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Monday Evening. On Tuesday evening Mrs John Roberts gave a dinner party for Mr and Mrs Salmond. The. tabic was decorated with yellow flowers and autumn leaves. Some present, besides the host and hostess, were: Mr and Mrs P. Sargood, Mr and Mrs Callaway, Mr and Mrs Salmond, Mrs George Roberts, Pr Scott, etc. On Wednesday evening the Misse3 Webster gave a bridge party at their residence, Heriot row, in honour of Miss Maud Sise. Bridge was played in the drawing rooir and smoking room, whilst supper was partaken of in the dining room, tho table being decorated with vases of heliotrope «cabia. Mies Webster, who received in the drawing room, wore a becoming grey satin frock veiled in pale grey ninon and trimmed silver; Miss 6. Webster, black satin gown with panels of jet, bodice relieved with en erald green satin. Some present were: Mesdames Lin do Ferguson, Batchelor. Riley, Stanley Batchelor, Cheeaeroan, Frank Fitchett. Butterworth, Callaway. Black. Marshall, Misses Graham. C. Graham. Williams. Allen, M'Lean, V. Williams, Joachim, Sise, M. Sise Ulxich. K. Uirtch. Kattray. Denniston. Royse, Macaseey, Could, Woodboiißc, etc. A most delightful afternoon tea party was given by Mrs John Roberta at her residence, Littlebourne, on Wednesday afternoon, for Mis 3 Maud Tea was enjoyed in the dining room, where the table was very prettily arranged with yellow sunflowers and nuoubretia. Mrs Roberts received her guests in the drawing room, and was attired in a handsci?:c black silk, trimmed with embroidery. Som,r> present were: Mesdames (;. Roberts, J. Roberts, I'. Macassey, E. Macassev, Burkett (Wellington), Marshal!. P. Wright. Hudson. Grant. Misses Farquhar, E. Farquhar, Wedge-wood (England). Joachim, R. Reynolds. Graham, C. Graham, G. Williams. V. Williams. Ogston, Hart, Hosking. Holdsworth, I). Allen. M'lntosh. Sise. M. Sise. Holmes, Cargill, Cutten, Ulrich. Macasse/, JJowiing. M'ilastnr, Stewart, Could. Glendining, etc. Mrs George Roberta, grey face' cloth, trimmed violet velvet, large violet felt hat: Mrs Chceseman. grey flannel coat and ekirt, lurge white hat with hydrangins; Mrs Percy Macassev, blue costume, small white chip hat with white wings; Mrs Burkett (Wellington), cream-and-blue flowered voi>, trimmed with pipings of saxe blue satin, hat v.ith blue rosette 3 and flowers; Mrs Marshall, cream serge coat and ekirt. white chip hat with bright geraniums; Mrs P. Wright, cream tussore silk costume, with

)uches of black, large picture hat; Mrs Hudson, cream costume, white ostrich-feather boa, large floral hot; Miss Farquhar, cream serge coat and skirt, large hat with yellowcowslips ; Miss Graham, electric blue voile, blue chip hat to match; Miss C. Graham, blue-and-black striped voile relieved with cream, large black hat with feathers; Miss Wedgewood, black-and-white silk, black hat with vermilion roses; Miss Gladys Williams, cream serge coat and skirt, white felt hat trimmed violets; Miss Mary Hosking. grey costume, large petunia hat; Miss Ogston, white serge, saxe blue hat; Miss Sise, blue costumo, trimmed oriental trimming; Miss Maud Sise, blue cloth trimmed striped silk revers, black hat with pink flowers; Miss Holmes, sage green gown, large black hat with white feathers; Miss Ulrich. brown .Bengaline costume, large white hat with feathers, ostrich-feather boa; Miss Macassey, I'lfam costume, large old rose hat with feathers. Mr and Mrs James Roberts left for Timaru on Thursday. Miss Gould is spending Easter at Waikouaiti. Miss Royse left for Christchurch on Thursday. Dr and Mrs Ferguson are staying at Waikouaiti for Easter. Mr Jock Ritchie, who has recently returned from England, is the guest of Dr and Mrs R. Ritchie (George street). Mrs W. A. Moore is visiting her parents in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Vivian are the guests of the Kev. and Mrs Jones (Christchurch). Mr and