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WEST TAIERI. On the 14th the break-up conceit of the West Taieri School was held at Woodside. Mr D. Sutherland occupied the chair. Ihe first part of the concert consisted of songs, recitations, dancing, and dialogues by the children. These were all well rendered, and much appreciated by a large audience. Ihe second part was given by local talent and friends from a distance, all of whom contributed to the enjoyment and success of tho concert. At tho conclusion Mr Macpherson moved a hearty vote of thanks to tho performers and the children ■ for the pleasant evening they had given. Tins was carried together with a special voto of thanks to Miss I. M'Diarmid for her assistance with the children. Master Harold Ferguson presented Mis? Gibb (assistant teacher) with a handbag. He said the children were all sorry at her leaving, and asked her to accept the gift as a token of the high esteem in winch they held her. Miss Janet Marshall on behalf of tho children, presented Mr Kelly, who had been relieving for fully four months, with an inscribed umbrella. She said that all the children felt grateful to him for his kindness and the interest ho had taken in their progress. Both teachers suitably replied. . On Friday a number of ladies met in the hall to say good-bye to Miss Gibb, and presented her with a gold pendant and chain as a token of esteem from tho ladies of West Taieri. Miss Gibb feelingly replied. OTOKIA. The annual picnic of the Otokia School was held at Taieri Mouth on the 15th, a large number of children, with, their parents, making the trip. The conditions at the beach were not very favourable, a strong, gusty wind making things unpleasant, but the trip up and down the river was very enjoyable. Races were indulged in at tho beacn, each child receiving a toy in addition to the prize for school work. Tho prize list is as follows : Standard Vl.—Joseph Cross. Standard V. —Agnes Reid, Percy Matheson. Standard IV.—Agnes Gibson, Edna Govan, John Walker, William Cross, Hector Fleming, Cyril Beer. Standard lll.—Rua Bryant, Rhoda Irving. Lilian Cross, Alex. Fleming. Standard II. —May Wilson, James Matheson, Burnett Reid, Thomas Lobb, Vincent Walker. Standard I.—Helen Wilson, Ena Irving, Ernest Lobb. Class P.—Dorcen Govan, Mary Lobb, Audrey Liddle, George Walker, Russell Fleming, Watson Reid MOMONA. Tho break-up and presentation of prizes took place on Thursday at 2 p.m. Mr A. VV. Arno 3 (chairman ol the committee) presided, and presented tho prizes. At tho examination the following gained proliciency certificates: —Harold A. Amos. Allan Miller, Olivo M'Ncill, Leah Stewart, Annie Hackett, Robert Walker, Harry Stewart, Annie J3ruce, and Kitty Moyninan. Ihe following is the prize-list: Standard VI.—H. Amos, A. Miller, O. M'Neill, L. Stewart, A. Hackett, R. Walker 1, H Stewart, A. Bruce, K. Moynihan 2. Standard V.—W. Bruce, M. Hackett, M. Miller 1, W. Thornton and B. Miller 2, E. Ford, E. Harvey, and M. M'Leod 3. iStandard IV.—Jessio Walker 1, L. Bruce, W. M'Hattie, M. Harvey, and W. Hastie 2, J. Bromner 3. Standard lll.—Walter Bruce 1, A. Thornton, G. M'Leod, and W. Barron 2, A. Mooro 3. Standard ll—Netta Warren, M. Ford, and E. Fairbairn 1, N. M'Leod, A. Hastie, and E. Hastie 2, D. Ford 3. Standard I.—Olive Fairbairn 1. J. Ford, M. Bolitho, S. Snell, and W. Harvey 3. Special Prizes. —Nancy Hackett (for seven years' excellent attendance), Michael Hackett (arithmetic prize, Standard V), Jessie Walker (arithmetic prize, Standard IV). Dux of school, Harold A. Amos. LAWRENCE. Tho break-up took place on tho 21st. Mr W. R. Smyth presided. No class prizes were given, with the exception of those awarded by the Navy League and the following special prizes for five years' unbroken attendance: —R. Ottaway, M. Gray, and R. Gray. Standard Vll.—Dux (old boys' medals), Marjory Blair and Horace Hawkins Ihe following pupils, previous winners of the special attendance prize, received speciai mention: —Vera Potts (eight years' unbioken attendance), Marion M'Donald (six years), Slarah Johnston (six years), Lcith M'Nab (six year-). Robert P. Fish has won an entrance scholarship awarded by the authorities of Christ's College. The following pupils gained proficiency certificates: —Alice Campbell, Irene Ferguson, Wilhelmina Gray, Amy Highley, Adeline Jones, Ruby Lawrence, Olive Marshall, Beatrice Potts, Thomas Brooks, George Bowie, Robert Fish, Montague Carruthers, Ernest Matthews, Cyril Mark, Raymond Martin, James Ottaway, Cecil Rogers. Peter Robertson, John Robertson, Arthur Wethe' rail. lIIC .CLIFF. Tho break-up ceremony of the Highcliff School was held on Wednesday. Owing to the crowded state of the hall, many could not gain admission, and the committee intends to have future concerts in a bigger hall. The attendance and takings estab lished a record. The chairman (Mr W. Henderson) congratulated the teachers (Mr D. A. J. Rutherford and Miss Botting) on their excellent work, and also addressed a few words to the children. A programme consisting of songs by the school choir, several selections (and specially selections of part music) by the school band, solos (piano and violin), recitations, dialogues, playlets, a court scene, and items of iocal interest were submitted by the children, to tho great satisfaction of the audience. Special prizes were won by the following: Fairbairn prizes for English, Johann M Kenzio and Eleanor Cowan; geography prizes—Douglas Weir, Johann M'Kenzie; sewing prize, Wilhelmina Mathicson; arithmetic prize, Eleanor Cowan. During tho programme mention was made of Mr John Bishop, who has been secretary of tho school for nearly 40 years. PINE HILL. Tho annual br.oak-up ceremony in connection with the Pine Hill School was held on Wednesday. Mr A. Spoor (chairman of the committee) presided over a crowded

