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M U.1.0.0.F.


The half-yearly meeting Of the District Committee was held: at th9' lodge-room of the Loyal Middlemarch Lodge, Middlemarch, ■ on Saturday. There were present— Prov. G.M. A. R. Lawry (presiding), Prov; D.G.M. W. G. Cole, Prov. C.S. J. A. Hoporaft, Prov. Tareas J.. H. F. Hamel, P.P.G.M. A. M'DougalL and the following delegates:—Hand and Heart Lodge: N.G. B. H. Rosevcar, V.G.W: Fleming, G.M. J. M. Rodger, P.P.G.M.'s J. Wood, J. Broadfoot, P.G.'s W. C. Washer, W.A. Taylor, W. J. Roseveair. Dunedin: N.G. J. Joyce, V.G. H. O. Johnstone, G.M. V. L. Trewern, P.P.G.M. C. E. Brundell, P.G. G. Crosbie, Per. Sec. C. G. O. Naumann. Dalton: V.G. W. R, Willocks, P.P.G.M. C. J. Wood, P.G. T. A. Johnstone. Prince of Wales: N.G. F. Laloli, P.G. J. Johnstone. Albion: N.G. G. Waldie, V.G. W. Sullivan, Per. Sec. P. W. Stabb. P.G.'s J. M'Neill, G. A. Cougblan. Oamaru: P.P.G.M. W. E. C. Reid, Per. Sec. J. Brown, P.G. C. Grater. Tuapeka Pioneer: V.G. W." Heenah: P.V.G. J. M'Kenzie. Prince Alfred: P.G. R. Bell. Naseby: P.G. G. Murphy, y G.M. T. Finder, Per. Sec. A. Robertson. Alexandra:' V.G. A. Kilgour, G.M. J. G. Aitkemheadi. Roxburgh: N.G. T. P. Michelle, Per. Sec. J. H.Waigth, jun. Tapanui: Per' Sec. P. Hay, P.G. P. M'Gann. Palmerston: N.G. J. 'Watt, E.G. T. Walker. Cromwell: P.P.G.M. D. S. Munro. Outram: N.G. J. M'Laion, P.G. C. Mills. \ Mosgiel: Per. Sec. W. Weir, P.G. W. L. .Craig. Caversham: N.G. R. Wilson, V.G: C. Bragg. Valley: N.G, W. Johnstone, V.G. J. Moore. Dunback: P.G.'s J. A. Budge, S. Farquhairson. Pride of Kaitangata: N.G. M.: Myers, Elec. Sec. J. H. Terry. United Brothers: Per. Sec. S. Morgan, P.P.G.M. J. G. Briggs. Milton: P.G; G. Bowie. Waikaka: -N.G. W. French, P.G. W. H. Lamb. Middlemarch: P.G.'s R. Robertson, E. W. Messent. Maniotdto: Per. See. W. M'Lean. Centenary: P.P.G.M. R. S. Black, P.G. J. A. Brown. P.P.G.M. J. Wood moved that the meeting adjourn for five minutes out of respect to the memory of tho late Bro. S. J. Lyon, P.G., a valued member of the district, and that a letter be sent to his widow and family sympathising with them, in their loss.—Carried. It was resolved that at this, the first, meeting of the District Qamtnittec- sine© the Coronation of King George V, the delegates" present unanimously, desire to affirm the entire allegiance and loyalty of tho Manchester Unity independent Order of Oddfellows, Otago District, _ to our King as liege and Sovereign, and their love., for his person as the Supreme Head of our Empire. DISTRICT OFFICERS* HEPOET. The report of the district officers stated inter alia: — The Loyal Middlemarch Lodge, at whose invitation the half-yearly meeting' 13 to be held, was opened on August 14, 1906, and has completed five years' existence. The membership is now 61 and total fluids £269 9s 9d. Compared with lodges similarly situated, the lodge has been progressive, and the interest taken by the responsible officers augurs well for the future. From the - returns received the following statements have been compiled : —Number of members, January 1, 1911, 4665; number admitted during the half-year —By initiation and reinstatement 155, by clearance 12.—total, 4832. Less left—By arrears and resignalion 67, by clearance 14, by death 19; —total June 30, 1911. 4732. Increase for > the half-year. 67. : Finance.—Receipts: To Value of lodge funds, January 1, 1911, £137,038 19s 6d; entrance fees, sick and funeral funds, £B7 15s. Contributions, sick and funeral funds, £3653 lis sd; funeral olaims from district. £470; interest and rents, sick and)'funeral funds, £3055 Is 7d; sundry receipts, sick and funeral funds, £49 3s 9d; contributions and levies, management fund, £3504 7s 8d; interest and rents, management fund. £l2l ss; sundry receipts, management fund, £377 15s lid; increase in value of , other funds, £3l is 9d ;—total, £148,449 is j 7d. Expenditure: By sick benefit? £2847 i 10s 10d; funeral claims, £510; o.'strict funeral levies, £698 4d; sundry payments* sick and funeral funds, £7O 9s; medical attendance and medicine, £2405 10.-1 4d; ealapV- and allowances, £579 He lOd; sundry .payments, mrmagemeni. fund.,. £823 1b 9u; vahie of lodgo funds, June 3C 1911,

