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AUSTRALIAN markets. MELBOURNE, Juno 14. Flour. £9 ss. Bran, £7. Pollard, £7 10s. I Oats: Algerian, 3s 5d to 3s 6d; seed. 3s 9d I to 4s; New Zealadn, 3s 3id to 3s s^d. .Wheat, 46 2£d. Maize, 4s 7d to 4s 9d. Potatoes, £6 5s to £B. Onions, £ll to £ll SYDNEY, June 13. Wheat, 4s o±d to 4s 2id. The market has & firming, tendency. Flour: City, £10: ©ountry, £9 17s. 6d. Bran. £7. Pollard, £7 Ba. Oats: Algerian feeding, 3s 6d to . 3s §d; seeding. 4s; New Zealand white, 3s 5d to 3s 6d: Giant*. 3s 6d. Maize, 4 3 10d to ; fa. Barley r Victorian, 5 s 6d. Potatoes: Tasmanian. £lO 10s. Onions: Victorian :Spanish, £l3 to £l3 10s. Butter: Selected, I 1265; prime, 102 s to 110 s. Cheese, lOd lOid. Bacon, sid to &4d. ADELAIDE, June 13.. Wheat, 3$ lid to 4e- Flour, £8 7s 6d to j£B 10s. Bran and pollard, Is 6d. Oats, 3s

OAMARU STOCK MARKET. (Feoic Ouh Own Corbbspondent.) OAMARU, June 16. The chief feature of "the stock market this week has been an improved inquiry for breeding ewes, in which a fair amount of business has ueen done. Values a<re: Two-tooth, 18s to 18s 6d; four and sixtooth, 17s 6d to 18s; sound-mouthed, 13s 6d to 15s. A fair business has also been passing in forward sheep and lambs, and some good-sized lines have changed hands. Forward wethers are quoted- at frem"' 15s 6d to 17s 6d, according to condition. Fat and forward lambs range fnom 13s 6d to 15s 6d, according to condition. Store lambs, mixed sexes, have been sold at from lis 6d to 13s, but ewe lambs command from 13s od to 15s. Fat sheep and lambs Have eased, and buyers for freezing are operating cautiously and on a lower basis of values. Lambs are now quoted at from 16s 6d to 17s 6dj -wethers at from 17s 6d to 19s; good quality ewes at from 14s to 15s 6d; and medium quality ewes at from lis to 12s 6d.

There is a good demand for forward bullocks at from £6 to £7 10s, according to I framo and conditions. Other store cattle are quoted as follows: —Two to two and a-half year old steers, £3 10s to £5 ss; 18 months' old steers and heifers, £3 to £3 10s; yearlings. £1 15s to £2 ss. The demand for good young dairy cows just at profit continues unabated. Good quality cows are worth from £8 to £7; anything of extra quality, £lO to £11; medium qaulity cows, £5 to £6; and best heifers, just at profit, from £6 to £7. ' SOUTHLAND STOCK MARKET. (From Our Own Correspondent.) INVERCARGILL, June 16. Owing to the rough weather the business passing in stock during the last week has been limittd. One or two inquiries for store sheep and for good " forward " wethers Have come in from Timaru and North Otago, and buyers from these parts are likely to be in Southland within a few days to till fairly good inquiries. The price for fat wethers contnues firm, and 4d per lb is given by operators, while 3d is the price for fat ewes. A few of the fat lamb buyers are still operating, most of them on the basis of &4d all over, while one runs to id more for first grade. Although the business done in store lambs has been of a limited character, anything sold shows that the market continues firm,_ one or two lines of good young ewes having changed* hands at from* 16s 9d to 17s 6d. The inquiry for rape lambs and good store lambs is slightly slacker than it was a few weeks ago, this no doubt being due to the bad weather hindering finishing off. Business in fat cattle has been quiat, and I can hear of only one or two lines of bullocks having been sold during the week. Good beef is worth 30s per 1001 b,. and I expect this price to continue, and perhaps even harden a - little, during the next few months. There is a good inquiry for '' forward" wethers for fattening, and these ihave been, selling at from 14s to 14s 6d for two-tooths and 15s 6d to 16s for four and six-tooths; Prices mav be quoted: —Fat cattle : Prime ox beef, 29s to 30a; lighter, 28s to 28s 6d; prime heifer beef, 24s to 24s 6d; lighter 22s to 22s 6d; cow beef, 19s 6d to 21s. Fat lambs: Butchers', 17s to IBs; freezing operators'. 5Jd for firsts and- s£d for seconds and overs. Fat wethers: Prime butchew* heavy weights, 19s 6d to 21s; lighter, 18s to 18s 6a; freezing operators!. 4d up to 641 b and 3|d for seconds ana ovens. Fat ewes: Butchers' heavy-weight ewes, 13s 6d to 14s 6d; lighter, 12s to 13s. Operators are paying up to 3d all over. Store cattle: The only kind of store cattle selling is two-year-old bullocks for turnips, and even for these the inquiry is very limited. Good, well-conditioned three-year-olds are worth £6 5s to £7 ss; two-year-olds, £3 15s to £4 ss; yearlings, £2 5s to £2 10s; oalves, 27s 6d to 32s 6d. Young dairy cows, to calve, for the factory, are selling at £7 to Store sheep: Good voung owes, 16J bd to 17s 6d; twofcootlis,* 16* to 16a 6d; four-tooths, 17s 3d to Ha 6d; six-tooths, lbs 6d to 16s 9d; eightfitooth paddock ewes, 134 6d to 14s; mixed ages in equal proportions, 14s 6d to 15s 3d; tussock ewes in decent condition, 12s to 12s 6d; store lambs, lis to lis 6d; rape lambs, 12s 9d to 13s 6d; good lines of ewe lambs, 12s to 12s 6d ; wether lambs, 10s 6d to 10s 9d; tussock lambs, mixed sexes. 9s to 10s; wether tussock lambs, 8s to 8s 6d; two-tooth store iambs in good condition, 13s 9d to 14s 6d; four and six-tooths, 15s to 15a od. ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. CHRISTCHURCH, June 12. At the Addhrgton live stock market there were again large entries of stock in the sheep sections and good yardings in the other departments. There was an average attendance. Fat cattle sold at about last week's rates, store sheep were in strong demand, and fat lambs were easier by about Is per head. The. fat sheep market opened very firm, and closed at last week's prices. The entry of store sheep, as might naturally have been expected at this season of the year, showed a. marked fallincr off, and the sale was concluded shortly after noon. The yarding was of an ordinary class, and contained nothing special. There was a fair attendance and a brisk sale, everything being cleared at prices which still showed air upward tendency, the firmness in the market being especially noticeable in the case of (jood young ewes and wethers. Lambs of all descriptions also participated in an improved demand. In fact, the only class of sheep that diid not command more attention than at the Previous sale was old and toothless sorts, 'he quotations were as follows:—Ewes: A line of four, six, and eight-tooth halfbreds made 15s lid; six and eight-tooth '(good), to 16s 2d ; two, four, six. and eight-tooth (of a good class). 16s 8d ; four and sixtooth (medium), 13s to 13s 9d; full-mouth to lis; aged and toothless sorts, to 7s 7d. Lambs: Fairly forward sorts 12s to 12s 6d; others, 10s 9d to lis 9d; ewe lambs (small), lis 3d; wethers (fuirlv forward), 17s to 17s 7d; two-tooth (forward). 15s 6d to 16s 2d; low-conditioned small sorts (culls), 12s Cd; and merinos, 10s.