gathering of parents and residents. _ A pleasing programme of songs, recitations, dances, etc., was presented by the children and the manner in which these were performed reflected great credit on their teachers (Mr Hawke and Miss Ewart). The following is the prize-list: Dux girl, Annie Robb (silver medal). Dux boy Herbert Fox (silver medal). Standard Vl.—Proficiency—Annie Robb, Herbert Fox. Standard V— Ivan Wright 1, Jeannie M'Ara 2 Standard IV—Ellen Robb 1, Agnes Konkol 2. Standard lll.—Walter Carter 1, John ~ Standard ll.—Ernest Dudley 1, Jessie Richards 2. Standard I.—Kathleen Moore 1, Nelbe Ford 2. Athcnoeum prize, Annie Robb; sewing: Senior division—Jeannie M'Ara 1, Annie Robb 2; intermediate division—Agnes Konkel 1, Ellen Robb 2; junior division—Nellie Murphy 1, Nellie Ford 2.

TAIERI FERRY. The breaking-up and prize-giving of the Taieri Ferry School took place on Thursday. After a short programme of songs," etc., by the children, the Rev. Mr M'Cully (Waihola) gave out the prizes ,and spoke briefly to the children, commending them on their year's work and wishing them an enjoyable holiday. Votes of thanks were then heartily carried for everyone concerned, and the ceremony concluded with the singing of the National Anthem and the dispensing of afternoon tea. The prize-list is as follows: Standard V. —Annie Drummond, highest marks; Ruth Reid, neatness. Standard IV. —John Drummond, arithmetic.

