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HIGH STREET. Nineteen householders all told attended the 'annual statutory meeting of the High Street school district, for the purpose of electing a school committee for the ensuring year. Mr J. H. Walker (in the absence of Mr D Wieha.rt, chairman of committee) "was voted to the ohair. Captain Stewart moved as follows: — ' ft That this meeting of the electors of the High Street School Committee deeply regret that they should have been the only school committee in Dunedin that refused, when requested by the Dunedin United Temperance Reform Council, to exhibit placards in the school making known the detrimental eft'ect of alcohol on the human system, and we now .declare that we elect the incoming committee on the distinct understanding that they will comply with this request, as all the other schools have On the motion being put, five hands were Iheld up in its favour, and none against, and it was declared earried. _,>,,. Captain Stewart: Unanimously, Mr Chairman? n -, The Chairman: Yes, unanimously. JNo bands wero held up against it. Nominations for members of committee Were then invited, and The Chairman, in declining nomination, eaid he could not consent, as he considered the motion that had been earned a vote of censure on the old committee, of which he was a member. Although it might be that 4ie agreed with Captain Stewart that the placards should be exhibited, still, in loyalty to the committee, he felt bound to stand by their action. Messrs R. A. Ewing, A. J. Sullivan, and A. J. Shaw also declined nomination on the same grounds, and Mr A. Cohen, who was also nominated, declined on the ground that he refused to have his hands tied in the manner the motion had done. The names of Messrs T. Sanders, W. Taylor, C. E. Keast, W. Melvin, and D. ■Wishart were then duly proposed and accepted. Captain Stewart, on the ground of advanced years, declined nomination. There being no further nominations, the Chairman declared Messrs T. Sanders, W. Taylor, C-. E. Keast, W. Melvin, and D. Wishart duly elected, and in reply to a question by Mr Sullivan said the remaining number of members necessary to make up nine would be appointed by the Education " Board. ARTHUR STREET. The annual meeting of householders for the election of the Arthur Street School Committee for the ensuing year was attended by 15 householders. All the outgoing members were re-elected unopposed. The - following are the names of the committeemen for the ensuing year: —Messrs O. H. Pinel, John Kemnitz, Alexander Burt, William R. Brugh, Ewen. Cameron, James Edgar, Alexander Struthers, William Scott, and Murdoch M'Kenzie. Mr H. Maxwell moved—" That this meeting of householders strongly protests against the action of the Government in withholding the capitation grant of 9d, and that the withdrawal of this grant without notice will cause very great hardship on school committees that have incurred expenditure in expectation thereof, and .that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Prime Minister and the Hon. the Minister of Education." Mr B. A. de Lautour seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. At a subsequent meeting cf the ccmmittee the following ofheerbearers were elected—Mr M. "M'Kenzie (chairman), Mr ,W. R. Brugh (secretary), Mr James Edgar (treasurer). It was decided that the committee meet on the second Monday in each month. Messrs Brugh and M'Kenzie were appointed a Visiting Committee for the ensuing month. MACANDREW ROAD. For the coming year's committee there was but the requisite number of nominations; and the following gentlemen were declared elected:—Messrs J. M'lndoe, A. R. Jackson, H. Baron, J. D. Cameron, W. H. Lyons, J. Kirby, John Chetwin, W. Robertson, J. Dixon. Subsequently the committee met and appointed Mr J. M'lndoe chairman and Mr H. Bardh secretary. - ST. CLAIR. Brevity was the keynote of the annual meeting of householders in connection with the election of a new School Committee for St. Clair. There were a dozen householders present. The election of the new committee was proceeded with, and the following were ■elected without ballot:—Messrs A. Macjyherson, T. Thomson, W. B. Penhey, A. G. Lambert, J. H. Hancock, C. Ruhen, W. D. R. M'Curdie. CAVERSHAM. Some 40 persons assembled in the Gymtiasium Hall. Twelve gentlemen were nominated, and after a ballot the following were •declared elected —Messrs R. Todd, J. S. Barnett, R. Rutherford, A. Kennard, A. Thomson, A. Austin, W. Johnston, C. J. Thorn, and R. Bremner. Mr Todd, after speaking of the difficulties the committee had to contend with through the withdrawal of the capitation grant, moved the following resolution: —"As owing to the withdrawal of the special capitation grant tb« committee has been unable to meet its liabilities this year, this meeting of householders urges the Education Department to have the amount reinstated." Mr Kennard seconded the motion, which was carried. FORBURY Several gentlemen spoke expressing ctro-ng disapproval regardim? the withdrawal of the Government's einitation grant, and Mr Reid moved the following Motion, which was carried unanimously—- " That this meeting strongly regrets the withdrawal of the capitation grant from our schcol. and expresses the hope that it will soon be restored. The following new committee was ■elected:—Messrs A. Harvey ■p jwn. (treasurer), H. T. Trevor., 'secretary). P. Johnson. C. P. Stewart. J. Offen" S. Smith, G. Reid. and TP. Peacock. Mr M. Stevenson withdrew in favour of Mr Reid.