Mrs C. Turnbull. who have been living at Wanaka for some time, returned to Dunedin last week. Mr and Mrs E. Graham (Invercargill) are the guests of Mr and Mrs C. C. Graham (Hcriot row). Mr and Mrs Holdsworth and family, Mr imd Mrs Edmond, Mr and Mrs C. Rattray, Mr and Mrs Fenwick. Miss D. Williams, Miss Denniston, are all visitors at Waikouaiti. Mr and Mrs Leslie Harris left for TiuKiru on Thursday. Mr and Mrs Percy Sargood and family j are at present visiting Lake "Wanaka. Dr and Mrs Frank Fitchett returned from the north last week. Mr and Mrs J. Black are spending the Easter holidays at Queenstown. Mr and Mrs Bullock and the Misses Mills motored through to Lake Wanaka last week. Miss Laura Rattray, who has been in Christchurch for some time past, is visiting the Misses Rattray (Craighall). Miss E. Farquhar left for the south during last week. Mrs G. Roberts and Miss E. Roberts are the guests of Mrs Buckland (Waikouaiti). PEMBROKE. April 5. The following were visitors to Pembroke during the past week:—Mr Chas. Moffett (Invercargill), Mr Wardsworth (Invercargill). Mrs P. Sargood (Dunedin). Mrs Valhinge j (Dunedin), the Misses Sargood (Dunedin), Mr Clark (Waihi), Mr Hiddei (Alexandra), Mr J. Reid (Ranfurly). Miss Russell (Dun- | edin), Mr and Mrs St. George Douglas (Dunedin). Mrs Reid (Oamaru). Mr and Mrs Whiting (Sydney) have been the guests of Mrs Scaife (Glen Dim). Recent visitors at Makarora have been Miss Laird and Nurse Brew. Among the deer-s*alkers at present visiting Makarora are: Mr Dunning (Auckland), Mr Moffett (Invercargill). Colonel Hafkness (England), Mr Wardsworth (Invercargill), Mr Cowie (Dunedin). INVERCARGILL. April G. Wednesday afternoon was just perfect for the opening of the golfing season. Mr Eus- j tace Russell (president of the club), in a j short speech, declared the club open for season 1912. Mixed foursomes was the order j of the day, Miss Addie Gardner and Mr Otto Wilson bringing home the best card, ! thus winning the box of balls. After the match Mrs Eustace Russell entertained all the members and visitors to afternoon tea, ! which, needless to say. was much appreciated by all. | Tho Easter tourr.ament commenced on Friday morning, when players from all parts were competing. The tournament continues . right over Easter. Tennis was very quiet on Wednesday, on account of the opening of the golf season. On Thursday afternoon Miss Addie Gardner had a " cup and saucer " afternoon for Miss Ethel Searell, who is to be married I next week. An "animal" competition went on during tha afternoon, Miss Gladys Smith winning the prize. Afternoon tea was served in the dining room, the decorations being pink sweet peas. The opening of the parcels also took some time, and very beautiful some of them were. Koine of those present were: Mrs Strettell. Mr<> Chas. Jones. Misses Searell (2), Macalister. Henderson, Millar, . Wylie. Pileher (2). Campbell, Smith, Moffett, ■ Hawke. Field, Strcettell. etc. Mrs Cantrell has returned from a flying visit to Dunedin. ilr« Phil Wright is staying at the vicarage for a few days. : Miss Foster (Christchurch) is the gpest of Mrs B. Basstian (Tweed street). I Miss M. Wylie has returned from the Lillburn. Miss Orbell (Dunedin'; is the guest of Mrs Fcsberry Handysido (WeJJesley). Mr and Mrs Fosberry tlandyside and Miss Orbell (Dunedin) went over to the- Island on Friday for Easter. Mr and Mrs William Handyside have also 1 gone to the Island. Mr and Mrs Pauling have gone to Queenstown over Easter. Mr and Mrs W. Macalistcr and family have also gone to Quecnstown over the holidays. i Dr and Mrs Yule have gone a trip to Auckland. : Miss Gardner has gone to Thornbury for a few days. Mrs Grigor has returned to Clifdcn. Miss Florrie Brebner and Miss Mary Steele have gone a trip to Akaroa. ' Dr Mehaffey and Mr Hamann have pone . a trip to Sydney. Miss Callcnder is spending the holidays with her brother at the Liilburn.