Standard 111. —Travis Brown and Kathleen Joseph, class marks; May Crossan, neatness; Eunice Reid. spelling. Standard I. —George Drummond, drawing; Hector Sinclair, spelling; Ethel Reid, spelling; Agnes Drummond, reading. P Classes. —Leslie Crossan, writing ; Wm. Reid, writing; Margaret Sinclair, drawing. The special sowing prize presented by Mrs James Sinclair was won by Annie Drummond. Two special prizes for attendance and reading •were won by Travis Brown and Kathleen Joseph. Two special prizes for drawing and composition were won by May Crossan and Travis Brown, and two special writing prizes were won by Ruth Reid and May Crossan. OUTRAM. The annual break-up ceremony took place on Wednesday in the Outram Hall, which was packed to the doors. Mr T. Chisholm (chairman of the committee) presided. A lengthy programme of songs, exercises, recitations, and dialogues was presented, the being performed exclusively by thcchildren. The audience showed its appreciation by enthusiastic applause. The chairman made reference to the fact that Miss Macdonald, having completed her term of probationcrship, would be leaving the school. He emphasised the able and efficient manner in which she had performed her duties during the last two years, and wished her every success in the future. The prizes were then distributed by the chairman. The following is the prize list: — A, B, C Class.—Margaret Milne, Mirriel Fraser, Annie Hcaley, Ronald Esplin, Nicholas Healey, William Brensell, Hugh Gibson. PI. —Barbara Clark, Eileen Anderson, Nancy Snow, Hazel Dick, Jean Shuffill, Robert Campbell, Hugh M'Cann, Steven Muhjucen. P2. —Allison Webster, Lily Dobson, Beatrice Andrew, Bessie Welch, Annie Ferguson, Frederick Dobson, John Bathgate, Lance Laing. P 3 Little, Robert Anderson, William Campbell, John M'Bryde, Burnett M'Donald.

P 4 Laing, Elsie Fowler, Winnie Mulqucen, Ida Wyllie, Flossie Little, Dorothy Shuffill, Wiimio White, William Cameron, William Eraser, Christopher M'Lean; diligence —Gwen Snow and John Nao!e; sewing, Dorothy Shuffill. Standard I. —Class marka--Gwen M'Bryde 1, Freda Parsons 2, William Ferguson 3, Erie Esplin 4; diligence, Lily Anderson; spelling, Gwen M'Bryde; arithmetic, Grace Webster; sewing, Freda Parsons. Standard ll.—Class prizes—Doris Harrison 1, Ethel Andrew 2, Edward Snow 3, William Bathgate 4; diligence, Greta Fraser; spelling, Doris Harrison; sewing, Maud Shuffill.

Standard 111. —Class marks—Graham Wyllie 1, Christina Campbell 2; diligence, Mario Tie Anderson; spelling, Graham Wyllie; mental arithmetic, Marjorie Anderson ; sowing, Christina Campbell. Standard IV.—Class marks—Alan M'Bryde 1, Lucy Shuffill 2, Albert Blair 3, Lorna Inglis 4; diligence. Avis Southgate ; mental arithmetic —Lorna Inglis and Alan M'Bryde; sewing, Avis Southgate. Standard V. —Class marks —Robert Harvey 1. Amy Robertson 2. Margaret Andrew 3, Myrtle Watson 4: diligence prize, Gwen Fowler • sewing, Leona Bathgate. Standard Vl.—Mabel Dow (dux and medallist), Isabel Wyllie 2, Doreen M'Bryde 3, Melville Bathgate 4, Florence Shuffill 5, Bessie Cameron 6, James 801 l 7, George Southgate 8, William Hannah 9; diligenceCharles Cameron • gardening, Vance Hannah; mental arithmetic. Mabel Dow; sewing Florence Shuffill; darning (competed for'by girls of Standards IV, V, and VI), Avis Southgate; special attendance prize (seven years' attendance without one absence), Doreen M'Bryde. Prize for girl who, though hindered by illness, has made good progress, Elsie Fowler. Twent-one first class attendance certificates and 15 second class were won during the- year. EAST TAIERI. The break-up was held on Thursday evening, when a programme of about 20 items was given by the pupils. Songs were given by Miss Ro&eveare and Mr J. Henderson. Miss Lothian accompanied for the children and Mrs Munro for the adult players, while Miss Gillespie was responsible for the greater part of preparing the children. The following is the prize-list:— Standard Vl—Gladys Connor 1, William Eogeiv. 2, Leonard Munderson 3. Standard IV—Fred. Garret 1, Peter Bryee 2, John Pellowe 3. Standard lll.—Nellie Imrie 1, B, Simpson 2, Madge Miller 3. Standard ll.—Leonara Pellowe 1, Eric Williams 2, Alice Bryce 3. Standard I.—Ella Bedford 1, C. Bryco 2, Evelyn Millar 3. , In addition to the above, a number of special prizes were awarded