£140.513 19s 6d);—total, £148,449 Is 7d. Addling- the available funds of the central body, we get a grand total of £144,226 Is 8d as tiho value of the district a® at June 30, 1911. During the term the deaths of 19 members and four members' wives were recorded, being a decrease of three members and one member's wife compared with the corresponding period last year. The books of the lodges have been examined and the lodge book examiner's report will be presented to the meeting. During the year the executive has taken out a general policy at the request of several lodges. [Those of us not privileged to attend am A.M.C. meeting have no idea of the magnitude which this great parliament of Oddfellows lias attained. Thia report can give but bare outlines and only cite a few of the most prominent features of the last conference held at Brighton, the queen of watering places, June 3rd to' 10th, 1911. It was a large assembly over which Grand Master Bro. Barnes presided, 673 deputies representing 890,538 adult members and a capital of £15,000,000,' a great contrast to the statistios of: the society 49 years ago 11862), when the last A.M.C. was held) -«t Brighton, when only 178 deputies representing 335,145 members and capital approximating £I^SOO,COO. . Your .. executive has visited 11 lodges during the last half-year, and has been received most cordially. A special visit was paid to the Loyal Oamaru Lodge on the occasion of a visit from the Loyal Ngopara and Band Of Friendship brethren, the local members, attending in large numbers, extending to the visitors a most hospitable reception. At the close of the meeting a most enjoyable function was held under the direction of, Bro. Coupar; the whole proceedings reflect credit upon, the Oamaru brethren". The official visits to sister lodges show considerable increase in attendance, the very large muster at the Loyal_ Prince of Wales and Dunedin l/odsjes being <leservinijr of special mention. The executive. in compliance with the resolution carried at the. last district meeting, will, during the summer months, a.rrango visits to several oountry lodges. The P.G. Master represented the executive at the. a.nnual balls held in connection with the Loyal" Milton, Kaitangata, and Prince Alfred Lodges, and speaks in the highest praise of the welcome extended. Your executive considers it desirable that the attention of members should be directed to the trend of social legis'lalatiom which endeavours to extend the application of the principle of friendly societies, whereby tho whole cornmunity shall be induced to make adequate provision for all dependents. The provisions of the New Zealand act, the National Provident Act, which is permissive in its character, secures the following benefits.—Sick- benefits after a contributor has been ill for three- months; funeral benefit payable to widow and family provided contributions have been paid for a period of not less than five years, such benefit to consist of 7s 6d per week tor every child under 14 years of age; no person shall subscribe or remain a contributor whose income exceeds £2OO per annum. The Government agrees to subsidise all contributions to the extent of one-fourth. As such subsidy forms one part plus four parts raised by the contributors, it is obvious that the Government subsidy amounts to one fifth of tho fund. The Imperial act now tinder consideration does net provide medical benefit, or funeral allowance, but the vigilance, added to the experience of the great friendly societies in Great Britain, which is certain to be exercised while this important measure is under consideration, will,, wo trust, secure to every actual and potential member of friendly societies that spirit of self-dependence which is its life, and at the samo timo assist the passing of an act which shall compel the indifferent member of society to make adequate provision tor such as are dependent on him, and provide by State aid for tho indigent and physically unfit such benefits as shall maintain reasonable self-respect, encourage the flickering spark of hope, and cultivate the conviction that where Government responsibility exists there is also the conscientious intention, of a fulfilment of its duties and obligations. The uncertain factor in all State schemes is the acceptance of tho risks of all lives, healthy and otherwise, _ the present friendly society administration limiting the insurance to selected lives. In reference to the amendment of the Friendly Societies Act it was resolved that the meeting heartily approves _ of the action adopted by tho executive and strongly emphasises the fact that no society or branch be registered that does not have an adequate scale of contribu-

