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Friday evening. The first advance of 2s 6d on the new crop is the chid concern of the wheat farmers throughout the commonwealth at the present time (says the Australasian), it should, however, be clearly understood that tins advance, involving as it does a sum of ±114,000,0110, can only become available for the farmer when the money is paid over by the Imperial Government. Indications are not wanting that the payment will bo made in the near future; perhaps before the middle ol next month. Efforts made by the Australian Wheat Commission to induce the British Government to take some of their wheat in the form of Hour seem likely to bo successful. At any rate, millers throughout the States have boon asked to quote for best patent roller and 78 per cent, extraction hour, f.0.b., prices to bo bused on wheat at 4 s per bushel, as well as at 4s 9d per bushel. They arc also requested to state the quantity which they arc prepared to supply monthly. So far this season the “pool” has shipped Hour in lieu of wheat to the extent of 125,875 tons, which quantity is the equivalent of 181,260 tons of wheat. The Western Australian mills are able to supply 8000 tons a month, but in the Eastern States returns are not yet complete. Local millers arc still holding off tho market, waiting to see what prices the Government is going to fix for the wheat in stocks and lor the new crop. Practically but one Dunedin miller is buying, and, in the absence of competition, prices are probably a bit easier. Two lines of velvet, for mixing purposes, and not of any groat quality, have been sold during tho week at 6s, and a lino of Tuscan at 5s ICd. both ox store. Oatmeal is quoted at £l6 a ton for 25’s; pearl barley, £l9; pollard, £6; bran. £4. The current quotation for flour is £ls. The local market is very short of stocks of oats. The Government order for 1100 sucks is tho largest (small though it is) to be placed for some months now; but the order cannot have any effect on the market. Business, in fact, is stagnant. AH kinds of prices are named, from 3s and 3s Id. f.0.b., sacks in, to 3s 2d and Ss 3d for 1! and A Cartons respectively. Actual sales of a few small linos have been made at 5s 3d f.0.b., sacks in, for A Cartons, and 3s 2d for B’s. On tho other hand another merchant might not be able to sell at 3s and 3s Id for the same class of oats. PRODUCE REPORT. Stocks of chaff have been short, but consignments are now a little in excess of the demand, and the market is a little easier. Bacon is still scarce, local rolls being practically unobtainable. A consignment of rolls from Christchurch was shut out from the Tarawera, and there being no boat as usual arriving on Sunday, the rolls will not come to hand till Thursday. Stocks of both wheaten and oaten straw are somewhat short. It is expected that a start will shortly bo made by farmers to press. It is not difficult to overload the local market with straw. Both eggs and dairy butter are freely corning forward, but are meeting with a ready sale. Now season’s Canterbury onions are now being quoted at 10s per cwt. Current wholesale prices are as follow': — Chaff. —Prime oaten sheaf, to £4 15s; medium to good, £3 to £3 15s (sacks extra). Straw.—Oaten, £2 15s to £3 ss; wheaten, £2 ISs. Canterbury onions, 10s per cwt. Eggs.—Fresh and stamped, Is lid to Is “ Butter.—Milled bulk, Is 2d per lb; dairy and separator, in lib packets Is Id to Is 2d; separator (bulk), Is 2d to Is 2 2 d. Pigs. Baconers. 7d per lb; porkers, 7d. Bacon.— Rolls (in quantities), local. Is; Christchurch, Is Old; sides, lid; hams, Is per lb; ham rolls, Is Id. FRUIT REPORT. Very heavy supplies ol peaches and apricots have arrived from tho Central Otago district and Roxburgh. Owing to tho hot weather some of the fruit has got ahead of tho growers and is coming to hand in a rather soft condition. Low' prices have to bo accepted for this poor quality fruit. For all sound lines, however, a keen demand exists. Tho market continues bar© ol dessert apples. A few new season’s are arriving from tho Otago Central, and realise from to old per lb “a lew cooking sorts from Canterbury have arrived during the week. Small parcels of and plums have arrived from Nelson. The quality of this fruit was very poor, and the prices realised hardly paid freight charges. Outside-grown tomatoes from Otago Central and Canterbury have come to land during the week. As a result prices for tomatoes have dropped. \ few' Nelson grown tomatoes came forward during tho week. These cannot be compared with those grown in Canterbury or Otago Central, and realised low prices.