TOKOMAIRIRO. A fair number of parents and friends of pupils of the Tokomairiro District High School attended the break-up ceremony. The proceedings opened with a programme of recitations and action songs in the infants' room, preceded by the singing of the National Anthem, after winch the youngsters were each presented with a book and a bag of lollies, and dismissed. An adjournment was then made to the senior department, where Mr J. W. Petri* (chairman of the School Committee) presented the prizes (which were few in number) and medals to the winners. The dux gold medal (presented by the ExPupils' Club) was won by Elsie Scoon, with Robert Jaffray second. The- gold medal for sewing was won by Nannie Campbell. Other prizes distributed were: English (Standard Vl)—Nannie Campbell 1 Ivy Carruthcrs 2, Donald Sizemore 3; sewing—dux in sowing (gold medal), Nanmo Campbell. Standard VII: Adeline Somerville 1, Elsie Scoon 2, Ella Blaikie 3. Standard VI: Nannie Campbell 1, Ivy Carruthcrs 2, Edith Lane 3. Standard V: Eunice Seudumoro 1, Eleanor Porter 2, Maliel Riddell 3. Standard IV: Annie Vernon 1, Vera Moir 2, Myra Riddell 3. Standard III: Eileen Craighead 1. Frances Savage 2. Ivy Park 3. Standard II: Isabel Scoon 1. Ruby Elder 2. Joyce Sizemore 3. Standard I: Amy Michelle 1, Irene Kennnrd 2, Dorothy Olvcr 3. Eighty-seven photographic certificates of their ciass-mates were awarded to pupils for first-class ' attendance—an admirable record. The Rector (Mr W. B. Graham) made special reference to the large number of pupils who had gained attendance certificates. The school, work had been disorganised for several months by changes and illness in the staff, ©uring the year £73 16s Id had been raised in the school for patriotic purposes, including £l7 from the sale of flowers and produce from the school and rectory gardens; This had been exnended in the purchase of material to be made up by the pupils, and in contributions to patriotic funds—aeroplane fund, £2 10s; sailors' dependents, £8 ; Belgian children, £ls ; Jack Cornwcll, £1 6s; Christmas presents, £2 10s; Women's Patriotic Association, £l6. Nearly 12.000 bottles had been collected, and forwarded to Dunedin. The articles made by the girls during the year included 110 eye bandages. 7,5 girdles, 2 face cloths, 4quilts, 90 pairs socks, 3 mufflers, 194 handkerchiefs, 21 singlets, 56 pillowslips, 133 service bags, 5 pairs cuffs. 78 housewifes, 1 balaclava, 32 tea towels, 149 soap bags, 15 knickers, "68 chemises, 27 petticoats, 17 bodices. A musical programme was contributed by the pupils of the senior classes.

