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Beady, the well-known Athletic forward, will this season be found donning the jersey for Petone. . . ~ , The Canterbury Referees Association has decided to allow the players to put the balL in the scrums. I A. Murray, the Auckland rep. three-quar-ter, has removed to Wbllington, and will be ’found in the Oriental fighting line this season. . .. L. M. Tansoy, the ex-Otago Umversitv player, now of Cromwell, has been admitted .a, solicitor of the Supreme Court by his Honor Sir Joshua Williams. | Martin, the ex-Gore player, who played a reliable game as tull-back for Southland Insu year, has decided to play centre threequarter for the Star Club, j The champion public school at Rugbv in England is Bedford, which has won alt its matches this season. They play what is known in England as the New Zealand formation, which they adopted after the first visit of the “All Blacks. ! Ned Hughes, who has to his credit more than a parochial recognition as being one of the finest “hookers” in the Dominion, made a welcome reappearance in Rugby football last Wednesday (says a Southland writer). Here and there he showed glimpses of his old dash and brilliancy. It is a pity players of his stamp should be lost to the province owing to the autocratic attitude of the New Zealand Union, i Wigan on March 10 defeated Oldham in ; the League competition at Oldham by 8 points to 2. thus reversing the Cup tie result. Seeling, the New Zealander is declared to have been the best forward on the field. Williams, another Maorilander, also played for "Wigan, while on the Oldham side were Smith (New Zealand) and Dean and Anlezark (New South Wales). I In the international match at Belfast on March 9, in which Ireland defeated Wales I 12 to 5, Wales had the advantage of a stiff breeze, and had slightly the better of the game in the first half, Daniels scoring the first try, which was converted by Bancroft, At half-time the Welshmen led by 6 to nil. Changing ends, Ireland turned the tables, putting on 12 points to nil. i Rugby is going through e revival in Western Australia., where the local union, although strong in 1906 and 1907, languished during the succeeding years. Now, however, there is every promise of its having | a good season. There are many new arrivals from England, all of whom play Rugby, to that, with a number of new players, the different clubs will receive the impetus so much needed. The South African Rugby Board has received the following cable from the English Rugby Union: —“Union confirms season 12-13.” This means that a South African Rugby team will be sent to England this year. The fact that South Africa hae been invited before New Zealand need not bo further discussed. In the end it may be found ell the better for New Zealand football that the next tour in England is deferred. The election of office-bearers at the annual meeting of the Auckland Rugby Union resulted as follows:—President, Mr A. E. Devore (re-elected for the twenty-fifth time); vice-presidents, Mjessrs J. Arneil, D. Clayton, and Professor Segar; secretary and treasurer, Mr J. Longsford (re-elected); Committee of Management—Messrs F. J. Chlsen, M. J. Sheahan, O. P. Stichbury, S. W. Powerfield, and T. Buxton; auditors, Messrs P. R. Fraser and T. Macky. The London Referee*’ Society recently discussed the never-ending topic of passing from the ground. Here is'the excerpt from the hon. secretary’s notes s Q. —H a player is held (but not tackled 1 In accordance with the definition thereof

on page So) end the ball touches tha ground, can the player pass the ball ? A.—Yes. A definite explanation of % tackle is now given, and so, if h© can pasd the ball, he is not tackled and can pass the baJl off the ground. yTnis is an entirely new ruling, and tSe special attention of referees and players is called thereto. The New Zealanders now playing for English clubs aro doing well, according to Francis and Gillett, who have just returned from their tour of England with, the Au»* tialian Northern Union team. Seeling, who is in the Wigan team, is playing as well as ever, and is the beet forward in the Northern Union game. Williams, another Aucklander in the Wigan_ Club. Is olso playing well; while George Smith (Oldham) keeps hia form remarkably well, although he often thinks of returning to Auckland; Waddell (St. Helens) is playing well. He broke an ankle some time ago, and did not play again until just before the Australasians left England, but he subsequently returned to form. Wrigley is playing very well for the Huddersfield Club, which wa* leading for the Northern Union Cup at latest advices. Renwick and Todd are also in good form. For the international "Rugby football match between Wales and Ireland, which took place at Belfast, the We’shmen took the field with a much-weakened team from that which has