Potatoes aro coming in in_ large quantities, and prices show a slight falling off. The market clones with a weak tendency. Green peas aro fairly plentiful, and icalI»o from l£d to 2d per lb. Tho following aro tho current wholesale prices : Apples.—Otago Central, dessert, 4Jd to 64d; cooking, 3d to 3gd; Canterbury, 9a to 10s per ease. Oranges.—American Navels, 27s 6d per double casft , , .. Peaches.—lnferior, lid to lAd; medium, 2d to 3d; dessert, crated, 3d to fid per lb. Plums.—Dessert, 2d to 2£d; jam, l{d to Lemons. —Oalifornian doubles, 35s to 37s 6d per double case. Bans nas. —None ofFcring. Tomatoes.—Christ church hothouse, 4d to bad; local hothouse, 6d to 7d. Cucumbers, 6s to 7s per dozen. Gooseborrics-, Id to l|d. Black currants, 2id to 3d. Red currants, 3£d to 6d. Raspberries, Bd. Cabbagra, Is 6d to 2s per dozen; Is to ?s 6d per Back. Cauliflowers, 2s cd to 33 6d per sack ; 2s to 3s per dozen. Carrots, new season's, 8d to 10a per dozen bunches. Turnips, 6d per dozen. Rhubarb, 4s to 5s per cwt. Lettuce, 6d to Is per dozen. New Potatoes—Local, l'Jd to lfd. Green peas, l 2 d to 2\d for choice. MERCHANDISE MARKET. Zig zag cigarette papers aro quoted at 8s per box. The price of Fry's cocoa has been advanced no: 10 boxes, Is £d per lb; less, Is Bid. The Home liner has brought supplies of Nelson's loz gelatine and isinglass. Both these lines are coming to a bare market. The now season's dates, have arrived. They aro of first grade quality. The new season's muscatels, which usually arrive here in November-December, and which were delayed in Sydney on account of tho Labour troubles there, b?vo pow come to hand Tiro export of tea (in fact all products) from India and Ceylon has been El' pped through tho banks refusing to negotiate drafts on account of being unable to arrange exchange The position is a most unusual one, and cannot last for any length of time, as it would practically mean ruination to Ceylon and India (especially Ceylon). In tho meantime business in both countries is at a standstill. There has been no auction in cither Colombo or Calcutta since December 19, and the last boat to leave Ceylon, carrying tea, was the Karmala on about December 20, which conveyed about 1,000,0001 bto Australasia. Whether there will bo another shipment before April is open to question. What makes the position so acute is the fact that there is a discrepancy of nearly 8,000,0001 b in tho Imports of tea into Australasia during the past 12 months, as compared with this time fast year. Ceylon tea imports into New Zealand will be found to be about 1,00-0,00011) short. It is not in tho immediate present that tho pinch will bo felt, states one authority, but in about six weeks' time. Eastern freights have advanced as from January 1 by 21s 4d a ton, which represents about |d per lb on tea. COMMERCIAL CABLEGRAMS. LONDON, January 16. Copper.-—Spot, £llsO ss; three months, £126 ss; electrolytic, £139 10s. Tin.—Spot, £lB7 7s 6d; three months, £IBB 17s 6d. Lead.—Spot, £3O 10s; three months, £29 I . Spelter.—Spot, £47; three months, £44. Silver, 36d> per oz. January 17. At tho tallow sales to-day 812 casks were offered and 588 sold at full rates. January 18. Bank of England returns: Gold coin and bullion in stock, _ £54,729,000 • reserve, £35,734,000; proportion of reserve to liabilities, 18.90 per cent.; notes in circulation, £38.832,000; Government deposits, £51,325,000; other deposits, £137,699.000; Government securities, £133,883,000; other securities, £37,392,000. Discount on short loans, 4g per cent. : three months' bills, 5 1-16 per cent.; bank rate, 5g per cent. Consols, £53 10s. War loans: 34 per cent., £BS 2s 6d ; 4 per cent., £99 17s 6d. Following- are tho quotations for colonial stocks, as compared with those for the