tions for benefits promised, and urges continuous action. lln the National Provident Act it was resolved that the delegates emphatically protest against any steps being taken. by the Government to cause class distinction, as would be the case were the matter of income taken into consideration in reorard to benefits proposed under the act. The following' nominations for officers were received:—For Prov. G.M., Prov. D.G.M., W. G. Cole; for Prov. D.G.M., P.G.'s G. A. Coughlan, G. T. Scoones, P. Thomson, C. Grater, W. A. Palmar, F. Millier, W. i H. Lyons, J. A. Brown; for Prov. C.S., Prov. C.S. J. A. Hoporaft; for Prov. Treas., P.P.G.M.'s J. H. F. Ha'mel, J. Wood, D. S. Munro; for auditor—P.G. 'C. Grater, P.P.G.M. W.. E. C. Reid, Par. Sec. P. W. Stabb; for lodge book examiner—P.P.G.M. W. E. C. Reid, P.G. C. Grater; for Arbitration Committee Bros. Brundell, Brig-gs, Broadfoot, Crawford, C. J. Wcod, A. W. Palmer, Coughlan, Lyons, C. W. Smith, P. Thomson, Stabb, Taylor, Washer, Naumann, J. Wood, M'Dougall, J. K. Wilson, R. S. Black, J. A. Brown, J. Johnstone, A. Cable, J. Wilson. The next meeting of purple lecture and past officers' degree meeting will be held at Outram on a date in Jajnuary, 1912. An amplication to open a new lodge at Omakau was considered and approved, provided prospective members satisfy, the District Executive that same can be properly carried on. • ~,'

It was resolved that, in the interests of lodges and of the district, the District Executive be recommended to continue the competition reocfitly instituted by tho PrOv. G.M. and at present being held among the lodges of Ota-go, or that a competition on similar lines be held during the last half of each year, and that the district officers control same. Delegates spoke in complimentary terms of the scheme promulgated by the Prov. G.M. and the interest members of lodges had taken in it.

A recommenda-tion wm received from the secretary of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board advising the terms for setting apart a bed for the use of members of lodges in the Ofcago district ta perpetuate the memory of the late Bro. P.P.G.M. A. Sligo.—The 'matter was referred fo the District and P.P.G.M. D. S. Munro to report to next meeting. The District Executive ireoommended that the interest earned on funds invested by the distriot trustees on Isocount of lodges be divided pro rata on the amount received from each lodge, (the district trustees accepting the responsibility of the security.—-Adopted. The Provincial Treasurer submitted a report in re increasing the information to be supplied in half-yearly reports.—The report was adopted, and a hearty vote of thanks accorded N.G. Bro. W. Johnstone, who had offered his services in the capacity of reporter. The report of the committee in re extending the operations of clearances with surrender values was .received. —Consideration was deferred till after the quinquennial valuation had been dealt wiii\ The Oamaru Lodge forwarded the following resolution passed by the lodge in the hope that other lodges would do something similar:—" That this lodge* invest tho sum of £2OO at 5 per cent, from the incidental fund; the interest derived therefrom to be set apart for the purpose of paving the contributions of indigent or unfortunate members of the lodge. A committee, consisting of the Trustees, Noble Grand, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall periodically decide what member or members shall bo tho beneficiaries of the fund. Four to form a quorum."—lt was reso'ved that the Distriot Executive report on the matter to the next meeting, its action of asking tho lodge to delay commencing operations until such report is submitted being endorsed. A committee was appointed to revise the district rules.