TAPANUI. The Tapanui District High School breakup took place on Wednesday, and the old method of awarding prize books was reverted to. In. the evening the Town Hall was crowded for the concert, and a very enjoyable programme was cone through, a few adults lending their assistance. The prize books were presented by the chairman of committee (Mr Geo. Howat), and the winners were heartily applauded. The proceedings concluded with the singing of " God Save the King." Appended is the detailed prize-list: Secondary'Division.—Dux, Stuart Sinclair; Gavina Brownlio 2. Secondary Department.—Junior Division: Gordon Sim 1, Mavis Mackie and Alan Hardy (equal) 2. Middle Division: Ada Gordon 1, Walter Stuart 2. Special—mathematics, Gordon Sim; composition, Ada Gordon. , Standard Vl.—Proficiency—Harold Hnncox, Wm. Hawkins, Jack M'Aulcy, Walter Nicol, Keith Rodger, Arthur Shanks, Annie Edgar. Joan Hendrie, Cynthia Isteed. Margaret Keir, Recna Murray, Marjorie Robertson, Ruth Whiteley; knitting, Annie Edgar. Standard V.—Tom Hancox 1, Edgar Brownlie 2; Bertha Redditt 1, Ivy Hardy 2. Standard IV.—George Smith 1, Wardlo Hancox 2; Katherine Shanks 1, Dorothy Robinson 2; knitting, Eva Gibson. Standard lll.—Win. Hancox 1, Struan Robertson 2: Dorothy Eskdale 1. Lome Powell 2; knitting—Bella Redditt, Cessford Brownlie. Standard IT.—Jack Koir 1. Ken. Connolly 2; Lexie Stuart 1, Linda Rodger 2;. knitting— Lexie Stuart, Douglas Gillies, Andrew Potts. Standard I. —Percy Hancox 1, Allan M'Aulcy 2; Doris Hetherton 1, Annie Gillies 2; knitting, Cathie Nicol. WALTON. Following the usual custom, all the pupils of Walton School were presented with prizes. The dux medal was awarded to Doris Miller, the runner-up being Gladys Cook. Mr John Blair (a former school master of Walton) presented the books to the juniors, and the Rev. J. Kilpatrick presented the prizes to the senior scholars. Complimentary reference was made to the great amount of patriotic work done by the pupils. The concert programme submitted consisted of the New Zealand Anthem (soloist, Venus Halsey), Red_ Cross nurses by five girls, fairy dances, swing songs, dialogues, and choruses by both senior and junior' pupils. Recitations were given by Andrew Hannah. Annie Hethering, and Doris Miller. Throughout the urogramme the children acquitted themselves admirably, and the audience signified their appreciation by hearty applause. CROMWELL. The Cromwell School broke-up for the Christmas holidays on Wednesday. There was a goodly muster of parents and friends. The prizes were distributed by the Rev. Mr Rankin, the Rev. Mr Stephens, and Mr Sanders. The children rendered a nice programme of songs and recitations, which was much appreciated by those present. Menlion was made of the fact that the roll was increasing, and that the school was on a fair way to the next grade. Mr Mcchaelis and his assistants were heartily congratulated on the very successful concert that they had previously trained the pupils for and had staged a week ago. The following is the prize list: — Special Prizes : —Dux. John Bruce. Standard Vll.—Ruth Jolly; writingCecilia Robertson 1, Anita Jclley 2. Standard VI.—J. Bruce (dux), Cecilia Robertson 2.

Standard V.—" William Leslie Jolly 1, Cuthbert Murray and Joy Sanders 2. Standard "IV.—Annie Yarcoe 1, Douglas Jollv 2. Standard lll.—Roa Slanders I, Sadi Brown 2. Standard ll.—Ernest Schcib 1, Alice Burrows 2. Standard I.—Herbert Evving 1, James Gordon 2.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3277, 3 January 1917, Page 7

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SCHOOL VACATIONS Otago Witness, Issue 3277, 3 January 1917, Page 7

SCHOOL VACATIONS Otago Witness, Issue 3277, 3 January 1917, Page 7