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The monthly meeting of the Southland Land Board, held in Invercargill on September 28, was attended by the Commission (Mr H. M. Sheet) and Messrs .D. King, J. King, and J. M‘Lean. ■ •' —Applications to Transfer.— Applications to transfer land were dealt with as follows: Section 4, block XXXVII, Taringatura district (158 acres 1 rood), J. W. Brown to Martin Kean.—-Held over for _ a month. Section 17, block xvidi, Longwood ~ district (302 acres), Charles J. Evans to Donald M'Kerchar. —Approved. Pastoral license 154, run 418 (4600 acres), Southland County, Harold Studholme to Richard Yardley.—'Recommended for approval of Minister. PastonaJ license 204,run : 527 (10,900 acres). Southland County, Harold Studholme to Richard Yardley.—Recommended for approval of Minister. Pastoral license 246, run 352 a (28,710 acres),. Southland County, Harold Studholme to. Richard Yardley.—Recommended for approval of (Minister. Pastoral Jicense 227, run 352 b (5250 acres), , Southland County, Harold Studholme to Richard Yardley.—Recommended for approval of the Minister. Sections 95 and 97, Wairio district (387 acres 1 rood), Wm. Mannion to David Dickson.— Approved, subject to improvements being effected. Sections 50 and 51, block XXII, Invercargill Hundred (35 acres 3 roods 32 poles), H. J. Asbbrook to G. L. Colvin.— -Approved. Part of section 45e, block X, Lind hurst Hundred, Edendale Settlement (123 acres 3 roods 16 poles), J. M'Laughlan, jun., to John Howden. —Approved. Section 70e, block HI. Mataura Hundred, Edeiidkle Settlement (10 acres). Jonas Oberg to Oscar Baird. —Approved. Section 69e, block 111, Mataura district, Edendale Settlement. Mary A. Oberg to Jennie Baird.—Approved. Section 29-33. 38-42, block XXIII, Invercargill Hundred (222 acres 15 poles), Thomas M'Oarthy to C. R. M'Garthy.—Recommended for approval of Minister. Section 3. block XXXVII, Tarinaatura district (152 acres), R. T- Baker to B. J. O’Neill.—Held over for la month. Pastoral run 191 b, Eyre