M . ~. _, TIMARU. April 6. Miss lurner, Christchurch, is staving for a few days with Mrs K. Turner pre'vious to leaving for a trip to England. * ,?, C T\ P ,- Wcc <:l and lier daughter motored to Christchurch last Thursday. They intend spending the Easter holidavs there. Mrs ttigley has gone to Fairlie for a short Mrs E J. LcCren has gone to Christchurch to spend a few days with her mother. Mrs F. Graham. -Mr O. T. Frasar left for the north tooay. tie goes to attend his son's (Mr Erio Eraser) wedding to Miss Hitchings Mrs Maben returned to Hokitika on Wednesday after spending some weeks with her father, Mr V. Day. Mrs Guinness and Miss Slerndale are staying with Mr Roland Guinness, at Ealing. Mr and Mrs Marshall, Miss Talbot, and Miss Stevenson left last Wedr.esdav for Sydney, where they join the Osterley, en route for England. Mrs W. Raymond gave an afternoon for Mrs Mackay on Saturday. Present were: Airs and Miss Turner, Sirs F. Raymond, Mrs and Miss Knublcy, Mrs Ziesler, and Mrs .Newman. The engagement is announced of Miss Mabin, Grey road, to Mr Heron. Miss 'Brien and the Misses Talbot have gene to Christchurch for the races. Mr and .Mrs Young have also gone up to Christchurch. Miss Shand's many friends will be glad to hear that, though still very, ill, she is progressing favourably. J J rofessor and Mrs Shand are staying at Craighead, and Dr Shand (Wellington) was in town this week. ___________ CHRISTCHURCH. April G. There has been very little private entertaining this week, although the town has been filling up for the races and other attractions. Mrs M'Kcnzie gave a very enjoyable luncheon on Tuesday as a farewell to Mrs Deans. The guests included Mrs Deans, Mis Symes. Pr and Mrs Scott. A very pleasant lunch party was given on Wednesday by Mrs Wilding at her residence, " Fownhope," Opawa. among those present being Mrs Deans, Mrs Symes, Mrs Denniston, Mrs John Anderson. Mrs BevanBrcwn, and Mrs Funis. A medal match was played on the Shirley Finks on Wednesday afternoon, when there was a largo number of competitors. The winner in the Senior Grade was Miss B. Wood, and in the Junior Miss Holmes. Others playing wore: Mrs Vernon. Mrs H. Wood, Mrs Godl.y, Mrs Hill. Mrs Donald, Mrs Cripp=, 1.1 is Stewart, Mioses Wilson, Wood, Anderson (2), Fisher, Merton, and Thomas. Miss Cowlishaw and Miss Harley have returned from a trip to Mount Cc.ok. Mrs Finch left on Weui.esday on a trip to England. Mr And Mrs W. Clifford and Miss Clifford (Wellington) are the guests of Sir George and Fady Clifford. Mrs Burton (Woodbury) is in town. Mr and Mrs Teschemaker (Blenheim) arrived in town on Thursday. Miss Wroughton was m town for two or three days during the week. Mr and Mrs Wilfred Stead and Mrs R. Grace arrived from the T.orth on Tuesday, and are staying at " Strowan." Mr and Mrs Gerald Stjad have returned from Hawke's Bay. The wedding of Miss Dorothy Wells to Mr Selby Palmer is to take place very quietly in Christchurch on Wednesday ing:BLENHEIM, April 4. > Miss M. M'N'ab was hostess at a " kitchen" evening at the Loloma Hoom3 last Saturday- evening given for Miss N'essa Grace, whose marriage is to take place shortly. Tho amusement of the evening was a son* title competition, which caused a great de\, cf excitement. First | nze was won by Mas* Decima Horton, and "booby" ;:rizo by Miss Kinaella (Bay of Plenty). Resitationa wero given by Miss Nevin, and songs by Misses Grace (2). A delightful supper was laid in one of the tea room.;. Miss M'N'ab received her guests wearing a pretty dreas of nanti blue silk, piped with black silk. Among those present were: Misses N*. Gh3«, Monica Grace, B. Grace, S. Rogers, Ferr«tt (Kenwick), Vavasour (" B Griffiths, Ross (2, Grovetown), Clouston, U Redwood, Horton (_), Neville 12), Williams (Kenwick), Skinner (2), Bell (2). Kinsella, Florance. Winstanley, C. Hail. E. Mouat, Fisher, Xevin, Barnett. and Newton. The Garrison Band have been holding their bazaar for tho past week in the Blenheim Town Hall. The proceeds go toward* building a bandrcom. The hull has bee» crowded every afternoon and evening sine© the opening. In the evening the audience is entertained by the dancing ar.d tableau* arranged under the direction of Professor Owen Cardston. Among those who havo stalls are: Produce, Mr E. Rose; flowers. Misses Hadfield and Hofdaway; kitchen and plain sewing, Mrs Thomas and Miss O'Sulli-