The entry of fat lambs was a large orre, totalling 9359, but while there was a fyir proportion of prime sorts, there was a large percentage of light and unfinished lambs. This indicates that the fattening season is now drawing to a close, atrd entries from now onwards will perceptibly ease off. Tha competition lacked the briskness that has characterised late sales, and prices wore easier by fully Is per head as cora|>ared with last week. Tegs made 16s to 19s 4d; a few extra, to 21s; average weights, 13s 6d to 15a 9d; and light and unfinished, lis to 13a.

The yarding of fat sheep was a very heavy one, of mixed sheep was a very large one, of mixed quality, but included some good lines of freezing wethers and ewes, but the bulk of the entry consisted of medium and inferior ewes. The market opened under keen competition', "and prices for both ewes and wethers were very firm, and closed at last week's rates. - The range of prices was: Most prime wethers, 18s to 21s; extra to 24s 6d; others, 15s lid to 17s 9d; prime ewes, 14s 6d to 19s 7d; extra, to 24s 3d; others, 7s 6d to 14s; merino wethers, 12s 6d to 16s 7d; merino ewes, Bs. Tho entry of fat cattle, which totalled 242 head, compared with 190 at tho prlevious sale, included a few lines of quite exceptionally fino and heavy, cattle, but the bulk of the yarding .was of a medium quality, and there was the usual proportion of cows. The demand for all classes remained unchanged, the bettor description of animals being responsible for the higher figures ruling. Beef realised 23s 6d t0~29s per 1001 b, the highest price being obtained for prime steer beef. Steers brought £7 10s £11; extra, to £l4 ss; heifers, £5 10s to £8 10s; extra, to £ll 15s; and cows, £5 to £8; extra, to £IO~TIk The yarding of store cattle was a small one, and consisted mainly of old cows. The demand was weak, there being few buyers. Yearlings made £1 18s to £1 19s; two-year steers £4 8s; two-year heifers, £4 to £4 3s 6d; and cows, Si 15s to £4 "7s 6d. Dairy cows made from £4 to £lO 15s. The yarding of fat piss was a relatively small one, and as a result there was a good demand, all lines offered selling freely. Choppers covered a wide range of quality, and the prices ran from 55s to 105 s, whilst heavy baconers realised 67s 6d to 755, and lighter sorts 53s to 655, these prices being equivalent to s|d per lb. Heavy porkers made 43s to 48s, and smaller pigs 35s to 40s—equal to sjd per lb. Stores were in good supply, and the demand was brisk. Large sorts realised 35s to 42s 6d; medium, 25s to 32s 6cr; and small sorts,- 14s to 22s 6d. Weaners, which were in good request, brought 9s 6d to 14s 6d. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKET. Burnside, Wednesday, June 12. Fat Cattle.—The yarding to-day totalled 208 head, made up principally of fair to good quality cows and heifers, with an odd pen of prime bullocks. This number proved in excess of requirements, and an allround drop of about 10s per head was oxperiencea. Extra heavy bullocks, £l2los to £l3 15s; prime bullocks, £lO 10s to £l2; medium to good, £8 to £9 10s; light, £6 to £7 10s; extra prime heifers and cows, to £11; good do, £7 to £8; medium, £5 10s to £6 10s; light, £4 to £5. Dalgety and Go. yarded and sold: For Mr W. Lindsay (Allanton), 2 bullocks at £9 15s, 2 heifers at £6 15s to £7 15s; F. and W. Craigie (Henley), 1 heifer at £B, 8 to £7; a client, 4 heifers at £7, 2 heifers at £6 10s, 2 at £6 15s; Mr John Weir (Gimrherburn), 8 bullocks to £8 ss, 7 heifers to £6 10s; Mr S. Rogers (PunawetaV 3 heifers at £5 12s 6d. —-The • Otago-- Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) -yarded 30, and sold: For Mr W. Charters (Ury Park, Mosgiel}, 1 bullock at £l3 15s, 2 at £ll 12s 6d, 2 at £9 10s. T at £B. 2 heifers at £5 15s; Mrs Wr Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bollocks at £l2 10s; Mr D. E. Grant (Outram), 1 heifer at £lO 15s, 1 at £lO, 1 at £8 15s, 2 at £8 12s 6d, 1 at £6 15s; Miss Grant (Outram), 1 "heifer at £7 7s 6d; Mr J. C. Re.nton, jun. (Mosgiel), 3 bullocks at £8 12s 6d; Messrs iW. and N. Reid (Outram), 1 heifer at £7 17s 6d, 1 at £6, 1 at £5 7s 6d; Mr F. M'Diarmid (Woodside), 1 heifer at £3 7s 6d. New Zealand lioan and Mercantile Agency Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Wairuna Estate (Waipahi), 2 heifers at £6 17s 6d, 2 at £6 15s, 3 at £6 ss; Mr Joseph Crane (Otokia), 2 bullocks to £9. 1 cow at £6 10s; Messrs Bruce Bros. (Momona), 3 :iullocks at £ll 2s 6d; executors late W. Kirk (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks at £8 10s; Mr John Dove (East Taieri), 2 bullocks at £7 ss, 3 to £6, 1 heifer at £5 10s: Mr J. A. Sutherland (Momona), 4 bullocks at £8 15s; a client. 1 heifer at £5 7s 6d. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 29, and sold: For Mr Robert Lockhead (Balclutha), 2 bullocks at £7. 