represented the principality in its recent engagements, three or four of her best men—including Trew and Owen—being unable to play. As to the game, it was a fine struggle during the first hall, with Wales always having a bit the best of the play, and three minutes before the Interval one of her three-quarters got across the Irish line, and l the try was splendidly converted. On resuming play the home side, in a minority of 5 points, worked desperately hard,- but 18 minutes elapsed before they gained a try, and) this failed to be converted from a. difficult placekiok. However, a minute later the Irish captain dropped a lightning goal, and put his side 2 points ahead. Thence till within five mmutes of the end the game was very evenly fought, matters thenbeing clinched by a grand rush by the Irish forwards enabling one of their number to get through the Welsh defence, and an easily-negotiated goal resulting, a really good match ended with the scores as-follows:! lieland, 12 points (1 goal, 1 dropped goal, I try); Wales, 5 points (I goal). Of the 27 matches now played between the two countries, Wales has won 17, Ireland 9, and one has been drawn. OTAGO RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION. The weekly meeting of the committee of the Otago Rugby Football Union was held on Monday night, Mr H. Harris presiding. Letters of thanks for footballs were received from Te Houka, Hampdeu, and Felmerston, and requests for footballs were received from Awamengu, Outram, Low- • burn Ferry, Tawanui, Wakari, Heriot, Alexandra, Tarras, Oamaru, Benhar, W alton, Clyde, and East Taieri. _ . It was intimated that the Taieri Curb had two grounds this year —Mosgiel Recreation and Factory . , The Secretary of the West Taieri Club wrote stating that the club would agam compete in the junior competition thi* year. , In regard to an application from tna Taieri Club for the transfer of A. MTntosh from the Zingari-Richmond Club to - to# Taieri Club, it was resolved to inform the player that application must be made by himself. _ , The Secretary of the New Zealand Rugby Football Union wrote" Please note and advise players that the English Union has made the following alterations in the law* of the game; In glossary, etc. (section o), read; A tackle is when the bolder of wo ball is held by one or more players of tno opposite side so that he cannot pass _ or play it.’ In section 11 read: Free kick* by way of penalties shall be awarded if any player (a) intentionally either handles tho ball or fells down in a scrummage, l or picks the hall out of a scrummage, or picks it up m a scrummage, either by hand or by legs.’ The words quoted in each, case are additions to the laws of the game. Mr V. G. Cavanagh was appointed solo selector of the Otago representative teams. Langley, a former member of the Zin-gari-Richmond Third, who was suspended last year during the pleasure of the union, appeared before the committee. —The committee heard the referee (Mr T. Boyle) and the player, after which it was decided to suspend Langley until tho end of the season of 1912. ' Mr Wilson asked if the Otago Union was going on tour as far a« Auckland thif year?—The President said it was intended to do so.—Mr Wilson thought it wotfld be a mistake to go so far north? The President: Would you forego our annual match with Wellington?—Mr Wilson replied in the affirmative. Otago would have u weak team if it travelled this season. The University players would be engaged in their examinations, while many had already had ten days' off for the Territorial camp.—The President said it would be a good thing to have the representative matches more distributed, but that could not be got over by going to Auok* land this year. —Mr Wilson moved That during the present season the Otago Union do not tour any further north than Oaliter hu rv. 1 ’—The motion was not seconded, and therefore ,'apfed. NEW ZEALAND RUGBY UNION. SECESSION FROM ENGLISH UNION. Among the business to b© brought before the annual meeting of the New Zea.sad Rugby Union to be held at Wellington on Thursday, 16 th May, is the following 1 motion by the Hawke’s Bay Union; “That by-law 2 be repealed and the following by-law substituted : It shall adopt the laws of football as from time to time fixed by the English Rugby Football Union, but shall not Be affiliated to that body, and shall have power to modify that body’s rules as to professionalism,’ ” At Monday night’e meeting of the committee of the O.R.F.U. it was resolved, on the motion of Mr Sandee, seconded bv Mr Wilson —“ That all affiliated clubs and subunions be circularised asking them if they are in favour of seceding from the English Rugby Football Union, replies to be forwarded by the 11th May.” The President (Mr Harris) explained that the object of secession was to alter the laws of tho game to euit local condition!.

