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Monday Evening. On Saturday afternoon the new Nurses’ Homo in Cumberland street, which has been in the course of erection for tire past three years, was officially opened, a number o£ people being present. The Nurse Cavell tabjet was also unveiled during the afternoon. The chairman of the Hosyrital Board (Mr Walker) explained all about the home, and what very deep interest had been taken in securing all possible comforts and necessities for the benefit of the nurses. The Hon. -Mr Russell, who was presented with a gold key by the architects, opened the door, and. conducted the formal opening, giving an excellent address, which was listened to with keen interest. The Mayor (Mr James Clark), Dr Valin tins (Inspector-general of Hospitals), and Dr Lindo Ferguson (Dean of the Medical Faculty) also spoke, after which delightful afternoon tea and cakes were handed round, and much enjoyed by all present. A very efficient orchestra played throughout the afternoon.

On Friday evening the Women's Nation*! Reserve held a meeting, at which the Hon. G. W. Russell spoke, Miss M'Lean (president of the Otago Branch) being in the chair. A very large assembly had gathered together, arid listened to the Minister's remarks with keen interest.

A quiet wedding- took nlace last week, when Miss Winnie Spedding, daughter of (he late Mr D. M. Spedding-, of this city, was married io the Rev. Mr Button, of Lutnaden The ceremony was performed at St._ Paul's Church, only" relations and veryintimate friends . being nresent. The bride was attired in a soft white crepe cle chino s-own, with a long white veil and wreath of flowers. She carried a bouquet of white flowers with a touch of colour. Miss Alien attended her as bridesmaid. After the wedding the guests adjourned to the home of the bride's mother, whore refreshments were much enjoyed. _ Both Mr and. Mrs Button were the recipients of some charming presents. Later in the day the happy couple left for the south, the bride wearing a smart tailor-made costume, with hat to match.

On Saturday afternoon the hunt took place at M'lton. where some good runs ensued.. Several people from town motored out, and enjoyed the afternoon's run immensely. Mr and Mrs Charles White have gone to spend a few weeks in Xapier. Dr Emily Sicdebere. who has been doing good work in connection with the hospitals in England, has returned to New Zealand. Mrs "Robinson (Tnvorcargil!) is the guest of Mrs Aufrere Fenwick (St. Clair). Miss Evelyn Fenwick (Maraweka) has been the guest of Mrs John "Roberts (Littlebourne). Mr and Mrs Lachlan Maclean have left for Wellin2-ton, where they intend spending a few weeks. Miss Morton (W"llin<rtou) is the guest of Mrs Cheeseman (Melrose) 'Mrs Cogan (Christehureh) Js at present visiting her mother, Mrs Mackerras, George street. Dr Cunn, who was the miest of Mrs John Boss during her v'sit to Dunedin, returned to Wellington on MondaySir Onovo-e M'Leau and his daughter (Mrs Wilford) left for Wellington on Tuesday. Mrs and Mips Williams, who have been rtayinar Dunedin a visit, have returned to Oamaru. Mis* Gilchrist fO.«in.*T") is at m-rscnt in Dunedin, stcyir.g at Wain's Hotel. Dr YalinHnO; who wv>« in town for the one-line- of the Xurses' Home, has returned rorth. The a. W. Russell left tho north fi<yain on Monday to r<<-< fv>r<''er National Bescrv? meetings in Christehureh. TXYEBCARGTLL. June 17 Mrs G. Moffett gave a small musical ev*>nins on Wednesday in honour of "Mirs Dorothy Fleming (Dunedin). Among- those present were Mioses Snow. Fleming. Strettell, Barron (Dunedin), R-onaldson, Hackworth, etc. A stroke match was played h\ the Ladies' Golf Club out at Otatara on Thursday afternoon, the best score being made by Miss Joyce. Miss Brain gave a most enjoyable party on Thursday evening. The most entertaining feature was the cutting out of silhouettes in paner from the shadow cast on the wall the cl:-verest one beinsr cut out by Mr 0. Smith, who was the nrize-winner. Amonsrst those present were Misses Hunt, Ronaldson, Guthrie, Snow. Fleming, Me=srs Royds, Tennent. Hawley, Ronnldson, Smith (2), e<e. Mrs Hunt lias returned from a short visit (o Dunedin. Miss B. Law, who has been visiting Mrs Ouinn. has returned to Duno'lfn. Miss Barron (Dunedin) is visiter Mrs Ronaldson. OAMARU. June 10. Mr,- and the Misses Fenwick (Maraeweka) spent a few davs in town last week. The Mises M'Douall have returned from visiMnn- their brother at Dannevirke. Miss Dnlzell is visiting Dunedin. Miss Borton is the guest of Lady Miller. Mr and Mrs Haines have returned from Dunedin. Mr and 'Mrs ITannvr (Hampden) are the Ci'e'Js of the M'>ses Sunroter. Miss Gladys Piper is visiting Waimate. "Nfr- Breston has rettirncd from Dunedin. Mr and Mrs Pochin are- staying in Christchurch. TIMABU, Juna 17. The engagement is announced of Miss Hilda Pinckney, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Pinckney (Olcnary), to Mr Baker, of England; also of Miss Gwon Wood, daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon P. Wood. Wai-iti road, to Mr J. Forbes, formerly of Timaru, but now of Tokomaru. Mra Cuthbert Harper, who has been on a