district (11,300 acres), Studholme and Peter to F. H. Paunett. —Approved. —To Show Cause. — " Section 18, block 111, Alton distriot, W. D. West, for- subletting without consent.— Held over for a month. Sections 1-19, block XXI. Limehills, L. ' Cody to show cause why be should not be fined for cropping wi&out consent.—Commissioner and Mr D. King to inspect. —Application to Purchase.— ■ Robert Sutherland applied for an o.r.p. over part section 12, block 11, Lillburn distriot (388 acres I*2 poles).—Refused^ • The board adjourned till 9.30 o clock next morning. SECOND DAY. : The meeting was continued on Friday, there being present the Commissioner (Mr H. M. Skeet, presiding), Messrs D. King, J. King, and J. M'Lean. : —Applications for Land. — i Applications for land were dealt with as ■ Forty-six acres, block V," Aparima Hundred, E. F. Butler (cash). —Refused. • The following applications were approved :—Sections 16 to 19, block XI, Campbelltown Hundred, 485 acres, E. J. M'Donaid; section 340, block IV. Forest Hill Hundred, 104 acres, Wm: Wilson; and section 150, block I, Paterson distriot, 70 acres, Addison Wear. • The application from E. M'Anelly for section 3, block XXni. Wairaki district, Beaumont Settlement, 352 acres, was left in the commissioner's hands for settlement. fo*» - —Applications for Title.— r 'The' following were approved:— - Section, 37, block 111, Alton distriot, 5 acres, Sarah Emma Rodgers; section 11, block H, Lillburn district, 552 acres, John ( Keen; sections 9 and 10, block H, Lillburn j district, 128 acres, John Keen; sections 15 I to 15, block V, Woodend township, 13$ acres Elizabeth Reid; section 1 block VII, j Morley village, 5 acres, Mary Kennedy. —CancelLation of Application.— ' With reference to the application to purohase l.i.p, of sections 35, 36, and 38, block XVIIL Jacobs'River Hundred, by A- J. Nicholas, tihe Commissioner reported that the purchase had not been completed within the prescribed .12 months. —Contract to be determined. —Application to Transfer. — Applications to transfer were dealt with as follows; ! . Section 1, block XI, Alton district, 488 acres, Emily Clara Crow to Michael John Crow, transfer of half' interest. —Forfeited. Section Y, block XI, Campbelltown Hundred, 125 acres, D. Ritchie and A. W. Jones to ; Jonas Smith. —Recommended for the. approval of the Minister of Lands. Section 7 block XIV, Waiau district, 428 acres, Mary Dysakie to Alice, Richard, and William Bennett. —Reooanmended to Minister for approval. The following were approved by the board:— ' Section 44, block VI, New River Hundred, 5 acres, Wm. M'Leod to George M'Leod; section 51, block VIII, Campbelltown Hundred, 99f acres, G. W. Moffett to F. H, Moffett; sections 28 to 30, block XXII, lnvercargill Hundred, 68 acres 2 roods, .tielen 0. Nicol to M. Chiaroni; section 15. block XII, Oteramika Hundred, 228 acres 2 roods, D. G. Cameron to W. W. Wilson; section 21. block VIII, Longwood, 29 aoresy Chas. Mo Hoy to John Fraser; sections 3 and 4, block VIII, Longwood district, ,56 acres, Chas. Molloy to John Fraser; section 27, block 111. Menzie's Ferry township, 5 acres, D. and W. Gordon to A. H. Jones; section • 97, block H, Longwood' district, 8 acres, W. P. Smith 'to Steuben Mills; section 35-, blocic VI. Campbelltown Hundred, 12 acres, Charles Murdoch to Michael Bower; section 6, block I, Centre Hill, 939 acres 3. roods, Alex. Roy> jum., to Michael Gallagher (subject to land across river going into Terepa and rent being reduced accordingly); section 5, block I, Centre Hill. 50 acres, Alex. Roy. jun., to Michael Gallaoflier; section 18, block XVIII, Town of Gore, 1 rood, Mary A Gowdy to D. C. F. Whytcck; section 7' of 30, block XVI, Town of Gore, 2 roods, Isabella C Kirk to Wm. Kirk; section 9, block XX, town of Winton, 1 rood, Michael Small to Annie Small; cart section 242, Hokonui district, 1 rood, Thos. Mee to J.' J. Joyce; sections la and 2a. block lit, W.endonside. district, 569 acres 3 roods, Alex. Alexander to Colin M'Kenzie; part teotion 89e. block I, Mataura Hundred, Edehdale Settlement, 100 acres. Gordon Hutton to James Beck; section 4, block IX. Makarewa township, 13 acres, Minnie Dev to Chas. John Dey: section 3. block X, Waikaia district. 320 acres, Wm. C. Turnbull to Wm. M'Kee; section 4. block X, Waikaia district, 320 acres, j Wm. C. Turnbull to Mrs. C. J. M'Kee; ! section 50, block X, Waiau district, Merri- j vale Settlement, 20 acres, Susan Watson to j E w en Livingstone; sections 2 to 5, block XVI. Chatton district, 19 acres, George M'Lellan to Eliza Gerkin; section 1, block