M kNIOTOTO SUB-UNION. A meeting of the Maniototo Sub-Upk*n -was held at Ranfurly on Thursday evening j S resent—Messrs Thoa Finder (president), ohn Millar (Ranfurly), 0. Dougherty, Q> Paterson (Gunmorburn), S, C. Greer

(Matakanui), and tho secretary {Mr . M'Lean, Cambrians) . , The Secretary of the Cambrians Cluo wrote asking that the dub be admitted into the sub-union, and stated that it wished to participate in this season’s flag hxtures. —lt was resolved that Uie club bo admitted, and that the entrance fee oi bs be refunded. . Consideration of the question ot again holding a seven-aside tournament was cteferred till a future meeting. In all probability a tournament will be held early in August. The secretary was directed to write to each affiliated club, requesting that the proceeds of one gate ” for the season be donated to the sub-union’s funds. Messrs S. C. Greer, M‘K. Marshall, and John Beattie were appointed a Selection Committee for the county team. At tho request of the Maniototo Referees’ Association, ft was agreed to undertake tho appointment of referees for the various fixtures during the season, the secretary being empowered to fill an .V vacancies occurring between meetings. It was resolved, that in tho event of any olub competing in the flag matches wishing to send a team to tho Alexandra tourruiment, and notifying the secretary of the sub-union on or before May 22, the fixtures bo put forward, and that the Blag Gommittee (Messrs Binder and M‘K. Marshall) be asked to re-arrange fixtures as suggested. A suggestion was made to tho Fla-ff Committee that when drawing up the fixtures for the second round, a match should bo arranged if possible at end of the county on each playing Saturday. _ An Emergency Committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs S. C. Greer, T. Binder, and G. Paterson, to transact any urgent business. The compilation of a handbook containing rules and general information concerning matters under the jurisdiction of the sub-union, was left in tho secretary s hands, with a limit as to the cost. Tho president was empowered to act in the matter of granting permission for unaffiliated teams in the county to p.ay matches with affiliated clubs. Fallowing are the fixtures for May, tho name of the referee appearing in brackets. The matches will be played on the club’s ground in each case May 4. —Naseby v. Matakanui (R. Ilaig), Cambrians v. 'Gimmeiburn (Mr MK. Marshall); Rardurlv v. Middleman* (Mr R. L. Francis), Richard Young Banner May 11.—Matakanui v. Rsnfurly (Mr Marshall); Nasohv v. Gimmerburn (Mr Lory); Cambrian, a bye.