1 cow at £8 ss; Mrs Wm. Kirk (Mosgiel). 1 heifer at £8 17s 6d, 1 bullock at £8 12s 6d; Mr J. T. Gibson (Otokia), 11 bullocks at £lO 2s 6d to £7 10s: Mr Wm. Lindsay (Allanton), 1 bullock at £3 12s 6d; Mr W. Townley (Highcliff), 9 cows at £6 17s 6d to £5 10s; Mr J. C. Renton (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks at £9 7s 6d; Mr J. W. Laing (Sawyers' Bay), 1 cow at £4 ss. The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr P. Gardiner (Gore), 3 bullocks at £ll 10s, 3 at £lO 17s 6d, 2 at £9 17s 6d; Mr R. Robinson, jun. (Otokia), 2 heifers at £6 12s 6d, 2 at £5 17s 6d, 1 at £5 12s 6d, 1 at £5 10s, 2 at £5 12s 6d, L cow at £7. 1 at £6 2s 6d; Mr A. T. Anderson, 3 heifers at £4 17s 6d. Stronach. Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) varded and sold : For Messrs Bruce Bros. (Momona), 1 bullock at £l2 15s, 2 bullocks at £l2; Mr W. Lindsay (Allanton). 2 bullocks at £lO 7s 6d. 2 at £9 17s 6d, 2 at £8 17s 6d. 3 heifers to £7 17s 6d. 2 at £5 10s: Mr W. Townley (Pukehiki), 2 heifers at £5 10s. 2 at £4 17s 6d. Wright. Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr John Halluni (Waikouaiti). 2 bullocks at £l2. 2 bullocks at £lO 17s 6d, 3 bullocks at £9 15s; Messrs W. and N. Reid (Outram). 2 bullocks at £lO 15s, 2 bullocks at-£9 7s 6d. 1 heifer at £lO 17s 6d, 1 bullock at £8 10s: Mr R. Fleming (Craigsford), 2 heifers at £ll, 5 heifers up to £9 15s, 1 bullock at £8 10s; Mr J. A. Sutherland (Momona), 6 bullooks up to £10; Mrs W. Kirk (Mcxsgiol), 2 bullocks at £10; Mr J. 0. Renton (Mosgiel), 2 bullocks at £9: Messrs Sinclair Bros. (Titri. Waihola), 4 bullocks up to £7 15s, 6 heifers up to £6 15s.

Store Cattle.—Dal gety and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For a client, 2 heifers at £4-, 2 at £3 16s. 5 cows at £3 15s, 1 at £3 12s 6d. Tlio Otago Farmers' Cooperative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded 55, and siolcl: For Mr Jas. M'Leod (Woodiside), Mr George M'Leod (Brighton), Mr Alex. Moynihan (Momona), Mr VV. Beattie (Maungatua), Messrs Miller and Sons (Mount Grand), and others, steers to £6 ss. cows to £4 15s. bulls to £6 17« 6d. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded ,-vnd sold : For Mr Wm. Townley (Highcliff), Mr John Gamble (Wylie's Crossing), Mr C. Oowie (Milton). Mr R. Lockheed (Balclutha), Mr Donald Mr J. Stanaway (Outram), Mr JP. Koulston (Allanton). Mr P. Gerrie (RavensbourneL hulls to £9 5*5, cows to £5. steers to £3 7s od, calves to £2. Stronach, Morrie, and Co. (Ltd.) varded and sold: For Mental Hospital (Seacliff) 1 bull at £7 2s 6d; Mr W. Townley (Pukehiki), 3 cows at £3 10s.

Dairy Cows.—The Otago Farmers' Cooperative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr T. R. Thomson (Myrtle Bank) and others, cows to £9 12s 6d. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded aiid sold: For Mr Robert Findlay, sen. (Wingatui), Mr W. Townley (Highcliff), Mr Thos. M'Kay (Wingatui), Mr A. Clarkson (Sunshine), dairy cows to £6 2s 6d. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. "(Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr C. Tweedie(Halfway Bush). 1 cow at £lO 15s. Calves.—'National Mortgage and Agency Co. (Ltd.) varded and sold: For various clients, calves ud to 17s 6d. "Wright, Stephenson, and . Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr E. Wright (Wylie s Crossing), 1 calf at 7s 6d. , Fat Sheep.—Three thousand two hundred and twelve were varded. The bulk of th.s number were medium to good quality ewes, while a small proportion were pnrae quality wethers. The export buyers were operating freely for all light-weight wethers and medium-quality ewes. Prices for wethers showed an advance of 6d to Is per head, while ewes realised prices fully up to last week's rate. Quotations: Extra heavy wethers, 26s 9d; good wethers 19s 6d to 22s 6d; medium, 17s to 18s 6d; light, Hs 6d to 16s 6d: extra heavy ewes, to 23s 6d; heaw, 18s to 20s; good, 15s 6d to 17s 6d; light to medium., lis 6d to 13s 6d.—-Dal-gety and Co. penned and sold: For Mr J. Wiison (Craigdhu). pen ewe® 23s 6d, 56 ewes 19s to 2Cs 3d; Mr P. Toomey, 60 wethers from 17s 6d to 20s; Mr P. Kearney (Ranfurly), 4* wethers 17s 9d to 20s: Mr Jno. Dickison (Pomahaka), 65 ewes 14* 6d to 16s 3d; Mr A. J. A. Hall (Clinton), 33 ewes 16s 9d to 17s, pen wethers 18s 6d; Mr Robert M'lntosh (Chatto Creek). 26 wethers 16s 6d; Mr T. G. Dodds (Table Hill), 60 ewes lis 6d to 13s 3d; Mr R. Mitchell. 