* 1929-40 currency, t 1920-."0 currency. Butter: Danish scarce and hardening, 220 s to 2225. Colonial: Easier, owing to large quantities being duo. Australian salted, 194 s to 1965; unsalted, 196 s to 198 s; secondary, 186 sto 1925. New Zealand choicest, 200 s io 204. s ; unsalted, 204 sto 2065. Argentine, 92s to 1945. Cheese: Vory firm. Canadian, 138 sto 140 s. The sheepskin sales, fixed for to-day, were postponed. Bradford wool: Tho market is quiet, and prices aro generally weaker. Sixty-fours, TOd; super 60's 60d; common 60's, 03d; 66's. 52d; 50's, 43d : 46's, 35d: 40's, 32d. Copper: Spot, £l3O ss; three months, £126 ss; electrolytic, £139 10s. Tin: Spot. £IOB 7s 6d ; three months, £lB9 Bs 6d. Lead: Spot, ,'J 10s; three months, £29 10s. Speller: Spot, £sl; three months, £46. Silver, 36|d per oz. Wheat: Quiet. Flour: Tendency upwards. Australian patents. 59s to 59s 6d. Oats: Firm. La Plata, ex ship 48s 6d to 495. Peas and brans: Quiet and unchanged. Sugar: Unchanged. January 20. Hemp: Quiet: nominally unchanged. Copra: December-February shipment, £42 10s. Rubber: Para, 3s 3d; plantation smoked & o|d. Frozen rabbits: Short supply; very dear. Australian store, 32s to 335.