KAIKORAI. About 20 persons attended the annual meeting of householders in the Kaikorai School district. Mr G. Moir occupied the ohair. . , , I The election of a committee resulted as under:—Messrs A. Ferry, G. Moir, D. Scott, A. Matheson, P. L. Ritchie, W. Wilson, A. Barnett, J. Bell, F. Wilkinson Mr Wilkinson and Mi R. S. Wardrop tied for ninth place, and the chairman his casting vote in favour of Mr Wilkinson, for the simple reason, he said, that Mr ; Wilkinson's nomination was sent in prior to thai of Mr Wa.rdrop's. _ At a meeting of the committee, held ! subsequently;" Mr Moir was elected chairman, and Mr Matheson secretary and treasurer. ! MUSSELBURGH. i Mr D. C. Cameron (the treasurer) sub- ! mitted the annual balance sheet, which showed that the receipts for the year amounted to £276 9s 7d, and the expenditure to £233 7s sd, leaving a credit balance on the year of £43 2s 2d.—Adopted. | Ten nominations were received for the j new committee for the ensuing year, the j following gentlemen being declared elected: I Messrs Cardino, Broad, Cameron, Harris, , Hallyer, Jacobsen, Stevenson, Walker, and Wilson. j Mr D. C. Cameron moved:—" That this I meeting of householders would urge upon j the Minister of Education the injustice of withdrawing from school centres the special annual capitation allowance of 9d per pupil, as such grant is required to enable committees to meet the necessary expenses in the upkeep and cleaning of the school buildings. If such capitation is withdrawn the ordinary allowance to com- • mittees must be increased by a correspondj ing amount. That the chariman of this ! meeting be asked to forward a copy of this resolution to the Minister of Education and j to the Otago Education Board." —The j mover pointed out that with their attendance of some 350 scholars the loss of revenue to the school would amount to £.13 ; per annum. —The resolution was unanimously agreed to GEORGE STREET. The meeting held on the 25th was one of the largest that has taken place in George Street School for many years, this being due to the desire to do honour to Mr M'Nicoll on his retirement. Mr 0- Chadwick was vj+ed to the chair, and in his opening remarks he specially drew attention, to the section in the annual report referring to the work of the four ministers who every Wednesday morning conducted Bible study classes from 9 to 9.30. He | pointed out that the fact that there had I been no complaints was proof enough that the householders recognised the good that was being done in this direction. Mr Jas. Hutchison expressed regret that the head master (Mi- M'Nicoll) was retiring on superannuation, and proposed the following motion: —"That the householders in the George Street School district desire to express their high sense of appreciation of the valuable and faithful services rendered by Mr D. A. M'Nicoll in his position as head master of the George Street School for a period of 30 years, and their hope that he may long be spared to enjoy his well-earned retirement." This motion was seconded by Mr Williams and supported by Rev. Mr Smith and Messrs Phair and Ferguson. Mr M'Nicoll. in a brief reply, thanked the meeting for its good wishes, and stated that he alone must not take all the credit for the tone of the school, for it had been achieved by the excellent co-operation ol the whole staff. The retiring committee —Messrs Chadwick, Williams, Ferguson, Farra, Wallace, Fiddes, Hopkins, Knox, Browhlie, —which was re-elected, subsequently met and appointed the following officers for the ensuing year : —Chairman, Mr R. Ferguson ; secretary, Mr W. C Hopkins; treasurer, Mr T. A. Farra. ALBANY STREET. | : The meeting of louseholders of the Albany Street Schcol district was attended by about 100 ladies and gentlemen, and was presided over by Mr James H. Wilkinson, chairman of the retiring committee. The balance sheet showed receipts from all sources (including a credit balance of £9B 6s lid at the beginning of the year) totalling £34-7 15s sd, and expenditure £246 lis sd, leaving a credit balance of £lOl 4s. Mr