17 ewes 13s; Mr Geo. Murdoch (Waipiata), 11 wethers 21s 6d; Mr J. Young (Waipiata), 2 wethers at 17s 6d; Mr Jae. Scoular (Barewood), 4 wethers at 18s 9d; Messrs J. and D. Anderson (Sutton), 17 ewes 17s 6d; Mr Robert M'lntosh (Chatto Creek), 9 ewes at 13s .3d- The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) pennod 511, and sold: For xMr A J. Webb (Waipahi), 20 wethers at 24s 6d, 18 ewes at 20s 6d, 22 do at 18s; Mr G. P. Johnston (Gore), 12 wether* at 20s 32 ewes at 16s; Mr E. Heenan (Maunjrafcuc), 15 wethers at 20s 3d; Mr A. B. Hall (Waipiata), 42 ewes at 17s 6d, 23 do at 15s; trustees of late James Freeman (Abbotsford), 35 ewes at 16s, 19 do at 15s 6d: Mr W Hall, jun. (Patearoa), pen ewes at 12s 9d; Mr D. M'Donald (Woodside), 34 ewes at 17s, 27 do at 16s 3d; Mr W. R. Gawn (Cross Hill, Mosgiel), 40 wethers at 21s 3d; Mr W. J. J. Charters (Ury Park, Mosgiel), 78 ewes at 16s 9d. 31 do at 14s; Mr Jas. Barr (Clydevale), 28 ewes at 12s, 31 do at ICs 3d. The New ZcaJand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. (Ltd. and reduced), yarded 752, and sold: For Mr Thos. Gawn (Mosgiel), 40 wethers at 21s 6d; Mr Joseph Crane (Otokia). 27 wethers at 21s. 16 at N 2os; Mr Antoino Anicich (Akatore), 25 wethers at 17s 6d, 21 ewes at 12s 9d; Mr Richard Mitchell (Portobello), 15 wethers at 18s, 1 pen at 16s 9d; Mr John Nimmo (East Taieri), 194 wethers at quotations ; Mr Wm. Paskell (Clinton), 21 owes at 14s 3d; Mr Nerf M'Arthur (Milton), 17 ewes at lis 9d;. Mr John Reid (Wendon), 1 pen. ewes at .efrf. Mr Walter Biackie (Mosgiel), 197 wethers at quotations; Mr Robt. Johnston (Wendon). 15 ewes at 12s. Donald Reid and Co (Ltd.) penned 555, and sold: For Mr W. R. Gawn .(Mosgiel)., 68 wethers at 25s to 23s 3d; Messrs J. and C. Campbell (Allanton), 41 wethers at 23s 9d to 23s 6d; Mr Robert Lockhead (Balokitha), 59 ewes at 13s 9d to 10s 6d; Mrs A. Strain (Milburn), 35 ewes at 17s 3d to 14s 6d; Mr R. Whitton (Middlemarch). 2 ewes at 12s 6d; Mr Robt. Buchanan (Tahatika), 69 wethers and ewes at 19s 3d to 14b 3d; Mrs M'Lennan (Wedderburn), 83 wethers and ewes at 18s 9d to 9s 9d; Mr Geo. Clark (Moonlight), 107 wethers and ewes at 17s 6d to lis 9d. The National Mortgage and Agency Co. (Ltd.) penned 758, and sold: For Mr J. Matheson (Otakia), 33 wethers 17s 6d; Mr W. M'Kenzie (Taumafca). 32 ewes 18s 3d. 28 do 14s 9d; Mr A. C. Thurlow (Becks). 30 wethers 21s 6d, 16 do 19s 9d, 40 do 21s. 38 do 19s; Mr W. M'Donald (Henot). 32 ewes 19s 9d, 28 do 16s 6d; Mr J. Naylor (Matakanui). 33 wethers 17s 3d; Mr G. Roberts (Ida Valley), 24 wethers 15s 9d ; Mr F. Botting (Henley), 45 wethers 18s 6d. 27 ewes 13s; a southern client, 33 ewes 19s 9d. 25 do 18s; Messrs Marshal! Bios. (Otautau), 40 ewes 18s 33 do 16s, 44 do 14s 6d; Mr A. J. Hall (Clinton). pen wethers 20s 9d, 35 owes 16s 9d; Mr C. Lucas (Greenfield), 22 wethers 225, 7 ewes 19s, 22 wethers 16s 9d, 3 ewes 16s 6d; Mr J. Sim (Rosemount), 20 wethers 245. 32 owes 21s 3d. Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) penned 220, and sold: For a southern client, 40 wethers- at 25a 9d. 16 do at 245; Mr R. Heron (The Pines). 51 ewes at 14s 6d, 1 pen merinos at 18s 3d, 1 pen ewes at 12s 6d; Mr R. Mitchell (Portobelloj, 89" ewes and wethers at quotations. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.), penned and sold: For Mr M. Carmiehael (Thornbury), 81 wethers up to 24s 3d, 48 ewes up to 23s 3d; Messrs G. Nic'hol and Son (Allanton), 36 wethers at 22s 6d, 27 wethers at 19s: Mr A. Woods (Hillcnd), pen wethers 27s 6d, 54 ewes up to 18s 9d; Mr W. M. Mathewson (i aerau), 35 wethers at 16s 6d, 31 ewes up to lis 9d; Mr R. Fleming (Craigsford), 60 ewes up to 14s 3d; Mr J. Ho re (Kyeburn), pen ewes at 14s 9d; Mr J. A. Macpherson (Bortons), 43 ewes at 13s 6d, 21 ewes at 12s 6d; Mr J. H. Shaw (Pukoti), 40 ewes at. 13s 3d, 25 ewes at 12s 6d ; Mr Jno. Allan (Merton), 36 ewes at 8s 9d Lambs.—A large yarding of 3868 came forward for to-day's sale. A number of the none offered were prime quality, but the bulk of the yarding could be only classed as medium quality. Prices for all well-finished Jambs were on a par with last week's rates, but unfinished and medium quality were slightly easier. Quotations: Extra heavy lambs to 21s 6d ; prime, 17s to 18s 9d; medium, 14s to 16s; light, 12s to 13s 6d. Dalgety and Co. yarded and sold: For Messrs ,J. and D. Anderson (outton), 21 at 21s 6d, 32 at 18s 3d; Mr A. J. A. Hall (Clinton), 23 at 21s 3d; Mr E. J. Moran (Matakanui), 49 at 18s 9d, 21 at 17s 6d; Mr R. M'lntosh (Chatto Creek), 26 at 17s 6d; Mr George Murdoch (Waipiata), 57 to 16s 6d; Mr James Scoular (Barewood). 86 at 13s 6d to 15s; Mr P. Kearney (Ranfurly). 28 at 14s. The Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) penned 400, and sold: For Mr E. Heenan (Maungatua), 43 at 17s 6d; Mr James Barr (Clydovale), 16 at 14s 9d; Mr W. Hall, jun. (Patearoa), 164 at 18s, 36 at 15s 9d; Mr John Meade (Tarnas), 87 at 13s, 67 at 10s. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Ltd., and reduced) yarded 1016, and sold: For Air Joseph Crane (Otokia), 20 at 19s 6d; Mr