short visit to Mrs Lyon, Craighead street, Las returned to Christchurch. Dr and Mrs Bowc are staying at the Hydro. Mrs Eric Anderson (Pareora) has gone for a short visit to Mrs Verity (Oamaru). Mrs It. Wigley and her children, from Fairlie, arc staying with Mrs A. Gran I, Waiiti road. Mr and Mrs Walter Raymond, Park lane, went up to Wellington during the week. Miss Goodwin (Fairlie) has been staying at Sof ton House. Mrs Hope (Tumanako) has returned from Chris tchurcb. Mrs Chilton Hayter left on Saturday for Wellington to catch the Remuora for England. Mrs G. Hayter accompanied her to Wellington. Dr Unwin left Timaru this week for the military camp at Awapuni. Mrs and Miss Thomas (Ashburton) are the gnosis of Mrs Nicol (Claremont). Mrs Norton-Francis (Wannate) is spending the winter in Wellington. Mrs Buckley and family have returned from Oamaru. Miss Irvine (Highfield) has returned from the North Island. Mrs G. Buchanan has gone to Duncdin. Mrs and Miss Crowe, who have boon the guests of Mrs Temple, Wai-iti road, have returned to Gcraldine. The Rev. T. M. and -Mrs Curnow, of Belfast, are spending a holiday in Timaru. Miss Bead and Miss Fergueson have gone to Wellington to say good-bye to Mr B. Fcrgusson, who leaves for England by the Remuera to enter a training camp there. Mr J. A. Valentine, of the Timaru Education Department, has been promoted to the fiosition of inspector of schools in Wcstand. Lieutenant and Mrs Melville Jameson, who are on leave from Samoa, are staying with friends in Timaru. Miss F. Baine has gone to Nelson. Mr and Mrs K. Mnclennan have returned from the north.

CHRISTCHURCH, Juno 17 The Dominion has responded in a most liberal maimer to the needs of our gallant, sailors' dependents, and the Navy League in New Zealand must be proud 1o be able to remit such a- large sum of money to the Mother Country. Mrs Denniston, as president of the Hagley Golf Club, gave her annual tea last Monday, with her accompanying' prize to the winner, Miss Bond, who received a very pretty painting. Others playing were Mesdamcs Bond, Day, Million, Blackbourne, Andrews, Stevenson, Hoare, Bloxam, and the Misses Newton, Thomson, Cotton, Gerard, Preston, and Morton. Mrs Henry Acland, Park terrace, was "At home" to a few friends on Tuesday. Amongst the guests were Mesdames Stead, E. Stead, E. Harper, Deans, Ritchie (Dunedin), Beals, H. Beeves, Fox, J. Hall, and Merton. Mr and Mrs T. Tcschcmaker and family have come up to their town residence at Biccarton for the winter months. Mi - and Mrs G. Bitchie (Duncdin), who have been visiting Christchurch, have returned south. Car tain Barker, who cauie to New Zealand on a health trip and has been the guest of Mr and Mrs A. Ehodes, is returning in the B'Cmuera. Miss Phillips leaves for England in the Eemusr?..