R. R. Douglas moved—" That the householders of this district are of opinion that the Albany Street School building no longer fulfils the requirements of a modern educational institution, and is inadequate in accommodation to the requirements of the district. In the interests of education they urge on the board the necessity ot providing as soon as possible a new school, with up-to-date lighting and seating ana thoroughly equipped with all modern appliances." Mr A Dempster seconded the motion. i During the discussion which ensued it was authoritatively stated that the Normal School was not in a position to take any of the surplus pupils of Albany Street, inasmuch as that school already had its legal quota of pupils. The motion was carried unanimously, and with enthusiasm. On the motion of Mr A. Black it was I unanimously resolved—" That, as the reduc- ' tion in building and maintenance grants to Education Boards and in the special capitation grants to School Committees of 9d ner head is seriously prejudicial to the future education of the voung people of the Dominion, provision be made to have both these grants reinstated to afc least : their original amounts." The following were elected a committee . for the ensuinp- y°.<ir- —Messrs W. Aitkin. A. J. T T. Wilkinson, A Brook". . J. O'Shea, W. R. Smith, A. Blnck. T. Jenkins, and J. AbenWhv. Mr J. Main was also prooosed. All those "looted were members of + he committor.. At a ifw>+in," of the *~~- mittee held sur*w>niv>ntlv M* -T. F Wilkinson was elected Mr A. T)pmrv ster secretary, and Mr W. Aitken treasurer. MORAY PLACE. At the annual meeting of houseWder*: for thi« district thnre wo S a lar"N» ance of tbofve interested. _ Br Stenhou'e. | who has ipHni as cb'irmnn siiif? t.V? • de"tVi of M'- SK«o. was w<rd to the cWr. Prior to the elector tV,, ? i rihairmnn exp' ' ' ' '-orvow at the of Mr A. Slieo. H° ahrt waid -*i J h&adsome tribute to the ability with which

the old committee had discba.i«ged its duties, and recommended that all of the old committee be re-elected, with certain others to fill vacancies. . The elction for the committee resulted as follows:—Messrs A. M'Gill, vvm. Sligo, C. Thomson, Dr Stenhouse. Arch. Milter, G. F. Bewley, S. Douglas, W. S. Pattison, Dr Stuart Mcore. NOR"" ;: ~VALLEY. About 50 Valley householders attended the annual meeting on the 25th. Mr J. B. Frame, chairman of the School Committee, presided, arid moved the adoption of the ireport and balance-sheet, and referred briefly to the items touched on in the report (already published). Mr JRhodes seconded the motion for the. adoption of the report, which was carried. Fourteen nominations were received for the nine members of committee, and a ballot resulted in the election of the following:—Messrs G. Calder, J. Rhodes, J. Arthur, W. Mowat, J. B. Frame, H. P. Harvey, 1. Arnold, J. Campbell, and W. G. LumLey. The Mayor (Mr J. submitted a motion expressing regret that the regulations required the retirement of Mr D. Murray frem the position of head master of the Valley School that he bad occupied for the past 22 years—" That the meeting desires to place on record its high appreciation of his long and faithful services to the school and district, and to heartily wish him and Mrs Murray many years to enjoy an honourable and well-earned retirement; and that the board be requested to continue Mr Murray's services until the close of the present year." In submitting "one motion Mr Campbell pointed out that when Mr Murray took charge of the Valley School the average attendance was .300 while for the past yeai* it had increased to 483. On the roll to-day there were 565 scholars, with an average, attendance for the quarter last past of 527. Mr Murary during that long term, said Mr Campbell, had proved himself a strict disciplinarian, but also a man of kindly disposition, at once gentle and strong, and had encouraged the boys in athletic sports. The motion was seconded by Mr G. Calder, and was supported by Messrs Mowat, Arnold, Harvev, and others, and also by Mrs Hislop. "it was carried with very