j Michael Banley (Clarksville), 36 at 18s;.Mr j John Keid (Wendon), 37 at 17s. 6d; Mr I William Paskell (Clinton), 49 at -16 s 6d; Mr Robert Johnston (Wendon). 13 at 18a [ 3d; a client, 367 at 16s 6d; Mr Edward ] Coo (Woodside), 71 at 15s 6d; Messrs Hen- ! derson and Davis (Milton), 46 at 13s 6d, 46 jat 12s 6d; Mr William Bell (Waihola), 75 | at 16s, 39 at 14s 3d; Mr Antoine Anicich i (Akatore), 20 at 14s 6d; Mr Neil M'Arthur (Milton), 19 at 13s; Mr Walter Blackie (Mosgiel), 30 at 15s 9d. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) penned 574, and sold: For Messrs Scorgie Bros. (Rock and Pillar), 37 at 15s 6d; Mrs Agnes Strain (Milburn), 15 at 15s; Mrs M. Scanlan (Milton), 45 at 16s 3d to 12s 6d; Mr S. M'Noe (Milton), 20 at 16s; Mr D. Nicolson (Oturehua), 141 at 17s 6d to 15s 3d; Mrs M'Lennan (Wedderburn), 48 at 14s 9d; Mr R. Matheson (Middlemaroh), 71 at 15s to 12s 9d; Mr George Clark (Moonlight), 27 at 14s 6d; Mrs Roberts (Gimmerburn), 68 at 16s 9d to 14s; Mr John M'Rae (Galder Run). 70 at 18s 3d to 16s; Mr R. Whitton (Middlemarch), 31 at 14s 9d; Taieri client, 50 at 15s 9d; Mr W. R. Gawn (Mosgiel), 1 at 18s 6d. The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Ltd.) penned 913, and sold: For Mr A. Thurlow (Becks), 56 at 15s 9d, 18 at 13s, 1 at 19s; Mr J. Mathieson (Otokia), 52 at 16s 3d, 40 at 16s 9d, 44 at 16s, 44 at 15s, 54 at 16s 3d; Mr A. J. Hall (Clinton), 23 at 19s; a client, 48 at 15s; Mr W. M'Neil (Heriot), 75 up to 15s 6d; Miss Sim (Crookston), pen prime at 21s 6d; Mr G. Roberts (Ida Valley), 53 at 13s 6d; Mr J. Nay lor (Matakanui), 106 to 14s 3d; Mr W. E. Hunt (Pahnerston), 49 at 18s 6d. 17 at 16s 6d; Mr T. Gordon (Hillend),94 at 16s 9d, 47 at 15s. Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Mr W. Blackie (Glasgow Farm), 30 at 15s 9d; a southern client, 49 at 14s. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold: For Mr John Allan Merton, 2 pens at up to 20s; Messrs Scott Bros. (Waitahuna), 44 at 16s 3d, 26 at 14s 9d; Mr James Hore (Kyeburn), 45 at 15s 3d, 45 at 155,.45 at 13s 6d; Mr J. A. Macpherson (Bortons), pen at 13s 6d; Mr W. M. Mathewson (Paarau), 28 at 15s 6d, 38 at 15s. 22 at 13s 6d; Mr W. Blackie (Glasgow Farm, Mosgiel), 29 at 15s 9d. Pigs.—lo2 penned. There was a slack demand, but prices remained much the same as last week. Suckers, 8s to 15s; slips, to 22s 6d; stores, 27s 6d to 31s; porkers, 35s to 40s; baconers, 55s to 70s. Dalgety and Co. sold: For Mrs Kempshall (Maungatua), 9 at quotations. The Otago .farmers' Co-operation Association of New Zealand (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr Alexander Moymhan (Momona), Mr George Bransgrove (Portobello), and Mr F. T. Cropp (Pino Hill), stores to 28s.—« New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. (Ltd. and reduced) yarded and sold: For Benevolent Institution (Caversham), and others, pigs to £3 Bs. Donald Reid and Co. (Ltd.) yarded 28. and sold: For Sir Geo. M'Leari (Henley). 5 at 14s to 9s; Mr G." Bunting (Pine Hill), 3 at 44s j Mr T. Maxwell (Dunodin), 1 at 375; Mr M. Hackett (Momona), 4 at 71s to 325; Messrs Alderson arid Clark (Leith Valley), 2 at quotationa; Mr J. M'Neill (Momona), 4 at 64s to 525; Mr R» Brown (North-Eaat Valley)," 2 at 355; Mrs Andrew Stewart (Mosgiel), 2 at 48s; Mr Wm. Harvey (Momona), 4 at 41s to 375; Mr F. Kropp (Nortb-East Valley), 1 at 435,- National Mortgage yarded 30, and sold: For Mr R. Robinson (Otokia), 30 pigs up to lis.— Morri s and Co. (Ltd.) yarded and sold: For Mr T. Maxwell (Caversham),, 1 baooner at -695; Mr H. Brown. (Broadaerea), . 1 baconer at 475; Mr F. Kropp (North-Ea*fc Valley), 1 porker at 31s; Messrs Roberts and Co. (Gladbrook), 11 suckers to 10a.—Wright, Stephenson and Co. (Ltd.) penned and sold : For Messrs G. Nichol and Son (Allanton), 3 pigs at £3 Is; Mr T. Sproule (Riverside), 2 pigs at £2 10s; Mr W. Geary (Portobello), 3 pigs at £2 6s; Mr R. Fleming (CraLgsford), 2 pigs at £2 16s; Mr D. Poland (Green Island), 2 pigs at £2 lis; Mr J. Robb (Pine Hill), 2 pigs at £2 Is 6d, 2 pigs at £1 18s; Mr K. Rodger (Sandy-mount),-'3 nigs at £1 7s 6d; Messrs Aiderson and Clark (Leith Valley), 2 pigs at 30s; Mr W. Wright (Momomai 4 pigs at 14s; Mr T, Prydo (Anderson's / Bay), 5 pigs at £l. Rabbitskins. —Large catalogues were submitted at the sales on Monday. Competition wae keen for all classes of skins, and prices ranged fully up to last report. Selected winter does sold up to 28d per lb; incoming winters, up to 18d: and autumns up to 16d; racks, up to Hid; summers, up to lOd; runners, from 4£d to 7Ad. Sheepskins.—The usual safes were held on Tuesday, when large catalogues were offered to a full attendance of buyers. Competition was keen throughout, and prices ruled fully up to late rates. Full-woolled halfbreds sold at 8d per lb, fine crossbreds at 7id, crossbred up to 6%d, lambskins up to 7id. pelts from 4d to sd. Hides.—The usual fortnightly sales were held on Tuesday, the 4th instant, when fair catalogues were offered. A good demand existed for stout ox and cow hides, while medium sheety and light weight cow hides were not eo strongly competed for as at last sales. Quotations: Prime heavy ox, 8d to 9d; medium ox, 7id to 7£d; stout heavy cow, 7d to 7jd; calfskins, 9d to IOAd. Fat rnd Tallow.