van; toys and fancy goods. Mesdames Forrest and .Reeves; lollies. Misses M'Allister and Patchett; Japanese stall, Mir Banwell and Miss Ching; one shilling stall, Mt 3 Cnrrv and Miss O'Suflivan; hat and bag stall," Mrs Rose and Mrs Evatt; tea rooms, Sirs W. Clouston. Last Saturday afternoon there was a fair attendance on the Marlborough Lawn Tennis grounds, it being the closing of the club for the season. A dainty tea was provided by Mrs Bagge. Among those present were: Mrs Scott. Mrs R. Adams, Mrs Hulme, Mrß White, Mrs Walker, Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Bell, Misses Clouston (2), Jenkins, Northcroft, Anderson, Smith, Chapman, Meade, Skinner, Messrs Brock, Bagge, Sharpe, Golding, Admore, B rani mall, Meade. Mrs and the Misses Mowat, who have been staying at Mr John Conelly's place at the Bay of Many Coves, have returned. Miss M. M'Nab has returned from visiting friends at Mahakipawa. Mrs Gilmer (West Coast) is visiting Mr J. Reid (Weld street). Mts W. Bell (" Flaxmere") is visiting friends in Christchurch. Mrs Devenish (New Plymouth) is the guest of Mrs Skinner (Weld street). Mr and Mrs A. Rogers (" Eltham Lodge ") have gone to the North Isand for the Easter holidays. Mr and Mrs Chambers (Hastings), who have been visiting Mts Hall (" The Pines "), have returned north. Miss Urquhart, who has been staying with Dr and Mrs Redman (Picfon), has returned. Mrs Oswald (Awatere) is visiting Mrs W. Clouston ("St. Andrews"). Miss Kinsella (Bay of Plenty) is the guest of Mrs S. Florance (Beaver road). Mrs Bennett has returned from New Plymouth. Mra S. Richmond ("Richmond Brook") is visiting friends in the North Island. WELLINGTON, April 5. We are now enjoying ideal weather. The Easter holidays were most promising, and numerous excursion parties were arranged. So many people have motor cars now that these excursions are very much easier to .arrange and more enjoyable than heretofore. The mysterious Jansen has been fascinating and mystifying the populace with his wonderful performances, and has no difficulty in filling the Opera House to over-flov-ing every evening. Mrs F. Fitchett has returned from her visit to Dunedin. Mrs Lyndon (Hawke's Bay) is the gue9t of Mrs Bendail (Lower Butt) Mrs and Miss M'Kenzie arrived on Wednesday from Dunedin. Mts Miles is paying a visit to Wanganui. Mr and Mrs W. Moorehouse and Mrs .Rhodes arrived from England on Monday. The Misses Wilson are paying a round of visits in the Wairarapa. Mr 3 Gorton (Feilding) is at present in Wellington. Airs Beedie (Kimbolton) leaves shortly for England. The Hon. Captain Baillio and his wife, are visiting friends in Marlborough. Mr F. Waldegrave and his daughter, Mrs Atkinson, leave on Monday for Auckland, whore they will join the Mongolia for Ijoiidon. Mrs Amelius Smith is at present on a visit to Rotorua. Mrs Lowe has returned from her visit to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs A. W. Walsh are spending Easter at Rotorua. Mrs Thompson is the guest of her mother, Lady Gibbea. Miss L. Brandon has returned from a visit to Sydney. Mrs C. Howarth (Wanganui) is spending Easter at Heretaunga. Captain and Mr* RO3O (England) are staying at the Royal Oak Hotel.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3030, 10 April 1912, Page 71

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3030, 10 April 1912, Page 71

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3030, 10 April 1912, Page 71