heartv ainrjlause. Mr Murray said the kind words used concerning him made him proud to find that at the close of his long term of service his work was appreciated. His faults, he assured them," were not faults of his heart. He concluded by referring to the valuable assitanoe rendered to him by his staff, and he thanked the School Committee for the consideration shown him in recent years. KENSINGTON. There was a small attendance of householders at the Kensington School for the purpose of electing a committee. Mr J. Ruston was elected to the chair. Mr Butcher, referring to the decrease of the attendance at the school, stated that he personally knew of from 50 to 60 children who, although they lived in Kensington district, attended the Forbury' School. He thought the Education Board should form school districts and so prevent this changing about - The motion was carried unanimous^'. The following were elected a committee for the ensuing vear: —Messrs J. Ruston, T. H. Dal ton, J. A. Henderson, G. Annison, J. Hanson, H. E. Woodhead, YV. Ruston, H. Butcher, and W. Smith. MORNINGTON. The householders of Mornington attended in large numbers, ths building in which the meeting was held being filled. Fourteen eontlemeii were nominated, and the ballot resulted in Messrs R. Bentham, J. A. Haslett. A. Napier, J. G. Sawell. J. Patton. .1. Hope. J. Ford, and H. A. Le Cren being elected direct. Messrs D. Henderson and H. R. Moody tied for the remaining position, and the chairman gave his casting vote in favour of Mr Henderson, the sitting member. Mr Sawell moved —" That the meeting protests against the withdrawal of the official vote of 9d ner head of the pupils, and that the Minister of Education be respectfully requested to reinstate _the same on the Estimates." Mr G. Robinson seconded the motion, which was spoken to briefly by Mr J. F. Arnold, M.P., and Mr Davidson, the head master, and carried unanimously. MAORI HILL. About 20 householders attended the meeting at Maori Hill School on the 25th. Mr S. N. Brown (chairman of the committee) occupied, the chair. The retiring .committee —viz. : Messrs S. N. Brown,'C. Grater, F. \i. Cuimming, C. Grant, P. L. Clark. A, J. Butterfield, B. J. Smith. E. H. Allen, and O. Balk, was reelected, there being no other nominations. On the motion of Mr C. Grant, seconded bv Mr P. L. Clark, it was resolved—" That this meeting of householders desires to exoress its strongest protest against the Minister of Education depriving the committee of its capitation grant, and l'equests the member for the. district to endeavour to get the amount reinstated." RAVENSBOURNE. There was a very small attendance of householders at the School Committee election on the 25th. The rptiring chairman (Mr W. Barker) presided, but declined nomination for a further term. Tho annual report and balance sheet were unanimously adopted, and the following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year: —Messrs J. Milnes (chairman). E. Mullenger (hon secretary), G. Crosbie (treasurer), T. Hindle. James Dunn, John King, and R. A. Palmer. PORT CHALMERS. The annual mectiner of householders in the Port Chalmers District High School was fairly well attended. Mr J. M'Lachlan (ch"irma" "f iV commi+tee) The following gentlemen were then elected members of the School Committee for the ensuing year • —Messrs J. M'Lachlan, John Mill. A. W. Hillier. R. Banchop, F. W. Platte, D. A. Tie. J. Emmerson, H. Montgomery, and the Rev. W. Grant. WEST TAIERI. The following committee was elected: — William Maicphcrson (chairman), A Petrie (clerk and treasurer). James Shaw, A. M'Kelyey, William Ridd, Alex. Thomson, and William Marshall. OUTRAM. Last year's school committee was reelected :—Messrs Snow, Blah. Hartley, Thompson, Dobsrty, Wyllie, and Buchanan.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2928, 27 April 1910, Page 37

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SCHOOL COMMITTEE ELECTIONS Otago Witness, Issue 2928, 27 April 1910, Page 37

SCHOOL COMMITTEE ELECTIONS Otago Witness, Issue 2928, 27 April 1910, Page 37