—Consignments of these are very small. Prime mutton tallow is selling at from 23s to 25s per cwt; medium, from 183 to 225; best rough fat, from 16s to 20s. • . , Oats. —The market remains quiet, and prices are inclined to ease. Prime milling Gartons are worth from 2s 3d to 2s 3£d; best feed, from 2s 2id to 2s 3d per bushel, sacks extra. Wheat —Millers are not operating to any extent at the moment, and consequently business in this line is quiet. Fowl wheat .is offering plentifully, and is easier in price. Quotations: Prime milling Tuscan, 3 S lOd to 3s lid; best whole fowlwheat, 7>s 5d to 3s 6d; broken and damaged, 3s to 3s 2d per bushel, sacks extra. Potatoes.—Largo quantities are coming to hand. A considerable portion of them are frosted, and in consequence have to be quitted on arrival; and are only saleable at reduced rates. Prime table Up-to-«late s are worth from £4 15s to £5 per ton, sacke

in. Chaff. —The market is over-supplied with light and medium quality ohaff, the bulk of which is more or less out of condition, and is only saleable at low rates. Quotations: Prime bright heavy oaten sheaf chaff is readily placed at the following- quotations: Choice. £3 15s; prime oaten, £3 10s to £3 12s 6d; light medium and discoloured, from £2 10s upwards, sacks extra.

tThe individual reports of Btock agents, •wool, rabbitskin, or grain brokers * can be inserted in the Daily Times and Otago Witness at special rates.] DUNEDIN WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Messrs A. Moritzson and Co., auctioneers, wool, stock, station, grain, produce, and commission agents, Dunedin. report (wholesale) for the week as under. All quotatons are subject to market fluctuations Farmers are asked, when sending samples, always to put a price on them, as buyers do not leeJ inclined to make offers: — , Barley.—New season's, 5s to 5s 6d on tru <* B for prime malting Cape barlev. 3e to 3s 6d Wheat.—Prime milling easier; velve !;- ■■ lid to 4s, trucks, Dunedin; Tuscan, 3s lOd to 3s lid, trucks Dunedin; fowl wheat, 3s 6a to 3s 7d for best whole, ex store; medium and shrivelled, 2s 9d to 3s 3d, ex store (sacks extra). _., ; .'■ Oats.—Milling, 2s 3d; good feed, 2s 2£d to 2s 3d, ex store (sacks extra). . Ryecorn. 2s 6d to 2s 9d (sacks extra). Maize, 5s 6d (socks extra). • Prussian Blue peas, from 7s. Partridge peas. 4s. ... , ~ . Chaff—Good bright and heavy, £S 12s 6d; medium, JE3 5s to £S 7s 6d per ton, sacks extra.; inferior, £ 1 10s to £2 15s, bard ot sale. Ryegrass.—Farmers' dressed. Is 9d to is; extra heavy, up to 2s 3d on trucks, machined seed, 3s to 3s 9d; extra heavy, 4s to 4s 3d. Cocksfoot.—From 3fd to 5Jd; machined seed, 7£d to Bd. Linseed, 16f? to 17s. , Chewing""* Fescue—Machine dressed, 6d per lb. , Walnuts.—New season's, 7Jd to Bd. Eggs.—Preserved, Is 2d to Is 3d; fresh, 19d to Is lOd; guaranteed, 2s. . Rabbitskins.—At the sole on Monday large catalogues* wwe eubmitted to a full attendance of buyers. Competition was very keen, prices ruling at last sale's rates: —Super winter does, 25d to 27d; winter does, 20Jd; first winter bucks, 18d; incomings, laid to 17id; autumns, 13Jd to Hid; prime racks, IOJd to Hd 1 ; light racks, Bid to lOJd; runners and suekers, 3d to Gd; winter blacks, 18Jd; autumn and incoming blacks, 14£d to 17d; summer blacks, 9d to lid; fawns, lid to I3Jd; horsehair, 17d to 19jd; hareskins, t>d to lOJd; cowtips, is 8d to Is lOd per dozen; catskins, 3d to 6d each. Sheepskins.—At the sale on Tuesday small. catalogues were submitted to the usual attendance of buyers. Competition was keen, prices ruling firm at. our last quotations. We quote:—Best halfbreds, 7id; good halfbreds, 7d; fallen', 6d; short, 6d; best fine crossbreds, 7d; good fine exossbreds, Cjd; short, s}d; best crossbreds, 6fd; good, 6d; short, sd; fallen, 51d*. best merinos, 6Jd; good, 6d; short, 4d to 4Jd; fallen. 5d to 6d; best crossbred pelts, 4d; good. 3Jd; inferior, ljd to 2Jd: spring lambs. 4§d to 5d Hides.—No sales this week; market firm at last sale's rates: —Picked stout ox, 60Jb to 751 b, Bfd to 8Id; stout, 601 b to 751b, / 8d to BJd: .medium substance, 5818 to 651 b, 7d to 7id'; 401 b to 501 b, 6Jd to 6fd; 30lb to 38lb, 6|d to 6|d: cows, 581 b to 651 b, 6Jd to 6}d; 401 b to 501 b. to 6fd; 30lb to 381 b, 6|d to GJd; bulls and stags, s|d to 5Jd; scored and sloppy, all. weights, 6d to 6Jd; cat and damaged, 5Jd to 6d; best yearlings, 6| toTSa-, cut yearlings,. 5d to «$d r best calfskins, lOd to IOJd-, good calfskins, 9d to 9Jd; cut calfskins, 7Jd to BJd, j Woel. —The following fare the ruling prices: —Best halfbred, 9Jd to: : 10}d; good halfbred. BJd to 9d; inferior halfbred, 7d to Sd; best crossbred, BJd to 9£d; good arossbred, *7Jd to Bdj. inferior crossbred, 6Jd to 7df merino, 9Jd;, belKes and pieces, Sd-to 6Jd; locks and stained pieces, 3d"46 iffl. Tallow.