BLENHEIM, June 14. On June 7 at the Church of the Nativity, Blenheim, Miss Grace "Wakelin, only daughter o f Mrs Wakelin, Blenheim, was married to the Rev. C. E. Negligan (Wanganui), nepbew of Bishop Negligan (Auckland), the Rev. Archdeacon Grace officiating.. The bride, who was given away by her mother, looked well in a charming gown of cream satin with white ninon on the bodice. Her exquisite veil was arranged with a wreath of orange blossoms, and she carried with her a bouquet of white lilies, carnations, and maidenhair fern. Miss Ivatblean Lissiman, the only bridesmaid, wore a dainty frock of pale blue silk, and a mob cap. She was attended by six nurses, all in uniform. Mr Roy fieid acted as best man. After the wedding ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Mrs Wakelin, who wore a handsome gown of black taffeta, black hat with plumes, and carried a bouquet of violets. A small surprise party wended its way round to Mrs Cheek's residence on Saturday evening when occasion was made to present Mrs Cheek and Mrs E. Ball with a token of appreciation for their kindness and hospitality during the practising of the recent dialogues for the concert held only a week ago. A rose competition created considerable amusement among those present, and Miss Ma.rjorio M'Callum was the successful winner. Those present were Mrs Cheek, Mrs Ball, Mis M'Callum. Misses Scott-Smith, Marie Lightfoot, D. Revell, Marjorie M'Callum, Cheek (3), Grace, etc. Mrs Rogers is visiting friends in Wellington. Miss Nan Rogers is visiting her sister, Mrs Stace, at Hamilton, Mrs A. M'Lauchlan has gone to Christchurch. Mrs G. Stevenson (Canterbury) lias been spending a few days with Mrs Gray at Springlands. Mrs Allison has returned from Kaikoura. Miss Ursula Grace has returned from visiting Christchurch. Miss Lil Penney is visiting her brother at Weatport. Bishop Sadlier (Nelson) is tbo guest of Yen. Archdeacon Grace at the Vicarage. Mrs Adams, Mr and Mrs A. Adams, and Mrs R. Adams have returned from Nelson, where they attended the marriage of Miss Eileen Adams to the Rev J. Rogers. All the various churches were well filled on Sunday for the memorial services held in honour of the late Lord Kitchener.

WELLINGTON, June 16. Think of it! Yesterday the authorities forgot their own regulation compelling all collectors to have a special permit for the same. Tlrus the army of young ladies, no gay. debonnaire, and charmingly persuasive, who adva,nced on the public to augment the war funds, suffered indignity in the persona of several of their number. The police, following with lynx eye and questioning tongue persistent, discovered a few without the noded special permit, and haled them to the police station with indignity to answer for the crime of trading for patriotic purposes with nothing better than the Mayor's permit. This was in the Mayor's domain, if you please; yet tlw press passes the outrage on municipal government with nothing better than " an untoward incident." If the windows of the offending newspapers were broken by a band of irate collectors, the public would not bo on the side of the disciples of Caxton. To arrest young ladies doing bona fide good work as if they were doing the confidence trick with brazen impudence, and raking in the shekels of embezzlement, seems to this scribe decidedly the wrong way to serve the King. As an encouragement to young people '■ <:■ ■■ ••'lections —well, thoro is not rm '• '■ bo said for it on that Boom With this exception the. bur.iness of collecting for the dependents of tho great

sailors who lest their lives in the tremendous battle of the North Sea went off very well. The Navy League, took caTc that there, was bounty in the surroundings as well as among the colhctors, and in the stalls scattered up and down the Etreets, with ribbons, streamers, decorations, and the stocks of goods, were additions to the gaiety of the nation. Lady Glasgow, as the wife of an officer on active service with the fleet, and the daughter-in-law of a post captain of the navy, led by the assault; and she was well seconded by the world, among which we could easily pick out Mrs Hall, Mrs Matthew Holmes, Mrs Corrigon, Mrs Waters, Nurse Everett, and a busy host too numerous to mention.

At the Opera House hi the evening Lady Glasgow, led forward by Monsieur Dufault, the Canadian tenor, so handsome and t;o a.rtisiic, and so sympathetic, with whom every woman has either fallen in love in our city, or is about to undergo spasms of the prevailing sickness, announced a concert in the big Town Hall for the same purpose, and promised that 'Monsieur would bring his charming voice with him, and use it, too. There was nothing more for that day to do, and everybody went home delighted, except the- poor dears who had been haled to the police station. Some persons in authority, of course, flew on the wings of indignation to_ the awful place and liberated the poor things. But—-well, what would you? Our Roman Catholic friends have swung into line and been in line with us for some time in working for the comforts of the soldiers at the front. The latest addition to their forces is a guild of workers to provide knitted comforts for the men. Miss Statia Kennedy, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin Kennedy—which means G-rey-lnouth, Wellington, aaid much more of the world, —is the secretary. Father O'Conncll presided at the inauguration during- the week, and hopes to Irive many other occasions of meeting the industrious and increasing members. Mr and Mrs Sydney Johnstone, of Takapau, arc about to proceed to England, and I hear that they received a great send-off from their friends of the neighbourhood the other day early in the week.

The Women's Anti-German League is losing the advantage of the services of Madame Bocufvc- and Miss Beatrice Day and Lady Stout —the two former because of their approaching departure for the Old Country, there to carry on the work to better advantage, the latter by reason of increasingly frequent absences from Wellington. Miea Holmes has been elected president, vice Lady Stout.