THE SENIOR DRAW. This year the number of teams entered in the various grades of fhe Rugby to o *'” ball competition shows a slight falling ort as compared with last year. East season there were 50 teams playing football in and around Dunedin, but during the present season there will be only 44, or a decrease of six. In the First Grade the figures iwmain unchanged, there being still 10 teams in this competition, but in the lower grades there is a slight falling away. The following shows the number of teams interred this year, last year’s figures being given in brackets:—First Grade, 10 (10); Second Grade, 11 (13); Third Grade, 10 JH); Fourth Garde, 6 (8); Fifth Grade, 7 The following is the draw for the first round of senior rrtatchcs: — May 4.—Southern v. Port Chalmers; Katkorai v. Union; Alhambra v. Zingari; rSrates v. University; Dunedin v. Taieri Rovers. May 11.—Southern v. Dunedin; Union v. Zingari; Kaikorai v. University; Alhambra v. Taieri Rovers; Pirates v. Port Chalmers. May 18.—Southern v. Pirates; Zingari v. University; Union v. Taieri Rovers; Kaikorai v. Port Chalmers; Alhambra v. Dunedin. May 25.—Southern v. Alhambra; University v. Taieri; Zingari v. Port Chalmers; Union v. Dunedin; Kaikorai v. Pirates. June 1. —Southern v. Kaikorai; Taieri Rovers v. Port Chalmers; University v. Dunedin; Zingari v. Pirates; Union v. Alhambra. June 3. —Southern v. Union; Port Chalmers v. Dunedin; Taieri Rovers v. Pirates; University v. Alhambra; Zingari v. Kaikorai. June 15.—Southern v. Zingari; Dunedin v -,Pistes; Pori Chalmers v. Alhambra; Taieri Rovers v. Kaikorai; University v. Union. Juno 22. —Southern v. University; Pirates v. Alhambra; Dunedin v. Kaikorai; Port v. Union; Taieri v. Zingari. SATURDAY’S MATCHES. FIRST GRADE. Kaikorai v. Alhambra. Matches between Kaikorai and Alhambra are honoured by time and cherished by tradition, but the great gatherings which the contests between these teams attracted in the early nineties are not evidenced at the present day. The standard of play and players has deteriorated in a marked degree since Kaikorai and Alhambra were famous, and to this fact must b 3 attributed the falling off in the attendances. At the Caledonian Ground on Saturday, when Kaikorai and Alhambra met for the opening match of the season, there were present upwards of 2500 spectators. The weather was fine, but a strong south-west wind was unpleasantly cold and interfered to some extent with the play. Kaikorai was represented by practically all last season's forwards and several of its backs—a team captained by Alex. M'Donald, well trained and of good repute. Alhambra contained one or two of the 1911 team, but there were many new faces, and combination was lacking. The game was fairly fast and not uninteresting, while there were occasional flashes of intelligent pay. Kaikorai saw to it that Alhambra did not get far. Against the wind in the first spoil Kaikorai more than held their twn, and in the second spell, with the reezo in thoir favour and with their iuperior combination they beat Alhambra Bt all points of the game, running out Victors by 17 points to 4. Kaikorai 17 points. Alhinnbrd. ... ... ... ... 4 point-3. Mr M’Farlano was referee. Dunedin v. Zingaei-Richmond. This match was played at Carisbrook No. 2 on Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a fair number of the followers of each team. On paper, Zingari-Uichmond looked the stronger side, but at the conclusion of a well-contested and fairly even, gOXOA each side had scored 6 points. Dunedin were without the services of Paton and Skinner, and Graham was the most notable

absentee from th Zingari ranks. As an exhibition of football the match was scarcely remarkable in any way. but the Racks and forwards of both teams gave promise of being capable of better things as tho season advances. Zingar'Richmond .. . 6 points. Dunedin 6 points. Mr A. Downes was referee. University v. Poet Chalmers. The fixture between the University and Port Chalmers teams was decided at Port Chalmers before a crowd of several hundred spectators, whose sympathies were obviously with tho local players. University 16 points. Port Chalmers 8 points. Southern v. Taieri Rovers. Tho Southern journeyed out to Mosplel to try conclusions with the Local team. The visitors won the toss, and commenced' from the south end with a heavy wind at their backs. Rain threatened, but fortunately held off, only a few drops falling towards the end of the second spell. The game from first to last was a poor exhibition of football, being confined mainly to a series of scrambles among the forwards. The work of tho hack divisions was exceedingly weak, and numerous chances to score were repeatedly lost by both sides owing to