—The following aTe the ruling prices:—Best:rendered, in tins, 23s to ?Ss; Tnedium rendered, in tins, 20s to 225; inferior Tendered, in tins. 17s to 19s; best rendered, in casks, 26s to 27s 6d; medium rendered,"in casks, '23s to 24s ■fid; inferior rendered, in casks, 20s-to 225; bast caul tax, 21* M- rough fat. 12s to 16s «sd. Potatoes. —Prime table varieties, £5 (sacks in), rail Dunedin: Salt butter, lOd to lid; separator, lid to 12d; fresh butter (in patß), storekeepers, lOd to IOJd. . Cheese— Factory, 7d; Akaroa, €Jd to Cjd; loaf, id more. Honey.—ln good demand. Section honey, 8b 6d to 9s dozen; bulk, large tins* ijd; small tins, 4Jd to 4Jd. Beeswax, Is 3d to Is id. Hams, 9Jd to lOd. Bacon.—Roll, lOd to lid. Poultry ior Local Consumption.—Hens, 2s 6d s to 8b pwr pair; cockerels. 8s 6d to As 6d per pair; rurk-eye—hens, 5d to €d; cocks, 5d to 9d; geese, 6s to 7s; ducks (old). 3s to 4s per pair; ducklings, ss. Fruit. —In good demand. Pish Oil. for orchardists or soap macufactrrrpTß. from 2s to 2« 63 T>»r gallon. Onions. —Oaoetrburys, £9. ' Storing Grain. —We are prepared to store. receive, deliver, and insure for three months free storage at 3d per sackFarm Prodwce and Fruit.—We receive all kinds of consignments, and render -account . sales promptly. CENTRAL PRODUCE MART (LTD.). Reilly, Scott, and Gill, proprietors, report : —During the past few days some very heavy consignments have reached us, for j which w* beg to tender our sincere thanks to our country consignors. Fortunately, we j have effected sales in all lines of fruit at slightly over market prices ruling lately. Some very fine consignments of pigs have reached us, and supplies of eggs have increased enormously, sales being difficult to effect at Is 6d to Is 7d per dozen. Potatoes, fowl wheat, and prime lines of chaff are coming to hand freely, and sales are being made at slightly lower prices. Bags: We have pleasure in intimating that we have secured the agency for the best grocery, oonfectionery, and fruiterers' bags, and can supply customers at indent prices, and wo strongly advise intending purchasers to get our price-list. We also carry lull stocks. Below we give the actual prioos •secured for our consignors during the. Tveek: —Apples: . Oookioe (prime samples). 15d to 2d per lb; jelly apples realised Id -to lid per lb; choice desserts realised as high as 3d per lb; good samples making 2d' and per IbfHobarts (Scarlet Pearmains), 10s to 10s 9d; New York pippins, 9s bd; Jonathans, 10s; Sturmers, -8s 6d to 9s 3d. Pears: Winter Nelis and Winter Coles are in excellent demand, and realised 2id to 2|d per lb; other lines of pears making lid to 2id per lb. Tomatoes: Hothouse realised from sid to BJ>d per lb. Lemons: Adelaides realised 14s for prime «asnple. Oranges, 6s for repacks. Bananas, 2Jd per lb. Potatoes, £4 15e to £5 5s per ton. Cabbages realised 2s ~to 2s 6d per bag. Cauliflowers made from 4s to 5s "6d per sack. Swedes, 2b to 2s 6d. Carrots made 3s 6d per bag for single bag lots; £2 5s to £2 IBs per ton. Parsnips realised 5s to 5s 6d per bag. Oat sheaf -chaff: Prime oat sheaf chaff is the only line in demand, which realised £3 10s to £4; inferior chaff had to be Bold at

from 50s to £3 5s 6d per ton. Prime clover hay realised £4 to £4 ss. Oat straw made 555, and is wanted. Wffcsaien straw made 40s, and is wanted. Fowl wheat: In good demand, and realised from 3s 6d to 3s 9d per bushel. Oats, 2s lid to 2s 6d per ftushel. Barley, 2s 6d for feed barley, and ap to 3s 6d to 4s 9d for malting. Barley meal realised 9s 6d per bag. Pollard, 9s 6d. Rice meal, Bs. Bran, 8s 6d per bag. Poultry: Hens—ls Id, Is 3d, Is 4d, Is sd, Is Qd, Is 9d, and 2s each; cockerels—ls 9d, 2s, 2s Id, 2s 4d, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s 3d each r ducks—2s, 2s 7d, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s Id, 3s'3d each. Turkevs: Gobblers, 9d, 9£d; old cooks, B£d; hens, ~7d to 7£d. Broken Orange Pekoe tea: 201 b chests, Is Id; 51b to 101 b chests, Is 2d. Nuts: Walnuts, 6d to 7£d; peanuts. 2id to 2£d per lb; Brazil nuts (to arrive), 6d per lb. New season's prunes can be booked to arrive 3|d to 4id per lb for the beet sample. Honey: Prime bulk, 4id to 5d per lb; packets as high as 6d per lb. Beeswax is rather slow of sale at Is 4d per lb. Eggs: Market completely collapsed; stamped and guaranteed, in patent crates, realised Is 7d to Is 9d per dozen; case eggs Is 6d; preserved. Is 2£d to Is 3d per dozen. Pigs realised sid for baconers and toorkers; large pigs, 4id to bid per lb. Poultry grits, laying foods, meat meal, incubators, brooders," etc., are having good inquiry. Rabbitskins: Super wl ? o t ? r does, 25d to 27d: fresh winter bucks 18d; best incomings, 17id: good do, 15s to lod; autumns. 