On Monday at the Unitarian Church, Ingestre street, Miss Clara G-eddis, daughter, of Mr and Mr J. M. G-eddis, of Wellington, was married to Mr E. C. Butt, son of Mr Butt, of Wellington, formerly of the Bank of New Zealand staff, by the Rev. G. E. Hale. Mr Weston, uncle of the bride, presided at the organ, and the bridesmaids were Miss Una.. Geddis and two little nieces of the bridegroom, daughters of Mrs Napier M'Lean. Mr Stanley Butt was best man. Mr and Mrs Jackson, of Auckland, grandparents of the bride, were present, and several close relatives, among them Mr W. G. Geddis, of Napier and Wellington, uncle of the bride. There was a reception afterwards at the- house of the bride's parents. After the honeymoon the bridegroom goes into camp. The Dufault concerts are a great success, Lord and Lady Liverpool constantly in the audience, Sir Joseph and Lady Ward, Mr and Mrs* Massey, and all the elite, and always every seat iaken, and many having- to stand.

The memorial services held in all the churches for Lord Kitchener during the week were very well attended, and the mourning was very sincere One felt it was an Imperial function, and all creeds joined with one heart and one mind.

AUCKLAND, June 14. That charming an<l tuneful comic opera, " The Geisha," is to take possession of His Majesty's Theatre for three evenings this week, and it is expected that crowded houses will be di awn for each performance, for, under the- clever guidance of Mrs Sutherland, it could not be otherwise but a complete success. The chrysanthemum ballet, arranged by Miss. D. Knight, is said to be most charming. The proceeds are to be devoted to the Russian Relief Fund. Miss E:. Rundlo, who has been visiting friends here, has returned to New Plymouth. Mr and 'Mrs Godfrey Pharazyn (Hastings) stayed at the Grand Hotel for a few days preparatory to leaving for America by the Niagara. Mr and Mrs Harry Dowry (Hawke'o Bay) wore passengers to America by Hie same vessel. Mr and Mrs Beamish Morrison have found a purchaser for their picturesque property, Waipiti, and are leaving almost at once for a pleasure trip to the Straits Settlement. Mr .and Mrs Elliot Rutherford, of Straiford, havo been the guests of Mrs F. Wake, Victoria avenue, for the past week. Mrs W. N. Leatham (Parncll) is making a short stay in. Hamilton, whore she is the guest of Mrs Edward Rawson. Amongst those present at the Diocesan School on Speech Dav were Mrs Averill. Mrs H. P. Kissling, Mrs Gordon, Mrs C. T. Major, Sirs Robertson, Mrs Bruton Sweet, Mrs Marriner, Mrs Fuller) on, Mrs Vaile, Mrs Egerton, Mrs T. Russell, the Rev. Richards and Mrs Richards, Mrs Copeland Savage and her sister, 'Miss Cooper, Mrs E. Sort-on, Mrs W. Rathbone, .and Mrs W. Lloyd, etc. The Bishop of Auckland presided, and Mr Mulgan (Chief Inspector of Schools) presented the certificates io the prize-winners, for it had been decided long ago that the money usually expended on books was to be forwarded for equal division between the Serbian and Armenian Funds.. Amongst others who were seated on the platform, besides Miss Pulling (head mistress), were Messrs 11. P. Kissling, 11. Gilfillan, E. Hotton, and. C. J. Tunks (secretary). Bishop Averill made a touching reference to the national losses of the past week, and a< his Loidship'e given signal all present stood in silence for 'ome seconds in respect to the memory of the late Lord Kitchener, British Secretary of War, and the thousands of brave sailors who los* their lives in the groat naval battle off the Skager Rack. "During the course of Miss Pulling's speech reference was made to the carved oak stand given by the old girls oi the school in memory of Miss Hilda. B'oomfield, whose young life was lost in the Empiess of Ireland wreck. News has been received of the death from accidental injuries of Lieutenant W. A. Buchanan, the eldest, -son of Mr and. Mrs Arch. Buchanan, Remuera, Known, to his friends as "Billy," Lieutenant Buchanan ivas a great favourite, and had been educated at King's College, Remuera, with the execution of a couple of years at Clifton College, Bristol. ITo held a commission in the Connaught Rangers, and had been in France with his regiment for several months. He was also an enthusiastic airman, and qualified some time ago for a pilot's certificate. Mrs Buchanan and her family are at present in London, but Mr Arch. Buchanan had been forced to return to the Dominion for business rcaisons several months ago.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3249, 21 June 1916, Page 62

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3249, 21 June 1916, Page 62

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3249, 21 June 1916, Page 62