The- general levy was fixed at 2s 6d' and the incidental levy at 6d.

The next meeting of the District Committee will be held at Roxburgh on a date and time to be fixed by the executive. During the consideration of the quinquennial valuation, Per. Sec. Bx'o. J. Brown, after a lengthy and interesting speech, moved the following resolution: — " (1) That the position is virtually a consolidation of. liabilities, with a proviso that when the district attains net solvency, the net surplus belongs to the lodges holding it, and only when all lodges are solvent will be scheme cease to operate. (2) That the individual surpluses and deficiencies are

only nominal. (3) That the surpluses must be> held by lodges inviolably in trust against the contingency of-district insolvency under a joint and several guarantee on the part of lodges. (4) That until the next valuation the lodges must be regarded as being all of an equal degree of solvency —viz.,' to the extent of 19s 4d in the pound. In view of the this meeting desires to affirm that when the proposal to amend the said rul3 submitted it was-not contemplated that the results would'be so far-reachsng. It' is now resolved that a special committee be sent up to take into consideration the propriety of amending the existing rule for submission to next district .meeting, which will release the lodges from conditions which at present attach, but which at the sama time will give effect to the wish and intention of this meeting? —viz., that assistance be afforded to such lodges as may be unable to pay the full sick benefits set out in these rules,, and in their considerations they are requested to invoke the aid of the Registi-ar and Actuary of Friendly Societies, the committee to consist of the District Officers, Bros. D. S. Munro, W. E. C. Reid, R. S., Black, C. Grater, Naumann, Brundell, Stabb, and the mover, with power to add"—The motion was seconded by Bro. Naumann and carried. It was resolved to place on record the District Comniittee|s appreciation of ; the Registrar and Actuary's lucid and illuminating exposition of the affairs of this district, also the expeditious manner in which such returns were dealt with: It was resolved that the following telegram be sent to Wellington:—" Otago Oddfellows', Manchester Unity, in meeting as-, sembled convey birthday wishes, and trust our Dominion has many fruitful years before it." . ';-.. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the, Middlemarch Lodge, and the meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to the chairman. . , ■ ; -' .'"-.■ The meeting resolved to recommend the executive to vote the sum of £lO 10s towards the funds ■■ of the Salvation Army's Orphanage, Middlemarch, and a donation to the band, which assisted at the church parade. A presentation ' from the delegates was made to ths lodge. DELEGATES ENTERTAINED. The entertainment of the delegates was not forgotten by the Middlemarch brethren, a grand ball being held on Friday evening. After the meeting a banquet was held, and the usual toasts moved and responded to, interspersed with songs, recitations, and instrumental solos, 12 o'clock being arrived at too soon. On Sunday a church parade was held, the local band preceding the members and delegates. A portion went to the Presbyterian Church, and the other to theAnglican Church, where services were conducted by the Revs. Todd and Wingfield, both gentlemen giving stirring addresses. In the afternoon all the available vehicleswere used in taking the delegates for a drive. At the ooncluskKi of the meeting on Monday a football ma-ich was indulged in against a local team, victory resting with the visitors. Too much praise .cannot be given to the committee headed by Per. ' Sec. Bro. Robertson !for the manner it j handled the arrangements.' j

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Otago Witness, Issue 3003, 4 October 1911, Page 5

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M U.I.O.O.F. Otago Witness, Issue 3003, 4 October 1911, Page 5

M U.I.O.O.F. Otago Witness, Issue 3003, 4 October 1911, Page 5