13d to 14id; prime racks, lOd to lid- light do, Eid *» 10d ? runners and suckers. 3d to sd: blacks Is to 18d; fawns, lid to 13d: horsehair. 17d to 18*d. Sheepskins: best halfbreds. od to 7d: gpodl do. 5d to s?d; fallen do, 5d to Hd'rW crossbreds, sid to 6d; good do, 5d to s*d; fallen do, 3id to best meranos, 6d to &id: good do, 5d to s*d; short and inferior, 5Xd to 4id; best hoggets, s*d to. 6d; fallen do, 4d to sd; pelts, 2d to 3id; inferior pelts Id to lid; spring lambs 4*d Wool: Best halfbred, 8d to 9id; medium do, 7d to 7^d; inferior halfbred, 6d to 6|d; best crossbred, 7d to Bid; medium do, bid to bid; inferior do, s£d to 6d; merino, 7d to 9d; - best pieces. 5d to 6id; second do. 4d to 4id; looks, lid to Ad. Hides: Picked stout ox 8d to 9d; stout, 7d to 7id; heavy, not stout, bd to bid; medium. 6fd to bid • light, 6d to 6|d ; heavy cows, 6id to bid ; light cows, bgd to bid; scored and sloppy, 5d to s|d ; out and slippy, 4d to 4|d; picked calfskins, BJd to 9d • good calfskins. 8d to Bid; eat calfskins. 6id to 7Jd; slippy calfskins, Id to 3id; best yearlings. s£d to 6±d; damaged, 4d to 4d. Tallow: Best rendered, in tins. 23s to 255: medium do, 20s to 22s 6d; inferior do, 17s *o 19s; best rendered, in oasks, 26s to 27s bd; medium do, 23s to 24s 6d; inferior do, 20s to 225; best caul fat, 21s 6d; rough fat, 12s to 16s bd. We. | confidently advise consignments. Highest market prices assured. REILLY, SCOTT, & GILL, Auctioneers. WHEAT AND FLOUR SUFPLIES. Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. LONDON', June 17. The total quantity- of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 3,585,000 quarters, and for the Continent 3,095,000 quarters. The Atlantic shipments were 352 000. quarters, and the Pacific nil. Ihe totals are:—Europe, 1,550,000 quarters; Argentine, 221,000 quarters; Russia, 375,000 quarters; Danubian Provinces, 258.000 quarters; India, 249,000 quarters; Australasia) 22,000 quarters. . CHRTSTCHURCH MARKETS. fl?£a United Pukss Association.) CHRISTCHURCH. June 18. The local grain market is in an exceptionally quiet state, there being nothing doing between growers and merchants, and very little between merchants themselves. The only hope of improvement lies in being able to obtain cheap freights to the Uniied Kingdom, when expert could be done in oats at least. But it may be a few months before cheaper freights will be available The wheat market keeps firm as to prices, but oats, if anything, are easier. There is limited demand for chaff, and t/he price is easier, buyers offering only £2 17s 6d to £3 for prime bright chaff, of which there is not -a. large quantity being submitted by growers. Potatoes are dell of sale, the northern demand having fallen off in consequence of the heavy supplies going forward from southern ports. SALES OF SKINS. Messrs Donald Rcid and Co report having held their weekly sale of rabbitskins on Monday, when a fairly large catalogue was submitted to the usual attendance of the trade. There was spirited competition for all sorts. Although they offered no extra good lines of this season's winter does, all ! good lots sold exceptionally well. Prime winter does can be quoted up to 34d per lb; prime winter bucks and'does, from 21d to 28d per lb; winter black, up to 29d per lb The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand report:—We held our weekly sale of rabbitskins on Monday, when we offered a medium-sized catalogue to a full attendance of buyers. Bidding throughout the sale was particularly keen for all lots. «.nd a clearance was made at a considerable advance on late rates. We quote: Prime winter does, to 33£d; winter does, to 25id; winter black, to 29d: early winter, to 19id; autumn, to 17£d; fawn, tq 16u; horsehair, to lSgd. Messrs Donald Reid and Co. report having held their weekly sale of sheepskins on Tuesday. Tiiere was a large attendance of buyers," and the whole catalogue was cleared at "highly satisfactory prices. A keen demand was shown for close-woolled skins with a good length of wool, and as high as 8d per lb was paid for these. All other lots sold correspondingly well INVESTMENT STOCKS. • June 17. National Bank —Buvers £6 Is, sellers £6 3s. . Standard Insurance —Sellers £1 lis bd. National Insurance—Sellers £1 19s 3d. TJ.S.S. Co.—Buyers £2 5s 3d, sellers £2 7s 9d. Westport Coal Co.—Buyers £1 Bs, sellers £1 8s 3d. National Mortgage Co.—Sellers £4 4a Milburn Lime and Cement (£1) —Sellers £1 19s 3d. N.Z. Drug Co. (£2)—Buvers £2 10s 9d. N.Z. Paper Mills—Buyers £1 Is Bd, selI lers £1 2e. I Wright, Stephenson—Buyers £5 10s. .Ward and Co. —Buyer* £4 18s.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3040, 19 June 1912, Page 40

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Witness, Issue 3040, 19 June 1912, Page 40

COMMERCIAL. Otago Witness, Issue 3040, 19 June 1912, Page 40