Frozen mutton: New Zealand and Australian, B|d; South American, 9£d. Frozen lamb: New Zealand, lOd; Australian, 9ud; South American, 10 o d. January 21. The quantity of wheat and Hour afloat for tho United Kingdom is 2,195,000 quarters, and for the. Continent 3,120,000 quarters. The Atlantic shipments wore 252,000 quarters, and tho Pacific nil. Total: Europe 790,000, India 75,000, Argentina 184,C00 Australasia (estimated) 200,000 quarters. THE WOOL SALES. Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Ltd.) have received tho following cabled advico from their London agents (Messrs Sanderson, Murray, and Co.), under dato 17th hist.:—" London Wool Sales: Sales have closed. No change on November closing rates, except greasy merino combing market advanced 5 per cent.; faulty wools irregular. Next, sales open 13th February." DUNKOIN MAKKKTB FARM AND DAIRY TRODUCK. Mr 15. J. M'Abthub (successor to Messrs M'llroy Bros.), Georgo street, reports paying for produce- during the week ending the 23rd inst., as follows, Stamped fresh Eggs Ilonf-y (bulk), f>i 1 lb 1/2 doz Honey (section), S/ii <loz Salt Butter, J/l lb Honey (Cartons), 1 /- doz. Sep. Butter, l/i lb | Beeswax, !/A SOUTHLAND MARKET REPORT. (Fbom Oob Own ..Cobbbspondent.) INVERCARGILL, January 27. Oats.—A grade Cartons aro worth nominally 2s 6d per bushel, on trucks, _at near hand country sidings; but nothing whatever is being offered, by growers. On the other hand, northern buyers hold aloof from operating, and are wise in so doing, as the extent in the northern quarters will soon be known, and this knowledge will have an effect on prices. Crops locally, owing to the long spoil of dry weather, are decidedly lighter than usual. Chaff.—Growers arc not offering any prices whatever, and there is practically no local demand, prices being nominally £3 5s 011 trucks. The grass season is now practically over except for the sowing down of burnt areas in bush country. The season has been a particularly active one for merchants, such not having been experienced for many years. It, is rather early to say anything definite with regard to values of the new crop, but the opinion is freely expressed that rye grass will bo much lower than tho last two or three seasons. This is owing to the reports in respect of prospects in Wellington and Hawko's Bay provinces. OAMARU MARKETS. (Fbom Oub Own Correspondent.) OAMARU, January 20. Tho market continues exceedingly quiet, and no new season's wheat has yet been submitted. It is doubtful if much lias been thrashed so far. It is anticipated that next week will see samples coming forward, but no business is likely to bo done until tho Government announces its decision .as to the price. Some small sales in new oats were reported, Gartens up to A grade and Algerians of fair quality having both changed hands at country stations at 2s 6d net. A good many offers of ryegrass seed have been made from the country. Some perennial of fair quality sold at 2s 9d to 2s lOd, at country stations. GRAIN AND PRODUCE REPORTS. Messrs Dalgety and Co. (Ltd.) report as follows: —Cats: There has been a good inquiry lor bright, heavy lines, which aro salelablo at quotations. Stocks in store are very light, and few lines are offering from the country. (Quotations: Prime mining, iis lid to .ss; good to best feed, 2s 9d to 2s lUd; damaged and inferior, 2s 2d to 2s bd per busnel (sacks extra). VVhtat: The market for milling wheat is very unsettled pending the decision ol the Government an regard to fixing prices, and millers are not keen to operate at late values. Fowl wheat is in short supply, and meets a ready sale at from 5s c'd to bs lOd for best whole, medium quality 5s 3d to 5s 6d per bushel (sacks extra). Potatoes: Consignments from North Otago and other local districts have been coming forward more freely, and tho market snows a weakening tendency. Chaff: During the past week increased consignments have come forward, and late rates aro barely maintained. Tho demand is principally lor bright, heavy oaten sheaf, which is realising £4- 153; medium quality, £4 to £4 Ids per ton (sacks extra). Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) report: We held our w eokly auction sale of grain and produce at our stores, when values ruled as under: —Oats: There has been fair inquiry during the last week. Buyers at present are not disposed to give prices asked by growers, and on this account business has been restricted. We quote: Prime milling, 2s lid to 3s; good to best feed. 2s od to 2s lOd; inferior to medium, 2s 5d to 2s 7d per bushel (sacks extra). Wheat: Owing to tho Government not having fixed the prico for wheat, millers have retrained from operating, and we have therefore no sales to • report during the week. Fowl wheat has been in good demand, and meets with ready sale at 5s 7d to 5s 9d per bushel (sacks extra). Chaff: Supplies are coining to hand more freely. These aro sufficient to fulfil immediate requirements, and only prime lots aro readily placed at lato quotations. Medium and inferior lines have little demand. We quote: Prime oaten sheaf, £4 10s to £4 15s; choice black oat, to £5 ; medium to good, £4 to £4 ss; light and discoloured, £3 10s to £3 15s per ton (sacks extra). OTAGO FARMERS HORSE BAZAAR. The Otago Fawners' Co-operative Association of New Zealand, report:—We held our weekly horse sale in our bazaar on Saturday last. Tho entry was not quite so large as usual, but comprised a number of useful farm horses. The attendance was fair, but a number of buyers present preferred to wait for our harvest sale, which is to be held on Friday next, the 26th inst. Mr Todd's consignment from the south were all sold at fairly satisfactory prices. We quote: Good young draught marcs and geldings, £24 to' £27; superior young draught geldings, tic for shaft or lorry work, £3O to £35; ordinary draught marcs and geldings, £l9 to £23; aged draughts, to £ls; good upstanding vanners, at from £lB to £25; ordinary spring-carters, at from £ls to £2O; upstanding buggy mares and geldings £lO to £ls; harks and ponies, £-i to £B. Man loves a row, but hates a c-cone; woman le irs tho row, but favours a scene.

previous week:— .Tan. IJ. Jan. IS (Victorian 4's 9.1 02J Victorian 3.}s ... 82 *n Victorian 3Js * ... 70j to ;■ Victorian .Ts G2 r,n t New South Wales 4'fl ... 82? Wl.V New South Wales 3}'s 96} Oil A New South Wales SJ'sj ... ... 70\ nn ;■ New South Wales 3's ... 70 nii' : Queensland 4's ... 871 8r; ; i Queensland 3>'s ... S4.V b:ij Queensland 3's 02 COJ South Australian 3}'s ... 71J 71 South Australian 3's r.n-< :.fii New Zealand 4's ... 84J 83 New Zealand 3J's ... 72J 72 New Zealand 3's 63$ (121 Taemnninn BJ'a 71 70 i Tasmanian 3'3 65 cr.j West Australian 3i's 75 7.5 West Australian 3's ... 699 70

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Otago Witness, Issue 3280, 24 January 1917, Page 14

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THE BREADSTUFFS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Otago Witness, Issue 3280, 24 January 1917, Page 14

THE BREADSTUFFS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Otago Witness, Issue 3280, 24 January 1917, Page 14