• XVII, Cbatton district, 8 acres 3 roods, Elizabeth M'Lellan to Margaret Moir; section 2, block XVII, Chatton district, 8 acres 2 roods, Elizabeth M'Lellan to James Moir j sections 5 and 6, block XVII, Ghatton district. 17 acres, John M'Lellan to Margaret Moir; tactions 3 and 4, block XVII, Ohatton district,' 14 acres 2 roods, Eliza Gerkin to James Moir; sections 9, 11, and 12, block XVIII, Ohatton district, I 11 acres 3 roods, Martin Geirkiin to Geo. j M ; Lellan. Following applications to transfer ' were refused: — i Sections 57, etc, town of Clifden, 13 , acres, Ellen Sandford to Fanny B. Gardl Jier (transferee ineligible); sections 59, 60, j- 63, 64, and 67, block V, Oteramika Hun- | dred, 439 acres 3 roods, Richard Muniio, ' jun.» to Margaret Matthews (held oyer to next meeting); section 9, block X, Wyndham district, 773 acres, F. Reid to Andrew I Fell (until gorse cleared to Board's satis- ! faction); pastoral run 502, Auckland , Islands, 75,600 acres, C. C. Moffett to M. jE. Wiig; pastoral run 514, Enderby and 1 Ross Islands, 1995 acres, G. I. Moffett to ! M. E. Wiigj pastoral run 501> Auckland Islands, 38,600 acres, A. B. Moffett to M. E. Wiig (M. E. Wiig also applied for permission to hold more than one pastoral lioense). , ! An application from Amelia Johnstone to sub-let to James Phillipson, jun.., sections 101 and 102, and sections 115 and 116, block XXIII, lnvercargill Hundred, 262 acres, was beid over for report. —Plans for Approval.— The Chief Surveyor forwarded the following plans for anproval;—Plans Of sections 376 to 330," 334 V and 385, block XIII, and sections 381 to 383, block XIV, Taringatura district.—-Subdivisions of Terepa .Estate surveyed by Mr H. M. Thompson. —Elans passed and prices agireed to. ! The Commissioner requested the board to fix tho prices of the following sections—j viz.:—Sections 18, 19, and 20, block XVII, J Jacobs River Hundred, recently surveyed j by Mr C. Otway.—Left to Commissioner to deal with. —Lest Leases.— New Leases, the originals halving been lost of destroyed;, granted as follows : Section 4, block XVI, Longwood district, A. M/Inerny; sections 14 and 15. block XVI. and section 8, blook XVII, Waikawa district; D. Blackburn,—Granted at 10s each. Section 11, block X, Longwood district, H. Hopgood.—Granted at 21s. !',.'■•■ —To Show Cause.— Cases where lessees had been called upon to show cause were dealt with as follows,:--Section 4, block X, Alton distriot, Matthew Fleming ,■ to show cause for non-residence. — Granted six months. Section 5, block XI, Alton distriot, D. A. Campbell,' to show cause for non-compliance with improvement condition.—Granted six months to effect improvements. Seabion 5, bLoCk X, Alton district, Wm Durie, to show cause for nonresidence. —Granted six months. Section 6, block X, Alton district, E. R. King, to show cause for norn-comiplianoe with improvement condition.—Granted 12 months. Section 10 and part 11, blook XXI, lnvercargill Hundred, *F. V. Raymond, to show cause for non-compliance with conditions of lease.—To comply with conditions forthwith.. Sections 10 to 13, block X, Wyndham distriot, Thomas Ayson>and Son, to show cause why they should not be ejected (I. W. Raymond, lessee). —To be informed that gorse must'be grubbed out. Section 6, blook XXXI, Limehills townshio, E. Gill, to show cause for subletting -without consent. —To lodge an application to transfer. —Correspondence.— H. D. Norman offered 10s per annum for a_ grazing right over three acres, being riart of section 23, block 111, Alton district. —Approved. Catherine Boulter offered 5s per annum for a grazing right over 10 acres, being part of section 8, blook I, Alton district.— Approved. ' The executor W. J. Moffett applied for nine months' extension of time to out out remaining timber on sawmill area 487, Waikawa distriot.—Granted. M'Callum and Co. applied for sawmill area No. 459 b, block 11, Paterson district, 200 acres.—Granted. Henrv Bates applied for sawmill area No. 598, Preservation district, 22 acres.— Granted. The ComimissionoT recommended that section 379, block XIII, Taringatura distriot (temporary peat reserve), he made an education endowment and disposed of with the subdivisions of Terepa Estate, the said section being- situated within the said estate.— Agreed to. James Watson applied for permission to build on section 4, block IV, town of East Winton. —Granted. Geo. Johnson offered' 5s per annum for a grazing right over section 1, block XXX, town of Lumsden, one acre.—Granted. . Daniel Weir offered £1 per annum for a grazing right over sections 1- to 4, block IV, Eastern Bush township, four acres.— Granted.

A. Ericson offered 10s per annum for a grazing right over section 23, block 11, Obara district, 28 acres.—Granted. The Commissioner reported' that the timber on section 3, block IV, Mabel Hundred, had been cut out, and suggested that the land be offered for selection.—To be offered on optional system at price to be fixed by ranger. Three months' notice to be given. The Presbyterian Ohureh Board of Property applied' for section 57, Tuatapere Extension No. 2, under section 140 of "The v Land Act, 1908."—Recommended for approval of Minister of Lands at £34. John Clement offered 2d per acre for a right to occupy section 23, Iblock IX, Waikaka district, and to look after section 36 of same block and district if gorse cleared.Granted grazing right over section 36 on condition, that gorse is cleared. . C. A. Bloomfield applied to surrender section 44, Mabel Hundred, .132 acres.—Accepted. D. M. Cameron applied to surrender to cultivate an area of 100 acres of pastoral run No. 214 a for the purpose of growing winter feed for his stock.—Recommended for approval of Minister of Lands. Hugh Mackenzie and Sons applied to purchase an area of 20 to 30 bores on the boundary of pastoral run No. 438 for building purposes.—Refused. The Waikaka Anglican Church Committee applied to purchase section 1, block IX,' Waikaka township. 2 acres 3 roods 11 poles.—Recommended for approval of Minister of Lands. Donald M'Kenzie applied 1 to surrender lease of sections 21 to 25, block IX, Wendon district, conditional upon board Granting him another lease for 21 or 33 years at same rental as present lease. —Refused —Education Endowments. — The Commissioner was .authorised to approve of all applications for permission to build on education endowments subject, to confirmation by the board at the folio wing meeting. Times.

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Otago Witness, Issue 3003, 4 October 1911, Page 24

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SOUTHLAND LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 3003, 4 October 1911, Page 24

SOUTHLAND LAND BOARD. Otago Witness, Issue 3003, 4 October 1911, Page 24