid evening's entertainment in the Opera- House.

Mr and Mrs Darling and family are visiting Dunedin. Mr and Mrs E. P. Lc© have returned from motoring to Mount Cook. Miss Robinson has returned from Warrington.

Miss Murdoch is staying with Lady Miller. Mrs Orbell' and her two boys are down at Waitati.

Mrs T. W. Cane (Christchurch) is visiting her mother, Mrs Bulleid. Miss Aimee Piper has returned from Dunedin.

Miss Ethel Robinson is spending a short holiday at Warrington. The Misses Gifford are visiting Riverton.

; TIMARU, January 14. Mr and Miss L. Knubley are back from Balmoral, and Miss Knubley has returned from Rangiora. Ml- and Mrs W. C. Raymond have returned from camping at the Opihi. Mr and Mrs Walton are back from Kinloch, where they have been for the month.

Mr, Mrs, and Miss Summers (Selwyn street) have returned from Lake Tekapo. Mr Bridges, who has been with Mr G. Bridges, returned to Wellington last week. Mrs Marchmont (Christohurch), who has been staying with friends, left for Dunedin on Friday.

Mrs v and Miss Ackhurst' (Waimate) are spending a few weeks in Timaru.

Mrs M. (Oxford), who lias been in Timaru for the holidays with her children, intends motoring home next week.

Dr and Mrs Unwin left for Wellington on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs T. Palliser returned to Wellington after spending Christmas in Timaru. Mrs Pearson and Mrs Morgan left for To Moana on Sunday, and intend spending a fortnight there.

Mrs W. Hart (Christchurch) is staying with her father, Mr C. S. F'raser.

CHRIS TCHTJEOH, January 11. The Red Cross depot, which closed dowji for the Christmas and New Year holidays, has- opened again with renewed activities, and everyone has been very busy there all the. week. The hospital ships always want some renewals after each voyage, and those extras are being rushed through at present. The advertisement in the papers for helpers brought in many willing workers. Th Cyril Maude season was brought to a close on Saturday night with "Caste." The previous night "General John Regan" was staged, and both plays were thoroughly enjoyed, the regret being that they had such a short season. During the performance of "General John Regan" his Excellency the Governor-general unveiled the Honour Roll to actors who have gone to the front. Amongst the audiences were their Excellencies the Governor-general and the Countess of Liverpool and suite, accompanied by Major and Mrs Hutton, Miss Harley, and Miss Helmore, Litutenants Bridgeman and Robinson v Others present were Sir Joseph and Ladv Ward, Major and Mrs Sleoman, Dr and Mrs Scott, Colonel Chaffey, Mr and Mrs G. Stead, Mr and Sirs C. Harper, Mr-3 E. Harper, Mr and Mrs Wilding, Miss Wilding, Mr and Mts Lane, and Dr and Mrs Fox, etc.

Mrs Boyle and her small son were "At home" to a few friends to tennis on Monday. A small tournament was played, the winners being Mrs Beswick and Miss Barbara Gould. Others playing were Mrs Boyle, Mrs Algar Williams, Mra Sleeman, and "the Misses Blanch (2), Teschemaker (2), and Masters Boyle, Blanch, and Ronalds. Lady Ward arrived in Christchurch on Thursdav, and is the guest of Mrs B. Wood.

Major and Mrs Hutton, who have been on leave from Feaihorston, returned north on Thursday, having been the guests of Mr and Mrs A. Rhodes.

Major and Mrs Sleeman, who have been staying at Warner's, returned to Wellington on Tuesday,

Miss Webster, who has been spending the holidays in tha South Island, returned to Wellington on Monday. Miss Wilding, who has been at home for the vacation, returned to Dunedin on Monday to the Medical School.

P. Wiffan, Misses Wolfexstan, Urquhar% Neville, Clouston, Chapman, M'Callum, Inries.

Quite a number of people journeyed though to Picton on blew Year's iJay. Ma: and Airs B. Clouston had many visitors to their pretty residence in Queen Charlotte Sound. Some of them -were Mr and Mrs Thompson, Mrs "White, Mioses Wolferstan, Miss M. M'Callum, Mrs and Miss Clouston, Mrs A. Bell, Mi- -and Mrs B. Monro, Mr and Mrs and Miss Stewart (Wellington), Mr* and Miss Lightfoot, Mi»s Bell, Mr C. Harley (Nplson), Dx Bennett. Mrs Cheek has returned from Wellington. Mrs C. Mills and family are staying in Picton.

Miss D. Revell has returned from Christchurch.

Mrs A. Mouat has returned from Piotora, Miss It. Ball has returned from her visit to Napier. Br Lindsay, -who has been visiting hia daughter (Mrs A. Adams, Langley Dal*), h*a returned to Wellington. Mrs W. M'Jtae has returned from her visit to Mrs M'Rac, Altimarlock. Misa Amuri Neville has returned from Chrietchurch.

WELLINGTON, January 11. On Tuesday the Pioneer Club entertained Mis Abbott, who is travelling for the benefit of the Scottish Association, which has done so much splendid work in. the war. Most people by this time are familiar with the start they made at the very outset in good set rivalry with the English . system skirted at Paris under the auspices of Dr Garrett Anderson, and Dr Flora Murray, the famous suffragette. A good many hundred- thousand pounds have been raised for both these splendid organisations which the medical profession in both countries took to from the first. Curiously enough the revelation of their work is not the splendid qualification in alii things of the women doctors, or the superiority of the nurse over the orderly; these go without saying, and go very satisfactorily to all who have followed the advance of the women in the professions. The revelation is the superiority of the women as orderlies. None of these women who run hospitals, now have any but women orderlies, and the view! is growing fast in the medical profession that the male hospital orderly is a thing of the past. To get back to Mrs Abbott: she was met by Lady Stout and Mrs Luke, Mrs Massey, and others, and after the custo* mary greetings and tea in the spacious well* lighted rooms of the Pioneers, Mrs Abbott held all present interested for upwards of half an hour discoursing about the work of the wonderful Scottish organisation she represents. Incidentally she was very satisfied with the collections in Australia, and; the business has begun very well in God's Own Country in spits of the many calls in all directions, and the fact That the Income Ta.x payments are beginning their presenfo. Some of us wanted especially to hear Mr* Abbott on the great Servian retreat, which was accompanied by a unit of their hospital service. But that is a pleasure reserved for the arrival of Dr Agnes Bennett, who had charge of the work in Servia. Sir Joseph and Lady Ward returned from their southern holiday early in the week, only to leave again "on account of the funeral of the late Mr C. Parata, Maori member for the Southern distriot. The gloom cast over Maori ciroles is very great for the late member. Great sympathy is felt for Mrs Parata, who is a distinguished ornament' of Wellington society. Political circles are especially moved, for the late member was greatly respected and very popular.

On 'Monday one of the pioneers passed away in the .person of Mrs Drumniond, who arrived here in 1868, and after a few years went over to Stoke., in Nelson, where she spent a good part of her life. Returning eventually to Wellington, she has filled e. large space in the social lifo of the city and water suburbs. She leaves a largo family of sons and daughters. The engagement is announced of Mrs Monro, owner of Craig Lochart Station, Blenheim, and of 14 Burnell avenue, Wellington, and Mx Thurston Belling, solicitor* of Blenheim.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3331, 16 January 1918, Page 49

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3331, 16 January 1918, Page 49

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3331, 16 January 1918, Page 49