the bad handling of the ball. Southern I 4 points Taieri Rovers 3 points. Both sides showed signs of fatigue, and failed to.make use of their chances. The kicking throughout the match was very weak, tho only redeeming feature being the coolness and judgment displayed by Scott, the Taieri Rovers’ full bock. Mr A. Martin was referee. Pirates v. Union. This game on Carhbiook No. * Ground, between these teams was witnessed by a large number of enthusiasts, who were anxious to sec how the new players, of whom others were several, would shape. On the day’s play the teams, more particularly the Pirates will provide the public with good football during the season. The Union were a very youthful-looking si do, and in the back;-, Marks, Lcckie, and Douglas made a creditable first appearance in Senior football. A. Thompson has moved from back to forward, and, with Dennison, Newell, Robson, and Armour, makes a very fast forward brigade. Reg. Black, G. Denniston, M'Kellar. end Hunter arc a quartet of forwards who wili do honour to the Pirates, and in Bennett and T. Denniston they possess a couple of dashing young players. The Pirates’ backs were poor in the first spell and’ it may bo said that in this department Robert Black played tho Union team himself. However, later on in the game de Lautour improved considerably, and M‘Kellar, jun., and Lomas lent valuable assistance. Pirates 16 points. Union 6 points. Mr R. Adamson controlled the game. SECOND GRADE. Southern defeated Dunedin at Tahuna. Park by 45 points to 3. Mr H. Ward was referee. Kaikorai beat Pirates by 23 points to 6. Tries were scored for Kaikorai by Hanna. Ritchie, Thomson, Burgess, and Pink. Pink and Boylan converted one each, whilst Boylan potted a goal. Pirates kicked two penalty goals. Mr J. F. Himburg acted as referee. Ziagari-Richmond defeated University by 3 points to nil. Union defeated Alhambra by 10 points to nil. Walsh potted a goal, Findlay kicked a penalty goal, and Davis scored a try for the winners. THIRD GRADE. Zingari-Richmond defeated Dunedin by 29 points to 3. Otago Boys’ High School beat University by 27 points to ml. Tries were scored by Hutchison (2), Paterson (2), Inglis, Pilling, and Robertson. Two tries were converted by Pilling, and one by Ryan. Southern defeated Pirates at Tahuna Park by 9 points to 3. Mr R. Heron controlled the game. Kaikorai beet Union by 20 points to 3. Tries were scored by Davie (2). Downes, Beazloy, Whyte, and Hogan. Hogan converted one try. Union kicked a penalty goal FOURTH GRADE. Kaikorai and High School played a drawn game—3 iKants eaan. Southern defeated Alhambra on the Caledonian Ground by 22 points to nil. Zingari-Richmond defeated Union by 11 points to nil. MATCHES IN OTHER CENTRES. WELLINGTON, April 28. Tho senior championship matches were continued yesterday. The weather was dull and threatening, but tho rain held off. The grounds were in fair playing order. A stiff northerly wind blew and affected play somewhat. All the games wore well contested. Tho following are the results: Athletic (9) beat Poneko (3); Oriental (9) beat St. James (5); Petone (20) beat Southern (9); Wellington! (6) drew with Victoria College (6); Melrose (34) beat Old Boys (5). CHRISTCHURCH, April 28. Tho second week’s matches in the Canterbury Rugby Union’s competitions were played yesterday, when the grounds were in fine order, and the weather conditions wore excellent. The following are the resuitsOld Boys (3) drew with Albion (3); Merivale (16) beat Linwood (0); Sydenham (27) beat Canterbury College (8); Christchurch (13) beat Marists (3). SOUTHLAND RUGBY UNION. INVERCARGILL. April 26. At a meeting of the Southland Rugby Union to-night, the following motion was unanimously carried: —“That this union heartily approves of tho notices of motion to be brought forward by the Hawke’s Bayunions at the annual general meeting of tho Council of the New Zealand Union in reference to the alteration of the rules dealing with professionalism, also cancelling affiliation with tho English Union.” It was resolved to instruct the Southland delegates to the annual meeting of the New Zealand Union to heartily support tho measures. 'THE GAME IN ENGLAND. LONDON, April 28. Blackburn Rovers (43 points) and Everton (46 points) head tho list of League teams. Bury and Preston North End hav© been relegated to the second division. The Queen’s Park Rangers (53 points) and Plymouth (52 points) head tho Southern League list

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Otago Witness, Issue 3033, 1 May 1912, Page 53

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RUGBY GOSSIP. Otago Witness, Issue 3033, 1 May 1912, Page 53

RUGBY GOSSIP. Otago Witness, Issue 3033, 1 May 1912, Page 53